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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Položaji planetov
12.09.2002 at 20:23:47
Nekdo se je zanimal za planete v topiku Astrologija. No, tu so napisani kaj se trenutno dogaja in kaj se bo še!

Lunar Cycles:

New Moon:
September 7th, 3:11 am GMT, 14° Virgo 20'
Full Moon:
September 21st, 1:59 pm GMT, 28° Pisces 25'

Fall Equinox:

September 23rd, 4:56am GMT


Planets changing signs:

Jupiter entered Leo, August 1st, 5:18 pm GMT

Venus entered Libra, August 7th, 9:09 am GMT

Sun entered Virgo, August 23rd, 7:17 am GMT

Mercury entered Libra, August 26th, 9:10 pm GMT

Mars entered Virgo, August 29th, 2:28 pm, GMT

Venus entered Scorpio, Sept. 8th, 3:05 am, GMT

Sun enters Libra, Sept. 23rd, 4:56 am, GMT

Mercury (retrograde) enters Virgo, Oct. 2nd, 9:26 am GMT

Mercury (direct) enters Libra, Oct. 11th, 5:57 am GMT

Mars enters Libra, Oct. 15th, 5:38 pm GMT


A Look at Retrogrades:

Chiron went DIRECT:
September 7th, 2002, 10:43am GMT, 3° Cap. 13'
(It went retrograde on April 17th, 2002)

Mercury will go RETROGRADE:
Sept. 14th, 2002, 7:30pm GMT, 13° Libra 15'

Mercury will go DIRECT:
 Oct. 6th, 2002, 7:16pm GMT, 28° Virgo 19'

Venus will go RETROGRADE:
Oct. 10th, 2002, 6:24pm GMT, 15° Scorpio 37'

Saturn will go RETROGRADE:
Oct. 11th, 2002, 12:01pm GMT, 29° Gemini 05'

Neptune will go DIRECT:
Oct. 20th, 2002, 8:18am GMT, 8°  Aquarius 12'
(It went retrograde on May 13th, 2002)

Uranus will go DIRECT:
November 4th, 2002, 3:33am GMT, 24° Aquarius 55'
(It went retrograde on June 2nd, 2002)

Venus will go DIRECT:
Nov. 21st, 2002, 7:11am GMT, 0° Scorpio 03'

Jupiter will go RETROGRADE:
Dec. 4th, 2002, 11:39am GMT, 18° Leo 06'

Mercury Retrogrades throughout 2002 & 2003:

January 18th, 2002 - February 8th, 2002

May 15th, 2002 - June 8th, 2002

September 14th, 2002 - October 6th, 2002
January 2nd, 2003 - January 23rd, 2003

April 26th, 2003 - May 20th, 2003
August 28th, 2003 - September 20th, 2003
December 17th, 2003 - January 6th, 2004
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Položaji planetov
Reply #1 - 12.09.2002 at 21:05:53
The Eyes of Heaven
~ Overview of 2002 ~

by Eliza Bassett

Aloha kakou - greetings to all.
Hau'oli Makahiki Hou! Happy New Year!
The planets begin this year (2002) with a few planets in different signs than last year’s beginning (2001).

We have the personal planets of Venus and Mars shifted from Aquarius and Scorpio (last year) to Capricorn and Pisces respectively.

Venus, our planet of reception on all levels, will now be earthy, solid, and perhaps filtering reality in black and white modes. The challenge for all is to receive without fear or control and to find all the shades of gray between the extremes of black and white.

Mars stays in a water sign. The passions of Scorpio are released into the Divine connection of Pisces. Knowing that free will is the gift of our Creator, the fish swim in any direction they choose to express themselves. It is the gift of this year, 2002, to choose -- every day this year -- the alignment with Divine Will  as we seek what we desire.

Mercury does not change its sign, staying in Capricorn, and its Sabian Symbol for the year is Duality. Therefore, our mental agility will shift between the polarities inherent in Capricorn’s sign.

Jupiter is continuing its annual pilgrimage around the signs and has moved from Gemini to Cancer. Air to Water. Expansiveness in emotions, nurturing, and humor. It may be hard to stay on a single track this year, as there is the potential for many diversions. May they be joy filled!

Saturn, too, has shifted since January 2001. Moving from Earth to Air, it is busy showing us our mental fears. We also face those constructs we have created to chase away fear that were not built on solid and real concepts.

Chiron has moved from the vibration of Fire to Earth. Its highly elliptical orbit is now moving into the phase where it moves less speedily through the signs. It will spend the next four years moving through Capricorn, which brings all of us the ability to heal the controlling issues that are inherent in the nature of the Sea-Goat’s sign. Surrender to the physical waves of release as the new octave of healing enters.

Uranus and Neptune continue their progress through Aquarius.

This will be the last full calendar year where Uranus is in its own sign. The radical pattern breaker takes seven years to progress through a sign and whenever a ruling planet is in its own sign, we never are the same again as a people. Use this time, especially all Air and Fire signs, to enjoy the freedoms Uranus brings. The Earth and Water signs are not as easily able to harness the power of Uranus in Aquarius though you are impacted in ways that demand changing your old self expressions.

Neptune will be in Aquarius for many more years, continuing to bring the Divine connection by breaking down old boundaries in communities.

Pluto’s duties are to deconstruct the thoughts and forms of Sagittarians for another six years. We will continue to rebuild new and appropriate schools, legal systems, government structures, libraries, and cooperative groups. There will be one more opposition of Saturn and Pluto in May of 2002. We’ll need to bring the lessons we’ve learned from the prior two oppositions into a new archetype in our consciousness without being based on dread, dismay, and horror. Forgive ourselves, and each other, of our past errors as well.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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življenje je čudovito

Posts: 118
Gender: female
Re: Položaji planetov
Reply #2 - 13.09.2002 at 09:28:38
Kali, res lepa hvala, da si se potrudla in našla in nalimala sem. Sicer ne vem, kaj vse pomeni, ampak približno sliko pa sem dobila...

En prov lep dan še naprej... Cheesy
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 688
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Re: Položaji planetov
Reply #3 - 18.09.2002 at 08:48:10
Pomeni, da se planeti sučejo okrog Sonca in pri tem seveda zavzemajo medsebojne pozicoje. Drugače ne gre, zato pripisovati temu kake posebne pomene ni ravno brihtno. Če pa že vzameš kup peska, mal pomešaš in fantaziraš; efekti bodo enaki - idej ko toče, vpliva pa nobenega.
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Sreče ne more dati človeku ne država, ne partija, ne religija, samo ljudje imamo to moč.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Položaji planetov
Reply #4 - 19.09.2002 at 01:34:27
Če me kaka stvar ne pritegne, me pač ne pritegne in se raje ukvarjam s tem, kar me veseli.  Sto ljudi, sto čudi in tako je tudi prav! Torej, res ne vem zakaj je potrebno stvari, ki nam morda niso blizu omaleževati? ???

Živi in pusti živeti. Smiley
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 3724

Re: Položaji planetov
Reply #5 - 19.09.2002 at 02:07:28
Oldio wrote on 18.09.2002 at 08:48:10:
Pomeni, da se planeti sučejo okrog Sonca in pri tem seveda zavzemajo medsebojne pozicoje. Drugače ne gre, zato pripisovati temu kake posebne pomene ni ravno brihtno. Če pa že vzameš kup peska, mal pomešaš in fantaziraš; efekti bodo enaki - idej ko toče, vpliva pa nobenega.

Oldi!  Se mi zdi, da si včasih preveč ozko usmrejen. Zakaj bi moralo biti znanje položajev planetov oz astrologija dostopni samo vladam sveta in ne nam smrtnikom. Kot vem je bila ravno astrologija že od nekdaj ključno vodilo  več kot mnogih držav, kraljevin, kneževin, imeprijev, tako da Oldi, tuk si se spodrsnil.

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Položaji planetov
Reply #6 - 01.02.2003 at 02:40:12
Na hitro še položaji planetov v l. 2003:

01 January Mercury turns retrograde for 22 days
23 January Mercury goes direct
22 February Saturn goes direct
22 March Pluto turns retrograde for 5 months
04 April Jupiter goes direct
28 April Mercury turns retrograde for 3 weeks
16 May Neptune goes retrograde for 5 months
20 May Mercury goes direct
07 June Uranus turns retrograde for 5 months
01 August Mars turns retrograde for 8 weeks
28 August Mercury turns retrograde for 3 weeks
29 August Pluto goes direct
20 September Mercury goes direct
27 September Mars goes direct
23 October Neptune goes direct
25 October Saturn turns retrograde for nearly 5 months
08 November Uranus goes direct
17 December Mercury turns retrograde for 3 weeks

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 2844

Gender: female
Re: Položaji planetov
Reply #7 - 16.02.2003 at 20:48:58
Mal čez polnoči bo polna luna v znamenju Leva. Pa še Jupiter je v Levu.
Meni se zdi močan vpliv lune.
Pa vam?
Verjetno najbolje čutite (čutimo) Levi oz. ascendenti v Levu. In seveda ostala ognjena znamenja.

Devi in Andres?  Grin
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Naj se zgodi, kar se mora.
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Igor P.
Global Moderator

Če ne mores živeti, kot
bi hotel, živi, kot zmoreš

Posts: 4800
Gender: male
Re: Položaji planetov
Reply #8 - 16.02.2003 at 20:52:26
Kaj pa mi biki, kdaj pa mi kaj čutimo? Grin

LP Harry
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Če bi tisti, ki me obrekujejo, natančno vedeli, kaj si o njih mislim, bi me še mnogo bolj obrekovali.
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Posts: 2844

Gender: female
Re: Položaji planetov
Reply #9 - 16.02.2003 at 21:09:46
Kaj pa mi biki, kdaj pa mi kaj čutimo? Grin

LP Harry

Upam, da vedno kaj čutite.  Tongue
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Naj se zgodi, kar se mora.
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Igor P.
Global Moderator

Če ne mores živeti, kot
bi hotel, živi, kot zmoreš

Posts: 4800
Gender: male
Re: Položaji planetov
Reply #10 - 16.02.2003 at 21:23:00
Ja, če drugega ne, bolečine v križu. Tongue

LP Harry
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Če bi tisti, ki me obrekujejo, natančno vedeli, kaj si o njih mislim, bi me še mnogo bolj obrekovali.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Položaji planetov
Reply #11 - 16.02.2003 at 21:43:02
Jst imam bolj malo ognja v astro karti, tako, da ne čutim nič kaj posebnega. So me nekatere druge, že precej bolje zdelale. Tongue
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: Položaji planetov
Reply #12 - 19.02.2003 at 20:55:53
8)Lep pozdrav vsem!
Položaj planetov! ekselentna rubrika (za mene Smiley)sploh v povezavi s vplivom na človeško počutje. Morem "reč", da sem razpoloženjsko zelo razvrvana oseba zato ti pojavi toliko bolj privlačijo moje zanimanje. Želim si, da bi bil nekoliko bolj uravnovešen! Če kdo ve kako se to "naredi" naj mi mirno sporoči.
Till next time...ROCK STEADY!Wink
P.S:Amstel, Herry--->lepa igra! Grin
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Global Moderator

All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Položaji planetov
Reply #13 - 19.02.2003 at 22:03:23
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Ex Member

Re: Položaji planetov
Reply #14 - 20.02.2003 at 00:08:34
8)Lep pozdrav vsem!
Položaj planetov! ekselentna rubrika (za mene Smiley)sploh v povezavi s vplivom na človeško počutje.
Till next time...ROCK STEADY!Wink

Ubaby, tukaj je link, da sam izdelaš "klasične astro karte" . Plus upoštevaš jasno nebo nad tabo!


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