dobr si to najdu herby
Full Name:
Address: (confidential)
Postal or Zip Code:
Telephone Number: (confidential)
Fax Number: (confidential)
E-Mail Address:
Size Of Network (Min size is 5)
(the number of people you could contact directly within 12 hours, in case of a crisis, either in person, by phone, fax or e-mail. this does not include website or other general positings.)
Project or Group Name:
Project Description: (35 words maximum)
E-Mail Frequency:
ALERTS - I wish to be sent only Planetary Emergency Alerts.
WEEKLY - I wish to be sent no more than one non-personal e-mail per week from another participant
UNRESTRICTED - I am willing to receive e-mail from others with restriction, with the understanding that I may request removal from som ones list if I receive either too many e-mails or info which is not of interest.
problem je v:
Project or Group Name:
Project Description: (35 words maximum)
(pomoje kot ti osebno vidiš to kar delaš, in hkrati delamo skupaj)
več kot dobrodošli
ostalo se mi ne zdi težavno
men se zdi fajn, pomoje so modeli kul in itak je postal čas da gremo v svet, z vsem kar premoremo ... bi kdo kej delu???
mislim da bi bilo treba napedenat skupno stran - tanajboljše slovenske, prevedene v angleščino - distili - kratko in jedrnato - pa v jedro. vsak svoje in vsi vse - konsenz in to je to.
in to smo mi, network