pa še ZakairanMerKaBic Harmonic Concordance from ZaKaiRan
Dear Ascending Masters of Divine Concordancy,
As you may be aware of by now from the huge amount of emails and information
available on the Harmonic Concordance beginning November 8 through to the 11th,
(which is a Star-Gate activation), that the Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Chiron
and the Moon will be in a position that forms a six pointed star (the star of
David), linking and balancing the energies of these six astrological bodies, and
creating a grand planetary energetic and sacred geometrical alignment.
And there will also be an eclipse at this time. (This is, as you can imagine, a
huge astrological alignment. I was sent an excellent email from Kiara Windrider
about this which I will send out for you Astrology nuts).
The Star of David, represents your MerKaBa, your vehicle of transportation to
higher dimensions and your transformation and transmutation into
Higher-Light-Body, or Christ-Body, creating the New HUman, (God-man) - HumAngel. The MerKaBa is a huge aspect of your Light-Body. It essentially is your own
Space-Time-Dimension ship. It is not only the doorway to higher dimensions, but
it is the first geometry that is the doorway to all of your higher ones. This
linear representation of the star, is the male geometries. At each point is a
sphere, (female), all together they create a female geometry, or a star of David
made of spheres. In this case, those spheres are our planets, Moon, and beloved
Sol. And within all of this, in the center of your MerKaBah, and this celestial
MerKaBic alignment, is another sphere, and that is you.
The Star of David is comprised of 2 interlocking tetrahedrons, or 2-3 sided
pyramids. The one pointing up (to the cosmos), is male. The one pointing down
(into the earth), is female. There is much information about this structure
available from Drunvalo Melchizedek. I also have a few articles on Light-Body
and MerKaBah on my website:
www.ZaKaiRan.comThis "Star" is your own space-time-dimension ship. Every living thing
has one. By its activation you are able to travel through space and time, and
you are able to Ascend to the higher dimensions - physically, mentally,
emotionally and spiritually. So needless to say, this Harmonic Concordance,
this celestial body MerKaBah formation, will enable a huge opportunity for
everyone to activate their own personal MerKaBah's, their Light-Bodies and
higher genetic blue-prints. And as a whole, if everyone links their individual
and group MerKaBah's into one big Harmonic Group-Soul MerKaBah, then we will
actually accomplish the creation of Earth becoming a giant
Mother-Earth-Light-Ship, a giant Star - which is what Earth is becoming.
This is how Mother-Ships are created, they are Divine Synchronies of each
individual Light-Being, (individual stars), who are on this Mother-Ship, all
combining their individual MerKaBah's together to form one giant MerKaBah - a
So I urge everyone to tap into this divine configuration that our beloved
celestial bodies are creating for us in the heavens, and calling upon your
Divine Presence to activate your MerKaBah. And in the groups that you will be
communing with, join your individual MerKaBahs to form a group MerKaBah. And
then combine your group MerKaBah with all the other group MerKaBah's on the
planet to form one giant Planetary MerKaBah.
Individually, or in groups, I recommend that you begin by calling in the
Ascended Masters, Angels, God-Goddess, Father-Mother God, The Christ…and any
individual Ascended Master, Bodhisattvas, Masters, Gurus… that you personally
work with. Call upon the energies of the Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Chiron and
the Moon. And call upon all the celestial bodies in our solar system and
universe to assist with this activation.
Blend your energies with all of the activation's that are taking place at this
time: with the eclipse, the Star-Gate opening, grid alignments, matrices
activation's, geometry activation's, genetic activations… Connect to all the
power places on planet earth. Call upon the energies of Mother Earth, the
Cetacean Guardians of Mother Earth, the Devas of Planet Earth, the Agartha
Network (subterranean cities, and the people therein), the High Council of Water
Beings..., and anything or anyone else that occurs to you to invite in and
connect to, to assist with this divine alignment.
Then individually, you may say something like:
I call upon my I-AM-God-Goddess Presence to merge with me and activate my
MerKaBah now! And so it is! It is done!Or, "By Divine Decree, in the name of God-Goddess-All-That-Is,
Father-Mother-God, and the Divine Christ that I AM, I command from the Lord
God-Goddess of my Beingness for my MerKaBah to activate now! I now command this
MerKaBah to meld with the other MerKaBah's being activated around Planet Earth,
during this Harmonic Concordance. I command that it blend and combine in Divine
Synchrony to form one giant Planetary-Earth-Light-Ship".
Now see this happening. See your tetrahedrons spinning, and your entire MerKaBa
structure becoming a Light-Ship, in the shape of a "space" ship, or
the shape of galaxies.
(The reason space ships and galaxies have this shape, is because they are
MerKaBah's who's counter rotating fields are spinning, or have spun so fast that
the edges elongate, while the center remains centered. So the center is bubble
shaped. This is how you look in your individual space-time-dimension-ship).
As a group example, everyone in unison can say: "By Divine Decree, in the
name of God-Goddess-All-That-Is, Father-Mother-God, and the Divine Christ that I
AM, I command from the Lord God-Goddess of my Beingness for my MerKaBah to
activate now!
I now command my MerKaBah to meld and blend with the other MerKaBah's in this
We now command our group MerKaBah to combine in Divine Synchrony with the other
group MerKaBah's around Planet Earth to form Mother-Ship-Terra - for the
Ascension of humanity and Mother-Gaia to the higher dimensions of Love and
Light, Co-Creating Heaven on Earth! And so it is!". And in unison you may
Om together three times, or chant I AM, I AM, I AM!…
See all of this happening, individually, as a group, then as a planetary group.
(You may of course re-word these decrees and create your own to suit your
personal bias)
In Infinite Divine Concordance and Divine Love,