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Posts: 2679
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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #6195 - 30.05.2021 at 23:05:20
Quantum Theory Proves Our souls Migrate to Other Universes, and it's Written down 3600 Years Ago!
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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #6196 - 29.07.2021 at 10:56:16
dnk analize kažejo da evolucija ni stvaritelj človeka.
zato, tekmovanje ni osnova narave
in ga ne rabimo kopirat za delovanje družbe, korporacij ...
narejeni smo bli točno taki kot smo danes.
sovraštvo bomo spremenil tko da gremo do vzroka. ne z zakonoi.
ogrevanje in ohlajanje zemlje je ciklično.
znanost rabi okvirje. žal pa je večina vsega izven njih.
pomembno je kaj dajemo v svoje telo. treba jest živo hrano. solata.
vitezi ...
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 1728

Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #6197 - 12.08.2021 at 22:06:01

Enemies Are Gathering
For about 4 days now (as of August 9th when I am writing this), I kept hearing a rumbling in my spirit kind of like horses galloping but without the clopping. I just heard it again and after praying, the Lord showed me it's war, coming closer and closer.

  America’s enemies are gathering around her behind the scenes and will soon invade this land. Many, many lives will be lost, as those who invade are without mercy.

  Pray now over those you love, My children, that I may show them mercy and hide them in the shadow of My wings. Pray for your own protection and that which you own that I may show you mercy also.

  If America had repented, I would not have called forth her enemies to attack her, but she would not. She repents not still, preferring to wallow in her sinful abominations for all to see. Like a whorish woman flaunting herself, her shame is uncovered. Now will those who desire her gifts come and take them.

  My children, this will be a time of much sadness for all My people and those who are not yet Mine. Set your hearts to intercede and draw near to Me in the secret place of My Presence. This is how you must prepare. No other preparation will be as valuable as this one.

  This attack will come suddenly. Do not put off today what must be done, but do it quickly, for tomorrow you may not be able.


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Vrnimo Življenju življenje.

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Posts: 2679
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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #6198 - 18.08.2021 at 22:50:45
gape wrote on 29.07.2021 at 10:56:16:
dnk analize kažejo da evolucija ni stvaritelj človeka.
zato, tekmovanje ni osnova narave
in ga ne rabimo kopirat za delovanje družbe, korporacij ...
narejeni smo bli točno taki kot smo danes.
sovraštvo bomo spremenil tko da gremo do vzroka. ne z zakonoi.
ogrevanje in ohlajanje zemlje je ciklično.
znanost rabi okvirje. žal pa je večina vsega izven njih.
pomembno je kaj dajemo v svoje telo. treba jest živo hrano. solata.
vitezi ...

Ja. sodelovanje je optimalno za preživetje. Atomi se urejajo v molekule, te v celice, tkiva, organe, organske sisteme + mikrobiota sem simbiontski ekosistemski organizem. Med ljudmi so to spoštljivi odnosi.
In na organsko zraslih rastlinah in v njih so naravno prisotni koristni mikroorganizmi, ki nam pomagajo to prebavit in so na razne načine blagodejni za zdravje.


Climate Change
The newly released Sixth Assessment Report of the IPCC states that with climate change, we are have been observing more frequent and severe high temperature events, and this will continue to do in the future.  

A regional IPCC fact sheet for Europe states that  “The frequency and intensity of hot extremes, including marine heatwaves, have increased in recent decades and are projected to keep increasing regardless of the greenhouse gas emissions scenario. Critical thresholds relevant for ecosystems and humans are projected to be exceeded for global warming of 2°C and higher (high confidence).”

The temperature in the Mediterranean area – both in Europe and North Africa – has increased by more than the global average.

The IPCC stated that, for the European Mediterranean, there will be a “Projected combination of climatic impact-driver changes (warming, temperature extremes, increase in droughts and aridity, precipitation decrease, increase in fire weather, mean and extreme sea levels, snow cover decrease, and wind speed decrease) by mid-century and at global warming of at least 2°C and above (high confidence).

For the North African Mediterranean, the IPCC projects decreases in mean precipitation, increases in fire weather conditions and decreases in mean wind speed, as well as observed and projected increases in aridity, meteorological, hydrological and agricultural and ecological droughts.

Experts cannot say exactly when these records will be broken but Europe will need to prepare for the eventuality of further records being broken with temperatures above 50C being possible in Europe in future.


The U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found that severe heat waves that previously occurred once every 50 years will now likely happen once per decade. And in a study published last month in the journal Nature Climate Change, scientists determined that record-shattering heat events are up to seven times more likely to occur between now and 2050, and more than 21 times more likely to occur from 2051 to 2080.


In druge informacije kažejo, da bo neznosno.
"Molitev/moto je"
Sem samoohranjana inteligentnost narave.
"Blagoslavljam življenje v sebi in okrog sebe."

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Posts: 2679
Gender: female
Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #6199 - 19.08.2021 at 08:25:41
Sem nardila najkrajšo časovno oznako.
Ali pa tale časovna oznaka.
Geomagnetne spremembe lahko vplivajo na podnebje
ter biosfero
srečnga pa zdravga

Verjamem vase
V genih so shranjene že vse pretekle izkušnje. Veter raznaša moje delce po vsem vesolju, jaz sem pa še kar cela. Zavedanje je popolno.
Dobro poskrbim zase. Sem samoohranjana inteligentnost/ljubezen narave.
Spoštljivo medčloveško sodelovanje
Hvaležno soustvarjam celostno zdrav življenjski slog.
Lahko sem vesela

Lep dan
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I love to love
Posts: 5749
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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #6200 - 19.08.2021 at 15:22:45
Lep dan tudi tebi.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 1728

Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #6201 - 26.08.2021 at 21:13:18
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Vrnimo Življenju življenje.

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I love to love
Posts: 5749
Gender: male
Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #6202 - 27.08.2021 at 08:26:15
M.L. wrote on 26.08.2021 at 21:13:18:

Dober video. Žalostno je, da je v družbi toliko zombijev, ki slepo sledijo hudičevi propagandi.

Zgleda smo na razpotju. Ali se bodo ljudje zbudili ali pa pocrkali.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #6203 - 29.08.2021 at 03:34:50
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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I love to love
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Gender: male
Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #6204 - 31.08.2021 at 17:46:33
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Posts: 2679
Gender: female
Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #6205 - 14.09.2021 at 16:33:05
Pa ne da smo odmerjene zemeljsk vire porabili že v aprilu, tamle na wikipediji je pa napovednik za prihodnost poln vesoljskih podvigov.
Saj ima ja prednost tu zdaj kakovosten celostno zdrav življenjski slog z vsem kar rabimo za oskrbo z organsko hrano, trajnostnimi domovi, infrastrukturo, gospodinjskimi aparati, če hočemo sploh preživet do časa, ko se bo TOLIKO materiala porabilo za vesoljska plovila.

Njihov način mi izgleda izkoriščevalsko zaslužkarski, pa ne vidim logike, kako bi naj bilo to dobro?
Če obstaja razumna razlaga, naj mi pojasni kdo, ki ve in zna.
Meni je celostno zdravje zdravorazumsko logično, da je v dobro človeštva.
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« Last Edit: 14.09.2021 at 17:37:20 by Eva »  
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YaBB Administrator

I love YaBB!
Posts: 13595
The Land of YaBB
Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #6206 - 17.09.2021 at 14:49:39
vesolje je propaganda ...

drgač pa ...


Carlo Maria Viganò

Abp. Viganò: COVID-19 vaccine, passport drive ‘an epochal war’ and ‘prelude to the end times’

Dosegla je, da so si vsi, mali in véliki, bogati in reveži, svobodni in sužnji, morali dati vtisniti na desnico ali na čelo žig.

Nihče ni smel ne kupovati ne prodajati, samo tisti, ki je imel žig, se pravi ime zveri ali število njenega imena.


pa še

novi otroci
dan traja 16 ur. to pomeni da bomo živeli dlje. 120 let.
ega se ne moremo znebit - egoizma pak ja
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« Last Edit: 20.09.2021 at 15:16:18 by gape »  

Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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YaBB Administrator

I love YaBB!
Posts: 13595
The Land of YaBB
Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #6207 - 19.10.2021 at 18:27:52
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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YaBB Administrator

I love YaBB!
Posts: 13595
The Land of YaBB
Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #6208 - 11.11.2021 at 16:08:55

Ali je lakota pred vrati?
(Sanja Lončar)
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 1728

Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #6209 - 06.12.2021 at 19:53:33

The Dismantling of a Nation
    My children in America, you face a stark time. You are about to witness the dismantling of a nation. The wicked My enemy has power over in your land have a plan to destroy all that bears My Name in the earth and it will begin in your nation.  This plan has no happy ending and as the nation of America is under My judgment, I cannot stop it for you.

  They will begin at the foundations. Those foundations that were built on Me, that brought America’s blessings will be pulled out from under her. And when her foundations are broken, she will fall.

  She will fall and as she falls, her enemies will rush in. Those in power are aware of the plans to destroy her from without but believe they will still hold positions of power from within. I shall remove them one by one. You will see this happen.

  Pray, children. Pray for mercy on yourselves and on your families. I am able to bless you, even in captivity to your enemies. Did I not bless My servant, Daniel? Did I not bless his friends who were cast into the fiery furnace by Nebuchadnezzar?

  Pray for mercy and for favor. Witness to all you can in this time for soon you will pay with your lives for speaking My Name, so great is the hatred of My enemy for My people. Fear not, for I will take you quickly from the earth and you will be greatly honored for all you endure for My Name’s sake.

  I am with you always. Do not grieve what is lost in your world for the earth is not your home and what I have prepared for you here is much greater.


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