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kajenje pomaga preprečiti pljučnega raka
17.07.2011 at 11:51:54
mal sarkastično se sliši - vem ... ampak ... read on



Certain governments know that their past actions are directly responsible for causing most of the lung and skin cancers in the world today, so they go to extreme lengths in trying to deflect responsibility  and thus financial liability away from themselves, and onto harmless organic tobacco instead. As we will find later in the report, humble organic tobacco has never hurt anyone, and in certain ways can justifiably claim to provide startling health protection.

Not all governments around the world share the same problem. Japan and Greece have the highest numbers of adult cigarette smokers in the world, but the lowest incidence of lung cancer. In direct contrast to this, America, Australia, Russia, and some South Pacific island groups have the lowest numbers of adult cigarette smokers in the world, but the highest incidence of lung cancer. This is clue number-one in unraveling the absurd but entrenched western medical lie that "smoking causes lung cancer."

The first European contact with tobacco was in 1492, when Columbus and fellow explorer Rodriguo de Jerez saw natives smoking in Cuba. That very same day, de Jerez took his first puff and found it very relaxing, just as the locals had assured him it would be. This was an important occasion, because Rodriguo de Jerez discovered what the Cubans and native Americans had known for many centuries: that cigar and cigarette smoking is not only relaxing, it also cures coughs and other minor ailments. When he returned home, Rodriguo de Jerez proudly lit a cigar in the street, and was promptly arrested and imprisoned for three years by the horrified Spanish Inquisition. De Jerez thus became the first victim of the anti-smoking lobbies.

By the early 20th Century almost one in every two people smoked, but the incidence of lung cancer remained so low that it was almost immeasurable.

(atomska bomba leta 45)

If a single microscopic radioactive fallout particle lands on your skin at the beach, you get skin cancer. Inhale a single particle of the same lethal muck, and death from lung cancer becomes inevitable, unless you happen to be an exceptionally lucky cigarette smoker.

the radioactive particles do not just "fade away", at least not in your lifetime or that of your children and grandchildren. With a half-life of 50,000 years or longer, these countless trillions of deadly government-manufactured radioactive particles are essentially with you forever. Circulated around the world by powerful jet streams, these particles are deposited at random

deaths from lung cancer have more than doubled during the period 1945 to 1955
By the end of official atmospheric testing in 1963, the incidence of lung cancer in the Pacific Islands had increased fivefold since 1945.

Having screwed your environment completely for 50,000 years, it was time for "big government" to start taking heavy diversionary action.

How could people be proved to be causing themselves to contract lung cancer, i.e. be said to be guilty of a self inflicted injury for which government could never be blamed or sued? The only obvious substance that people inhaled into their lungs, apart from air, was tobacco smoke, so the government boot was put in.

ostalo se pa nekak ve ... kako so zdemoniziral tobak in ganjo
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: kajenje pomaga preprečiti pljučnega raka
Reply #1 - 17.07.2011 at 11:59:33
gape wrote on 17.07.2011 at 11:51:54:

To isto mi je povedal  ee madžarski alternativni medicinc pred leti. Rekel mi je kadi,če češ bit zdrav.Dobiš kup prepotrebnih vitaminov vase. Vem pa ! Ko so delali analizo mumij,so ugotovili sledi tobaka v njih.
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YaBB Administrator

I love YaBB!
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The Land of YaBB
Re: kajenje pomaga preprečiti pljučnega raka
Reply #2 - 17.07.2011 at 12:02:51
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: kajenje pomaga preprečiti pljučnega raka
Reply #3 - 17.07.2011 at 12:03:34
gape wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:02:51:

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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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I love to love
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Re: kajenje pomaga preprečiti pljučnega raka
Reply #4 - 17.07.2011 at 12:05:14
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:03:34:
gape wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:02:51:


Tistim, ki ne kadimo ?
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: kajenje pomaga preprečiti pljučnega raka
Reply #5 - 17.07.2011 at 12:06:10
Robi wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:05:14:
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:03:34:
gape wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:02:51:


Tistim, ki ne kadimo ?

Mogoče mumijam?
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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I love to love
Posts: 5749
Gender: male
Re: kajenje pomaga preprečiti pljučnega raka
Reply #6 - 17.07.2011 at 12:07:24
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:06:10:
Robi wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:05:14:
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:03:34:
gape wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:02:51:


Tistim, ki ne kadimo ?

Mogoče mumijam?

Res uboge mumije..Še zdaj nimajo mira.
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YaBB Administrator

I love YaBB!
Posts: 13595
The Land of YaBB
Re: kajenje pomaga preprečiti pljučnega raka
Reply #7 - 17.07.2011 at 12:09:44
kr čitejta
in če ni jasno
čitejta še več
lahko pa me mata za debila
boli me ... pa fejst pospemat hitr da ne bo prepozn ... da ne bo kdo opazu česa slučajn
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: kajenje pomaga preprečiti pljučnega raka
Reply #8 - 17.07.2011 at 12:09:55
Robi wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:07:24:
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:06:10:
Robi wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:05:14:
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:03:34:
gape wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:02:51:


Tistim, ki ne kadimo ?

Mogoče mumijam?

Res uboge mumije..Še zdaj nimajo mira.

Kaj vemo,kje je njihov genski material v vesolju.Mogoče so že življensko reanimiral. Dr. Balažič !ISM ljubljana)pravi,da bo prej kot v 20 letih to tudi mogoče na Zemlji!
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: kajenje pomaga preprečiti pljučnega raka
Reply #9 - 17.07.2011 at 12:15:48
gape wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:09:44:
kr čitejta
in če ni jasno
čitejta še več
lahko pa me mata zadebila
boli me ... pa fejst pospemat hitr da ne bo prepozn ... da ne bo kdo opazu česa slučajn

Računam na kurjo slepoto ljudi!
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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I love to love
Posts: 5749
Gender: male
Re: kajenje pomaga preprečiti pljučnega raka
Reply #10 - 17.07.2011 at 12:16:01
gape wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:09:44:
kr čitejta
in če ni jasno
čitejta še več
lahko pa me mata zadebila
boli me ... pa fejst pospemat hitr da ne bo prepozn ... da ne bo kdo opazu česa slučajn

Saj čitam in mi vedno bolj gre na smeh vse skupaj....
Sem napisal, da je človek pravi umetnik v iskanju idej, kako opravičiti lastna dejanja.

A sprašujem se, čemu bi se moral človek opravičevati pred vsemi ? Mogoče zato, ker imam slabo vest ?
Ker mi moja zavest in telo pravi drugače, pa rabim svoj ego, da lahko preglasim glas razuma ?
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I love to love
Posts: 5749
Gender: male
Re: kajenje pomaga preprečiti pljučnega raka
Reply #11 - 17.07.2011 at 12:22:23
By the early 20th Century almost one in every two people smoked, but the incidence of lung cancer remained so low that it was almost immeasurable.

Posledice naših dejanj niso vidne takoj. Za slabe razvade naših prednikov, dandanes človeštvo plačuje grehe. Saj se genetske spremembe in s tem nagnjenost k določenim boleznim pojavljajo šele čez več generacij.

In naj zdaj začnem kaditi, da slučajno ne bom zbolel za rakom...Torej iz strahu naj kadim....?
Strah pa človeka uničuje in mu slabša odpornost.
Kar pomeni več bolezni in raka. Smiley
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: kajenje pomaga preprečiti pljučnega raka
Reply #12 - 17.07.2011 at 12:24:01
gape wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:09:44:
kr čitejta
in če ni jasno
čitejta še več
lahko pa me mata za debila
boli me ... pa fejst pospemat hitr da ne bo prepozn ... da ne bo kdo opazu česa slučajn

Ne vem- zakaj se mi je porodilo tole; Patak u zulu gatah! Nič ne mislim in nikogar nimam za debila!
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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YaBB Administrator

I love YaBB!
Posts: 13595
The Land of YaBB
Re: kajenje pomaga preprečiti pljučnega raka
Reply #13 - 17.07.2011 at 12:40:54
gape wrote on 17.07.2011 at 12:02:51:

res so samo za nacionalizirat in pred zid
in usi k se z njimi poistovečate (ali ste celo na njihovi strani) ... jest bi se zamislu nad sabo ...
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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YaBB Administrator

I love YaBB!
Posts: 13595
The Land of YaBB
Re: kajenje pomaga preprečiti pljučnega raka
Reply #14 - 17.07.2011 at 12:44:13
gape wrote on 17.07.2011 at 11:51:54:
mal sarkastično se sliši - vem ... ampak ... read on



Certain governments know that their past actions are directly responsible for causing most of the lung and skin cancers in the world today, so they go to extreme lengths in trying to deflect responsibility  and thus financial liability away from themselves, and onto harmless organic tobacco instead. As we will find later in the report, humble organic tobacco has never hurt anyone, and in certain ways can justifiably claim to provide startling health protection.

Not all governments around the world share the same problem. Japan and Greece have the highest numbers of adult cigarette smokers in the world, but the lowest incidence of lung cancer. In direct contrast to this, America, Australia, Russia, and some South Pacific island groups have the lowest numbers of adult cigarette smokers in the world, but the highest incidence of lung cancer. This is clue number-one in unraveling the absurd but entrenched western medical lie that "smoking causes lung cancer."

The first European contact with tobacco was in 1492, when Columbus and fellow explorer Rodriguo de Jerez saw natives smoking in Cuba. That very same day, de Jerez took his first puff and found it very relaxing, just as the locals had assured him it would be. This was an important occasion, because Rodriguo de Jerez discovered what the Cubans and native Americans had known for many centuries: that cigar and cigarette smoking is not only relaxing, it also cures coughs and other minor ailments. When he returned home, Rodriguo de Jerez proudly lit a cigar in the street, and was promptly arrested and imprisoned for three years by the horrified Spanish Inquisition. De Jerez thus became the first victim of the anti-smoking lobbies.

By the early 20th Century almost one in every two people smoked, but the incidence of lung cancer remained so low that it was almost immeasurable.

(atomska bomba leta 45)

If a single microscopic radioactive fallout particle lands on your skin at the beach, you get skin cancer. Inhale a single particle of the same lethal muck, and death from lung cancer becomes inevitable, unless you happen to be an exceptionally lucky cigarette smoker.

the radioactive particles do not just "fade away", at least not in your lifetime or that of your children and grandchildren. With a half-life of 50,000 years or longer, these countless trillions of deadly government-manufactured radioactive particles are essentially with you forever. Circulated around the world by powerful jet streams, these particles are deposited at random

deaths from lung cancer have more than doubled during the period 1945 to 1955
By the end of official atmospheric testing in 1963, the incidence of lung cancer in the Pacific Islands had increased fivefold since 1945.

Having screwed your environment completely for 50,000 years, it was time for "big government" to start taking heavy diversionary action.

How could people be proved to be causing themselves to contract lung cancer, i.e. be said to be guilty of a self inflicted injury for which government could never be blamed or sued? The only obvious substance that people inhaled into their lungs, apart from air, was tobacco smoke, so the government boot was put in.

ostalo se pa nekak ve ... kako so zdemoniziral tobak in ganjo
čeprow u bistvu pomagata

če mi je dovoljeno zaključit zadevo
kdor je opazu, sm dal zadevo u direktorij po imenu
Open Source - Znanje za vse ali ne?
( Re: kajenje pomaga preprečiti pljučnega raka )

rak pljuč se je pojavu z bombardiranjem z atomskimi bombami
isto rak kože
da bi ne najebal ti ki so atomske bombe metal, so določl tobak za krivca za pljučnega raka, sonce pa za krivca za kožnega raka ...
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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