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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Živali, naši učitelji
09.10.2003 at 17:53:11
Evo, sm bolj na široko zastavila tale naslov topika, da bo več stvari not pasalo.

Hotla sem pa napisat, kot zanimivost, nekaj, kar sem slišala včeraj, ko sem na sprehodu v gozdu srečala neko ženico s kužatom. In ker je kuža že starejši, kraški ovčar, pravi, da je poleti si exra za to nabavila klimo, za vse živali pač in zanjo. In je zelo zanimivo, da odkar ima klimo se vse živali izogibajo tega prostora, čeprav so bli prej nonstop not. Kuža in muce, čim je klima prižgana odidejo ven.

A si kdo upa komentirat? Wink Grin
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Če nimaš lastnega sija,te
sij drugih ne bo osvetil

Posts: 760
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Re: Živali, naši učitelji
Reply #1 - 09.10.2003 at 19:15:11
očitno se ne znajo prilagajat Grin
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ravno prav
Posts: 5471
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Re: Živali, naši učitelji
Reply #2 - 09.10.2003 at 19:18:58
Ni blo nekje razloženo, da ti klima grdo razpiha auro al kako že Roll Eyes?
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Nobena čarovnija ne more ničesar spremeniti v kaj drugega, tega ni; sprememba v predstavi v srcu čarovnije je spoznanje, ne ustvarjanje.&&(S. Palwick)
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Re: Živali, naši učitelji
Reply #3 - 09.10.2003 at 20:51:59
mislim, da klima pozitivno ionizira zrak, kar vpliva na splošno slabo počutje.
ma sje ziher veste za to, sej se tud ionizatorji - dragi - zraka dobijo. suh zrak pozitivni ioni - vlažen zrak oz dež- negativni ioni, - te so tisti, ki bi jihmogl bolj z žlico jest, zato je pred dežjem lahko občutimo eno napetost v nas, ko se pa ulije, nam pa odleže..dežne kapljice pri trenju z zrakom tega negativno ionizirajo. čist ena naturopatska al kakšna fora že tole z zrakom.. zihr se na auri tud pozna.
piše v uni knjigi: Ko zdravila odpovedo
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Global Moderator

All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Živali, naši učitelji
Reply #4 - 10.10.2003 at 21:44:02
Animals: Equal Spirits

By Samantha McGovern

As a clairvoyant, my clients often ask about their pets. Some want to know if their pets are reincarnations of previous pets they’ve known or if their pets serve a special purpose in their lives other than the obvious shared affection and companionship. The answers I receive to both questions are almost always yes!

First, let me explain: Animals of all kinds, including human beings, are equal spirits. Just as we human beings have lessons to be learned and gifts to share with others during our physical experiences, so do domesticated pets and untamed animals. Ted Andrews, author of Animal-Speak, states, “Every existing creature manifests some aspect of the intelligence or power of the Eternal One...” I happen to agree with Mr. Andrews.

During my psychic readings, I often receive information regarding pets by connecting with them through spirit. Some animals are here to comfort us in times of loneliness and trouble, some offer messages from above, while others, as if they were angelic beings, are sent to rescue us from danger or warn us about life-threatening situations.

Regarding reincarnation, all animals reincarnate. I’ve learned, however, that they -- rather we -- don’t always come back as the same species or sex. Because we are all equal in spirit, we can choose any form of incarnation depending on the lessons involved and time requirements for those lessons. Consider this: A deceased grandparent needs to, for whatever reason, spend a few years with an incarnate grandchild who is not of child-bearing years. Could this special grandparent actually become the family pet until a more opportune human experience avails with the grandchild? Whether you believe so or not is your personal choice, but you might want to reconsider how you are treating ol’ Grandma/Fido! The possibilities are endless!

As messengers, some animals offer themselves as prey for our domesticated predators. Next time the cat brings in a lizard, think about it. Can the lizard teach you something? Is there a message? Next time a cricket irritates you with its chirping, ask yourself why. I just bet the chirping ceases when you seek the meaning. Anytime an animal appears to you personally, meditatively, or in dreams, ask yourself why. What is the meaning?

There are many books and resources, including Animal-Speak, that can help you determine the significance of (other than human) animals. If we human beings would simply take the time to discover the significance of different kinds of animals in our lives, we could acquire a tremendous amount of knowledge and understanding about the unity we share. Then we will uncover a deeper, more infinite glory with all who share in the “Eternal One” during our Earth experiences.http://www.loving-light.com/articles.htm
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Netopirji - ali so ogroženi?
Reply #5 - 02.04.2005 at 19:46:43
Ko pomisimo na ogrožene živali, se ponavadi spomnimo levov in tigrov..., pozabljamo pa na 'naše' netopirje, katerim bi z lahkoto pomagali, saj si z njimi delimo sosesko .

Netopirji rabijo našo pomoč, saj jih ogroža človek s svojimi posegi v okolje. Kliknite na povezavo, če vas zanima več: http://www.juliadoria.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=294&Itemid=6...

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Re: Živali, naši učitelji
Reply #6 - 03.04.2005 at 08:38:51

točno da bom naredu hiško v svojem vrtu!!! Hvala za opozorilo.
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Re: Živali, naši učitelji
Reply #7 - 03.04.2005 at 19:52:21
Kje pa je luknja oz. vhod v teh hiškah? Sem malce gledala slikice, pa mi ni najbolj jasno. Pa mi je ideja sicer všeč, bi rade volje gostila kakšnega netopirčka.
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Re: Živali, naši učitelji
Reply #8 - 04.04.2005 at 02:12:46
Kje pa je luknja oz. vhod v teh hiškah? Sem malce gledala slikice, pa mi ni najbolj jasno. Pa mi je ideja sicer všeč, bi rade volje gostila kakšnega netopirčka.

Lilith, Smiley
vhod je spodaj, ce bi slo za pticjo hisko, bi bilo to na podnu. Pravzaprav gre bolj za spranjo .. priblizno 3cm siroko, po celi dolzini .. skozi katero se netopir splazi v hisko.

Veliko uspeha in zabave pri izgradnji !!! Wink

Tule se kr dobro vidi, pa se demenzije so napisane.

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..to be more like me and
less like you...
Posts: 1554

Re: Živali, naši učitelji
Reply #9 - 04.04.2005 at 09:11:26
Oooo, tnx.  Smiley
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... Sometimes I feel that I should go and play with the thunder...
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 3

Re: Živali, naši učitelji
Reply #10 - 07.04.2005 at 13:05:47
..spoznajmo vendar že enkrat, da smo skozi čas spremenili marsikaj.., tudi živali...,....rastline.., Zdaj želimo nekaj,..oporo..,...vsak ve zase kar želi...,..........Živali nas ne bodo naučile, ničesar,...ker si bomo tisto, kar bi nas lahko naučili v naših glavah priredili našim potrebam in željam..
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Posts: 1457

Gender: male
Re: Živali, naši učitelji
Reply #11 - 07.04.2005 at 15:53:59
..mah ne vem no

..učim/o se od od živali, učim/o se od frendov, učim/o se od neznancev, znancev,   ..od svega i svašta.  
..uči nas ves  "Lajf"

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