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Re: Prana - larifari?
Reply #15 - 25.06.2004 at 11:34:57
gape wrote on 25.06.2004 at 11:17:35:
maš pa kle marsikej česar tm pol nimaš ...

Par dni nazaj sem slišala en komad, dbest, k ma ful besedilo na temo kaj vse zamudiš, če narediš samomor. Prikrajšan si za marsikatere občutke, npr. ko prvič ne vem greš v šolo, ali ko prvič ne vem .... po izbiri .... Ko te več nihče ne zmerja, ko se ti nekomu več ne smeješ zarad njegove frizure, itn. itn. Ful kul.

Poje pa eden k poje tut ful kul besedilo z naslovom Sunscrean. Kokr ne se sončt, ........ bla bla bla ..... pa relax.

Vem, da to ni za v ta topic, pa ne vem, če sem dala dost podatkov, me pa ti dve besedili ful intrigirata. A bi mogoče kdo znal iz tolk mal podatkov to najdet. Bi bla ful vesela. Pol se pa lohk ke premakne pod besedila.

Thx & Much Love to All.  Smiley
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Re: Prana - larifari?
Reply #16 - 25.06.2004 at 12:09:22
kjer je energija je tud energetik, in če smo mi osebe pol je tud naš izvor (med drugim) Oseba

ker imamo osebe sposobnost mišljenja, čutenja in svobodne volje...ima tud naš Izvor vse te lastnosti, le da so Njegove lastnosti neomejene, popolne, absolutne

ljubezen pomeni služenje drugemu, poželjenje pomeni služenje samemu sebi in svojim čutilom ter mindu

tukaj smo, ker bi radi bili gospodarji in vladali, in za trenutek smo lahko celo srečni in se nam zdi da "uživamo", ampak to so samo kratkotrajni trenutki v ponavljajočem krogu rojstev in smrti

noben ni  srečen in zadovljen ko mora umret, prav tako noben ni srečen in zadovoljen ko se rodi

nekdo ki celotno življenje preživlja v zaporu in si bodisi na podlagi lastnih izkušenje ali na podlagi nasvetov raznoraznih učiteljev nekako uredi svoje trenutno življenje znotraj tega zapora, lahko celo misli da ne trpi, ampak to je samo zaradi njegovega neznanja, ker ne ve kakšen je zunanji svet

gape, hočem povedat, da to, da si zdaj trenutno srečen in zadovoljen, še ni nobeno zagotovilo, da boš tudi v prihodnje

edino Bog  nam lahko da takšno večno zagotovilo, sami brez Boga smo kakor ubogi ujetniki, ki se trudijo da zavladali in bili gospodarji v zaporu, namesto da bi ponižno vprašali pravega Gospodarja zapora in vsega kar obstaja, kje je izhod

ko nekateri ugotovijo, da sami ne morejo iz zapora ponavadi prosijo za pomoč, ampak zaradi neznanja ponavadi prosijo za pomoč nekoga, ki je prav tako v tem zaporu, in le-ta jim lahko ponudi kvečjemu "boljše" življenje znotraj tega zapora, kar je včasih tud smiselno in potrebno....vendar po mnogih , mnogih rojstvih znotraj zapora, se nekateri odločijo (ker so izkusili, da jim življenje znotraj zapora ne mopre dat tistega kar si večno želijo) za pomoč od zunaj

kako vemo kdo je "od zunaj" in kdo se samo izdaja da je "od zunaj" in kako vemo, komu moramo zaupati ?

"Those who are sincere, will never be decieved"

Hari bol

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Hari bol
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Re: Prana - larifari?
Reply #17 - 25.06.2004 at 21:08:40
mind wrote on 25.06.2004 at 11:07:25:
mikron...če smo mi duh, ki je obstajal prej in bo obstajal kasneje (smo večni), zakaj se mora ta duh poistovečati z materialnim telesom, ki ga prej ni bilo in ga tudi kasneje ne bo (je minljivo) in ob tem nonstop trpeti rojstvo, smrt, bolezen, staranje..?

Po filozofiji kabale, je najprej obstajala ideja. Da bi se ideja lahko materializirala, je bilo potrebno znižati vibracijo, to se je lahko zgodilo tako, da so se ideje razdelile na dva dela. Odtod nastanek dualizma, komplementarnosti, duš dvojčic, svetlobe in teme, itn.

Bog potrebuje izkušnjo negativnosti, da bi jo bolje razumel. Mi smo izbrani, in smo s svojo voljo pristali na to misijo. V univerzumu obstajajo good UFOs in bad UFOs. Na specialnem planetu Zemlja, naj bi se zbrala vsa negativnost Univerzuma. Mi smo tukaj zato, da jo transformiramo. Zato obstaja obdobje teme in obdobje svetlobe, kateremu se približujemo, torej gremo po uspešno opravljeni nalogi nazaj k svojemu izvoru. Transformacija negativnosti pomeni, da ponovno v končni fazi zvišujemo vibracijo Zemlje. Vibracijo zvišujemo s sledenjem dobrih načel, oziroma spoznavanjem Boga. Hoditi in živeti v svetlobi, moralno, z ljubeznijo, brez spon, blago, ponižno in čisto.

Kdor tega še ne more oziroma noče transformirati strahu in drugih negativizmov (tega namreč obvladujejo temne sile), ta se še ne more vrniti domov in bo na drugem planetu Zemlja v ponovnem obdobju teme ponavljal (se vedno znova reinkarniral) izkušnje tretje dimenzije. Razsvetljeni pa bodo deležni eteričnega/astralnega življenja 4. in 5. dimenzije, v novi zlati dobi večnega miru in ljubezni.

Materializacija na Zemlji ima misijo transformirati negativnost Vesolja. Tko kot ima vsak sistem nek filter ali Recycle Bin. Čista sistemska teorija.

Negativni UFOs so doma na novo odkritem planetu. Torej jih že lahko vidimo. Tisti dobri UFOs pa večkrat pristanejo na našem planetu, ker se že mal pripravljajo, da nam bodo pomagal takrat, ko bo potrebno in se bodo oni med sabo fightal. Svetloba in tema.

Tko si jst to razlagam, po tem k sem mal prebrala link: The Photon Belt. In se mi zdi sprejemljiva razlaga. Bere se k Matrix, mogoče mi je blizu zato, ker sem ljubitelj Matrice.

Ne morem sprejet neodgovorjenih vprašanj, noben ne ve zakaj smo tukej, bla bla. V bistvu je ok verovanje v Boga, sej to je v bistvu ta pot, ki jo mormo prakticirat, da bi transformiral. Tukej se pa mogoče na znanstveno fantastičen način razloži tudi Why.  Tko se mi ta razlaga zdi, da odgovori na moja vprašanja.

Ne vem, a je še kdo prebral link?


Lp.  Smiley
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Re: Prana - larifari?
Reply #18 - 26.06.2004 at 07:35:34
Smiley dobro napisano
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Re: Prana - larifari?
Reply #19 - 26.06.2004 at 19:58:43
ta link že drugi dan ne deluje ...
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Posts: 818
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Re: Prana - larifari?
Reply #20 - 26.06.2004 at 20:59:04
gape wrote on 26.06.2004 at 19:58:43:
ta link že drugi dan ne deluje ...

Bi rekla, da ne. Tko je prou:


Thx & Lp.  Smiley

p.s.: v bistvu je tej stvari posvečen oz. je odprt svoj topic, mal nižje dol v duhovnost in znanost, fotonski pas.
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Re: Prana - larifari?
Reply #21 - 27.06.2004 at 11:19:09

- 2012 it`s closer than you think  
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Re: Prana - larifari?
Reply #22 - 27.06.2004 at 13:16:56
its here

Perhaps, in the dialog above, I have created an element of fear among you readers. This, of course, was not my intention, but it does serve a point.

Mass chaos and destruction, although present for the many, need not affect you personally. Repeatedly throughout these writings I have ventured that all will be spared if they will acknowledge the incoming Christ energies and strive to walk and talk in love, light, balance, and forgiveness. In the process you will be creating your new and wondrous body of light. As you, "through the above," build your body of light' you will be resistant and ultimately impervious to all physical and archaic laws. Remember that when you have a body of light, you are one with the Christ and the fourth dimension. Therefore, your physical being is not of density and matter, so how can you get hurt? Fear is food for the darker and negative forces and is the vehicle through which they have controlled Us over the millennia.

Without fear, they have no way to control us and so are impotent. Remember this when you most need it.

With this as an overview, I would now like to present in general some experiences which will occur upon entering the Photon Belt. Keep in mind that these are some of what may be expected. Many more will arise of which we are as yet unaware. Some of these have already been mentioned but are equally important with the rest.

4. In order to cope with the speeding up and compression of time and space, our physical bodies must be rearranged and realigned in order to facilitate the incoming Christ consciousness. Some of these rearrangements will have to do with the key elements of the physical and etheric bodies. Expected are realignment of our current consciousness; realignment of the chakras (now seven) to twelve or thirteen; increasing the DNA strands from the current two to twelve or thirteen; balancing out the male and female energies in order to reach a state of androgyny; and acceleration of our atoms in consistency with the degree of the incoming light and consciousness. In addition, our pineal gland, now about the size of a pea, will return to its original size, about the size of a quarter. All receptors will be reawakened.

All persons experiencing this will become clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, and more. Just as Jesus did, we will become great seers, healers, and prophets. This will serve us well in the near future. Now, of all times, we must turn our will over to the divine. In this statement there is a profound truth but also an inherent danger. Now, of all times, we must unequivocaliy qualify our intentions, making sure that our arrow of intention goes to the target intended. The divine must be couched in certainty with such statements as, for example, "to the one and only creator God": "to my higher consciousness"; "to Mother Mary"; or, "to the one and only Christ." Otherwise, any statement issued in the form of an affirmation will be immediately picked up by the darker forces and used against us and mankind. Remember: QUALIFY.

Leave no doubts or uncertainties. Note that thoughts are energy, more real than our physical bodies; therefore they must be controlled and specifically directed.

5. As our bodies and consciousness reform into the light, thought, not physical action, will become our menu of the day. In this new mode, "etheric in reality" thoughts are more real than physical action - what you think is what you are for that moment. Since we are in the consciousness of the fourth dimension, we are etheric and exposed to all. Each of us will be like a television screen, projecting our thoughts for all to see and hear. No longer can you hide malice' avarice and greed, hate, lust, deceit, or dishonesty. The minute you think it, you become it. You become an open book, free of letters other than those you create for the moment which must be rectified instantaneously with love, light, and forgiveness if you are not to be subject to the inherent penalties and possible expulsion from the fourth dimension reality back to the third dimension. Third-dimensional frailties unequivocally will not be tolerated. Conversely, if we are truly and firmly ensconced in the light of the Christ and its Golden Age, then none of these aberrations should arise, and if they do, they must be dealt with quickly lest they become real and, as a result, banish us back to the third dimension. I wonder how many of us on the planet now have experienced this in the past.

6. Our world of illusion and polarities will collapse. In due time, as we approach the null zone of the Photon Belt, these make-believe realities which have been thrust upon Us by those who put us here, will disintegrate, leaving us naked, vulnerable and exposed. This will represent the turning around of the mirror causing you and me to look at the true side of reality. For a moment, we are totally vulnerable, defenseless and confused. Nonetheless, it is at this moment that we must decide, do I want to give up the old and archaic, or do I want to step boldly into the light and regain that which has always been rightly mine, my Christhood? If we should choose the continuation of the old and archaic ways, we can expect another 10,500+ years of darkness.

7. In the past our planet has flipped its solar axis more than 330 times.

This was not happenstance but contrived by those who put us here as an ultimate control. Despite the intention of the forces of darkness to do it again, the Wormwood people will not succeed this time around.

However, there will be a reversal of the magnetic poles from a clockwise rotation to a counterclockwise rotation which will speed up the rotation of the planet to degrees unimaginable at this time. As an explanation for this change in rotation, one will recall my stating earlier that our planet had been chosen to be the collector and transformer of all negative energies in our Solar System. To do this, our magnetic poles were rearranged in order to rotate in a clockwise direction, which was counter to its true and desired rotation.

Nonetheless, this alteration was necessary for us and our planet to serve as a collector vehicle for negativity. For 10,500 years we have performed in this extremely unstable reality, serving both individually and collectively as vehicles of transformation. Although extremely hazardous, we as the gods we are, chose to come here and master these volatile and suppressive energies. Without a doubt, our assignment is one of; if not the toughest in the Creators universe. Since we are nearing the Photon Belt and need to be in harmony with the rest of the Solar System, our magnetic pole reversal is a must.

The question sometimes arises as to whether or not we as a planet will come back and do it again. Undoubtedly, we have in the past, but this time we will receive special dispensation and will not be requested to do so, for it would seem our planet has more than fulfilled its requirements for graduation into the higher realms. The planet will graduate, but will we individually? That, of course, is up to each one of us. Only in time will we know.

Following this question is another most often asked: "If our planet leaves our Solar System, what then happens to those souls who cannot make it at this time?" For these unfortunates, there is another planet, a new planet Earth, currently residing in the fourth dimension (etheric); and it is to this planet that the unfortunates will go in disembodiment to experience a deep sleep and rest before being prepared and reconditioned to come to Earth again to experience another 10,500 years of darkness. It should be noted that as our current planet ascends into the fourth dimension, the alternate planet correspondingly will descend into the third dimension, thus replacing us as the new planet Earth.

as it is above, so shall it be below

To return to the Pleiadians and a personal comment: in 1988 I had occasion to personally regress myseIf back to look at the ultimate sinking of that ancient continent Atlantis. Much to my dismay, I discovered an element of Pleiadian origin, and the then rulers of Atlantis were responsible for the catastrophic nuclear explosions which ultimately sank the great Atlantis. Therefore, it does not surprise me that considerations of Sirius as the new location of our current Central Sun are in the making.

In the near future, we can conclude that we terrestrials will bear witness to the conclusion of the control the forces of darkness have exercised over us for the past 10,500 years. This will come about by open confrontations between the "good" UFOs (forces of light), and the "bad" UFOs (forces of darkness). We personally will observe this final struggle in the heavens.


precej trigerjev ... precej tud materiala, da skeptike popolnoma odvrne od branja ... da ne rečem - tiste, ki jim ni kej za (s)prožit ...
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Posts: 818
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Re: Prana - larifari?
Reply #23 - 27.06.2004 at 18:27:28
gape wrote on 27.06.2004 at 13:16:56:
precej trigerjev ... precej tud materiala, da skeptike popolnoma odvrne od branja ... da ne rečem - tiste, ki jim ni kej za (s)prožit ...

Ja, quantity can do that. Lahko pa to čist sproščeno beremo kt en scenarij za film. Tut tuki se vse okrog Oracla vrti.  Wink
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