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All IS Full Of Love
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Follow the Leader
Reply #15 - 02.03.2004 at 19:11:30

Follow the Leader

(This article was evoked by a dream told by a friend: In it she saw a large group of light workers at the top of a bluff, there were no leaders to lead the people down off of the cliff, and no one was willing to jump off of the cliff first.  More and more light workers were arriving, pushing everyone ever closer to the cliffs edge because there was no more room at the top.)

Are you ready to be a leader?  Are you ready to jump off of the cliffs edge into the wondrous abyss of the unknown?  Will you have real courage - being afraid but jumping anyway?  Are you courageous enough to be the magnificence that you are?  Are you willing to give up everything that you have previously known yourself and the world to be?  Are you willing to allow and accept a completely new reality of love and light?

Are you willing to go to the deepest darkest places within your “self” that refuses to let go of pain, suffering, victimhood and illusionary identity, that “self” that refuses to let go of control?  Are you willing to let go of personal will, and surrender yourself to divine will, to being an instrument of the Divine Plan?  Are you willing to be a pathway cutter for all of humanity, forging ahead through the thickness of resistance of the old world?  This is the challenge that we are all facing.

Will you be a leader, or will you wait for someone else to jump first before you do?  Will you surrender and jump in head first or will you walk the fence of indecision and test the water with your toe?  You are a leader of the entire world, but for heaven on earth to manifest we must be an entire world of leaders.  You must be your own leader, your own awakener.  Everyone must realize that each one is the leader of themselves.  Each person is their own Guru, this is why it is spelled G, U R U.  Everyone is their own master; everyone is their own God; everyone is their own savior; everyone is their own space ship.

This is why in this dream there was no one to lead the light workers off of the top of the bluff and no one to jump off first to lead the way.  This is because for a master, jumping off of the cliff is an everyday occurrence, it is nothing, faith is the most natural way to be.  So to jump off in an attempt to lead others, so that they would jump off, (thus creating followers), would be irresponsible, because it would require very little of the awakening leaders, and would not empower them.  This is because everyone must lead, certainly there are some who lead at times more than others, but everyone must be a leader, this is true mastery.  It is a much more beneficial initiation to be lead up to the cliff and then left there to your own experience and choices, of whether to say yes to divinity or to more illusion.

Most people, including many awakening masters in the spiritual community, are waiting for someone to show them the way.  There are many masters that are here now that can light your path and show you the doorway, but you must open it and walk through it by yourself.  There are many masters here that will lead you to the precipice, but you must have the courage and faith to jump off without knowing what is ahead.  A real master will give you lots of nudges, but cannot push you off, you must do that of your own free will.

It is now time to take responsibility for our own mastery, for our own divinity and for your own manifestations.  It is time to accept the awesome responsibility that we are creator Gods just as the Elohim.  We Light Beings, (Light workers, Ascended Masters, Angels, ET’s etc.) with our spiritual accomplishments and the creation of the Christ Consciousness Grid, have ascended the consciousness on this planet to a place where everyone is now left with their own self, without any limitation energetics.  The torch has been passed to the next wave of Illuminators, it is all up to you now, time to take the ball and run with it..

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

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Follow the Leader
Reply #16 - 02.03.2004 at 19:15:07
The Civilization of Light – Heaven on Earth

A completely new civilization is emerging, a wondrous world of beauty beyond our wildest imaginings.  A place where “special” abilities such as psychic knowing, healing, instant manifestation, and teleportation, are normal and average rather than exceptional.  A place where all life recognizes its divinity and oneness with All That Is, and live daily as masters of divinely creative expression.  A world and reality where illusions of unworthiness and lack do not exist.

How that civilization will manifest is a mystery, this is the canyon below the precipice, the void between the dimensions, this is where we must have faith that all is perfect and going as planned.  This is what all great masters speak about, we are doing our best to assist this process by helping the awakening masters function on a daily level, while accepting their divinity and living between the worlds.

We are living between two worlds, between an old dying world of lack, competition, power, and separation, and the birthing of a new world of divinity, cooperation, love, compassion, prosperity and oneness.  For the awakened beings, this is especially applicable because we are aware that we are living between this world of limitation and the world of divine expression.

It is relatively easy to be in one or the other, but it is most difficult to be between them.  This is why you must be courageous; you must be strong; you must be divinely ruthless; you must be more loving and compassionate than you could possibly imagine.  You must not give in to the old world’s pressure to limit yourself and not reveal your magnificence; for you to not be who you truly are; for you to not express your divinity and creativity.

We all came to this planet with our own vision of this civilization of light.  This vision has been locked away in the vault, it is now time to crack the combination and reveal this grand vision of Heaven on Earth.  It is time for you to begin living your own vision of heaven on earth.  You also came here with your own natural abilities that emanate from your spiritual essence.  These abilities from your divine essence and natural way of functioning, are how you will manifest this vision.


You must have faith in God and the divine plan, and this vision of Heaven on Earth that you hold within your consciousness.  You must be the awesome master that you are in order to manifest this vision, because you are the embodier of this vision.  You are the embodier of Heaven on Earth!  Heaven on Earth manifests through you, you are its channel.  You are God’s creator of this vision of Light.

You must have more faith than you thought possible.  You must learn to trust and rely upon your brothers and sisters, and the Angels, and the Ascended masters.  You must realize that all is as it should be, and you are perfect just the way you are!  You are a most awesome creator of reality and you must take responsibility for all that you have manifested, and begin manifesting a higher reality.  Risk everything and nothing for the manifestation of true reality.

Doubt, confusion and fear are not your natural states of being, so do not succumb to these illusions.  Doubt and confusion are merely the ego freaking out because you no longer need it, as you realize your true identity.  Fear was a necessary part of the experience of limitation and survival, but it is not needed for mastery of divine expression.  You and your ego, (even though you don’t really have one), are misinterpreting excitement as fear.  You are really just excited about all of the grand possibilities at this time.  You are really just ecstatic beyond measure about your own awesome magnificence.

Surround yourself with beings that have awoken, that support your mastery, and see you as divinity itself.  Beings who are similarly committed to this heavenly vision and to their own ascension.  Limit your exposure with people that still want to experience the illusions of separation and denial.  Release everyone from your life who wants you to limit yourself so that they will not feel separate from you;  people who refuse to take responsibility for their lives, and try to project their insecurities and feelings of victimhood upon you.  You are not helping them or yourself by trying to maintain a relationship with them, your opposing realities undermine each other.

As you acknowledge, allow and accept your magnificence, as you awaken to the full awesomeness of your divine eternal beingness, you naturally become a leader, because you have become your own leader, your own master.  Others will see you as a master and a leader, and right they should, for you are indeed that.  But you are not their leader, they are their own.  And if you are a true master you will encourage their own mastery.  You will entrain them, which means that just by your presence, by your example of how you live and who you know yourself to be, they will be elevated to a higher level of conscious awareness.

This is the gift of the Masters and the Gurus; in their presence, because they exist at a high level of  awareness, this energetic vibration naturally entrains you to their higher level of vibratory awareness.  This occurs because within their consciousness, you are a master, you are God Almighty expressing itself at a single point, and they have no doubts about this whatsoever, it is unwavering absolute truth.

The only difference between the Master and the disciple, is the Master knows s/he is God, while the disciple does not.  You must begin to see everyone as the master that they truly are, even the lowliest person whose experience of life is one of suffering, lack and unworthiness.

You see everyone lives an illusion, like actors they try to convince themselves and others that they are separate from each other, that they are this and that identity, that they are separate from God.  This is why many people will resist you, because in your presence their divinity is evoked.  People will either be attracted to you or repulsed by you, depending on how much they are willing to accept their divinity.  They will try to get you off track, to try to get you to doubt your magnificence, and to especially doubt theirs, but do not be dismayed, see them as divinity whether they want to be seen that way or not, because that is the truth.

Wake Up, The Time Is Now!

It is time for everyone on planet earth to wake up - now!  Certainly there is divine timing and everyone has their free will, but there is very little time left to play the games of denial and separation, because planet Earth is moving into its next level of existence, this planet is Ascending, it is becoming a star, and in order to continue living on this planet, everyone on it must also become stars.  Any one who does not want to ascend, who still want to experience limitation and the illusions that go along with it, will have to go elsewhere to do it.  The force of evolution is upon us, you can surf this big wave of love or be drowned by it.

Planet Earth is already in the 4th dimension.  Many awakened masters on planet earth at this time are also operating at similar levels, especially if they are activating their light bodies.  Prior to this time, all light workers have lived with an experience of being strangers in a strange land.  We felt like aliens visiting some foreign world.  This feeling was accurate because we are.  We were divine beings living in a world that does not recognize divinity as true reality.  As this new civilization of light manifests further and further, anyone who still refuses to wake up, will become the strangers in a strange land, they will become the minority rather than the majority.

You are the manifestor; you are the master; you are God the creator!  Be who you truly are!  By you being who you truly are, heaven manifests on planet earth.  Every moment that you are acting and being who you truly are, heaven is here now in that moment.  Do not be afraid, for I AM AllWays with you.  Go ahead and jump into the mystery, into the magic, into the wonders of creation, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  We are waiting for you at the bottom of the canyon.  We are waiting for you to be who you truly are, to being the magnificent awesome master that you already are; this is the leap of faith, and the leap is into your own loving self, into the Godness that you truly are.  Surrender control of your personal will to divine will; be your own leader; be your own savior; be your own guru; be your own master; Be a Walking Talking Expression of Divinity!

Co-Create Heaven On Earth!

All My Love,


Copyright ZaKaiRan Alpha and Omega
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #17 - 02.03.2004 at 19:30:56
Meni se tole bere kot se en mali wannabe veliki diktator.

Heil Hinkel!

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Posts: 818
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #18 - 02.03.2004 at 21:37:44
 Smiley Čas napačno ločujemo v preteklost, sedanjost in prihodnost. Čas je v resnici preteklost in prihodnost. Sedanjost ni del časa. Sedanjost je del večnosti. Čas je to, kar je prešlo, in to, kar bo prišlo. Tole, kar je, ni čas, kajti nikoli ne mine, je tu. Ta sedaj je večnost. Če se premikaš iz preteklosti, se nikoli ne giblješ v sedanjosti. Iz preteklosti se vedno giblješ v prihodnost. Nikoli ne pride trenutek sedanjosti. Iz sedanjosti se ne moreš nikoli premakniti v prihodnost. Iz sedanjosti greš globlje in globlje ... v še večjo sedanjost, v še več sedanjosti ... to je večno trajajoče življenje. Čas pomeni, da se giblješ v ravnini, v ravni črti oziroma vodoravno. V trenutku, ko si v sedanjosti, se dimenzija spremeni. Giblješ se navpično - gor ali dol, skozi višave ali skozi globine. Tedaj se nikoli ne giblješ vodoravno. Buda in Šiva živita v večnosti in ne v času. Jezusa so vprašali: "Kaj se bo zgodilo v tvojem Božjem kraljestvu?" In Jezus je odgovoril: "Tam ne bo več časa, Božje kraljestvo je večno. Je vedno tukaj." Samo premakniti se moraš proč od časa, da vstopiš vanj. Vedno kadar gledaš v času, naletiš na zid. Ko gledaš brezčasovno, je nebo odprto, neskončno. Ljubezen odpre neskončnost, večno trajanje eksistence. Ljubezen naenkrat spremeni tvojo dimenzijo. Vržen si iz časa in si pred obličjem večnosti.  (Osho: Tantra, duhovnost in seks)  Smiley

Lepo piše ZaKaiRan. Relax & Trust The Divinity! V bistvu: Enjoy the Experience called Life!  Smiley

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #19 - 03.03.2004 at 10:38:53
Meni se tole bere kot se en mali wannabe veliki diktator.

Heil Hinkel!


Pol mogoče njegova sporočila pač niso namenjena tebi v branje? Wink
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
The Paradox of Humanity
Reply #20 - 14.03.2004 at 14:56:44
The Paradox of Humanity

The Love Masters

Trying to be like God

Underneath it all, humanity believes they are unworthy bastards.  They believe unconsciously that they have been cast out of heaven and must earn or learn their way back in somehow.  Humanity is trying to be like God.  They try to act like God or as a god would on many levels.  Religiously they try to be puritanical, as they perceive that God is - to be like God; to deserve God’s favor; to deserve heaven and be saved from hell or non-existence.  Scientifically, people try to be as “creative” and as powerful as God by synthesizing awesome technological things for the good of or for the destruction of humanity, (to have power over life and death).  Militaristically, politically and economically, people try to be as powerful and controlling as they imagine God to be.  Medically people try to be creators, saviors and protectors of life as they imagine God would be.

Everyone is trying to be like God, or trying to be like gods.  But they are trying to act like gods rather than actually being the Gods that they already are, this is the paradox, the great cosmic joke.  It is like when you are looking everywhere for your sunglasses, and they are right on top of your head.

This was the experiment in separation, forget that you were God, and go as far away from being God as you could get, then try to find your way back home.  The Ascension of planetary consciousness and of the species human is this journey home.  A new civilization is manifesting on planet earth where worthiness no longer exists, where we no longer try to be like God, or try to earn God’s grace, because we realize that we are each an individual expression of God, we realize our oneness with All That Is.

Good and Bad – The Polarity

Good and bad are both illusions, you can’t have goodness without there being the opposite of badness.  They are both just expressions of separation, denial, and unworthiness.  It is our natural inclination to be good, on higher dimensions there is nothing but goodness.  Goodness is subjective based on your level of awareness and judgement.  If it is your natural inclination from the divinity of your beingness to be good, then be good.  Most of humanity has forgotten that they are just naturally good, because of this they try to be good so that they can prove their worth to God and earn their way into heaven or at least earn the love, praise and adoration of their fellow humans.  Other people feel so bloody unworthy that they don’t even try to be good, they just go ahead and act like the despicable humans that they believe themselves to be, they figure, “what the heck, I’m going to hell anyway.  Both of these two scenarios come from the same feelings of unworthiness.  Neither one is enjoying themselves.

If you are going to be good then I recommend you do it from the center of your beingness, from the natural essence of your divinity, otherwise you are no better than a murderer or a thief.  And if you are going to be bad, well then I recommend you really enjoy being bad, this might be your road to enlightenment.  Of course, as I’ve said, being bad is not our natural state, and anyone being bad is really in denial, (consciously or unconsciously, and/or has just volunteered for a specific role in the drama of polarity), otherwise they would be good, naturally, but the point I am making here is that both are delusions.  If you are acting good you are deluded, if you are acting bad you are deluded, there is no difference, one is not better than the other in the big scope of things.

Additionally, the point I am trying to make is you should enjoy your experience here on Earth.  If you as a master, have to act in a way that will serve everyone’s growth in the moment by being confrontational or by telling someone that they are being a jerk, then I recommend enjoying this acting part, have fun with it.   One thing that is part of being an enlightened master is you always have fun, even when you are experiencing emotional discomfort, or you have to confront someone you love with truth, (and we all hate confrontation).

Regardless of what your spirit requires you to do, I recommend you enjoy it.  Have fun confronting the lies.  Have fun illuminating the truth.  Have fun revealing distortion and denial.  And have fun telling people how magnificent they are.  Have fun waking up yourself and your friends even when they act like they don’t want to wake up.  Certainly you will experience lots of sadness because of people’s resistance to waking up, especially when you know it is their time, but have fun with this too.  Find that point of divine consciousness that you are that truly enjoys every aspect of the experience of humanness, all the sadness and disappointment and of course all the happiness, and joy.

I recommend seeing the hilarious movie “Mars Attacks,” because the ETs in it are really excellent bad guys because they really enjoy being bad so much.  The real truth is that even the “bad” ETs: the Orion’s, Reptilians, Dinoids, Grays, Zetas…, are so disconnected from love, which is felt through emotion, that they don’t even enjoy being bad guys, in fact they experience no enjoyment at all about anything.  (Also see “the Highlander”, the bad guy is the best bad guy ever, he really enjoys being bad).

This is the part of the great shift of being human, being so paradoxical, because to even enjoy being bad you have to still have some connection to love, because the enjoyment of being bad comes from resisting being good,  from resisting the light.  It’s the child syndrome, (which we all still are), where if you tell a kid not to do something, that’s exactly what they want to do to feel in control and experience power.  Even though they are seemingly powerless, they will resist your authority to enjoy “being bad” and to feel powerful.  (This is why most people commit crimes - to feel powerful and in control of their lives).  We are doing the same thing with God, we resist the supposed authority of God, that the religions have sold us, in order to feel powerful (and in control of our lives) like God.  We are enjoying being bad, maybe not humanly so, (because we are denying this enjoyment), but on a soulular level we as spirits are enjoying the experience of being bad.

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #21 - 14.03.2004 at 14:58:12
 So I recommend looking back on your life and admitting to yourself that you have enjoyed being resistant and defiant to God, and your parents, and all authority figures.  Admit it to yourself that you have enjoyed breaking the rules; that you have enjoyed being naughty; that you enjoyed committing “adultery”, or stealing something, or screwing someone out of something, or playing a nasty joke on someone.  You may have felt bad afterwards, but you know that you enjoyed it while you were doing it, (especially the adultery one).

But did you feel bad because you did something that is actually wrong, or that actually hurt someone, or did you just feel bad because of some societal program that says that act is a bad thing to do, or because someone screamed poor me, victim, and then you judged yourself.  Aside from a few things, I would say that most people have done very little badness in their lives.  If we really looked at all the things that everyone has done, from another position of consciousness, we could see that there was absolutely nothing wrong with that and it was just an expression of the psycho-spiritual state you were in at the time, a natural or unnatural reaction (depending on your perspective) in the moment.

Looking honestly at your life this way teaches you compassion.  It teaches you respect for each individuals expression no matter how their actions can be judged. Because actions do not accurately describe the true reality of the being, it only describes the position they are holding in their consciousness, or the denial quotient they are operating at.  It shows you that they are suffering and are trying to deny this experience with their actions.  But this will change, everyone grows, everyone will eventually wakeup to their Divinity, cease the denial and realize that unworthiness is an illusion, but until then, it is just experience, nothing more, nothing less.

This is an example of how it is easy to love everyone, even the scum of the earth, because they are still divine, even though they don’t know it.  Even someone that screws you royally, steals from you, rapes you, hates you, beats you, whatever, you realize you love them, and they really love you too, they just don’t know it.

Bad does not exist without good, this duality is just part of this experience, this reality.  So anyone on any dimensional level including humans, disembodied spirits, and “bad” ETs are only “bad” because they resist being good, because they resist being God.  They are disconnected from the experience of Godness through feeling, through Love.  This is our edge as humans, our ability to love and feel love, to feel and express emotion.

We humans are more multidimensional then those negative ETs.  They are stuck on their dimension (usually the 4th, sometimes the 5th), they can’t go up, and they can’t go down.  The grays and other ETs have tried both, and they can’t do it.  You can’t transition to higher dimensions with technology, you can only evolve to higher consciousness with Love.  But we can make the transition, we are not stuck on this dimension, we have access to all dimensions because we still know Love.  (Love is your dimensional portal).  (This is why the Greys and Zetas wanted to genetically breed in an emotional body into their genetics, and why we can release disembodied spirits and 4th dimensionally stuck ETs  to the 5th dimension).

This is the reason ETs are so fascinated with us.  The Andromedans (through Alex Collier), say we are all from the 11th dimension, a much higher dimension than the negative ETs, (even though, more accurately, we are from multi-dimensions).  The reason why we are so paradoxical, and the reason why this planet and this specie’s ascension is so important, because when we ascend, we affect every dimension on up the scale.

In essence, we are like angels in bodies, we stepped down our vibration to a massive degree to inhabit very dense animal like bodies.  I have already spoken in many of my articles about many of us being ETs and Angels.  And that essentially everyone is an ET on a genetic level, since these bodies were created by ETs.  And that many of us are ETs, Angels and ET/Angels, from the stand point that we (our spirits) are from other planets, universes, dimensions….  But also there are beings here on planet earth that are human consciousness, that were created at the onset of the creation of this Christ Universe.  These are the Christ Beings.  If you were “created” in this universe, then you are a Christ Being.  You are the model of the return to the source for all beings outside of this Universe.

The ETs are fascinated with us because we are capable of such love and beauty and at the same time, capable of such hate and destruction.  You see other races on other planets, in other universes, aren’t so much like this, they are less paradoxical, usually being either very good, or very bad.  We are truly the paradoxes of the Universe.  We do both all the time, with many variations of good and bad in between.

Many positive ETs are completely puzzled by this behavior, they view our behavior as being quite bizarre and many consider us to be great masters and great heroes for the work we do and the courage it takes to do this.  When you ascend from such a paradoxical 3rd dimensional planet, you are such a great master, such a master of creation, that your experience and mastery is valued and respected greatly.  This is why the negative ETs have always crappity smacked with us, because we are so great, they have always wanted to somehow steal what we’ve got, but you can’t steal Love.

The implication has always been that we are bad, dense, un-evolved, low-life’s, when compared to ETs.  The negative ETs and other dark forces, have propagated this delusion to keep us controlled.  This was a great plan to keep us from realizing our Divinity and even higher status then these ETs.

We are fooled by appearance and by technology, because they can fly around in ships and kick ass.  This is our delusion as humans – being fooled by appearance.  But once you realize your Divinity and multidimensionality, you are no longer fooled by external technology.  You realize that internal technology is far superior and much more powerful than external technology.  If it wasn’t, then why would the negative ETs even bother with us?  Why would they study us?  Why would they try to control us?  Why would the Grays have needed our “inferior” DNA and need to study us emotionally?

We are the key to Ascension for countless other species.  When we ascend as a species, this transition becomes available to all the other planets and species that are ready to ascend.  The estimate is that at least 341 other planets are in a similar position as ourselves and are ready to ascend.  And because of our involvement with ETs, this ascension energy is available to them as well.  This is why all of them that are here, because they (unbeknownst to most of them) were sent by God to learn about Love.

We are the Love Teachers, even though it appears otherwise sometimes.  Even though it appears that most people on planet earth don’t have a clue what Love is, (especially not unconditional love), but do not be fooled by even this appearance, we are the Love Masters.  And as soon as everyone realizes their magnificence, and realizes the truth of their Divinity, and realizes they are Masters of Love, even appearances will prove this.

Be the Love Master that you are!

Blessings on your Journey of Awakening to your True Essence of Love.

ZaKaiRan (Love Master Extraordinaire)

Copyright ZaKaiRan Alpha and Omega
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Always remember Krishna
and never forget Him
Posts: 686
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #22 - 14.03.2004 at 20:31:42
Mae wrote on 02.03.2004 at 21:37:44:
 Buda in Šiva živita v večnosti in ne v času. Jezusa so vprašali: "Kaj se bo zgodilo v tvojem Božjem kraljestvu?" In Jezus je odgovoril: "Tam ne bo več časa, Božje kraljestvo je večno. Je vedno tukaj." Samo premakniti se moraš proč od časa, da vstopiš vanj. Vedno kadar gledaš v času, naletiš na zid. Ko gledaš brezčasovno, je nebo odprto, neskončno. Ljubezen odpre neskončnost, večno trajanje eksistence. Ljubezen naenkrat spremeni tvojo dimenzijo. Vržen si iz časa in si pred obličjem večnosti.

mind wrote on 14.03.2004 at 19:12:06:
za ljubezen sta potrebna dva, ki nesebično zadovoljujeta potrebe drug drugega  na podlagi svobodne volje in se tako (neprisiljeno) združita v eno (v interesu) a hkrati ohranjata svojo individulanost  

ponavadi ljudje zamenjujeo ljubezen z poželjenjem, ki pomeni v glavnem delovanje za svojo lastno korist

ljubezen pomeni služenje, in takšna je naša izvorna narava in prav v takšni poziciji (ko služimo) smo lahko najbolj izpopolnjeni....seveda ce je to služenje iskreno in obojestransko ali ce tega ne prekine čas

mi (duša, princip večnosti) hrepenimo po brezpogojni (večni, trajni) ljubezni, in dokler je ne bomo našli bomo ostali neizpoljnjeni

to pomeni, da nas "materialne" ljubezni (mož-žena, otrok-stars,..itd..) ne morejo dokončno in zavselej (večno) zadovoljit, to lahko stori samo On (Bog), naš večno-idealni partner in samo od nas je odvisno ali mu bomo služili

seveda če hočemo nekoga zadovoljit moremo vedet kaj Njega zadovoljuje in ne moremo o tem sami z svojim omejenim mindom oz. čuti spekulirat, ampak je najboljše da se o tem pozanimamo v avtoritativnih svetih zapisih ali osebah

On je neomejen, mi smo omejeni in neoomejen se vedno lahko naredi "vidnega" (oz. pove svoje želje)  omejenemu, drugace ne bi bil neomejen.....samo od nas pa je odvisno kolko iskrene želje  imamo da bomo Njegove želje izpolnili

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kar od sebe daš
Posts: 1616
Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #23 - 14.03.2004 at 21:50:13

nekateri ljudje

se malo preveč ukvarjajo z večnostjo

in malo premalo s tem trenutkom,

zaradi tega jim ne prihaja

do notranjega božanskega stika,

drugače mi je pa tale zakarian full všeč,

človek očitno po božji volji ve, kaj piše.

Kiss Kiss Kiss
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Dih ti je dan, dih ti je svet,&&spoznaj ta sveti kraj, &&preden ti bo vzet.&&Le kdor zadiha iz srca,&&njega blaženost spozna. Smiley
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All IS Full Of Love
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Love / Hate – the Paradox
Reply #24 - 15.03.2004 at 21:10:54
Love / Hate – the Paradox

Love is everything.  You are Love.  Love is all there is.

Your true Divine Essence, your Spirit, Higher Self, loves everything.  This True you, does not hate or dislike anything.  It does not dislike anything because it exists beyond and outside of the realm of duality where the illusions of like, dislike and hate exist.  This YOU perceives every individual perception and reality as just being part of the wondrous creation of All That Is.

You as humanness, from your perception of human consciousness, have the ability to Love everything if you are one with your Spirit.  When you are operating from this advanced level of awareness, where you and your Higher Self are one and embodied, you will realize that you love all life and all creations, regardless of how they can be judged.

Only the human perceptive you (with your separate-sense-of-self and ego), experiences the illusions of pain, suffering, like, dislike, love, and hate.  These things are part of this reality of physicality and limitation that we are experiencing.

In order to be able to Ascend in consciousness to a position where you and Higher Self are one, where you are truly a master of human and divine reality, you must accept and allow all aspects of this reality of humanness to be part of God’s Creation of All That Is.  Every limitation and illusion of power, control and manipulation; every polarity, duality and dramatic emotional reaction, every experience and sensation that can be encountered, you must learn to allow them to be part of All That Is.  You must learn to allow them to be a part of your wholeness, part of your experience of the expression of creation and physicality.   Things that you would normally judge, especially as you begin to awaken and see what has crappity smacked up the world so much.  Things that you perceive that if they were just taken away, the world would be a better place.  To a large degree, this is true, but it is not the experiences that screw up reality, it is what we do with them.

For instance, some people in the spiritual community perceive that hate is the opposite of Love.  Or that fear is the opposite of love.  From a human perspective this is true, but in true reality, fear and hate do not even exist, so they are not really the opposite of anything.

Liking or disliking something, is subjective based on the level of awareness you are currently operating at.  From  a human perspective, liking or disliking something is dependent on whether or not something gives you pleasure or not, or feels good to you energetically.  You like certain people because they energetically feel good to you.  You are in synergy with them (synchronis energy).  Your awareness levels of truth, divinity and Self are similar.  They evoke and encourage your magnificence.

People that you do not like are the opposite.  Essentially they do the opposite.  Your two polaric realities undermine each other.  They not only do not evoke and encourage your magnificence, but they deny and discourage your magnificence so that they won’t feel lesser then you from their reality of unworthiness.

Similarly with this illusion that we currently exist in, called “reality”, aside from all the good love stuff, most of the denial and lies that currently are prevalent amongst the systems and people of planet earth are negative, dark and in total denial of divinity and truth, they are totally driven by false identity, survival, lack and enemy consciousness.

From my perspective as an Ascended Master, these patterns are just part of the old world and the experience we have been exploring called mastery of limitation.  From my perspective as an Ascension specialist here to assist this planet’s evolvement and ascension to higher realities, they are part of a reality that is archaic, is dying and is being replaced with a more enlightened reality of oneness, cooperation and prosperity.  The transition may sometimes be an arduous one, but Heaven on Earth will manifest, I personally will make sure of it, because I am one with the Divine Will and this is the Divine Plan of All That Is.

From this perspective, combined with my human consciousness, these negative dark energies of limitation are absolutely hateable, and I give myself absolute permission to hate them.  In fact I give myself absolute permission to dislike anything, or anyone.  I recommend that you give yourself a similar freedom, give yourself permission to dislike people, things and situations.  Do not try to be a goody goody and deny that you dislike something or someone, otherwise this feeling goes unconscious and you will then be (unconsciously) psychically attacking them and acting like you like them, and you are lying because you really don’t but you don’t have the honesty and courage to admit it.

So now that you give yourself permission to dislike, and you allow yourself to feel all the feelings about it, including being angry at yourself for being a jerk, you then must discover why you dislike this thing or person, and discover if any of this dislike is actually yours or if they really dislike themselves and project this self loathing out into the world, and you are acting out their reality.

At this point you realize what I spoke of earlier, that you do not dislike anything or anyone, but this must be real for you, you must have made sufficient contact with your higher self for this to be real.  You must have embodied your Self and had a real experience of your Divinity and Oneness with All Life.  Otherwise you will be living idealistically, trying to manipulate your thoughts and feelings to try not to dislike someone, or to try and like someone that does not want to be liked.   You will be trying to police your thoughts, trying to arrest the bad ones and put them in prison, but this is futile, because thoughts are nothing and do not describe your true feelings from YOU.  You realize that on Divine levels you like everyone and especially love everyone, but combined with human perception, many people are shits – plain and simply.  So until this like/love for all life is real, give yourself permission to:  want, desire, lust, be outrageous, be angry, etc., allow your emotional experience and discover what is behind these illusions.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #25 - 15.03.2004 at 21:12:07

Know yourself!  Know your likes and dislikes.  Give yourself permission to be human.  I know exactly why I dislike and judge people or things.  I know exactly what I dislike and “judge” about people and what they do, because I know why they are doing it, which is always because they are suffering, but in this case it is not judgement but classification.  See reality for what it is with no condemnation, with unbiased detached observation and full realization of the truth.  This is divine judgement.

Many new age people have judgement about judgement, that it is wrong and you are not supposed to do it.  So they police their thoughts trying not to be judgemental, then beat themselves up because they are being judgemental, a double jeopardy.  Mafu used to say that judgement is not when you do something that could be judged to be wrong, but judgement is when you do something, then later on judge yourself for that behavior.  There was nothing wrong or right with the original act, it was just an expression of the moment, it can be condemned or not.  Judgement is when you later rebuke yourself for your “nefarious” activity and then feel guilty and wish you could take back the experience.  Judgement is really only self referential because you only have any real affect upon yourself.  Regardless of what you say or do to someone else, their perception of reality is what determines their life experience, and they may react how ever suits them and their spiritual growth.

There is nothing wrong with judgement, if it is based on classification, on the realization of why something is the way that it is or why someone is acting the way they are acting, rather than denial and condemnation.  Real divine judgement is merely forming an authoritative evaluation about something based on your empirical knowledge and awareness.  The only problem anyone really has with judgement is when someone is doing it in a condemning way from their ego personality, where something has been evoked in them that they don’t want to deal with, so they maliciously judge and condemn you so that they won’t have to deal with their own shit.

So I recommend giving yourself permission to love things, to like things, to dislike things and even hate things, or people.  If you do not, then you are idealistically being spiritual and you are denying your humanness, and humanness is what you came here to experience.

If you deny any aspects of your humanness, then you also hate those aspects.  If you deny and hate them, then you will more than likely repress them.  If you repress them, then they will be acted out in consciousness, because all things must be expressed somehow, this is the natural flow of Creation and Divinity.  Previously when there were parallel realities, you would even act them out in another reality, but now that there are not any more parallel realities, you will act these things out in consciousness on unconscious psychic levels.

Any part of anyone (especially an awakened spiritually oriented person) that has not been allowed to be, that is repressed and unloved, that part becomes the evil twin, the Egor in the dungeon, a dark side that is kept hidden and who does all of your dirty work for you.  (Get it – Ego-r).  And the secret fear is that someone will discover this “dark” aspect of yourself and think you are evil and condemn you, and put you in prison, or send you to hell.  So you have to keep it really hidden and deny it at all costs to the bitter end to the extreme of even dying with the secret.

You see, darkness doesn’t really exist.  We are not dark, we are all of the light, it is only when parts of ourselves are unloved and judged and denied and repressed, do they become like darkness, because they are hidden from the light.

Honor and allow every feeling and thought that you have and realize that they might not be your feelings or thoughts and none of them are real.  Honoring all aspects of humanness as part of the grand creation of All That Is, enlightens the old reality to higher perspectives, it ascends humanity and mass consciousness.  So in essence you have to love everything and allow yourself to hate everything too – because both ends of the duality are both illusion and both part of God-Goddess-All That Is.

One thing is for sure, experiencing life through a human body is an experience of the paradox, because we are smack dab in the middle of light and dark, heaven and hell.  We have been given this thing called free will and with it we can choose how we will  be, whether we will serve the Light or whether we will serve the dark.  Whether we will be good or whether we will be bad.  Life is a paradox, the sooner you realize this the sooner you will master this reality and really become a creator God/dess.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #26 - 15.03.2004 at 21:16:19
The Spiritual Heads

Are you a spiritual head, meditating and ingesting spiritual knowledge and connecting with higher dimensional realms, being a cosmonaut, with open higher chakras but not very connected to your lower chakras and not very connected to the earth?   This is a pattern that many people have fallen into, people develop their mental bodies and upper chakras, but neglect the lower ones.  (It is an old pattern left over from past lives and genetic memory from our religious dogma, including sexual guilt and repression and the perception that the way to get to heaven was by being puritanical to earn your way in.  From the old perception that we were humans having a spiritual experience and needed to become spirits rather than the truth that we are already spirits and spiritual, and are having a human experience, and the perception that you needed to get out of here rather than really get in to here).  The lower chakras enable you to be able to embody these cosmic energies and this advanced knowledge, to earth it rather that it just being in the head, a lofty cosmic possibility.

Knowledge and awareness of cosmicness, is of no use if it is not here on this planet, in your body.  If something is not embodied here in this dimension, then it isn’t even real yet, it is idealistic.  Certainly it is real on those dimensions, but here it does not really exist.

Many beings in their experience of awakening/enlightenment/ascension, get to a certain level of awareness and really progress no further, even those that are in the spiritual limelight, leading workshops, writing books, etc.  This occurs especially if they are information junkies, or meditation junkies, or heavily psychically oriented or rely upon channeling.  They amass large amounts of data and higher awareness, but neglect one whole half of the puzzle – the emotional body, which embodies and expresses love.  (This is the right eye of Horus, the emotional (body) initiations – developing unconditional love – female vibration).  You cannot ascend without love.  You cannot ascend or really grow spiritually with just knowledge, or ascension techniques, or meditation.  (This is the left eye of Horus, the mental (body) initiations – developing wisdom – male vibration).  Everything must be in balance, inner awareness with light acceleration.  Inner technology with external technology.  Internal processes of connection to oneness with techniques of attainment.  Male and Female.  Wisdom and Love.

True attainment is not attained, it is realized.  There is no real technique or method, no knowledge or meditation that really gets it for you, “it” just happens from finally letting go, from finally releasing all that you are not.  The emotional body is a huge key to this.   The emotional body is very spontaneous, it is your mechanism of embodiment, experience, expression, emanation and release.  (It is through the emotional body that you release all that you are not).  It is receptive as well as projective.  Balanced with the focus of the mental body, these two bodies are a powerful force.  

So are you a spiritual head, with a halo around your crown but the rest of your body is not shining too brightly? Do you walk the walk, as well as talk the talk?  Is enlightenment real for you or is it idealistic, still something you aspire to?  Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to be entirely light, not just your crown – a whole light being.

Inherent with spiritual heads is a preponderance towards being goody goodies.  Towards having a perception that the proper way to be is being nice, peaceful and non-judgemental.  They do not experience intense emotions or feelings because “they are beyond such human limitation”.  They certainly never get angry, or express disdain for anything or anyone, theirs is an idealistic reality of oneness.

This is arrogance and denial, because behind this is repression of basic human emotions, and a perception of superiority and pride because they are so “spiritual”.  Consciously they would not admit to this, but they feel superior to the rest of humanity, and because of this superiority, they are no higher in awareness to humanity at all.

Having spiritual knowledge does not make you awake.  Knowing how reality works does not make you enlightened.  Being a psychic, a healer or a channel, does not necessarily really make you any more enlightened than the next guy.  
Being truly enlightened makes you enlightened.  It must be real, embodied and true.  There must be nothing hidden, you are an open book.  Your consciousness has no hidden agendas, every part of you has surrendered to the light.

No matter what level of awareness you are at, there are always higher levels, and acting spiritual does not make you spiritual, because it is not knowledge or psychic powers that enlightens, only light and love enlightens.  It is not the teachings of the master that enlightens others, but the emanation of the master, the emanation of Divine Truth, Divine Light and Divine Love – the emanation of God – this is what enlightens those in the presence of the master or those who read the words of a master, as his/her emanation comes from the book.

Presence is the key, divine presence and emanation of the Divine Essence of God-Goddess-All That Is.  The emanation of True Reality and Unconditional Love.  Christ Consciousness (the vibration of unconditional love) is the gift of the Christ, not the teachings.  As wise as they may be, they are the teachings of all great masters leading to the same thing – Christ/Buddha/Krishna…Consciousness.

Realization is not a teaching, it cannot be taught, you must find it on your own.  The same goes for other aspects of this process of awakening, such as ascension.  No one can teach you what ascension is, you must find out for yourself.  Certainly it helps immensely to study and allow the teachings, knowledge and awarenesses of others about what they know and experience about ascension.  But you do this so that you can discover what it is for yourself, because this is your experience of awakening; this is your experience of ascension; this is your experience of enlightenment; this is your experience of realization to Divine Self.

Others can show you a myriad of pathways to travel to this realization, and give you glimpses of what is behind each doorway, but you must decide which one to open and if it is the right one for you.  And your experience on the other side of that door will be quantumly different from some else’s.  So give yourself permission to experience this human experience.  You don’t need to try to get out of here, you are really trying to fully get into here, the word inscension serves well to describe this experience.

You have not been cast out of heaven and are not being punished, so enjoy this experience of embodiment and expression of humanness.  Be who you truly are in this body, don’t try to be who you are on higher dimensions, you already are those expressions.  You don’t need to try to be you there to be you here, you are both, you are multidimensional, and this body is one of your newest experiences, one of your newest experiments of separation and oneness, a new experience for the soul.  Both must be honored, both exist, this is the paradox of creation.

So with this, comes the paradox of human expression and existence, being separate and one with everything at the same time.  So with this comes a wide range of experiences: loving everything and allowing everything, having complete patience with everything, and at the same time disliking things, hating things, being intolerant of things and people, and completely impatient.

So your job is to balance these things.  If you do not, then you will either have to be a spiritual head, lost in never never land with your idealistic vision of spirituality, or a talking grunting body, lost in the old matrix, disconnected from all true reality, higher chakras and the realm of spirit.

This is why your heart is between the two, and why the new way to breathe is into your heart.  Your heart is the new breathing center.  The old center was the belly, human relative and psychic instinct centers.  The new center of humanness, (the cosmic human), is the heart center.  It is the bridge between the old and new worlds.   The bridge between dimensions.  The bridge between the upper and lower chakras.  This, combined with your Pineal center and Kundalini rising, (sacral and pineal connection) balances you between the Cosmic and Divine Human, it allows you to embody the higher dimensional you that loves all and is love.

Without love, you can do nothing real.  Without love you cannot create.  You can synthesize, which is not real creation because you must use external technology.  Real creation is when you can create something from nothing, without technology or 4th dimensional magic.

You are becoming a Cosmic Human, balanced between the paradox.  A light human – separate in your individual unique perception of life and one with All That Is.  This is enlightenment, this is Ascension!

Blessings on your Paradoxical Journey,


(Intergalactic Interdimensional Multidimensional Extraterrestrial Angelic Human Cosmonaut)

Copyright ZaKaiRan Alpha and Omega

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #27 - 20.03.2004 at 14:43:44
Mutating or Sick ?

That Is The Question

You are not sick, there is nothing wrong with you; you are not broke and do not need to be fixed; everything you always thought was wrong with you may actually be something that is divinely perfect about you.

There is a picture of reality that exists in social consciousness, this is the belief in sickness, in unwholeness - you cannot be unwhole.  Sickness and unwholeness is an illusion, this is one of many in this dimension of illusion; although you can choose that reality/illusion if you like.  You cannot catch disease any more than you can catch health, even science knows this fact but is reluctant to release this information due to the ramifications it would have on the medical industries money generating machine.

Planet Earth is Ascending through the 4th and 5th dimensions, it will eventually become a star.  We are doing the same thing, we are transitioning into higher dimensional realms (a.k.a. Ascending), or more accurately we are descending our spirits into here.  Along with this process of Descension/Ascension is a phenomena called mutation, we are mutating into bodies of light which is the next step for us as a species and as planetary stewards for Gaia’s Ascension.  This mutation process has been occurring for sometime, in fact the Ascension began the moment this Universe was created.  This mutation is accomplished by gradually descending light and love, who we truly are,  into us and planet earth.  We are the grounding rods for the planet, we ground her up into our spirits.

As these increased levels of light descend into our bodies and onto planet earth our bodies experience mutational symptoms, these symptoms are typically misdiagnosed as colds, flu and any number of "diseases", and may occur depending on the individual and the resistance that certain bodies may have to these increased levels of light.  I have had massive mutations in my eyes, serious reactions to my third eye opening.  I also have had many throat "problems" due to my throat chakra receiving its fair share of light and being prepared for speaking truth, divinity and channeling higher dimensional energies through to this dimension.  My personal list goes on as the body workers around town will attest to, including back problems and muscle aches.

Typically these mutational symptoms are not thought of in the context of wholeness that I have stated above but in the old fashioned victim position of sickness consciousness.  Sickness consciousness is a devious plot devised by the dark forces to keep us stuck in the dramatic polarities of victim hood, one of the many polarities that maintain the 3rd dimension.  I have never been sick in my entire life, I have been mutating although since I was born and have had symptoms of this Ascension / Descension process throughout my life.

Pick Your Own Reality

This is a dimension where you are allowed to pick your own reality, no matter how outlandish it may be.  Which reality do you prefer? - one where you are a victim to your body and your environment, prey to any disease you might "catch", suffer and die from; or that of, I am a spirit inhabiting a human body, that is transitioning dimensionally, I am embodying my oversoul self, my light body, and my body may experience discomfort as this transition occurs.

If you have mutational symptoms: aches pains, imbalances etc. that you need assistance with, find someone who holds a similar picture of reality that you are a whole being, in need of assistance, as we all do, as you transition dimensionally into your immortal body of light.  Seek someone that you have synergy with and that will empower you by holding you in there consciousness as a master on a holy mission, a spirit having a human experience, who just needs a tune up; some assistance from a M.A.S.H. team member, one of the Body, Mind, Spirit specialists.  Instead of a human that didn't take good enough care of their body; has bad karma; did something bad in a past life; is broken and needs to be fixed.  You can be the healthiest person in the world and still have mutational symptoms.

The Universe Rearranges Itself to Accommodate your Picture of Reality

What are you implying as real?  Whatever you participate with, make decisions based upon, and base your actions upon, (what you are calling real), the Universe will give you more of it.  Thoughts, and feelings are not real and do not determine your reality, contrary to what many new age teachings propose.  The Universe does not rearrange itself to accommodate your thoughts, feelings and affirmations, but by what you are implying as real.  If you are a holy being on a holy mission occasionally experiencing discomfort as you descend more of  who you truly are  into your body, then the Universe will give you more of this reality.  If you hold dear to being a struggling human trying desperately to have a spiritual experience, to earn or learn your way out of here by adhering to spiritual rules, than the Universe will graciously give you more of this reality.

Pick your reality.  Which reality do you prefer ?

With Love and Mutation,


Copyright ZaKaiRan Alpha and Omega
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #28 - 23.03.2004 at 17:15:24
totally fabulous, thankyou very much.  Although that geocities site is now history, everything is now at a direct domain of www.zakairan.com, if you could please change that info that would be dandy,

mega blessings to you,

 Smiley 8)

se pravi

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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #29 - 23.03.2004 at 23:32:37
Communication, Thought, Relationship,
Meditation and the Ego

What is the point in communication when verbal intellectual / emotional conversation is not who you are. Who you are experiences or witnesses that communication, but aren't our egos conducting the investigation? What part of us that speaks and thinks and wonders is not ego? Is my ego writing this article? How much Spirit is present in what I intellectually explore? Is there more spirit if it is more emotional, with feeling from the heart? And is there any such thing as more or less Spirit? How could there be more or less Spirit, isn't Spirit everything - or is it no thing? This paradox stuff is so confusing. And by the way, who is confused, certainly not Spirit.

Conflict seems to always pop up with communication, especially when it involves your emotions and a significant other. How the heaven do we have a proper, from the heart, loaded with Spirit, Who We Truly Are conversation? Sounds pretty impossible; we still have egos; we are still in bodies; we still have emotions. I guess we have to be perfect and imperfect simultaneously, another example of the paradox of existence.

Perhaps in relationships we should spend a lot more time being still with each other and a whole lot less time jibber jabbering. Spending quiet time just shnuggling, a very enjoyable meditation. All that jaw work can be distracting to the truth of who you are. Now of course I am not proposing that the intellect and ego are somehow wrong or bad, I am merely pointing out their true place in the scheme of things. We need our egos in order to be here, without them Who We Truly Are could not be in these bodies experiencing the illusion of separation. We could not play these roles and believe that it is "real".

And this is a world of form, we need to logically figure things out. Ego and our intellect are part of our wholeness. Spirit uses your mind to think. So give your ego, your mind (mental body), and your emotions (emotional body) a break, they are just doing their jobs. You do not need to make them the enemy, they are your friend. You are their master, you use them and experience through them. Without them there would be no form to experience through.

So be still and know 'you'. You do not need to shut up your intellect. That which you truly are is not concerned with what your ego and mind do. Your thoughts are of little importance to who you truly are. Your thoughts are not you, so they cannot be an impediment to who you are. Who you truly are uses your mental body to think and reason.

This has been a big fallacy of some schools of yoga, that you had to somehow shut up the mind. Trying to stop the mind is like trying to stop a puppy from playing. The mind is just doing what it does. The ultimate goal of yoga, meditation and all spiritual practices is to rediscover and know that which you truly are, that which observes your thoughts and witnesses all that you experience. That which is eternal, unchangeable, divine consciousness. Yoga is not about shutting up your mind so that you can get a rest, this is a nice part of it as it gets you in touch with other aspects of yourself, i.e. emotions, feelings, chakras etc., but this is only one part. Even this leads to find that which you truly are. Go deeper to what is behind thinking, go deeper to what is beyond thinking. The ultimate goal of meditation is for your life to be a meditation, for every moment of your life to be connected to divinity, to pure essence, to love.

The de-stressification factor of meditation is also a part of this process, as you experience more than the constant chitter chatter of internal monologue, (or dialogue if you're schizophrenic). But still the ultimate goal of meditation is to give you a chance to see that which you truly are. But it is not something you obtain, that which you truly are is always present whether you know it or not; whether you find it and experience it or not. And even the search for that which you are can delude you as the search implies that it is something that must be found.

If something can be lost, or found, then it is not real.

Only you are real, all else is illusion.

You are 'no thing', You cannot be lost. You cannot be found.

You are All That Is - how Zen.



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