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Igor P.
Global Moderator

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Posts: 4800
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Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #75 - 19.09.2003 at 01:19:42
I just wanna be with you
by Chris Rea

I just wanna be with you
No matter what they say
Just wanna be with you
Every night and every day
Cold nights, dark days
I wanna be with you

I just wanna be with you
Till the final curtain falls
Just wanna be with you
Then know nothing at all
Cold nights, dark days
I wanna be with you
Wanna be with you

I know there's a price to pay
For doing what we do
But I just wanna be with you
Just wanna be with you

Don't wanna hold you down
Whatever that you do
Shine on, sweet angel
'Cos I just wanna be with you
I wanna be with you
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Če bi tisti, ki me obrekujejo, natančno vedeli, kaj si o njih mislim, bi me še mnogo bolj obrekovali.
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Igor P.
Global Moderator

Če ne mores živeti, kot
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Posts: 4800
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Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #76 - 19.09.2003 at 01:23:03
Light of hope
by Chris Rea

This is the garden that I know
Ten thousand summers wait me here
You lead and I will follow
Your heart is mine tomorrow
Into your womb I fade away

And while she laughs
Your pride is turning into snow
And melting on the face of this light of hope
Shine on, light of hope
Light of hope

And while she laughs
Your pride is turning into snow
And dancing on the graves of what you thought you used to know
And in this garden I will burn my callous robes
And forever love my darling
Light of hope
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Če bi tisti, ki me obrekujejo, natančno vedeli, kaj si o njih mislim, bi me še mnogo bolj obrekovali.
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Igor P.
Global Moderator

Če ne mores živeti, kot
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Posts: 4800
Gender: male
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #77 - 19.09.2003 at 01:32:55
Wish You Were Here
by Pink Floyd

So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts? Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze? Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground. What have you found? The same old fears.
Wish you were here.
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Če bi tisti, ki me obrekujejo, natančno vedeli, kaj si o njih mislim, bi me še mnogo bolj obrekovali.
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Ex Member

Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #78 - 19.09.2003 at 09:26:28
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Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #79 - 19.09.2003 at 10:16:16

sicer je štekam, zakaj med glasbene tekste... je pa  8)

Remember compliments you receive. Forget the insults. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Ex Member

Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #80 - 19.09.2003 at 10:30:28
m wrote on 19.09.2003 at 10:16:16:
sicer je štekam, zakaj med glasbene tekste... je pa  8)


Marjana, to JE štikl  8) (pesem, melodija, hakl, komad...), sicer res, da dost lapa not, ampak kot je že Ghandi rekel: Vse, kar boste počeli se vam bo zdelo nepomembno, pa vendar je zelo pomembno, da to počnete. Ne vem, kaj sem zdaj hotla rečt sicer, pa dobro.. 8)
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Posts: 6632

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Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #81 - 19.09.2003 at 11:06:30
Marjana, to JE štikl  8) (pesem, melodija, hakl, komad...), sicer res, da dost lapa not, ampak kot je že Ghandi rekel: Vse, kar boste počeli se vam bo zdelo nepomembno, pa vendar je zelo pomembno, da to počnete. Ne vem, kaj sem zdaj hotla rečt sicer, pa dobro.. 8)

aaa, še eno malo razsvetljenje!  Grin

no pa daj povej malo več: kdo, kaj, kdaj, zakaj, kako? Wink
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #82 - 19.09.2003 at 13:40:36
direkt iz srca  Smiley


               Moji su drugovi biseri rasuti po celom svetu
               I ja sam selica pa ih po nekad sretnem u letu
               Da l' je to sudbina, il' ko zna sta li je
               Kad god se sretnemo, uvek se zalije
               Uvek se zavrsi, s nekom od nasih pesama.

               Moji su drugovi zestoki momci velikog srca
               I kad se pije i kad se ljubi i kad se puca
               Gore, od Aljaske, do Australije
               Kad god se sretnemo, uvek se zalije
               Uvek se zavrsi, s nekom od nasih pesama.

               Da smo zivi i zdravi jos godina sto
               Da je pesme i vina i da nas cuva Bog
               Da su najbolje zene uvek pored nas
               Jer ovaj zivot je kratak i prozuji za cas.

               Za moje drugove ja molim vetrove za puna jedra
               Puteve sigurne, a noci zvezdane i jutra vedra
               Da l' je to sudbina il' ko zna sta li je
               Kad god se sretnemo uvek se zalije
               Uvek se zavrsi, s nekom od nasih pesama.

               Da smo zivi i zdravi jos godina sto
               Da je pesme i vina i da nas cuva Bog
               Da su najbolje zene uvek pored nas
               Jer ovaj zivot je kratak i prozuji za cas.

               Moji su drugovi biseri rasuti po celom svetu
               I ja sam selica pa ih po nekad sretnem u letu
               Da l' je to sudbina il' ko zna sta li je
               Kad god se sretnemo uvek se zalije
               Uvek se zavrsi s nekom od nasih pesama.
               Uvek se zavrsi s nekom od nasih pesama.
               Uvek se zavrsi s nekom od nasih pesama.
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Now it's your time to
Posts: 45

Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #83 - 21.09.2003 at 16:25:52
Siddharta - Naiven ples

Kadar srce boli britve režejo,
vratove do krvi trupla padajo,
a na koncu spere dež vse poražene,
prepih v žilah le,
stre ljudi in umaže pesti.

Ta naiven zadnji ples,
ne bo nam dal peres,
le grozljive slike pred ime,
in nazaj korakov ni le kraj,
koder tema je kraljica saj.

Trpljenje pije znoj in solzi oči,
težko je bit heroj iz objestnosti,
ni treba žlice gret in žret vseh teh tablet,
v glavi sproži plaz in za zmeraj ustavi nam čas.

Zdaj umira na dežju,
nikogar ni nikjer,
zdaj je sam in zanj ostaja le nemir,
in krvavo bo meso,
spomin ohranjalo,
na jesen komu bo dih ustavilo.

Ta naiven zadnji ples,
ne bo nam dal peres,
le grozljive slike pred ime,
in nazaj korakov ni le kraj,
koder tema je kraljica saj.

Zdaj umira na dežju,
nikogar ni nikjer,
zdaj je sam in zanj ostaja le nemir,
in krvavo bo meso,
spomin ohranjalo,
na jesen ko mu je dih ustavilo.

Zdaj umira na dežju,
nikogar ni nikjer,
zdaj je sam in zanj ostaja le nemir,
in krvavo bo meso,
spomin ohranjalo,
na jesen ko mu je dih ustavilo.
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ravno prav
Posts: 5471
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Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #84 - 24.09.2003 at 10:43:37
Crvena jabuka

Ona dolazi, jednostavno osjetim
možda mi šapne snijeg sa grana
šta mi donosi, kusuru ljubavi
il malo sreće, minuli dana
neznam kako al' znam, ona dolazi.

Kad suze govore, istina razvaljuje
i svaka riječ me obori s nogu
to što si varala, to bi ti oprostio
al' što si mene to ne mogu.

Tugo, tugo nesrećo
nikoga nisam tako volio.

Kad suze govore, istina razvaljuje
i svaka riječ me obori s nogu
to što si varala, to bi ti oprostio
al' što si mene to ne mogu.
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Nobena čarovnija ne more ničesar spremeniti v kaj drugega, tega ni; sprememba v predstavi v srcu čarovnije je spoznanje, ne ustvarjanje.&&(S. Palwick)
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Igor P.
Global Moderator

Če ne mores živeti, kot
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Posts: 4800
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Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #85 - 25.09.2003 at 23:23:45
Ena bolj domača, pa iskriva.

Andrej Šifrer

Pred davnimi sto in nekaj še leti,
je stvarnik nebeški pač hotel imeti
natančne podatke
vseh svojih stvari
in izvedeti želje vseh živih ljudi.

Na svet, ki takrat še pregrešno
je zgledal, poslal je poslance,
jim tak' zapovedal,
naj vsa naročila takoj izvrše
in grešnikom grehe takoj odpuste.

Ves svet komisija je ta prehodila
in grešnikom grehe je vse odpustila,
le tam pod Golico, kjer danes je raj,
zgodil se je čudež,
povem vam zakaj.

Laj la laj la laj ...

Ob poti na trati je dekle sedelo,
jokalo je dekle in bridko ihtelo.
Sočutno svet' Peter jo vpraša tedaj,
Čemu da se joče, pove naj zakaj.

"Iskala sem rožic',
pa jih nisem dobila,
da venček bi spletla,
ki sem ga izgubila."
Sočutno svet' Peter se nasmeji,
v naravo brez rož tako govori:

"Kol'kor se venčkov je tukaj izgubilo,
tol'ko narcis na tem hribu bo vzklilo.
Naj vsaka narcia pomeni en greh,
ki tukaj se bil je zgodil na teh tleh."

Laj la laj la laj ...

Za glavo prijel se je mož komisije,
ker čudež največje je bil dimenzije.
Kjerkoli je hodil, kjerkoli je bil,
cvetočih ostankov devic je dobil.

Zato še dandanes hodijo device
pod krinko izletov po te bele cvetlice
in trgajo, pulijo, brišejo sled,
da nad dejstvom tem groznim
bi ne zgražal s svet.
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Če bi tisti, ki me obrekujejo, natančno vedeli, kaj si o njih mislim, bi me še mnogo bolj obrekovali.
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Igor P.
Global Moderator

Če ne mores živeti, kot
bi hotel, živi, kot zmoreš

Posts: 4800
Gender: male
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #86 - 27.09.2003 at 11:45:43
Everything is Broken
by Bob Dylan

Broken lines, broken strings,
Broken threads, broken springs,
Broken idols, broken heads,
People sleeping in broken beds.
Ain't no use jiving
Ain't no use joking
Everything is broken.

Broken bottles, broken plates,
Broken switches, broken gates,
Broken dishes, broken parts,
Streets are filled with broken hearts.
Broken words never meant to be spoken,
Everything is broken.

Bridge: Seem like every time you stop and turn around
Something else just hit the ground

Broken cutters, broken saws,
Broken buckles, broken laws,
Broken bodies, broken bones,
Broken voices on broken phones.
Take a deep breath, feel like you're chokin',
Everything is broken.

Bridge: Every time you leave and go off someplace
Things fall to pieces in my face

Broken hands on broken ploughs,
Broken treaties, broken vows,
Broken pipes, broken tools,
People bending broken rules.
Hound dog howling, bull frog croaking,
Everything is broken.
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Če bi tisti, ki me obrekujejo, natančno vedeli, kaj si o njih mislim, bi me še mnogo bolj obrekovali.
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Igor P.
Global Moderator

Če ne mores živeti, kot
bi hotel, živi, kot zmoreš

Posts: 4800
Gender: male
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #87 - 27.09.2003 at 11:47:27
Forever Young
by Bob Dylan

May God bless and keep you always,
May your wishes all come true,
May you always do for others
And let others do for you.
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.

May you grow up to be righteous,
May you grow up to be true,
May you always know the truth
And see the lights surrounding you.
May you always be courageous,
Stand upright and be strong,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.

May your hands always be busy,
May your feet always be swift,
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift.
May your heart always be joyful,
May your song always be sung,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.
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Če bi tisti, ki me obrekujejo, natančno vedeli, kaj si o njih mislim, bi me še mnogo bolj obrekovali.
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Igor P.
Global Moderator

Če ne mores živeti, kot
bi hotel, živi, kot zmoreš

Posts: 4800
Gender: male
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #88 - 27.09.2003 at 11:49:50
Gates of Eden
by Bob Dylan

Of war and peace the truth just twists
Its curfew gull just glides
Upon four-legged forest clouds
The cowboy angel rides
With his candle lit into the sun
Though its glow is waxed in black
All except when 'neath the trees of Eden

The lamppost stands with folded arms
Its iron claws attached
To curbs 'neath holes where babies wail
Though it shadows metal badge
All and all can only fall
With a crashing but meaningless blow
No sound ever comes from the Gates of Eden

The savage soldier sticks his head in sand
And then complains
Unto the shoeless hunter who's gone deaf
But still remains
Upon the beach where hound dogs bay
At ships with tattooed sails
Heading for the Gates of Eden

With a time-rusted compass blade
Aladdin and his lamp
Sits with Utopian hermit monks
Side saddle on the Golden Calf
And on their promises of paradise
You will not hear a laugh
All except inside the Gates of Eden

Relationships of ownership
They whisper in the wings
To those condemned to act accordingly
And wait for succeeding kings
And I try to harmonize with songs
The lonesome sparrow sings
There are no kings inside the Gates of Eden

The motorcycle black madonna
Two-wheeled gypsy queen
And her silver-studded phantom cause
The gray flannel dwarf to scream
As he weeps to wicked birds of prey
Who pick up on his bread crumb sins
And there are no sins inside the Gates of Eden

The kingdoms of Experience
In the precious wind they rot
While paupers change possessions
Each one wishing for what the other has got
And the princess and the prince
Discuss what's real and what is not
It doesn't matter inside the Gates of Eden

The foreign sun, it squints upon
A bed that is never mine
As friends and other strangers
From their fates try to resign
Leaving men wholly, totally free
To do anything they wish to do but die
And there are no trials inside the Gates of Eden

At dawn my lover comes to me
And tells me of her dreams
With no attempts to shovel the glimpse
Into the ditch of what each one means
At times I think there are no words
But these to tell what's true
And there are no truths outside the Gates of Eden
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Če bi tisti, ki me obrekujejo, natančno vedeli, kaj si o njih mislim, bi me še mnogo bolj obrekovali.
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Ride si sapis!
Posts: 5103
Gender: male
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #89 - 01.10.2003 at 09:09:02

Loose Fit

Has to be a loose fit
Has to be a loose fit

Go on move in it, go on do your bit
Small, big take your pick
Doesn't have to be legit

It' s gotta be a loose fit
It' s gotta be a loose fit

Don't need no skin tights in my wardrobe today
Fold them all up and put them all away
Won't be no misfit in my household today
Pick them all out and send them on their way
Do what you're doing, say what you're saying
Go where you're going, think what you're thinking
Sounds good to me

Don't know what you saw, but you know it's against the law
And you know that you want some more
I've heard it all before
Gonna buy an airforce base
Gonna wipe out your race
Get stoned in a different place
Don't you know i got better taste
Do what you're doing, say what you're saying
Go where you're going, think what you're thinking
It sound good to me

Do what you're doing, spend what you're owing
Pay what you're paying, look where you're going
Say what you're thinking, kill who you're killing
Sing if you're singing, speak if you're speaking
Sounds good to me

8) 8)
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Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
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