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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
stara mama mitaki!
24.03.2005 at 09:57:04



hvala ti!

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: stara mama
Reply #1 - 24.03.2005 at 09:58:15
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: stara mama
Reply #2 - 24.03.2005 at 09:59:27
One Day at a Time

   There are two days in every week about which we should not worry, two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.
   One of these days is Yesterday with all its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back Yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed; we cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone forever.
   The other day we should not worry about is Tomorrow with all its possible adversities, its burdens, its large promise and its poor performance; Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control. Tomorrow's sun will rise, either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds, but it will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in Tomorrow, for it is yet to be born.
   This leaves only one day, Today. Any person can fight the battle of just one day. It is when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternity's Yesterday and Tomorrow that we break down.
   It is not the experience of Today that drives a person mad, it is the remorse or bitterness of something which happened Yesterday and the dread of what Tomorrow may bring.
   Let us, therefore; live but one day at a time.

Author Unknown

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: stara mama
Reply #3 - 24.03.2005 at 10:03:31
The Faeries went from the world because men's hearts grew cold, and only the eyes of the children see what is hidden from the old.


babi, hvala da SI

sedaj si Angel... sedaj si spet svobodna in si srečna in v ljubezni ter miru
v večnih loviščih

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: stara mama
Reply #4 - 24.03.2005 at 10:19:15
ko so doktorji rekli, da nikoli en bom hodila...

sem shodila ob tebi, v tvoji hiši, sem se postavila takrat sama na noge, okol 13 mesecev sem imela, baje....

tako so mi rekli...


in jst sm si tok redko vzela ačs, da te obišem....
v Prekmurju...Črenšovcih...



Črenšovci        1294        302 0  301, zdaj


tu rojena v Melincih....


si moja najljubša pripovedovalka zgodb, v knjižnici si dobila priznanje za največ prebranih knjig....


stara mama,

ti si me naučila kaj ej svoboda

ob tebi, ki si evdno sve zmogla, sama, 5 otrok, mož Adam, te je zapustil, še preden si rodila Franca....

sedaj sta te oba pričakala na oni strani

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: stara mama
Reply #5 - 24.03.2005 at 10:28:45
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: stara mama
Reply #6 - 24.03.2005 at 10:34:14

I've never made a fortune
and it's probably too late now
But I don't worry about that much
I'm happy anyhow

And as I go along life's way
I'm reaping better than I sow
I'm drinking from my saucer
'Cause my cup has overflowed

Haven't got a lot of riches
and sometimes the going's tough
But I've got loving ones around me
and that makes me rich enough

I thank God for his blessing
and the mercies He's bestowed
I'm drinking from my saucer
'cause my cup has overflowed

I remember times when things
went wrong
My faith wore somewhat thin
But all at once the dark clouds broke
and sun peeped through again

So Lord, help me not to gripe
about the tough rows that I've hoed
I'm drinking from my saucer
"Cause my cup has overflowed

If God gives me strength and courage
When the way grows steep and rough
I'll not ask for other blessings
I'm already blessed enough

And may I never be too busy
to help others bear their loads
Then I'll keep drinking from my saucer
"Cause my cup has overflowed

Author Unknown...

The Legend of The Cherokee Rose

When the Trail of Tears started in 1838, the mothers of the Cherokee were grieving and crying so much, they were unable to help their children survive the journey. The Elders prayed for a sign that would lift the Mother's spirits to give them strength. The next day, a beautiful rose began to grow where each mother's tears fell. The rose is white for their tears; a gold center represents the gold taken from the Cherokee lands, and seven leaves on each stem for the seven Cherokee clans. The wild Cherokee Rose grows along the route of the trail of Tears into eastern Oklahoma today.
Author Unknown


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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: stara mama
Reply #7 - 24.03.2005 at 10:37:54
A Mother's Words

I gave you life, but cannot live it for you:
I can teach you things, but I cannot make
you learn.
I can give you directions, but I cannot be
there to lead you.
I can allow you freedom, but I cannot
account for it.
I can teach you right from wrong, but I
cannot always decide for you.
I can buy you beautiful clothes, but I
cannot make you beautiful inside.
I can offer you advice, but I cannot
accept it for you.
I can give you love, but I cannot force it
upon you.
I can teach you to share, but I cannot
make you unselfish.
I can teach you respect, but I cannot
force you to show honor.
I can advise you about friends, but cannot
choose them for you.
I can advise you about sex, but I cannot
keep you pure.
I can tell you the facts of life, but I
can't build your reputation.
I can tell you about drink, but I can't
say "no" for you.
I can warn you about drugs, but I can't
prevent you from using them.
I can tell you about lofty goals, but I
can't achieve them for you.
I can teach you about kindness, but I
can't force you to be gracious.

Author Unknown



Dreams . . . what are they?
They are your soul talking to your heart ...
leading you forward.
A dream . . .
is the carrot that leads the pony forward . . .
knowing it can reach its goal.
A dream tugs at your inner vision . . .
and you focus on it, in your heart,
and hold it there,
all the time knowing you're part of it.
A dream is the mirror that you walk into
and become one with it.
Dreams . . . they keep our spirit alive . . .
they move us forward in life . . .
with hope and wonder and promise.
Everyone has a dream.
Something special to them alone . . .
and this dream is filled with goodness/gladness
for them and for others.
Remember to be a part of this dream of yours . . .
it is not out of you . . . but a great part of you
. . .
held within you.
Dreams are the wings of the butterflies . . .
that carry the caterpillar forward.
Have you ever seen multiple butterflies . . .
at the same time?
It is one of the most spectacular sights.
The strength and beauty cannot be
described as thousands of them take flight.
And as your dream joins with others . . .
the energies build . . . and your spirit flies
Dreams are as real to you,
as wings are to a caterpillar,
it takes time for them to unfold.
Keep your dreams alive,
nourish them with your Love . . .
and know that they are yours . . .
that they are just developing so that
when you are ready to fly . . .
that you will be carried by them.
Just remember
if you believe strongly enough in your dreams,
one day soon
they will come true....

author unknown


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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: stara mama
Reply #8 - 24.03.2005 at 10:39:21

painting by:Lee Bogle


Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. The child asked God,
"They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to
live there being so small and helpless?"
God replied, "Among the many angels, I chose one for you. Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you." The child further inquired,
"But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile
to be happy." God said, "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for
you everyday. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy."

Again the child asked, "And how am I going to be able to understand when
people talk to me if I don't know the language?" God said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with
much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak." "And
what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?" God said, "Your angel
will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray.

" I've heard that on Earth there are bad men. Who will protect
me?" God said, "Your angel will defend you even if it means risking it's
life." "But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore." God
said, "Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way
to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you." At that moment
there was much peace in heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the
child hurriedly asked, "God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's
name." "Her name is not important. You will simply call her "Mom."

Author Unknown..

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: stara mama
Reply #9 - 24.03.2005 at 10:42:09
Try To Be "UGLY"

Everyone in the apartment complex I lived in knew who Ugly was.Ugly was the resident tomcat. Ugly loved three things in this
world: fighting, eating garbage, and, shall we say, LOVE.

The combination of these things combined with a life spent outside had their effect on Ugly. To start with, he had only one eye and
where the other should have been was a gaping hole. He was also missing his ear on the same side, his left foot appeared to have
been badly broken at one time, and had healed at an unnatural angle, making him look like he was always turning the corner. His
his tail has long been lost, leaving only the smallest stub, which he would constantly jerk and twitch.

Ugly would have been a dark gray tabby, striped type, except for the sores covering his head, neck, even his shoulders with thick,
yellowing scabs.Every time someone saw Ugly there was the same reaction. "That's one UGLY cat!!"

All the children were warned not to touch him, the adults threw rocks at him, hosed him down, squirted him when he tried to come
in their homes, or shut his paws in the door when he would not leave. Ugly always had the same reaction. If you turned the hose on
him, he would stand there, getting soaked until you gave up and quit. If you threw things at him, he would curl his lanky body around
feet in forgiveness.

If you ever picked him up he would immediately begin suckling on your shirt, earrings, whatever he could find.One day Ugly shared
his love with the neighbor's huskies. They did not respond kindly, and Ugly was badly mauled. From my apartment I could hear his
screams, and I tried to rush to his aid. By the time I got to where he was laying, it was apparent Ugly's sad life was almost at an

Ugly lay in a wet circle, his back legs and lower back twisted grossly out of shape, a gaping tear in the white strip of fur that ran
down his front. As I picked him up and tried to carry him home, I could hear him wheezing and gasping, and could feel him
struggling.It must be hurting him terribly, I thought.Then I felt a familiar tugging, sucking sensation on my ear. Ugly,in so much pain,
suffering and obviously dying, was trying to suckle my ear.

I pulled him closer to me, and he bumped the palm of my hand with his head, then he turned his one golden eye towards me, and I
could hear the distinct sound of purring. Even in the greatest pain, that ugly battled scarred cat was asking only for a little affection,
perhaps some compassion. At that moment I thought Ugly was the most beautiful, loving creature I had ever seen.Never once did
he try to bite or scratch me, or even try to get away from me, or struggle in any way. Ugly just looked up at me completely trusting
in me to relieve his pain.

Ugly died in my arms before I could get inside, but I sat and held him for long time afterwards, thinking about how one scarred,
deformed little stray could so alter my opinion about what it means to have true pureness of spirit, to love so totally and truly. Ugly
taught me more about giving and compassion than a thousand books, lectures, or talk show specials ever could, and for that I will
always be thankful.

He had been scarred on the outside, but I was scarred on the inside, and it was time for me to move on and learn to love truly and
deeply. To give my all to those I cared for.Many people want to be richer, more successful, well liked, beautiful but for me, I will
always try to be "UGLY."!!

Author Unknown..


New Beginnings

It's only the beginning now
...a pathway yet unknown
At times the sound of other steps
...sometimes we walk alone

The best beginnings of our lives
May sometimes end in sorrow
But even on our darkest days
The sun will shine tomorrow.

So we must do our very best
Whatever life may bring
And look beyond the winter chill
To smell the breath of spring.

Into each life will always come
A time to start anew
A new beginning for each heart
As fresh as morning dew.

Although the cares of life are great
And hands are bowed so low
The storms of life will leave behind
The wonder of a rainbow.

The years will never take away
Our chance to start anew
It's only the beginning now
So dreams can still come true.

Author Unknown..


hvala bratje šamani, in sestre....

As members of the "Cherokee Tribe of Kentucky" we have pledged to conduct ourselves as individuals, and as a People, by the following Principles;

1. Treat the Earth, and all that dwell thereon, with Respect.

2. Remain close to the Great Spirit.

3. Show great Respect for your fellow beings.

4. Work together for the benefit of all Mankind.

5. Give assistance and kindness whenever and wherever needed.

6. Do what you know to be right.

7. Look after the well being of mind, body and spirit.

8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.

9. Be truthful and honest at all times.

10. Take full responsibility for your actions.

We further pledge to be a People of Respect, Integrity, Honor and Peace.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: stara mama MITAKI!!!
Reply #10 - 24.03.2005 at 10:44:07

She's faced the hardest time you could imagine

And many times her eyes fought back the tears

And when her youthful world was about to fall in

Each time her slender shoulders

Wore the weight of all her fears

And a sorrow no one hears

Still rings in midnight silence in her ears

Let her cry for she's a lady

Let her dream for she's a child

Let the rain fall down upon her

She's a free and gentle flower, growing wild

And if by chance I should hold her

I should hold her for a time

But if allowed just one possesion

I would pick her from the garden to be mine

Be careful how you touch her for she'll awaken

And sleep's the only freedom that she knows

And when you look into her eyes you won't believe

They way she's always paying

For a debt she never owed

And a silent wind still blows

That only she can hear, and so she goes

Let her cry for she's a lady

Let her dream for she's a child

Let the rain fall down upon her

She's a free and gentle flower, growing wild

And if by chance I should hold her

I should hold her for a time

But if allowed just one possesion

I would pick her from the garden to be mine

Author Unknown..


Your Angel Knows

And will wrap you in an Angel hug
To let you rest till your weariness is gone.

On days when you're down
Just feeling so blue
- Your Angel Knows -
And will tenderly take you in her arms
To cherish and help cheer you.

On days when you're hurting
Really feeling that pain
- Your Angel Knows -
And will wrap you in a blanket of love
To give you courage and help keep you sane.

On those nights when you're lonely
And there's no one to be found
- Your Angel Knows -
She'll gently enfold you in her wings
To give comfort and let you know
she'll always be around.

And on the days when you're happy
Things are going just right
- Your Angel Knows -
She'll smile and say a prayer of thanks
And give you an Angel hug so tight.

Author Unknown..

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
babi=bica0mama! mitaki!
Reply #11 - 25.03.2005 at 11:46:56
Elder's Meditation of the Day - March 25  
"Come forward and join hands with us in this great work for the Creator."  
--Traditional Circle of Elders, NORTHERN CHEYENNE
The Elders have spent years learning to pray and communicate with the Great Spirit. Their job is to pass this knowledge to the younger people. The Elders have told us we are now in a great time of Healing. The Creator is guiding the younger people to help them figure this out. We must get involved and participate. We should pray and see what it is the Great Spirit wants us to do. We need to sacrifice our time and do what is our mission –to help the people and be of maximum use to the Creator. Every person is needed to accomplish this great Healing.  

Creator, whisper what you want me to do.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Petra B.

Re: stara mama mitaki!
Reply #12 - 27.03.2005 at 18:53:10
Help, GOD please slaver me!


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Posts: 2679
Gender: female
Re: stara mama mitaki!
Reply #13 - 28.03.2005 at 22:10:58
that was totally wicked

(incredibles, sosedov fantek na konc) (ne vem, kako da ga ni skurl, k je avion dol padu - a je biu in the bubble .. oo bubbles
iz mojga sandboxa: http://a.gape.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/EvaUnicorn

tale unicorn.. mi je cist... neki me hoce, matra.. neki me vlece... junikorn; v zadnjem casu sem v enem cicibanu al kaj ze v knjiznici brala en clanek o njih, pa v tejknjigi Mitoloska bitja od helene koncut je tud notr, in Petra je nalimala zanc istole slikco, cist na vrhu strani na forum, in zraven je vila, vila pa metuljcki so pa trigger zadnjega casa; vcerej je gaja pr Pramami dobila jajcek z metuljckom -nalepko, gajina pramama je moja stara mama, petra je pa tud tisto slikco nalimala na topic posvecen svoji stari mami  

Zdej berem eno knjigo precej nova v knjiznci: Poslednji samorog / Peter S. Beagle (kar ej pes) (sele zdej sm avtorja scekirala  

Gaja mi ej glihkar prnesla telefon nazaj, k je neki prtiskala, nastiman mam : KALI - PETRA , ko sm jest klicala njo vcerej

gre se pa za tole slikco

10:10 bejbi

1's and 0's, such as 100 or 110 - Powerful Divine guidance from God and the angels asks you to alter your thoughts. Perhaps you have been praying to be happier and healthier. If so, this is an answer to your prayers. God knows that the solution you seek is born within your thoughts. Ask God to guide the direction of your thoughts and support you during your time of transition.  

ok, zdej sm se spomnla se neki v zvezi z desetkam  Wink
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Mateja B.

Posts: 441

Gender: female
Re: stara mama mitaki!
Reply #14 - 29.03.2005 at 12:24:09
Ta slikca je res magic. Mene je tud potegnila. Poleg tiste kapljice vode – tista mi je eksta huda – se spomnim samo še te. Sneg, pa majhne vile ... pa to, da gredo proti svetlobi, je tko očitno, glede na to, da je slika drugač ful temna. Ta osvetlitev se mi zdi najbolj magic. Cheesy
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I love to live and I live to love.
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