All of us have been victims at times. Typically, these are the most painful, traumatic times of our life because they seem to come from situations that surprise us, even blind-side us. We seem to be attacked from an unexpected quarter. It is true, however, that we reap what we sow; therefore, more is going on in a victim situation than meets the eye. There is as much violence in a victim as there is in a victimiser. A victimiser sends the violence outward, while the victim directs the violence, firstly, against themselves and, secondly, towards someone else. Every time we are victimised, we attack some person who is significant to us. We might even be attacking someone who died long ago, but we typically attack the people who are around us now. Being a victim is a state of unawareness, a way of being and staying angry. To take it to its deepest metaphysical level, it is a form of attack that says, "I'll show you, God. I'll show you that you are not such a good God. I'll suffer and be unhappy here on your earth." As we let go of being a victim, which is to stop attacking others through attacking ourself, we become willing to receive. We are then surrounded by abundance, love and support.
Today, take some time to sit down and write out ten major incidents where you were a victim. Next to each incident, write down who it was you were attacking and, then, what it was you were attacking them for. Recognise how being a victim was just a natural part of your power struggle with them. Make a choice about whether or not you want the attack to continue. If you have kept who you were attacking a secret from yourself, there is still an element of being a victim, and attack is still going on. It is holding you back, so ask for help to realise who this is. Choose to stop attacking, thereby, freeing yourself and everyone concerned.