~~~~~~Friday~~~~~~ EARTH ELEMENT Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Obedience. Angelic Advice: The most important obedience is to the spirit. When we truly obey the guidance, signals and intuition of the soul, we can be complete and be at perfect peace. Turn off your thoughts for just a minute today, and hear your soul's guidance. Your angels wish you joy in: Accepting guidance.
FIRE ELEMENT Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Youthfulness Angelic Advice: When did you last play, paint a picture, make a mud pie, or roll down a grassy hill? Grab a friend and go out and have some fun. Or blow bubbles or fingerpaint. Youthful pursuits will bring special joy. Your angels wish you joy in: Letting go.
AIR ELEMENT Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Silence. Angelic Advice: When did you last experience silence? Today, instead of filling your world with noise, allow solitude and quiet to deliver you from stress and strain. Unplug the unnecessary and tune out what doesn't add to your peace. Even the process of looking for true silence may be an enjoyable challenge and learning experience for you. Your angels wish you joy in: Peaceful moments.
WATER ELEMENT Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of the Crossroads. Angelic Advice: Sometimes we are given the gift of an intersection along our path, where we have seemingly impossible choices to make. If you or someone you know is at a crossroads, take the time you need until the angels turn one of the lights green for you! Catch your breath and take a good look at where you are before you move on. Your angels wish you joy in: Recentering. .