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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

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Re: Misel al' pa dve, da se ti "srce" al
Reply #60 - 20.01.2004 at 08:56:55

No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity,
if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family,
what have you really accomplished?

Lee Iacocca, Retired automobile executive
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Misel al' pa dve, da se ti "srce" al
Reply #61 - 20.01.2004 at 15:05:34
A Note... from the Universe

Brace yourself. It's time for more "good news, bad news". The good news is that life is just an illusion. A playground of sorts for spiritual adventurers to learn of their divinity. Where absolutely anything can happen, thoughts become things, and dreams do come true. It's like the ultimate test pilot's paradise, where they can crash and burn, and do it again. Soar and learn. Rise and fall. Conquer and stall. Or just fly in circles; sometime on purpose, sometimes not. All the while lifting the entire Universe, every imaginable form of consciousness, higher into the light for their tears and laughter bought lessons. The bad news... you're the test pilot. Our hero and Ace,      The Universe
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
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Gender: female
Re: Misel al' pa dve, da se ti "srce" al
Reply #62 - 21.01.2004 at 17:16:24

Loving life is a two-way street.
We don't receive care and compassion
if we don't extend them to others.

George Shinn, Entrepreneur
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
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Gender: female
Re: Misel al' pa dve, da se ti "srce" al
Reply #63 - 25.01.2004 at 06:11:54

It is not enough to do good;
one must do it the right way.

John Morley (1838-1923), Statesman
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
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Gender: female
Re: Misel al' pa dve, da se ti "srce" al
Reply #64 - 27.01.2004 at 09:22:55

I am a great believer in luck
and the harder I work the more I have of it.

Stephen Leacock (1869-1944), Humorist
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Posts: 879

Re: Misel al' pa dve, da se ti "srce" al
Reply #65 - 30.01.2004 at 15:22:39
Modre misli malo drugače:

 V pravljicah vitez ubije  zmaja in se poroči s princeso.
 V praksi nikogar ne ubije in se poroči z  zmajem.

 Ločiti se hočem, ker nočem biti poročen z žensko, ki  jo mož  vara.

 Delo me morda ne bi pokončalo. Toda zakaj bi tvegal.

 Verjetnost, da z marmelado namazan kruh pade na tla z namazano stranjo,
 je  premo sorazmerna ceni tepiha.

 Denar res ni vse.
 Obstajajo tudi kreditne kartice in potovalni čeki.

 Vzemi si čas za prijatelja, sicer ti bo čas vzel prijatelja.

 Newton laže. Lahke padajo hitreje.

 Ni mi jasno, zakaj so mi  odklopili elektriko, če je nisem plačal pol
 Davkov nisem plačal pet  let, pa me še vedno niso črtali s seznama

 Želim  umreti mirno v spanju, kot moj dedek, nikakor pa ne v paniki, kot
 potniki na  njegovem avtobusu.

 Ironija: Celo življenje sem posvetil iskanju zlate žile, potem pa mi moj
 zdravnik pove, da jo imam v riti.

iz enga mejla
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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
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Gender: female
Re: Misel al' pa dve, da se ti "srce" al
Reply #66 - 01.02.2004 at 08:28:10

The more I want to get something done,
the less I call it work.

Richard Bach, Writer
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
daleč od rodne barjanske grude
Gender: female
Re: Misel al' pa dve, da se ti "srce" al
Reply #67 - 01.02.2004 at 08:44:38

Remember this:
Your brain is not a museum for the past,
or a lumber room for the present;
it is a laboratory for the future,
even if the future is only five minutes ahead of you.

John Frederick Charles Fuller (1878-1966), British Army Major General
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
daleč od rodne barjanske grude
Gender: female
Re: Misel al' pa dve, da se ti "srce" al
Reply #68 - 02.02.2004 at 07:57:00

The heart that loves is always young.

Greek Proverb
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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ravno prav
Posts: 5471
Gender: female
Re: Misel al' pa dve, da se ti "srce" al
Reply #69 - 03.02.2004 at 23:35:48
Če je pravičnost v duši,
bo lepota v osebi;
Če je lepota v osebi,
bo harmonija v domu;
Če je harmonija v domu,
bo red v naciji;
Če je red v naciji,
bo mir na svetu.
(Lao Tzu, Kitajska)

Vsaka pištola, ki je narejena,
vsaka bojna ladja splavljena,
vsaka raketa izstreljena,
pomeni v končnem smislu
krajo tistim, ki stradajo,
tistim, ki jih zebe in niso oblečeni.
(Dwight Eisenhower, ZDA)

Ni poti k miru.
Mir je pot.
(Mahatma Gandhi)

Nenasilje je orožje močnega.
(Mahatma Gandhi)

Nesproščena moč atoma je spremenila vse razen naš način mišljenja.
(Albert Einstein, ZDA)

Nikoli ne boste razumeli nasilja ali ne-nasilja
dokler ne razumete nasilja do lastnega duha,
ki ga povzroči gledanje umiranja svojih otrok
zaradi nezadostne prehrane.
('Food First')

Spraševal sem se zakaj nekdo ne stori nečesa za mir?
Potem sem spoznal, da sem jaz ta nekdo.

Nikoli ne dvomite, da majhna skupina zaskrbljeno vdanih državljanov
lahko spremeni svet.
Resnično, je edina, ki ga kadarkoli je.
(Margaret Mead, ZDA)
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Nobena čarovnija ne more ničesar spremeniti v kaj drugega, tega ni; sprememba v predstavi v srcu čarovnije je spoznanje, ne ustvarjanje.&&(S. Palwick)
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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
daleč od rodne barjanske grude
Gender: female
Re: Misel al' pa dve, da se ti "srce" al
Reply #70 - 05.02.2004 at 09:17:50

Do more than you are paid for.
There are never any traffic jams on the extra mile.

Brian Tracy, Motivational speaker and writer
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
daleč od rodne barjanske grude
Gender: female
Re: Misel al' pa dve, da se ti "srce" al
Reply #71 - 07.02.2004 at 03:29:31

In each of us are places where we have never gone.
Only by pressing the limits do you ever find them.

Joyce Brothers, Psychologist
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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ravno prav
Posts: 5471
Gender: female
Re: Misel al' pa dve, da se ti "srce" al
Reply #72 - 07.02.2004 at 10:07:02
Alice se je zasmejala: "Nima smisla poskušati," je rekla. "Nemogočim stvarem ne moremo verjeti."
"Drznila bi si reči, da nisi veliko vadila," je dejala kraljica. "Ko sem bila tvojih let, sem to vedno počela pol ure na dan. In včasih sem verjela kar šestim nemogočim stvarem že pred zajtrkom."

Lewis Carroll
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Nobena čarovnija ne more ničesar spremeniti v kaj drugega, tega ni; sprememba v predstavi v srcu čarovnije je spoznanje, ne ustvarjanje.&&(S. Palwick)
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Misel al' pa dve, da se ti "srce" al
Reply #73 - 10.02.2004 at 11:32:36
The Circle has healing power. In the Circle we are all equal. When in the Circle, no one is in front of you. No one is behind you. No one is above you. No one is below you. The Sacred Circle is designed to create unity. The Hoop of Life is also a circle. On this hoop there is a place for every species, every race, every tree, and every plant. It is this completeness of Life that must be respected in order to bring about health on this planet. To understand each other, as the ripples when a stone is tossed into the waters, the Circle starts small and grows... until it fills the whole lake.

- Dave Chief, Oglala Lakota
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
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Gender: female
Re: Misel al' pa dve, da se ti "srce" al
Reply #74 - 11.02.2004 at 08:03:10

Energy follows thought;
we move toward, but not beyond, what we can imagine.

Dan Millman, Speaker and writer
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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