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Re: If it hurts, it's not love
Reply #15 - 11.08.2003 at 10:06:18

When we cannot feel the energy within us, or the natural excitement of our emotions as they run through us, we create drama or pain to make ourself feel something. If feeling is shut down we create more drama and more pain in order to feel alive. People who have not been able to feel, often go to greater and greater lengths to feel something; sometimes, even to the extent of creating violence. When we are fully aware of any emotion, even if it is negative, we feel excitement because we know we are healing; we are aware of all the nuances of the sensations as we feel them. What we call emotion and pain is really just how energy expresses itself in certain situations. Our willingness to feel, to open ourself up, brings us back to feeling alive without having to create drama, negativity, or pain.

Today, allow yourself to take the time simply to feel things. Take a situation that is dramatic, painful, or unpleasant, and concentrate on the strongest sensation. Then allow yourself to feel fully how it changes as you focus on it. Now pay attention to exactly how the energy of the next sensation manifests itself. Experiencing and embracing every sensation allows both physical and emotional pain to release and unfold. As you apply yourself to this, you find a method of self-healing that you can use in any situation. Healing through experiencing yourself feels good. Moving forward feels good.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: If it hurts, it's not love
Reply #16 - 11.08.2003 at 10:18:46

All healing at some level has to do with integration - recovering the hidden and fragmented parts of ourself, and integrating them. In a relationship when we are polarised, our partner is expressing something that is calling us to integrate, calling us to go to a higher level. When we integrate an opposite, we do not get any of its negative aspects, we only receive its power and energy. The integration always shows itself in the highest possible form, containing both our energies; hence, each of us feels we have succeeded.

Today, see yourself actually holding miniaturised forms of your partner in one hand and you in the other; your partner represents one part of the truth, you the other part. Now melt them both down to their pure energy so you are just holding two hands full of energy and light - the most basic building block of the Universe. Notice, there is no difference between the energy in one hand and the energy in the other. Now as you bring your hands together so your fingers interlock, the energies join together into one form. You may see a new image, a new symbol, and a new way begin to emerge out of all that energy, or it may stay as a glowing form of energy. Allow all this newness to come into your life, joining you and your partner.
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Re: If it hurts, it's not love
Reply #17 - 12.08.2003 at 11:15:23

If we judge, we are stuck with what we have judged. Judgement gives us a sense of being right, but it does not move us forward. Our willingness to be wrong allows things to keep moving forward. Our willingness not to know all of the answers means we can be taught something; if we are a full glass of water, nothing can be poured into us. Our judgement says, "Nothing can be taught to me. I have all the answers, and I am stuck." Choosing to give up our judgement and recognise that there may be more to this situation than meets the eye, allows us to see with greater perspective and be shown the way in this situation. If we have the answer, we cannot be taught; however, there is always something to learn.

Today, take a moment to discover what you are judging and, therefore, stuck with. Be willing to let it go. Imagine that you placed your judgement on a little boat that went down a swift river, flowing out to sea and moving out of your mind. There, coming toward you from upriver, is the answer, the next step in the situation. Only when you let go of the little boat carrying your judgement can your ship come in. One powerful form of affirmation might be: "I hope I'm wrong, because if I'm right, this is what I get."
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: If it hurts, it's not love
Reply #18 - 12.08.2003 at 13:40:06

Whenever we judge someone to be the bad guy, we go into power struggle with them; we avoid them or attack them, even if only in our mind. We set up a struggle in which we are trying not to be affected by them, or we are trying to beat them. Anywhere someone loses, whether they lose or we lose, we have all lost. We have created a situation where somebody has to pay the bill. Guess who it is going to be? This judgement is actually just a way of hiding things that need to be handled or communicated. It is a projection of our own self-judgement. As we are willing to look beyond "good guys - bad guys," and move beyond our competition to understand, there is a place, paradoxically enough, where both of us could be satisfied - now and in the future.

Today, choose for everyone to win. Close your eyes, relax, and think of the person you are judging. Who is it that you believe is wrong? Who is it that you believe is the bad guy? Ask the part of your mind that has all the answers to take care of this problem, and to show you that paradoxical way that everyone can win, not only now, but also throughout eternity. Do not stop until everyone can win.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: If it hurts, it's not love
Reply #19 - 13.08.2003 at 13:46:25

It is important to give ourself basic respect, and to ask for self-respect from those around us. Letting someone abuse us is not a service to anyone. Respecting ourself is to not allow ourself to be abused. It is important to prevent people from harming us, not only for us, but because, later, their guilt will create a vicious cycle of either withdrawal or recurrent attacks. Sometimes, the ego puts us in situations where we get abused, and we let it happen because of our concepts of non-violence or feelings of weakness. We put ourself in abusive situations because, in some way, we feel guilty and feel we need to sacrifice ourself. Every form of abuse is a place where we get others to punish us for subconscious guilt. As they punish us, it increases their guilt and, therefore, their self-abuse also. In any situation where we are feeling emotionally or, even, physically abused, doing whatever it takes to prevent the other person from abusing us is crucial, for it will not help anyone. Sometimes, we need to communicate very strongly with them or, sometimes, we might need to remove ourself from the situation because of the nature of the event. In either case, but especially if we remove ourself, if we keep pouring love and support toward the person, the situation will begin unfolding for us.

Today, be willing to explore the guilt you are feeling that is creating the situation, because you can change it instantly. Ask yourself, "If I were to know, at what age did this guilt spring up?" Then ask, "With whom did it come about?" Now ask, "What was happening that I felt guilty about?" Remember, guilt is a mistake. Resolve to heal it. In whatever situation you were in, you left your centre. Ask the Universe to carry you back to your centre, and from there, to help you extend the light within you to assist everyone back to their centre, and even to deeper centres within you as needed for a feeling of peace and innocence. Notice how good all of you feel at this point. Bring all of this good feeling into your present situation and see how this affects it.
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Re: If it hurts, it's not love
Reply #20 - 14.08.2003 at 09:20:08

Sacrifice comes from the illusion that if we give up our own self, we can let the other person carry us forward. We are willing to do anything for a person just so we can use their selfhood for our sense of identity. All sacrifice is unworthiness. It cheats our partner as well as ourself because we cannot receive their gifts, and they get what we consider to be damaged goods, something picked up at the discount counter. As we value ourself, we find we are creative enough to reach a solution without having to give up our position or our selfhood.

Today is a day to begin to value yourself and find your true centre. Choose to live your truth rather than someone else's. Ask your Higher Mind to carry you back to your centre. It is a place of peace, innocence, true value and relatedness. Give yourself the most valuable gift of all - you.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: If it hurts, it's not love
Reply #21 - 14.08.2003 at 15:06:34

When we are true to ourself and stand in our own centre, we have a natural direction and purpose to our life. Sometimes, people around us become uncomfortable when we are in our centre because living our truth reawakens them. It asks them not to live comfortably in areas where they are stuck in roles and duties. Even though we make them uncomfortable, we are not being false to them. Being truly committed to ourself makes it impossible to betray anyone because truth for ourself allows us to extend the truth to others; it allows them to take their next step also.

Today, take a look at all the different areas where you could be truer to yourself. Where something is difficult, you are not being true to yourself. It is also important to note that it is not necessarily what you are doing that may be untrue, it may be how you are doing it. Sometimes, you may be doing something for approval that seems to help you in the short run, but will lead to failure in the long run. In areas where you are true to yourself, you are receiving, and things naturally flow with a certain ease, so now is the time to be true to yourself. By living this truth, you are true to everyone else.
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Re: If it hurts, it's not love
Reply #22 - 14.08.2003 at 22:06:35

When we indulge we are compensating for all the sacrifice we are doing. If we were just truly giving, we would have to be truly receiving. There would be no need to indulge - with food, work, sex, alcohol, drugs, etc. - which wears us out as much as our sacrifice does. A vicious cycle of indulgence/sacrifice is set up as we indulge, then feel guilty we have indulged, and then go into sacrifice to make up for the guilt. The cycle repeats as we burn out from the sacrifice, because we then feel it's okay to indulge ourself and do exactly what we want, with a certain level of rebellion or resentment toward those to whom we feel in sacrifice.

Today, look at the areas where you have indulgences or addictions. Are you a workaholic? Are you a foodaholic? Take a clear look at where you feel you are not in the centre of your own life. Where you are not in the centre, where you are not being true to yourself, you are in sacrifice. Come to the centre of your life, and move out of the indulgence and sacrifice. Imagine there is a centre in you. What percentage from 0 - 100 did you get off your centre? (Usually readings of 30% - 80% reflect heavy sacrifice, while 80% - 100% reflect self destructiveness in the cycle of sacrifice and indulgence.) What experience took you off your centre? Go back there now, and choose, once again, to centre yourself. At this point, from your centre, you can give the gift that the people around you really need. This gift is part of who you are.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: If it hurts, it's not love
Reply #23 - 15.08.2003 at 13:19:21

Expectations ruin experience because they place a demand on the situation to meet our needs. However, there is a good chance that our needs will not be met even if the situation lives up to our plan (our picture of how it should be). Our plan is a way of ritually killing all the inspiration of the event. Expectations are different from goals, which are good to have because they invite us forward and are much more productive and successful. If we miss the deadline or goal, we simply re-set it, which facilitates moving forward. If we miss an expectation, we beat ourself up and make ourself feel bad, which does not facilitate moving forward.

Today, be aware of your expectations. Willingly let go of how you think it should be, so you can be taught by the Universe about what is the best way for you. Trust that, at the very deepest level, everything works out for the best for your healing and growth. If you are willing to let an experience be anything that it is and make full contact in any situation, you will have a much greater chance for happiness. If you have an event coming up where you might have expectations, imagine the event as a city at the end of a beautiful, emerald river. See yourself getting into a little boat and launching it into this gentle river. As the boat moves out into the current, just relax and watch the scenery go by. The river itself carries you toward the city, your goal, and it feels so easy. There is no effort necessary. As your goal calls you, there is nothing to do - just relax and enjoy.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: If it hurts, it's not love
Reply #24 - 18.08.2003 at 11:17:38

Rocks hate guilt. They hate guilt because they feel so guilty. They believe that somewhere in their lives they have totally blown it and they have not really forgiven themselves for it. This is why they are out to save the world - to make up for their guilt. They feel as if they have made such a big mistake that they need to sacrifice themselves, but because of the inner guilt, whatever sacrifice they make is never enough. Rocks hate apologising because it feels as if they are admitting how incredibly guilty they feel inside. Swamps are always apologising and abasing themselves. They do not feel that they have done something wrong, but that something is wrong with them. This is why they could not receive all of the love and attention they felt they needed as a child, and why they feel that they never get enough love now. No matter how much the rock sacrifices or gives to them, it is never quite enough to reassure them. Swamps are also really good at communicating what is not working, so they are good at complaining or criticising. Rocks hate criticism, however, and will tend to overwork or learn things overmuch just so they will not be criticised. For swamps, however, nothing is ever quite good enough. Rocks are always playing "rock-man-enough", trying to prove to the world how they survived in spite of how tough it was, sometimes doing stupid thing in testing their limits because they are trying to prove themselves to get over the basic guilt. Their motto is, "No matter how hard it is, I can take it." Swamps can't take anything. If they get complaints or criticism, they tend to fold, disappear, run away or go into even more swamp-like behaviour. As we begin to understand the differing communication styles, we can see how it is a perfect situation for mutual misunderstanding. In recognising that we have found our natural partner, we can embrace what we are missing, embrace our partner and move ourself, our partner, and our relationship forward.

Today, spend time appreciating your partner. They have to act out what you are missing. The swamp's super-sensitivity makes up for the rock's lack of sensitivity. To the extent the rock is out of touch, the swamp will complain about everything. Together, you can really balance and move forward. You can bring humour into the situation as you understand each other and the role that each of you has played. Now, it is time to move out of these roles, and find a communication style that works much better for both of you. Editor's Note: "Rock" and "swamp" are terms used by Dr. Spezzano to describe two completely different styles of communication in relationship. Refer to Lesson 276.
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: If it hurts, it's not love
Reply #25 - 18.08.2003 at 16:23:02
"If it hurts, it's not love"
Jaz mam gledišče (mogoče globje razumevanje), da:
LOVE HURTS (In to ne pomeni, da če ne boli, ni ljubezen Roll Eyes)

Drugače pa fajn link.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: If it hurts, it's not love
Reply #26 - 19.08.2003 at 11:11:18

If we do not deal with our losses by experiencing all the feelings, we do not make a new beginning. Instead, we costume the loss with the role of dependence, independence or being the untrue helper. If because of this loss we take on the role of dependence, we will now act very needy, but the role itself does not allow us to receive. If we adopt the independent role, we act as if the loss did not matter to us and that we do not care. Saying we do not care, though, really hints of how much we do care. If we mask this unmourned loss with the role of the untrue helper, we are always helping everyone with their pain, but covering up our own. Somehow, this never quite helps us move forward because we limit our capacity to help others.

Today, take a look at what you have used to move away from your old losses. Are you in a state of dependence, independence, or in the helping role? What is the loss you have not recovered from? Allow yourself to feel the feelings of loss, not as the adult you are, but as the child inside who still mourns that loss. Allow yourself, as that child, to finish the mourning process, and birth inside you what this role has hidden. As you are willing to move past your roles and allow this birth to take place, you will move forward and have a greater capacity to help others in your life.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: If it hurts, it's not love
Reply #27 - 20.08.2003 at 12:04:02

When we fail, we are getting back at significant people around us, especially our partner. Every failure in life is also a form of revenge on our parents. As we are willing to look at all the places where we feel we have failed in our life, and especially where we are failing now, we can begin letting all of this go, which opens a way for us to succeed. Revenge and hurt go hand-in-hand. Where we are getting revenge, we will still feel hurt. All hurt contracts us. Every time we have been hurt, we made our heart smaller. When we get hurt, we go into contraction because we, somehow, feel insulted by what has happened; we, somehow, feel as if we have been belittled. When we feel hurt or resistant, we are using the situation to make ourself feel even smaller than we are. Revenge and failure can continue long after we have forgotten or repressed an old hurt. It is important to pull ourself out of the contraction when we are aware of it. Any kind of responsiveness will do this, any kind of forgiveness or giving. Many other things create flow, such as appreciation, understanding, trust, integration, letting go, and commitment. They move us out of this stuckness and contraction where our heart freezes, where we lock ourself into a certain mode of acting - a defensiveness - until we can deal with the pain.

Today, ask yourself, "Who am I getting revenge on? What am I getting revenge for?" Once you have made a little list of these particular things, ask yourself, "Am I willing to keep failing in my life just so I can get back at these people?" As you are willing to move forward, your playfulness is a way of moving beyond any kind of contraction. Play creates flow. Be willing to share anything that needs to be shared, but be playful about that sharing. See how much you can play today, and how much you can get yourself into the flow. Play is the little sister of creativity, so treat it well. It will release old feelings of hurt and revenge, if you allow it to do so.
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Re: If it hurts, it's not love
Reply #28 - 20.08.2003 at 16:37:30

We say that we desire certain things that we do not have. When we look into our mind, however, we realise that what we lack, we do not want. We do not want it because, for some reason, we are afraid to have it. For example, if we believe that a good person should not be rich, abundant, or have too much sexual satisfaction, we will either be good without the riches, or bad with abundance. The fear is stronger than having abundance because our belief says that it is bad. The more we complain about not having what we think we want, the more we are actually afraid of having it. If we check out our belief system and fear level, we may be kidding ourself about what we say we really want. The problem is with neither the situation, nor is it another person. It is with ourself. The willingness to change our attitude, have courage and open ourself to a new level, find our hidden fears, and look at our belief systems allows us to see and let go of what is stopping our abundance. Somewhere we have valued an idea or a certain feeling (maybe guilt, maybe fear) more than what we think we want.

Today, let the negative beliefs that stop you from what you want come to your mind. Let go of whatever belief or feeling stands in the way of your receiving. Imagine yourself being filled with what you want.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: If it hurts, it's not love
Reply #29 - 21.08.2003 at 11:57:01

Sometimes, at the end of a relationship, we shut the door because of our feelings of pain and anger. Then, we shut the door on all relationships and completely repress the fact that we did so. After a certain amount of time, when we go out looking for a relationship, no matter how long, how hard, or in how many directions we look, no eligible person seems to be around. We cannot seem to find anyone eligible who interests us; it is because we have shut the door. The good news is that we can open the door right now - flinging it wide and beginning again.

Today, if you are not in a relationship, when did you close the door? If you are already in a relationship, you might take a look at what seems to be missing, because where you are missing something, you have closed the door to that particular quality. Why did you shut the door? Imagine you are swinging the door wide open. It is your door, so if it is locked, guess what? You have the key. As soon as you open the door, what you are missing will come your way.
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