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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #75 - 01.02.2005 at 22:44:59
February 2005 Celestial Timings
by Rosalind Shorter

Early in February Orion will be at its highest point in the southern sky. Orion is a hourglass shaped constellation. You will be able to see in the southern sky after 6pm. Look for his belt first, three equally bright stars in a straight line that slants from the lower left to the upper right. Above his belt are two stars that make up his shoulders. The brighter one to the left is the reddish-orange Betelgeuse and the other is Bellatrix. Saiph and Rigel are below his belt. Rigel, the brighter of the two is blue-white in color. Sirius, our brightest fixed is stationed to Orion’s lower left and joins with Betelgeuse and Procyon forming the Winter Triangle. In the northeastern sky, the handle of the Big Dipper is pointing downward as if balancing on it.

The Last Quarter on February 2nd is at 2:27 am EST. Just before dawn on February 4th, look for Antares to the Moon’s upper right and for Mars to the Moon’s lower left. The Aquarius New Moon is on February 8th at 5:28 pm EST. The waxing Moon is near the Pleiades on February 15th in its First Quarter phase. The Moon joins Saturn, Pollux and Castor on February 19th and 20th. February 23 is the Virgo Full Moon also known as the Snow Moon at 11:54 pm EST. On February 26th look for the Moon and Jupiter together in the eastern sky around 10 pm EST and the Moon occults Jupiter (or covers and uncovers it) in the early morning hours of Feb 27.

Daily meditations/affirmations from the Dreamspell Calendar are included in this month’s timings. The affirmations assist in tuning into the galactic energy signature of the day. This provides additional connection to the rhythm of galactic natural time that differs from the time scheme of the Gregorian calendar which de-emphasizes the natural cycles of the Moon and other planets as well as Solstices and Equinoxes. The Dreamspell Calendar is based on Jose Argüelles’ research of the Mayan Calendar. The Dreamspell Calendar consists of 13 months or moons of 28 days each. February begins during the last six days of the seventh moon of the Dreamspell Calendar. The seventh moon of the Dreamspell Calendar is the Resonant Moon of Attunement. A question worth meditating on during this period is “How can I attune my service to others?” The totem animal for the Resonant Moon is Monkey. You may want to take the first six days of February to reflect on how to adapt and evolve as our monkey ancestors did. Listen to Spirit and let it guide and inspire you to reach your greatest potential and true destiny.

Tuesday, February 1st. The Moon moves into Scorpio at 1:51AM EST and squares Mercury in Aquarius. With the Scorpio Moon emotions will run intensely deep though are controllable through the detached logic of Mercury in Aquarius.

Today’s Galactic Energy is Red Resonant Monkey and the affirmation is:
“I channel in order to purify
Inspiring flow
I seal the process of universal water
With the resonant tone of attunement
I am guided by the power of birth.
I am a galactic activation portal….enter me.”

Wednesday, February 2nd. Venus enters Aquarius at 10:42 am bringing a sense of freedom from physical and emotional issues and a need to focus on intellectual and spiritual matters. Meditating on Aquarian Venus can assist you in finding your spiritual center.

Two holidays share this date: Candlemas and Groundhog Day. Candlemas is the Feast Day of Bridget of Kildare, the Celtic goddess of fire, the hearth, smithy, fields, poetry and childbirth. On this day, Bridget would visit and bless homes. This is a cross-quarter day in the Celtic Calendar falling nearly halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The actual astrological cross-quarter is Feb 3 when the Sun reaches 15 degrees Aquarius. Traditionally, this day is said to mark the end of winter and the beginning of spring and is the precursor of the American celebration of Groundhog Day. (See 2/2/2004 Celestial Timings Archives)

If Candlemas day be sunny and bright,
Winter will have another flight
If Candlemas day be shower and rain,
Winter be gone and will not come again.

The seeds planted at the winter solstice are now beginning to manifest. It is a time for new beginnings and germination of promises made during the darkness of winter. Take this time to remember and renew the wishes, promises and goals made in the previous year.

Today’s Galactic Energy is White Galactic Dog:
“I harmonize in order to love
Modeling loyalty
I seal the process of heart
With the galactic tone of integrity.
I am guided by the power of timelessness.”

Thursday, February 3rd The Moon moves into Sagittarius at 7:21 am EST enhancing the current Resonant Moon energy of the Dreamspell Calendar. Sagittarius is the truth-seeker inspiring our search for personal truth and life purpose. In addition, the Sun is conjunct Neptune (15 Aquarius) indicating the universe may set up unexpected and uncontrollable circumstances helping to illuminating our search for our personal truth. Each planetary conjunction with the Sun illuminates inner unseen doorways into the mysteries of that planet. Neptune includes the mysteries associated with inspired intuition, compassion, and dreaming. This is a great time to pay attention to intuitive messages that support us in more fully living our life’s purpose.

Today’s Galactic Energy is Blue Solar Monkey:
“I pulse in order to play
Realizing illusion
I seal the process of magic
With the solar tone of intention.
I am guided by the power of accomplishment.”

Friday, February 4th With the Moon in Sagittarius conjunct Pluto, the energies of the previous day continue with Pluto taking us to the depths of our emotional being furthering the search for personal truth.

Today’s Galactic Energy is Yellow Planetary Human:
“I perfect in order to influence
Producing wisdom
I seal the process of free will
With planetary tone of manifestation.
I am guided by the power of universal fire.
I am a galactic activation portal….enter me.

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #76 - 01.02.2005 at 22:45:57
Saturday, February 5th The Moon conjuncts Mars (29 Sag) at 8:08 am EST possibly energizing feelings of disconnection and disorientation if we are out of synch with our spiritual quest. Then the Moon moves into Capricorn transmitting the understanding of how to responsibly administer our personal domain. This is a good time to notice areas where we are taking too much responsibility as well as where we are not taking enough.

Today’s Galactic Energy is Red Spectral Skywalker:
“I dissolve in order to explore
Releasing wakefulness
I seal the output of space
With the spectral tone of liberation.
I am guided by my own power doubled.

Sunday, February 6th Mars enters Capricorn at 1:32 pm EST energizing the elder statesman who focuses on knowing and using the rules of life to manage responsibly within the global community. Take this time to tune into your inner “Elder” and allow him/her to help guide you.

Today’s Galactic Energy is White Crystal Wizard:
“I dedicate in order to enchant
Universalizing receptivity
I seal the output of timelessness
With the crystal tone of cooperation.
I am guided by the power of birth.

Monday February 7th – Monday February 28th  The rest of the month of February falls in the eighth month of the Dreamspell Calendar, the Galactic Moon of Integrity. The question to meditate on is “Do I live what I believe?” We can use the power of harmonizing with our true self taking  action that models integrity. The totem animal for this moon is the Hawk. According to Ted Andrews’ Animal-Wise Tarot, “Hawk’s appearance always heralds a time of greater strength and vision, which will help us tremendously in our present endeavors. We will have protection in our journeys and endeavors. Now is the time to gallantly move forward with them.”

Monday, February 7th The Moon moves into Aquarius at 9:26 am EST and conjuncts Venus at 8:06 pm EST. Just before Sunrise today the Moon appears near Venus very low on the eastern horizon. This is marking the final passage of Venus through all the gates into the underworld. Venus will disappear from the morning sky about Feb 19 symbolizing her journey through the underworld until she rises as an evening star in early May. Today the old goddess (Moon) and the new goddess (Venus) are gathered in council. Their collective energies support us in attuning to cosmic consciousness. Now is the time to detach from the physical and emotional issues currently at work in our lives and use pure spiritual detachment in our quest for living with integrity.

Today’s Galactic Energy is Blue Cosmic Eagle:
“I endure in order to create
Transcending mind
I seal the output of vision
With the cosmic tone of presence.
I am guided by the power of self-generation.”

Tuesday, February 8th Today is the Aquarius New Moon (20 Aquarius) at 5:28 pm EST. Traditionally, the New Moon is a time to plant new seeds that will symbolically coming to fruition at a future Full Moon. The Aquarius New Moon is a time for planting revolutionary seeds of change that support beneficial evolutionary growth. This New Moon is conjunct Neptune in Aquarius (15Aquarius). It is time to sow seeds that allow us to tune in on a transcendental level to the original dreams and goals of our lives….are you living what you believe? Today is Fat Tuesday and the end of the Mardi Gras season. Party tonight for tomorrow begins the Lenten season of 40 days of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual fasting and detoxification.

Today’s Galactic Energy is Yellow Magnetic Warrior:
”I unify in order to question
Attracting fearlessness
I seal the output of intelligence
With the magnetic tone of purpose.
I am guided by my own power doubled.”

Wednesday, February 9th. The Chinese New Year of the Wood Rooster officially starts today. The following poem describes Rooster Energies…..

I am on hand
To herald in the day,
And to announce its exit.
I thrive by clockwork and precision.
In my unending quest for perfection
All things will be restored to their rightful place.
I am the exacting taskmaster.
The ever-watchful administrator.
I seek perfect order in my world.
I represent unfailing dedication.
I am the Rooster.


The Moon enters Pisces at 8:59 am EST bringing in the energy of universal selfless service. It is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Lenten season. As we begin the period of Lent, let us think about how our personal sacrifices can contribute to universal goodness. It has been 46 days since the tsunamis hit Indonesia, Thailand, India and Somalia…have you contributed to the relief efforts in some way? Let the Piscean Moon speak to you about how you can help relieve some of the suffering that exists on Earth. Tune in and allow yourself to be a part of a collective consciousness that is Peace on Earth.

Today’s Galactic Energy is Red Lunar Earth:
“I polarize in order to evolve
Stabilizing synchronicity
I seal the matrix of navigation
With the lunar tone of challenge.
I am guided by the power of universal water.
I am a galactic activation portal….enter me.

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #77 - 01.02.2005 at 22:47:44
Thursday, February 10th The Moon remains in Pisces and continues to bring with it the energy of transcendental universal service. Tune into the energy of the Bodhisattva who is fully enlightened and decided to remain on Earth to be of selfless service to humanity.

Today’s Galactic Energy is White Electric Mirror:
“I activate in order to reflect
Bonding order
I seal the matrix of endlessness
With the electric tone of service.
I am guided by the power of spirit.”

Friday, February 11th The Moon enters Aries at 10:21 am EST squaring Mars in Capricorn at 4:32pm EST. Aries Moon has an impetuous spirit often leaping into action without thought. However, Capricorn Mars helps settle impetuous Aries by adding some reasoned thought to the mix.

Today’s Galactic Energy is Blue Self-Existing Storm:
“I define in order to catalyze
Measuring energy
I seal the matrix of self-generation
With the self-existing tone of form.
I am guided by the power of vision.”

Saturday, February 12th Sun (24 Aquarius) sextiles Pluto (24 Sagittarius) exact at 10:28 am EST. The Sun Pluto conjunction on December 13, 04 (22 Sagittarius) initiated the annual dance of Pluto with the Sun illuminating our personal and collective experience around the experience of authentic divine power. Pluto sextile the Sun now is further activating revolutionary growth when we are willing to release outmoded beliefs, truths and misconceptions still lingering in our awareness. This supports an ever growing more authentic experience of our original core self. Any lingering shadow issues such as fears, judgments, and forgotten or denied skills and abilities we carry are likely to surface now for further awareness and transformation.

Today’s Galactic Energy is Yellow Overtone Sun:
“I empower in order to enlighten
Commanding life
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of elegance”

Sunday, February 13th The Moon is void of course until it enters Taurus at 3:18 pm EST. Taurus is earthy and sensual. Take this time to revel in and enjoy the pleasures of receiving intimacy. Know that you are truly beautiful without reservation and deserve to be honored in way that is befitting that status. Settle for nothing less than to be truly and completely honored and loved. In July 2002, during a group meditation to heal Mother Earth I received a following message from the “Ancient One”, the original goddess, Gaia, Mother Earth impressing upon me her urgent need for healing. Ultimately we cannot be whole unless she is whole and she cannot be whole unless and until we are whole.

“Mother Earth is unsettled and unbalanced. To return to a harmonious state an equal balance of power between men and women is necessary. Women are the source and nurturers of life. It is time for women to own and accept their power rejecting the labels of beauty and limiting feminine roles determined by our male dominated culture. It is also true there are also labels and roles that have limited men in their authentic experience of themselves as well.  It is time both men and women see themselves as the truly beautiful and divine people that we are. As both men and women heal and accept themselves more fully, Mother Earth will heal herself and return to a place of harmony and peace.”

The galactic energy for today is Red Rhythmic Dragon:
“I organize in order to nurture
Balancing being
I seal the input of birth
With the rhythmic tone of equality
I am guided by my own power doubled”
Birth and rebirth is the essence of the day!!!

Monday, February 14th The Moon remains in Taurus and squares Venus in Aquarius. The challenge between the old goddess (Moon) and the new goddess (Venus) is one of deep sensuality versus cool aloofness. This St. Valentine’s Day is an auspicious day for finding greater balance between sensual intimacy and self-reliant independence. Maybe the goddess of intimacy (Taurus) can teach the independent goddess about the joy of sensual intimate connection while the Aquarian Goddess can teach the Taurus Goddess about the benefits of being truly independent and free enough to receive from each other without attachment, reservation or hesitation. For the giver receives as much from the giving when the receiver genuinely receives with gratitude.
Today’s Galactic Energy is White Resonant Wind:
“I channel in order to communicate
Inspiring breath
I seal the input of spirit
With the resonant tone of attunement
I am guided by the power of timelessness.”

Tuesday, February 15th The First Quarter Moon in Taurus is directly overhead at Sunset near the Pleiades. This means the Moon in Taurus is forming an exact square to the Sun (27 Aquarius) at 7:16 PM EST illuminating and energizing the struggle between earthy sensuality and cool aloofness. The accelerating energy of this half Full Moon is also receiving and transmitting from the Pleiades star gate where magnified messages are available if we are tuned in…

Today’s Galactic Energy is Blue Galactic Night:
“I harmonize in order to dream
Modeling intuition
I seal the input of abundance
With the galactic tone of integrity
I am guided by the power of accomplishment
I am a galactic activation portal…enter me.”

Wednesday, February 16th The Moon enters Gemini at 12:18 AM EST. Gemini is footloose, fancy-free, creative energy. Take these next two days to reconnect with your inner muse, with spirit and with humor and freedom. Mercury enters Pisces at 12:46 PM EST enhancing our ability to connect with our inner muse through being fully present in the moment and connected to our deepest, most empathic and compassionate feelings.

Today’s Galactic Energy is Yellow Solar Seed:
“I pulse in order to target
Realizing awareness
I seal the input of flowering
With the solar tone of intention
I am guided by the power of universal fire.”

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #78 - 01.02.2005 at 22:48:45
Thursday, February 17th Venus  (18 Aquarius) Trines Jupiter (18 Libra) having moved 120 degrees apart since their beautiful conjunction in the morning sky last November. Venus now traveling with the Sun is not visible and Jupiter remains a prominent feature of the morning sky. This timing supports inner reflection and expanding vision on what was seeded with Venus and Jupiter in November particularly in the area of conscious equal partnership with all our parts and with each other.

Today’s Galactic Energy is Red Planetary Serpent:
“I perfect in order to survive
Producing instinct
I seal the store of life force
With the planetary tone of manifestation
I am guided by the power of space.”

Friday, February 18th The Sun enters Pisces at 8:32 AM EST illuminating and energizing universal love and selfless service to others. The Moon enters Cancer at 12:13 PM EST and remains there until early on February 20th. Cancer involves loving and nurturing progeny with an eye to future generations. With Sun in Pisces and Moon in Cancer this is a time for refining our attunement to selfless service in nurturing all Earth’s progeny providing a foundation of greater love and acceptance for future generations.

The galactic energy for February 18th is White Spectral World-Bridger and the affirmation is:
“I dissolve in order to equalize
Releasing opportunity
I seal the store of death
With the spectral tone of liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled…death.”

Saturday Feb 19. Mercury conjunct Uranus (6 Pisces) is an indicator for unusually high intense mental processes providing potential for breakthroughs in limiting thought patterns. This is an excellent time to expand ordinary modes of thinking by considering radical and unusual viewpoints, further opening our minds to new possibilities. Uranus often brings change in sudden and unexpected ways, shifting the old assemblage point allowing for new perspectives, insights and understanding. Resistance results in slowing, or getting stuck in, the breakdown which then delays the break through. It helps to go with the flow and note the messages of change that are innovative, brilliant, cutting edge, and liberating.

The galactic energy for today is Blue Crystal Hand:
“I dedicate in order to know
Universalizing healing
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the crystal tone of cooperation
I am guided by the power of self-generation.”

Sunday, Feb 20. The waxing Moon conjuncts retrograde Saturn (21 Cancer) early this morning. Tonight after sunset the Moon will be well past Saturn visible above the near Castor and Pollux on the rim of the Sacred Hoop. Saturn is rapidly slowing for its direct station on Mar 21. Together Moon and Saturn further illuminate the possibility of a world structured in cooperation and caring for one another, where everyone feels safe and their needs are met. Globally beneficial changes are established and maintained in the collective field of awareness when we reach critical mass as described by the 100th monkey effect. This current Saturn transit indicates we have the necessary support for the establishment of a new form, new matrix, or collective system of operation based in cooperation and love when enough people are practicing forgiveness and consciously choosing this reality.

The galactic energy for today is Yellow Cosmic Star:
“I endure in order to beautify
Transcending art
I seal the store of elegance
With the cosmic tone of presence
I am guided by the power of free will.”

Monday, February 21st The Moon enters Leo at 12:54 AM EST. Leo energizes feelings of self-love and self-confidence. Now is the time to empower yourself so you can empower others by showing how to love yourself fully and radically. Venus (24 Aquarius) sextiles Pluto (24 Sagittarius) assisting in digging deeply into our deepest fears about being truly and completely independent and free. Use these energies to empower yourself by loving yourself as you are and being okay with being independent of another.

The galactic energy for Today is Red Magnetic Moon:
“I unify in order to purify
Attracting flow
I seal the process of universal water
With the magnetic tone of purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled…universal water.”

Tuesday, February 22nd Transformational messenger Mercury (11 Pisces) is sextiling accomplishment oriented Mars (11 Capricorn) teaming up for intuitively inspired, decisive, practical, productive action.

The galactic energy for today is White Lunar Dog:
“I polarize in order to love
Stabilizing loyalty
I seal the process of heart
With the lunar tone of challenge
I am guided by the power of spirit.”

Wednesday, February 23rd The Moon enters the Full Moon phase at 11:54 PM EST. The seeds planted at the New Moon can now be brought to fruition. The Moon enters Virgo at 12:44 PM EST activating the need to find our sacred work and attune ourselves to our sacred life purpose. The Moon in opposition to the Sun (5 Pisces) allows us to see our sacred work as the path of selfless service to humanity.

The galactic energy for today is Blue Electric Monkey:
“I activate in order to play
Bonding illusion
I seal the process of magic
With the electric tone of service
I am guided by the power of vision.
I am a galactic activation portal…enter me.”

Thursday, February 24th Sun conjunct Uranus (7 Pisces) Pisces operates in the realm of visionary imagination where we have the power to dream our dreams into reality from the place of great compassion without attachment to outcome allowing whatever needs to be a safe, accepting space. Uranus is a change agent, a catalyst intended to maximize evolution of consciousness. Uranus is “revolution for evolution” “break down to break through” and “whatever it takes” to shift assemblage points. The Sun Uranus energy is seeking innovative, creative and unusual ways to wake us up to true compassion and acceptance. It is wise to expect the unexpected, roll with the flow and trust whatever is unfolding is aligned with the divine plan.

The galactic energy today is Yellow Self-Existing Human:
“I define in order to influence
Measuring wisdom
I seal the process of free will
With the self-existing tone of form
I am guided by the power of elegance.”

Friday, February 25th The Moon remains in Virgo until it goes void of course at 12:00 PM EST suggesting this is a great day to leave work early and allow time for creative pursuits outside the realm of ordinary reality. Moon enters Libra at 10:59 PM EST and remains until February 27th at 8:49 PM EST. Libra Moon brings the desire for conscious equal partnership. Learn the lessons necessary to achieve mastery in relationship. Are you in an equal partnership? Where are the imbalances in your relationships?

The galactic energy today is Red Overtone Skywalker:
“I empower in order to explore
Commanding wakefulness
I seal the output of space
With the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of birth."

Saturday, Feb 26 Venus moves into Pisces where it remains until Mar 22. The magical feminine (Venus) now integrating the Heyokah Coyote Woman in her larger collective cycle that began Jun 15, 2004, finds herself operating in the Pisces imaginal realms where she is learning more about co-creating her world through playful imagination that goes beyond logic and reason.

The galactic energy for today is White Rhythmic Wizard:
“I organize in order to enchant
Balancing receptivity
I seal the output of timelessness
With the rhythmic tone of equality
I am guided by my own power doubled…timelessness.”

Sunday, February 27th Moon Occults Jupiter (18 Libra) visible in Southern Australia part of Antarctica. Occultations accelerate energy similar to an eclipse. This acceleration provides an opportunity to uncover hidden beliefs around relating to our life, to others and to our world. What holds us back from healthy conscious relating in ways that are uplifting and supportive to all concerned?

The galactic energy for today is Blue Resonant Eagle:
“I channel in order to create
Inspiring mind
I seal the output of vision
With the resonant tone of attunement
I am guided by the power of accomplishment.”

Monday, February 28th The Moon enters Scorpio at 7:21 AM EST. Scorpio operates in the intense feeling realms while also learning lessons necessary to manage and express those intense feelings in healthy ways. This timing supports further mastery of our emotions by bringing our will into alignment with God’s will or divine will. Another expression of Scorpio is the Shamaness/Witch, creatrix and holder of life force energy. This is one of the original expressions of women’s mysteries. Tapping into these mysteries in a healthy way allows us to fully manifest the power and strength of spirit in matter. Connecting with your inner “Witch” or “wise woman” teaches you how to feel the fullness of your life force and manifest your desires into reality. The Scorpio Moon trines Venus (3 Pisces) at 12:08 PM EST. Scorpio is traditionally associated with the “Dark” goddesses, Kali, Hecate, and Pele. Allow the compassionate goddess (Venus) to join with the potency of the “Dark” goddess for the purpose of using powerful life force energy in manifesting universal love for humanity.

The galactic energy for today is Yellow Galactic Warrior:
“I harmonize in order to question
Modeling fearlessness
I seal the output of intelligence
With the galactic tone of integrity
I am guided by the power of universal fire.”
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Reply #79 - 23.02.2005 at 18:00:26



Full Moon in Virgo
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
8:54pm PST
5º 41'

  This is the Full Moon of healing and service. Virgo understands that disease manifests itself in societies as well as in individuals. There is so much dis-ease in our world and we all need to awaken to our role as healers. This is especially true on this Full Moon in Virgo, which heralds the start of a five year period of the evolution of human consciousness through contact with Chiron (the wounded healer) in Aquarius (the collective).

   Unfortunately, when most astrologers speak about Virgo (usually through gritted teeth and with more than a bit of negativity) they use descriptives like perfectionistic, critical, analytical, organized, discriminating, scientific, empirical, and calculating. Well, show me one person who hasn't wished to have any one of these qualities when they were badly needed! In truth, we all express our Virgo side when we strive to be our best. (Which I might add is not such a bad thing.) Sometimes, when referring to Virgo, we are lucky enough to hear astrologers use words like healing, service, sacrifice, and mentoring. Virgo is the healer, the doctor, the nurse, the teacher, the therapist, the worker, the researcher, the scientist, and the engineer. For Virgo, caring comes in the form of finding workable solutions to everyday problems. Virgo is the true healer of the zodiac because in its mind, if it causes pain, it warrants attention and a cure.

   This is a serious Full Moon, ripe with potential for health and healing. Virgo screams for us to pay attention to the body and take responsibility for our health. If you are currently dealing with a serious health issue, don't take anything at face value. With Mercury and Uranus in Pisces conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon, deep questioning about your illness is in order along with openness to alternative or new approaches. What are the psychic causes of physical illness? What are the spiritual implications of disease? What is my body trying to tell me about my life? If my current methods are not working, what healing processes have I rejected in the past due to a fear of trying something different? Become an active partner in your healing process. Read the research, ask lots of questions and engage your practitioners in dialogue about your progress. Virgo wants to understand the mechanics of illness so that it can better affect a cure.

   By the way, this is the ideal Full Moon to start a weight loss or de-tox program, especially with Venus (beauty) and Chiron (wounding) in radical change, hard-nosed, tell-it-like-it-is, unemotional Aquarius. Virgo rules a desire for purity and cleanliness. At its worst, this desire can manifest as compulsive hand washing, anorexia, extreme asceticism, strict dietary regimens and hypochondria. At its best, it becomes an insistence on maintaining good health by watching what we ingest. For this reason, the Full Moon in Virgo reflects a tremendous desire to throw off unhealthy habits that create sickness and sadness in our lives.

   For those of you who committed to releasing addictions and committing to health on the New Moon in Aquarius, this is the time to begin your program and commit to health and healing. Even with Mercury (the mind) in Pisces, it is time to arise out of the Neptunian fog of addiction, get real, get embodied, and start being a contributing member of society. No one gets a free ride, no one.

   Speaking of contributing our gifts to the world, this is the time to celebrate those who work tirelessly to serve the needy, the wounded, and the infirm. If you have a friend or a loved one who is one of these amazing people, you might want to give them a chance to turn some of that love and attention inward. Encourage them to take a day off, get a massage, go out hiking in a beautiful setting, or just rest and relax at home. Believe me they won't do it on their own, even if they actually admit to being burned-out. You'll have to drag them along! If you work for one of our helping/healing institutions (hospitals, food banks, NGO's, non-profits, mental health groups, healing centers, homeless shelters, social work departments) think of a way to celebrate your hard work. Organize a lunch party or hire a massage therapist to come in and do chair massage.

   This Virgo Full Moon also gives us all an opportunity to make friends with our inner critic; that slave driver who can be either a helpmate or a hindrance. For those of you with strong Virgo in your charts, this is the Full Moon to tame the perfectionist living inside your head. You know, the one that says, "Nothing I do is good enough." Those inner voices of self-doubt block the ability to act with conviction. This is the time to talk back to self-doubt and take control! Use this Full Moon to say, "This is good enough!" and get your talent out there.

   Here is something you might not know: the Goddess Astrea, the "Starry One" symbolized Virgo, the sign which rules the physical world and by extension, our bodies. Virgo knows that all life comes from star-stuff. Everything you are existed 15 billion years ago at the time of the Big Bang. Virgo and Pisces enjoy a deep connection around this realization. Pisces understands the oneness of all life through a deeply spiritual lens. Virgo understands the oneness of all life through the physical realities of cosmology, mathematics and physics. If we all experienced our bodies with this kind of integrated Virgo/Piscean conscious awareness, we would experience existent transcendent reality in every cell, in every life form. There would be no violence because everything would be holy. In Virgo's world, holiness is achieved through transcendent embodiment, and from this state of embodied awareness one can heal almost any malady. Make no mistake about it; the mind-body connection is the most powerful medicine for healing and the true wisdom of Virgo. The potential of the entire cosmos lives within the body. So on this Full Moon, experience your celestial origins by celebrating your body as a heavenly gift!

   One last thought: this Virgo Full Moon is opposite the Sun/Uranus/Mercury conjunction in Pisces. With the Moon so focused on service and the Sun/Uranus/Mercury conjunction so insistent on speaking compassion, peace, and love, we each need to come to grips with globalism. The Virgoan cry of "get real and heal" is coming from many of us who seek global unity; a very Sun/Uranus/Mercury in Pisces ideal. War must stop. Threats must end. Religious, ethnic and racist hatred has got to go. Jingoism is a virus that has infected America through and through. When we reject other nations we reject ourselves. When we curse other nations we curse ourselves. When we destroy other nations we destroy ourselves. Even internally, America is destroying itself by insisting on being divided along red and blue lines. America heal thyself by becoming a beacon of love and light, rather than an unending source of global pain and destruction.

   ©2005 Lisa Dale Miller
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #80 - 24.02.2005 at 23:55:29
Your Dreams Take Over

Those Crazy Dreams

Flying, falling, floating. Doing somersaults in the snow with forgotten childhood friends. Dreams are mystifying manifestations of our subconscious that frequently leave us scratching our heads, wondering what on earth is going on in the depths of our brains. And over the next couple of weeks, your dreams -- and your reality -- could get even weirder.

You'll Be a Pisces Too

By the end of February, Mercury, Uranus, Venus and the Sun will all be residing in dreamy Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac. Pisces represents the end of a cycle and inspires the preparation for new beginnings (spring cleaning, anyone?). Ruler of the subconscious (and, therefore, dreams), it is also the most sensitive and spiritual sign. Pisces folk are much more aware of all that goes on around them -- soaking it up like a sponge -- and much of what they experience goes straight to their subconscious minds. Now, with four planets shining their spotlights on the sign, we'll all be feeling like a Pisces -- from preparing for fresh starts to becoming more attuned to our inner-selves.

Uranus Adds a Kick

Rebellious Uranus, ruler of technology, has actually been visiting mellow Pisces for roughly two years now, so when the other three planets make their moves into the sign, they'll also turn up the Uranian influence. You might become aware of some strange ailment and refer to Internet sources to understand of what's going on. Or maybe you'll start cleaning house and decide you need the latest in vacuum technology to really do a thorough job. Or -- and this is extremely likely -- you might wake up to realize that you just had the weirdest dream of your life. Fortunately, Pisces's influence is perfect for analyzing your dreams. So keep a journal by your bed, and don't be surprised to find yourself trying to figure out why you were flying next to your best friend from kindergarten last night.

Understand Yourself with Free Samples of Our Finest Personal Readings!

The planets may be focusing on Pisces, but ultimately that means the spotlight's shining on you. To help you take advantage of this time, we'd like to offer you free samples of two of Astrology.com's best personal readings. For deeper insight into your true personality, as well as how you relate to the rest of the world, start with The Real You Reading.

Then check out our Inner Healing Reading to naturally reach your highest of highs, both mentally and physically. Only when you truly understand yourself, can you turn your best dreams into reality!


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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #81 - 21.06.2005 at 17:00:23
Jun 20, Monday. The three-day Solstice Window begins today and is exact tonight for the Pacific Time zone at 11:46 pm PDT. This means for those in the Eastern Time Zone it is already June 21 and the time is 2:46 am EDT. The exact Solstice window is three full days when the Sun Stands Still rising and setting farthest north (Summer Solstice) or south (Winter Solstice) on the horizon. However, the Sun is moving very slowly along the horizon for at least two weeks before and after the exact Solstice with very little visual difference so you can capture the essence of the experience before and after the exact day.

The Solstices and Equinoxes mark the four main annual seasonal gates.  This is because our Sun is the central hub of our Celestial/Solar Timeclock consistently ticking off the seasons in a precise and rhythmic pattern from the Earth’s perspective. These Solstice and Equinox points move one degree every 72 years backward through the constellations taking about 26,000 years to make one complete circuit through the ecliptic. Our current time finds these seasonal markers strategically aligned with the Galactic Poles (Equinoxes) and the Galactic Plane (Solstices) illuminating this giant celestial cross. Once every 6500 years the Solstices and Equinoxes align with these points synchronizing the Earth cross with the Celestial Cross. Currently the December Solstice is aligned near Galactic Center or the place the Mayans referred to as Hunab Ku, the giver of all movement and measure. The June Solstice is aligned with the opposite point or Galactic Anti-Center looking out into deep space. The March Equinox is aligned with the South Galactic Pole and the September Equinox is aligned with the North Galactic Pole. This alignment is one of several major indicators informing us that we are moving into a whole new space-time reality.

At this time it is safe to say these seasonal gateways are particularly powerful timings to witness and honor. Observing the Solstice Sunrise or Sunset with gratitude and appreciation for the unfolding Great Mystery is a great way to participate with this Timing. The June Solstice Sunrise naturally empowers us, piercing our senses, our bodies, and our hearts, with a light intelligence infusion coming directly from deep space via the alignment with the Sun along the Galactic Plane when we are open to receive this transmission. This year we have the added benefit of the Full Moon also transmitting light intelligence from the Galactic Core, or Hunab Ku. In fact tomorrow night June 21 is the fullest rise of the Moon with the Sun setting about 10 to 15 minutes before the Moon rise. This is a rare opportunity to receive a transmission from both Solstice points and the galactic plane via the Sun and the Moon. It is also interesting to note that the Moon is rising very near an exact 19 year Lunar Standstill. (Details about that another time but for now know this is a rare opportunity to experience both the Sun and the Moon at their extreme rising and setting points creating a possibility for empowered awakening beyond what we have previously imagined). Also worth noting is the Moon rising very near Antares the heart of the Scorpion about an hour before the Sun sets tonight. Antares won’t be visible until after Sunset but the Moon will be visible rising over the South Eastern Horizon (See May 24 and Mar 2 and 3 2005 Celestial Timings Archives for info about Antares)  

Jun 21, Tuesday. Still well within the central potency of the Solstice window the Moon conjuncts Pluto this morning rising at Galactic Center tonight. This suggests we are in a shamanic process of shedding and releasing old fear programs that have limited our fullest knowing and experience of who we truly are and simultaneously we are receiving transmissions for new awareness coming in from the Galactic Plane. Don't forget tonight the Sunsets about 10 minutes before the Moon rises depending on the Horizon line. This is definitely worth witnessing if you have a chance. (See Jun 20 for details) For those who enjoy visual images it might help to imagine a “Cross of Light” connecting the Heavens and the Earth through the Galactic Poles and the Galactic Plane. The Keys of Enoch tell us that crosses have been used through out human existence to “indicate the life-giving fusion of divine wisdom with the primal element of earth, taking place through the energy grids which are as ‘tool’s’ for the transposing of energy into life.” (page 306) This Timing is an activation way beyond ordinary reality and the quickening is happening as evidence by the extreme chaos so many are experiencing. This is similar to the physics principle called phase transition and the chaos that precedes particles shifting into a super fluid or super conductor state of coherence. This model suggests the extreme chaos so many are feeling is an indicator of the approaching harmonic shift already in process. It brings to mind the saying; “It is always darkest before the Dawn.”

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Mateja B.

Posts: 441

Gender: female
Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #82 - 27.03.2006 at 14:54:28
Sončev mrk v sredo, 29. 3. 2006, ob 12.12

Popolni Sončev mrk bo viden v ozkem pasu, ki teče od ekvatorialnega dela Atlantika in zahodne obale Afrike prek osrednje Afrike, Libije, Egipta in Turčije in se konča v osrednji Sibiriji. Kot delni mrk je viden iz Evrope, Afrike in zahodnega dela Azije. V Ljubljani se bo mrk začel ob 11.38, središče mrka bo ob 12.44, Luna pa bo zapustila Sonce ob 13.50. Ob največji fazi mrka je zakrite 46 odstotkov Sončeve površine.
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I love to live and I live to love.
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