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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
* If I Ever Feel Better
06.03.2005 at 04:45:51
zdej ziher nikol več

NOONNOON Roll Eyes Quote:
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Global Moderator

All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re:  * If I Ever Feel Better
Reply #1 - 22.03.2005 at 11:59:28
Not even the clerk... or what she left unsaid. Not your friends near and far, nor the ones up ahead. Not the spaces in your life. Not the colors that you wear. Not the "junk in your trunk", or the style of your hair, are by chance.

They're just more symbols, clues, and hints, Petra, of what you have been thinking.

And I do marvel at your creativity -
    The Universe
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re:  * If I Ever Feel Better
Reply #2 - 22.03.2005 at 22:32:10

obstaja veliko različnih ljubezni

ampak samo ena je tista ki prebudi srce v celoti

in to je ljubezen do samega sebe


razumem vse tiste, ki so se nekdaj umaknili v samoto, ampak sedaj so ačsi drugi, naloge drugačne...

hvala Bogu, da obstajajo tudi tipi, ki jim je več do ljubezni kot do seksa

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
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Reply #3 - 22.03.2005 at 22:35:01

We see so many educational institutions in this world, so many universities, colleges and schools. Every variety of education is available. If we analyse all these educational institutions we find they are all only imparting knowledge concerned with the material body. It's all knowledge meant for fulfilling the animal instincts of the body. Madhudvisa dasa (04-19-04)

We have four basic animal instincts; eating, sleeping, mating and defending. We have these instincts in the human form of life and they are common with the animals. All the universities, all the colleges, all our educational institutions are simply imparting knowledge meant to help us engage in these animal propensities in a more advanced way, in a more "civilized" way. But in reality there is no difference. If we eat in a very beautiful building from very beautiful silver plates with a very nice tablecloth, and we have beautiful waiters serving the food, everything is very nice. This is what we have been able to do as a result of this education -- we have been able to provide a very nice atmosphere for eating. But the actual eating process is the same. If I eat the food in this beautiful atmosphere and a dog on the street eats the same food then the taste the dog is enjoying and the taste I am enjoying is the same.

Even though the dog is eating off the street, he has no plate at all, and I am eating off a silver plate, the taste I am experiencing is the same as the taste the dog is experiencing. No matter what the plate is the food tastes the same. The dog is eating off the street, someone is eating from a paper plate, someone is eating off a plastic plate, someone is eating off a golden plate, but the taste doesn't change. It doesn't matter what facilities we have around the sense-gratifying process, the actual sense pleasure is the same. In reality the dog is tasting exactly the same thing as a very wealthy man living in his very big house with many servants.

Science and technology have not made sex or food more enjoyable

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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