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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Meditacije za vsak dan
03.01.2003 at 14:44:01
Evo, obljuba dela dolg, sicer je mal trajalo, a se za dobre stvari splača malo počakati... Wink Grin

                                Meditacija v zlati mreži

Sprostimo se…

Vsedemo se  tako, da imamo  stopala na tleh in smo  povezani z mati Zemljo…

Začnemo, globoko vdihnemo… sapo zadržujemo 4 srčne utripe, in jo zatem izdihnemo…

Še enkrat, vdihnemo in čutimo belo svetlobo ljubezni in zaščite, kako vstopa in prodira v vsako celico, vsak živčni končič našega telesa…spet zadržujemo sapo… izdihnemo in čutimo kako izginevajo  vsi  strahovi,  jeza in dvomi…

In zopet se sprostimo, tokrat še bolj globoko, sedaj, ko nadaljujemo z dihanjem…

Znajdemo se v gozdni soteski, obkroženi z visokimi borovci… Medtem ko sedimo, se razgledujemo naokrog in opazimo njihovo dostojanstveno krasoto…

Vetrček neslišno pihlja skozi ta tihi gozdiček, slišimo šelestenje zibajočih vej in na obrazu čutimo njegovo nežno sapo …

Sedimo tam, se grejemo na soncu, se samo sproščamo in smo…

Zagledamo se  na levo in opazimo slabotno svetlikanje, ki se pojavi na travniku  poleg  borovca in se začudimo kaj to je…

Medtem ko spoštljivo gledamo, začne svetlikanje postajati bolj razločno…Začne se spreminjati v niz zlate svetlobe v obliki ogromne mreže… Ko se matearializira še več svetlobe, se počutimo zelo mirne…

Zdi se, da nam mreža pomigne, naj se ji približamo in jo raziščemo, torej vstanemo in stopamo proti njenemu robu…
Čutimo spoštovanje, smo brez strahu …

Ko stopimo na eno izmed zlatih niti, smo presenečeni, ko ugotovimo, da je tako močna, da lahko podpira našo telesno težo…
Vidno je, da se razteza daleč stran…

Počutimo se lahke, plavajoče, ko se pričnemo vzpenjati… Počutimo se žive in kar izžarevamo ljubezen…

V daljavi zagledamo zlata vrata,
Za trenutek se ustavimo in pogledamo nazaj…
Gozd in pojava dreves se nam sedaj  zdijo mnogo manjši…

Pot nadaljujemo navzgor in  opazimo, da vrata postajajo vedno večja…
Počutimo se presenetljivo lahke in zračne…
Imamo zvišane vibracije…
Dosežemo zlata vrata, ki so gromozanska… Za trenutek razmišljamo, nato pa se zaženemo proti njim… So lahka in potiho nihajo navznoter…

Za trenutek obstojimo na vhodu in se odločamo ali se želimo vrniti nazaj ali nadaljevati…
Pogledamo nazaj, navzdol po mreži, gozd se zdi čisto majcen, v velikosti otroške igrače…

Zdaj se prebudi naša radovednost, odločimo se nadaljevati…
Prestopimo prag in vstopimo…

Navdušeno obstanemo v kristalnem hodniku; veliki kristalni stebri stojijo  v popolnih intervalih… Kristalni lestenci mečejo prizmično  svetlobo, ki se na zidovih odraža kot mavrica…tla so narejena iz črnega oyxa…

Na koncu dolgega hodnika stojijo še ena vrata…
Hodimo proti vratom; so odprta in skozi sije sončna svetloba…

Ko dosežemo vrata, pogledamo  ven , s pogledom  navzdol po gromozanski piramidi… Prizor, ki vzbuja spoštovanje…

Daleč spodaj, vidimo velik park, ki se razteza okoli piramide;
Drevesa, travniki in srebrno modro jezero, zaključijo spodnji prizor…

Opazimo, da smo na pristajališču, vzdolž zidu, zelo blizu vrha…
Medtem ko se sprašujemo, kako bi prišli na dno, se kar znajdemo tam…

Pogledamo navzgor in vidimo, da ta stran piramide sega skoraj do oblakov…
Sestavljena je iz neke vrste neprozornega kristala, in ko se sončna svetloba premika, zgoraj  skozi oblake, se nam zdi, da spreminja barvne odtenke in sence mehkih barv…

Opazimo območje neposredno pred oporiščem; pot tlakovana s kamenjem za tlak vodi docela okoli piramide…

Odločimo se, da raziščemo območje in tako začnemo hoditi skozi oporišče…
Vsaka stran je kar predolga in nam vzame kar nekaj časa, preden jo prehodimo… Medtem, ko hodimo, vpijamo vase  vtise…

Čutimo pomirjene in vesele  vibracije, ki odmevajo s piramide, po premisleku, se skladajo z vibracijami naše duše…
Ko zavijemo za vogal, zagledamo oddaljen tempelj, podoben kristalnim stavbam, vendar se najprej odločimo raziskati piramido…

Čutimo toplo sonce, zdi se kot bi ogrel našega duha in nam pomagal, da se počutimo zelo žive… Mehki,  beli,  napihnjeni oblački se leno zbirajo nad našimi glavami…

Zavijemo za naslednji vogal…pridemo v območje, ki nas spominja na ulični lokal…  mize in stoli zapolnjujejo prostor in nad vsako  mizo je platnena  streha, podobna  mareli…
Je kot paviljon…

Opazimo, da je razen treh ljudi,  prazen, …
Ti stojijo in nas pozdravijo, ko se približamo…Vsak od njih nas objame in nam pove svoje ime…

Moškemu je ime  M’barra in je čuvaj,
Prvi  ženski, visoki blondinki, je ime  Kolondra, ona je čuvaj in vodnik, objame nas in nas poljubi na obraz…

Drugi  ženski je ime  Xanthia, je čuvaj in svetovalka… Na voljo ima veliko informacij…
Vzemite si trenutek časa, da vidite, če ima kateri od njih za nas kako sporočilo…

Razkažejo  nam celotno območje, piramida se uporablja za zdravljenje in meditacijo… Stavbe podobne templjem so Sobane znanja…

Objasnijo nam, da moramo samo prehoditi zlato mrežo in jih lahko kadarkoli obiščemo…
Objamemo jih in se jim zahvalimo, nato se obrnemo, da odidemo…
Oni  izginejo…

Zopet se znajdemo v gozdu, kjer  sedimo in opazujemo izginevati zlato mrežo…
Hkrati smo srečni in žalostni…
Srečni za doživetje, žalostni, ker se je končalo…
Z nasmehom se spomnimo, da lahko kadarkoli spet obiščemo zlato mrežo…

Najsvetlejše blagoslove…

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Če nimaš lastnega sija,te
sij drugih ne bo osvetil

Posts: 760
Gender: male
Re: Meditacije za vsak dan
Reply #1 - 19.02.2003 at 11:06:36
Hvala Kali Cheesy Wink
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Meditacije za vsak dan
Reply #2 - 19.02.2003 at 13:20:09
Ni zakaj, Ziby! Smiley
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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domišlija je pomembnejša
od znanja-Albert Einsten

Posts: 788
Gender: male
Re: Meditacije za vsak dan
Reply #3 - 21.02.2003 at 08:54:32
dobr to...
a pa si že kj probala to meditacijo - vsak dan  Wink
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nikoli ne smemo prenehati postavljati vprašanj-radovednost ima lasten razlog za svoj obstoj- začutimo lahko le globoko spoštovanje do skrivnosti večnosti-nikdar ne izgubite svete radovednosti-Einsten
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Meditacije za vsak dan
Reply #4 - 21.02.2003 at 11:57:17
Veš da ne, mam pa več različnih drugače, radarje pa imam vklopljene, da še kako najdem kje, da jo lahko ob ponedeljkih na chatu uporabim!

Če ima kdo kako, se priporočam, jo lahko kle objavite, jih bomo sprobal! Smiley
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Meditacije za vsak dan
Reply #5 - 13.03.2003 at 01:44:51
An important meditation

Hello Humans,

I would like to thank you all for sharing this ride through reality with me. I believe we are all learning to use our will to create the reality we experience. I believe we humans are at a key inflection point in our spiritual development right now. We can become more than we have ever been or we can continue an endless cycle of repeating past mistakes. It is important that we recognize that love is a powerful energy that can be harnessed and used to uplift humanity. I believe we need to unite our love energy and allow it to way in on the state of the world events that we will experience. I have a meditation that will help us unite our love energy. Please allow me to share it with you.

For at least a few minutes everyday take some quiet time and imagine your body as a filament of light that is radiating a rainbow of colors. Imagine that there is a golden light radiating up from the center of the earth. Imagine a shaft of gold light coming up from the center of the earth directly under you and encompassing you. Imagine your lightbody sliding down the gold shaft of light to the center of the earth where you join with all other loving souls here on and in earth. Merge with the gold light at the center of the earth and radiate as much love and care for humanity and for earth as you can for as long as you can. Float back up the gold shaft and into your body. Continue to radiate the rainbow and gold light as you go on with your day.



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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Meditacije za vsak dan
Reply #6 - 13.03.2003 at 01:48:32

A New Beginning – Meditation 101.1
Well, well, well. It seems even the X can forget himself sometimes. In my attempt to give some examples of things to do in a meditative state, I forgot my original purpose. I forgot that this is a beginning course. I will not make the same mistake again. If you are one of the many who tried self-healing, or energy retraction and had no results, I apologize. It is my fault.

Let us begin anew. If you have not read the first post on Meditation, please do so. If you have not read the post on Things to do in Meditation, skip it. It will do little good. First we must build the base, or the pyramid will topple. The following are very short, but very instructive meditation firsts. They will get you into the feel of meditation. Each of these is designed to focus on a specific area of development. All of the feelings you experience will be built upon later. Look at these as practice and sustainment. They are meant to be of use to beginners and those who are more advanced but are lacking in one or more areas or the basics, or any level that is pressed for time. I would suggest limiting yourself to 15 or so minutes per session in the beginning. You can do these in any order, but try them all. Many may surprise you in the feelings and elightenment you receive. Peace be with you in your endeavors.


This meditation uses a aural focus, in this case music. Find a classic piece you enjoy or one of the many you may find that are labeled for meditation. Whale sounds, water, forest noises, any of these are fine. Begin your meditation as described earlier, or via any method of your choice, with the music playing. Be sure to have a long enough piece that you can complete the exercise without having to break your state to rewind the tape or restart the CD. Be sure your back is well supported and as straight as possible. Once you are fully relaxed, listen to the music, don’t just hear it. Feel it flow through you. Don’t anticipate or hum along, make it part of you and you part of it. Allow any thoughts or feelings you might have pass by. Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in any of these. Just let them be and be one with the music. When you have reached the point where there is no sound but the music and you actually feel it all over your body, you have completed. You may come out of the meditation as you like.


This meditation uses a visual focus, light. Begin in the usual fashion. You are going to create the rainbow within yourself one color at a time. Remember Roy G. Biv, the colors of the rainbow. If you can’t see them at first, don’t worry. Just imagine that they are there. Start with red, see it come at you, around you, then fill you. Follow with orange, then yellow. Green, blue, indigo, violet. See and feel yourself fill with each color in turn, they may mix together, you may feel heat associated with each one. Perhaps the heat will be associated with a certain part of the body. Keep doing this until you see and feel each color. Ten to fifteen minutes should be enough. When you have finished to your satisfaction, come out of meditation.


This meditation focuses on you. It is both one of the most important, the most simple, and the most difficult to perfect. Practice it often, you’ll be surprised at how difficult it really is. Begin in the usual fashion. Relax your entire body. Stop all thought. Simply “be” for ten or fifteen minutes. Think about nothing. Imagining a black empty space may help at first, but then even that becomes distracting. This is the beginning point for many advanced methods. When you have achieved pure nothing, you may come out. It would be wise to try this every time you meditate, changing to one of the other forms if you cannot achieve nothingness. Do not be surprised if you have random thoughts or images suddenly fly in when you are almost there. It may take years to perfect this simple state.


This meditation focuses on your inner space. It is useful when you feel overwhelmed by other energies or the hectic nature of life. Begin as usual. As you breathe in, feel your chest open up. Force another small bit of air in, feeling the rest of your body open. Let the air out. Do this several times. Feel the empty space inside you opening and closing. Feel it growing larger with each breath. Know this space is yours and belongs to no other, then fill it with something. Fill it with love or peace or tranquility. Fill it with light or flora. It is your space and your filling. In future meditation, you will fill this space with a necessary element to complete a larger meditation. When your space is filled, you have completed and may come out of meditation.


This meditation focuses on visualization. For this, you will need a picture or photograph. Make it of some location you enjoy or would like to visit. It may be of a natural setting or of a city. Seat yourself, placing the picture so that you may look at it comfortably. Look at the picture, focusing on it entirely. When you have it firmly in mind, place yourself there. You may close your eyes at this point or keep them on the picture; whichever feels right to you. Feel the surface beneath your feet. Feel the air, the moisture or the dryness. Feel the sun or moonlight. Smell it. Breathe it in. Taste it. Try this for just a few minutes at first, gradually increasing the time until you can hold the image and feel, hear, see, taste it for ten to fifteen minutes. You may wish to change the picture often to try various scenes and moments. When you have the scene or the prescribed time has elapsed, you may come out of meditation.


This meditation focuses on opening your awareness. Although not the most important of meditative practices, it is often the most rewarding. It is also a potential that most want to know about. It allows your latent psychic abilities room and permission to function. Begin in the usual manner. As you become fully relaxed, concentrate on your breathing. Imagine each breath is entering your brain and opening it. Feel your brain expand with each breath until it grows larger than your head. Allow several minutes for this to take place. Feel this new size. Just allow it to be for a few moments, then allow it to expand a bit larger. Move your concentration to your new brain. Just remain for a few minutes. You will soon find that new information becomes apparent. Thoughts will suddenly drift in that never have before. You will find that you become more relaxed and a bit more patient. As you continue this practice, your intuitive flashes will increase and creativity may reach new levels. You will also find that your comprehension and acceptance grow. When you are ready, you may come out of meditation.

More to come…


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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Meditacije za vsak dan
Reply #7 - 26.03.2003 at 02:47:19
Meditacija luči in ljubezni

Globoko vdihnemo, dihamo zelo globoko in počasi.
Medtem, ko delamo to lepo vajo, mislimo samo na to,
da v sebe vdihavamo samo substanco Luči in Ljubezni!

Medtem, ko dihamo, si vizualiziramo kako gre v naša telesa bistvo Luči in Ljubezni, v vse zatemnjene celice, skrita mesta – znotraj vseh organov, prsnega koša, pljuč in srca.

Opazujmo svoja telesa, napolnjena s Svetlobo, kako se sprahajajo po prelepi palači,
In prižigajo Luč v vsaki sobi in prehodu, ves prostor je preplavljen s Svetlobo.

Opazujmo sijaj te Svetlobe in na to meditirajmo.
Usmerimo to Božjo/Svetlobno snov proti ranam iz preteklosti.
Opazujmo kako izginevata bolečina in tema v Svetlobo,
Opazujmo kako nas požira Svetloba, vedoč, da bomo osvobojeni.

Odpustimo vsem, za katere mislimo, da so nam to povzročili.
Zavedamo se, da so nam storili to zgolj kot lekcijo za našo rast.
Odpustimo našim nevrednostnim prepričanjem in se jih odvežemo od sebe.
To meditacijo ponavljamo dokler ne osvobodimo svojega srca,
Dokler ne začnemo verjeti da smo ljubezen in lepota.

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« Last Edit: 27.03.2003 at 00:30:51 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Meditacije za vsak dan
Reply #8 - 27.03.2003 at 00:30:18
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Meditacije za vsak dan
Reply #9 - 29.03.2003 at 00:28:39
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Meditacije za vsak dan
Reply #10 - 29.03.2003 at 01:29:24
Kuthumi's Message - Awakening your Soul Gifts

We are currently developing a new form of assistance for all on the
planet in their awakening to the divine experience of love.

This will come in the form of these messages for the awakening of your
soul's gifts. Each one will develop and build a current of connection
to your soul's gifts and soul's purpose, if these messages are utilised as
a form of spiritual practise each day.

We ask each one of you to go within now and receive..... for all the
times you have not received the love that has been a blessing since the day you were born on this Earth.

Take one deep breathe and call to your soul to raise you into the
highest known place of love that you are able to resonate as a pure instrument of God.

Breathe again and now ask that you receive the gifts that were to be
received by you at other times, in other places that you were unable to
receive due to old agreements you held.

Ask now that you receive this influx of gifts and love current through
every cell of your being and ask that it infinitely attune you to your soul
purpose in this life and your experience as a divine being on Earth.

Accept now that this is your time to be at one with all and that only
you can interfere with this, no other. That your free will now be aligned
to this experience of oneness.

Breathe and deeply relax and surrender all to God and the Goddess that
has in any way created tension in your life up until now.

Ask God to take this now from you and ask for the highest divine
activation of your soul's divine purpose to begin to occur in your life.

We call forth now all the assistance for you as you do this and we
lovingly respond now to your call and raise you into a higher
connection with your God nature.

Express your love through opening your voice and sounding the sacred
sound "Aum "for 3-5 minutes and then just be. You will then experience a deep connection to who you are. It is from this point that each of your true
purposes can be explored.

Practise this as often as you feel and with this practise receive back
from all other lives and dimensions the gifts of your love expression....this is your time to receive. Breathe.

Know the love of God lives within your heart and Soul and it has never
left you. Enflame this each day with your spiritual practise and your life
will evolve as this love expression. Trust that the greatest gifts of your
own heart can be met in this life. This is now your choice.
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Violet Flame Ascension Meditation
Reply #11 - 29.03.2003 at 01:52:25
Ascension Chamber at Luxor
Personal Ascension is an event in which an individual shifts from a dense physical body to a light body of higher frequency.

We are presently moving into a higher frequency in which the cells of our body are vibrating at a faster level.

Much of this work is being guided by entities from other realms, such as Masters of Light, and beings from other worlds - most of who are higher aspects of ourselves.

As the planet ascends, the grids that form the third dimensional program
we live now are collapsing, giving way to new grids with a higher vibratory rate of sound, light, and color.

Emotions linked to lower grid frequencies - fear, anger, jealousy,
will no longer be part of our conscious reality.

Everything has a vibration.
The higher vibrations are transforming the lower vibrations.

Listen to your heart chakra/soul.
Move through your heart and Yin (feminine, intuitive) energies.
Balance your energies.

When you deal with the issues you have faced in this lifetime -
past lives - parallel lives - and let the emotions that trap us in 3D go -
you come into your heart space - the seat of your soul.
It is there that you connect with the creational source and can ascend.

The Violet Flame is a frequency that is linked with higher spiritual energy
and a release from the karmic ties that hold one bound in the games of the third dimension.

Like other metaphors, the Violet Flame is a place one goes to release karma from this lifetime and others.

Its very purpose is to transmute negative energy into positive energy.

Just remember - it is you doing the healing and energy work.
The flame is a tool to help you raise frequency, accelerate spiritual growth, and raise your conscious awareness.

You may see, feel and even hear the violet flame when it is invoked correctly.
This is done through the science of the spoken Word, which is based on the teachings of the Ascended Masters.

The violet flame can also help you deal with emotional and psychological problems. It can help relieve stress, depression and anger.

The Violet Flame can also be directed toward planet Earth
as She too is in the process of raising her frequency at this time.
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Meditacije za vsak dan
Reply #12 - 09.04.2003 at 11:59:21
World Healing Meditation

In the beginning.
In the beginning God.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And God said Let there be light: and there was light.

Now is the time of the new beginning.
I am a co-creator with God, and it is a new Heaven that comes,
as the Good Will of God is expressed on Earth through me.
It is the Kingdom of Light, Love, Peace and Understanding.
And I am doing my part to reveal its Reality.

I begin with me.
I am a living Soul and the Spirit of God dwells in me, as me.
I and the Father are one, and all that the Father has is mine.
In Truth, I am a christ of God.

What is true of me is true of everyone, for God is all and all is God.
I see only the Spirit of God in every Soul.
And to every man, woman and child on Earth I say:
I love you, for you are me. You are my Holy Self.

I now open my heart, and let the pure essence of Unconditional Love pour out.
I see it as a Golden Light radiating from the center of my being,
and I feel its Divine Vibration in and through me, above and below me.

I am one with the Light.
I am filled with the Light.
I am illumined by the Light.
I am the light of the world.

With purpose of mind, I send forth the Light.
I let the radiance go before me to join the other Lights.
I know this is happening all over the world at this moment.
I see the merging Lights. There is now one Light.

We are the Light of the world.
The one Light of Love, Peace and Understanding is moving.
It flows across the face of the Earth, touching and illuminating
every soul in the shadow of the illusion.
And where there was darkness, there is now the Light of Reality.

And the Radiance grows, permeating, saturating every form of life.
There is only the vibration of one Perfect Life now.
All the kingdoms of the Earth respond,
and the Planet is alive with Light and Love.

There is total Oneness, and in this Oneness we speak the Word.
Let the sense of separation be dissolved.
Let mankind be returned to Godkind.

Let peace come forth in every mind.
Let Love flow forth from every heart.
Let forgiveness reign in every soul.
Let understanding be the common bond.

And now from the Light of the world, the One Presence and
Power of the Universe responds.
The Activity of God is healing and harmonizing Planet Earth.
Omnipotence is made manifest.

I am seeing the salvation of the Planet before my very eyes, as
all false beliefs and error patterns are dissolved.
The sense of separation is no more;
the healing has taken place, and the world is restored to sanity.

This is the beginning of Peace on Earth and Good Will toward all,
as Love flows forth from every heart, forgiveness reigns in every
soul, and all hearts and minds are one in perfect understanding.

It is done. And it is so

This meditation was written by John Randolph Price
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Igor P.
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Če ne mores živeti, kot
bi hotel, živi, kot zmoreš

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Re: Meditacije za vsak dan
Reply #13 - 17.04.2003 at 15:20:19
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Če bi tisti, ki me obrekujejo, natančno vedeli, kaj si o njih mislim, bi me še mnogo bolj obrekovali.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Meditacije za vsak dan
Reply #14 - 22.04.2003 at 12:37:36
Concentration Exercises for meditation

Exercise One
Close your eyes.
Picture the number one floating just in front of your vision.
When you have finished visualising the number, say "one" in your head.
Allow the one to slowly fade from view.
Now picture a "two" in your vision.
When it has fully materialised, say "two" in your head.

Continue working your way up the number sequence. Do not allow any thoughts to interrupt this process - and yes, that includes, "Hey, I'm already at number five!" or "This is really boring." If this, or some external factor, should interrupt the meditation, begin at number one again. Ideally, you should be able to get to one hundred without stopping, but this takes a lot of focus. Try practising for at least a few minutes a day.

Exercise Two
Pick an object from everyday life to concentrate on. Choose something that is not in your immediate reach, so that you have to rely on memory to do this activity. Some good examples would be an apple, a CD case, your pillow, a stick of chapstick, or nearly anything else that you're familiar with.

Mull this object over in your mind, and examine every aspect of it. Here are some helpful questions:

What does the object look like?
How does the object look from far away?
How does it look close up - an arm's length away, or an inch from your face?
What is the texture of the object? Does it have more than one?
How does it feel to touch? Is it soft, hard, lumpy?
Is this object normally cold, warm, hot, or room temperature?
What does it smell like? Is it strong, weak, acidic, sweet?
Does the object make any noise?
What would it sound like if you dropped it on the floor? Tapped it with your finger?
Is the object hollow or solid?
What if you had two of the same object, and banged them together? What kind of sound would that produce?
Is the object malleable or hard?
How heavy is the object?
Can you hold the object in your hand?
How big is the object?
What does the object taste like? It doesn't matter what it is - you can't get food poisoning in the spirit world - so taste it. Is it sweet, salty, bitter, sour?
Examine every possible aspect of the object, until you nearly believe it's really there. Not only is this a good concentration exercise, but it can also be a good grounding technique for your meditation.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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