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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #45 - 19.05.2003 at 21:49:13
Lunar and Solar Eclipses: Reality Shift
Number 66, May 12, 2003
By Gururattan Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D.

Eclipses are catalysts for change and the harbingers of
transformation.  Eclipses create change by disrupting the normal
electromagnetic pattern of the Sun-Moon field. (*1).  This disruptive energy affects us by challenging the status quo in our personal and collective lives.  What we once held as sacred is exposed as no longer valid.  Beliefs we considered unchallenged are now open to question.  What we considered permanent is now vulnerable to the cycle of life, death and rebirth.

Thursday May 15th  at 8:36 PM PST is the Full Moon in Scorpio and a Lunar Eclipse.  This is a Taurus-Scorpio eclipse, which is all about desires, resources, economic conditions and manifestation.  The lower, unconscious __expression of these energies manifest as greed, fear, attempts to control and to find security where it cannot be found.  The higher, conscious expressions of these energies manifest as desire satisfaction, emotional contentment, the power to manifest and the ability to find security in our personal connection between the finite and the infinite.


When the Sun eclipses or covers the Moon, we have a chance to see our life in the full light of our soul.   Hidden desires, unexpressed urges and goals that we have stuffed emerge and stare us straight in the eye.  Whatever has struggled to get our attention is now in our face.  The dreams we have nurtured for years are ready to be realized.  

We become aware of what we came here to.  Our vision for our life is revealed.  Our mission is clarified.  And our goals become well
defined.  This does not mean that our lives will instantaneously
change, although this is a possibility.  But deep within we know that nothing will ever be the same again.  We know that this is a time of realignmen and repositioning.  The reality shift has announced itself and our job is to assess where we are at, define where we want to go next and be willing to turn at the fork in the road.  

This is a time to listen to and follow out instinctual messages and to align our intentions with this new information. We need to fully indulge in seeing, feeling, tasting and enjoying what we truly want to create in our lives.  The next few weeks are a perfect time to
integrate the joy of living our life the way wish and intend it to be in our feeling, desire body.  Our desire body is revealing to us the truth of our heart's desires.  It is our job to pay attention, honor this information and be totally present to how this feels in our physical and emotional bodies.  

Our reorientation depends upon our willingness and ability to
supplement our mental, intuitive messages with full body feeling
awareness.  It is through our feeling awareness that we create our
new reality and nurture it into being.  Feeling awareness gets us in touch with and utilizes the juicy substance of our desire body for manifestation.  


Eclipses create an opening for change by disrupting the
electromagnetic field of the planet and our personal electromagnetic fields as well.  The Earth's energy field is zapped and so is ours. (*2)  Our energy levels are characteristically low during the days and even weeks around the eclipses.  

We may feel disoriented, confused or zapped of energy at this time.  We may have difficulty staying on course, focusing and remaining centered.  If we push ourselves, we may get sick.  Do not over exert yourself.  Take time to relax and take care of your physical and emotional health.  

This is a critical time to meditate in order to realign ourselves
with the Earth's energies.  In silent meditation we can be present to the instinctual messages bubbling forth from our soul.  It is not a time of dynamic action, so calm down and be one with the energy of the zero point in the manifestation process.  At the zero point we can allow old situations, relationships and beliefs to leave so that we can create the space and prepare the field for new opportunities to enter our lives.    

As you allow yourself to simply be, enjoy how it feels to have what you know you really want in your life.  Feeling at this deep
accepting level is absolutely essential for realizing our dreams and bringing our intentions into manifestation.  So take advantage of the moment to feel real.  It is very enjoyable to simply be present to how good it feels in your body to let your desire body take over your awareness reality.  Master this and keep expanding this glorious feeling awareness and you will manifest your dreams right before your very eyes.  


Friday May 30th  is the New Moon in Gemini at 9:20 PM PST and a Solar Eclipse in the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity.   When the Sun is eclipsed we get in touch with our subconscious and how we are either sabotaging or aligning with our heart's desires.  This is a time where our belief systems are exposed in the light of universal truths.  If our beliefs align with universal truths, we allow the
universe to support us.  If our beliefs about ourselves, the world
and the cosmos are tainted with fear, guilt, ideas of scarcity and
lack, we will block universal assistance through our misalignment.  

So as you get clarity on your heart's desires for this lifetime be
aware of what beliefs and limitations in your consciousness prevent you from fully feeling them into existence.  The lunar and the solar eclipses are a package deal.  The universe is offering us yet another chance to clear the cobwebs and to enjoy the exhilarating ride of the ascent into spirit and the descent into manifestation.  Riding your own personal wave in the ocean of existence is what life on planet Earth is all about.

The New Millennium Being
Gururattan Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D.
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 6632

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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #46 - 20.05.2003 at 10:51:51
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #47 - 20.05.2003 at 14:11:15

18th May 2003

Message from Maitreya,

I recently had a communication from a student asking me why there is so much change happening in the world?

Countries are going bankrupt, there seem to be problems everywhere, people are not traveling a great deal anymore, and the travel industry is suffering very much. The person asked of me "Why is this happening"?

I replied to her the fact this is a part of the big change needed to make things better in the world. It may seem as if everything is bad now, but in the future of the Earth plane, it will bring in a different energy. All that has been for centuries is being worn down. Old ways of thinking, of doing things, they are being removed and a new energy is emerging. The change is slow, but it is happening. It will continue to happen until all that is 'old' is removed, and the new energy replaces it.

Change always brings conflict, and for some time there will be conflict in many ways. First there is the upheaval, then slowly change happens, and finally, the new energy emerges. What used to be is no longer relevant. This will happen all around the world, slowly but surely, change will occur on the Earth plane.

This is to be the future of the Earth plane, change in a dramatic way. Those of you who are spiritual can either fear the change, and the more you fear it the more it will come, or you can embrace the change, accept it and move forward. The choice is yours!

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #48 - 23.05.2003 at 13:07:27

Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Saturday, 17 May 2003, 9:28 p.m.

A source says that major things will take place between now and August 12Th.


August 12, 1943 Second test of the Philadelphia Experiment.

Duncan Cameron Jr (1) and Edward Cameron are transported to

August 12, 1983.

A time tunnel opens up every 20 years... 2003 is 20 years from 1983!

I will elaborate more later... but thought I would post this so others can start talking and writing about it!!

Also remember that Al Bielek was Edward Edward



-123,000 BC Evidence of intelligent life on Mars.
1856-1943 Nikola Tesla, father of modern electronics
1892-1957 William Reich, discoverer of Orgone energy.
1939-1945 World War II.
Early 40's First stage of Project Rainbow.
July 20, 1943 First test of the Philadelphia Experiment.
August 6, 1943 Three UFOs sighted over the USS Eldridge.
August 12, 1943 Second test of the Philadelphia Experiment.

Duncan Cameron Jr (1) and Edward Cameron are transported to

August 12, 1983.
October 28, 1943 Last test of the Philadelphia Experiment.
Late 40's Second Stage of Project Rainbow.
-- Phoenix Project, development of the radiosonde.
1947 Duncan Cameron Sr. contacted.
Early 50's Project Rainbow and the Phoenix Project merge.
1951 Duncan Cameron Jr (2) born
1962 Alleged landing of men on Mars.
1963 Duncan Cameron Jr (1) placed in Duncan Cameron Jr's (2) body.
1967 Phoenix Project complete.
1969 Phoenix Project ordered to disband by Congress.
1971 Formation of Phoenix II (aka the Montauk Project).
1973 Experiments with mood alteration and mind control
1974 Creation of the first Montauk Chair, further experiments with

mind control.
1976 Creation of the Montauk Chair Mark II.
1977 Creation of solid objects by thought alone, experiments with

"The Seeing Eye", mind control and telekinesis.
1979 Experiments with time travel.
1979-1980 Installation of the Orion Delta T antenna.
1980-1981 Calibration of new equipment and further time travel

1981-1983 Exploration and manipulation of the time stream.
1982-1983 Exploration of Mars.
August 12, 1983 Last major experiment of the Montauk Project. A time tunnel is

created back to August 12, 1943. Duncan releases the Beast from

the Id. Preston Nichols shuts down the Montauk transmitter.
Late 1983 Montauk Project disbands.
May/June 1984 'Black Berets' purge Montauk AFB.
Late 1984 Removal of most Montauk Project equipment. Cement used to

seal off underground areas of the base. Montauk AFB

2180-2280 Possible time period that 3,000 - 10,000 people were sent to.
6037 Time 'Aryan' children were sent to to view a ruined city with a

golden horse statue.


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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #49 - 26.05.2003 at 21:53:11
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

      All of the maladies occurring on Earth can be solved with a shift of consciousness. As simplistic as that statement sounds, it is absolutely true.
      In order to eliminate war, hatred, violence, abuse of power, crime, corruption, greed, selfishness, poverty, gross imbalances in the distribution of wealth, homelessness, hunger, famine, prejudice, pollution, rampant disease, poor medical care, lack of education, fear-based religious beliefs and every other distorted reflection of the human psyche, all Humanity has to do is lift up in consciousness and remember the Oneness of ALL life.
      Once a person remembers that all life is interconnected, interrelated and interdependent, it becomes glaringly clear that it is pure insanity to harm another part of life. When people truly grasp the Divine Truth that they cannot have a single hateful thought or feeling or speak a single negative word or physically hurt any other part of life without harming themselves, then they realize to do so is self-destructive and downright stupid.
      When Humanity remembers the Oneness of all life, it is obvious that if any part of life is loved, healthy, comfortable, happy, peaceful, prosperous and successful, it adds to the collective harmony of Humanity and everyone benefits. With that understanding, it is also obvious that if any part of life is unloved, sick, desperate, sad, unhappy, poor or failing, the collective misery of Humanity increases and everyone suffers.
      For the past 50 years, the Spiritual Hierarchy has been revealing the fact that Humanity is on the brink of the greatest shift of consciousness ever manifested in the history of time. These Beings of Light have been tenaciously working with embodied Lightworkers to prepare for that mass awakening.
      During most of that time, it was believed that in spite of our most valiant efforts, there would be many souls who would not be able to withstand the shift and would be left behind.
      There were actually two Earths created by the mighty Elohim, the Builders of Form, to accommodate both those who would make the shift of consciousness and those who would be left behind. The new Earth and the old Earth coexisted in the same time and space continuum but vibrated at different frequencies. The plan was that when it came time for the shift of consciousness, the new Earth would Ascend into the 5th Dimension, and the old Earth would be left behind in the 3rd Dimension.
      Due to an unprecedented act of Divine Intervention and the Lightwork of millions of people all over the world, a miracle took place in August 2002 that surprised even the Company of Heaven.
      The recalcitrant souls who were in danger of not making the shift into the 5th Dimension were taken in their finer bodies into the heart of the Solar Logos of our Central Sun, Beloved Alpha and Omega. These Beings of Light are the representatives of our Father-Mother God in this Solar System.
      Embraced in the Divine Love of Alpha and Omega, the wayward souls were given one last opportunity to choose to move into the Light. The Divine Intelligence within the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love had been blazing in their Heart Flames for a year and had softened their resolve to resist the Light. In a stunning moment of Divine Grace, every single soul volunteered to do what is necessary to move into the Light.
      With that new covenant, Alpha and Omega sounded their Cosmic Keynote, and the Builders of Form breathed the old Earth over the Bridge to Freedom into the frequencies of the new Earth. The two Earths merged and became one, and a new Divine Plan was set into motion to prepare every evolving soul for the impending global shift of consciousness. Now our greatest work ever has begun.
      2003 will be a defining year. All life is moving into the Light, and it is up to each one of us to decide how easy or difficult our Ascension will be. Are we going to surrender to the Oneness of all life and move forward on the wings of bliss, or are we going to be dragged into the Light kicking and screaming? The choice is up to us.
      Since the decision of the recalcitrant souls was made in the Realms of Cause, it takes time for that understanding to filter into the dense consciousness of their outer minds. Obviously many people are still acting out their resistance to the Light and attempting to wreak havoc in the physical plane.
      The fact that the two Earths have become one, thus enabling all Humanity to move forward into the Light, is a miracle beyond our comprehension. The important thing to understand, however, is that the miracle greatly increased the work the Lightworkers must now accomplish.
      The Lightworkers must now assist in transmuting the darkest energies that have ever been created on Earth. These are the dense energies that were destined to be left behind, but since the two Earths have now become one, these horrific patterns of imperfection are being pushed to the surface to be transmuted and healed. All we have to do is watch the evening news to see the negativity surfacing everywhere.  But be at Peace; the Divine Plan is unfolding perfectly, and God’s Will is manifesting.
      Our Father-Mother God would never have allowed this to occur if it was going to cause more harm than good. The reason it is being allowed is that our God Parents are able to perceive the heart commitment of the awakened Lightworkers. They know that we have been preparing for aeons of time to assist this blessed planet during her Cosmic Inbreath into the 5th Dimension. They also know we have the skill, strength, courage, determination and willingness to do whatever is necessary to succeed God Victoriously.
      Please ask the Presence of God pulsating in your heart to reveal to you the greatest need of the hour. Then ask your God Presence to clearly show you how you can assist in this vital facet of the Divine Plan. Read the following information through the eyes of Illumined Truth, and respond according to your heart’s call.
      The Spiritual Hierarchy has revealed that 2003 is the year that is destined for the global shift of consciousness we have been anticipating for the past 50 years. There is going to be a Galactic alignment that will open a multidimensional portal of Divine Consciousness into the Heart and Mind of the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Cosmic I AM—All That Is.
      During that rare moment, the Cosmic I AM will flood the Earth with unprecedented frequencies of Divine Consciousness and lift every man, woman and child a quantum leap into the remembrance of the Oneness of ALL life.
      That rare Galactic alignment will occur on November 8, 2003. There will be a Star of David and other complex formations in the Heavens during a Lunar Eclipse that will be 18 degrees Scorpio.
      The total Solar Eclipse that occurred on August 11, 1999, was 18 degrees Leo, which is the degree of Divine Consciousness. The Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2003, will be exactly 90 degrees square of the August 11, 1999, eclipse. This will make Humanity’s hearts and minds receptive to higher levels of Divine Consciousness than we have experienced since our initial “fall” from Grace aeons ago.
      This is the celestial event that the Spiritual Hierarchy knew would sweep Humanity up in consciousness into the remembrance of the Oneness of all life. With the unexpected merging of the two Earths, however, everything has changed, and further preparation is necessary.
      There will be many activities of Light during the next few months to assist in preparing Humanity for this unparalleled shift of consciousness. But, what I am writing about in this newsletter involves two activities that the Spiritual Hierarchy says must be accomplished for the full magnitude of the shift of consciousness to be realized.
      Our God Selves always magnetize into our awareness opportunities for Divine Service that we have been trained to accomplish. Know that if you are reading these words, you have everything you need within you to assist with this critically important facet of the Divine Plan.
      Since even our most recalcitrant sisters and brothers are now going to be Ascending with the rest of Humanity, it is urgent that awakened Lightworkers assist them in transmuting their accumulated negativity. We have the ability to serve as surrogates on behalf of these souls, and as we are lifted up, they will be lifted up with us.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #50 - 26.05.2003 at 21:53:32
      For the first phase of this Divine Plan, the Spiritual Hierarchy has asked those of us associated with the New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose to draw Lightworkers from all over the world into the portal of Healing through the Power of Limitless Transmutation and the forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love that pulsate in Tucson, Arizona.
      This gathering of Lightworkers will take place during the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence. The vehicle we will use to fulfill this Divine Mission is the Seventeenth Annual World Congress On Illumination, which will be held August 16-21, 2003, at the wondrous Loews Ventana Canyon Resort.
      During this sacred conclave, the Company of Heaven will guide the Lightworkers gathered in Tucson through newly revealed activities of Light that will lift each of us individually, and all of us collectively, into higher states of self-mastery, self-empowerment, self-healing and Divine Consciousness. As we each transform the residue of negativity in our own lives and shift our own consciousness into higher levels of God’s Limitless Perfection, we will simultaneously lift up our recalcitrant sisters and brothers.
      The Spiritual Hierarchy said that our unified efforts will be amplified one thousand times one thousandfold during this holy endeavor. The more Lightworkers who respond to their heart’s call and volunteer for this Divine Mission, the more effective we will be in transmuting the negativity that is being pushed to the surface to be healed all over the planet.
      Once this purification is complete, our sisters and brothers will be ready to integrate the highest possible levels of Divine Consciousness, which will flood the Earth during the Galactic alignment on November 8, 2003. With the victorious accomplishment of that event, the remembrance of the Oneness of ALL life will become the order of the New Day!
      If you feel the heart call to selflessly serve Humanity and all life by participating in this activity of Light, please see the details on our website page: direct link...
THE SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL WORLD CONGRESS ON ILLUMINATION  or URL...  www.1spirit.com/eraofpeace/congress.html


      On November 8, 2003, Lightworkers will gather at sacred sites all over the world to absorb and anchor unprecedented frequencies of Divine Consciousness into the Earth. The New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose has been asked by the Spiritual Hierarchy to fulfill Part Two of our Divine Mission by taking a group of Lightworkers on a pilgrimage to Australia, which was once part of the ancient continent of Lemuria.
      From November 8-20, 2003, we will take a 13-day pilgrimage through the exquisitely beautiful, tropical region of Australia. We will stay at the Clarion Great Barrier Reef Resort at Palm Cove, which is one of the country’s most beautiful resorts.
      During this sacred time together, the Light of God will increase through our Earthly bodies, and we will be guided by the Spiritual Hierarchy through sacred initiations and transformational experiences  that will prepare us for our service to the Light.
      The Beings of Light have revealed that this area in Australia is where the initial impulse of the “fall” of Humanity took place on Lemuria. It is where Humanity first experienced our downward shift from Divine Consciousness into the lower consciousness of our human egos.
      Our Divine Mission in November will be to serve as physical transformers through which the Light of God will flow to transmute the archetypes of the “fall” and to secure the new frequencies of Divine Consciousness. Once the archetypes of the initial descent of human consciousness are transmuted back into Light, Humanity will be permanently sealed within the new frequencies of Divine Consciousness. Never again will the Sons and Daughters of God descend into the depths of human miscreation we have experienced on Earth since the “fall.”
      If you feel the heart call to join us on this sacred pilgrimage, please see the details on our website page: www.1spirit.com/eraofpeace/australia.html
      This group will be limited to 60 people, so please respond as soon as possible if you feel you would like to participate in this facet of the Divine Mission.


      In order for us to be victorious in this rare mission, we must prepare our bodies and minds to become one with our Solar Light Bodies of limitless physical perfection. This is true regardless of what our facet of the Divine Plan is or what our God Selves guide us to participate in during the months leading up to November 8th.  Fortunately, this is not as complicated as it may seem.
      For the past several years, the God Presence of every Human Being has been raising our frequency of vibration within our bodies the maximum we can withstand every 24 hours. This slow and sometimes not-so-gentle process has moved each of us closer to our Solar Light Bodies than we might envision.
      Now, during this vitally important moment on Earth, the Company of Heaven is giving us some unique tools to accelerate this process safely and effectively. These tools will prepare each of us to absorb the maximum benefit and to be the most effective instruments of God during the influx of Divine Consciousness that will flood the planet on November 8, 2003.
      For your convenience, we have produced a tape that contains the visualizations, affirmations, meditations and exercises that have been given to us at this time by the Spiritual Hierarchy. Each time we listen to the tape and participate in the exercises, we will Ascend higher into the frequencies of our Solar Light Bodies. If you would like to order this tape, please see our website page:  Era of Peace Welcome Page  or URL...
www.1spirit.com/eraofpeace...and click on NEW TAPE link at top of Home Page.


      This is a time for new beginnings! Are you happy with your life? Are there things you would like to change? Well, you are powerful beyond your knowing, and you have the ability to take charge of your life.
      This seminar is being given to you AS A GIFT, so that a financial obligation will not prevent you from receiving this life-transforming information. During this seminar you will learn practical, tangible tools that will help you create a happy, prosperous, love-filled life. Give yourself the GIFT of this Free Seminar.
10:00 a.m. TO 3:30 p.m.
Sheraton Houston Brook Hollow
3000 N. Loop West
NOTE: For Houston seminar please call to reserve your space 1-888-310-4488
SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2003
10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Holiday Inn
Raleigh-Durham Airport
(I-40 at Research Triangle Park)
4810 Old Page Road
SUNDAY, MAY 18, 2003
10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hyatt Regency Dearborn
Fairlane Town center

Preregistration is not required for Raleigh-Durham, NC or Dearaborn, MI. If you need further information, please contact Margy Vaughan at Phone:1-520-885-7909 FAX: 520-749-6643, E-mail: Eraofpeace@aol.com, Website: www.1spirit.com/eraofpeace

Brief Bio:

Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for twenty years and had her own radio program for ten years. During that time she also cofounded the nonprofit, educational organization the New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc. Patricia is an internationally known teacher and author. She has written the seven books listed below and produced tapes and videos that supplement her books. She is editor and publisher of the monthly newsletter: Take Charge of Your Life. For over 30 years, Patricia has traveled around the world lecturing and teaching workshops to help awakening souls fulfill their Divine Potential.

Books by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

THE  NEXT  STEP...Re-Unification with the Presence of God Within our Hearts
THE  AWAKENING...Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, Radiant Beauty
HOME...Heaven On Mother Earth
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #51 - 28.05.2003 at 17:24:33
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #52 - 29.05.2003 at 02:42:28
eden izmed člankov zgornjih linkov

Healthy Bitching and Moaning

Tips on staying sane during the transition from the old world of separation and denial to the new world of creative expression and unconditional Love.  

How to stay positive about life and the new world we are creating, while wholistically complaining about how crappity smacked the old world is

One of my best recommendations in cosmic human mastery, is to give yourself permission to complain a lot.   Allow yourself to emphatically express all your disappointments and dislikes about the old world systematic illusions and the people who support them.  There is a lot to complain about.  In fact, anything about this world that you would naturally complain about is some separation pattern of competition, greed, power, control…that is on it’s way out, it is time for it to die.  

Healthy complaining is an excellent emotional release exercise because you have spent lifetimes repressing your disdain for the despicable actions of people and the systems they have created that it would do you good to now finally express yourself about it all.  This healthy exercise is also beneficial to the planet, because as you release your repressed feelings about it, your karmic patterns that supported it, and any and all energetic connections to these disfunctional behaviors, you disconnect from this old reality which enlightens it just that much more.  Your disconnection from the matrix, disconnects supporting energy that keeps it all together, because without everyone’s support, the matrix does not exist.  Additionally, giving yourself permission to dislike and complain about status quo reality, allows you to clearly see all the illusions of the old world without missing any of its really sneaky tricks and hidden traps.

Bitch and moan like a sailor, but learn to have detachment so that you do not get wrapped up in the old world and its death throws.  Don’t get too wrapped up in trying to save the world, if you do, you will only be putting energy into this old world, getting caught up in the “reality” of enemies, a world that loves your resistance and attention.  Your attention must be on the manifestation of the new world to a larger degree than your disappointments with the old.  You are in this world, but you are not of it.

The old world did what it did, it practiced limitation, separation from the source, personal will, control, power….it was all perfect, so in that sense there is nothing to complain about.  But now we are in the transition period, the old world is dying and the new one is manifesting.  Since our attention is on the new civilization, we are nicely waiting "patiently" for the old one to - crappity smacking die already!

But of course we must do this transition as gently as possible, we must allow for divine timing.  Once again we are smack dab in the middle of a paradox, this is the fact that all is perfect, everyone is waking up in their own divine timing, but at the same time it is now time for everyone to wake up and start loving each other and cooperating - right bloody now!  

It is as though we have all the time in the world and absolutely no time at all.  So you have to be paradoxically patient and impatient at the same time.  Patient and allowing of other people’s realities and timing, allowing them to experience as much limitation as they can before its all over, and at the same time completely impatient because you realize that it is all happening now and your impatience is really the divine fire of change burning in your heart to manifest Heaven on Earth Now!

So you have to be discerning as to know when it is divinely appropriate to be patient and allowing of the awakening process to run its course and when it is divinely appropriate to be completely impatient to act now and push the limited barriers of the old world, to shatter old illusions and destroy old perceptions of reality to make room for a higher reality.  

Sometimes it's time to take out the trash and it you don't take it out when the trash can is full, everything in it will rot and get smelly and more trash will pile up until your swimming in it.  So unless you like swimming in garbage, I suggest you get rid of it in your life, in life on planet earth and if necessary and appropriate, assist others to take out their trash because sometimes the garbage can gets heavy.

So bitching and moaning in my opinion can be extremely therapeutic, because everyone really wants to complain but they don't want to make waves or be rude, and be rejected etc.  And the new agers are so busy being positive that they're stuck in an illusion of positivety, when they really just want to piss and spit and tell people they’re being crappity smacking assholes and to bloody wake up already!

If you attempt to be positive all the time and repress your thoughts and feelings about how crappity smacked life can be then you are going to bust a gasket, or get cancer.  So if you want to stick around for  a while and not die a hideous agonizing death because your body is being eaten away by your repressed emotions, then I suggest you start screaming and yelling.  Scream and yell any time, any place, with anyone and be done with it.  

If you are treated unfairly or disrespectfully, then it is time to say so to who ever the perpetrator is.  You don't need to abuse them in retaliation but speak the truth that we're all in this together and if we all cooperate and get along and treat each other fairly and respectfully, the world just might be a nice place to live in.  You deserve to be treated with honor and respect, so settle for nothing less than perfection and treat people in the same manner, honor them for the Gods-Goddesses that they are, even if they don’t know that they are or feel they deserve it.  We’re all in this together Bunky.  

Yours in Divine Bitching and Moaning,

("Bitch and Moan, they go together like a horse and carriage" - thanks Mike).

ZaKaiRan - one of the best complainers on planet earth.

P.S. Anyone who is offended by my profuse use of the slang terminology for coitus or any other word that could be judged as being rude crude or socially unacceptable, I recommend that you should practice saying these words that you judge so harshly and release the social programs that you have adopted that are associated with these words and the use of them.  

Words in and of themselves mean nothing, it is only our intention behind the use of certain words, and our socially agreed upon meaning of words that makes them so impactful to us.  In this case my use of “harsh” words are used to emphasize a point and to describe my emotional state, nothing more, nothing less.  And if you still can’t get beyond your programs about the use of naughty words – then crappity smack you.
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #53 - 30.06.2003 at 21:57:40
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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RKC je zakon!!!
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #54 - 13.07.2003 at 14:34:57
Roll Eyes Čuda velikoga ob branju teh postov!

V resnici sem se zelo nasmejal.  Cheesy Fantazijski svet   Undecided me je že od nekdaj privlačil in je trajen vir mojega humorja. Hehe.  ???

Torej hvala vsem, ki me zabavate.  Wink
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #55 - 14.07.2003 at 21:09:34


zakarian je totaln norc

za vse k ne marate brat dolgih 'litanij', ki jih kali tko nemarno pejsta po forumu:

kogarkoli moji izrazi in slengovska terminologija žalijo ali ga katerakoli beseda moti, mu je groba, neotesana, surova, neprebavljiva ali družbeno nesprejemljiva, mo priporočam izgovarjanje te besede, katero tako ostro obsoja. priporočam mu tudi odvezo od vseh družbenih programov, ki jih je prevzel in so povezani s to besedo in nje uporabo.

besede same po sebi ne pomenijo ničesar.
naša namera jim definira pomen in seveda naš družbeni dogovor o pomenu teh besed ... to jih dela slabe. v tem primeru je moja uporaba grobih besed uporabljena samo za poudarjanje 'pointa' in za opis mojega čustvenega stanja, nič več in nič manj.
in če še vedno ne zmoreš preseči svojega programa o teh besedah - jebi se.

seveda model ne govori samo o tem

predvsem razlaga kako ostat 'pri pravi' med tem ko se premikamo v nov svet katerega gradimo.

in to ostajanje pri pravi (ne-norost) vključuje tudi izražanje vsega negativnega in če so to besede, naj bodo pač besede ...

ker časi so res paradoksalni ... treba je potrpežljivo čakat na dogodke ki sledijo, hkrati pa je treba delat ZDAJ, saj se zdej vse dogaja ...

predvsem mi je všeč tale:
ti novodobneži (new agers) so tako zaposleni s tem da so pozitivni, da so se zataknili na iluziji pozitivnosti, realnost pa zahteva od njih, da pljuvajo, ščijejo po ljudeh in jim povedo da so jebene ritne luknje in naj se (bloody) že enkrat zbudijo.

ker če zdej tlačiš ... dobiš raka al pa kakšen smrad ...

in tako dalje in tako naprej


in k sm glih notr ...


zakaj glih 12 avgust?

read on ...

časovni tunel se odpre vsakih 20 let ... in ta dan je ... 12 avgust 2003 ... Grin

August 12, 1983 zadnji večji eksperiment projekta Montauk. Odprt je časovni tunel nazaj do Augusta 12, 1943. Duncan spusti Zver iz Ida.

Premik zavesti

Vse bednjoče ki se dogajajo človeštvu, bi lahko človeštvo odpravilo z dvigom zavesti.

Vse kar mora človeštvo storiti je to da dvigne zavest in se spomni Enosti VSEGA življenja.
Ko se človek spomni da je vse življenje medsebojno povezano, soodvisno postane jasno, da je totalna norost škodovati drugemu delu življenja. Ko ljudje resnično dojamejo Božjo Resnico, da ne morejo imeti ene sovražne misli ali čustva ali izgovoriti ene samo negativne besede, ali fizično poškodovati katerikoli del življenja, brez da bi s tem škodovali sebi, potem ugotovijo, da če to vseeno storijo, da je to samodestruktivno in preprosto neumno.

Ko človeštvo to dojame, postane jasno, da vsak del življenja, ki je ljubljen, zdrav, zadovoljen, vesel, miren ... dodaja svoj del tega k kolektivni harmoniji človeštva in vsi pridobimo. S tem rzumevanjem je jasno tudi, da če je en del življenja osovražen, bolan, žalosten, reven ... da ta dodaja svoj del k kolektivni bedi človeštva in da zato vsi trpimo.

to bom precej skrajšu
do zdej smo predpostavljal da precejšnjemu številu ljudi preprosto ne bo uspelo se premaknit na višji nivo zavesti skupaj z zemljo in da bodo zaradi tega ostali na zemlji ki bo ostala na tretjem nivoju. ostali bi naj šli z drugo zemljo na višji nivo zavedanja in življenja.
ker pa smo delavci luči opravili nemogočo nalogo, sta se bog mama in bog oče (ki sta predstavnika BOGA v našem osončju) odločila da bosta vse ostale duše ki se še niso odločile za prestop na višji nivo, povabila tja ... vsi so se odločili za tja. zato so vsi ki se s tem ukvarjajo združili obe zemlji, ki sta se že razdelili. s tem seveda nista delavcem luči prav nič olajšala naloge ... naloga je v bistvu težja kot je bila prej, saj je treba transformirati vse zlo ki se je z leti nabralo.
leto 2003 je odločilno leto.
12 avgusta bodo predpriprave na 8 novembra ko bomo absorbirali in zasidrali neprecedenčne frekvence Božje Zavesti v Zemljo.

absorb and anchor unprecedented frequencies of Divine Consciousness into the Earth.

zaenkrat bo zadost ... več si lahko vsakdo prebere zgoraj ...
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« Last Edit: 14.07.2003 at 23:02:08 by gape »  

Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #56 - 22.07.2003 at 16:09:09
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #57 - 23.07.2003 at 02:31:17

by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan for Sedona Journal


In the year 2003 Earth enters the doorway of the Pentad or all expression of fiveness. The year 2003 is the livingness of the number five. The essence of pentad represents a new level of cosmic design, as humanity begins their journey of seeing the five points of the star that they are. We enter a time of stellar performance acting and enacting our star heritage. Everything of our world already announces that stars are the zenith of accomplishment; from movie stars to rock stars to superstars and five star generals.

The star has always been a magical symbol and in the year 2003 we all get to be part of that magic. 2003 in its totality is the number 5. The year 2003 and all of its assorted five points and star like analysis points us upward toward the heavens.

In ancient times the symbol of the star represented a door. We all enter the door of fivefold symmetry as of January 1, 2003. Accumulating vibration as we interact with our earthly common denominator, the number five.

We move through the calm eye of knowing into self-actualization and dissolution as we come into the Sun's (Son's) eye view of who we are. We reach for the calm eye of knowing, but it eludes us, as it lives in a place always approached but never fully reached. Without the "I" there is no expansion. It is a time of change without change. For how can one change into what one is already.


All sacred texts are seen in a new light as the language of light reveals itself within the human body of knowledge. As all of humanity has eaten from the biblical tree of knowledge, that ancient embedded encoding becomes a common denominator amongst all of earth. Thrusting humanity forward into parts of the living cortex that imbues celestial sight. Invoking the ability to perceive within these sacred texts what has been hidden up till now. Evolutionary codes are activated and the humanness understands the divine structure within all words, false and truth alike. For innately all serves the GRAND I WHOLE.

In 2003 stellar critical mass is reached as the long arm of the Milky Way spills itself upon earth. Giving to her peoples the nutrients of light that are needed to enhance evolution.

The Embryo and Heart nebula is released energetically from the star nursery it has been gestating within and now is seen within the genetic structure of all children born from 2003 on. Allowing for earth to be seeded once again with the innocent heart of as child that grows only through love.

The tri-polarization of human beings and earth brings us to a cosmic connection from a source that has not been available up until this time due to the initial duality and polarization of the species. This third level of light in the form of electricity enters the earth, enters the body, and enters electrical components. Most appliances that are older than 10 years will not be able to accept and responsibly hold this surge and thus will quit their jobs. It is important to visualize the north and the South Pole of the human body connecting at a right angle with a third extension of your light. Eventually more components will be issued to earth to create many levels of polarization, but at this time, it is but three.

Solomon's Seal is placed within the trilogy of the DNA. Awakening the necessity for journeying beyond the senses, extra or ordinary. Placing new equations, numbers, letters, elements, alphabets and explanations into all layers/levels of the biogenetic fabric of humanness.

The properties of the mineral kingdom will be enhanced and released to sit in fullness at the apex of their true destiny. Unfolding elements of surprise as the very energy that enfolds their center comes to life, lifting the veil of secrecy that has shrouded them and kept them from revealing ancient truths that now need to be seen.

Orphic mysteries are no longer sat upon as life becomes Delphic in nature. Revealing to all that will sit and listen. Earth stretches herself to give her secrets to all. As one who spends all day in a confessional leaving secret-less.

Much warring in disguise as countries place their energy face to face bringing blood to sacred portals. Agendas differ, truths distorted, ideals kept by only those who know. What is it they seek? Land, power, sacred knowledge?

Within Afghanistan/Russia rise the bones of an ancient city of Solomon. Solomon's knot unties as what was seen becomes seen. The Song of Solomon will be sang by one whose voice is not in harmony with the creator.

Those that worship the Qu'ran will see with new sight. As the ancient text is perceived at a different level of the brain. Ancient food for thought is ingested without reflux of action. Blinded they were once, now see as if for the first time. Fractions within the whole cause darkness to shine upon the new truth.

Hidden levels of unknown internal government float to the surface to be seen. Disclosure is seen via media. Passageways previously hidden must now be used and exposed. Many are silenced yet the screams can still be heard.

Weather patterns thought to be natural are now a la carte. Each is ordered up separately via EMF transportation devices. As the human electromagnetic field increases in OHMS (OMS) storms will hear and obey human intent before EMF manipulation.

What was once earth covered will be unearthed and available again to be seen by the stars. Temple alignments as yet unknown to modern man show worship at a time before man existed on earth. Stones do not lie. 77 they number in all. Adding or subtracting what is already known.

Electrical impulses within the body become the norm as science is propelled into a new level of healing. Seeing that all pathogens (path of the genes) are at the mercy of voltage.

The inner sun embraces the ionosphere of the earth. As one who handles the Hope diamond for the first time, gently, precisely, influencing every atom that was originally birthed from the external sun.

War stays as a faithful dog next to its cruel master. No actions no matter how deadly inflected push the faithful dog of war away. He bares his teeth without a smile at a world that watches. Heed internal knowing not external manipulation.

100's fall in the name of justice only to be karmatically reborn again into a world that chooses to remain the same. The big wheels continue to turn the little wheels of destiny for their own gain, at another's loss.

New planets are found within the earth's solar system/old planets fall away to be renamed another day. Books are not rewritten children learn false truths that no longer hold value even for those that decreed them originally.

Adipose tissue upon the human is found to hold more value and secrets than previously thought. Unlocking a key to healing.

Those in Stardom and 5-star status shine no more in the eye of the public. Secrets are revealed that show what lies beneath.

Quanta and quasars will dance within the human body as they doe-see-doe with one another. Opening time passages within the consciousness.

Particle accelerators will affect the energy field of earth as they awaken sleeping black holes and vacuum time traveler's debris, thus setting right what once went wrong when history was branded with a swastika.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #58 - 01.08.2003 at 10:32:52

Your Light Is Needed NOW!
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt educational organization
E-mail: PattiCR@aol.com; FAX: 520-749-6643; PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717;
Phone: 520-885-7909.

Amidst the outer-world appearance of tremendous chaos, fear and confusion, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Truth are inspiring each of us to remember who we are and why we are here. Things are not what they seem. During this rare opportunity, it is vitally important for all Lightworkers to step back and look at the bigger picture.
Every single day, thousands of people are awakening and turning the focus of their attention to the Kingdom of Heaven within. As they do, the Light of God expands through their Heart Flames, and their God Selves are called into action. Their God Selves then join the legions of God Selves already working through the millions of awakened Lightworkers on Earth, and the Light of God exponentially expands through every facet of life.
This colossal expansion of God's Light is pushing the negative patterns and archetypes of Humanity's miscreations to the surface at an accelerated pace to be healed and transmuted. These humanly-created negative patterns consist of anything that conflicts with the archetypes of perfection pulsating in the Causal Body of God. They consist of anything that conflicts with the Immaculate Concept of Heaven on Earth.
Often when these negative patterns surface, the fear-based human egos of unawakened Humanity latch on to them and bring them into tangible form. These souls manifest the negative patterns as experiences in their lives and the lives of other people by accepting them as reality instead of acknowledging that they are only illusions surfacing to be healed. When we watch the nightly news, we can see evidence of this phenomenon happening all over the planet.
From outer appearances, it seems as though greed, violence and corruption are becoming the order of the day. If Lightworkers do not step back and look at the bigger picture, it is easy to become overwhelmed and filled with despair and feelings of hopelessness. This is the worst thing we can possibly do.

To avert the potential of Lightworkers falling into despair and hopelessness, the Company of Heaven is intervening in our lives as never before. The intent of this Divine Intervention is to remind us of who we are and why we are here. It is also designed to give us the maximum assistance that Cosmic Law will allow during the unprecedented purging taking place on Earth.

The Beings of Light have reiterated to awakening Lightworkers time and again that we have been preparing for aeons of time to be in physical embodiment during this precise moment on Earth. We are each here now because we have volunteered to assist this sweet Earth and all her life through the greatest shift of consciousness ever attempted in any system of worlds. A great deal of our previous training involved learning how to be a Peace-Commanding Presence in the face of all adversity. Never have those skills been more necessary or more essential to the work we are being called to do now.

When we observe the negative situations people are living in and the painful conditions all over the world, it looks like the Lightworkers are outnumbered a million to one. What we must realize is that the vast majority of unawakened souls are not deliberately opposing the Light or striving to create pain and suffering on the planet. They are merely unaware of how to change their situations.

The people who are intentionally resisting the Light and trying to manipulate and control people in negative, destructive ways are only a minuscule fraction of the six-billion souls evolving on Earth. They are not nearly as powerful as the outer-world illusions make them seem. In fact, the fragmented, distorted behavior of their lower human egos is relatively powerless. It is only the fear of the masses that gives them the ability to succeed in their nefarious plots. It is time for the fear of the masses to subside. Then the misguided efforts of those who are deliberately resisting the Light will universally fail.

It is not the quantity of Lightworkers who will make the difference, even though we now number in the millions; it is our heart commitment. It is our dedication to the Light and our willingness to be the instruments of God we volunteered to be prior to this embodiment.

Every Lightworker who is a clear and open door for God’s Eternal Love, Peace and Light counteracts the fragmented, negativity of thousands of unawakened souls. Think about that for a moment. Every day that you consciously immerse yourself in the limitless Love, Peace and Light of God, you transmute and heal the effects of the negative behavior patterns of thousands of people.

It is time for the heart commitment and the willing dedication of Lightworkers to be kicked up a notch. We are moving forward at warp speed, and the faster we transmute and heal the surfacing negativity, the sooner we will begin to outpicture the wonder and beauty that is destined to manifest on this planet. Please read the following words through the full power of your focused attention.

We have all, at one time or another, thought about Love and its effect in our lives, but I do not think we have ever really grasped the magnitude of the power of this Divine Substance. I do not believe that we have truly comprehended the incredible transfiguring power of Love in the overall scheme of things.

The unique experiment that is unfolding on Earth at this time is to see if the Sons and Daughters of God can learn to Love powerfully and effectively enough to transcend all negativity. If we do, the Earth and every man, woman and child evolving upon her will Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Limitless Physical Perfection. That is the power of Love, and Lightworkers have the absolute ability to accomplish that goal through our unified efforts.

Through Love we can transcend all obstacles and transform this planet into her Divine Birthright, Heaven on Earth. As oversimplified and unbelievable as that statement may seem, it is an indisputable Truth and a Universal Law.

EARTH is an anagram for HEART. Our sacred heart contains our Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame, which is the Divine Balance of Power—Father God—blue flame; Love—Mother God—pink flame; Wisdom—Sons and Daughters of God—yellow flame. The radiance of our Immortal Threefold Flame is the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity or the Circle of the Sacred Twelve. Our heart is the portal through which the Love of God enters the physical plane, and it is the instrument through which our Divinity expresses Itself in our daily lives. Our purpose on EARTH is to learn to open our HEARTs to the full power of God’s Love. The time for us to fulfill that Divine Purpose is NOW!

At this time, we are being given unique assistance to help us open our hearts to full breadth, so that we will be able to utilize the power of God's Transfiguring Love to help unawakened Humanity transcend all negativity. The floodgates of Heaven have opened, and Legions of Light throughout the whole of Creation are standing in readiness to assist us. All they need in order to respond is our heartfelt beck and call.

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #59 - 01.08.2003 at 10:33:22

As Lightworkers volunteer to help unawakened Humanity prepare for the greatest shift of consciousness ever known, we are being given assistance from On High that, if utilized, will assure our God Victorious success. This assistance is coming from the heart of our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Father-Mother God—All That Is. It is the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love, the most powerful force of Love in the whole of Creation.

This sacred Flame was anchored in the heart of every man, woman and child on August 17, 2001, and it has been building in power and momentum since that time. Now, because of the need of the hour, our Father-Mother God is greatly expanding the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love within each person's heart.

This tremendous expansion of Light will help prepare all Humanity for the activities of Light that will take place August 16-21, 2003. Lightworkers are being asked to be the Heart, Head and Hands of God in the physical plane of Earth during these holy days.

During that time, Lightworkers from all over the world will gather within the portal of Healing through the Power of Limitless Transmutation and Transfiguring Divine Love in Tucson, Arizona. Under the guidance of the Company of Heaven, we will offer ourselves as a Cup, a Holy Grail, through which the Light of Transfiguring Love will pour to Heal and Transmute the negativity being pushed to the surface all over the world.

So far, we have Lightworkers coming to Tucson from Australia, Bosnia, Canada, Dominican Republic, England, France, Ireland, Israel, Luxembourg, Namibia, Netherlands, Scotland, Switzerland and throughout the United States of America.

In Divine Synchronicity, the planet Mars will be moving toward its closest passage to the Earth in approximately 73,000 years. The blessings that are flooding the Earth from Mars at this time are specifically designed to assist Humanity in centering the energy of the Heart in the midst of change and in attaining direct union with the Divine. Could anything be more perfect? Mars will make its closest passage to the Earth on August 27, 2003.

The Beings of Light have said that the activity of Healing through Transmutation and Transfiguring Love will greatly assist unawakened souls to transcend the adversity in their lives, so that they will hear the still, small voice within and awaken to the guidance of their God Selves. Once this awakening occurs, they will be able to remember the Oneness of all life and transform their lives into the expressions of Divine Love they are destined to be.

There are still some spaces available at the Seventeenth Annual World Congress on Illumination which will be held in Tucson, Arizona, August 16-21, 2003. If you feel the heart call to join us, please listen and respond. Contact us as soon as possible for details on how you can participate in this life-transforming activity of Light.

If you are unable to join us physically, know that you will be in your right and perfect place for this event. Ask your God Self how you can most effectively add your energy to this unprecedented opportunity, and you will be guided as you join us in consciousness each day.

Throughout these holy days we will work in the Eternal Moment of Now, so anytime you project your Light into our Chalice will be perfect. As the Light of God builds in momentum day-by-day, pay close attention to the opportunities that are presented to you. Respond to the ones that resonate in your heart. Doors will open for you, and your path will be made clear. I truly appreciate you and your willingness to be an instrument of God for this vital facet of the Divine Plan.

Millions of people are so buried in the effluvia of their negative belief systems that they cannot raise their heads above the chaos and confusion effectively enough to reunite with their God Selves. These people have no concept of the Oneness of life, and they truly believe that they must lie, steel, cheat and kill for their survival. Those of us who have awakened from that nightmare and remember that we are all One have the responsibility of being our brother's and sister's keepers until they can awaken to that Divine Truth themselves. This does not mean that we are to just passively wait and watch for their awakening. It means that we are to actively be the instruments of God we have volunteered to be.

Those of you who are reading these words have been prepared to assist in the Divine Mission of helping unawakened Humanity get ready for the shift of consciousness that is now on the horizon. If that were not the case, your God Self would not have drawn this information into your sphere of awareness. This is a wondrous opportunity for you, and the Universe will joyously support your every effort in this essential endeavor.

To begin the process, we need to open our hearts to every evolving soul on Earth. This is not easy when we observe some of the terrible things people are doing to each other and to the other lifeforms on the planet, but it is a necessary step in becoming instruments of God. The most powerful awakening force in the Universe is the power of God’s Love flowing through your sacred Heart Flame into the sacred Heart Flame of another Human Being.

During the events that will take place August 16-21, 2003, our Father-Mother God will expand the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love within every Heart Flame the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow. This expansion of Transfiguring Love will lift Lightworkers into a higher frequency of energy, vibration and consciousness than we have ever experienced before, and it will empower us to be more effective instruments of God. When this occurs, we will be able to serve as surrogates on behalf of every man, woman and child on Earth.

During the sacred conclave in August, as the activities of Light unfold step-by-step, the portal of Divine Love in the hearts of Lightworkers everywhere will be opened to full breadth. We will each be lifted into the full embrace of God's Transfiguring Love, and through our unified hearts, ALL life will be lifted up with us. The portal of Divine Love within the Heart of the collective body of Humanity will be opened to full breadth as well, and every evolving soul will be lifted closer to his or her own Divinity.

The Beings of Light have said that once the portal of Divine Love is opened within the hearts of unawakened Humanity, their personal transformation will begin in earnest. Our responsibility as Lightworkers is to hold every precious soul in the Light and to keep clearing the effluvia daily and hourly, so that no one will feel overwhelmed with the awakening process.

Remember, the price for freedom is eternal vigilance. In order to keep us one-pointed in our spiritual endeavors of being our brother's and sister's keepers, the Company of Heaven is assisting us as never before. They have given us information, visualizations and spiritual guidance that will empower each of us to stay focused and teach us how to help the maximum we can in the awakening process of Humanity. These sacred tools are designed to hold the portal of Divine Love open in every human heart and to lift Humanity into the frequencies of Light that will enhance our ability to make the upcoming shift of consciousness effortlessly and joyously, on the wings of bliss.

We have produced two new cassette tapes that contain the information and tools being given to us by the Company of Heaven. The Divine Intent of these tapes is to provide readily available assistance that will keep us focused, encouraged, uplifted and empowered during these wondrous but very challenging times. If you would like to order these tapes, please see the order form below. If you would like to use a credit card, please go to the secure order form on our website in the Books and Tapes Section.

Words cannot fully express what a joy it is for me to have the opportunity to join my heart with yours in this glorious endeavor. Thank you, and God Bless you.

We are all blessed beyond the comprehension of our finite minds to be able to join hearts with the Legions of Light in the Realms of Truth in fulfillment of the Divine Plan for this sweet Earth. From the very depths of our Beings we say,
Thank you God!

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