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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Dreamspell+Long count
27.01.2005 at 23:16:32

tu dobite natančen opis svojega znaka!!! tnx to Straw, bro...


Resonant Moon day 18
Year of the Blue Crystal Storm

kin 184: Yellow Lunar Seed
I Polarize in order to Target
Stabilizing Awareness
I seal the Input of Flowering
With the Lunar tone of Challenge
I am guided by the power of Intelligence
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.

So, there is the world behind our eyelids and the world that is
reflected off our retinas. Are they different? Really? Expand your
awareness today and challenge yourself to sow new ideas about your
reality. Your mind is a fertile place, and our world is matched only
by our ability, no willingness to accept and work with new ideas. NO,
REALLY. Take the tunnel vision glasses off. Take yourself a little
less seriously, and try on someone else's rose colored glasses. This
is an envelope pushing wavespell, let's get started! Turbo charge the
synchronic linkup, and just amplify one little frequency of
malleability in your life. If you are going to make something mean
something, make if really incredible, and transforming for your world!
Change an attitude; alter a perspective, and the whole thing changes.
It's really that cool.

What??!! Do you think you can do all this over again? Its your
frickin' world, GO HAVE SOME FUN!

In Lak'ech,
Monkey monkey moonkeye



5 Elevation of creation. The 5th element, Ether. Is a helper to # 8 Work. The action energy.

The glyph symbolizes the head of the eagle. The superior part, the boldness. The vertical lines are the feathers behind the head.

Tzikin is the intermediary between the sky and the earth, between god and man/woman. This day is of the spiritual elevation, of the full human realization and of the material bonanza, the production and material stability. It is the best day for love, to ask for the abundance, as well as for the particular person and for the community, protection in the business, to ask for the intimate partners and the friendships. In the spiritual, intuition is in good aspect, the vice, precognition and the revelations in the dreams. It signifies the guardian bird for all the land in the Maya area. It is the liberty, the messenger, the treasure, the luck and the money. This sign brings the good relationships, has magnetism, it is the perfect day to interact in anything, specially love affairs and business. The energy of the sign is accompanied with a global consciousness. Embodies the idealism of work for the community. Signifies the abundance of the crops, good business, love and art in the acts of life. Intermediary between the Ajaw (creator) and the human being. Represented by everything that exist in space; air, clouds, cold and hot; forces that the heart of the skies have created for our service.

Ask for the abundance - personal and for the community. Ask for protection for the business, so we may be free of illness and bad destiny. To ask for true love. To take away the sadness in the soul. It is a good day for the love to surface between two people. It is a day which to ask for fortune and good luck. To do away with anger and envy. It is the best day to ask for our internal powers. It is a day to increase the intuition, the vision and the revelation in the dream.
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« Last Edit: 29.01.2005 at 12:26:20 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Dreamspell+Long count
Reply #1 - 28.01.2005 at 00:27:11
... Resonant Moon day 19
Year of the Blue Crystal Storm

kin 185: Red Electric Serpent
I Activate in order to Survive
Bonding Instinct
I seal the Store of Life Force
With the Electric tone of Service
I am guided by the power of Universal Water
I am a polar kin    I establish the Red galactic spectrum



6 Imbalances. Many tests and things to evolve to, and work to develop. The physical world, the body. The tests are to develop, refine, learn balance and overcome.

The glyph signifies the mind in the state of forgiveness and illusion. It is the brain in which lines of rays expand out to all places in a spiritual communion with the Nawales.

This is a very appropriate day to forgive and ask for forgiveness, to do away with our faults through sacrifice, to avoid confrontations, to cure any type of illness, for the defense of the dispossessed and for the justice of the earth. Good day to ask to be in harmony with mother earth, to ask for the fathers (gods), for the souls of the grandmothers and grandfathers and to ask for the cosmic force. This day brings an energy that is the mother of all errors, the offenses and irresponsibilities we have done before the Ajaw (creator and former) and before any manifestation of life and creation. This is why it is a good day to ask for forgiveness for the offenses that have committed. On another hand, Ajmaq is a good day to withdraw spirits of bad death, spirits that induce all vices and to remove any love that is by force or by obligation. The energy of Aj represents the authority, the experience and the virtue of a long transit in life. The energy Maq represents the fog and the obscurity. It is the seven sins-wuqu'qak'ix- (arrogance, ambition, lies, crime, ungratefulness, ignorance and envy).

Ask forgiveness for any problems or negative aspects. For any harm we may have caused, conscious or unconscious. Ask forgiveness for our sins and negative thoughts. This is a good day to ask that there may be no wars, to ask for no personal or collective confrontations. Good day to ask for the healing of any type of illness, especially sexually transmitted diseases. Day to ask for no robberies. For the spiritual and material fortitude. To do away with the spirits of bad death, do away with negative thoughts and negative energies and to do away with slander. http://www.sacredroad.org/
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Dreamspell+Long count
Reply #2 - 29.01.2005 at 02:47:45

Resonant Moon day 20
Year of the Blue Crystal Storm

kin 186: White Self-Existing World-Bridger
I Define in order to Equalize
Measuring Opportunity
I seal the Store of Death
With the Self-Existing tone of Form
I am guided by the power of Spirit

What would it be like to have an experience in the physical realm of
an intangible? Well, its rather interesting to consider, that it
actually happens all the time.
Its about putting resources together with dreams. Ita about seeing
what you have in front of you as just a smidge more than you thought
it could be. Imagine trying to get ready for an evening out, standing
in front of your closet, and holding your head in your hands in
complete anguish. Nope, you look at the rows of garments again and
shudder. Nothing to wear. Well today is kinda like standing in front
of that closet.
I assure you, my dear burrito head, you have all the physical
resources at your disposal, but how do I make a new and spectacular
outfit with the humdrum stuff that already exists? You thought you
already tried all the options, or you may have thought that it
shouldn't be done .that way?
Opportunities are always there, always. In this time of dreaming
ourselves awake, realize that the resources are always there, its how
you use what exists to open a new realm, is what makes it really snazzy.
Oh, and did I mention that you are writing/acting/producing the dream?
Alter, just slightly how you look at or view what you already have,
and you may find a whole new angle on it!

IN Lak'ech,

P.S. Yep, mah internet went down yesterday. kind of a helpless
feeling, but it was nice to have the house quiet. Yes, of COURSE I
still read books. Now that the cultural umbilicus is back up and
pumping, More to come sooner!



It symbolizes the knowing. The drawing in the center represents the brain and the points are the three grades of the human spiritual growth.

The Energy of this day is good to nourish the mind, to harmonize relationships, to ask for clarity and especially to transform knowledge and experiences into wisdom. This is a good day to ask for good memory, for the signs in the blood, in the fire, in the stones and the sacred Tzi'te. It is also a good day to unite ideas, to study the Mayan signs, to give offerings to the Kab'awil, to ask for understanding in marriage, to do away with bad ideas, to change the bad habits, to ask for vitality, to ask for force, and warmth and movement in the sick body. No'j is where the mind-energy governs, the knowledge and the good memory. It is the connection of the universal cosmic mind with the mind of the human being. Nobility is the major virtue that the energy of No'j brings because this day is gifted with all the virtues, especially: patience, prudence and the sublime love. The renunciation brings clarity and it is the guide of life. It governs also the studies, the human science and the studies of the mind.

It is good to ask for the knowledge or tranquility; for peace or nobility; it is a good day to analyze; it is a good day for understanding between couples; it is a good day for the studies, for the scientific investigation; it is a good day to ask for good thoughts; to do away with obsessions, bad ideas and people that have bad intentions; and to be in harmony with the supreme being.

7 Energy to catalyze. Great power versus great temptation. A final test, and step, before the summit. Equilibrium, harmony. A force that can harmonize.
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« Last Edit: 29.01.2005 at 11:41:17 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Dreamspell+Long count
Reply #3 - 30.01.2005 at 04:02:54

Resonant Moon day 21
Year of the Blue Crystal Storm

kin 187: Blue Overtone Hand
I Empower in order to Know
Commanding Healing
I seal the Store of Accomplishment
With the Overtone tone of Radiance
I am guided by the power of Vision



8 Complete energies of the material world. The top of the pyramid. A world of male authority. Energy of arts and Creativity. The highest Male energy.


The glyph symbolizes the point of the knife seen from the front and the pyramid seen from the sky by the Nawales.

This is a good day to ask for the health; to cure difficult diseases; to do away with enemies; to do away with negative energy and to do away with societies. Also it is a good day to ask for intelligence and for the memory; gives us the force of the lightning; it helps us to develop the signs of the blood and the dreams; it liberates us from accidents; it is also a good day to stop doing damage to mother earth; for good health; it liberates us from the jails of materialism; for the rapid healings; to do away with bad friends and relationships; to cut bad intentions and lovers. Represented by the double bladed knife, the image is that of two faces of a coin that converge at a point, so in that sense, we don't know where one side ends and the other side begins. It is to say that part of the positive is in the negative and part of the negative in the positive. So the image is clear in telling us that Tijaax is good with the positive and drastic with the negative. Tijaax brings the power to cut mysteries and to open the gates to another dimension. It also symbolizes pain and sadness. It is the arrow that brings danger and on this day purifies the balance that we have done be it positive or negative, making us pay or teaching us on the physical, mental and/or spiritual plane. It is the energy that has the force that liberates the rational, likes to provoke controversies. In the representation of the Telluric force on the earth (earthquakes and tremors), it indicates to us an energy of change or collapse. It gives us a good shaking to understand our true path.

To cut away all negative energy; bad luck; illnesses of any type; to start off a new path. It is a good day to liberate us from: anything that has us trapped; from enemies; from accidents. It is a good day to cut dependencies; to do quick healings; to do away with bad friends and bad influences; to cut away suffering; to do way with deceit; to cut slander, fear and any negative aspect.
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Dreamspell+Long count
Reply #4 - 31.01.2005 at 11:43:54
... Resonant Moon day 22
Year of the Blue Crystal Storm

kin 188: Yellow Rhythmic Star
I Organize in order to Beautify
Balancing Art
I seal the Store of Elegance
With the Rhythmic tone of Equality
I am guided by my own power doubled

What with all these dreams coming true in our lives, how do we manage
it all? Well, if we can really get that our lives are truly works of
art, then we can begin to settle into the experience of ourselves as
creative. Truly creative. Its not about making our outfits coordinate,
its not about making the drapes match the couch, and its certainly not
about whether or not you can draw. Albeit we can do these things if
trained by the right teacher, and develop the aesthetic.
No, dear reader, it is more about allowing and facilitating the
creative order in our minds, hearts and lives. Today is an opportunity
to notice, become aware of and delve into the conscious sense that all
in this creation that we often call our world, is a component of an
elegant unfoldment.
Become aware, in this wavespell of the dreamer, that an artful life is
one of balancing our perceptions of what we think about beauty in our
lives. Get out of your own way. Try to see something that wasn't
beautiful yesterday, in its own way, now beautiful. Let's go a bit
further back; how did you develop your aesthetic? Not just color
schemes, but the preference in your life for particular experiences.
Why don't you like brussle sprouts? That kid back in grade school? Why
do you like, or not? Think an old thought in a new way, from its
intrinsic beauty.

In Lak'ech,
Monkey beautician



The glyph signifies the support of the world, represented in the sphere. It also represents a spermatozoid and its descendence (the genealogical tree).

This is a good day to as for the common good; for the family so that all familial confrontations may be fixed; the economic problems; to attract affluence and abundance in the business; and to ask for good climate for the crops and for all that is cultivated. It is also utilized to cut illnesses; to ask for humanity so that they may have a roof over their head; to ask for those that are about to be born and that they may not possess physical defects. It signifies the force of the union, the expansive knowledge; the development of the cosmic plan; the growth; the fertility; energy for the abundance in the material and in the spiritual. It is the energy that brings the rains to give us good crops.

This is a good day to ask for the family, community, especially the ones that are close to us. It is a good day to ask for our homes; good day to start a home; a good day to avoid difficulties between a family; to fix problems in the family; it is a good day to ask for those that are governing the nation so that they may be just and good governors; to ask that we may have a good relationship with our boss; to ask for justice and social consciousness; and to ask for those that have physical defects.

9 A world of female strength, it has 9 levels within and represents the emotional, intuitive, the artist. Power of realization and the creative energies, highest vibration of the female energy.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Dreamspell+Long count
Reply #5 - 01.02.2005 at 15:06:17

Resonant Moon day 23
Year of the Blue Crystal Storm

kin 189: Red Resonant Moon
I Channel in order to Purify
Inspiring Flow
I seal the Process of Universal Water
With the Resonant tone of Attunement
I am guided by the power of Birth
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.




The glyph signifies the face of the hunter, with the beard and with the mouth rounded to indicate the shooting of the blowgun. The other side represents the blowgun itself.

This is a good day to obtain certainty, the security, to plan and to reach our goals. This is a day of renovation and to ask for the fecundity of the woman; to have emotional stability; and to increase the intellect. It is a day that gives the force, the valor and the energy to overcome all obstacles. It is the day to revive the very sick ones; for the protection of the agricultures; to be able to live in this world; to have the force to overcome all bad and all enemies; to not be ambushed by sadness; to decipher the future and the past and to ask that the fire of the Mayan ceremony may never go out. They are the great hunters, possessors of a great magic and fathers of the fine art. They are delicate and educators of this civilization.

To ask for the knowledge and the wisdom; a good day to focus and analyze life; to ask for health to the very sick ones; a day of their renovation; to ask security for the woman; ask for the certainty in our decisions; to ask for the strength to overcome the challenges that destiny holds for us. To be good planners; to ask for the strength to overcome the bad; to have the astuteness of the hunter; to overcome enemies that are presented to us; to overcome adversity; to have good eye sight and to fix illnesses of the eyes.

10 Creativity - flowing. The law, the authority.

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Dreamspell+Long count
Reply #6 - 02.02.2005 at 01:48:28
Resonant Moon day 24
Year of the Blue Crystal Storm

kin 190: White Galactic Dog
I Harmonize in order to Love
Modeling Loyalty
I seal the Process of Heart
With the Galactic tone of Integrity
I am guided by the power of Timelessness



The glyph signifies a glass of water. The top part is the mouth; the vertical lines represent the roundness. It also represents the maternal breasts, ready to provide milk to the child. It also represents a hand stretched downward.

This day is good to increase the internal powers. It is a good day to fortify the spirit. It is a good day to ask for rain; for the purification of the rivers, lakes and oceans. This day is utilized to capture the messages of the divine and of nature; to ask for the return of the couple; to be able to receive the messages through the dreams; to ask for the good crops; to help return somebody that is far away from their land. This is a day to eliminate mental problems; to ask for what nourishes us; to ask for humanity; and to help cure the craziness in the family. It also represents "craziness", the one that breaks stability. It is an energy that brings strange things and it is bound with the comets which are the seeds that germinate life in space. It also governs the cohabitants with the beings that live in the water and has communication with these beings, especially dolphins, whales and crocodiles.

To calm the mind; the bad thoughts; to control the arrogance; to do away with desperation; to calm the instability; to ask to do away with the craziness in people; so that the couple may return to the home that they abandoned; to develop the intuition, the vision, the messages in the dream, so that the mind may be more receptive; to ask for the return of those that are far from their home; to do away with any mental problems; to ask that we may never lack nourishment and so that the confrontations in the family may cease.

11 Energy that has many tests and payments. More of a spiritual and mental order. It is the test to transmute to knowledge. Action of dividing, sorting Separating, putting in order, sharing.
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Dreamspell+Long count
Reply #7 - 03.02.2005 at 00:19:29

Resonant Moon day 25
Year of the Blue Crystal Storm

kin 191: Blue Solar Monkey
I Pulse in order to Play
Realizing Illusion
I seal the Process of Magic
With the Solar tone of Intention
I am guided by the power of Accomplishment




The glyph signifies a window which was used in the times of the classic Maya, by our ancestors, in which wind came through.

This is a good day renovation; to ask for the good winds to come and nourish our minds and to purify us; that the winds may take all suffering and illnesses of our loved ones. It is also a good day to cure people that have psychological problems; to do away with passion; with hate and depression. This day is good to reinforce our prayers to the Great Spirit and also to develop the power of our mind. It is also utilized to ask for the purity of our soul; to cure the illnesses of our lungs so that we may maintain our breath and courage. To ask the Nawales of the air that the people may not contaminate anymore; to ask that the prayers in our ceremonies may rise to the heavens; to ask the thunder to communicate humans with divination so that the souls may obtain peace; to ask that the illness may be taken away; and to do away with suffering. This sign is the encourager of energy; it is the representation of the subtle; it is the purity, the crystalline; it gives visions; it brings beauty and harmony. It is the element that governs the ideas; the space that exists between the sky and the earth; it also represents the interior space.

To ask for the spiritual force; to increase in the spiritual universe; to ask for the purity of the soul; to augment the intellect, the memory; to cure illnesses of the lungs; so that we may keep our decisions; to purify the ambience; to ask for no contamination; so that more trees may grow; that our thoughts may rise to the heavens; so that the winds may purify us, the body the mind and that it may nourish our spirit.

12 Strong energy that ignites because 12 is a spiritual catalyst. The group, the family, the association.
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Dreamspell+Long count
Reply #8 - 12.02.2005 at 21:32:27
tokrat tukaj izjemoma, ker je ravno NOVO LETO


The glyph signifies: the top is a cone which has time rolled up in and becomes uncoiled towards the bottom and reaches the globe of the earth passing through the angles that are both polarities, the masculine and the feminine.

This is the first day of the Mayan calendar. B'atz is the start, the beginning, the time; it is the day of the perpetual ceremonies and customs of our ancestors. This day is utilized to effect matrimonial and business ties, it's a good day to bring things into order or to initiate any plans. It is a good day to ask for: predictions, protection for the artist, well being for the crops, to resolve any family problems. This is the day of the time; it is the day of creation of life and the beginning of intelligence. Bat'z predicts the future; it is the history that is weaved into time, just like with a thread you weave a dress. It is the human gestation time for a child, it represents the umbilical cord. It is the beginning of life, of the infinite time, of the intelligence and wisdom. It symbolizes the cosmic phenomena, the original wisdom. It represents the infinite time and the unity, through this the man and woman are united and from this originates matrimony. Before the Mayas found the thread they used the palm (tree) (pop) to weave. This is the reason why it is called "Pop" the history written in the POP WUJ (sacred book with quiche origin). In the vegetation Bat'z is symbolized with plants that climb. On the day Wajxaqib' Bat'z (8 Bat'z), the Mayan new year is celebrated as it corresponds to the thread of time that has once more rolled up our mother earth. Belejeb Bat'z (9 Bat'z), is the day of the woman, of nature in it's entirety. Bat'z symbolizes the life of the human being, the possibility of lasting until the flame burns down or the thread is cut.

To ask for a job, to do projects, for engagements or matrimonial ties, to reinforce matrimonies and the societies; for all nature; to ask for things to be in order; to make plans; to protect the artist; help the dancers, musicians; gives grace in the dance; contract signatures; to resolve family matters; initiate any activity; to initiate treatments

8 Complete energies of the material world. The top of the pyramid. A world of male authority. Energy of arts and Creativity. The highest Male energy.

to velja za CELO LETO

zdej, če koga tu zanimajo mayevski koledarji, bo že našel pot do njih; oz. ponavad oni do tebe Grin
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 1457

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Re: Dreamspell+Long count
Reply #9 - 12.02.2005 at 21:55:31
Petra. wrote on 12.02.2005 at 21:32:27:
zdej, če koga tu zanimajo mayevski koledarji, bo že našel pot do njih; oz. ponavad oni do tebe Grin
Sem gledal par dni nazaj, da so zlooo bolj natancni kot ta kolendar ki ga koristimo mi. ..ker ful upoštevajo luno, planete, to in ono, skratka oh in uh, good one..
poznam pa premalo

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5 krat na dan
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Dreamspell+Long count
Reply #10 - 12.02.2005 at 22:18:40
ma jst se že 3 leta informiram o teh stvareh; lahk sam rečem, da drži; drugim razlagat kako in kaj mi pa ni žur tolk; lahk edin rečem, da so to neki arhetipi vsakega dne; ta longcount je strejša varijanta, dreamspell sodobna; oni se sicer še sami ne morjo zment ker drži; ma lahko jst rečem, da imajo vsi prav; vse se poklapa; pa pomaga sledenje njih, da se s sabo vsak sinhronizira in s tem poveča svoje PSI sposobnosti... men so ful žur te zadeve, I just LOVE it Wink

je pa malo morje tega po netu Wink zanimivo, da vedno več Wink Grin
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Dreamspell+Long count
Reply #11 - 13.02.2005 at 23:55:33
OK še to Grin

na to se pije: NA ZDRAVJE!!!


By Valum Votan, Office of Universal Calendar Reform,
Foundation for the Law of Time

The Dreamspell is a description of the synchronic order. The Long
Count is the sacred count of days. Both use the same harmonic
standard - the Tzolkin or Harmonic Module. For Dreamspell, the
Harmonic Module is an absolute fourth-dimensional referencing matrix
and synchronic gauge. For the Long Count, it is an ever-recurring
260-day count beginning at 4 Ahau, 8 Cumhu August 13 BC 3113 (3114),
and which establishes endless cycles of vinals, tuns, katuns, and

The Dreamspell is a new dispensation. Its count is calibrated to 8
Wizard, July 26, 1987. It utilizes the reformed 13 moon 28 + 1 day
Tun Uk and Haab 365-day counts as its measure. Since its purpose is
twofold - to displace the artificial and irregular Gregorian
calendar, and to establish the synchronic order and the Law of Time
as a new basis of knowledge and the reformulation of the human mind
as a purely fourth dimensional knowing, it operates in perfect 52-
year solar-galactic cycles. It does not recognize leap day and so
maintains the perfection of the synchronic order - a purely fourth-
dimensional order in which the irregularity of leap day does not
occur. As long as
the Gregorian calendar is still in use as a point of reference, leap
day, February 29, is counted as
0.0 Hunab Ku.

When the human is harmonized in the supermental order of the Law of
Time, and the Gregorian calendar is no longer known or recognized,
we will be able to telepathically stabilize the Earth 's rotation at
a perfect 365 days and the leap day will be eliminated.

There is no conflict between Dreamspell and the Long Count. They are
merely two different standards that serve two different purposes,
both operating with different applications of the same system. The
synchronic order harmonizes all timing systems, including the Long
Count, all lunar calendars, etc. Currently, between February 29,
2004 and February 28, 2008, the difference between the Dreamspell
and the Long Count is 49 days. Between 2008 and 2012, the difference
will be 48 days, and after February 29, 2012, it will be 47 days.
Hence today, Kin 196 Dreamspell, is Kin 147 Long Count. (Northern)
Winter solstice 2012 will be Kin 207 Dreamspell and Kin 160 Long

People who believe that there is a conflict between the two systems
are still immersed in dualism and are fixated on being right. The
future spiritual-mental evolution depends on holding multiple views
simultaneously, of seeing the inherent harmony in all forms of order
whatsoever, and of experiencing non-dual unification of self and

Ah Yum Hunab Ku Evam Maya Eh Ma Ho!

As of the Cosmic Seed year, the Foundation for the Law of Time will
commence the publication of the UR Synchronometer, showing the
correlations of the Dreamspell, Long Count and all the other major
lunar and solar civil calendars of the peoples of planet Earth.

Sarvam Mangalam
May all beings be well and happy!
Mitakuye Oyasin
All my relations!

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Dreamspell+Long count
Reply #12 - 04.03.2005 at 03:36:10


:shock:  :lol:




The glyph signifies: the top is a cone which has time rolled up in and becomes uncoiled towards the bottom and reaches the globe of the earth passing through the angles that are both polarities, the masculine and the feminine.

This is the first day of the Mayan calendar. B'atz is the start, the beginning, the time; it is the day of the perpetual ceremonies and customs of our ancestors. This day is utilized to effect matrimonial and business ties, it's a good day to bring things into order or to initiate any plans. It is a good day to ask for: predictions, protection for the artist, well being for the crops, to resolve any family problems. This is the day of the time; it is the day of creation of life and the beginning of intelligence. Bat'z predicts the future; it is the history that is weaved into time, just like with a thread you weave a dress. It is the human gestation time for a child, it represents the umbilical cord. It is the beginning of life, of the infinite time, of the intelligence and wisdom. It symbolizes the cosmic phenomena, the original wisdom. It represents the infinite time and the unity, through this the man and woman are united and from this originates matrimony. Before the Mayas found the thread they used the palm (tree) (pop) to weave. This is the reason why it is called "Pop" the history written in the POP WUJ (sacred book with quiche origin). In the vegetation Bat'z is symbolized with plants that climb. On the day Wajxaqib' Bat'z (8 Bat'z), the Mayan new year is celebrated as it corresponds to the thread of time that has once more rolled up our mother earth. Belejeb Bat'z (9 Bat'z), is the day of the woman, of nature in it's entirety. Bat'z symbolizes the life of the human being, the possibility of lasting until the flame burns down or the thread is cut.

To ask for a job, to do projects, for engagements or matrimonial ties, to reinforce matrimonies and the societies; for all nature; to ask for things to be in order; to make plans; to protect the artist; help the dancers, musicians; gives grace in the dance; contract signatures; to resolve family matters; initiate any activity; to initiate treatments

2 Polarized, yet in balance. Two energies, positive and negative. Polarity



Yellow Crystal Sun

I dedicate in order to enlighten,
Universalising life.
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the crystal tone of cooperation.
I am guided by the power of free will.

Tone 12: Crystal - Complex Stabilityhttp://www.astrodreamadvisor.com/M_yellow_crys_sun.html

Green Central Castle of Enchantment – Court of synchronization, power of magical flight

Yellow Root Race - The ripeners. Key note: flowering

Earth family: Red Serpent, White Dog, Blue Eagle, Yellow Sun

PolarKin – Sound the call        Crown receive

Fire Clan - Yellow Chromatic

Tone: 12, Note: B, Name: Crystal, Function: Co-operation

You were born in the Wavespell of Red Moon in the Year Blue Storm
Yellow Sun – Enlightens Universal Fire *

When operating in the light of your energy, the positive aspects are: Language of Light, Unconditional Love, Solar Mastery, Christ Consciousness, Ascension, Ideal, Union, Cyclic, Wholeness

When operating in the shadow of your energy, typical symptoms are: Issues of ideals and identification. Limiting self, Limiting God/Goddess and all of creation.


To come out of the shadow: Look at your concepts of Divinity and how they create your world and your vision of yourself. Learn to be unconditional especially with yourself; it is basic training for the Divine Child of the One Heart.

Life Question: How can I dedicate myself to all that lives?



Shocked na moji uri blo 333, tok, da se ve Grin
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Dreamspell+Long count
Reply #13 - 04.03.2005 at 19:33:01
PrispevekObjavljeno: Pet 04. Mar 2005 19:29      Odgovori s citatomPopravi/Izbriši to sporočiloNazaj na vrhIzbriši to sporočiloPrikaži IP avtorja
TITO nikol ob Right time BURRITO?

I woke up this morning and made sure I was still here by running over
to the window and allowing the sun to touch my face. It was brilliant,
warm, safe, exuberant, and yummy! Then I sat in that beam of sunshine
and meditated. Now for me, meditation is like I'm having coffee with
my higher self. And if you really look at it, it is. I am COOPERATING
with my higher self enough so that I wake up every morning with a
smile on my face that lights up my LIFE.
This is a UNIVERSAL feeling. If you have ever touched the kundalini
inside yourself, you know about the power of UNIVERSAL FIRE. The thing
is, as we are in the midst of our trials and worries and hoopla of
dramas that we infiltrate our lives with, we loose our DEDICATION.
This dedication is to our nature, for our own selves to be in truth.
This is ENLIGHTENMENT. Oh by the way, enlightenment is NOT a
destination. Never saw it on the train schedule myself, so it must be
somewhere in between.

In Lak'ech,
monkey scribe

(for friday March 4th)

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Dreamspell+Long count
Reply #14 - 04.03.2005 at 19:50:16
please dowload ALEks ParX

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