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09.06.2003 at 09:45:12
dostkrat tukile na forumu opazam da jih velik pise o nekaksni "enosti", o brezpogojni/kozmicni/vesoljni ljubezni itd.

ali je to le "filing", al se da o tem tud kej povedat, ga z necem podprt itd? (glede tega kako se to doseze, kaj to je,  in kaj naj bi bil sploh smisel takega obcutenja).

kreden, himynameis, gape, marjana, kali, star12, littlestar, ten-nej itd. prosim povejte kej o tem.
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Re: enost...
Reply #1 - 09.06.2003 at 09:47:08
A drugi pa ne, al kaj? To pol ni enost. Wink
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Re: enost...
Reply #2 - 09.06.2003 at 09:49:26
kreden, himynameis, gape, marjana, kali, star12, littlestar, ten-nej itd. prosim povejte kej o tem.

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Re: enost...
Reply #3 - 09.06.2003 at 09:49:43
dostkrat tukile na forumu opazam da jih velik pise o nekaksni "enosti", o brezpogojni/kozmicni/vesoljni ljubezni itd.

ali je to le "filing", al se da o tem tud kej povedat, ga z necem podprt itd? (glede tega kako se to doseze, kaj to je,  in kaj naj bi bil sploh smisel takega obcutenja).

kreden, himynameis, gape, marjana, kali, star12, littlestar, ten-nej itd. prosim povejte kej o tem.

Filing, ki sem ga že doživela, občutila.

Razložit pa ne vem če se ga da, oz. jaz ga ne znam, pa niti ne vem če se mi da razumsko pristopat k temu. Wink

Je stanje, v katerem bi bilo fino skoz bit. Cheesy Pot do tja še iščem...
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Re: enost...
Reply #4 - 09.06.2003 at 09:55:07
m wrote on 09.06.2003 at 09:49:43:
Je stanje, v katerem bi bilo fino skoz bit. Pot do tja še iščem...

kako si pa takrat prvikrat do tega prisla in zakaj si ga pol izpustila iz rok ce je bilo fino?
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Re: enost...
Reply #5 - 09.06.2003 at 09:56:06
kako si pa takrat prvikrat do tega prisla in zakaj si ga pol izpustila iz rok ce je bilo fino?

Kar zgodilo se je... in potem je minilo.

Pokazano mi je bilo kaj je cilj. Wink
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Re: enost...
Reply #6 - 09.06.2003 at 09:57:51
Arjan, kje si mene našel, da ti kaj povem o enosti.
Če bi ti pa že kaj povedal o enosti, bi se pa ti lepo usedel in zjokal sam nad sabo.
Ker pa govorim praktično same neumnosti, ti pa ne bom nič napisal o enosti.
Ker potem se bodo nekateri na velko razpisali o moji napisani neumnosti in potem se bo krog ponovno začel sukati.
Aryan, kreden piše neumnosti in če nočeš biti neumen, ga ne sprašuj.
Raje se vsedi v lotosov položaj in se uči Gito, ti bo bolj delo in padlo na dušo.
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Re: enost...
Reply #7 - 09.06.2003 at 10:01:11
m wrote on 09.06.2003 at 09:56:06:
Kar zgodilo se je... in potem je minilo.

ce se je "kar zgodilo", kako pa pol lahko upamo da bi nasl Pot do tja?

Pokazano mi je bilo kaj je cilj. Wink

od koga pokazano? in kako lahko vemo da naj bi bil tist cilj? a
je bilo le neki "nenavadnega" ali si se kej druzga obcutla ob tem?
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Re: enost...
Reply #8 - 09.06.2003 at 10:24:31

jaz VEM da je pot do tja, in da LAHKO pridem tja Smiley
in ČUTIM da je tisto cilj Wink
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Re: enost...
Reply #9 - 09.06.2003 at 10:46:10
m wrote on 09.06.2003 at 10:24:31:
jaz VEM da je pot do tja, in da LAHKO pridem tja in ČUTIM da je tisto cilj

spet samo filing? se prav si zdej trenutno nezadovoljna ker tistga se nisi dosegla, obenem pa ves in cutis da se da in da si to tud zelis?
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Posts: 6632

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Re: enost...
Reply #10 - 09.06.2003 at 11:07:05
a sva spet na razlicnih frekvencah? Wink

kaj pa tebe muci, pravzaprav?
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Re: enost...
Reply #11 - 09.06.2003 at 11:13:22
m wrote on 09.06.2003 at 11:07:05:
a sva spet na razlicnih frekvencah?

kako pa da sva sploh lahko (kako je to mogoce) na razlicnih frekvencah, a ni tko al tko vse eno?

kaj pa tebe muci, pravzaprav?

nic me ne muci (razen moj lažni ponos), sam zanima me o tej stvari, ki jo velik oseb dostkrat kle na forumu omenja, ampak zmeri zavito v nekaksno "skrivnost", "onkrajnost" itd. pa me je to zainteresiral, zato pa sprasujem. in to sem tud napisal v prvem postu tega topika, ce je kdo prpravlen kej vec o tem govort/pisat.
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Re: enost...
Reply #12 - 09.06.2003 at 11:32:57
"Vse, kar je, pač je. In zato edino, prvo in zadnje. V življenju ni nič vznemirjajočega, vmesnega in iščočega. Vse je dejansko, dokončno. Vendar iščoči tega ne vidi, niti ne bi bil zmožen sprejeti. Ko pa postane dovolj močan za svobodo, iz iskanja odide. Tedaj šele je pripravljen stopiti v življenje. Kajti dokler kdo ni pripravljen dati, tudi vzeti ne mara".
A. Grabar
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Re: enost...
Reply #13 - 09.06.2003 at 12:01:07
ni sicer direkt na temo enosti, je pa zadost ...
se reče ... v enosti smo itak skoz ... samo tisto vibracijo ki smo jo nalimal preko osnovne vibracije (skupne vibracije) je treba skint, jo vrnt nazaj tja kamor spada ... to the source.
pol pride u sceno še dvigovanje vibracije (skupne) in seveda posledično naše proti tja ...

Enlightenment is a joke! (by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar)

Seekers on the spiritual path are curious to know about Enlightenment. What is Enlightenment? I say, ‘‘Enlightenment is like a joke!’’ It is like a fish in the ocean searching for the ocean.

Once upon a time, there was a congregation of fish, who got together to discuss who among them had seen the ocean. None of them could say they had actually seen the ocean. Then one fish said, ‘‘I think my great grandfather had seen the ocean!’’ A second fish said, ‘‘Yes, yes, I have also heard about this.’’ A third fish said, ‘‘Yes, certainly, his great grandfather had seen the ocean.’’

So they built a huge temple and made a statue of the great grandfather of that particular fish! They said, ‘‘He had seen the ocean. He had been connected with the ocean.’’

Enlightenment is the very core of our being; going to the core of our self and living our life from there.

We all came into this world gifted with innocence, but gradually, as we became more intelligent, we lost our innocence. We were born with silence and as we grew up, we lost the silence and were filled with words. We lived in our hearts and as time passed, we moved into our heads.

Now the reversal of this journey is enlightenment. It is the journey from the head back to the heart, from words back to silence; getting back to our innocence in spite of our intelligence. Although very simple, this is a great achievement.

Knowledge should lead you to that beautiful point of ‘‘I don’t know.’’ The purpose of knowledge is ignorance!

The completion of knowledge will lead you to amazement and wonder. It makes you aware of this existence. Mysteries are to be lived, not understood. One can live life as fully in its completeness, in its totality.

Enlightenment is that state of being mature and unshakeable under any circumstances. Come what may, nothing can rob the smile from your heart. Going beyond the limited boundaries, and feeling ‘‘all that exists in this universe belongs to me,’’ is enlightenment.

Unenlightenment is easy to define. It is limiting yourself by saying, ‘‘I belong to this particular place’’, ‘‘I am from that culture’’ or ‘‘I belong to this religion’’.

It is like children saying, ‘‘My dad is better than your dad,’’ or ‘‘My toy is better than your toy.’’ I think most people around the world are stuck in that mental age group, just the toys have changed. Adults say, ‘‘My country is better than your country’’ or ‘‘my religion is better than your religion.’’

A Christian will say, ‘‘The Bible is truth,’’ and a Hindu will say, ‘‘The Vedas are the truth. They are very ancient.’’ Muslims will say, ‘‘The Koran is the last word of God.’’ We attribute glory to something just because we are from that culture, not for what it is.

If one could take credit for all that exists throughout the ages and feel as though ‘‘It belongs to me,’’ then, that is maturity. ‘‘This is my wealth because I belong to the divine.’’

The Divine, according to time and space, gave different knowledge in different places. One becomes the knower of the whole universe and can say ‘‘all the beautiful flowers are from my garden.’’

The whole evolution of man is from being somebody to being nobody, and from being nobody to being everybody.

Have you observed that young children have that sense of belonging that oneness, that innocence? As we grew up we lost that innocence and became more cunning. The innocence of an ignorant man has no value, and the cunningness of an intelligent man also has no value.

Enlightenment is a rare combination of innocence and intelligence, having words for expression and, at the same time, being very silent. In that state, the mind is fully in the present moment. Whatever is necessary is revealed to you in such a natural and spontaneous way, you just sit and the song of the nature flows throug

no pa še tale:

za vse tiste ki _hočmo_ razumet ...
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Re: enost...
Reply #14 - 09.06.2003 at 12:10:07
vse lepo in prav, ampak kaj pa v praksi?
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