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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
19.06.2003 at 10:53:36
The Moon is in watery and diffusive Pisces all day today, but we may not feel as soft and fuzzy and the symbolism would suggest. Remember, red-hot Mars has just entered Pisces and is drawing nearer to Uranus—that wild and crazy planet. So, as the Moon sweeps through the early part of Pisces, it contacts both Mars and Uranus, thereby stirring up the cosmic soup and perhaps tossing off a few lightning bolts to further shock us into greater awareness. This is an early warning for the energy that needs to be released over the next week.  (če ima kdo namen to prevajat, you are welcome Wink)
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« Last Edit: 12.08.2003 at 13:27:51 by Petra. »  

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA danes
Reply #1 - 20.06.2003 at 04:15:39
The Moon is still in spiritually sensitive Pisces, but the energies are softer today than yesterday. Whatever conflicts may have surfaced now settle back down into the soup of our subconscious feelings. Today, both Venus and Mars form a harmonious trine with Neptune—the key planet of Pisces. This puts a rose-colored tint on what once was reality. Reality becomes what we imagine. This can be highly creative and we can manifest our dreams, but can also set up difficult situations if we try to escape from the truth.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: LUNA danes
Reply #2 - 21.06.2003 at 18:31:51
General Daily Overview
The Moon enters the fiery sign of Aries the Ram at 11:06 am EDT. This is normally a time to initiate action, especially when it is based on our feelings. But the bigger cosmic news for the day is that it is the Summer Solstice, marking the first day of summer. Astrologically, this happens when the Sun enters the emotional sign of Cancer the Crab. We feel the contradiction between the passive and self-protective hard-shelled Crab and the aggressive Ram that impulsively needs to move forward without hesitation.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: LUNA danes
Reply #3 - 24.06.2003 at 02:41:39
The Moon is in earthy Taurus today, which is usually a stabilizing factor, but this is one of those days when there’s a lot going on in the cosmos. The Sun, now in the sign of Cancer, aligns with Saturn-the Tester and pushes our emotions up against a wall. The Sun aligns also harmonizes with Uranus and Mars, indicating powerful, even explosive expression, even in areas of our life where we might feel stuck. And, if this isn’t enough, sweet Venus is tensely opposing dark Pluto now, bringing hidden feelings to the surface.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: LUNA danes
Reply #4 - 25.06.2003 at 14:53:59
The Moon is in determined Taurus all day. Traditionally, the Moon is very comfortable in the sign of the Bull, for here she has the stability to stay in touch with her feelings. And since Taurus is connected with the planet Venus, there is a sweet sensuality to what is going on. There’s not a lot of other planetary activity now, but the last several days have been so intense that we can really use this time to integrate what’s already transpired and to ground the energy in practical ways.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: LUNA danes
Reply #5 - 26.06.2003 at 14:36:43
The Moon enters Gemini, the sign of the Twins, today at 12:12 pm EDT, marking a shift in the cosmic energy. We move into a couple of days of gathering information and making connections, both in the outer world and within our own thinking process. Gemini is a sign of contradictions and we can be faced with unsolvable mental puzzles. This might offer some relief to the heavy emphasis on emotions that have predominated these last days. We can all gain perspective from our thoughts, but it’s important to avoid using logic to replace feelings.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: LUNA danes
Reply #6 - 27.06.2003 at 10:17:05
The Moon remains in Gemini throughout the day. This keeps things moving, for Gemini tends to be a mentally active sign. The Moon here can be fickle. The winds of our feelings change often. The Moon is also harmonizing today with visionary Neptune and optimistic Jupiter, giving lift to our ideas. We are like untethered kites, free to fly in the breezes of change. The only danger comes from flying too high, without having a way back down to the safety of ground. Think about finishing old business, for the New Moon is on the way.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: LUNA danes
Reply #7 - 28.06.2003 at 15:00:06
The Moon is in Gemini, asking us to pay attention to how information flows through our life. But it’s not just about words. It is our patterns of interactions. This is a good time to think about which activities are necessary and which are distraction. Of course, the Moon in Gemini likes distraction. Additionally, Mercury, which is Gemini’s planet, forms a stressful aspect with diffusive Neptune. It’s a conflict between having too much details and yet not enough information. The best course of action may be decided by intuition and not by the data.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: LUNA danes
Reply #8 - 01.07.2003 at 11:46:19
General Daily Overview

The cosmic weather changes today as the Moon enters Leo at 9:12 am EDT, bringing our feelings more into the open. A slow moving harmonious aspect between expansive Jupiter and powerful Pluto now reaches fruition. Its time to make our intentions known, but we must work for the good of all. Mercury-the Communicator trines aggressive Mars, giving us the energy to initiate discussion about what is most important. Even though American Independence Day is still three days away, we may see some early emotional fireworks.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: LUNA danes
Reply #9 - 02.07.2003 at 13:47:34
The Moon is in fiery Leo today, reflecting our need to be appreciated by those we love. Leo love is a personal and romantic love that needs to be expressed outwardly. The Moon in Leo brings out feelings of loyalty, although we are still picking up on the Sun and other planets in changeable Cancer. Speaking of changeable, Venus is in her last few days of being in restless Gemini where she makes a tense aspect with spaced-out Neptune. We think we know what we want, but it’s difficult to pin down the specifics.
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Re: LUNA danes
Reply #10 - 02.07.2003 at 13:51:55
Petra. wrote on 02.07.2003 at 13:47:34:
We think we know what we want, but it’s difficult to pin down the specifics.

Exactly. Undecided
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: LUNA danes
Reply #11 - 03.07.2003 at 13:04:50
Evo, luna danes prinaša nove izzive:

The Moon changes signs today at 4:15 pm EDT, from warm and playful Leo into cool and analytical Virgo. It we are paying attention, we can feel the difference in our inner world as our subconscious no longer is pushing us to engage fully. Now, instead of putting it all out into the open, we think carefully about what we are feeling before expressing it. As the Moon moves through the early part of Virgo, it forms a tense opposition to both Uranus and Mars, creating the possibility of emotional upsets.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: LUNA danes
Reply #12 - 10.07.2003 at 02:30:37

The Moon enters Sagittarius at 2:48 am EDT. Sagittarius is a Centaur—the lower half is animal and the upper half is human. The human part is aiming an arrow into the sky, symbolizing our need to aspire toward the heavens as we overcome our basic animal nature. The Sagittarian Moon asks up to grow, to learn, to travel and to make plans for the future. Meanwhile, dark Pluto is being aspected by the Sun and Mercury, which can make it difficult for us to leave the shadows too far behind as we aspire toward the blue sky.

(včeraj:  The Moon is in Scorpio today, continuing yesterday’s overall emotional tone, but spirits will tend to be just a little lighter as the restrictions of the Venus-Saturn conjunction now begin to pass. Additionally, we have minor tension between mental Mercury and physical Mars. This can push us toward saying things or taking action without fully considering the consequences, which in turn can create difficulties. If there were issues that were avoided yesterday, we may run headstrong into them today. )

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: LUNA danes
Reply #13 - 11.07.2003 at 12:04:04
The Moon is in Sagittarius, lifting our spirits above the mundane circumstances of our lives, adding optimism and inspiring us toward greater adventure—and tempting us to choose partying over worrying. Speaking of partying, Venus, the planet of romance and desire, forms a harmonious trine aspect with Mars, the planet of physical energy. Venus and Mars are the cosmic lovers, and when they are in harmony, it bodes well for the Department of Love. This won’t cure all that ails us, but it can temporarily make things a bit more pleasant.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: LUNA danes
Reply #14 - 22.07.2003 at 00:20:03

Even though it’s a back-to-work Monday for many, the pace of life becomes slower and steadier as the Moon enters Taurus at 6:48 am EDT. Traditionally, the Moon is said to be “exalted” in the sign of the Taurus, for it has the stability to allow the Moon to change—as she does—without losing her sense of who she is. The Moon, after all, represents our feelings, our bodies and our dreams. Today, the Moon forms a supportive sextile aspect with both Uranus and Saturn, symbolizing the need to break through without breaking up.


(22.7.) The Moon is in down-to-earth Taurus. What we sense is real; if we cannot perceive it with our senses, then it doesn’t exist. But there is a deeper note being played on the cosmic harp as Mercury the Messenger enables intense Pluto, forming a harmonious trine. Mercury was the only Greek God who could travel unharmed back and forth over the River Styx, which separated Pluto’s underworld from what appears here on the surface. We can use this aspect to visit the depths of our subconscious mind and bring back jewels of awareness.
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« Last Edit: 22.07.2003 at 02:29:37 by Petra. »  

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