gape wrote on 29.07.2021 at 10:56:16:dnk analize kažejo da evolucija ni stvaritelj človeka.
zato, tekmovanje ni osnova narave
in ga ne rabimo kopirat za delovanje družbe, korporacij ...
narejeni smo bli točno taki kot smo danes.
sovraštvo bomo spremenil tko da gremo do vzroka. ne z zakonoi.
ogrevanje in ohlajanje zemlje je ciklično.
znanost rabi okvirje. žal pa je večina vsega izven njih.
pomembno je kaj dajemo v svoje telo. treba jest živo hrano. solata.
vitezi ... Ja. sodelovanje je optimalno za preživetje. Atomi se urejajo v molekule, te v celice, tkiva, organe, organske sisteme + mikrobiota sem simbiontski ekosistemski organizem. Med ljudmi so to spoštljivi odnosi.
In na organsko zraslih rastlinah in v njih so naravno prisotni koristni mikroorganizmi, ki nam pomagajo to prebavit in so na razne načine blagodejni za zdravje.
Quote:Climate Change
The newly released Sixth Assessment Report of the IPCC states that with climate change, we are have been observing more frequent and severe high temperature events, and this will continue to do in the future.
A regional IPCC fact sheet for Europe states that “The frequency and intensity of hot extremes, including marine heatwaves, have increased in recent decades and are projected to keep increasing regardless of the greenhouse gas emissions scenario. Critical thresholds relevant for ecosystems and humans are projected to be exceeded for global warming of 2°C and higher (high confidence).”
The temperature in the Mediterranean area – both in Europe and North Africa – has increased by more than the global average.
The IPCC stated that, for the European Mediterranean, there will be a “Projected combination of climatic impact-driver changes (warming, temperature extremes, increase in droughts and aridity, precipitation decrease, increase in fire weather, mean and extreme sea levels, snow cover decrease, and wind speed decrease) by mid-century and at global warming of at least 2°C and above (high confidence).
For the North African Mediterranean, the IPCC projects decreases in mean precipitation, increases in fire weather conditions and decreases in mean wind speed, as well as observed and projected increases in aridity, meteorological, hydrological and agricultural and ecological droughts.
Experts cannot say exactly when these records will be broken but Europe will need to prepare for the eventuality of further records being broken with temperatures above 50C being possible in Europe in future. Quote:The U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found that severe heat waves that previously occurred once every 50 years will now likely happen once per decade. And in a study published last month in the journal Nature Climate Change, scientists determined that record-shattering heat events are up to seven times more likely to occur between now and 2050, and more than 21 times more likely to occur from 2051 to 2080. druge informacije kažejo, da bo neznosno.
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