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Posts: 163
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Re: Goa trance
Reply #90 - 20.10.2004 at 05:33:25
Dancing Dragon featuring GOASapiens (Beograd)
KJE: Gala Hala, Metelkova, Ljubljana KDAJ: petek 22.10.2004
KAJ: trance OD 23:00 DO 07:00

Dancing Dragon featuring GOASapiens (Beograd):
Dj WOLLAND (Goa sapiens, SCG), Dj Aquapipe (Goa sapiens,SCG), Dj
Naveen (DancingDragon), Dj Kilgore Trout (DancingDragon).

Dancing Dragon začenja novo psyhadelično sezono z gostovanjem nosilnih Dj-jev
največjega in najuspešnejšega PsyTribe-a iz Beograda: Goa SAPIENS. Skupina deluje
od leta 2000, večinoma v znamenitem beograjskem klubu Barutana pod kalemegdansko trdnjavo. Ustanovitelja Dj Wolland in Dj Aquapipe sta doslej gostovala z največjimi imeni psytrance-a kot so Skazi, Infected Mushrooms, GMS, Melicia, Psysex, Logic Bomb itd. Slovenske barve bosta zastopala Naveen in Kilgore Trout.

KOLIKO: 1200/1400 Sit
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Re: Goa trance
Reply #91 - 20.10.2004 at 05:36:41
KJE: K4, Ljubljana KDAJ: petek 29.10.2004
KAJ: trance OD 22h

Big Devilish floor:
Live act:
N3xu5 (Parvati rec., Kagdilla rec. - Portugalska)
Mish (Parvati recor., Kagdilla rec. - Portugalska)
Zvuk (Audiodevlish)
Naveen (Labs Of Perception)

De:Kaos (K4)

PsyGrass floor:
MagicFux(EastWood rec.)
Cu (Audiodevlish)

Projekt N3xu5 (beri: nexus) aka. DJ Mish prihaja iz Portugalske, katere artisti so v zadnjem času poleg Južne Afrike vodilni v underground sceni psy-goa-trance-a. N3xu5 se bo predstavil z »live actom« in DJ setom.
Mračni, hitri in subtilno pokajoči projekt N3xu5 je shodil 2001. leta. Najprej kot duet kasneje pa je DJ Mish nadaljeval sam. Tako se je lahko dodobra posvetil svoji izpovedi s pomočjo najnovejših strojev in bogate glasbene podlage, predvsem iz temačnejših žanrov elektronske glasbe. ''My music is about the day-by-day feelings and emotions and the events of my life…'' pove, da človek misli in deluje! Kako, pa se lahko prepričate 29.10.2k4 na otvoritvenem večeru psihadelije v K4 »in Audiodevlish way«, ko vas bo odpeljal eden izmed največjih upov in talentov svetovne psy-trance scene.

KOLIKO: do 23ih: 1700 SIT ; letak, študenti, dijaki: 1900 SIT ; ostali: 2100 SIT
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Goa trance
Reply #92 - 20.10.2004 at 11:42:05
1723 wrote on 20.10.2004 at 05:36:41:
KJE: K4, Ljubljana KDAJ: petek 29.10.2004
KAJ: trance OD 22h

Big Devilish floor:
Live act:
N3xu5 (Parvati rec., Kagdilla rec. - Portugalska)
Mish (Parvati recor., Kagdilla rec. - Portugalska)
Zvuk (Audiodevlish)
Naveen (Labs Of Perception)

De:Kaos (K4)

PsyGrass floor:
MagicFux(EastWood rec.)
Cu (Audiodevlish)

Projekt N3xu5 (beri: nexus) aka. DJ Mish prihaja iz Portugalske, katere artisti so v zadnjem času poleg Južne Afrike vodilni v underground sceni psy-goa-trance-a. N3xu5 se bo predstavil z »live actom« in DJ setom.
Mračni, hitri in subtilno pokajoči projekt N3xu5 je shodil 2001. leta. Najprej kot duet kasneje pa je DJ Mish nadaljeval sam. Tako se je lahko dodobra posvetil svoji izpovedi s pomočjo najnovejših strojev in bogate glasbene podlage, predvsem iz temačnejših žanrov elektronske glasbe. ''My music is about the day-by-day feelings and emotions and the events of my life…'' pove, da človek misli in deluje! Kako, pa se lahko prepričate 29.10.2k4 na otvoritvenem večeru psihadelije v K4 »in Audiodevlish way«, ko vas bo odpeljal eden izmed največjih upov in talentov svetovne psy-trance scene.

KOLIKO: do 23ih: 1700 SIT ; letak, študenti, dijaki: 1900 SIT ; ostali: 2100 SIT

uh, zdaj sm si oddahnila, še si emd živimi lol kje hodiš kaj 1723?
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 163
Gender: male
Re: Goa trance
Reply #93 - 20.10.2004 at 17:52:55
pa evo mene, mal bluzim okoli, pedenam stvari kokr najbol zmorem... Smiley

postajam spet mal bol aktiven Wink
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Re: Goa trance
Reply #94 - 20.10.2004 at 20:05:16
kali,pridi na nexusa Wink
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Goa trance
Reply #95 - 21.10.2004 at 12:25:15
kali,pridi na nexusa Wink

morda pa res, to je čez en teden? vstopnina ni predraga, sam prepriči me, da bo fino Wink k nism lih več disko queen as I used 2B Wink

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: Goa trance
Reply #96 - 22.10.2004 at 08:58:16
ja jst mislim da bo fino, mam par njegovih komadov in so res hudi

sam pomojem ne bo kaka trensi zadeva, bo verjetno bolj jezna, utrgana muzika
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 15

Re: Goa trance
Reply #97 - 30.10.2004 at 16:39:33
Petra. wrote on 21.10.2004 at 12:25:15:
morda pa res, to je čez en teden? vstopnina ni predraga, sam prepriči me, da bo fino Wink k nism lih več disko queen as I used 2B Wink

Kali: na goi je zmeri fino.

P.S. pa na technu tud, še posebi, če je na hard 8) !
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Re: Goa trance
Reply #98 - 30.10.2004 at 17:34:33
Cipralex wrote on 30.10.2004 at 16:39:33:
Kali: na goi je zmeri fino.

P.S. pa na technu tud, še posebi, če je na hard 8) !

še posebej s 5 tabletkami u riti,a Wink Grin
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Goa trance
Reply #99 - 31.10.2004 at 01:57:01
ma sm pristala na sake partyu Wink
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: Goa trance
Reply #100 - 18.11.2004 at 21:04:18
Channel Zero @ Metelkova-Ljubljana
Petek 10.12.2004

LIVE: NECMI (Mental Art records,Soultribe rec./Germany)

Necmi´s first remembered "sensomotoric" experience was at the tender age of 3, it was a limbo session to Bony M´s "Daddy Cool". With the love for movement grew the love for music. At the ages of 10-12 Necmi begins to work with a tape and record player, making short samples experiments. He played the guitar for some years & was struck by the electronic music movement in 1992.
1992 he founded with a companion, Uwe Voss, the techno-project "Apokalypse Wow". They shared a mood of "weltuntergangsstimmung" expressed with hardcore techno and acid (till 93). Never ending weekends aimed to be the dance of the Vulcan, but this was not the end. He started some solo-projects and had some live-sets as "Nashcore" in 94.
Working with kids from 94-99 as a educationalist and music-pedagogue lifted his mood in general, he started visiting trance parties which gave him some spiritual/musical insights.
In 1996 he teamed up again with Uve Voss as "Mystique Elements" and they played some fat live-pa´s. Since 99 his solo-project gained more and more attention as the most straight kicking live-project in the Rhine-scene. His unique definition of trance is build upon pumping techhouse beats and collages of atmospheric samples, reflecting all dance styles that crossed his ears in the last 10 years. Soon will follow releases on new German label Soultribe records.
He has also released tracks on compilations from Tatsu records, Domo records, Nova Tekk, Yelow Sunshine Explosion.

Psy Astronauts:
NECMI SEREFOGLU (Mental Art records,Soultribe rec./Germany)
TOMMY WONDER (Spirit Of The Moon/Slovenia)
SNOWBALL(Spirit Of The Moon/Slovenia) Smiley

Decoration by Spirit Of The Moon

Location: Channel Zero @ Metelkova,Ljubljana

Date: Petek 10.12.2004

Entry fee:1400/1200+flyer


you're welcome Wink
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Goa trance
Reply #101 - 19.11.2004 at 11:29:43
pismu snow, daj nas na guest listo, če nas češ videt... Wink

žurerka u penziji
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: Goa trance
Reply #102 - 19.11.2004 at 11:45:25
eh, ti se maš za preveč staro Wink

glede liste pa..mhm, sej veš kako je, tud organizator mora neki zaslužit Tongue
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Goa trance
Reply #103 - 19.11.2004 at 11:50:01
eh, ti se maš za preveč staro Wink

glede liste pa..mhm, sej veš kako je, tud organizator mora neki zaslužit Tongue

ti sam reč, da pridemo s pozitivk reportažo in reklamo narest
Wink Grin
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: Goa trance
Reply #104 - 19.11.2004 at 11:52:43
lol Grin ne vem, bom premislu
itak pozitivke in to ne pašejo kej preveč skupej Smiley
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