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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 1728

Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #4125 - 24.08.2011 at 19:09:54
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 24.08.2011 at 16:47:53:
M:L. Ta ista oseba se imenuje v vzhodni tradiciji Xvaku.Ne ve se kdo je to in ta.TEološka tradicija je svetovno  enotna vse vere se napajajo iz nastajajo iz nje! Se strinjaš.In ne takoj skočiti-razmisli!

Ja, v vzhodni kulturi ved velja že od začetka za tistega, ki je skrit/neznanega, od tod tudi ime svetih spisov; San Skrit, tudi Sanskrt - sem skrit. Glede teološke tradicije se tudi strinjam s tabo.

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Vrnimo Življenju življenje.

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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #4126 - 24.08.2011 at 23:29:44
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 1728

Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #4127 - 25.08.2011 at 15:45:44
The Valley of Discontent
Home > MORE Letters From God and His Christ > The Valley of Discontent

8/20/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - A Letter Given to Timothy, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord: Is there a prophet of Israel, that you might seek him out to ask the will of The Lord? Can you raise the prophets of old from the dead, that you might inquire of them to speak on My behalf? Are any of you prophets of Israel? Who is and shall be called a prophet of The Most High?... Who have I declared?! And who among this generation has spoken for Me?!

Is there one of Israel among you, who has written and spoken the Word of The Lord? Or have you taken it upon yourselves to be your own messengers?... YOU SEEK YOUR OWN WILL! Your ears hear only that which you yourselves long to hear!

The will of The Lord is forgotten among you!...

You have each gone your own way, seeking but never finding!...

And when I called to you, you did not come,

And when I was in need, you did not help Me...

Justifying your actions in the name of your own...

Stop lying to yourselves!

Yet from the beginning I had taught you, speaking without ceasing of that which ought to be done, of that which is right and good and well pleasing in My eyes... I DO NOT STAND DIVIDED! Neither shall I break faith with My own word! Nor can I deny Myself or that word which has gone forth from Me, written down by My servants of past and present!

Therefore have your wanton desires come full circle, thus has your self-servience brought you to this place, oh disobedient children... Who is first?! Who is foremost in your lives, oh foolish children?! Have I now changed in your eyes?! Are My ways unfair to you?!... Stop re-creating Me in your own image! You have run from Me, forsaking My will, always looking upon the plates of others, while the food which I placed upon your own plate rots in the noonday sun!...

You have forsaken Me and disregarded My prophet,

Fearing the Word which he hears would not be to your liking,

And that which he would write would oppose your own wills...

Oh yes, you have sought Me, yes I have heard your prayers,

Yet I tell you, you did not really seek Me,

Nor did you long to hear My answer.

For My Word has spoken already, and the Scriptures do not lie. Rather they teach the way in which My beloved are to walk, and My every Letter shines a light on that which pleases Me, also declaring that which I hate. Yea, I have set forth a great multitude of words to bless you, a great number of loving and stern speeches!

Behold! I have called this generation to repent!...

I have given ample warning!...

And those who cupped their ears heard My voice;

And those who received of Me wrote My words in their hearts,

Sincerely seeking to do them...

That they might honor Me and bring glory to My name.

Yet many in this little flock, from the beginning until now, have given the wicked and the scoffer many occasions to blaspheme, doing those things which I did not speak... Always running, never stopping to truly consider My speech. Lo, even some of you have testified falsely in My name, speaking presumptuously, while making many false assertions!... Yes, you have made many false assumptions. And though you yet lack knowledge and have no real understanding, you continue on in your own perverse way... Always running ahead or lagging far behind, yet never content to walk in My footsteps, unwilling to abide in My ways.

Therefore, I declare to you, because you have sought Me in this manner, and have not believed My prophet nor My words, to obey them, and because you have thought only of yourselves, seeking always your own way, help shall be slow in coming... For you do not truly believe. For if you truly believed, you would have obeyed My words, and sought out My way before Me, trusting in My ways.

Therefore, awake! For you have all entered in!... You reside in the Day of The Lord!  You walk in the Day of Troubles!... Behold! The Great and Terrible Day is close at hand! It is awesome and dreadful! It shall be very terrible! Lo, it is very near!... The Great Day which shall declare it! The Day in which ALL the works of men shall burn! The Day in which ALL things shall be tried and tested!... The Day in which I shall punish the inhabitants of the earth, for all their wickedness!... For all their forsaking of Me!


And there is but one escape!...

Whether one lives or one dies, there is but one escape;

No matter the time or the season, there is but one way out...

Declares The Almighty...

Lo, the angels shall ascend and descend

Upon The Son of Man, without ceasing,

Until the number is complete.

Pa lep pozdrav.
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #4128 - 25.08.2011 at 16:27:58
Mr.Smith wrote on 24.08.2011 at 23:29:44:

Jaz že nakaj časa govorim o kurji farmi.Pa še nič se nisem zmotil!! Grin
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 1728

Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #4129 - 25.08.2011 at 22:58:48
The Hypocrite’s Portion
Home > A Testament Against The World... The Lord's Rebuke > The Hypocrite’s Portion

8/20/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Lord’s Word Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord, against every church of men, against all those who falsely call of themselves by My name: I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against Me! They have altogether forsaken Me for their own way!... Foolish and disobedient children!...

They refuse to listen, for by their own hearts are they led. Yes, they follow the dictates of their own hearts and give heed to their own self-serving desires. To their own voices they give heed, they listen only to the sound of their own voices... Therefore all, I have spoken against them, shall surely come upon them.

My children are foolish and have gone astray, with no one to lead them. They have released their grasp and hold fast to one another... They are married to their own expectations! They know not how to discern their right hand from their left... Therefore all, I have spoken against them, shall surely come upon them.

I had called them to be blameless in the world and to be at peace, to do justly and love mercy... To walk humbly with their God. Yet they could by no means sit still, nor were they at ease. Rather, they have gone out polluting My name and desecrating My words in Scripture! For they have hated both Me and My will, and in their hearts My prophet has altogether become as Micaiah, who was hated by the king for speaking the truth as he heard from God... Therefore all, I have spoken against them, shall surely come upon them!

Behold! They walk in the valley of their own choosing, and have rejected that which I Myself had provided for them! And one who mistreats My gifts shall by no means retain them. And that which is given shall not be owned, as though one had received it by their own power... Rather, it is to be cherished with thanksgiving. And one who takes and corrupts My gifts, for their own gain, shall be left desolate.

And who are all these who ignore good and wise counsel, while seeking to assert their own authority? I did not send them, yet they went out. I Myself called to them, yet voices on the wind drew them away. And who are all these who have raised their voices against My servants, while polluting My name and Scripture?!... Have you not also departed from your Husband, even as the unbeliever?

Thus those, who were to be without blame, have given many others cause to blaspheme My name... To disregard My prophet, ON THEIR ACCOUNT!... This should not be. Yet what place do the disobedient have with Me? And what portion do the insolent share in? Have they not made their decisions clear and their unbelief known? Is it not revealed plainly, as though it were worn upon the sleeve?...

For I tell you, all who disobey My voice, in favor of their own way,

Shall not hear My voice when the shout is made.

And all, who forsake the little ones, shall also be forsaken...

Yet every lamb is Mine.

Yes, every lamb shall be gone from this place!

And who, in all the Earth, is able to prevent Me?

Who is able to move ME aside?!...

For I shall surely do My own pleasure;

I shall surely uphold My every word and complete MY will!...

MY name shall be exalted in all the earth!

Pa lep pozdrav.
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I Love YaBB 2!
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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #4130 - 27.08.2011 at 22:27:01
M.L. wrote on 24.08.2011 at 14:25:45:

Brat Bošty, nekaj ti bom napisal iz NR, pa sam presodi o vsem tem.


Vprašanje je iz 93., poglavja, 2. vrste

19.Glej, Moje vprašanje zadeva predvsem to, ali boš znova prišel kot človek iz mesa in krvi, kakor zdaj, rojen iz neke čiste žene ali nerojen, bolj kot duh, pa vendar viden človek, in kje in pri katerem narodu se boš pojavil . . .

94. poglavje 1. vrsta:

2. Rečem Jaz: "Tvoje vprašanje ni tako nespametno in z vso pravico lahko vprašaš, česar še ne veš, seveda pa imam tudi Jaz pravico, da ti odgovorim tako ali tako, kot vidim, da bo zate in druge najkoristneje. Ker pa si Me že vprašal, ti bom tudi odgovoril; poslušaj torej!

3. Pri Svojem drugem prihodu ne bom več prišel kot otrok, rojen iz žene kjer koli; kajti Moje telo ostane prečiščeno, tako kot sem Jaz Duh v večnosti, in tako ne bom potreboval nikoli več drugega telesa v takšni obliki kakor si mislil.

4. Prišel bom najprej nevidno, v oblakih nebes, to pomeni: ljudem se bom začel približevati najprej po resničnih vidcih, modrih in na novo prebujenih prerokih, v tistem času pa bodo tudi dekleta prerokovala in mladeniči bodo imeli jasne sanje, iz katerih bodo ljudem oznanjali Moj prihod. In mnogi jih bodo poslušali in se poboljšali; toda svet jih bo zmerjal z neumnimi sanjači in jim ne bo verjel, podobno kot se je zgodilo tudi prerokom.

5. Prav tako bom od časa do časa obudil ljudi in to, kar se bo zdaj v Moji navzočnosti godilo in govorilo, narekoval njihovemu srcu, da bodo lahko s peresom zapisali, na poseben dobro poznan umetniški način in v čisto kratkem času, v nekaj tednih in dneh v tisoče enako se glasečih vzorcev razmnoženo in tako preneseno med ljudi; in ker bodo tedaj znali skoraj vsi ljudje brati in pisati, bodo tudi te nove knjige sami brali in razumeli.

6. In ta obllka širjenja Mojega novega čistega, vnovič danega nauka iz nebes bo potem mnogo hitreje in učinkoviteje prenesena vsem Ijudem zemlje, kot je to zdaj po poslancih v Mojem imenu od ust do ust.

7. Ko bo tako Moj nauk prenesen ljudem, ki bodo dobre volje in dejavne vere, in bo s tem seznanjena najmanj tretjina ljudi, bom tudi Jaz tu in tam osebno in telesno viden (op. v prečiščenem duhovnem telesu) prišel k tistim, ki Me bodo najbolj ljubili in bodo po Mojem vnovičnem prihodu najbolj hrepeneli in zato tudi povsem in živo verovali.

8. In Jaz sam bom iz njih oblikoval občine, katerim ne bo mogla kljubovati in se upirati nobena oblast sveta; kajti Jaz bom njihov vojskovodja in njihov večni nepremagljivi junak in bom sodil mrtve in slepe posvetne ljudi. In tako bom Jaz očistil zemljo njene stare nesnage.

9. V času novih vidcev in prerokov pa bodo med ljudmi velike bridkosti in stiske, kakršnih na tej zemlji še ni bilo; toda zaradi Mojih tedaj izvoljenih bo trajalo to samo kratek čas, da jim to ne bi škodilo pri njihovem zveličanju.

10. Vendar v tej deželi, kjer Me zdaj Judje iz templja zasledujejo iz kraja v kraj kakor kakšnega zločinca in ki jo bodo v tistem času pomendrali najmračnejši pogani, Jaz osebno ne bom najprej nastopil in učil in tolažil slabotnih. Res pa bom v deželah nekega drugega dela sveta, ki bodo tudi tedaj naseljene s pogani, ustanovil novo kraljestvo, kraljestvo miru, sloge, ljubezni in neprenehne žive vere, in strahu pred telesno smrtjo med ljudmi ne bo več, ker bodo hodili v Moji luči in se bodo trajno sporazumevali in družili z angeli iz nebes. To je zdaj pravi odgovor na tvoje vprašanje:'

11. Reče duhovnik: "Azija, ta stara zibelka ljudi (op.p. Adama in njegovih prvih potomcev) in mnogih Božjih blagoslovov, potem ne bo več tako srečna, da bi Te videla in slišala ob Tvojem vnovičnem prihodu na to zemljo? Ta novica za ta del sveta res ni razveseljiva:'

12.Rečem Jaz: "Zemlja je povsod Moja in Jaz najbolje vem, v katerem kraju bo Moj vnovični prihod za vso zemljo najučinkovitejši! V času pa, v katerem se bodo ljudje od enega konca zemlje do drugega lahko sporazumevali tako hitro, kakor švigne blisk iz oblakov (doba i-neta), in v katerem bodo lahko ljudje po železnih cestah z uporabo ognja in vode povezanimi duhovi hitreje prevozili najdaljše proge zemeljskih tal, in kot se tukaj najmočnejši vihar podi od enega konca zemlje do drugega in bodo ladje s pomočjo istih sil preplule veliki ocean v veliko krajšem času kakor zdaj Rimljani od Rima do Egipta, takrat se bo tudi novica o Mojem vnovičnem osebnem prihodu kar najhitreje zlahka razširila po vsej zemlji in torej tudi do Azije.

13.Toda treba se je zopet vprašati: Ali bodo slepi in gluhi pogani tega dela sveta tudi našli vero?

14.Jaz mislim in rečem le stežka prej, preden kot bo ta (Azija) z veliko sodbo sveta očiščena!

15.Na daljnem zahodu pa je zelo velika dežela, ki je od vseh strani oblita z velikim oceanom sveta in ni z morjem nikjer združena s starim svetom. Ljudje v tisti deželi bodo najprej slišali velike reči, in te se bodo pojavile tudi v zahodni Evropi in iz tega bo nastalo svetlo sevanje in odsevanje. Luči neba se bodo srečale, se spoznale in se podpirale.

16.Iz teh luči se bo oblikovalo sonce življenja, torej novi popolni Jeruzalem, in v tem soncu se bom Jaz znova vrnil na to zemljo. In zdaj več kot dovolj o tem, kaj se bo takrat zgodilo!"

Pa lep pozdrav.

Ja, brat, hvala, ... ampak, ... ko sva že ravno pri tem Svetem Govoru Stvarnika, ... a si že vidu/sreču kako bejbo, ki bi prerokovala tako kot je namignil Stvarnik tule v NR ?

Pa ne mi namigniti Gabrijelo, ki je od ta spodnega - precej očitno , če pogledaš malo podrobneje v JM .  

Tko sem mislil, če si morda že slišal / srečal  za kako tako "franco" , ki je kaj slišala od Njega ki Je ?

Ker jaz še nisem nobene srečal / videl .

Hvala za trud .

MsT .
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Posts: 1399

Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #4131 - 27.08.2011 at 22:46:46
Ni take france  Bosty  Grin pa ne zarad nje ampak zarad tistega od katerega naj bi slisala  Grin
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #4132 - 27.08.2011 at 23:08:10
ego-3p wrote on 27.08.2011 at 22:46:46:
Ni take france  Bosty  Grin pa ne zarad nje ampak zarad tistega od katerega naj bi slisala  Grin

Zamenjam Boštya za Franco?  Grin Cheesy Bošty se je spremenil na boljše za 100%. Smiley
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 1728

Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #4133 - 27.08.2011 at 23:35:15
[quote author=kopron link=1233678557/4130#4130

Ja, brat, hvala, ... ampak, ... ko sva že ravno pri tem Svetem Govoru Stvarnika, ... a si že vidu/sreču kako bejbo, ki bi prerokovala tako kot je namignil Stvarnik tule v NR ?

Pa ne mi namigniti Gabrijelo, ki je od ta spodnega - precej očitno , če pogledaš malo podrobneje v JM .  

Tko sem mislil, če si morda že slišal / srečal  za kako tako "franco" , ki je kaj slišala od Njega ki Je ?

Ker jaz še nisem nobene srečal / videl .

Hvala za trud .

MsT .

Kar nekaj jih je v Svetem Pismu, zakaj potem tudi v teh časih ne bi bila kakšna. Glej, že vsaka od srca ljubeča in razumna ženska ima lahko te lastnosti. Morda jih naše oči ne vidijo in ušesa ne slišijo, pa kljub temu, da obstajajo.

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Vrnimo Življenju življenje.

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Optimus T. Prime

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 836

Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #4134 - 28.08.2011 at 09:10:32
M.L. wrote on 27.08.2011 at 23:35:15:
[quote author=kopron link=1233678557/4130#4130

Ja, brat, hvala, ... ampak, ... ko sva že ravno pri tem Svetem Govoru Stvarnika, ... a si že vidu/sreču kako bejbo, ki bi prerokovala tako kot je namignil Stvarnik tule v NR ?

Pa ne mi namigniti Gabrijelo, ki je od ta spodnega - precej očitno , če pogledaš malo podrobneje v JM .  

Tko sem mislil, če si morda že slišal / srečal  za kako tako "franco" , ki je kaj slišala od Njega ki Je ?

Ker jaz še nisem nobene srečal / videl .

Hvala za trud .

MsT .

Kar nekaj jih je v Svetem Pismu, zakaj potem tudi v teh časih ne bi bila kakšna. Glej, že vsaka od srca ljubeča in razumna ženska ima lahko te lastnosti. Morda jih naše oči ne vidijo in ušesa ne slišijo, pa kljub temu, da obstajajo.

Pa lep pozdrav.

No vajenci, .......

Poslušte zdej maujstra: mene

1.) Vsak človek lahko vidi v prihodnost.
2.) Vsak clovek lahko vidi v preteklost
3.) Vsakčlovek lahko vdere v um drugemu cloveku.
4.) Vsak človek lahko pogleda kaj misli, čuti, inkako s epočuti nekdo.

Samo ena zanka je, ta osba k to počne ne more tega narediti zase, no vsja par teh točk ne velja zase lahko ap določene stvari svseeno anredi zase.


Moreš lepo iti v pineal gland, inicirati velik emektromagnetni ščit okol njega potem pa lahko potujes skozi rpsor in čas,... hec je v tem, da elektomagnetni ščit rabis da blokirs vse v tem okolju, potem pa lohak iniciras vleiko stvari.

Ce kdaj ta moro se vzge pdoenvi, rabis dobiti en sprocil, in te mogoce glava boli. Hec je v tem, da ce mas prevec engativne energije pol nemreos tega zagnati, in nisi povzat z kozmosom, zato neakteri vedo dkaj bopotres ker so poravnani z veosljem, to pomne, da nisi v nizki vibraciji kot sem jaz vedno, in zato en mores dostopati do tea,

TO JE EDINI ZAKON VARNOSTI, ce si muther fuker slab ne bos nikol tega dosegu ker nimas pravice ker bi te reci izrabljal za slabo,.. zato ap so vedno dorbi mocnejsi,.. toda uni drugi majod ruge fore za premagovanej te fore ker s ejo da stvikati ap se cele legije ti lohak poklicejo,. o tem ne vme vmeliko toda reku bi tkao

dobra in slaba energiaj obstaja, napapirju dokazana in po preletu teh spisov sem precej samoazvesten, da je neki na tem.

Na zalsot je tako, da obstjajo stroji ki te ubijejo ker jemljejo izn zbirajo smao negativno energijo in te zejbejo v nulo, lohka p azberes sma ok energijo in s ekopljes v njej to apej tudi envarno,. ker prevec dobreg aniok vrtenje zguba preveliko stoma dobis

kot sme rkeu ze davnoi,.

energiaj je kljuc povecaj jo in bos car smao mores pol bit pravi,..

Celikco v glavi aktiviraj,... ce ti ni lacinirala in pol gasa model bos lohak loto cifre videl,..


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Posts: 695

Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #4135 - 29.08.2011 at 00:08:22
sem bom dal...

( NATO Is The New NAZISM - Serbia Chemtrails & Nikola Aleksic - Anthony J Hilder. )

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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #4136 - 29.08.2011 at 11:50:45
gape wrote on 13.07.2009 at 13:56:16:
mater ste spet zaspemal zadevo ...

čudni smo sonček, ker smo idividuumi

ker si na nivoju razumevanja kot si, je težko enostavno povedat, lahko ti povem, ampak moraš verjet
sm ti že in ne verjameš ... zato je treba zdej najprej analizirat - razstavljat - ko boš zadost zanaliziru zadeve u sebi - da jih bo tvoj ego razumel - jih boš sintetiziru ...
takrat ti bo jasno ...

je pa pot dolga, časa pa malo ... premalo ...
obstaja pa rešitev - sungazing ... zdej bom stestu ... in če nam ne bojo sonca uzel, bomo zmagal ...

fora pa je v ljubezni - brezpogojni

bog si ti, on je v tebi, ti si del njega, si eno z njim ... ego pa te razmejuje od njega - po tvoji lastni svobodni izbiri ...

*smisel lijfa zivet naredit dva mulca pol pa mi bo "zena" uzela hiso mucla itd,*
res ni ...

imho je edini prawi smisel razsvetljenje

živalsko je samo telo ki ga uporabljaš ...

vsak človek si ustvarja svojo realnost
use realnosti pa so nameštrane u kolektivni zavesti - ki je blj nezavest Tongue

kolektivno nezavedno

za dostopat do znanj iz prejšnjega lajfa obstajajo tehnike kot je regresija ipd
ti maš vse to znanje (in predvsem neznanje) vkodirano v telo
preko tega se ti je naspemalo še neznanje iz tega lajfa
to je treba podilitat
da se brez pripomočkov
ampak pripomočki so kle za to da si z njimi pomagamo ...

linke bom pa pol dal ko lisičke spucam

možgani tkoitaq ne morejo dostopat do ničesar - dostopa zavest

ker so kmeti url spremenil in ne znajo uštimat redirekta

za usak slučaj pa še

In the year 1962 Mother Mira of Pondicherry Ashram in India suggested to HRM that it was time to bring sungazing to the modern world. HRM then read widely and deeply for thirty long years on the sungazing practices of ancient times, which were once common all over the world with all almost all cultures and religions. Over a three year period of continual and intense experimentation on himself, he successfully established a safe sungazing practice which he is now preaching and teaching to humanity in dozens of countries worldwide. This method is now accepted as a popular health practice known as the phenomenon of HRM sungazing.

The HRM method of safe sungazing can be practiced by any one. It can be practiced anywhere in the world and all over the year in safe times. There are no restrictions. A person can continue his present life style, simply add sungazing, and practice it whenever possible. If one practices safe sungazing with faith and confidence, free from doubts and with the proper understanding, one gets perfect health for mind body and spirit.

The practitioner of safe sungazing, can also add to his practice (1) safe sun warming of the body, (2) drinking and using sun charged water, and (3) walking barefoot on bare earth with a good thick layer of warm soil/sand/dirt that is free from grass, in order to heal the body.

Encouraged by the successful results many more all over the world are practicing the HRM method of Sungazing and thousands all over the world are getting the benefits. Because of the feedback from practitioners the HRM method has been further simplified so that anyone can get benefits without any cost and also be free from the guidance of master or guru.

If one is regular with their practice, then benefits will come quickly; if not then the person benefits little or later. Whether a person is regular or irregular in their sungazing practice they will get some benefits. Success is never denied. It is only delayed for those practicing at intervals and with breaks in an irregular way. Everyone is successful to some degree in this practice.

Very little mind is in the body but the whole body is in the mind. To treat any problem we have to energize not only the physical body but also all of our bodies (mind, body, spirit). Without doing this, we can never completely resolve our health fully. In our brain is a super computer that HRM calls the “brainutor”. Nature has coded inside the brain infinite powers which are largely dormant, and if invoked or awakened we heal by ourselves. That's why sungazing becomes very important. The brain becomes more powerful or energetic only through safe sungazing. The brain has countless neurons and these are important for the efficiency of the brain. With safe sungazing the neurons increase in number and become healthier, and that takes care of human health. The simple key to health is to see that we have not only more neurons, but also totally healthy neurons. It is only through the eyes that the light from the sun reaches the brain and creates beneficial effects in the brain.

In general, much of humanity is afraid of sun to some degree. We have believed that looking at the sun or doing sungazing harms the eyes but that is a wrong belief. Safe sun never harms the eyes and, on the contrary, it makes eyes healthier. The sungazing practices of the Egyptian, Mayan, and Incan priests and priestesses, as well as others, serve to remind us of this truth.

We have all looked at sunrises and sunsets for long periods with no harm. In the same way, if we start practicing safe sungazing in the hour of sunrise hour or the hour of sunset we will get expanded health for mind, body and spirit.

Safe sungazing is a must for better health and to alleviation of health problems. When safe sungazing is added with sun warming of the body, drinking sun charged water and walking barefoot on bare earth, one easily gets cost free health and the presence of a master or a guru is not at all required. One has to understand the practice and start practicing.

Some Practical Observations on Sungazing

Sungazing is best suited to warmer climates, but it can and has been done in more Northern locals such as Canada, and Finland. Literally thousands of people across the globe are using this method to achieve greater health on all levels. Some experience more benefits than others based upon multiple factors such as local, access to sand/dirt/clear view of the sky, and the amount of time devoted to practice. However, more often than not, it is those that sungaze with a positive attitude, an open heart and mind, patience while practicing, and adherence to doing it slow and steady that experience the most benefits and continual benefits.

Many people experience a reduction in their appetite/less hunger, and/or more joy in their lives after sungazing. Some are able to subsist more and more on light as they expand their practice of sungazing, from days, weeks, or even months at a time without eating regular food and/or no food. This is but one reason why some people sungaze. Most people, however, sungaze for the sheer joy of it, the increased eye strength/health, the greater tolerance to light, the lessening of stress, and alleviation of multiple physical ailments so common in our modern day world.

This methodology is simply the rebirth of a science that was commonly practiced by the priests, priestesses, and shamans/cuanderos of long ago. In ancient times, it was a universal spiritual practice. Now it has become a fusion of the ancient spiritual practice as well as a modern scientific practice. Anyone can follow the HRM sungazing method as described below.

Safe Sungazing Practice

Sungazing is a one-time practice of your lifetime usually for a period of 9 months.  You can break up the practice in three phases. 0 to 3months, 3-6months and 6- 9months.  You have to walk barefoot for 45 minutes for the rest of your life. Food makes us commit the maximum pain to others and exploit others.  The practice entails looking at the rising or setting sun one time per day only during the safe hours.  No harm will come to your eyes during the morning and evening safe hours.  The safe hours are anytime within 1-hour window after sunrise or anytime within the 1-hr window before sunset.  It is scientifically proven beyond a reasonable doubt that during these times, one is free from UV and IR rays exposure, which is harmful to your eyes.  To determine the timings of sunrise or sunset, you can check the local newspaper, which also lists the UV Index as 0 during these times. Both times are good for practice - it depends on individual's convenience.  Sungazing also has the added advantage of getting vitamin A and D during the 1-hour safe period window.  Vitamin A is necessary for the health of the eye, the only vitamin that the eye requires.  If you sun gaze, the spectacles and the associated power in the eye will go away and this will provide better eyesight without glasses.  

For those who cannot initially sungaze during the safe periods, sunbathing is an effective method for receiving the sun energy at a slower pace until one is able to sungaze.  Best times to take sunbath is when the UV index is lower 2 or below.  This usually occurs within the 2-hour window after sunrise or  before sunset.  Sun bathing during the day is to be avoided, except for during the winter months, when the UV index usually remains at 2 all throughout which is safe for sunbathing.  Ccheck your local newspaper to see the published results for UV Index to be sure.  Also do not use sunscreen.  When body gets heated up you perspire and sweat is a waste product and needs to go out of the body.  When you are painted or coated with lotions and creams -- they get degenerated and the chemicals enter your body.  It is our malpractice -our wrong use- why we blame the sun for skin cancers.  
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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #4137 - 29.08.2011 at 11:51:13
3 - 6 Months

Next, Physical diseases will start being cured.  70 to 80% of the energy synthesized from food is taken by the brain and is used up in fueling tensions and worries.  With a lack of mental tension, brain does not require the same amount of energy as before.  As you proceed in sun gazing and as your tensions decrease the need for food intake will go down.

When you reach 30 minutes duration of continuously looking at sun, you will slowly be liberated from physical disease since by then all the colors of the sun will have  reached  the brain through the eye.  Brain regulates the flow of color prana appropriately to the respective organs.  All the internal organs get ample supply of the required color prana.  The vital organs are dependent on certain sun color prana.  Kidney red, Heart yellow, Liver green etc. Colors reach the organs and address any deficiencies. This is how color therapies work --Reiki and Pranic Healing.  There is a lot of information available on color therapy.  This is the process of getting liberated from physical ailments over a six-month period.  After 3-4 months you can become cured of your physical ailments with autosuggestion, which is imagining and visualizing healing your ailments while gazing at the sun.  Scientific methods such as the Solariums, crystals, color bottles, natural stones, gems, all utilize sun energy, which is stored in these natural stones.  You can keep natural color stones in drinking water to further hasten healing.

In solariums there is usually a platform at the height of 100 feet where each of the 7 glass cabinets is constructed for each of the VIBGYOR colors.  This platform revolves around the sun whole day and according to the nature of the disease diagnosed, the patient is placed in the appropriate color for healing.  Similarly, glass drinking water bottles with different colors are kept in sun for 8 hours.  The water gets solarized and water develops medicinal value and is used to treat different diseases.  

Photosynthesis, which we misunderstand, does not in fact need chlorophyll.  Only the plant kingdom needs chlorophyll.  Human body can do it with a different medium.  Photosynthesis is transforming the sun energy into a usable energy format.  This is how Photovoltaic cells work and electricity is produced, similarly water is heated, food is cooked in solar cooker, and solar batteries run automobiles.  

Eyes receive the entire spectrum of the sunlight, which is distributed to the different parts of the body by the brain on a need per basis.  As a result, you are cured from all diseases.  A 3rd intermediate medium is avoided.  As you continue gazing at the sun, energy is no longer being used up for mental impairments or physical ailments; thus its storage level increases in your body.  You are your own master within 6 months.  

6 - 9 Months

In 6-months time you will start to have the original form of micro food, which is our sun. Additionally, this can avoid the toxic waste that you take into your body while you eat regular food.  

7.5 months and 35 min of sun gazing is when hunger starts going down palpably.  Need for food intake decreases.  No one needs to eat more than his or her hunger levels.  Hunger comes because of energy requirements of the body, which is a must for its existence.  Food is not a necessity for the body to function, only energy is.  Conventionally, you are indirectly getting the sun energy while eating food, which is a by-product of sun energy. If there is no sunlight, no food will grow.  

Therefore, as you consume the original form of food, hunger goes down starting to disappear eventually.  By eight months, you should see hunger almost gone. For a dull or weak student or with no belief, this time period may be 9 months or 44 minutes. After that time, hunger disappears forever.  All mechanisms associated with hunger like aroma, cravings, and hunger pangs also disappear. Moreover, energy levels are at a higher level.  There is a judgment (having had this experience) that the brain is well activated with the sun energy.  Welldone, you have become a solar cooker.

After 9 Months

After nine months or when you reach to a 44 minutes level, you should give up sun gazing since solar science prohibits further gazing for the sake of eye care.  The body will get discharged when you stop practicing, which has to be recharged. Now you have to start walking on bare foot on bare earth for 45 minutes daily for a total of 6 days.  Relaxed walking only.  No need to walk briskly, jog or run.  Any convenient time of the day is all right, however it is preferred to do that when the earth is warmer and the sunlight is falling on your body.  When you walk bare foot, an important gland in the brain's center called the pineal gland or the third eye is activated.  The big toe of the foot represents this gland.  25 years ago it was considered a useless gland.  Now it has become an important gland for study and up to now, about 18,000 papers have been published about it.  It has always been known as the Seat of the soul.  The Pineal gland has optic nerve endings.  The remaining four toes represent glands too -- pituitary, hypothalamus, thalamus and amygdala.  Amygdala for the last 2 years has been gaining importance in medical research. It's a nucleus of the sun or cosmic energy and plays an important role in the photosynthesis via the sunlight reaching the brain through the eye. When you walk bare foot, your body weight stimulates all these 5 glands through your toes.  This is strengthened by the earth heat/energy and the sun prana falling on the head or the crown chakra.  The chakras are not in the spinal cord that is an imaginary location; they are definitely in the brain.  All these create a magnetic field and the body/brain recharges with the energy of the sun entering in you.  Relax. Walk 45 minutes for one year and food continues to be away from you.  After one year of recharging, if you are satisfied with your progress you can give up barefoot walking.  Few minutes of sun energy falling on you once in 3-4 days will be enough from then on.  

But if you want the immune system to strengthen, then keep on the bare foot walking. Also if you want memory power or intelligence to increase, continue the walking practice.  As you increase the sun's heat on your feet the brain will activate more and more, which will result in the more activity of the Pineal gland. The Pineal gland has certain psychic and navigational functions.  Navigational means one can fly like the birds. You can develop psychic skills of telepathy, television and have your body at different places simultaneously.  Science has validated human psychic functions and medical experiments are being done to ascertain this.  Different body parts and its organs get purified once you stop eating due to detoxification.  The different internal organs play different mechanical parts for the purposes of space travel and flight.  There is another utility value (other than food digestion) for the internal organs. All the glands have a lot of functions and can perform at optimal level via sun energy.  If you are fortunate to activate the brain optimally you surely will reach enlightenment.  You can read past, present, and future. This method can be safely applied to control obesity.  Almost all problems get solved.

Historically, a lot of people have remained without food. Accordingly in 1922, the Imperial Medical College in London decreed that solar rays were the ideal food for humans. However, no one has mentioned what their technique was-- For e.g. Yogananda in his book 'autobiography of yogi' interviewed many saints and mystics to find out the secret of their lack of eating food.common reply was that the sun energy entered through a secret door and reached the medulla oblongata in the brain. They did not divulge their secret. This knowledge was lost to common folk at the time.
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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #4138 - 29.08.2011 at 12:09:23
boh se usmil

Hurricane Irene IS MAN MADE and being guided by HAARP!

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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Alojz in Sandib

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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #4139 - 29.08.2011 at 12:39:32
gape wrote on 29.08.2011 at 12:09:23:
boh se usmil

Hurricane Irene IS MAN MADE and being guided by HAARP!

Ni bilo nič strašnega!
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