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Re: "The Secret" na Oprah's Show-u
Reply #15 - 11.04.2007 at 00:52:42
Etrex wrote on 09.04.2007 at 15:48:29:
Kar se tice sanjarjenja, ga je treba locit od neke namenske vizualizacije, sanjarjenje je enostavno, nerealno, blodnja. Ko sanjaris, se vedno enostavno zbudis v realnosti in tocno ves da je meja med sanjarjenjem in realnostjo. Druga pesem pa je vizualizacija, ne samo da ni niti najmajn podobna, sorodna sanjarjenju, je celo cisto nekaj nasprotnega. Zato je kar malo "krivicno", da jo dosti ljudi enaci z sanjarjenjem, najbolj nevedni pa recejo temu kar blodnja. V resnici je dosti bolj zahteven proces, je mocno orodje, kjer se moras trudit, za razliko sanjarjenja , ki je bolj prepuscanje, je tukaj potrebno vlagat veliko energije, se zavedat hkrati tudi realnosti in ne samo to vizualizacija je in mora biti pri izvajalcu realnost, brez kaksne meje . V bistvu zavestno nadgrajujes realnost in hkrati v tem seveda lahko tudi neizmerno uzivas. Seveda moras pa se potrudit, da si v vizualizaciji cim bolj v dogodku ki ga vizualiziras, bolj kot se uris v vizualizaciji, bolj bos hkrati lahko vklopil vse cute in posledicno seveda bo vizualizacija ucinkovitejsa. Tako da tisti ki so zelo izurjeni v tem, lahko vidijo zivo z zelo podrobnimi detajli, slisijo v vse detajle, cutijo, vohajo in sploh vse kar si lahko zamislis.

ok rečva da se pr sanjarjenju zavedaš kje je meja z realnostjo, samo a ne obstajajo tud primerki sanjarjenja kjer se sanjač ne zaveda te meje? pa tud vse tko živo doživlja ipd.

zdj pa plis mal razlož kaj si mislu z vlagat velik energije-na kakšen način
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There is nothing special about me&&I am just a little star&&If it seems like I’m shining it’s probably &&a reflection of something you already are&&I forget about my self sometimes when there’s so many others around&&When deep inside it feels the darkest&&That is where I can always be found
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Re: "The Secret" na Oprah's Show-u
Reply #16 - 11.04.2007 at 22:17:36
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Re: "The Secret" na Oprah's Show-u
Reply #17 - 11.04.2007 at 22:21:59

Discovering The Secret

People around the world have been talking about a movie so powerful that it can change the course of your life. This movie, The Secret, was created by Australian Rhonda Byrne, and she says that if you follow its philosophy, you can create the life you want—whether that means getting out of debt, finding a more fulfilling job or even falling in love.

Rhonda says she stumbled on what she calls The Secret at the end of 2004. At the time, everything in Rhonda's life had fallen apart—physically, emotionally and financially—and she was in "total despair." Then her father died suddenly, and she was worried about her grief-stricken mother. "I wept and wept and wept, and I didn't want my daughter to see me sobbing," Rhonda says.

That's when Rhonda's daughter gave her a copy of The Science of Getting Rich, a book written in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles. "Something inside of me had me turn the pages one by one, and I can still remember my tears hitting the pages as I was reading it," Rhonda says. "It gave me a glimpse of The Secret. It was like a flame inside of my heart. And with every day since, it's just become a raging fire of wanting to share all of this with the world."

After that first discovery, Rhonda read hundreds of books, listened to hundreds of hours of audio tapes and scoured the Internet for more information. She says she traced the idea of The Secret through history—all the way from 3500 B.C. to the present day. "Since I discovered The Secret, every single moment of my entire life has changed, and I am living my life for the first time," Rhonda says.

Rhonda defines The Secret as the law of attraction, which is the principle that "like attracts like." Rhonda calls it "the most powerful law in the universe," and says it is working all the time. "What we do is we attract into our lives the things we want, and that is based on what we're thinking and feeling," Rhonda says. The principle explains that we create our own circumstances by the choices we make in life. And the choices we make are fueled by our thoughts—which means our thoughts are the most powerful things we have here on earth.

To help teach the philosophy, Rhonda created the DVD The Secret, which features experts including the Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith, James Arthur Ray, Lisa Nichols and Jack Canfield—who not only teach other people about The Secret, but say they are successful in their own lives because they know and use the principle.

The Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith says he was a drug dealer in college—until he was arrested in a deal gone bad. Michael says he had a spiritual awakening during his trial and decided to turn his life around. Today he leads the Agape Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, where he teaches thousands of faithful followers the path to reaching their highest potential.

James Arthur Ray was insecure and awkward as a teenager until weight lifting helped the self-described geek gain confidence in his 20s. He says that surviving a near-fatal motorcycle crash and almost going bankrupt forced him to focus on the life he truly wanted. Now he runs a multimillion-dollar corporation dedicated to teaching people how to create wealth in all areas of their lives.

Lisa Nichols grew up on the tough streets of South Central Los Angeles. She admits that as a self-conscious teenager, she often used sex to feel loved by men. After hitting rock bottom at age 19, Lisa prayed for a better life. Now, she has made her fortune by motivating more than 60,000 teenagers to make better choices in their own lives.

Chicken Soup for the Soul creator Jack Canfield was deep in debt before he made it big. Now his best-selling books have sold more than 100 million copies worldwide, and Jack travels the country teaching the secret of his success.

The law of attraction means that everything that happens to you—good or bad—you attract to yourself. Lisa describes it as if you're placing an order. "If you were at a restaurant and you ordered something, you fully expect it to come served that way. That's how the universe is. You're putting out orders—consciously and unconsciously," Lisa says. "So if you say, 'I'll never have a great relationship,' you just placed an order."

Jack says everything you focus on can have an effect on your life—from books to magazines to thoughts. "All of that affects how we feel, and the feelings actually send out a wave into the universe, and anything that's vibrating in a similar level gets attracted into our life," Jack says.

"Most people focus on how it is. We talk about our current reality—'I'm in debt. I'm overweight. I'm not happy. I'm sad. The world's not working. We're at war,' whatever. And the more you think about that and focus on that and talk about it, the more you attract that [negativity]," he says.

Although thoughts are powerful, Jack says the feelings that the thoughts generate are what actually attract things into our lives. "Too many times people are thinking a thought like, 'I want to be my perfect body weight of 185 pounds.' But they look at the scale and they see 205 and they think, 'But I'll never make it,' … so they feel bad," Jack says. Instead of wallowing in those negative thoughts, you need to find the positive in the situation. Jack says you should stop feeling bad about the weight, and instead feel positive that you are willing to do something healthy to make your life better. Carrying with you those positive feelings is one key to your success.

James says that in order to attract the things you want into your life—to place the right order—you have to do what he calls going "three for three." "Your thoughts, your feelings and your actions all have to be firing simultaneously in the same direction," he says. Visualizing your future life can help to hone your thoughts and feelings toward the things you want.

The panel says the thoughts and the feelings are often easy for people to grasp, but you still have to do something about them. "A lot of people watch The Secret and they say, 'Well, I'm sitting around visualizing my millions coming into my lap.' Well, they'll come take your furniture away. And then how are you going to visualize [when you're living] on the curb?" James says. "You've got to act on it. Make decisions on where you're going versus where you have been."

Jack says that everything in the world is made up of energy, which is controlled by thoughts and feelings. According to Jack, thoughts can travel long distances, so you are sending out signals to many people without even knowing it, and these signals attract like energy to you.

Jack and James say that this means there is no such thing as a coincidence. "Everything happens by principles and laws in our universe. And so consequently, we have an absolutely unlimited power within us," James says.

Michael says that thoughts—which turn into experience, speech and behavior—become the "feeling tone of your life." "An individual can actually begin to generate a certain feeling of gratitude, of love, of peace and of harmony, and the universe will begin to match that feeling tone—and what will flow into your life will match the feeling that you're holding," he says. "It means that everyone…can release themselves from being a victim and begin to take control of their life's destiny."

Gratitude is one example of the magnetic force of the universe. "Basically, nothing new can come into your life unless you open yourself up to being grateful [for what you already have]," Michael says.

"If you think about it, the universe has a conveyor belt of presents lined up for you, and until you receive the one and fully are grateful for it, the next one can't come out of the chute. It's all lined up," Jack says.

Lisa says this perspective applies to weight, family, friends and other aspects of life. She says too many people who want to make things better focus on what's wrong with the present. "Instead of wanting to change it, appreciate what's there," Lisa says. "Find the things about it that work … and by doing that, you create a space for it to get better."

For example, Lisa says she would like to lose some weight. But instead of focusing on the negative—that she hasn't dropped the pounds yet—she loves and appreciates the present moment. "I accept it. I love it. I embrace every inch, every pound," she says. In this way, Lisa is creating the space to "celebrate the now" and then invite better things into her life.

According to the panel members, much of the energy that people project into the world is done unconsciously. "People aren't walking around thinking, 'I want a bad thing to happen to me,' but there's an unconscious fear. There's a doubt. There's a worry. There's a sense of separation there that's running them," Michael says. He adds that spiritual growth is "allowing that which is unconscious to become conscious."

Michael says that spiritual growth does not mean religion but our "real identity." "The love, the peace, the joy, the wisdom, the harmony—these are all qualities of the spirit that it's seeking to express through us," Michael says. "And so as we become more awake, more aware of that, our life is filled with that kind of vibration, that kind of feeling tone. To grow spiritually is to actually become more aware of who you really are."

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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Re: "The Secret" na Oprah's Show-u
Reply #18 - 11.04.2007 at 22:23:07


Ryan Bell, a single mother of a 4-year-old, is currently $43,000 in debt. "I'm just in over my head," she says.

Ryan says her financial woes started back in college when she took out loans. After college, Ryan got a job, got pregnant and got married. To cope with the new bills, the couple opened more credit cards, and Ryan helped put her husband through school. Then the unthinkable happened: She and her husband got divorced—and Ryan's debt worsened. "I went from living on two incomes to living on one income, but I kept the same bills," Ryan says.

To support herself and her daughter, Ryan works long hours at a high-end clothing store. After her daughter goes to bed, Ryan works at her second job, a home-based Internet business. "It could be huge, but I can't spend the amount of time on it that I need to to make it successful," she says.

Now, Ryan sees every day as a struggle and won't even go to the mailbox because she knows there are bills waiting for her. "I'm sick and tired of being a victim," Ryan says. "How do I get out of this endless cycle of debt?"

Ryan's choices have attracted debt to her, the panel says. To attract a solution, Jack says Ryan should turn her focus from her debt to what she knows her life will be like when she's financially free.

Simply changing her language can also start to make a dent in her debt. When asked how she is, Lisa says she shouldn't respond with phrases like "I'm surviving." "That's not the kind of life you want to live," Lisa says. "When people ask me how I'm doing, [I say], 'I'm phenomenal. I'm great'. Even in the midst of all—I'm great," she says. "I'm great because I made it through."

James, especially, can relate to Ryan's troubles, having been on the edge of bankruptcy twice himself. He urges Ryan to take an "action step" toward her dreams. For Ryan, that's starting a debt retirement program to pay a certain amount of money toward her credit automatically so she can focus every bit of energy on financial freedom.

Still, the most important stride toward a debt-free life, Michael says, is forgiving her ex-husband and to stop feeling like he owes her something. "Let him know in consciousness, in your awareness, that he cannot determine your destiny. You're not leaving him unaccountable, but you're severing those emotional vibratory tonalities so that you can be free."

True forgiveness, James says, is when you can say the following to the person who hurt you: "Thank you for giving me that experience."

But how can you forgive when something truly tragic or terrible happens? James says you should grieve, but eventually you need to look for a hidden gift. "Here's what I encourage people to ask themselves: How does this serve me? … If you're really willing to dig, there's a lesson in there," James says. "And secondly, what can I learn from this situation?"

Even if you can't identify the gift now, Rhonda says to remain positive in order to benefit from of the law of attraction. "You can say, 'There are so many gifts in this for me. I can't wait to see what they are,'" Rhonda says.

In chronic situations with no end in sight, Michael says you should ask yourself another important question: "If this were to last forever, what quality would I have to grow to have peace of mind? Now, as my attention goes to the quality I have to grow, that quality starts to emerge," Michael says. "The issue that I'm resisting and fighting against becomes less and less intense … it begins to dissolve because it doesn't have your attention any longer."

Panel member Lisa Nichols says her life was spiraling out of control before she learned The Secret. She grew up in South Central Los Angeles, where there were gangs, poverty and violence.

In fifth grade, Lisa was in the first class to be bused to the Valley—a predominantly white neighborhood—where she thought she would be welcomed. Instead, she was met with name-calling. "My self-esteem went way down," she says.

Although she eventually became a popular student, Lisa struggled with depression. "At 17, when my best friends were thinking what college to go to, UCLA or USC, I was contemplating suicide and trying to figure out how to do it without getting blood on my mother's carpet because I knew they couldn't afford to move," she says.

Growing up, Lisa was also told that she wasn't pretty and wouldn't find love. She began having "a lot of sex looking for a little love," searching for her own validation in men. "The sex led to a lot of pain. I thought if I was saying no to the sex, I was saying no to potential love. And I didn't want to say no to love."

Lisa began to gain weight in order to avoid men altogether. After gaining 100 pounds, Lisa says she was obese and embarrassed.

Finally, Lisa reached a turning point. "I got on my knees and I said, 'God, if you bring me through this … I promise I will spend every moment, every breath, supporting and encouraging others to do the same,'" she says.

Lisa decided to stop being a victim. She stopped looking for love elsewhere and fell "madly in love" with herself. Now, she teaches people how to treat her. "I'm the first example of how the world is supposed to love me and I have to give them the best example ever," she says. "We expect someone to show us our greatness when [instead] I'm supposed to show up understanding my greatness and allowing you to celebrate it with me."
After 16 years of marriage, Carlton and Beverly Credelle say the passion in their marriage had fizzled. "It just felt as though our life was just mundane, really passionless, almost emotionless," Beverly says. "Like I didn't have his mind anymore, his soul, his heart." At one point, the couple hadn't been intimate in a year.

Then, Beverly watched The Secret. "For the record, I've seen it 62 times. But the first time is when that light bulb went off," she says. Beverly realized she was part of the problem. She stopped complaining and began to focus on her gratitude for Carlton. "I started telling myself, 'I am beautiful. I do deserve passion. I am in a passion-filled marriage.'"

Things changed immediately after Carlton also watched the DVD. Soon, he started making romantic gestures, like taking Beverly out for lunch dates and calling her during the day. She began doing little things for him, too—leaving him a rose in his car and surprising him with his favorite cookies.

Michael says Carlton and Beverly are an example of how gratitude brings about change. "My marriage now is wonderful," Carlton says. "I feel the passion. I'm loving it."

Launell is successful in all areas of her life—except when it comes to taking off the baby weight she started gaining 14 years ago.

The first step, James says, is to be grateful for her health and choose to stay healthy and whole. "I want you to start every single day … saying, 'Thank you for the health I have.' Say, 'I love my legs because they're working functionally,'" James says. "Concentrate on your health and wholeness every day, and you'll attract more health and wholeness every day."

Lisa says Launell also has to believe she has the right to have the body she wants. "Make a decision. Do you have the right? Are you ready for it? Are you ready to look in the mirror and love every inch?" Lisa says. "Make 2007 about showing up in the now for you," Lisa says.

Repeating after Lisa, Launell declares, "I choose today to give myself the best life ever!"

You can start living the The Secret today by following three simple steps: Ask. Believe. Receive.

Michael says to start making a conscious effort every day to take actions that will sync with the energy of the life you dream about. "When you're talking about action, you're talking about walking in the direction you want," Michael says.

But not just any action will do, James says. It has to be one that comes from the heart and will provide a real service. "It's not, 'If you build it, they will come,' necessarily. It's, 'If you build it and it provides value, they will come,'" he says. "It's that heart space. Not 'What can I get?' but 'What can I give and how can I serve?' And when you're in that moment, the universe lines up behind you and it's at your command."
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Re: "The Secret" na Oprah's Show-u
Reply #19 - 11.04.2007 at 22:27:09

The Secret Is Out

On February 8, 2007, millions tuned in to The Oprah Winfrey Show to learn the mystery of The Secret. Since the show aired, our message boards have been buzzing with people who want to know more. The Secret is defined as the law of attraction, which states that like attracts like. The concept says that the energy you put into the world—both good and bad—is exactly what comes back to you. This means you create the circumstances of your life with the choices you make every day.

To help answer your burning questions, two teachers of The Secret, James Arthur Ray and the Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith, are back. Michael says he thinks The Secret is alluring because it helps people stop feeling like victims. "I think us talking about the law of attraction, talking about these universal spiritual principles, allows them to see that they can begin to govern their thoughts and their way of life," he says.

According to James, there is scientific evidence to back up the spiritual practices and laws defined in The Secret. "Science tells us that everything is energy, and so your thoughts are energy. Your body, your cash, your car—everything you think is solid, if you put it under a high-powered microscope, it's just a field of energy and a rate of vibration," he says. "And so are we. So if you think you're this meat suit running around, you have to think again."

One way to describe this energy is by comparing it radio waves, "The frequency you give out through your thoughts and your emotions is what you have a tendency to manifest in your life," Michael says. "Whether those thoughts and emotions are conscious or unconscious, it doesn't matter."

This means that if you are sending out the same negative energy over an over—whether thoughts or feelings—you will attract like energy back to you. James says that when bad things happen people might ask, "Oh, God, why me?" "Because it is you," he says.

After 16 years of marriage, Amanda and Mark say they were at a breaking point in their relationship. "I was exploding with anger and had just had enough," Amanda says. "Neither one of us felt in love, or really loving to each other."

Neither Amanda nor Mark was willing to go to counseling to deal with their issues. Mark says he felt his needs weren't being met and there was no room for improvement. Both felt they were headed for a separation. "Our emotional barriers at that point became a physical barrier. We put the pillows in between ourselves, so that was the fence," Mark says.

Amanda's life took a dramatic shift when she saw Beverly and Carlton discussing their marital problems on The Oprah Show. Within 24 hours of watching the episode on The Secret, Amanda says her entire outlook on life changed. "I had to step back and look at myself and realize I didn't like myself. I was an unhappy person. And I was putting that out there and polluting my environment. I needed to change my focus," she says.

When the couple sat down to discuss their problems, they realized at their core they were both "achingly sad." "One thing just led to another and [a] dam burst and there we were just talking and talking," Amanda says. "I think that we have a miraculous chance of moving forward and having a great life together."

James says an important lesson for everyone is to stop focusing on things that are wrong in your life. Instead, use that energy toward things you desire, like a happy marriage. "Energy flows where attention goes," James says. "We have attention surplus when we are focusing on the things we don't want—I don't want to be broke. I don't want to be unhappy. I don't want to be fat," he says. "The mind can't process a negative."

Maureen has a question many people want answered: "[My family puts] our faith in God, and it seems that The Secret teaches you to put your faith in yourself. And so I was wondering, is God anywhere in this?"

Michael says The Secret involves the laws of the universe and they, in turn, describe the nature of how God works. "[Jesus] said, 'Pray believing that ye have that ye may receive.' That's The Secret in a nutshell," he says. "Pray believing and feeling and sensing that you already have it, and then you're available to receive it."

Michael says The Secret isn't about contradicting religion—it supports it. "It actually goes underneath the culture and explains to you the sacred laws that these wonderful teachers have brought to us," he says. According to James, The Secret is about supporting the great spiritual traditions in a more modern form. "It really is just putting Christianity, Judaism, all the great teachings into a current vernacular," he says.

As a Christian, Maureen says she believes in heaven and hell, and she's concerned that The Secret's promotion of free will and personal choice imply that you do not face a final judgment.

James says that while he honors Maureen's Christian belief system, he suggests looking at the concepts of heaven, hell and judgment in a different way. "Jesus the Christ said the kingdom of heaven is within. He didn't say it was out there somewhere—[he said] within. And so is it possible to consider that the kingdom of hell is within as well?" he says.

"The kingdom of God is actually in us, and what comes out of your mouth, what you think about, how you express—you're either participating in the realm of ever-expanding good or you're cutting yourself off from the realm," Michael says.

Michael suggests that instead of living a life preparing for some ultimate reward, you should live in the now. "When you're anticipating some future good, you're preventing that good that is all around you from expressing through you," he says. "[Don't] put life on the layaway plan and try to anticipate that it's going to get good in the future."

Angela says she has understood the principle of The Secret for years and was living the life she wanted, but everything changed on September 11, 2001. One that tragic day, one of the hijacked airliners crashed into Angela's office building. For the past five years, she says she's been struggling to keep her head above water. Her life was no longer filled with purpose and she had a hard time "just surviving."

"What I was bringing to the table was a tired, worn-out survivor, and I knew that," Angela says. "I was shut down, but I was moving."

After watching the show, Angela says she had a reawakening. "Everything made sense again, and I'm ready to get my life back on track," she says. The first thing Angela did was to start journaling and focusing on all the gratitude she felt in her life.

Michael says this is very important because nothing new can come into your life without being thankful for what you have already been given. "The moment you began to focus on gratitude, you create within yourself the condition for more things to be grateful for to come into your life," he says.

"Basically what you're saying is, 'Thank you so much. Give me more of this,'" James says. "The most powerful magnetic attractive force in the universe is the power of gratitude."

Angela says she created a sense of peace inside herself by focusing on this energy. "That peace was already there," Michael says. "But the filters of the way you were looking at life were blocking you from experiencing it."

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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Re: "The Secret" na Oprah's Show-u
Reply #20 - 11.04.2007 at 22:28:26


In 2003, Lisa says she was living her "dark fall of the soul." She was single, severely in debt and unemployed.

For years, Lisa struggled with a tragedy from her childhood. When she was 12 years old, her two sisters were killed in a tragic accident. Since that fateful day, Lisa says she has carried a lot of pain with her.

"For a lot of my life, I've struggled with feeling guilty that I'd survived. And so I wouldn't allow myself good things to happen because I didn't necessarily feel that I deserved them," she says.

After years of living in depression, Lisa started reading about the law of attraction and decided to put it to the test! Lisa started to visualize the life she wanted to live—she wanted to be her own boss, find true love, have children and create a home. "A big part of the change was opening up to whatever the universe was going to throw at me," she says.

In less than a year, Lisa successfully created the life of her dreams. First, she started her own business. In January 2004, she met her future husband. In May, they bought a house. In June, they got a dog. In December, Lisa gave birth to their son.

"I think that our mind is a very powerful thing," she says. "I think anything is open to you if you believe that you can have it."

Michael says that Lisa used the power of choice to change her thinking—the important first step in turning her life around. "She had to come out of the 'poor me' victim consciousness," he says. "She had to come out of repeating the same old patterns, and actually open herself up for another possibility and the universe matched that."

James agrees that Lisa's altered thinking changed her life. The reason, he says, is that humans are spiritual beings. "The mind is the bridge between the two most powerful forces in the universe, which are spirit and form."

However, he says, too often people place their focus in the wrong places. "We're accessed and able to do anything and everything," James says. "And yet what we tend to do, with our mind, is define ourselves by our physical circumstances. … When you look at your current results and say, 'This is me,' the universe says, 'Your wish is my command.' But that's not you, that's not who you are. It's who you were. It says nothing about who you can become and what you're capable of."

To begin living the ultimate life you want, you must first describe that life in as much detail as possible, Michael says. However, don't just list the ways that you'd like your present circumstances to change.

Instead really think about how you want your life to be. For instance, Michael suggests this description: "I see myself living a life [in which] I'm absolutely, totally healthy. Everything is working together for my good. There's prosperity flowing through me. I'm in a place of employment that I really love. I'm really providing value everywhere I go."

James says that this describing—"Not asking. Not hoping," he says—is just the first step, which he calls intention.

After you've established your intention, the next step, James says, is attention. Here, you should feel gratitude and maintain your feeling that your intended goals are coming, he says.

The third step is action. "This is the scary part, even when you teach this stuff," James says. "Step forward, taking action in the direction … not where you are currently, but moving forward and saying, 'Okay, if this is who I'm becoming, then what action would I take right now if I were already there?'"

Three years ago, Joan's husband was killed in an automobile accident, leaving her a widowed mother with two sons. "I couldn't get over the grief I was facing and couldn't forgive him for leaving me alone with our boys," she says.

When she saw The Oprah Show about The Secret, Joan says James's definition of forgiveness really opened her eyes. He said forgiveness is being able to thank the person who has wronged you. "You say, 'I don't want it to be different because there are so many gifts that came out of that. Thank you for giving me that experience,'" James said.

When she heard that, Joan says, "I wept in my chair. I sat there and said, 'Oh, I forgive you.' I couldn't say that before. I could not tell him that I forgive him for leaving me."

Almost instantly, Joan says her life changed. "A friend of mine even said, 'I can see it in your face. I can see it in your eyes.' It was like this boulder was lifted off of me."

Michael says that by not forgiving, Joan was enduring self-abuse. "The message to the universe is, 'I want to keep repeating this experience over and over,'" he says.

"Being unwilling to forgive is like drinking poison expecting the other person to die," James says. "Ultimately you don't forgive for the other person. If they accept it, that's great. It's wonderful. But if they don't, you forgive for you, because you release that toxic energy from your body and you move forward."

On the day that Oprah introduced the world to The Secret, Clarissa thought she was in for an ordinary day—which usually includes missing The Oprah Winfrey Show because she's at work. But just 20 minutes into her workday, her boss called her into his office to tell her she was being fired.

On her way home, Clarissa called a friend who was fired by the same boss weeks before. "She and I were talking and we were just saying such bad things about him, just [the most] horrible things that we could think of. There was a lot of anger in both of our hearts for him because we were upset," she says.

After she arrived home, Clarissa and her mom watched the show about The Secret. "It just made me seriously think back and think, 'God, it wasn't him. It was me. He was right. I was negative. I didn't want this job. I didn't need the job. It was just a stepping stone.'"

She immediately typed up words and phrases—gratitude, true happiness, gratefulness—and hung them on the walls of her bedroom so that she'd remember them daily. Clarissa even wrote her old boss a letter. "I was upset at your reasoning for letting me go. Then I watched The Oprah Winfrey Show and the topic mesmerized me," she wrote. "For the things you said to me, I forgive you. And in the same sentence, I hope you forgive me. … Thank you for hiring and firing me."

"Now I'm so much more positive on everything that has happened," she says.

"You're open to the possibility of whatever is supposed to come into your life," Oprah says.
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Re: "The Secret" na Oprah's Show-u
Reply #21 - 12.04.2007 at 09:01:02
Meni se zdi to ameriški duhovni McDonald's. In ena izmed tržnih for new agea. V ZDA je velik biznis trženje zgodb o uspehu.  Ponujanje instant hitrih rešitev. Forsiranje želje po imeti namesto biti.

Zadeva me je spomnila na "družinskega poglavarja" v filmu Naša mala miss. Predavanje drugim o uspehu, ko nimaš pojma, kaj se dogaja s tvojim lastnim življenjem. Nekako je pač treba preživeti, mar ne?

Večina ljudi, ki premaga včasih na videz nepremostljive življenjske težave, ne čuti potrebe, da to obeša na veliki zvon. Danes je sodobni trg sposoben iz najbolj preprostih življenjskih resnic proizvesti odrešenjsko religijo, ki prinaša miljardne dobičke. Ne verjamem pa, da so ljudje zato kaj bolj pametni. Nekateri so zaradi tega precej bolj bogati, večina pa najbrž še bolj poneumljena.

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Re: "The Secret" na Oprah's Show-u
Reply #22 - 12.04.2007 at 12:56:21
Meni se zdi to ameriški duhovni McDonald's. In ena izmed tržnih for new agea. V ZDA je velik biznis trženje zgodb o uspehu.  Ponujanje instant hitrih rešitev. Forsiranje želje po imeti namesto biti.

Zadeva me je spomnila na "družinskega poglavarja" v filmu Naša mala miss. Predavanje drugim o uspehu, ko nimaš pojma, kaj se dogaja s tvojim lastnim življenjem. Nekako je pač treba preživeti, mar ne?

Večina ljudi, ki premaga včasih na videz nepremostljive življenjske težave, ne čuti potrebe, da to obeša na veliki zvon. Danes je sodobni trg sposoben iz najbolj preprostih življenjskih resnic proizvesti odrešenjsko religijo, ki prinaša miljardne dobičke. Ne verjamem pa, da so ljudje zato kaj bolj pametni. Nekateri so zaradi tega precej bolj bogati, večina pa najbrž še bolj poneumljena.

Film naša mala miss lepo prikaže absurdnost induvidulane gonje za uspehom, ne samo družinskega poglavarja, ampak tkorekoč vsakega od članov njegove družine. Se lepo razkrije, da je medsebojna solidarnost oz. občutje medsebojne pripadnosti tisti cilj, ki ga nihče ni od članov ni zavestno zasledoval oz.  'vizualiziral', a se je  izkazal za najuspešnjšega za vsakogar posebej.

Popularnost skrivostnega zakona privlačnosti se zelo lepo ujema s kultom internalnosti/personologije, ki ga goji anglosaški liberlnodemokatična ideologija uspeha:

1. Internalnost in personologija: v sebi, in  svoji osebnosti vidiš izvor tega, kar delaš in kar se ti dogaja. (In ne pozabi, da so tisto, kar je konec koncev najlaže opaziti pri samem sebi, splošne značilnosti osebnosti. S tega vidika so naši jeziki še posebej pripravni. Dva ameriška psihologa sta sta v angleščini našla več kot 4500 nestrokovnih besed za to, čemur pravimo 'osebnostna značilnost'.)

2. Identiteta: v okoliščinah, v katerih se znajdeš, poskusi s pomočjo pomenov, ki jih imajo tvoja obnašanja, prepoznati to resničnost, ki si ti (Če želiš tako podporo se lahko obrneš na psihoanlaitika. Pomagal ti bo, da boš lahko zanemaril svoja dejanja in boš užival v njihovem pomenu. Na ta način ti bo pomagal, da se boš odkril. Ni pomembno, ali si v avtobusu, v službi, pred televizorjem, v postelji, pri golfu ali pod platanami, tvoja dolžnost je, da v jedro pomenov, ki jih konstrutraš, vnašaš trdno resničnost, ki si ti. In to je tvoja najdragocenejša dobrina).

3a. Individulnost: Potrudi se, da te resničnosti ne boš delill z nobenim drugim (To ni resničnost kmeta, delavca ženske: te družbene identititete so lastnost luzerjev; ta resničnost je samo tvoja in mora biti neodvisna od katerekoli kategorije. Ti si kmet, delavec, ženska šele naknadno. Naprej si John, Janez...)  

3b. individualna diferenciacija: in nauči se dobro razlikovati to resničnost od resničnosti drugega. (Celo kadar počneta enako stvar,  v avtobusu, v službi, pred televizorjem, v postelji, pri golfu ali pod platanami, moraš vedno najti kak pomen, ki je lasten samo tebi in zaradi katerega počneš to samo ti. Ti ješ pri mcdonaldsu, ker je imenitno in napredno jesti s prsti kot afričani: tak pomen ima to zate. Tisti tip nasproti je pri mcdonaldsu, ker ceni odnos do higiene v tem podjetju - če bi si upal, bi prosil za vilico in nož, bedak. Tak pomen ima to zanj. Čeprav oba hrustat big-maca, sta v resnici zelo trazlična posameznika. Morda imamo, kot srečni nusqame, enaka oblačila, enako hrano, enake dvonadstropne hiše z zastekljeninimi okni in enako izobrazbao.  Toda za razliko od utopistov thomasa mora vemo, da to ni nič v primerjavi z enkratnim načinom prisvajanaj teh svari, kar edino ustvarja našo psihološko resničnost.)

3c. Samopotrditev: prizadevaj si čim pogostoje pokazati to resničnost v odnosu z drugimi ljudmi. (Govori o njej, daj vedeti, da je sijajna, podarjaj njene vrednosti. Na začetku psihološke izjave pogosto reci: 'Jaz...'. Bodi tak, kakršen si, seveda, toda potrudi se, da te bodo takšnega videli tudi drugi.)

4. Samozadostnost: na podlagi tega se nauči v sebi najti ne le vir svojih potreb, temveč tudi možnosti, ki jih imaš na voljo, da te potrebe zadovoljiš. (Druge lahko prosiš za pomoč le v skrajni sili, in še to le za materialne stvari. Če pa res čutiš. da se moraš po pomoč nujno obrniti na nekoga, da bi zadovoljil kako psihološko potrebo, tega ne pokaži ali pa pojdi h kliničnemu psihologu - toda glej, da te pri tem nihče ne opazi).  

Takšne so torej poglavitne značilnosti psihološkega ideala, v katerem se kopamo, ali bolje, utapljamo, kajti danes je posvem jasno, da družbena vrednost oseb, povezana s tem idelaom, vrednost, ki se pri nas kupuje in prodaja, ni namnjena temu, da bi nas naredila srečnejše, celo tiste med nami ne, ki so jo kupil za polno ceno.
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« Last Edit: 12.04.2007 at 15:13:23 by titud »  
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Re: "The Secret" na Oprah's Show-u
Reply #23 - 12.04.2007 at 15:29:25
titud wrote on 12.04.2007 at 12:56:21:

Takšne so torej poglavitne značilnosti psihološkega ideala, v katerem se kopamo, ali bolje, utapljamo, kajti danes je posvem jasno, da družbena vrednost oseb, povezana s tem idelaom, vrednost, ki se pri nas kupuje in prodaja, ni namnjena temu, da bi nas naredila srečnejše, celo tiste med nami ne, ki so jo kupil za polno ceno.

Zdi se mi, da ciničen način trženja receptov za boljše življenje ne samo, da ne dela človeka srečnejšega, ampak mu jemlje tudi njegovo temeljno dostojanstvo. Nekako se mi vsiljuje primerjava s prodajanjem odpustkov.
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Re: "The Secret" na Oprah's Show-u
Reply #24 - 13.04.2007 at 11:13:26
titud wrote on 12.04.2007 at 12:56:21:

Takšne so torej poglavitne značilnosti psihološkega ideala, v katerem se kopamo, ali bolje, utapljamo, kajti danes je posvem jasno, da družbena vrednost oseb, povezana s tem idelaom, vrednost, ki se pri nas kupuje in prodaja, ni namnjena temu, da bi nas naredila srečnejše, celo tiste med nami ne, ki so jo kupil za polno ceno.

Zdi se mi, da ciničen način trženja receptov za boljše življenje ne samo, da ne dela človeka srečnejšega, ampak mu jemlje tudi njegovo temeljno dostojanstvo. Nekako se mi vsiljuje primerjava s prodajanjem odpustkov.

Ideologija internalnosti in personologije je namenjena predvsem temu, da se svobodno (po lastni volji) podrejamo vladajočim vrednotom, ki so sicer v nasprotju z lastnimi prepričanji/vrednotami. V bistvu nas prisili v to, da samemu sebi dajemo odpustke s tem, da dajemo pozitiven  smisel in pomen (z raconalizacijo) nenačelnim dejanjem, s tem pa zmanjšamo kognitivno disonanco (včasih bi temu rekli slabo vest), kar nam na nek način dela dela življenje srečnejše ali vsaj znosnejše. Ampak le pod pogojem, da se za ta (nenačelna) dejanja notranje angažiramo, ta notranja angažiranost pa je po moje le protestantski odgovor na rimokatoliško kupovanje odpustkov, s katerim so protestnti  ubili dve muhi na en mah: ko so zunanjega posrednika (kler) nadomestili z notranjim (koristoljubnim raciom), so dosegli večjo osebno angažiranost posameznika, ki se je odrazila na njegovi večji motiviranosti (delovna etika), ta pa je pripomogla h kopičenju presežne vrednosti (kapitala in bogastva) na strani  tistih, ki so za to imeli boljše štartne osnove (ideologov protestantizma).
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Re: "The Secret" na Oprah's Show-u
Reply #25 - 13.04.2007 at 15:32:58
titud wrote on 13.04.2007 at 11:13:26:

Ideologija internalnosti in personologije je namenjena predvsem temu, da se svobodno (po lastni volji) podrejamo vladajočim vrednotom, ki so sicer v nasprotju z lastnimi prepričanji/vrednotami. V bistvu nas prisili v to, da samemu sebi dajemo odpustke s tem, da dajemo pozitiven  smisel in pomen (z raconalizacijo) nenačelnim dejanjem, s tem pa zmanjšamo kognitivno disonanco (včasih bi temu rekli slabo vest), kar nam na nek način dela dela življenje srečnejše ali vsaj znosnejše. Ampak le pod pogojem, da se za ta (nenačelna) dejanja notranje angažiramo, ta notranja angažiranost pa je po moje le protestantski odgovor na rimokatoliško kupovanje odpustkov, s katerim so protestnti  ubili dve muhi na en mah: ko so zunanjega posrednika (kler) nadomestili z notranjim (koristoljubnim raciom), so dosegli večjo osebno angažiranost posameznika, ki se je odrazila na njegovi večji motiviranosti (delovna etika), ta pa je pripomogla h kopičenju presežne vrednosti (kapitala in bogastva) na strani  tistih, ki so za to imeli boljše štartne osnove (ideologov protestantizma).  

Najbrž je res neka kontinuiteta v protestantskem odgovoru na kupovanje odpustkov. Kontinuiteto vidim v nezmožnosti razrešitve problema razredne razslojenosti in hierarhije. Luter je po moje obtičal na pol poti, ko se je uprl koruptivnosti in zlaganosti cerkve. Obstoječi družbeni red je bil zanj še vedno nedotakljivo, od boga dano dejstvo. Množice, ki so v zanosu poskušale razbiti obstoječo hierarhijo, so bile poteptane.

Pojav raznih "odrešenjskih" psihologij in kultov uspeha po moje nadomešča nekdanje religijske utemeljitve obstoječega sistema in s tem pravzaprav kamuflira nasprotja v sistemu samem.
Posameznik v sodobnem sistemu na videz postaja vse bolj avtonomen, potrošnik (naj gre za materialne ali duhovne "dobrine") naj bi bil tisti, katerega potrebam se prilagaja trg. Po drugi strani pa skuša trg potrošnika prilagoditi svojim potrebam. Rabi negotovega, nesamozavestnega, zmedenega posameznika, ki je zmožen graditi svojo identiteto le na podlagi vsiljenih vrednot sistema.  Vrednote vse bolj diktira trg. Včasih jih je cerkev.

Razlika se mi zdi v tem, da je nekoč cerkev odkrito zahtevala poslušnost in podrejanje avtoriteti, pa čeprav pod krinko boga. Danes pa, kot si že rekel,  je naloga sistema, da posameznika prepriča, da v resnici uporablja svojo svobodno voljo in zadovoljuje svoje lastne potrebe. S skrivnostnim zakonom privlačnosti gre zadeva tako daleč, da je posameznik prepričan, da v celoti kreira vse svoje življenjske okoliščine. S tem vsa moralna in družbena odgovornost pade na posameznika. Človek je postal bog. Včasih je bil podložnik, zato ker je bila to božja volja, zdaj je brezdomec, ker si je sam izbral to življenjsko pot.

V luči te ideologije je funkcioniranje sistema vse bolj zakrito, vse bolj nerazpoznavno. Nekoč je bila funkcija sistema privzgojiti vdanost v usodo, danes je funkcija privzgojiti iluzijo vsemogočnosti, da ne bi slučajno opazil, kdo stoji za teboj.
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Re: "The Secret" na Oprah's Show-u
Reply #26 - 14.04.2007 at 10:51:54
Najbrž je res neka kontinuiteta v protestantskem odgovoru na kupovanje odpustkov. Kontinuiteto vidim v nezmožnosti razrešitve problema razredne razslojenosti in hierarhije. Luter je po moje obtičal na pol poti, ko se je uprl koruptivnosti in zlaganosti cerkve. Obstoječi družbeni red je bil zanj še vedno nedotakljivo, od boga dano dejstvo. Množice, ki so v zanosu poskušale razbiti obstoječo hierarhijo, so bile poteptane.

Pojav raznih "odrešenjskih" psihologij in kultov uspeha po moje nadomešča nekdanje religijske utemeljitve obstoječega sistema in s tem pravzaprav kamuflira nasprotja v sistemu samem.
Posameznik v sodobnem sistemu na videz postaja vse bolj avtonomen, potrošnik (naj gre za materialne ali duhovne "dobrine") naj bi bil tisti, katerega potrebam se prilagaja trg. Po drugi strani pa skuša trg potrošnika prilagoditi svojim potrebam. Rabi negotovega, nesamozavestnega, zmedenega posameznika, ki je zmožen graditi svojo identiteto le na podlagi vsiljenih vrednot sistema.  Vrednote vse bolj diktira trg. Včasih jih je cerkev.

Razlika se mi zdi v tem, da je nekoč cerkev odkrito zahtevala poslušnost in podrejanje avtoriteti, pa čeprav pod krinko boga. Danes pa, kot si že rekel,  je naloga sistema, da posameznika prepriča, da v resnici uporablja svojo svobodno voljo in zadovoljuje svoje lastne potrebe. S skrivnostnim zakonom privlačnosti gre zadeva tako daleč, da je posameznik prepričan, da v celoti kreira vse svoje življenjske okoliščine. S tem vsa moralna in družbena odgovornost pade na posameznika. Človek je postal bog. Včasih je bil podložnik, zato ker je bila to božja volja, zdaj je brezdomec, ker si je sam izbral to življenjsko pot.

V luči te ideologije je funkcioniranje sistema vse bolj zakrito, vse bolj nerazpoznavno. Nekoč je bila funkcija sistema privzgojiti vdanost v usodo, danes je funkcija privzgojiti iluzijo vsemogočnosti, da ne bi slučajno opazil, kdo stoji za teboj.

Kolikortoliko verodostojne odrešenjske ponudbe kot izhod iz stresne situacije, ki jih ustvarja človekova družbenost (freud je to frustracijo poimenoval nelagodje v kulturi), si praviloma podredi  vladajoča idelogija. Sledenje vrednotom, ki si jih neka družba organizira v ideloški sistem idealov, vedno terja od posameznika nek napor, da se jim podredi, zato je najbolj uspešna (tkorekoč odrešenjska) idelogija tista, ki si ravno iz  podrejanja uspe naredit najvišjo  vrednoto. Podreditev tako postane užitek in motivacijsko sredstvo, za katerega se je vredno celo osebno angažirat.

Protestantizem je s svojo filozofijo predistinacije (tvoja  usoda je v naprej določena, zanjo se svojimi deli na zemlji ni mogoče odkupit) odpravil potrebo po kupovanju odpustkov za grehe (beri nepodrejanje zakonom zunanjih  avtoritet) in postavil temelje za  tisto potrebno  prostovljno podrejanje, ki je odrešenjsko  v tem, da ne temelji  več na podrejanju moči zunanji avtoretiteti ampak avtoriteti osebne usode. To usodo je  treba, da se dovrši, ne samo brezpogojno sprejet ampak  jo tud  skrajno odgovorno izvševat, se skratka  osebno angažirat v njeno izpolnjevanje, s tem pa je protestantizem  položil v posameznika tisto odrešilno potrebo po prostovljini/svobodni internalizaciji družbenih vrednot, s katero operira tud  odrešenjska mantra liberalnodemokartičene ideologije.

Idelogija, ki veje iz razkritja zakona skrivnostne privlačnosti, je idelogija realiziranja  lastne usode, ki se uresničjuje le z našo osebno angažiranotjo. Ta usoda pa niti slučajno ni nekaj sistemu vrednot kapitalistično/potrošniško/individulistične družbe nasprotnega. Nasprotno, je temu sistemu tkorekoč naravno podrejena, samo da ti tega (slepec/neumnež) še nisi sprejel za svojo lastno usodo. Ko boš doživel tovrstno (samo)razsvetljenje (da se tvoja usoda lahko realizira le s prostovljno podreditvijo in iz te podreditve izhajaoče polne angažiranosti), boš doživel oseben uspeh, tkorekoč odrešitev, ki seveda zgolj po naključju nič drugeg kot družbeno tako zaželjena podreditev (malomeščanskim) idealom osebne materialne blaginje in (malomeščanskim) idealom partnerske skupnosti.      
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Re: "The Secret" na Oprah's Show-u
Reply #27 - 16.04.2007 at 13:03:19
S skrivnostnim zakonom privlačnosti gre zadeva tako daleč, da je posameznik prepričan, da v celoti kreira vse svoje življenjske okoliščine.

Tale tvoja ugotovitev dobro zajame samo srčiko idelogije, ki internalnost in personologijo sforsira v najvišjo vrednoto, samo sebi v namen in cilj in iz katere se skreiara posmeznikova identiteta, individualnost, individualna difernciacija, sampoptrditev in na koncu samozadostnost.

Sem si še enkrat ogledal secret z namenom, da bi ugotovil, kako si avtorji in akterji  razkrivanja delovanja skrinostnega zakona privlačnosti predstavlajo družbo, v kateri se univerzum odziva izključno  na njihove osebne namere in cilje, za katare se angažirajo. Si take družbeosti ne morem predstavljat drugač kot da je sestavljena iz množice   med sabo ločenih neskončnih univerzmov, med katerimi zato  ne more prihajat do medsebojnih omejevanja ali bog ne daj konfliktnosti interesov. Neuresničenje namenov in inuvidulnih ciljev tako ni mogoče pripisat omejnosti resursov ali okoliščinam temveč izključno nezadostnem poznavanju lastne osebnosti, s tem pa se seštevek induvidulnih/posamičnih univerzumov lepo ujame z celotnim družbenim. Vsaj men se tle lepo razkrije ideloškost forsiranja internalnosti in personolgije kot najvišje družbene vrednote, zarad katere za (ne)realizacijo osebnih ciljev nikol niso zaslužne/krive objektivne okoliščene (kar velja za zgube) ampak vedno le ti sam (kar velja za zmagovalce).  Drgač povedano: če kljub zmagovalni mentaliteti nisi uspešen, to lahko pomeni le, da  'nisi prepoznal pomenov, ki jih imajo okološčine zate' in da zato nujno rabiš pomoč psihonalitika/terpevta, ki  ti bo pomagal, da se boš odkril ... (in s tem zagotovil biznis  razlagalcevm skrivnostnih zakonov samospoznanja)...

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Re: "The Secret" na Oprah's Show-u
Reply #28 - 16.04.2007 at 17:30:45
Natančno tako. Sem verjetno pozabila napisati, da se logika kapitala, potrošništvo in "biznis z duhovnostjo" odlično dopolnjujejo. Pri tem slednji pomaga prikrivati razpoke v sistemu in izkoriščanje ljudi (oziroma jih tudi sam izkorišča) ter tako prevzema funkcijo, ki jo je imela nekdaj Cerkev.
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Re: "The Secret" na Oprah's Show-u
Reply #29 - 10.06.2007 at 19:55:55
gape wrote on 10.04.2007 at 10:07:48:
Etrex wrote on 09.04.2007 at 15:48:29:
kjer se moras trudit

kot sizif?
(ki mu ni nč dost ratal)

al blj kot delovanje?

Trudit kot?
Vem da ima vsak trud pozitivne posledice... No razen seveda truditi se za negativno, slabo. Pa se to ima pozitivne posledice pa ce le za tisti trenutek.

Mimogrede, jaz sem stegnile z interneta the secret divx format (zelo kvaliteten: 2.165 gb, 5.1 zvok) in pol sem nasel se podnapise. Ce jih kdo rabi , mu jih lahko posljem. Ce ima isto verzijo, mu bodo delali. Drugace jih lahko z malo TRUDA in znanja prilagodi tudi kaksnem drugemu rip-u.
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