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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

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8 junij Venera&Sonce
11.03.2004 at 17:53:27

 The "Astronomical Event of the Year " of 2004
is approaching – the Venus Transit of June 8. This is not an ordinary
astronomical event.

oday we know the exact distance to the sun,
but this is again a time when we will need to collaborate to fulfil
the purpose of humanity – its Enlightenment by the year 2012. And it
is in this context the significance of the Venus Transit of 2004
should be understood. Not that it necessarily automatically causes
anything to happen, but the thing is that Venus Transits mostly
happen in pairs and so the Venus Transit on June 8, 2004 will be
followed by another one on June 6, 2012. This then is – roughly – the
time span within which the Enlightenment of humanity is meant to take
place. This is the time span that is allotted to humanity,
collectively speaking, to fulfil its cosmic destiny of attaining the
enlightened state. Rarely, if ever, does cosmos provide such clear
evidence that we are part of a larger whole, and a cosmic plan, as at
a Venus Transit, which may be experienced as a unifying beam of
energy to all those receptive. This is a time to experience that We
are all One and One with the Divine. It is a time to catch up, in
meditation, with the merging of female and male, Eastern and Western,
energies that is now taking place on a cosmic scale.

    The global meditation, scheduled to 12 am
Central European Time on June 8, 2004, calls for the participation of
everyone. To participate, there is nothing to believe in except that
you are human and inhabit this Earth. It is literally for everyone.
Its very purpose is to serve as a bridge between peoples of different
nations, religions, philosophies, races, genders or belief systems, a
bridge which will be built despite all the mental constructs that may
keep us apart. Thus, as was the case with the Venus Transits in
1761/1769, global collaboration is needed. This collaboration
includes highlighting the importance of the event and to encourage
massive participation in it. Collaboration will also be needed to
facilitate for different places where people gather to interact and
unify in meditation. Very importantly, it will be required to break
into the mainstream with a message and a meditation serving all of
humanity and call upon everyone to participate.
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: 8 junij Venera&Sonce
Reply #1 - 20.03.2004 at 20:41:40
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: 8 junij Venera&Sonce
Reply #3 - 16.05.2004 at 16:39:25
May 17, Monday. The second rarest retrograde is occurring today with Venus (26 Gemini) stationing retrograde very near the Galactic Gateway or Galactic Anti-Center that looks out into deep space and is located opposite of Galactic Center.  Currently this is near where the Summer Solstice marker is located in the sky. The solstices align with this Galactic Axis once every 13,000 years. Thus, 13,000 years ago the Winter Solstice was aligned with Galactic Anti-center and now we have the Summer Solstice aligned here. It is this alignment of the Solstices with the Galactic Axis that also marks the movement of the Earth through the Photon Band. (See May 8 ). Venus (the sacred feminine principle) stationing retrograde here is an important cosmic event drawing our attention to the galactic shift taking place in the deepest part of our collective feminine psyche. It is worth noting that any planetary station often feels disorientating and confusing as the energy shifts direction.

This Venus Retrograde however is especially important as it will transit the face of the Sun on June 8 for the first time in 122 years opening a doorway into the magical feminine mysteries that has been closed for eons of time. Practically speaking it is wise to postpone lasting decisions during the 40 day Venus retrograde cycle whenever possible.

Retrogrades are not good or bad, they simply are an opportunity to go more deeply inward and discover something new. From this new awareness previous decisions may seem obsolete or unnecessary. It might be time to decide on a completely new direction never before imagined.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: 8 junij Venera&Sonce
Reply #4 - 16.05.2004 at 17:31:36
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 6632

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Re: 8 junij Venera&Sonce
Reply #5 - 04.06.2004 at 11:08:48
The winds of change are upon us. Lightworkers and bringers of the New Dawn, we have a great task to perform in maintaining a vibrational balance during this time of momentous change. As more light pours into the planet, it unmasks and reveals anything that is not in alignment with the greater plan. And so whatever is corrupt is being exposed. Likewise whatever within us needs transforming, it is also being pushed to the surface. For this reason, many people especially lightworkers are finding themselves in the midst of emotional turmoil brought about by karmic cleansing and the great evolution that is now taking place. It is a time that is demanding change on every level.

We are preparing for what is considered by many to be the greatest astronomical event of the year - the Transit of Venus on
June 8th 2004
. The last time there was a Venus transit was December 1882. This long awaited transition has been described by several gurus as the beginning of the Golden Age of Enlightenment and that the actual starting point will be on June 8th. Let us prepare well for this extraordinary event by being more aware during the days to come and attuning ourselves to the energies of transformation that are aligning themselves.  

The following two links give more information on the Venus transit, the first is more astrological, the second is from an Indian Avatar Kalki.

Following, is also some information from the Global Family, a member of PAN.
Love, light and blessings, Maggie

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: 8 junij Venera&Sonce
Reply #6 - 05.06.2004 at 12:04:47
A WorldPuja Global Meditation in honor of the Venus Transit
Tuesday, June 8, 2004
12 Noon (New York time)
With Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion
LIVE, online at

This is a FREE, GLOBAL, LIVE WEBCAST - Please join us!

Also, please feel free to send this email on to interested parties. THANKS!

Here's more about the event from Tom and Judi:

In all likelihood not one single person alive today has ever experienced
what will occur on June 8, 2004. It has not occurred in approximately 121
years. Venus Transits always come in pairs, eight years minus two days
apart, and so Venus will grace our skies in this occultation again in eight
years, at the end of the Mayan Calendar, in what some are calling "the end
of time as we know it," the operative phrase being, "as we know it." It is a
six-to-seven hour process in which the planet Venus cuts a swath across the face of the Sun, transiting between the Sun and the Earth.

In the past it seems to have signaled a tremendous breakthrough in
communication or an advancement that altered worldviews. Magellan planned his around the world passage during a Venus Transit, which ultimately proved the world was not flat. Postal systems were first inaugurated during Venus
Transits, advancing mass communication. The first astronomical worldwide
scientific experiment, based on viewing the "eclipse" of Venus from many
vantage points around the world occurred during the Transit itself. The
Suffragette Movement emerged as a force during the last Venus Transit.

Some are saying this Venus Transit, upcoming on June 8, 2004, will herald
another shift in the Return of the Sacred Feminine and the characteristics
implied, integrity, truth, balance, harmony, love, intuition. Some observers
also speculate that the Transit will bring an increase in collective
telepathy. They say that such a massive increase in human telepathy could
bring governmental and corporate institutions to their knees since lying to
the public would not be possible. No one really knows, yet, what the effects
of the Transit will be, but it is being viewed by many, as highly
significant at this time in our collective history.

To a world dancing ever closer to mass destruction, this Transit is being
viewed with increasing interest by many around the world. Interestingly,
some commentators on this Transit see associations with the feminine-based
goddesses of ancient times-including Isis, Hator, Mary Magdalen, Kuan Yin,
and Tara, as well as White Buffalo Calf Woman.  Indeed, at a mythic level,
we could speculate that this Venus Transit is a portal, or an opening, for
those who feel a calling to honor the feminine and to engage in her
restoration in balance to the male principle, which is so over-dominating
the world. Returning to the mythic for a moment, the disenfranchisement of
the feminine principle has left the male principle bereft and impoverished,
though he does not suspect this. Without the balancing effect of the
feminine in relation to the male principle, our culture has become divorced
from wisdom and an "interconnectedness" with life. And thus, at this level
of collective myth, the upcoming Transit can be viewed as an opportunity to reconnect collectively with the inherent creative potency of the feminine principle (as the Creatrix or goddess/creative power) to re-create our collective destiny.

We have entered a most critical time in our history. And it is time for
humanity to create a new world vision and attitude-a vision and an attitude
that benefits life, rather than destroys it.

Join Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion, authors of The Magdalen Manuscript (ORB
Communications) as they discuss the current Transit in relation to world
events and the emerging of the mythic feminine. The Global Meditation will
begin with An Offering To Venus, a sound-healing composition Tom created
just for this special broadcast. This will be followed by a discussion by
Tom and Judi and end with a direct "live" sound transmission by Mary
Magdalen through Tom to open, for those "who have ears to hear," a doorway into the Creatrix of All Time and Space.

What impact might this Venus Transit have? Perhaps nothing if we don't
intend it. In metaphysical terms, thought creates. This Global Meditation,
then, is a calling for those who feel aligned with this vision-to re-create
our world, to call down the restorative powers of the feminine to heal and
re-balance the Earth. How this will express itself will depend upon the
choices each of us makes now and in the near future.

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Re: 8 junij Venera&Sonce
Reply #7 - 05.06.2004 at 16:40:25
Petra. wrote on 05.06.2004 at 12:04:47:
 We have entered a most critical time in our history. And it is time for humanity to create a new world vision and attitude - a vision and an attitude that benefits life, rather than destroys it.

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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: 8 junij Venera&Sonce
Reply #8 - 05.06.2004 at 17:41:57
Petra. wrote on 16.05.2004 at 16:39:25:
May 17, Monday. The second rarest retrograde is occurring today with Venus

Practically speaking it is wise to postpone lasting decisions during the 40 day Venus retrograde cycle whenever possible.

Retrogrades are not good or bad, they simply are an opportunity to go more deeply inward and discover something new. From this new awareness previous decisions may seem obsolete or unnecessary. It might be time to decide on a completely new direction never before imagined.

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: 8 junij Venera&Sonce
Reply #9 - 05.06.2004 at 18:25:31
OK vidim, da hočete še  Wink

Enter the Goddess
Transit of Venus 2004-2012
by Allison Rae

We are on the stage of our current drama, "The Transformation of Consciousness," Scene II, Act I: Enter the Goddess.

As we glimpse voluptuous Venus, bejeweled and beguiling, we view our selves in her role. Confident, sensual, self-assured. The feminine embodiment of Divine Love, Venus takes center stage.

The script for this evocative scene has yet to be written. Venus stands alone. Our gaze penetrates the depths of this ancient, rising star, anticipating the jewels of wisdom about to pour forth from her heart.

She speaks:

I am Venus...Aphrodite...Ishtar...Inanna. Goddess of the Night Sky. Preceptor of the Human Heart. Enter the portal of my loving embrace. Transcend your fear. Let go of longing. Abandon loneliness. Discover your Divine Self, your true nature, your soul through me. We shall journey together, among the stars to a place we know of as "home."

Remember…Remember…We are One. We are Love.

Cosmic backdrop

In this time the Hopi call the Great Purification, we are undergoing massive changes both individually and collectively. During our lifetime, vast cycles of time are ending and new ones beginning, basically all at once. We are awakening to a Golden Age of peace and enlightenment unprecedented on Earth.

Special planetary alignments facilitate this transformation. The Harmonic Convergence in 1987 marked the beginning of a 25-year period leading to the ending of the Mayan calendar in 2012. This is when the Maya say we will enter a new cycle they call the World of the Fifth Sun.

The prophecies of indigenous people around the world, as well as ancient wisdom texts, concur that we live at the time of a major shift of consciousness as humanity reawakens to Aquarian ideals of love, peace, prosperity and humanitarian service.

Throughout this transition period, star alignments signify the types of changes that are moving us forward in the evolution of consciousness. These include a rare Solar Eclipse/Grand Fixed Cross alignment on August 11, 1999; three Saturn-Pluto direct oppositions in 2001 and 2002; and the Harmonic Concordance Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2003.

Most recently, a Lunar Eclipse on the Wesak Full Moon took place on May 4, 2004. This was the culmination of an important cycle and catapulted many into expanded states of awareness and higher consciousness.

Each of these special planetary configurations is a moment of grace, a gateway to interdimensional awareness, a time when the soul is exposed and ripe for contact. They are moments when we may awaken and align with our life purpose more fully.


Through the beauty and symmetry of the Divine Plan, we are in the midst of yet another transformational experience, an opportunity to open our hearts and know ourselves even more deeply.

This is the Transit of Venus. The planet of Love will align directly between the Earth and the Sun in early June, opening us to the radiance of our own hearts and transforming us through the power of Love. The process is already in motion.

The Transit of Venus is a rare and powerful alignment when Venus, from certain parts of the world, will appear to make a circuit in front of the disk of the Sun. Venus transits usually occur in pairs. This pair will occur on June 8, 2004, and June 6, 2012. The resonance with the generally accepted Mayan Calendar "end date" is inescapable.

Astronomers and spiritual seekers around the world will flock to places where the transit will be visible. Venus gatherings are being organized in many parts of the world. One group is hosting a conference and ceremony in India during the transit featuring the work of Mayan Calendar scholar Carl Johan Calleman.

Calleman associates this Transit of Venus cycle -- which he calls Passages of Venus -- with the Meso-American prophecies of Quetzlcoatal, the feathered serpent. Quetzlcoatal is another symbol of the Christ Consciousness or Buddha Nature that is awakening in the Earth plane as humanity and the planet transform to our naturally sacred and divine state.

Venus ideals

Before taking the stage in our continuing drama, Venus has shown us her star quality through a courageous warm-up dance with Sir Pluto (a direct opposition on May 2, with two more coming up, on June 2 and July 25) and a retreat into retrograde motion from May 17 through June 29.

This divine orchestration ensures the lessons of Venus will not be lost at this special time! We may view 2004 to 2012 as an eight-year opportunity to fully embody this transformation.

Venus is the mythic goddess of love and finances, so this transit has deep meaning for us in both the emotional and material realms.

Her retrograde motion from May 17 to June 29 emphasizes the importance of evaluating our beliefs and values, discarding what no longer serves, and preparing to create a new paradigm where love and finances reflect our divine, spiritual nature.

As we said, the plot in this drama has yet to be scripted.

Our relationships -- and what we believe about relationships -- will be recast and rewritten. While Venus specializes in Eros (or erotic love), all relationships will be affected. It’s a good idea to keep a journal to record thoughts, impressions, dreams and circumstances during this time to gain clarity on the changes taking place deep within.

Venus is also known as the Goddess of Beauty. She inspires art, music, literature and dance. We may notice the finer aspects of life attracting us these days. Venus may help us uncover hidden creative passions, or at least expand our appreciation of art as well as romance.

Notice the transformational effects in the realm of finances these days - individually, in our communities and in world markets. Purification is at hand. The shift is underway.

Magnetic attraction

Venus teaches us about the feminine principle of attracting what we need as we fulfill our life purpose. Mars, on the other hand, teaches the male ideal of pursuing what we want. Both tactics have merit, in proper proportion and timing.

By aligning with Venus, we will understand better which methods to use, and when. Love and purpose will guide us. We will learn to balance the masculine and feminine. We will rise to higher consciousness as integrated beings with greater awareness and understanding of the nature of Love.

We will also learn more about the feminine principles of receptivity, creation from within, and intuitive awareness. Venus teaches about divine timing, when to act, and when to be in repose so the universal flow of creation may move through us.

Goddess as portal

In Eastern traditions, the Dakini Goddess embodies the principles of divine union and transformation through Love. The Dakini herself acts as the portal through which the male and female aspects may achieve unity in form.

Tantric practice is centered in the heart space. The Transit of Venus reminds us that we may merge with the Divine through the portal of Love, the human heart. This is the domain of Venus.

The heart is also the gateway to the soul. Contact with the soul requires an open heart, and we have the opportunity to clear the heart space during this eight-year window between the Venus transits. There’s no better time than the present, and we have all the support we need from the Universe!

Venus ritual

The Transit of Venus is a six-hour process that will be visible from most of Asia, Africa, Europe, Greenland and the Indian Ocean. The duration of the transit makes it a challenge to coordinate synchronized meditation and ceremony around the world to honor this historic alignment.

In those areas where the "eclipse" can be seen, many will gather to observe and honor the transit. In North America, where many of our readers live, the Sun will rise on June 8 just after Venus completes her dance.

Deborah Knighton Tallarico, a spiritual guide and counselor in Portland, Maine, suggests a personal evening ritual on Monday, June 7, to attune individually with the energy and transformative power of the overnight transit, followed by a sunrise ceremony on Tuesday, June 8. Individually, or in groups, we might greet the Sun at dawn on the first day of the eight-year Venus transit cycle, energized by the hope and promise of this new beginning.

Imagine a "wave" flowing across the country on June 8 as enlightened beings greet the new dawn from our home locations, just as the Venus transit concludes, We might honor the Goddess with soft drumming, chanting and sacred movement as the Sun rises.

Solar rays

The Sun is the other major player in our cosmic drama. During the Venus alignments, his solar rays will reach the Earth through the "lens" of Venus, amplifying her influences, teachings and dreams for all who dwell here.

He shines his magnificent light to illuminate and transcend, even as Venus and Pluto transport us to the core of the human heart. It is our nature to know, to be enlightened, in this next phase of the journey.

As we learn, we will co-create a new paradigm of love and relationship, finances, art and the higher aspirations of the human heart. As conscious beings, we will write the script together. The drama will unfold over the next eight years. When the curtain falls, we will stand resplendent, victorious, courageous -- just as the shining star Venus does now.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: 8 junij Venera&Sonce
Reply #10 - 07.06.2004 at 20:58:49

Stepping into the Next World
The Star Elders through Aluna Joy

The time has come in the earth’s evolution that a great transformation will take place, a shift of the ages.  We want to share with you a mystical secret of this age, so you can also know how to jump into the next world, the next dimension.  

You have all worked so hard to wake up, to see, to be conscious and  to be aware.  So what we are going to tell you might seem strange and even opposite to what you have been focusing on.

There are many ways to jump into other worlds.  Some use sound.  Others use color or vibration.  But we like to use consciousness, the power of the mind.  The focus of the mind guided upon a goal is how we travel through time, space and dimension.  It is how we have always done it.  We simply focus our minds on what we want to do, or a place we want to go, and go blind to anything and everything else.   If you want to jump into the next dimension, into the age of light, into the golden age, you have to go blind.

If your passion is to enter the new world, you must go so completely blind that darkness is not something that is even considered.  You don't consider war, starvation, disease, murder, disappointment, fear, betrayal, drama or anger.  If you want your glorious dreams to come into realization, you must go blind to everything negative as if it didn't exist.  Erase all negatives from your mind.  When you shift into light, the new world, the golden age, darkness can not exist in your mind.  Darkness does not exist in your spirit.  Darkness does not exist in your body.

And we know what you are thinking . . .  Do I just put my head in the sand?!  Do I forget to care about this world that has so many problems?  Do I not contribute or make an effort toward all the changes that need to happen so we do not destroy ourselves?  If I put my head in the sand and close my eyes, how can this make the world a better place?

And we say back to you . . .  If you know your own power, to care about this world is to add to the light; not feed the darkness.  So if you care about manifesting a harmonious world, you will work hard to go blind to those things that do not fulfill the higher vision.  By adding your powerful energy to the light, not the darkness, you are contributing to a lasting shift; not a temporary fix that will need to be dealt with again and again.

But this key is only one half of the secret of this amazing age.  Not seeing the darkness is only one half the journey to a new world.  Not only do you need to become blind to the darkness, but also you must to be able to see only the light of the vision.  See the light in everything.  See light, be light, hear light, live light.  Be positive with body, mind and spirit.  Hold the vision strong in your mind and do not wavier.  When the shift is upon us, this is the way to the new world. Do you remember the movie Raiders Of The Lost Arc?  Indiana Jones knew not to look at the misuse of the energy of the Arc, and he and his partner were the only ones left standing after the energy had past over.

What we are asking you to do is create a path, and build a road in a direction in which you can travel.  With every thought you have, you create a road in which your life travels.  What is on your road is your creation. So be MINDful to what your MIND is doing. You may want to believe this on not.  That is your choice.  But some things are true if you believe them or not.

There are other benefits to going blind to darkness.  Being positive is good for your body.  Being joyful is good for your immune system.   Being in a positive state improves the quality of life.  Living in joy is good for all your relations, family and friends too.  It is good for your neighborhood, city, country and planet.  If your body wisdom says “When I am happy and positive, my health is better”, why would it not be good for all life at once?  We are all connected intimately even though there is an outer appearance that we are separate.  What we feel and do effects all life on Earth.  ALL LIFE we say!  You can see this in action in your life.  When you are in a good mood, everyone around you seams to be in a good mood also, and the opposite is also sadly true.

We don't know what the future holds, but we can know who holds the future.
Allow God to lead you there.  Mary Manin Morrissey

We are in critical  times.  The doors are beginning to open to other worlds in which we will soon pass through together.  As we pass through, the state of mind we are in will be exactly the degree to what we will experience once we cross over.  This is why we are so concerned.  As the doors open on all levels, we have the potential to fly or die, enter heaven or hell.  Reality could get nasty or it could be amazing beyond our greatest fantasy.  It is up to you.  Don't fear anything.  Don't worry about the state of mind of others.  Just take care of yourself.  Know and live the vision.

Some of you think you are just along for the ride without any say in how this will all turn out. You’re wrong!  You create your reality.  So if you want to realize your dreams of the Golden Age, then you only need to dream it.  Dream it now by beginning  to live it now.  Act as if you have already arrived.  When you walk through your life, know that each step you take anchors you to the earth, love, peace, harmony and balance, your dreams and desires.  Know now that when you walk through your life , your very own creative power shifts the darkness into light.  With every single step, with every single thought!

We are what we think.  All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make our world.  The Buddha

When you walk through the grocery store, food becomes healthy and people all around you feel fed and nourished.   When you walk through airports, terrorists vaporize, and all planes make perfect take offs and landings. You can clear illness from hospitals, and ignorance from educational institutions. You can clean earth’s pollution as you drive by chemical dumps, and divert accidents at the same time.  How can this be true you say? . . . Just see it, and feel it that way.  This is how you can contribute to a better world.  The old ways were fueled by force, war and control.  The new way is fueled by love, compassion and unity.

This idea sounds crazy you say?  But how crazy is it that you endure and live the way you do now?  We think it is crazy!  You feel helpless to create a better world, yet you have created a multitude of other negatives.  Why is it so hard to believe that you can clean up what you have created?  You just have to turn around, and go blind. Simple! The world is changing, you know this, you see this, yet you still resign yourself to allowing darkness reek havoc in your world.  Take charge!  Take command!

More creative power has come into you than you have ever had before.  You see this everyday as manifestation gets quicker.  You have more power, and more light at your disposal.  Use it wisely.  Build good lighted roads.  It all will change when you believe and act as if it so. Go blind to the darkness and live in the light.  Know that you are safe, healthy, and loved, and act as if this is already so.  If you don't, you'll only have yourself to blame for your conditions in life.  So GO totally BLIND.  Know that wondrous things are all around you for the asking.

We are asking you for your help to build a new world.  We need to do this together.  It is a time of unity.  Are you ready?  The Golden Age is what we make of it.  It is what we see and what we feel and think.  Now more than ever we all must KNOW THIS.  The power to create our world, the way we envision it, is now more available to us now than it ever has been.

So go blind.  Close your eyes to what is out of harmony, and dream a new world.  Heal yourself and the world by knowing and using this awesome power  you have.  It is a great gift, so use it.  Walk into a new world and leave the past behind you.  After all . . .  what do you have to loose by trying?  You could loose your fears, your hate, your wars.  You'll be happier, healthier and at peace.  So does that sound nice to you?  Just remember . . . This is the time you have waited for.  It is the time you came here for.  Are you ready?
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