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Re: Goa trance
Reply #120 - 15.02.2006 at 12:18:37
Zdej pa delam,zgleda da res je bla linija prevec nabasana. Dobra muska se rola full on  Cool

Na tle pa mas en Psy progressive radio

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Ex Member

Re: Goa trance
Reply #121 - 09.05.2006 at 21:14:02


Impluz Maribor 13.5. 2006

Start at 22:00

Warm up by:

Nesh Van Jansen vs Alex Styrian (Underground vibes)

Psytrance warriors:
Snowball (Spirit of the Moon)
se je prvič srečal z elektronsko glasbo leta 2000, najprej je bilo to veliko navdušenje nad technom, leta 2001 pa so ga prvič slišani zvoki psytrancea zvabili v čisto drugi svet. Svojo prvo priložnost za cdplayerji je dobil jeseni 2003, ko je vrtel na open airu Moon Eclipse v Štanjelu. Naslednja priložnost se mu je ponudila šele čez leto dni v Pivki, ob pridružitvi organizaciji Spirit of the moon pa so se nastopi vrstili. Vrtel je na lokacijah kot je Metelkova v Ljubljani, Mostovna v Novi Gorici, Bugatti Club Tolmin, Club Casablanca Celje in na največjem lanskem slovenskem psytrance festivalu Goa Forest v Čezsoči

SoundSlave ( Spirit of the Moon )

Aquario Pty ( Underground vibes)

Entry: 1199sit/5€

... ...

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Re: Goa trance
Reply #122 - 06.06.2006 at 20:19:53
---===THE CATHEXIS===---
Slovenian Alps / Čezsoča / Bovec / Slovenia
14-15 July 2006



CHROMATONE (Vaporvent Records) /// San Francisco, USA
DARK SUMMER (Digital Audio Rec.) /// SLO
FILTERIA (SunTrip Records) /// SWEDEN
GHREG On EARTH (Mistress Of Evil Records,Phosphene) /// San Francisco, USA


CUICH (Audiodevlish) /// SLO
KILGORE TROUT ( Blackmilk ) /// SLO
NAVEEN (Audiodevlish, LabsOfPerception ) /// SLO
REDAX MENTAL ( Plutonic Rec. ,Frequent Pill Project ) /// SLO
SOUNDSLAVE ( Spirit Of The Moon ) /// SLO
SNOWBALL (Spirit Of The Moon) /// SLO
TOMMY WONDER (Spirit Of The Moon) /// SLO
DJANE VEGA (Spirit Of The Moon) /// SLO
ZVUK (Audiodevlish,Trashiva) /// SLO

Chill Out:

Morphonix (Vaporvent Recs) /// USA
WABi ( www.labsofperception.com )
Cuich (Audiodevlish)

Decoration by DeKAOS
click here

Location : Bovec, Slovenian Alps

Entry fee : 2400 SiT /// 10 EUR

Time: 12:00 on 14 July till 12:00 on 15 July

Hotline: cathexonator@gmail.com


--==Tinny Little Twisted Bomb==--

A one long day out-door party in the lovely environment up there in Slovenian alps. With some of the cutting edge live acts, known for their inovative & fearless approach to music and undestanding of it . And with small arsenal of some of the finest Slovenian psychedelic djs.


Welcome everybody for a one day/night superpower trip to lovely Slovenia.

click here

Use ViaMichelin ,destination Bovec: http://www.viamichelin.com/viamichelin/gbr/tpl/hme/MaHomePage.htm

----====Guests Artists====----

CHROMATONE (Vaporvent Records) /// San Francisco, USA
Chromatone is Lawrence Hoffman, a San Francisco Bay Area native who has been producing electronic music for the past decade. Now as one of the top Psytrance artists from the U.S., Chromatone is tearing up dance floors, collaborating with many other artists, and pushing the sonic envelope. He is also a professional audio consultant, producer, and engineer, currently working in France doing mixing, mastering, and releasing on Mechanik Records. Chromatone is also training with the Legendary Doctor Spook to be a pro VJ next year.

Chromatone has performed at parties in the US along side: X-Dream, Neuromotor, MekkaNika, Sirius Isness, CPU, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, D-tek, Scorb and Earthling… At Burning Man 2003 Chromatone performed an unprecedented live set in 8-channel surround sound on the massive Sol System. An ever expanding pillar of support ensures that the global trance community will see much more of this innovative artist in the near future.

After having three trax released exclusively on King Records Japan, Lawrence compiled and mastered the CD “Vaporize” for www.VaporVent.com Records, in an effort to globally promote the best producers from the U.S. and Europe. Current Projects for 2004 include the, new Compilation for Mechanik records, an Album of collaborations with Chromatone, And More…

Through deeply spiritual and emotional connections to his music and an intrinsic understanding of audio manipulation, Chromatone has become one of the most powerful emerging voices in Psytrance today. His masterful employment of intricate sound-scapes, ever changing patterns, and multi-textured layers take listeners on journey after epic journey through the uncharted territories of the mind.

GHREG On EARTH (Mistress Of Evil Records,Phosphene) /// San Francisco, USA

As an aural architect, Ghreg constructs sonic structures of mysterious, melodious worlds evoking the dark alcove of the mind; haunting soundtracks to engage the shadowy and mystical side of both the body and the soul. His timeless sound realizes the magickal properties of music to guide people into cinematic passages of expanded personal experience, offering spaces otherwise concealed in the deep abyss of the subconscious.

In 1994 Ghreg got his first taste of the emerging sounds of Trance and within two years began composing his own material in his small bedroom studio. Over the next few years his distinctive sound, heavily influenced by his passion for Industrial Music from the 1980s, IDM from the early 90s and Dark Ambient, evolved and found its way into parties and festivals throughout the United States and the World. Festivals he has performed at include the Ypy Poty Festival on the Ubatamarium Beach in Brazil in February 2002, the Phoenix Festival in Portland Oregon in July 2002, and the AsOne Festival in Eugene Oregon in the summer of 2003.

Over the years Ghreg On Earth, also known as Phosphene (a studio side project for experimental trancescapes and ambient modes), has had numerous releases on labels such as USTA (Israel), TimeCode (South Africa), Soular Records (USA), & Spectral Concepts (USA). Upcoming releases are scheduled for InnerSound/Ipsyde (Italy), Spontaneous Aerobics (Germany) & Mistress Of Evil (USA). He has also held countless spots at parties with artists such as Xenomorph, MOS, Olli Wisdom, Hux Flux and Anti, with his unique sound finding its way into the sets of Kris Kylven, Aleph (Phyx), Xenomorph, Penta and Goa Gil, to name a few.

Ghreg currently calls San Francisco, CA, his home, where he has spent the last four years promoting the emerging twisted sounds coming from North America and abroad as A&R Manager for Spectral Concepts.

His intention is to convey a diverse range of powerful trance dancing experiences to the planet. With this intention in mind, he is quickly being recognized as one of the most sought after psychedlic electronic music producers.

FILTERIA(SunTrip Records) /// SWEDEN
Having been around music my whole life in all forms it was a natural step for me to start producing my own music. But it wasn’t until 1996 when I heard Distance To Goa 4 when things really started to get serious. I bought my first synthesizer and started experimenting.
After some years of buying equipment and playing around, I was all set to start this psychedelic project.
In late 2003 I had my first live-act which was a blast. It gave me lots inspiration and strength to continue. I made a deal with Suntrip Records and we released “Sky Input” in November 2004, which was a success and gave me the opportunity to play in many parties. The new album “Heliopolis” is just finished and will be released on Suntrip Records in January 2006.
The Filteria project is my attempt to resurrect the vibe and energy that over the years went missing from the psy-trance scene.
I choose to go back and see what made this music so special in the mid 1990's, expanding upon those ideas and taking a different path from the one the majority of the scene chose. The sound however is up to date.
Hope to see you all on the dancefloor somwhere around the globe…

Email cathexonator@gmail.com
Url www.cathexis.tk
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Gender: male
Goa trance
Reply #123 - 22.07.2006 at 14:52:27
Vikalpa wrote on 19.07.2006 at 18:46:58:
He He He... Me veseli, da sem končno odkril nekaj čveka na temo GOE v bolj domačem jeziku...  Očitno je zvok iz dežele čudežov in sanj, končno prodrl v ušesa (malo) sirše javnosti... Roll Eyes

Sam sem namreč (velik) obsedenec (slušatelj, zbiralec in DJ) PSYCHEDELIC GOA tranca že od ASTRAL PROJECTION in njihovega Another World* dalje in me kakopak, neskončno veseli, da se spremembe v naši mali odvijajo tudi v PSY smeri...

(*Moj prvi GOA CD, ki me je dobesedno uročil v ljubezen do sveta Psychedeličnih bitov...)

Tako upam, da se bodo party-ji, ki (vsaj za enkrat) še vedno polnijo le manjše klube in žure z le peščico ljudi, končno podvojili (ma kaj podvojili, potrojili) in prelevili v  festivale, kjer bodo PEACE, LOVE, FREEDOM in pa dobra glasba sijali vsaj četrt toliko, kakor sijejo na Full Moon, Indian spirit ali pa Boom in podobnih festih...

Malo pretiravam, pa vendar TRANCE is WORLD of DREAMS, ali ne???  Cheesy

Poleg tega pa je že skrajni čas, da na slovenskih plesiščih zadihamo malo "svežega" zraka, ob čemer pošiljam spodbudo vsem organizatorjem psy trance party-jev na naših tleh!!! SALUD AMIGOS!!!  Roll Eyes

Za vse (laične) ljubitelje podajam nekaj kontaktnih naslovov, celemu svetu pa pošiljam en sladek poljub!!!

www.beatspace.com - online psy štacuna s (skoraj vsemi izdanimi) CD-ji in Platami
www.mushroom-online.com - vsi podatki o psy kulturi na sploh...
www.philosomatica.com - online radio... ne edini, pa vendar eden boljših...

No ja, mejte se lepo, uživajte v dobri glasbi in se slišimo še kaj...

Pa ne pozabite, ne, velik folka, ki govori o transcendenci in podobnih onstranskih izkustvih, ima v riti celo tovarno kemikalij!!! SAMOPREVARA ALI NOVA RESNIČNOST? TO JE ZDAJ VPRAŠANJE???  Shocked
Je pa dejstvo, da kadar nekaj ljubimo, nam to vselej pričara RAJ VESELJA in RADOSTI!!! BESOS

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Gender: male
Re: Goa trance
Reply #124 - 25.08.2006 at 10:08:23
www.ednevnik.si/?w=neanebia (moj e-dnevnik, vsak mesec nov set + linki v svet GOE)

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 3

Re: Goa trance
Reply #125 - 11.10.2006 at 23:55:49



QUARK ( Glowing Flame Records / Mk-It )


His first psychedelic experiences were the party's in Skopje and the love for this music and parties started to grow!

He is living in Italy for 4 years now, and he traveled to festivals and parties around Europe, and been more active on the psy trance scene in Italy as a DJ and started to organize parties as well.

He started djing for Glowing Flame records and lately he plays on many parties around Italy, Macedonia and parties & festivals in Europe like Freaky Dragons Festival, and Sonica Electronic music Festival . Likes to play groovy tunes with twisted melodies and mystic atmospheres.

Now he is living in Milan and lately he is more dedicated in the studio starting to produce music as well.

TOMMY WONDER ( Spirit Of The Moon / Slo)

DJANE VEGA ( Spirit Of The Moon / Slo)

MANDELA (Freelance / Slo)

Vabimo vas da se udelezite
novih popotovanj v seriji dogodkov
pod imenom trancesphere, kjer vam bodo
predstavljene vse podzvrsti psytrancea z
domacimi ter tujimi gosti ter ze
poznano domaco ekipco Spirit Of The Moon
TRANCESPHERE je nadaljevanje
lanskoletne serije dogodkov pod
imenom Spirit Of Goa.

PSYSHOP (PSY CDs, Shirts....)

Deco: Psydeecoor by Spirit Of The Moon

Vstopnina / Entrance : 1200 Sit / 5 Eu
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Ride si sapis!
Posts: 5103
Gender: male
Re: Goa trance
Reply #126 - 27.10.2006 at 20:38:23
danes - jutri



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Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 3

Re: Goa trance
Reply #127 - 06.11.2006 at 23:02:42
Psytrance All Nighter

Friday : 10.11.2006

Club MINK - Tolmin / Slovenia

Tommy Wonder (Spirit Of The Moon)

All Night Long DJ Set

Tommy Wonder love for music started in early 93 when he first buy a vynil. Later in 99 he heard for trance music from some old vynils like Juno Reactor,..and he fall in love with trance. First he started playing psytrance vynils and then turn to use Cds more in his sets. Since 2000 he has playeed in al major clubs all over Slovenia and collaborating on events in Austria,Hungary,Croatia,Italy.
Known for his master in blending and fusing every tune together in a perfect mix, he's been able to set off many minds high up in the sky and to make them enjoy the energetic intensity of music. He doesn't want to be limited to just one single style, since he select his tracks from different part of the world & artists. His sets are colorfull, dynamic and energetic always oriented to the people and dancefloor.

Dj since year 2000.
Trance Styles: Full On, Morning, Dark Psy
Chill Music: Ambient, Dub, Chill

Played with Live Artists like:
Tristan (Twisted/UK), Pixel (HomMega/Israel),Species (Etnicanet,3D Vision rec./YU),
Silicon Sound (3D Vision/France),Chris Organic (Organic rec./UK),Lava 303 ( Playground Collective/De) ),Shuma (P.O.R.N Recordings/CRO),Parrket (Tribal Vision, Pukka Music/CRO),Naked Tourist (Germany),Loopus in Fabula,(Fabula rec./Italy),Necmi(Germany),HuxFlux(Spiraltrax/Sweden),Mino(Transient rec./Sweden),
Matenda (Spiraltrax/Sweden), Faktor-D (Floow rec./,PR), Genetic Spin (Interzone rec./CH), S-Range (Spira traxx/SWE), Antix (Iboga rec./NZ), Phony Orphant ( Iboga rec./DK), Triple T ( Solarsiv rec. /Zed-Retinal Fremen/IT), Cosmic Tone ( Transient rec./Israel), ...

Playeed with Djs like:

Dimitri Nakov(Spun rec./Uk),Peter Digital (Digital Structures/Sweden),Jonas (Stoneage rec./Sweden),Tolis Q (Octava rec./Greece),Natan (Parvati rec./Austria) ,Dirty Frank (Psytrance show/germany),Creator (Interzone rec./Ch),Scotty (Voov experience-Germany)
Acan (Suntribe/Austria),Nadi (Domo rec./Israel), Tsunamix (Mythos

decooration by Spirit Of The Moon

Date: 10.11.2006
Start : 23 Till ??
Place: Club Mink
Location : Tolmin

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 1

Re: Goa trance
Reply #128 - 07.11.2006 at 08:40:09
ewo dam vm eno res hudo stran z electro musko oziroma z psy trance ker sm sam ljubitel te zvrsti
sam rabte še en program če hočte te kumade met na računalniku rabte winamp streamripper
k ti muzo snema na komp
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 3

Re: Goa trance
Reply #129 - 22.11.2006 at 17:04:26

featuring Old School Goa Trance (90s till 2000)

Sobota 16.12.2006

Mostovna-Nova Gorica / Slo


DOSAGE (Macedonia)

Dj Sets:

DOSAGE (Macedonia)

( Hungary)

TOMMY WONDER (Spirit Of The Moon / Slo)

(Spirit Of The Moon / Slo)

psy decoor by Spirit Of The Moon


Tokratni Tranceshpere nas bo prestavil v sredino devedesetih,
saj se bo vrtela glasba iz obdobja 1990-2000. Vrtela se bo namreč stara Goa.
Tokratni event je obvezen za vse ljubitelje starega Goa Trancea.
Priložnost boste imeli slišati glasbo kultnih založb kot so
Return To The Source, Dragonfly, Transient, Krembo records,
T.I.P. records, Platipus,Blue Room,Spiritzone,Moonshine music,...
V goste je vabljen tudi makedonski duo DOSAGE, ki je stranski projekt od
Uminum. Njihova glasba vsebuje korenine starega goa trancea z novejšimi
inovativnimi elementi ter napolnjena z funky ritmi, etno melodijami
ter veliko suomi influence.

Vstopnina/Entrance: 1200 Sit / 5 Eu
Sobota/Saturday 16.12.2006
od/from 22:00h-??:??h
Mostovna-Nova Gorica/Slovenia

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 1

Re: Goa trance
Reply #130 - 19.12.2006 at 15:37:29
- Freaky Dragons Festival - 07-14 August  south of Eu  Smiley Smiley Smiley  

Hey freakssss !!!  8)  8)


this year the 3 rd edition of FDF will move to August !!

we go for 7 days and 7 nights 168 hours of musics, shows, and performances !!!!

and it's time to show u a little idea of what we like in Trance scene for 2007

7 days with the most Killer new Talents , NEW MUSICS !!!    :beer:  :beer:  :beer:

line up so far

Live Acts

-- Ajja Live / Dj CH
-- Arkhetype FR
-- Atriohm MK
-- Audiopathik MEX
-- Blisargon Demogorgon MK
-- Braincell Live / Dj GER
-- Cosmo Live / Dj CZ
-- Chromatone US
-- Digicult Live / Dj BE
-- D-Sens FR
-- Ephedrix Live / Dj BE
-- Early Reflection Live / Dj FR
-- E v p Live / Dj UK
-- Gaiatech IT
-- Guinea Pigs Isr
-- Heggmatech Live / Dj NOR
-- Hyper Frequency Live / Dj FR
-- Ibojima Live / Dj SW
-- Illegal Machine FR
-- Imaginary Sight Live / Dj MK
-- Itaitaiko ISR
-- Kukan dub lagan Live / Dj ISR
-- Mapusa GER
-- Mental Spark FR
-- Morphonic US
-- Naked Tourist Live / Dj GER
-- Phonic Request FR
-- Psymmetrix Live / Dj UK
-- Rastaliens Live / Dj GER
-- Shotu FR
-- Trold Live / Dj NOR
-- Whicked Hayo BE
-- Yayub Live / Dj CH
-- yudhisthira MK

more to come in Live acts  

Dj sets and Chill out line up will be on very soon with the new website

and be ready aswell for after party by -- World People --  

Location soooon stay in Touch Freakssssssss !!!!!

Booooooooom !!!!

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Ex Member

Re: Goa trance
Reply #131 - 24.04.2007 at 00:32:30

psy open air festival

15-17.Junij 2007

Reka blizu Cerknega / Slovenija

Live Acts:

CHROMATONE ( Vaporvent records / USA)

HYDRAGLYPH ( Nexus-media records / South Africa )

PSYBORIGINAL ( Digital Psionics records / Australia)

MALICE IN WONDERLAND ( D.A.R.K. rec., Resonant Earth / Austria )

DOSAGE ( Resonant Earth / Macedonia )

KALA ( Macedonia )

DARK SUMMER ( D.A.R.K. rec. / Slovenia )

QUARK ( Glowing Flame records / MK – Italy )
DJANE EQUI ( Hungary )
TOMMY WONDER ( Spirit Of The Moon / Slovenia )
DJANE VEGA ( Spirit Of The Moon / Slovenia )
REDAX MENTAL ( Plutonic rec. / Slovenia )
SNOWBALL ( Spirit Of The Moon / Slovenia )
ZVUK AHIMZE ( Audiodevlish / Slovenia )
KILGORE TROUT (Black Milk / Slovenia )
MNORIK (Black Milk / Slovenia )
DJANE MAGICA ( Slovenia )




DEKAOS ( http://www.dekaos.org )


Free Camping Area
Toilets && Shower
Food Restaurants && Drink
Psy Shops ( T-Shirts, Cds, ....)
Tipi Area
Art Workshops
Jugglers && Fire Performances


Od Petka do Nedelje ( 2 noči 3 dni) : 20 Eu
Od Sobote do Nedelje : 15 Eu

Vabimo vas na praznovanje poletja v okolici Cerkna. Glasba, ples in zabava vas bodo pritegnili da boste del živahnega in razposajenega dogajanja na prostem. Združili smo naravo z zabavo in veselje z užitkom, zato vam sredi gozda v neposredni bližini reke predstavljamo veliko zanimivih gostov iz različnih področij. Za kvalitetno glasbo bodo poskrbeli glasbeniki ter dji v spremstvu fire plesnih performansov. Predstavljajo se nam tudi razni ustvarjalci s svojimi izdelki. Čudovito okolje ob vodi bomo popestrili z Vizualizacijami ter dekoracijami. Poskrbeli smo tudi za kampiranje in hladen tuš v primeru, da se boste utrudili.

Kako do tam?
Iz smeri Idrija->Cerkno greste ta Tolmin in na kraju Reka zavijete desno v smeri vasi Police, nato sledite označbam. Pot do kraja festivala vas bo vodila ob reki Idrijci.

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Tommy Wonder

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 3

Re: Goa trance
Reply #132 - 24.07.2007 at 13:12:43
---===SOLAR * QUEST===---
24 hours open air psytrance festival
31. August 2007


ATOMIC PULSE ( B.N.E. records / Israel )

Tamir Ozana started out his music career at the age of 16  when he bought  his first Virus. He went on to discover Rock music before becoming Craezy with synthesizers, computers and PsyTrance music.

After finishing study sound engineering in the age of 18, he started to establish all the things that he learned thru the years. He was first introduced to the PsyTrance scene by Dede Nachmias a.k.a Dj Dede, currently co-owners of SpectrumMusic Israel. Before even attending to be one of the main PsyTrance artist in israel, he wrote his first Hit with Astrix, “Valirus”. The track was picked up by DJ Eyal (HommegaRec.Israel), and was released on Hommega, a compilation by Dj Eyal. The track was remixed by sub 6 and realesed in T.I.P Rec.  His sound was instantly recognizable as his Dance style, a blend of full on grooves, Dance structures, and epic “Psy” melodies. His 2nd hit came 3 months after, wrote a 2nd track with Astrix "Optical Vibes" that was realesed also in hommega rec "Full On 3", a comipilation by dj eyal. That track really reflect the atomic pulse style.

This sound was refined over the next year, with his signing to SpectrumMusic and the subsequent release of numerous tracks such as "llucid Dreams", "Im Real","Activety" I Know What i Saw", "360 Dgrees", "Signtific Reality", "Robotnico" and "Visons", released on SpectrumMusic  Compilation, which received much acclaim after its initial release just before the European summer in 2000. Following the overnight success of  "illucid Dreams" on SpectrumMusic  "Analyzer" compilation was a turning point for Tamir (At that point tamir added a partner to atomic pulse-Yair bar on). This can still be regarded as was finished and released on Spectrum's follow up, "Analyzer". This is Tamir most celebrated track to date, and received much bookings for all over the globe.

The debut album (2002), "The SAFI Collection", followed closely afterwards, featuring dance floor success's such as "Digital Self", "Elements", "Monster D.N.A", and a remix of the aforementioned "Prince Of paranoia" last year's mash hit - Of Safi Connection. With the success of the album, Tamir & Yair careers as a live performers and djs, took off at amazing speed. After numerous parties in Israel, he first headed off to Brasil for the acclaimed SkolBeats Music Festival. This festival plays host to hundreds of acts and draws crowds in excess of 250,000 people every year. Bookings in Mexico, Argentina, chila, U.S.A, Canada, Japan, South Africa, India, Marocco, Singapore, followed, as well as extensive tours in all of  Brasil and Europe, including U.K, Austria, Hungary,CzkRep, Russia, Maccedonia,Ukraina, Bulgary, Romania, Swiss, Bosnia, France, Spain, Holland, Germany, Portugal, Denmark, Greece, turkey, Cyprus, Italy, Serbia and many others. To date they are played on every major continent, and received much praise for theres Special and emotional live shows. they are appeared along side dj and artists outside of the psy trance scene such as: Gorge BenJore(Brasil), SidadNegro(Brasil), Tiesto, S.S.O, MoShic, Ofer Nissim and others.

The 2nd album "Detoxicated" came after a long awaited since the 1st album was a big sucsses on 2004. The album sound consists of full-on music blending with hard elements of groove, progressive, dance and  with an epic feel.
The Album is rich in harmonic groovs and full on,  that will gain access to both the psychedelic and the clubber crowds and ranges from the epic morning sounds to the hard and dark harmonic night tracks. this album features 2 International Artist collaboration with: "Shanti a.k.a juvenile"(2nd trk), "Dimitry Nakov-G.B.U"(4th trk) and a remix to the 1 of the 1st trance tracks in the Psytrance scene "becktierd-Robotnico". After realesing the album the boys got bookings again from all the globe and started the wolrd tour 2004-2005. that was the last album the atomic pulse realesed in SpectrumMusic. on 2005 they signd with B.N.E from israel.

Tamir has also worked on other Side projects including his dj compilation, "Analyzer 2" on SpectrumMusic, as well as "Safi Connection-Price Of paranoia", a side project focusing on Psychedelic Tunes, "Spectrum-XXX" a side project With Dj Dede co-owner of SpectrumMusic, "S.O.S" a Side project with Dj Dimitri Nakov that still working but never realesed an album, "U.S.B" Tamir Solo project Realesed until today 4 tracks looking for an album on 2008, This days Tamir have a new project with protoculture from south africa wich will be ready in the begining of 2007 and will be realesed in B.N.E Records Israel. Atomic Pulse releases (150!!!) can be seen on many labels all over the globe including: HommegaRec(isr), PhonokolRec(isr), CompactRec(isr), SpectrumRec(isr), UtopiaRec(isr), ProcionRec(hungary), Trust In TranceRec(isr), M.D.M.A-Rec(isr), B.N.E-Rec(isr), T.I.P-Rec(u.k), SpunRec(sp), DragonFlyRec(fr), TransientRec(fr), Sloid&LiquidRec(serbia), HadraRec(fr), 3dVision(fr), MilleniumRec(uk), MaiaRec(mx), SolarRec(u.s.a), SolsticeRec(jp), Vison QuestRec(jp), Crystal MatrixRec(pr), EtnicaNetRec(sp), MediumRec(gr), DejaVooRec(russia), AjucaRec(u.k),  Light MusicRec(jp), SpiralTraxRec(fr), SpiritZoneRec(gr), TribadelicRec(oz), KagdilaRec(u.s.a), MandalaRec(fr), AgitatoRec(isr) and Many more. For the last 5 years, Tamir and Yair have been busy Remixing and  writing tracks with artists from around the globe such as: Astrix(w,r), Shanti(w,r), C.P.U(w), Silicon Sound(w), Dimitri Nakov(w), Antidote(w), G.M.S(w,r), Star-X(w), Pop Stream(w,r), Slider(w), Protoculture(w,r), Fatali(w,r), Cyrus The Virus(w), D-tek(w), UltraVoice(w), Dj dede(w), Safi connection(w,r), Nomad(w), Void(w), Skazi(r), Oforia(r), Johan Bley(r),1200mic(r), Werecked Machines(w), Dj Ta-Ka(w), Chemical Drive(w,r),  and more.
Tamir, whose musical education includes a Masters Degree in Sound was the main producer of the label Spectrum Music.
Cd's That he mastered: Albums: Fatali-Dawn(B.N.E) ,Atomic Pulse-Detoxicated(Spectrum), Atomic Pulse-Direct Source(B.N.E), Spectrum-XXX(Spectrum), Pop Stream-Into Orbit(Spectrum), Chimical Drive-Sonic Boom(Utopia). Compiletions: Dj TaKa-Who Are You?(LightMusicJapan), SolarRec(U.S.A),LiquidAndSolidRec(Serbia), SoulClipse Festival 2006 Compiletion, RythemAndPeace Festival 2006 Compiletion, Analyzer 1-2(Spectrum), Future navigator 3(Spectrum) and many more.
RANDOM ( Geomagnetic, Vaporvent rec. / USA )

Random is San Francisco California native Ross DuBois a principal dj and producer of goa/psy-trance coming from the USA. He has toured the US, Canada, and Mexico extensively playing at festivals, clubs, outdoors, indoors, night time and day. "Implicate Order," Random's first full length album was released worldwide in 2006 on Geomagnetic.tv. With 15 + singles on labels like VaporVent, Geomagnetic, Timecode, Acidance, Kagdila, Shiva Space Technology, and many more. His music kidnaps the listener’s mind and sends it spiraling beyond space and time, it's intelligent, crunchy, groovy and mind-expanding. Random's flawless djing and psychedelic audio wizard has been zapping dance floors silly since 1996. The world is ready for this sensation to storm you to bliss!

DJ Sets:

ATOMIC PULSE ( B.N.E. rec / Israel )
RANDOM ( Geomagnetic, Vaporvent rec. / USA )
DJANE EQUI ( Hungary )
DJANE VEGA ( Spirit Of The Moon / Slovenia )
OFFBEAT ( D.A.R.K. rec, Spirit Of The Moon / Slovenia )
TOMMY WONDER ( Spirit Of The Moon / Slovenia )
SNOWBALL ( Spirit Of The Moon / Slovenia )
SOUNDSLAVE ( Spirit Of The Moon / Slovenia )
KILGORE TROUT ( Black Milk / Slovenia )

Deco        Spirit Of The Moon && Panj
Location        Bovec-Cezsoca ( Pool Slatenik )
Entry fee        15 Eu
Organizer        Solar Quest
Infos        Some info about the location:

Between the mountains and emerald waters lies a land in which everyone can find their favourite things. Those seeking different kinds of excitement, those who treasure the simple pleasures of home, families on outings, and world travellers in love with nature are always discovering places here with their very own Alpine and Adriatic climate, a land at the crossroads of Slavic, Germanic, and Romance cultures, a region that is so close and at the same time so far. The largest expanses of bare open rock and the deepest gravel-bed basins of Slovenia's Julian Alps are for many the most attractive destination for a time-out in Central Europe. Mighty peaks, sheep and goat pastures criss-crossed with trails, and enchanting streams, rivers, and waterfalls weave together an abundance of pleasures to be experienced.

Location is on the north west side of Slovenia.Beautifull nature sorrounded by mountains,forest and located near beautifull river Soca.Ex location of Spirit Of The Moon fest 2002.


If your way is from Ljubljana to
Vrhnika then to Logatec,Idrija,Tolmin,Kobarid and from
Kobarid to Bovec.From Ljubljana you have around 120 km
to Bovec-Cezsoca) partie location.When you
come to Bovec.Before turn into center just go straight
this road which goes around Bovec and then you will
see sign for Cezsoca and also for SOLAR QUEST
3.When you will come to Cezsoca there will
be also sign.The partie is located around 1 km from
village Cezsoca.

If you come from Austria the best way is from Villach to Italy (Tarvisio) and then to border Predil for Slovenia.And from border Predil you have around 15 km to Bovec.

From Italy one way is if you come from north Italy that you go to Tarvisio and then to border Predil for Slovenia.The other way is from Udine to Cividale then border Robic and then you come to Kobarid.From Kobarid you for Bovec and you have arround 15 min driving with car:)The third way from Trieste or Gorizia you go to Nova Gorica and from Nova Gorica to Tolmin and then to Bovec.
We hope the directions will help you to find the way to us:)


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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: Goa trance
Reply #133 - 25.07.2007 at 11:30:43
o Snow, a pol še kar rolaš. lepo, lepo. Wink
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Ex Member

Re: Goa trance
Reply #134 - 28.07.2007 at 11:09:13
Ja z necem se je treba ukvarjat Smiley
Kdaj se bomo pa mi spet kej videli? Smiley
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