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Sonce    :)
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Re: Planetary Awakening Network & casopis
Reply #15 - 12.11.2001 at 14:20:02
Kar se tice POET-ov, bi tukaj izluscil se KOLESARJA, vec pa ne povem  Smiley))
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Zdaj.....zdaj.....zdaj.....in spet zdaj.
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Re: Planetary Awakening Network & casopis
Reply #16 - 16.11.2001 at 11:55:21

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Re: Planetary Awakening Network & casopis
Reply #17 - 28.12.2001 at 11:13:05
Objavljam, da sem se prijavla na to zadevo in ze dobivam raznorazne maile, obvestila, linke, tekste ipd, nekaj stvari sem ze (podtalno) dala tud na forum. Wink

Zaenkrat se skeniram, za kaj se sploh gre. Ce koga zanima, mu lahko en cas forwardiram maile, ki jih dobivam.
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Re: Planetary Awakening Network & casopis
Reply #18 - 28.12.2001 at 11:29:26
lepo si to nardila, da nas nisi nič čakala, ampak si se kr prjavla.
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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Re: Planetary Awakening Network & casopis
Reply #19 - 28.12.2001 at 11:31:38

Hm, ni blo zaznat ravno nekega interesa, mene je pa zanimalo... in to nikomur ne preprecuje, da se prijavi. Jaz sem se pac kot posameznica...

Pa se to: dvakrat mesecno posiljajo neke vrste e-casopis "Global Village News & Resources", berete ga lahko tudi na naslovu:


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« Last Edit: 03.01.2002 at 11:07:03 by m »  

Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

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Re: Planetary Awakening Network & casopis
Reply #20 - 07.01.2002 at 10:51:05
nova stevilka

Global Village News & Resources
Issue # 29 – January 7, 2002

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Re: Planetary Awakening Network & casopis
Reply #21 - 21.01.2002 at 16:20:54

en tekst o napadu na WTC, pomenu stevila 11 v zvezi s tem ter t.i. Novem svetovnem redu, malo drugacen pogled.

zadeva je prevedena posebej za vas Wink in z gapetovo pomocjo zdaj en klik od vas:


tu pa je tudi nova izdaja Global Village News in Resources, tokratne teme:

Headline Stories
· 'Hell's Grannies' Confront Sharon In Silent Showdown
· New Vehicle May Revolutionize The Way We Move
· New Energy Tech Make Waves In UK

Global Resources
· Prosperity - Freedom From Debt Slavery
· Humanity
· Universe People
· AIDS: Fact or Fiction
· Center For Enlightened Partnerships
· The Divinity Project


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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

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Re: Planetary Awakening Network & casopis
Reply #22 - 04.02.2002 at 10:59:21
Stevilka 31:



Headline Stories
· Iraqi Disabled Get New Lease On Life
· Women Bring New Perspective To Peace Negotiations
· Youth Activism Is Alive & Well

Global Resources
· Global Village School
· Light Virtual Hospital
· New Israel Fund
· The Alternative Press Directory
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· Aquarian Age Community

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

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Re: Planetary Awakening Network & casopis
Reply #23 - 18.02.2002 at 16:54:45

Evo mene tukaj spet. Smiley Sem morala malo barvo crk menjat ko skoz sama sem pisem. Wink

Je spet nova stevilka tega GVNR, zdaj pa recite ce ni tole tocno za v pozitivke:


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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

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Re: Planetary Awakening Network & casopis
Reply #24 - 23.04.2002 at 09:07:54
Še ena novička, ki se bo mogoče komu zdela zanimiva:

Special Memo

To:     PAN Participants
From:   Michael Lightweaver
Re:     Funding Source & Global Village 2002
Date:   April 22, 2002

From time to time I have information to share that may be of particular interest to PAN participants. When I do, I will be sending a special memo such as this.

Funding Sources
Recently, Network 2012 - the project which gave birth to PAN - received a funding grant from the New Earth Foundation, located in Sedona, Arizona, USA.
This foundation is committed to Planetary Transformation and makes funding grants to groups and organizations who can show a track record in transformative world service. Grants are not limited to the USA. You can visit the NEF website by going to www.newearthfoundation.org or by clicking here:
<a HREF="http://www.newearthfoundation.org/newearth/index.html"> New Earth Foundation</a>

Global Village 2002
In addition to PAN and the other Network 2012 projects, I am also a part of a small community located in the mountains of western North Carolina, USA. We run a  retreat center called "Mountain Light Sanctuary."  This summer we are sponsoring "Global Village 2002" - a seasonal experience for young people from around the world who are traveling in the USA and want to really get to know "Alternative America" first hand by experiencing community life and living close to nature.  You can visit the Sanctuary and find out more about GV 2002 by going to www.mtnlightsanctuary.com and then clicking "Global
Village 2002" at the bottom of the page, or by clicking here:  
HREF="http://www.mtnlightsanctuary.com/"> Mountain Light Sanctuary</a>

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Planetary Awakening Network & casopis
Reply #25 - 13.05.2002 at 11:04:24

Spet ena zanimiva stevilka tega casopisa:



Headline Stories
· Free Energy Magnetic Motor Patented For Production
· Scientist Probe Sunken Mystery Off Cuban Coast
· Okinawans Hold Record For Most Centenarians

Global Resources
Websites devoted to Positive Planetary Transformation
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Planetary Awakening Network & casopis
Reply #26 - 18.11.2003 at 09:11:54

No More Waste, No More Pollution, Plenty Of Oil; New Process Promises

USA - In an industrial park in Philadelphia sits a new machine that can change almost anything into oil. Really. "This is a solution to three of the biggest problems facing mankind," says Brian Appel, chairman and CEO of Changing World Technologies, the company that built this pilot plant and has just completed its first industrial-size installation in Missouri. "This process can deal with the world's waste. It can supplement our dwindling supplies of oil. And it can slow down global warming." Pardon me, says a reporter, shivering in the frigid dawn, but that sounds too good to be true.

For Full Article, click here:

Organizations Honored for Pioneering Spirituality into Workplace

USA - What do Medtronic, Sounds True and the Times of India have in common? They are pioneers in a growing trend of highly successful businesses and institutes that explicitly nurture spirituality within their organizational initiatives. Each company is a recipient of the Willis Harman Spirit at Work Award, which recently announced the 2003 winners: Sounds True, Memorial Hermann Healthcare System, SREI International Financial Limited, The Times of India, and Windesheim University of Professional Education.

For Full Article, click here:

NASA Claims Polar Shift Due In 2012

Solar System - Did you notice? In February 2001, the Sun did a magnetic polar shift. The next one is due again in 2012. NASA scientists who monitor the Sun say that our star's awesome magnetic field flipped 22 months ago, signaling the arrival of a solar maximum. But it wasn't so obvious to the average human. The Sun's magnetic north pole, which was in the northern hemisphere just a few months ago, now points south. It's a topsy-turvy situation, but not an unexpected one. "This always happens around the time of solar maximum," says David Hathaway, a solar physicist at the Marshall Space Flight Center. "The magnetic poles exchange places at the peak of the sunspot cycle. In fact, it's a good indication that Solar Max is really here."

For Full Article, click here:
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Planetary Awakening Network & casopis
Reply #27 - 13.01.2004 at 09:02:28
Psychology's New Focus - What's Right and Why.

USA - A group of upstart scientists, scholars and researchers in the field of psychology have decided that it is more important to focus on what is right with people than what is wrong with people. 200 psychologists from 20 countries recently convened in Washington, D.C. for their fourth annual summit to exchange research and ideas on such topics as love, flow, wisdom and well-being.

For Full Article, click here: http://www.gvnr.com/78/1.htm
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Planetary Awakening Network & casopis
Reply #28 - 27.01.2004 at 10:13:10

Students Invent Natural Way To Purify Polluted Water

Canada - Scallop shells can be used to clean up polluted water, three teenagers in Halifax, Nova Scotia have discovered. James Beaton-Johnson, Elias Fares and Amy Trottier began their award-winning research as Grade 12 students. They say the shells can be used to clean up contaminated rivers, lakes and even Halifax Harbour. The trio got the idea from a documentary about a Japanese fish farmer who tossed oyster shells into a pond and found it cleared the dirty water.

For Full Article, Click Here: http://www.gvnr.com/79/2.htm

Soul Food
Inspirational thoughts to feed your soul.
The Ten Rules for Being Human

You Will Receive A Body
You may love it or hate it, but it will be yours for the duration of your life on Earth.
You Will Be Presented With Lessons
You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called “life.” Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or hate them, but you have designed them as part of your curriculum.

For Full Article, Click Here:

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Planetary Awakening Network & casopis
Reply #29 - 02.08.2005 at 11:28:51


Global Village News and Resources
Issue 101 - August, 2005
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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