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(Read 88465 times)
Global Moderator

All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Goa trance
Reply #135 - 28.07.2007 at 16:40:39
Ja z necem se je treba ukvarjat Smiley
Kdaj se bomo pa mi spet kej videli? Smiley

ko boš kaj prišel naokoli. lahko te tud eva pripelje. Wink
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Ex Member

Re: Goa trance
Reply #136 - 31.07.2007 at 14:43:40
lahko bi res, zdej avgusta enkrat Smiley
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Global Moderator

All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Goa trance
Reply #137 - 31.07.2007 at 15:53:38
lahko bi res, zdej avgusta enkrat Smiley

oki doki... ostalo pa se poprivatkamo Wink
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Tommy Wonder

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 3

Re: Goa trance
Reply #138 - 11.09.2007 at 00:14:55

psytrance open air festival
Zeleni Gaj / Dornberk / Slovenia

Live On Stage:
( D.A.R.K. rec., Dead Tree Productions / Austria )

Alfredo, Oliver & Thomas have been working on their own music since 2003 but the "Malice in Wonderland" project was founded in 2005. 3 different guys and their major musical backgrounds (funk, black/death-metal, idm/ambient) find their way into psychedelic sound. Their studio, "The Malice Lab" is based in Innsbruck/Austria. After some years of collecting experience as dj´s they started to create music with the need to express their feelings towards the "wonderland" we all live in, trying to create musical mind-trips carried by malicious beats in territories that are shady as well as fair.. The pandemonium of their experiences is reflected in their music...


( Synergetic records / Austria-Slovenia)

I am playing from deep spacy nightflight psytrance till morning beautiful flying psy till warm groovy beats-depends on my play time(prefer more morning;)) My music trance journey started about 12 years ago...and still in my trance:)I started in Slovenia,where i also run the first pstrance radio show there.Later i also built up with my friend the organisation-WORLD OF TRANCE...and we started to organise regulary partys all over Slovenia.After 5 years i went to Vienna.Now i also having regulary each month my party project CHILLOSPHERIC ROOM in Vienna.I played international arround the globe(Australia(EARTHCORE2006)ThailandKoh Phangan,Krabi),Netherland,Portugal(BOOM2004,UTOPIA2006),Italy,Germany(FUSION2005

(OZORA2005,2006),Austria(SONNENKLANG1,2,3,4),Switzerland(BELLA LUNA),U.K.(GLADE2007),Macedonia,Serbia,Bosnia,Croatia and Slovenia). My music style is like a rainbow...all colours with light and love;)(groovy to spheric psytrance). I love to open the hearts of the dancers and let them surf through the rainbow universe. I compiled VA-Healing Lights released on Synergetic records in may 2007.

DJANE VEGA ( Spirit Of The Moon / Slo )
TOMMY WONDER ( Spirit Of The Moon / Slo )
OFFBEAT ( D.A.R.K. rec., Spirit Of The Moon / Slo )
SNOWBALL ( Spirit Of The Moon / Slo )
KALEMAN ( Chapati Grooves / Slo )

Psy Decoration by Spirit Of The Moon && Panj

Location: Dornberk-Zeleni Gaj close to Italy
Entry fee: 10 Euro


*20Kw Sound System
*Fire Performances
*Food & Drink
*In case of rain dance floor is covered for about 1000 dancers

In M-theory our universe and others are created by collisions between membranes in an 11-dimensional space.
Unlike the universes in the "quantum multiverse", these universes can have different laws of physics.

info email: info.spiritofthemoon@gmail.com

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