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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #30 - 26.03.2004 at 00:12:56
Healthy Bitching and Moaning

Tips on staying sane during the transition from the old world of separation and denial to the new world of creative expression and unconditional Love.

How to stay positive about life and the new world we are creating, while wholistically complaining about how crappity smacked the old world is.

One of my best recommendations in cosmic human mastery, is to give yourself permission to complain a lot. Allow yourself to emphatically express all your disappointments and dislikes about the old world systematic illusions and the people who support them. There is a lot to complain about. In fact, anything about this world that you would naturally complain about is some separation pattern of competition, greed, power, control…that is on it’s way out, it is time for it to die.

Healthy complaining is an excellent emotional release exercise because you have spent lifetimes repressing your disdain for the despicable actions of people and the systems they have created that it would do you good to now finally express yourself about it all. This healthy exercise is also beneficial to the planet, because as you release your repressed feelings about it, your karmic patterns that supported it, and any and all energetic connections to these disfunctional behaviors, you disconnect from this old reality which enlightens it just that much more. Your disconnection from the matrix, disconnects supporting energy that keeps it all together, because without everyone’s support, the matrix does not exist. Additionally, giving yourself permission to dislike and complain about status quo reality, allows you to clearly see all the illusions of the old world without missing any of its really sneaky tricks and hidden traps.

Bitch and moan like a sailor, but learn to have detachment so that you do not get wrapped up in the old world and its death throws. Don’t get too wrapped up in trying to save the world, if you do, you will only be putting energy into this old world, getting caught up in the “reality” of enemies, a world that loves your resistance and attention. Your attention must be on the manifestation of the new world to a larger degree than your disappointments with the old. You are in this world, but you are not of it.

The old world did what it did, it practiced limitation, separation from the source, personal will, control, power….it was all perfect, so in that sense there is nothing to complain about. But now we are in the transition period, the old world is dying and the new one is manifesting. Since our attention is on the new civilization, we are nicely waiting "patiently" for the old one to - crappity smacking die already!

But of course we must do this transition as gently as possible, we must allow for divine timing. Once again we are smack dab in the middle of a paradox, this is the fact that all is perfect, everyone is waking up in their own divine timing, but at the same time it is now time for everyone to wake up and start loving each other and cooperating - right bloody now!

It is as though we have all the time in the world and absolutely no time at all. So you have to be paradoxically patient and impatient at the same time. Patient and allowing of other people’s realities and timing, allowing them to experience as much limitation as they can before its all over, and at the same time completely impatient because you realize that it is all happening now and your impatience is really the divine fire of change burning in your heart to manifest Heaven on Earth Now!

So you have to be discerning as to know when it is divinely appropriate to be patient and allowing of the awakening process to run its course and when it is divinely appropriate to be completely impatient to act now and push the limited barriers of the old world, to shatter old illusions and destroy old perceptions of reality to make room for a higher reality.

Sometimes it's time to take out the trash and it you don't take it out when the trash can is full, everything in it will rot and get smelly and more trash will pile up until your swimming in it. So unless you like swimming in garbage, I suggest you get rid of it in your life, in life on planet earth and if necessary and appropriate, assist others to take out their trash because sometimes the garbage can gets heavy.

So bitching and moaning in my opinion can be extremely therapeutic, because everyone really wants to complain but they don't want to make waves or be rude, and be rejected etc. And the new agers are so busy being positive that they're stuck in an illusion of positivety, when they really just want to piss and spit and tell people they’re being crappity smacking assholes and to bloody wake up already!

If you attempt to be positive all the time and repress your thoughts and feelings about how crappity smacked life can be then you are going to bust a gasket, or get cancer. So if you want to stick around for a while and not die a hideous agonizing death because your body is being eaten away by your repressed emotions, then I suggest you start screaming and yelling. Scream and yell any time, any place, with anyone and be done with it.

If you are treated unfairly or disrespectfully, then it is time to say so to who ever the perpetrator is. You don't need to abuse them in retaliation but speak the truth that we're all in this together and if we all cooperate and get along and treat each other fairly and respectfully, the world just might be a nice place to live in. You deserve to be treated with honor and respect, so settle for nothing less than perfection and treat people in the same manner, honor them for the Gods-Goddesses that they are, even if they don’t know that they are or feel they deserve it. We’re all in this together Bunky.

Yours in Divine Bitching and Moaning,

("Bitch and Moan, they go together like a horse and carriage" - thanks Mike).

ZaKaiRan - one of the best complainers on planet earth.

P.S. Anyone who is offended by my profuse use of the slang terminology for coitus or any other word that could be judged as being rude crude or socially unacceptable, I recommend that you should practice saying these words that you judge so harshly and release the social programs that you have adopted that are associated with these words and the use of them.

Words in and of themselves mean nothing, it is only our intention behind the use of certain words, and our socially agreed upon meaning of words that makes them so impactful to us. In this case my use of “harsh” words are used to emphasize a point and to describe my emotional state, nothing more, nothing less. And if you still can’t get beyond your programs about the use of naughty words – then crappity smack you.

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Reply #31 - 26.03.2004 at 21:15:06

What is Time?

Time is a wavelength of light, a measurable period or progression that each species experiences within its consciousness. From the perception of the "higher beings", the Creator Gods, Lords of Light, etc. time and space do not exist.

As humans we have our own specific time reference that is indigenous to the human species. Every realm of consciousness and physical expression, on all dimensional levels, has its own specific time reference. And the evolution of each species is related to this specific time reference.

Every evolutionary experiment, such as the ascension of planet earth and the species called human, has its own Light-time zone, which is related to geometry and our genetics. Time is within the consciousness of the specie, literally within the structure of the chromosomes. As this species evolves, we are surpassing the human Light-time zone and proceeding into Light Body. Our chromosomes are changing to accommodate this ascension.

Every realm of higher or lower consciousness has its inherent time zone. They are called consciousness time zones. The planets geomagnetic fields are being altered to accommodate new time zones, the time zone of the new Civilization of Light.

The physical structure of time is being altered to accommodate a much higher reality of universal intelligence. We have been essentially trapped in time and are now being released from our self imposed time warp. We are now free from the cycle of reincarnation and the polarity of darkness and light.

Time could be described as being dimensional. We perceive time as having only a few facets, Higher Beings view time as having many facets. By expanding consciousness we may access these other facets. So time is perceptual based on your level of awareness.

In higher "dimensional" realms, life in relation to time is an eternal unfoldment, where everything is happening now, the past, the present and the future. You can experience this if you just place yourself outside of this reality and view it as the cat views the fish bowl.

As a specie we experience time from one perspective, very linear, very "3rd dimensionally," without other dimensional possibilities. As physical beings we have many bodies, physical, emotional, mental, causal, etheric, etc. We have many systems, including chakras, that experience and receive the energies of humanness in specific ways. We are unifying these bodies into a unified whole called Light Body. With this unification we will then be able to experience time similarly to the "Higher Beings", that it is referential, perceptual, experiential and a creation. By connecting to "Higher Self," we will then be able to experience the many facets of time at once, being able to experience both the past and the future of the physical plane functioning as one.

Why was time created?

Time is an inherent aspect of this reality, part of the physical creation designed for All That Is to experience itself through. As expressions of All That Is, time and other energetic structures were created for us to experience the expression of physicality and all the limitations that go along with it; and for us to experience ourselves as being separate unique expressions of All That Is.

Time gives us a reference point, a perspective of progression that we would not have if time did not exist. Without time we would not have the illusions of past and the future, there would only be the moment. Time also helps us to have sense of self, by being able to refer out of the moment, to redirect us back to the moment, to true self.

Time was a necessary creation so that reality could be slowed down enough to experience sequence, to experience the process of gradual unfoldment, so that we have growth, and flow, and progression. So that we could have a perception that A + B = C. Time slows things down, this allows us to study and experience the process of Creation in detail as it unfolds before us.

So within the realms of physicality it is necessary and part of the fun to have time, but if you travel in consciousness beyond this physical realm, expand your awareness to higher realms of consciousness that are beyond time, you will see the truth of time, that it does not really exist.

In order to play this game we have purposefully deluded ourselves by convincing ourselves that certain illusions are real. We have limited our perception of reality, and one way to do this was to limit our perception of time. The ascension of planet earth is now taking place, in order to manifest this ascension, we must now wake up to our eternal beingness that is beyond the illusions of space and time. We must cure ourselves of our self imposed amnesia and un-delude ourselves - Wake Up, Un-delude Yourself, The 'Time' Is Now!

Perceptions of Time

We live in a limited world, a world with its specific laws and make up. Physically speaking, we are subject to these laws. Spiritually speaking, from the level of who we really are as spirit beings, these laws are subject to us. In terms of what manifests on planet earth and the co-creation of heaven on earth, we must be able to use time for our purposes, we must make it our friend.

The old worlds perception of time is based upon lack and obligation. Time is a commodity, something to be bought, sold and traded in this world of survival. And because this world thrives on the illusion of power, time is used to manipulate life for this purpose. An example is our current Gregorian calendar, which was designed by a man, who was disconnected from the earth, feeling, and divinity. It was not designed with the help of divine guidance but out of greed and his specific desires for power and control.

This calendar is disconnected from reality and does not accurately define any real cycle or progression. It does not even mimic the most basic and obvious progression that exists scientifically, cosmically and spiritually on planet earth, the 28 day moon cycle. This is a natural earth progression that we are under the influence of. As we awaken to the truth we will follow more natural progressive cycles like the Mayan calendar which is aligned to the earth and the cosmos, rather than some man made farce.

From this false-male world's perception, time is strictly linear, based on cause and affect. And this limited perception that humanity has upon reality, limits itself to one time cell reference, it limits the ability of people to see beyond strictly two dimensional perceptions.

As planetary transition team members, our perception of time is naturally different from the rest of humanity. Your perception of time as you co-create your vision of heaven on earth is completely different, it is not based on strictly control oriented linear perception, but upon spontaneity, grace and divine timing.

Who you are, what you are, and the degree of awareness you have about the truth of creation, reality, time, space, and true relationship, will determine how time affects you. Ultimately it has no affect upon you save what you give it the power to do so. We are all beyond time; time is an illusion; but to us who live within the constructs of time, in the physical world, it is a reality. So time must be dealt with from this paradoxical perspective, similarly to our experience of being unlimited spiritual beings within limited physical bodies.

The Acceleration

Time is relative to the different levels of the cosmic, the different orders of creation on dimensional, physical and consciousness levels. On higher levels, time has very little meaning as things happen instantly. The Divine plan for the creation and ascension of all lower heavens is instigated from these realms. In the lower heavens there is a time lag that occurs where we experience events measurably slower than the master program, things happen slower, based on the time cell reference of that world and species. Hence, our civilization acts out events that have already taken place on those higher levels of creation.

This is a description of the relation time has for us on the physical worlds, compared to the spiritual worlds, that are essentially in control of this physical creation. Everything that happens in the world of physicality, is set up on non-physical realms first. We are under the direction of the divine hierarchy, our friends in high places, and we are that divine hierarchy as well, projecting into these bodies. From our perspective in the physical world, it is the subconscious world, not the conscious world, that dictates the primary order of events.

[b]]We are ascending as individuals and as a species. This planet is also ascending as an individual consciousness and as a physical being. Prior to now we and this planet have been condensing, we are now expanding. With this expansion comes the acceleration of time. Due to this accelerated "time" now taking place as we ascend to higher levels of awareness, manifest our light bodies, and planet earth becomes a star, time has less relevance. Time is becoming less real as we manifest more and more of our divinity, divinity which operates outside of the perceptions of time.[/b

As you ascend higher into your true self, and your true self descends further into your humanness, time becomes mutable and relative to your perception of it. Time always was mutable and relative, but we were unaware that it was so, because we believed time to be absolute.

Time is accelerating with or without our help, as the force of evolution sweeps into our universe like a tsunami, you can catch this wave like a master surfer and ride it to God, you can flow with and accept this acceleration into your lives, by continuing to accept the eternalness of your being, and stepping into true self, into light body, or you can let it go past and get left out in deep space.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Reply #32 - 26.03.2004 at 21:16:17
The most important factor of time is that we are accelerating beyond it as a species. You are already beyond it on a consciousness level, but as a human you are still within its grasp to some degree. As you become more aware of your eternal beingness, as you ascend, as you accelerate your vibratory rate and frequency, you as a physical being, also go beyond the grasp of time and its influence. When you have ascended and inhabit your light body, you are operating at near light speed. When you expand to light speed and beyond, you become physically beyond all creations of time and space, then you become the creator of time and space.

As a whole, we are becoming a civilization of light, eventually we will all be operating at light speed and beyond. To enable this, time is increasing to the eventual culmination at light speed. Until this point, while in the transition we will experience time accelerating constantly. Time is accelerating at such a speed that even though by our calendars it is 1999, in truth it is actually closer to about 2012. The Mayan calendar has estimated that the "big" transition would take place at this time; time would then stop or not exist, or a new time would be here. Many beings in the know, have estimated that this transition would take place before that time, due to this massive acceleration. Time will tell.

With this acceleration, as consciousness expands further and further on planet earth, there will be less time for illusionary activities. There will be no more time for the illusions of lack, power, competition and control. There will also be less and less time for mundane, daily, survival oriented activities. Eventually there will be no time for anything but divine activities. You can surrender to the truth of your beingness and live a divine existence, or, you can put your attention on survival, thus limiting the flow of the accelerated time now available, and creating large consequences to your growth due to your inaction.

Some times it is totally appropriate to put all your attention upon the mundane normal things of life, this can help assist with grounding of yourself into this physical reality and into your body. But you must be conscious of what you are doing, you must have discernment about what is totally perfect to do in your life. You must do what is required of you to be in the divine flow of time.

The Moment

The old version of linear time is obsolete. Time is not solely linear, it is also circular and curvy, it is male and female. There are beginning and ends (linear) and there is no beginning and no end (circular). The feminine circular aspect of time now supports accelerated growth.

Time is unchangeable from a linear patriarchal point of view, but allowing the balance of the female, we find that it is not absolute but changeable. The future and past are (linear), and in the now moment, within the mystic circle of time, there is no beginning and no end, only the moment. Ultimately, time is what you want it to be, it is your servant, you are not under it's control as the patriarchy tried to convince us from its position of fear.

So to be beyond time, to be a master of time, you must combine the cosmic with the mundane. You must live within the world of time and space but know that you are not of time and space. Time and space are under your control, you are not under the control of time and space. Light body and Ascension are beyond the limitations of time and space. Love is the key, it ascends you beyond past and future. Love is truly in the moment, beyond time. Ascension combines the spiritual world of non-time with the physical world of time.

When you live in the moment, in the "space" of love, you are beyond time; there is no time but the present moment, all other time is perceptual within references of past and future, out of this moment.

When you know that you are beyond time, that you are a force greater to it, then it changes for you as your needs dictate, for your mission of the co-creation of heaven on earth. Time alters, it shortens and lengthens depending on your needs and perception of it.

So life evolves with this thing called time. It may be quick, it may be slow, it is in your control and out of your control. You are in control of time from your perception, for you. For others, time is different depending on their perception of it.

From the perspective of divine timing, the divine plan, and the force of evolution, you are under the control of time. So flow with it, time is a gift, not a curse. You can use it to create reality with. It is part of the forces of creation. Creation is how it is, depending on you. You can create heaven for yourself, or you can create hell for yourself. What is your choice? Life is creation.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that's why we call it the present.

Yours for Eternity,


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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #33 - 26.03.2004 at 21:23:36

Please be aware that all the articles and books contained on this website are written from my awareness level, that current initiation, perception of reality, and level of Divine embodiment at the time of writing.

None of what I have written is implied as any form of absolute and has no real universal significance. (Nothing is an absolute, as everything in this “reality” is an illusion). In fact I do not claim that anything I have written is accurate at all, even though I have an immense fire of passion to always provide ever expanding higher insights and truth.

Reality is full of contradictions and paradoxes, and I may contradict myself on another paragraph, article or book, and I give myself complete permission to do so, as life on planet earth is a paradox, with many contradictions, realities and perceptions happening all at once.

What ever I have written may be true on many levels, but perception is always subject to revision based on higher embodied awareness and realization, and I will always endeavor to provide the highest awareness possible for me at the time.

All articles, books, insights, perceptions… are offered for the evocation of your Divinity, your own spiritual insights, mastery and stimulation. They are provided as a tool for you to illuminate for yourself what is Divinely true for you, because the most reliable source of knowledge, awareness and realization is your own Divine Self.

Enjoy being stimulated!

I Love You Always and All Ways,

Your Brother and Divine Friend,


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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #34 - 27.03.2004 at 12:20:42
js sm ze prebral krneki clankov od zakairana in moje nepomembno mnenje je da model tko lepo pise o stvareh da se ti zdi nacin pripovedovanja prava poezija, umetnost izrazanja idej z besedam...
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #35 - 27.03.2004 at 13:07:44
Petra. wrote on 26.03.2004 at 21:23:36:

Please be aware that all the articles and books contained on this website are written from my awareness level, that current initiation, perception of reality, and level of Divine embodiment at the time of writing.

None of what I have written is implied as any form of absolute and has no real universal significance. (Nothing is an absolute, as everything in this “reality” is an illusion). In fact I do not claim that anything I have written is accurate at all, even though I have an immense fire of passion to always provide ever expanding higher insights and truth.

Reality is full of contradictions and paradoxes, and I may contradict myself on another paragraph, article or book, and I give myself complete permission to do so, as life on planet earth is a paradox, with many contradictions, realities and perceptions happening all at once.

What ever I have written may be true on many levels, but perception is always subject to revision based on higher embodied awareness and realization, and I will always endeavor to provide the highest awareness possible for me at the time.

All articles, books, insights, perceptions… are offered for the evocation of your Divinity, your own spiritual insights, mastery and stimulation. They are provided as a tool for you to illuminate for yourself what is Divinely true for you, because the most reliable source of knowledge, awareness and realization is your own Divine Self.

Enjoy being stimulated!

I Love You Always and All Ways,

Your Brother and Divine Friend,



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All IS Full Of Love
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The Cosmic Joke
Reply #36 - 29.03.2004 at 20:37:10
The Cosmic Joke

All reality is a creation. All reality is a created illusion. Only pure spiritual essence is real. You are that spiritual essence, only you are real. You are the creator of all reality, all illusion. Reality, creation, physicality, dimension, time - this is your playground.

You are the creator of all reality because you are God-Goddess-All That Is expressing itself as a single point of consciousness. You are creation creating. Your illusion was that you were a creation no different to any other creation, that you were an illusion, a creation of God, but not a creator of God.

As an illusion you thought you had to earn your way to reality, you had to deserve to be real. You always were real, you were the only thing in your entire reality that was real. You are and always were God. You were never separate from God.

In one sense you are the ultimate creation of God, of Gods own stuff, designed to be an actual extension of this isness, a creation that creates, for only God can create. So all the cosmic rebellions (ie. Lucifer rebellion) were trying to accomplish something that already exists, separate Gods creating separate realities. But of course there is no real separation, so these separate realities all coincide with one another, and are all co-created. Everyone’s separate realities are all part of the oneness of All That Is. Everyone’s separate creation is all part of the entire creation of All That Is. How can you not be part of All That Is? How could you not be a creator? Why would God limit its creation in any way?

Your limitation is self imposed. You are not limited by the hand of God or any other force. You have not been cast out of heaven. You are eternal and unlimited as God and creation is. Unlimitedness and infiniteness is your birthright. How could it be otherwise?

You’re awakening is in your own hands. Do you accept responsibility for your own awakening, or do you give your power away to someone else to do it for you? No one else can do it for you, (this is the nature of the gift of free will). If this is your pattern, you will never awaken, you will always be searching for that one thing or that one master that will help you get it. What you search for, you already have - this is the cosmic joke. When you realize who you are, and realize your birthright, you will laugh the biggest laugh in your life, you will realize you were putting your self on.

Everyone that has ever awakened, especially the ascended masters, has gotten this joke. Getting the cosmic joke and learning to laugh at life, is the key to your enlightenment. It is the key to your awakening, the key to the full realization of your Divinity. Everyone in higher realities, especially those that have descended into these dense realms and experienced physicality, are laughing with you, not at you.

It is time to stop being so gullible and get the joke. Start laughing at life and the joke that it is. Especially the joke called civilization as we currently know it. This is a real joke. The joke of this reality is that it appears to be a tragedy, but it is a Divine comedy. The funniest comedy is always tragic. Other people’s folly is always funny. It is only tragic when it is your own and you do not get the joke, when you are the brunt of the cosmic tragedy.

The great and awesome master William Shakespeare, outlaid the comic tragedy of life in his plays. He always showed how stupid humanity is. His tragedies were always for nothing, (which is how life is). His comedies always appeared tragic, just as life appears. And the dramas, and corruption turn out to always be futile, (much ado about nothing) and reveal the pathetic comic tragedy of man’s folly.

It is obvious that everyone takes life entirely too seriously. Most people see life as a tragedy. Their lives are tragic because they believe in the lie of their own unworthiness. They watch the news and think how tragic, and then their lives don’t feel so tragic. They feel something (hopefully), another reason why people watch the news, to feel something – anger, sadness, passion, compassion, disgust…, because their lives are so passionless, so un-emotional.

When I see the news I think how tragic that everyone takes this reality so seriously. How tragic that everyone is more fascinated with drama, conflict and pain than joy, cooperation and love. When I see politicians, bankers, and business people playing their games, I laugh big huge cosmic laughs because they take the game so seriously – it is truly hilarious.

If you cannot laugh at life, then you are not going to get it, you will always be the brunt of the joke, you will be the one crying rather than the one laughing.

Get the Cosmic Joke!

Yours in Jollity,

ZaKaiRan Heyoka

If you see life as a tragedy and cannot see it as a comedy, then you are not living high enough. If you see life as a comedy and cannot see it as a tragedy, then you are not living deep enough.”“ - Nasod Lamosa, Nez Master. Starbuilders, Federation Flash #44. www.starbuilders.org

Heyoka: Native American for trixter

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #37 - 07.04.2004 at 22:47:38
Free Will - Does It Really Exist?

Free will is a reality, a truth if you will, and an illusion. We are in a free will universe whereby you have the free will to decide whether you will choose the light or choose the "darkness". Whether you will choose Love or fear. This is the only choice you have available to you.

We are all under the direct supervision of our spirits. Our free will dictates that we have the right to follow this direction from our spirits (our true selves) or to resist this direction; therefore resisting self, therefore denying spirit, and the source of All That Is. Free will is an illusion, there is no choice really, because - who are we resisting but self. We are all indeed one, separation is a total illusion therefore free will is an illusion.

This is the experiment of this dimension of this planet and this universe. This is the core of the Lucifer rebellion. The Lucifer rebellion is a reality whereby we all chose to put on a mask of denial and play the part of separation, to play the game called free will, in other words, I am separate from God, God does not exist and I must be God. This reality has precipitated external consciousness, a reality where everything is outside of self.

So do you actually have free will? If you live your life from the old world perspective of "I am separate from my spirit, God and all of humanity", then free will exists. You have the illusion of being able to choose what to do with your life, how to act and react, what to eat, who to be with etc. But from this reality, generally there is still very little free will because most people in this old civilization reality live there lives based on programming. Genetic and social consciousness programs and influences; ego influences; educational, media and political influences. So even in the old world, free will has very little validity.

Generally, it is thought that if you resist these influences and go a different path, then you are experiencing free will, but are you? Why are you drawn to resist the status quo and go your own way? Were you directed by your suffering, another outside influence, your emotions - or are you directed by your spirit. Was spirit directing you to be who you are as a conscious point of light and love, was spirit saying to you, be your divine essence.

From a broader based perspective we are all totally in the hands of our spirits and even if we choose the external world of "darkness" over Divinity, this choice is directed by Spirit for you to experience. So you choose "free will", you choose the external world to experience what it is like to deny that you are a Divine Master. What a fabulous creation we live in that you can actually experience this illusion, this reality.

From a planetary perspective, (the transmutation of this planet to a star and the transmutation of humanity into bodies of light), you absolutely have no free will at all. Genetically these bodies are transmuting whether you want them to or not - you have no choice. Your only choice is to surrender to this force of evolution and have a fun ride; or resist it, hang on to being a human body, and become extinct like the dinosaurs.

From a spiritual perspective of "free will", you can still choose light or dark meat. You can stay and experience the awesome joy and wonderment of this fabulous transition, the co-creation of heaven on earth or you can go elsewhere and continue experiencing the illusion of separation, complete with its inherent pain, denial and suffering. But even this choice is not in your hands but spirits. Spirit decides what is in store for your evolution and experience. And as far as your evolution is concerned, your spirit will not let you off the hook. Your spirit will badger you and manipulate you and put influences around you to give you no choice at all, but to choose divinity. If you are here to experience the transition and live Heaven on Earth then you will do so. If it is not yours to do and you are not done playing the game of separation, then your Spirit will have you go elsewhere to play this game with other kids that want to play.

Free will is an illusion of the old world and it is an illusion of the "New Age". The New Age is merely the final manifestation of the old age, there is nothing in the new age that is new at all. Free will promises control and power; the illusion that I have control and power over my life, but you do not. You as Spirit, do have control; but you as body, mind, emotions, ego, do not. Only consciousness experiences. The body, mind, emotions, ego etc., is how what and through which consciousness expresses through and experiences through.

The new age has promised control and power by knowledge of internal and external forces. It has promised power and control over old world influences, political and religious structures. But there is nothing to have control and power over because no thing exists. Everything is an illusion; a creation; a set; a prop for us to play with in the play called separation. All crystal power; psychic power; astrological power; psychological power - based on awareness, these are all illusions, for we are not these things. We are pure consciousness - that which experiences these things; that which creates these things to play with. These are the parameters of the game; the rules; the structure of the game. For without structure there is no game; you do not know how to play it or where to play it in the void. Energy, power, control, god, religion, spirituality - these are all the structure, the parameter of this game called life.

But we are all bored with this old game called mastery of limitation - a game where we played survival and war; love, lust and relationship; destruction and creation; pleasure, pain and suffering - where we played the big game of darkness and light. But there is a new game being produced by the big game manufacturer and its called The Co-Creation Heaven on Earth; Divinity, Love, Light; remembering who you truly are; Mastery of Divine Expression. A game with no rules except be who I truly am. A game where we combine our vision of the new game with the old, throwing out the old rules, and play with a whole new set of parameters of reality where we are all indeed one with All That Is. A game where there are no winners and losers only Divine players in a holy mission of Love. A game where we laugh about the old game and how funny it was, this is the cosmic joke. A game where unworthy is seen for the illusion that it is; earning, learning, deserving, success - words and realities of linear thinking do not exist.

You cannot resist the light and choose darkness for you are the light, this is one of the grandest illusions. The illusion of free will was created by us all with the whole force of creation, to play this fabulous game called creation. We created all the illusions of good; bad and evil; darkness and light; just for the fun of experiencing it. How else could God experience itself but put itself outside of itself to see its own reflection.

Now go and experience your free will truly, try your damnedest to choose darkness, to resist your divinity - inevitably you will find that that is impossible. And as the veils of denial are lifting you will find it extremely easy to see who you are, that you are a light being of the highest caliber and that everyone else is as well. You will see that they are merely actors doing a damn good job of playing their parts for themselves and for you.

So do you actually have free will? Do you actually have creative control of your reality? - Your perception is where you have creative control. Your free will choice lies in how you choose to perceive every situation in your reality. What is real for you: the world of illusion; the world of form; your thoughts; your feelings? This is your free will choice - what you decide is real. What of you is real? - Who you truly are; pure consciousness; the eternal, unchangeable essence that is always present and always was present, even prior to conception; - that is real - where you place your attention - that is your choice

How do you choose to use your freewill in day to day life, do you choose projection over being in your own suffering? Is your cup half full or half empty? Do you see the higher dimensional truth of reality or only the control dramas? In relationship, how will you choose to live - will you choose to follow your suffering, or love? Will you choose to try to get over your boredom and feelings of aloneness by drumming up shit, indulging in drama, so that you won't feel this suffering?

Do you choose to see the distorted humanic limitations of a person or do you choose to see the mastery of a person. Do you choose to see the 3rd dimensional perspective reality of things, or do you choose to see the 5th dimensional perspective reality of things. Do you choose to use old ways of perceiving reality or new, mysterious, unknown ways of perceiving All That Is.

All choice, the only choice, that every choice is contained within, is the choice of love. Do you and will you consistently choose love or fear? Will you go where love leads you, and pushes you, or will you run away to familiarity - away from the unknown, away from the mystery. Will you really feel deeper and more passionately then you ever have in any lifetime, or will you deny the pain evoked from discovering who you are, and the denial that you have practiced.

Will you embody your Divine magnificence, or will you settle for mediocrity and the comfortable numbness of denial and mass consciousness perception. Will you be all that you are - embodying your individual, unique, awesome expression of All That Is.

What's your choice? - Love or fear - Or is there really a choice at all?



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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 6632

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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #38 - 13.04.2004 at 17:28:10
Petra. wrote on 23.03.2004 at 17:15:24:
 Smiley 8)

se pravi


spet ne dela  ???
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #39 - 30.04.2004 at 17:00:29
Earth Ascension Times (April 30, 04)

Dear Ascending Masters,

Can you feel how awesome and accelerated this time truly is?! If not, just go internet surfing to see how much awesome stuff people are putting out, and get tapped in to receiving email reports and you will see that it is really happening. If you are having difficulty in any way tapping in to this energy then you are in the process of letting go of the old glamour and survival illusions of the matrix.

For me this past year has been a very fascinating, unstable, seemingly "boring" and "slow" time as I let go of the last of my attachments and fears of complete activation, and deal with the new time frequency, flow and acceleration. I have not been in a "permanent" earth base for a while, living in temporary housing, in an area that is being invaded by greed, which has forced me to not be attached to living in specific places, accelerate my financial manifestation abilities, and learn to fully function spiritually and financially on the run. It also became obvious that I was needed in different areas to work with and heal the land, and commune with the land, and get more grounded. I have fully been grounding myself officially on planet earth. It is time to really and truly be here and let go of all conscious, subconscious and unconscious desires to get out of here, that is not why we came here, we came here to really be here, not try to escape as if we are being punished and are in prison.

The matrix has been doing its best to try to create lots of trudgery and dramas to distract our attention from the real job and to try make it hard to get real things done. But this has required that I and others tap in to this new time frequency that is no longer about control, but magical manifestation. Everything is manifesting really quickly. The fact is we have accelerated so fast due to our work and including the peace movements due to the Iraq war, that we have jumped about 6 years ahead. And due to the veils of the dimensions being so thin and time acceleration, we paradoxically have less time in the day to do what we need to do, but have the energetic support to manifest things faster without the same effort needed before to trudge through lack consciousness.

The vibration of Christ Consciousness manifesting within and without, is totally and completely about Unconditional Love and divine timing, so it is certainly patience time. You will be unable to get anything done that is related to your divine mission if you are trying to do it in some old way within old systems. You will feel driven to get a lot done, receiving the visions and energy needed to accomplish many manifestations and projects, but you must also tap in to divine timing as to what to do now, and not waste your energy. And you must allow and wait for divine timing and magical manifestation. Using the old energies of control won’t work, so anything that you are trying to do that is not directly for and about unconditional love and directly with and from authentic magical creation (which is manifestation of something from nothing) will either fail or you will have great difficulty in manifesting it without the support of your spirit and the divine plan. Therefore you must be diligent with letting go of anything and everything that is limiting you in any way. In fact if you don’t do it willingly, your life, your relationships, things, projects… will all collapse, die or leave you anyway.

You must especially let go of all of your attachments to old forms and systems, (including the financial lack/competition system, cars, houses, jobs…). And it is especially time to let go of all old forms and perceptions of relating. Any relationships that are based on agreements are devolutionary, and if you are tapped in to the divine plan, and your divine essence, there will be no energy to relate to those people or in those old ways. You must let go of all relationship attachments. There is no real reason to hang on to anyone. We love everyone and are always connected, regardless if you never see those people ever again, you are always together within the oneness of All-That-Is. The only reason people hang on to anyone is because they have conscious or unconscious agreements to do so and were trying to create false oneness, (because of our feelings of being cut off from oneness). But of course, since this is an illusion, only synergetic relationships are supported by the unconditional love/Christ vibration.

It is time for divine prosperity for all of humanity, so if you haven’t let go of all of your vows of poverty, and other limiting patterns related to money and miraculous manifestation, then get busy baby. It is now time for everyone to accept their divine sovereignty as a creative and co-creative force in the Universe. Which empowers you as a Creator God/dess, a Christed Master. As a Christed Master, you as your true Christed nature, are completely unconditionally loving, and completely non-judgmental. Therefore, you must heal, forgive and let go of everything that gives you an emotional charge, (which is where you have judgement). This may be directly related to the individual or the specific act on karmic past life or soul aspect levels, or it may indirectly related. Regardless, it is something within your light-body fields that you must take care of to be free from the web of victimhood and unworthiness. (Please see my article on "Judgement" on my website: www.zakairan.com

You must truly get to a place of compassion, where you realize that no matter how nasty anyone treats you or treats someone else, they are only doing this because they are suffering from their own belief in their own unworthiness, and trying to deny, repress, give away or sell this suffering. And there are no victims in the any universe! Every experience is for our soul growth and experience. So thank and bless everyone who has ever "screwed you over" for the fabulous soul growth you have experienced from it, and thank yourself for manifesting it, for creating the experience of separation to further know the truth of oneness. But also please rescind all old vows and agreements to relate to anyone in any limiting way. Limitation time is over! It is now time for Mastery of Divine Expression.

Upgrade, upgrade, upgrade. To stay in tune with the new energies and accelerated vibration, you must be continually upgrading everything within and without. That means your energy fields, physical body, light-body, relationships, technology, computers, cars, jobs, money, friends, family, teachings… Anything that is old technology or old civilization needs to go. If you are not volunteering for these upgrades, then your spirit will have to work overtime to convince you to allow them. I personally just had my car totaled by being rear ended while I was stopping for a family of bush turkeys crossing the road, which included momma, poppa and really cute and shnuggly babies. I was rear ended because I was being in the moment to stop and see the birdies and make sure everyone is safe, while everyone else around me was rush rushing in a typical linear fashion. The point is, you cannot do things in a typical linear fashion, otherwise you are missing the magic of the moment. If I had not stopped, even though I was rear ended, I could have ran in to another car coming from the other direction, killed birds, and still gotten ran in to from the rear.

It seems that all my friends cars/vehicles are dying. My team mate’s car just burned up, taking with it old vehicular and other energies, now me. It is completion completion completion, always completing to allow for the new. This is all directly related to our own vehicles that are dying and need to die, or rather, transmute into our new divine-light vehicles. In other words, you must be constantly dying, to make room for the new. Typical physical death is a thing of the past, boring, old, been there, done that methodology. The transition of Ascension is death in every moment. Continuous Ascension is what you must embrace, which is what authentically living in the truth moment offers. Ascension is not some final mystical ascension and it’s all over, done and your totally enlightened floating above the poor masses who haven’t gotten it yet. Oh no my bright little star, ascension is totally continuous. Ascension/Inscension is living in the magic of the moment; being the Christed you; divine creation; God Presence you in this and every moment. The direction is not just linear any more, this was the patriarchal distorted masculine, without the wholeness of the feminine. We must now include the feminine, the sphere and other feminine geometries. The completion or addition of the divine feminine and divine masculine allows for the moment. It allows and works with the divine miraculous energies of creation. It completes the alchemy. The Divine Mother and the Divine Father within us all may now merge in divine union to create the Christ Children, a light civilization made up of little starlets living in divine synergy with the ChristStar Planet – Terra.

You must let go of all conscious subconscious, and unconscious death and disease programs. And you must be continually upgrading your "vehicle", to be able to surf the ascension tsunami. You must upgrade and accelerate yourself so much that you are able to steer the tornado. (Thanks Dan Winter). Ascension is a tornado. The Ascension of planet earth is a tornado. It spins with and from the Golden Mean Spiral (1.618 recursive fibonnaci ratio). The ratio and wave of creation whereby everything is sharable. You are the tornado, the MerKaBa, the Light-Ship! You are the Ascension! If you are not spinning as fast as the tornado, then it will be hard to hang on to it. So you must ground your tornado to be able to steer it, so that it is not flipping everywhere out of control and so that it will synchronize with all the other tornadoes in a co-creative sharable spiraling column/planet/civilization of Light/Love. HOLD FAST! (thanks "Master and Commander")

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #40 - 30.04.2004 at 17:01:04
This is a massive soul/aspect retrieval time. You are spread out through all space time and dimension, and it is time for all aspects of your beingness to be healed and brought back in to your soul. You must literally be energetically clear with and from everything and everyone. I know you are all doing this and have already cleared lifetimes of stuff, but there is still more to take care of, especially aspects of your beingness in the outer reaches of your light body that have been hidden for millennia, that are now resurfacing for healing and heart/soul home-coming. But also allow for Grace to heal everything without having to do anything about it. Call upon the karmic board, the ascended masters and angels for mega assistance with everything. (Ascended Master/Angel list in "Cosmic Cookies and my article "Angels" on my website).

And make sure you are spending time recharging in nature, on earth and in water, activating all the elements and electromagnetic circuits within your fields, communing with these elements in nature, and charging nature in return as a gift for mother earth. Also make sure you are connecting with the devas and fairies and ancient native guardians of the land. Also working with the water bodies and water ways, the life blood of mother earth. Also clearing energy pathways and old trauma energies held in and by the land from old traumas such as massacres.

And I must emphasize the extreme importance of making sure you are ingesting energized and divinely structured water. Please educate yourself in this regard. All water ain’t the same. We are generally depleted in oxygen, water and prana. Time to be getting them all in to ya big time. ("Pranic Breathing" article on my website, highly recommended). I will be selling geometries in the future that will restructurize water back to its crystalline nature. There are other ways to restructurize it including toning the water, infusing it with the flower of life (creation mandala), (F of L discs available from me, but not on my website yet), also the "wellness filter" looks really good. There are many water websites, including many links in this regard on my links page on my website, in cosmic cookies. Plus more info to come.

Physically, it is super mutation time, as our bodies struggle to deal with the amazing amounts of light we are embodying. (Concurrently, I am sending out my mutation article in regards to this). I have had a lot of upper spine stuff happening. You will have many symptoms as the acceleration continues as your DNA accelerates and activates, and your endocrine system activates. So you must make sure you are diligent about keeping your energy fields very clear from all negative and limiting energies in addition to EMR (electromagnetic radiation and other similarly debilitating energies). Call upon the Violet Flame and the Violet Flame Angels to clear energies and karmic patterns, plus the karmic board for karmic clearing. And call upon Archangel Michael often to cut all negative cords around you often.

If you are interested in tools for releasing and manifestation, and for remaining centered and activated during the upheaval, I am happy to email you a copy of my book, "The Ascension Master’s Toolkit", which is chocka block full of lots of goodies for all of this, including ascension activations… I am still working on this book and making many additions, so it is not complete yet for a hard copy release, but it is in good enough shape to work with now. If you want a copy of this book, send me an email to: ZaKaiRan@ZaKaiRan.com with the subject being "Toolkit". I would like and would greatly appreciate donations for this service and to help with the manifestation of the complete hard copy version. Please send $5 bucks or more in cash or bank checks in Australian dollars, to: Vastairan Productions P.O. Box 580 Mullumbimby, NSW 2482 Australia

If you are well tapped in to Email reports, you would have been receiving regular reports about the ETs planning to land and NESARA finally being announced, including channelings by many ET commanders and St. Germain about its impending revelation. (If not, get on triple Z’s email list: "ZaRaya Zanzara Zeviar" <zaraya@telus.net>, to be kept up to date). And Matt and Trey and the South Park Kids have revealed the truth behind it all, which is the fact that our planet is one big intergalactic reality TV show for the ETs, in fact if you tune in to galactic television, you will see "Earth" on TV, the most exciting show in the galaxy! Very exciting times. In my local area (Byron Bay Australia), we’ve got a hemp crop growing to soak up the effluent from the sewage treatment plant, and we have just elected a female green party mayor! Are these accelerated times, or what? (Galactic Federation reports, (Planetary Activation Organization: pao@hawaii.rr.com www.paoweb.com). Capt. Helena/ Capricorn channelings. Devin, Head of the Galactic Federation’s 9D Nibiruan Council Through Jelaila Starr). Other related goodies to be put on my website asap.

I am currently planning to tour Australia, so if you are interested in sponsoring me to your area, please let me know. The essence and titles of what I will be doing is still coming in, but regardless, they will be highly accelerated. I’m not planning, at this point, on coming to the US until June 2005. I am currently working a lot with sacred geometry, (especially archimedean geometries), that are directly related to our electromagnetic/geometric/elemental circuits and the elements of life/creation/form. I am also pretty driven to educate people about EMR (electromagnetic radiation), geopathic stress and other radiations. I have a page on my website about these geometries: Geo-Jewelry and Geomatrix - Platonic and archimedean Sacred Geometry Jewelry and Structures - http://www.zakairan.com/Sacred%20Geometry.htm, including jewelry that will keep you safe and centered amongst adverse conditions, for instance computers, mobile (cell) phones… and other energies. (By the way, my website is up and running and fully functional. Still updating though).

Other muse:

Sailing/Whaling Hervey Bay

This year’s sailing/whaling trip in Hervey Bay will be happening in August/September. I am meeting soon with Captain Tim and "Satori" the 13 meter catamaran to discuss the trip, including prices, dates…, and will be sending out a report on this. If you are interested, start setting aside some moola. Last year it cost $850 for a week, including food. Satori will be continuing on up the coast of Australia to the Whitsunday Islands and beyond, so many sailing adventures are available if you are interested.

Last year I had such an awesome time with the whales that I can only say, "Beyond Awesome!" Read my article "Close encounters of the 5th kind", on my website. The whales and dolphins are so permanently imprinted in my beingness now after my last experience, that I am a whale/dolphin, I just happen to have legs and hands instead of flippers. I can’t wait to play with them again. They are indeed our divine brothers and sisters who have formerly allowed us to kill them and now play with them.

ZaKaiRan on Tellavision

Dig this! I recently did a television show which will air here in Australia in June on Foxtel Cable. It is a program called "Hit and Run", whereby they put comedians through various challenges which is video taped, and the comedian then does a comedy act based on the experience for the half hour show. In this case, the challenge for the celebrity was spiritual. The premise was: the comedian, (Libby Gore), was coming to Byron Bay to meet me (ZaKaiRan) to help her meet her Higher Self, become enlightened...

First I was interviewed by Libby about what she would hopefully experience and what we intended to create for her. We discussed stepping in shit, (which she actually did, cow doody), spirituality, enlightenment, ascension, ETs, the Pleiades, (which she resonated with, and where I am from), fairies, (including fairy dusting her face and ample cleavage, the host, and goofed about other spiritual stuff.

The scene then moved on to the prepared meditation space, where we discussed the importance of setting up an altar/pillar of light to hold and activate the divine energies. (Altar was created with various beautiful divine thingys, including: Ascended Master pictures, Kwan Yin sculpture, flowers, crystals..., and hung behind it and the action/meditation, was an Archturian Gateway banner, that I channeled and painted for the Higher Self Ball 2001, which is encoded with ascended master codes (courtesy of Qala), and Archturian Light Codes (courtesy of me), 12 and 8 point waves of whales, dolphins, space ships and stars, around a Merkaba geometry). All beautifully lit and photographed!

I then led her and a small group through a meditation to "meet her higher self". All of this on camera for cable television, to be also picked up by the ABC (Australian Broadcast Channel) for national coverage on regular television.

Can you believe it! I am still blown away by this. It is totally unprecedented and a test to these accelerated times. The producer of this show and her and Libby’s decision to choose me, are to be highly commended.

The finished product will hopefully be in my hands soon and I will send out copies of the half-hour show ASAP. The entire spiritual process was led and approved by me, so this aspect was done "seriously" and legitimately, even though the show is for entertainment value and we had a lot of fun with the process and doing the show. I was invited to see Libby do her act based on the experience in Sydney, but was unable to attend, but this will be at the end of the show.

We are indeed in the 7th Golden Age when I and what I do is put on television. Yee Ha!

Golden Age Love,

Blessings on your journey of divine awakening to your awesome magnificence.


Earth Ascension Times: www.zakairan.com zakairan@zakairan.com

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #41 - 15.07.2004 at 16:50:57
evo, v slovenščini:

Iluzija izključnega partnerstva
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #42 - 23.08.2004 at 16:44:53
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #43 - 14.09.2004 at 20:35:31
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #44 - 09.10.2004 at 12:54:58
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