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All IS Full Of Love
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Evolution  Through  The  Dimension
23.10.2003 at 21:55:41
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re:  Evolution  Through  The  
Reply #1 - 31.10.2003 at 01:36:40
Before the origin of language, early humans were much like the other animals, able only to react unconsciously to whatever they could see or otherwise sense at that very moment. Other animals have no conscious mind and cannot be aware of the existence of any thing that is not physically right HERE, at THIS point in space, right NOW, at THIS point in time. Other animals cannot think about some thing that was seen at some other place, at some earlier time, or about what will be for dinner at some time in the future. Other animals are not aware of any dimensions of time or space. Our ancestors slowly, and in discrete stages, developed in ability to think consciously about things that were not physically present in front of them at that very moment. These stages of consciousness are known as 'dimensions'.

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re:  Evolution  Through  The  
Reply #2 - 10.12.2003 at 12:12:49
Evo klele je še ena skanalizirana varijanta, ki opisuje dimenzije. Čew to štima, pol smo že v prti (zase, lahk to rečem... Wink Grin)

Here is some information from Amorah Quan Yin, author & channel of The
Pleiadian Workbook - Awakening Your Divine Ka about the definition of
the different dimensions -ENJOY!

First Dimension - the realm of pure minerals as containers for
consciousness, but devoid of their own consciousness and self-awareness

Second Dimension - lower astral planes on which the consciousnesses
perceive themselves as all that exists, are oblivious to spirit, devoid of
souls, and totally self-absorbed; also the realm of certain types of
elementals that have no consciousness of their own other than is directed
by some controlling force; also contains underworld aspect of what is
call the bardos in Buddhism, also known as the Hell realms; realms of
all plant species

Third Dimension - physical world and corresponding astral planes;
anchored in a linear time - and space-based reality. Anything in this realm
exists at a maximum of 9000 vibrations per second. This is the realm in
which human consciousness lives

Fourth Dimension - beings retain consciousness as feelings and thoughts
based on feelings. This dimension contains both dark and light
polarities. The light realms are made up of "Cities of Light" and those who
have reached a vibrational frequency of between 9000 and 12,000 vibrations
per second. The consciousness here is the first stage of Christ
consciousness following ascension. Many guides, angels and Ascended Masters
impulse the third-dimensional humans who are receptive and available for
spiritual growth and evolution. Humans are also impulsed by the dark
astral counterpart that exists in this dimension. The dark ones are able
to match the lower-vibrational frequency of negative thoughts, vices,
repressed emotions,and unhealed or denied shadow sides of humans - and
are able to pull them into the dark side and then control them and feed
off their pain, fear, and other dense energies. As humans develop
higher-vibrational qualities of being, thinking, feeling and doing, as well
as transcend the karmic tendencies of their own shadow sides, they are
magnetized into the fourth-dimensional light impulses and pull free
from the dark control and parasitic beings. The dark polarity of this
realm is also one of the places where nightmares and astral abuse take

Fifth Dimension - this dimension also has dark and light polarities.
Beings retain their etheric forms from the third and fourth dimensions
combined, but the refinements and freedom to alter these forms at will.
The light aspect of this realm contains most of the personal guides to
humans, serving angels, many of the Ascended Masters and members of the
Great White Brotherhood, initiatic schools of the intermediate level,
the karmic board, Overlighting Devas, and guardian angels. From this
dimension and up it is impossible to talk in terms of vibrations per
second because it is beyond time and space limitations through interfacing
with time and space reality at will. This is also the dimension of
actualized Christ and Buddha consciousness immediately after the completion
of incarnation, ascension and transition through the Cities of Light in
the fourth dimension. Flying dreams, as well as dreams of healing,
higher experiences, and teachings occur in this dimension. This is the
dimensional, causal plane relative to humans manifesting and creating in
the lower-dimensional worlds during dreamtime. In other words, it is
where humans dream their lives into time and space reality,and then wake up
and live out their dreams. Higher consciousness, lucid dreaming and
white magic happen here. The dark polarity consists of the powerful
darklords of black magic and control. There are dark angels, masters,
sorcerers, and rulers of the lower astral planes and underworlds in this
realm. If a person develops great psychic powers, and mind control without
developing the heart and spiritual integrity, this is where they are
ruled by and go during sleep and after leaving their human lives.

Sixth Dimension - this is the realm of the Higher Council, the
archangels who interface with Earth, the Council of the Elders, and the
beginning of collective consciousness. From this level on up, the dimensions
are exclusively of the Light. The collective consciousness in this realm
is that of souls split apart. In other words, if your soul, after being
on Earth in one body, decided to split into two or more parts, whether
the decision was based on pain or desire for diversity of experience,
at the sixth-dimensional level all parts would share the same Higher
Self until rejoined in one body again. This is the realm from which the
Higher Self communcates with us and connects with us on a soul and spirit
level. Beings on this level can choose to project human-like forms if
it serves a purpose, but they actually exist in pure geometric forms
which are characteristic of this dimension. This is the realm of Sacred
Geometry. In Creation, this is the stage at which thought, color and
sound take on geometric form and numerological significance. When beings on
this level wish to communicate with one another, they simply blend
their energy fields and consciousnesses. There is a unique grid that is
formed by this blending and both beings experience the essential nature of
the other mainly by virtue of comparison and what the other has to
offer. There is a sense of knowing the other without actually feeling as
though you have become the other. Melchizedek consciousness exists on
this dimension

Seventh Dimension - the realm of divine sound and harmonics. All beings
of this level exist as expressions of essence through the harmonics of
sound, individually and collectively. Form can no longer be projected
directly without downstepping dimensionally. Patterns are formed by the
sound but are nebulous flows of color and movement. Varying spiral
patterns are the only describable forms to be found. When beings on this
level wish to communicate with one another they simply combine their
sounds, blend colors and create new patterns. From this experience, both
consciousnesses are energized and fully comprehend one another. There is
also a greater understanding, which comes from the principle of, "The
whole is greater than the sum of its parts." It is the next level of
collective consciousness, but this time with other souls as well as
different parts of your own. Beings on this level literally hold the key to
translating all experience and consciousness into pure sound, carrying
frequency and creating flow patterns. These sound frequencies make up
the only comon language from the seventh dimension down. This is the
realm of pure Melchizedek consciousness, as the fifth is of Christ
consciousness. Members of the same soul family origins have the ability to
experience themselves as the same being on this dimension while maintaining
the capacity for individuation

Eighth Dimension - pure color and flow patterns are trademarks of this
realm. Beings on this dimension exist as self-aware consciousnesses
emanating color, light and movement. When communicating with one another,
it is more of a synergistic experience during which neither being can
tell the difference in itself and the other. Great love of union and
communion takes place here. Because of the absence of sounds as an
individual expression on this realm, it is also the realm of the VOID, which
in its true purpose is a place to experience one's wholeness and
uniqueness as pure essence and consciousness. When fear is absent, this will
be the place of solace and deep rest.

Ninth Dimension - Source point of the Laooesh Shekinah, the Sacred
Pillar of Fire, or Pillar of Light. It is the last dimension on which a
Light Being has the capacity to experience consciousness separate from the
entire oversoul collective consciousness at will. The only form here is
that of the pillar, or parallel strands of very refined light.
Everything looks like pure crystalline white light and yet is prismatic,
emanating colors to the eighth dimension.This is the dimension of Metatron
consciousness. When I was given an experience of this realm once, the
only things I could still differentiate from myself was etheric crystals.
I had a collection of quartz crystals on the table in the room where my
body was when the experience took place. I was suddenly aware that I
could still perceive the crystals as separate from me, although the
furniture and people in the room had blended into my consciousness
completely. I was told that this is as far as a human consciousness can go
dimensionally without the body being vaporized.

Tenth Dimension - All I have been told of this dimension is that
members of the original oversoul families experience themselves as merged
completely into one consciousness and are no longer aware of their
individuation at all. Beyond this point I have been shown and told nothing
except that the thirteenth dimension is the place of completion and
Oneness in which the self is absorbed into All That Is and knows nothing of

channeled material received through Amorah Quan Yin
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