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ravno prav
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Re: Mrk
Reply #30 - 10.11.2003 at 10:01:44
ana wrote on 10.11.2003 at 07:49:05:
aja, pa še to: a sem edina, a nobeden ne upa rečt, da je bil ta teden krasen?

Čist v redu je bil, skos je kazalo, da je bo nekej razpočlo, pa se nič ni Smiley
Razen če bi se moglo, pa se ni, pol pa to ni v redu... da nima to kej z unimi krednovimi zlemi duhovi veze? Undecided Wink
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Nobena čarovnija ne more ničesar spremeniti v kaj drugega, tega ni; sprememba v predstavi v srcu čarovnije je spoznanje, ne ustvarjanje.&&(S. Palwick)
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somewhere in space..
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Re: Mrk
Reply #31 - 10.11.2003 at 10:03:06
Jeap, dobr teden  Smiley
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Think P O S I T I V E
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angeli letijo zato, ker
se ne jemlejo resno
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Re: Mrk
Reply #32 - 10.11.2003 at 10:04:36
teden krasen, še posebaj v soboto mi je ves čas nekaj "špilalo" pa to ni bil vin  Wink
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Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
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V iskanju svojega ORIGINALA.

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Re: Mrk
Reply #33 - 10.11.2003 at 11:09:38

Ana, dobro zate, če ti je bil kulski teden. Meni ni bil, ampak v nedeljo je pa že začelo popuščati. Zdej je že boljše.

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Bog ni maščevalen in ne kaznuje.
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Re: Mrk
Reply #34 - 10.11.2003 at 14:19:05
o tednu glih nebi
ni bil ne lahek, ne težek
čiščenje ... kot ponavadi ...

a ne obstajajo kao tud drugi planeti z bl duhovno razvitimi bitji, pa majo vrjetn pol tud svobodno voljo ???  

blj kt volja je res izbira
obstajajo tud drugi planeti ... ni pa še ene zemlje ...
se reče ... zgornji nivoji znajo bit precej podobni, spodnji pak ... so čist drugi.
in kolkr štekam niti ni tolk pomebno al smo edini svobodni al ne ... bolj je point v tem da je na tem planetu najbolj uspelo ustvarit bitje po podobi boga in da se na tem planetu računajo najboljše računice ... kar se kle ugrunta, naj bi veljalo za vse ... tud za boga ... pred časom so ble zgodbe na to temo ...
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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Re: Mrk
Reply #35 - 10.11.2003 at 18:29:01

Eden je vprašal  s pomočjo tega medija (Jamesa) duhovni svet, kaj se njim zdi najbolj smešno, kar ljudje počnejo ali mislijo na Zemlji. In je duhovni svet odgovoril:"To, da vi, ljudje, mislite, da imate svobodno voljo. Nimate svobodne volje. Imate pa svobodno izbiro."

pol to pomen da maš kaj ??? svobodno izbiro znotraj nekih ze vnaprej določenih možnosti- kao uni testi multiple choice Grin
like u štacun maš svobodno izbiro česarkol iz vnaprej določenih treh polic, pr ostalh pa nimaš kej iskt... tud če ti neki s tačetrte bl diši??
pha that suck-sm mela na sumu, da bi lahk da tko svet funkcionirou, sam mi je bla bolš ideja, da si lahk svobodno naberm s kerekol police men zapaše Grin razn če spet ni tko.... Wink

LP Kiss
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Ex Member

Re: Mrk
Reply #36 - 10.11.2003 at 19:03:41
v trgovini lahko izbiraš z vseh polic, vidiš, kaj je na vseh policah, česar ne vidiš, tega ne moreš izbrat
bolj tko je  (i think)
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Re: Mrk
Reply #37 - 10.11.2003 at 21:30:34
a zdej boš pa rekla da ti ni kdaj ksna soseda rekla kaj se da u stacun dobit, pa si sla to iskt pa nis najdla? A? Grin
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mrk
Reply #38 - 13.11.2003 at 21:45:13
Jose Arguelles, author of Mayan Factor, Dreamspell, and Time and The Technosphere, tracks the Tzolkin cycles based on the reference point of the Harmonic Convergence "global peace meditation" of gregorian August 16-17, 1987.  We have completed 23 Tzolkin spins since the Harmonic Convergence and are now embarking on the 24th spin. Arguelles writes: "The timing of the Harmonic Convergence was prophetic. It augured the fulfillment of the prophecy of Quetzalcoatl (947 - 999) known as the Thirteen Heavens and the Nine Hells. The Harmonic Convergence completed the ninth and last Hell cycle, and ushered in the final 25 years of the thirteen baktun cycle. The Harmonic Convergence was a Mayan wake-up call answered by millions of earthlings." It is fascinating to note that in the Synchronic Order, the Tzolkin date of the Harmonic Convergence was Blue Electric Eagle - Yellow Self Existing Warrior, (within the Skywalker/Prophecy wavespell), as was the Tzolkin date of the 1945 bombing of H!
iroshima also Blue Electric Eagle.  (To get updated on Jose Arguelles' current efforts - Campaign for the New Time, focused on The Great Calendar Change of 2004 - please see the global website:  www.tortuga.com )


We recently experienced a LUNAR eclipse during this last FULL moon as well as a 6-pointed star in the sky -- Self Existing 22, Blue Crystal Storm Kin 259, Nov 8. The heightened energies of this alignment earned it the name Harmonic Concordance, and many, many, many kindred spirits  gathered and focused during this synchronization. Thank you to all who joined in this collective Art!!!

We will soon have a SOLAR eclipse during the next NEW moon on Overtone Moon 9, White Magnetic Wizard Kin 14, Nov 23. Eclipses always come in pairs such as this -- signifying an opening and a closing of an auspicious time period...Eclipses are very good days for ritual as vibrations are greatly amplified!

A fascinating synchronicity is that while there was a 6-pointed star in the sky on this most recent Blue Crystal Storm day, exactly 260-days later on July 26 2004 it will be Blue Crystal Storm again and it will be the 13 Moon New Year - the day that Jose Arguelles has been calling the initiating point of "The Great Calendar Change of 2004!"

Arguelles says that this 260-day period between these two events is a time of ABSOLUTE ACCELERATION!
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Mrk
Reply #39 - 20.11.2003 at 14:33:53
Solar Eclipse for Beginners

The gift of a Solar Eclipse is to bring our new awareness into sharper focus, to reconfirm, recommit and redirect, if necessary, at the time of the New Moon. In the best scenario, our new patterns and best intentions are in place and will be charged with the energy of this alignment.

The hallmark of Sagittarius is learning through experience of the world, often through travel. We might use this time to consider journeys of the mind or body, or both. We have a continuation from the November 9 eclipse of Mars in Pisces opposing Jupiter in Virgo and Saturn in Cancer opposing Chiron in Capricorn, so issues uncovered earlier in the month will be highlighted for possible resolution at this time. This is a Total Eclipse of the Sun, visible as a partial eclipse from Antarctica, Australia, New Zealand and the southern end of South America. The path of totality crosses Antarctica.

The Solar Eclipse on November 23 will be in the sign Sagittarius. This is the 4th and final eclipse of 2003. Solar eclipses are about creation through action and are more strongly felt than lunar eclipses. The Sun is masculine in astrology thus causing a Solar Eclipse to involve involve the men in your life (lover, husband, father, brother, male boss) and, also, issues that you control will play a big role in whatever takes place for you during the eclipse period (and up to two months after the eclipse date). The eclipse is also coinciding with a new moon, meaning a new beginning will emerge in the particular area of life ruled by the house where Sagittarius is placed in your natal chart.

This eclipse will take place in the sign of Sagittarius, a Fire Sign sign, so whatever happens may involve foreigners, people at a distance, travel, education, and religious matters. This eclipse will be difficult for everyone as it is in a sqaure aspect to both Jupiter and Mars. We are all going to get some long hoped for good news and some surprising news in the near future because of this eclipse!

Signs most affected by the eclipse will be Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Leos take note - you may find out that you're going to be welcoming a new life into the world and it could be a boy or a girl born into a masculine sign of the Zodiac.

This energy is linked to the celestial activity which includes the strange solar storms that began on October 27th and continue - the Harmonic Concordance and 11:11.


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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Mrk
Reply #40 - 21.11.2003 at 10:12:25

V nedeljo, 23. 11. 2003 ob 23:50 bomo doziveli popolni
Soncev mrk...

pol pa bo en čas mir, upam Smiley
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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angeli letijo zato, ker
se ne jemlejo resno
Posts: 1502

Gender: female
Re: Mrk
Reply #41 - 21.11.2003 at 14:19:54
sam predvidevam, da ga mi glih ne bomo s prosim očesom videli  Wink
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Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
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