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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
daleč od rodne barjanske grude
Gender: female
UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA - tečaji & ostalo
14.09.2003 at 20:56:30

Posredujem ...

Draga prijateljica, dragi prijatelj,

Minilo je še eno poletje in čas je, da vas obvestimo o prihajajočih tečajih in ostalih dogodkih:

1. Osnovni tečaj Umetnosti življenja I.
  • Ljubljana 25.09. do 30.09. - informacije in prijave pri Katji 01 537 14 65 / 041 293 897
  • Maribor 02.10. do 07.10. - informacije in prijave pri Katji 01 537 14 65 / 041 293 897
  • Piran 09.10. do 14.10. - informacije in prijave pri Boštjanu 05 388 10 76 / 041 545 407
  • Tolmin 16.10. do 21.10. - informacije in prijave pri Boštjanu 05 388 10 76 / 041 545 407

    2. Osnovni tečaj Umetnosti življenja II.
    V skladu z novo politiko se rezidenčni tečaji Umetnosti življenja II. od letošnje jeseni izvajajo le v Bad Antogastu, v Nemčiji. Naslednji tečaj za udeležence iz Slovenije in Hrvaške bo potekal od 24.09. do 30.09. Tečaj bo vodil učitelj iz Indije Bharat Shirur, eden od učiteljev, ki najbližje sodelujejo z Gurujijem. Cena tečaja ostaja enaka kot so bile cene za tečaj ko smo ga pripravljali še v Sloveniji. Potrebno pa ji je dodati stroške bivanja v višini 80 ?.

    3. Nadaljevalni tečaj
    Tudi letos bosta v Bad Antogastu v Nemčiji organizirana dva Božično-novoletna tečaja. Prvi od 19.12. do 26.12.2003 in drugi od 27.12.2003 do 03.01.2004. Cene 400 ? / 450 ? / 510 ?.

    4. Narada Bhakti sutre
    Lansko poletje je Guruji podal nove komentarje na ene najstarejših jogijskih zapisov, ki jih smatra za enega od petih temeljev znanja v fondaciji Art of Living. Komentarji so bili posneti na 20 videokaset, ki si jih bomo lahko ogledali tudi v Sloveniji. Informacije in prijave pri Gregorju, 041 600 956.

    5. Poljski ashram
    13.09. bo Guruji posvetil nov ashram v Taraski, Poljska. Posvetitev bo potekala v prisotnosti Gurujija, ki bo ob tej priložnosti izvedel tradicionalne vedske ceremonije (jagije). Cena 35 ?.

    6. Navaratri
    Od 26.09. do 04.10. bodo v ashramu v Bangaloreju v Indiji potekale proslave v čast Navaratrija. Vzporedno bo potekal tudi nadaljevalni tečaj od 26.09 do 30.09. Cena 300 USD.

    Jai Guru Dev,
    041 600 956
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    « Last Edit: 16.11.2003 at 08:32:40 by ARS »  

    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
    daleč od rodne barjanske grude
    Gender: female
    Re: Osnovni tečaj Umetnosti življenja I.
    Reply #1 - 14.09.2003 at 21:13:16

    Umetnost življenja - Art of Living:  http://www.artofliving.org/

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    is a spiritual master of extraordinary simplicity, wisdom and unconditional love. As a boy resplendent
    with radiance, he was recognized by the enlightened saints of the time as crowned with the divine.

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has established numerous non-profit educational & charitable organizations
    in over 140 countries throughout the world, including Art of Living Foundation (http://www.artofliving.org/),
    and International Association for Human Values (http://www.iahv.org/).

    He has pioneered the following programs - Prison SMART, ART EXCEL for the teens,
    Parenting the Angels for children, 5H Program for rural areas and has initiated project
    "Human Values and Human Rights in the Year 2000" with ex-Chancellor of Germany
    and the UN at the world exposition in Germany.

    He has served on the advisory board of Yale Univ. Divinity School. He was a featured speaker
    at the 50th anniversary celebrations of the UN, the International Conference on Buddhism in Japan,
    International Women’s Conference in Beijing.

    His gift and techniques to the world include Sudarshana Kriya™ (Proper vision of one self),
    Hollow and Empty™, Meditation, Yoga, Meditation in Motion™, Sound & Purification™,
    and much more.

    Kratek video o Sri Sri Ravi Shankarju in Art of Living fondaciji:

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    « Last Edit: 16.11.2003 at 10:09:43 by ARS »  

    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
    daleč od rodne barjanske grude
    Gender: female
    Re: Osnovni tečaj Umetnosti življenja I.
    Reply #2 - 14.09.2003 at 21:15:23

    The Art of Living Course

    Everyone wants more happiness, love, and peace of mind. What keeps us from increasing these qualities in our lives is stress. Often we don't realize the degree to which stress clouds our natural enthusiasm, saps our energy, interferes in our relationships, and affects our health.

    You will find that the Art of Living Course releases layers of stress without effort, removing blocks to the increased energy and joy that are our birthright.

    Ancient and Modern

    The course integrates modern methods with ancient spiritual heritage to bring you in touch with the silent core of your Being.

    You will discover the hidden laws that govern the mind, as well as skills for dealing effectively with negative emotions. In addition you will enjoy the ancient practices of yoga, meditation and rhythms of breath, as these are combined in new ways to nourish all levels of Body, Mind and Spirit.

    The Art of Living Course offers the practical wisdom of how to live gracefully in a stressful world, and also the deep spiritual experience necessary to put that knowledge into action.
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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
    daleč od rodne barjanske grude
    Gender: female
    Re: Osnovni tečaj Umetnosti življenja I.
    Reply #3 - 14.09.2003 at 21:21:45

    Sudarshan Kriya

    One of the main techniques taught on the Art of Living Basic Course, this powerful practice has a profound effect on the mind, body and spirit. Attention to the rhythms of the breath and their effect on health was part of the ancient knowledge of the art of living. Developed by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living, the Sudarshan Kriya® is a special breathing technique that triggers the mind and body to release stress.

    The key to understanding the enormous health implications of the Sudarshan Kriya and related breathing practices lies in understanding the relationship between the breath, the mind, the emotions, and the body. The breath is the key link between the mind, body, and emotions. By learning a special pattern of breathing, one can rid the system of accumulated stress and toxins, as well as release negative emotions and rejuvenate the body.

    "We need to do a cleansing process within ourselves. In sleep we get rid of fatigue, but the deeper stresses remain in our body. Sudarshan Kriya cleanses the system from the inside. The breath has a great secret to offer."

           Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Recent medical studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of the Sudarshan Kriya (and its related practices) taught in our Art of Living courses.
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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Posts: 6632

    Gender: female
    Re: Osnovni tečaj Umetnosti življenja I.
    Reply #4 - 15.09.2003 at 10:16:02
    Ars, a ti to prakticiraš?
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    Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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    I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

    Posts: 61

    Re: Osnovni tečaj Umetnosti življenja I.
    Reply #5 - 15.09.2003 at 18:59:17
      Cheesy ha, o tem sem zadnjič razlagala terry, o tečaju...

     srečanja, kjer se prakticira sudarshankriya so tudi v mb, žal mi je le, da nimam vedno časa Undecided

     na tečaju sem bila lani poleti, na smolniku, bilo je krasno,od petka do nedelje, da človek kar ne bi šel nazaj v dolino... Wink Smiley

     Vsekakor nekaj, kar ti ostane...Smiley

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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
    daleč od rodne barjanske grude
    Gender: female
    Re: Osnovni tečaj Umetnosti življenja I.
    Reply #6 - 16.09.2003 at 12:37:33
    m wrote on 15.09.2003 at 10:16:02:
    Ars, a ti to prakticiraš?

    Ker prakticiram "raziskovanje", bom na I. šla;
    zaradi določenih "naključij", pa tudi zato, ker vem, da svojih pljuč ne izrabljam in uporabljam "dovolj".

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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
    daleč od rodne barjanske grude
    Gender: female
    Re: Osnovni tečaj Umetnosti življenja I.
    Reply #7 - 16.09.2003 at 12:42:52

    Dodatni info tistim, ki vas ljubljanski tečaj, termin in cena zanimajo:

    v Ljubljani bo potekal na OŠ Dravlje, od 25. do 30. septembra,
    in sicer v četrtek, petek, ponedeljek in torek od 18h do 21h/21:30,
    v soboto in nedeljo pa od 9h do 14h/14:30.

    Cena je 25.000 SIT za zaposlene, 15.000 SIT za študente in brezposelne,
    a plačaš lahko na več obrokov, na toliko in tolikšne, kot lahko oz. zmoreš
    (zato naj ti tokrat denar ne bo izgovor, če slutiš, da bi ti nucal).

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    « Last Edit: 15.11.2003 at 03:05:55 by ARS »  

    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
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    Gender: female
    Re: Osnovni tečaj Umetnosti življenja I.
    Reply #8 - 30.09.2003 at 15:12:40

    Tko - danes imamo zadnji dan.
    Se po novem znam z dihanjem zadet ...  Wink

    ... in se počutim ... drugače & bolje ... kot pred začetkom tega tečaja.
    Imam na sumu, da nič več ne bo tako, kot je bilo prej ...  Wink

    Od petka mi ne paše meso; od sobote ne kadim; od nedelje ne pijem kave ...
    Nič od tega nisem izrecno imela v planu (zagotovo pa ne z udeležbo na tem tečaju),
    a vsaj zadnje dvoje vsekakor lahko kar vztraja z mano.  Wink  D'best!

    Udeležbo na tečaju UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA I. priporočam; močno & vsakomur!

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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Igor P.
    Global Moderator

    Če ne mores živeti, kot
    bi hotel, živi, kot zmoreš

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    Re: Osnovni tečaj Umetnosti življenja I.
    Reply #9 - 30.09.2003 at 21:26:03
    ARS wrote on 30.09.2003 at 15:12:40:
    Od petka mi ne paše meso; od sobote ne kadim; od nedelje ne pijem kave ...
    Nič od tega nisem izrecno imela v planu (zagotovo pa ne z udeležbo na tem tečaju),
    a vsaj zadnje dvoje vsekakor lahko kar vztraja z mano.  Wink  D'best!


    Bravo. Smiley

    Pa te nič delirij ne meče? Tongue Shocked Wink Kiss
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    Če bi tisti, ki me obrekujejo, natančno vedeli, kaj si o njih mislim, bi me še mnogo bolj obrekovali.
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
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    Gender: female
    Re: Osnovni tečaj Umetnosti življenja I.
    Reply #10 - 01.10.2003 at 06:42:50
    Pa te nič delirij ne meče? Tongue Shocked Wink Kiss

    Ne bledež, ne zmedenost, ne delirij, ne pomanjkanje, ... en sam ljubi gmah.  Wink
    In iskreno čudenje, kaj lahko človek "zgolj" z zavednim in osredotočenim dihanjem zase stori.
    Mar bi nas to v šoli učil ...  ???

    Hmm, a da sem jest kdaj kadila & kavo pila?  ???  Undecided  Pa da vsaj 80 % bolezni lahko preprečimo sami?

    Sicer pa bo čas pokazal, koliko gmaha in nadaljnjih presenetljivih učinkov si bom še zgodila,
    ker bom vaje redno oz. vsakodnevno delala. Se zavedam, da ne bo zgolj pri teh izredno opaznih ostalo ...  Wink

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    « Last Edit: 01.10.2003 at 13:08:45 by ARS »  

    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
    daleč od rodne barjanske grude
    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA - tečaji & ostalo
    Reply #11 - 01.10.2003 at 13:07:33


    ARS wrote on 30.09.2003 at 15:12:40:

    Udeležbo na tečaju UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA I. priporočam; močno & vsakomur!

    Termini v MB, Piranu & Tolminu so tik "pred vrati",
    v LJ pa se bo naslednji tečaj Umetnosti življenja I. začel predvidoma 16. oktobra 2003 - Katja, 041 293 897.

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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

    Posts: 61

    Re: Osnovni tečaj Umetnosti življenja I.
    Reply #12 - 06.10.2003 at 13:49:17
    ARS wrote on 01.10.2003 at 06:42:50:
    Mar bi nas to v šoli učil ...  ???


    ...se ne bi mogla bolj strinjat...Smiley
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

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    Gender: female
    Re: Osnovni tečaj Umetnosti življenja I.
    Reply #13 - 06.10.2003 at 15:37:03
    jasa wrote on 15.09.2003 at 18:59:17:
    na tečaju sem bila lani poleti, na smolniku,
    bilo je krasno, da človek kar ne bi šel nazaj v dolino... Wink Smiley  Vsekakor nekaj, kar ti ostane...Smiley

    In kaj je pri tebi "povzročil" ta tečaj?
    Še vedno delaš vaje?
    Se udeležiš kdaj tedenskega druženja oz. vaj?
    Si bila na nadaljevalnem tudi?

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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Ex Member

    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA - tečaji & ostalo
    Reply #14 - 06.10.2003 at 16:43:25
    ARS, kako je zdej s tabo, se fajn držiš?
    Velik vsega, kar je potrebno, da tole gvera..!  Kiss
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