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All IS Full Of Love
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What is a Friend?
Reply #45 - 09.10.2004 at 12:59:19
What is a Friend?

True Friendship – Darkness and Light

We are all friends. We must recognize this fact. Everyone on planet earth is your friend, recognize and acknowledge this fact. You are their friend as well, but they do not know it yet. Even your friends may not know that you are their friend because they do not know how to truly be friends yet.

Good friends, real true honest and integrated friends, are not easily come by, similar to a primary relationship. You may encounter people that become your friend, then because of your interaction with them and something they experience because of your presence, you become adversaries. Especially as you assist them with their growth, they may experience resistance, they may hold a grudge about something, something that they are not clear about, something they do not realize was for their highest good.

If you dislike them in any way for some reason, you must become at peace with why and own your own shit about it, you are not a victim. You must become at peace and understanding about your experience and their actions so that you can be friends. If you do not deal with this situation and avoid this because you want things to be nice and smooth, and how could you dislike your friends anyway when you love them so much, in some part of your consciousness they are your enemy. And in consciousness you think they are scum and will treat them this way psychically.

This is the fall, if you do not deal with everything in your consciousness and heal your relationships, you will have many enemies. Even your closest friends, lovers, and family members will become your enemy. Now this is dealing with things on multi-dimensional levels, something that the seasoned planetary transitioners are used to dealing with, while for others it is new.

You must realize that you exist, live and operate on many many levels. If you do not deal with certain levels of your consciousness that exist on these levels, you will be a slave to them – case in point: what I have already spoken of. So you must be impeccably honest with yourself. You cannot be ignorant about any part of yourself. If you ignore anything, then it becomes the master and you become the slave, and you will unconsciously live under the control of that master. And because that master does not live in the light, you will not as well. This part of your beingness will be operating in darkness, unaware of itself, this is the fall.

Being aware of self, true self, all of self, is enlightenment, it is self realization, it is living in the light. If you do not deal with those parts that are hiding in the dark, in enemy consciousness, they will consume you, but the tricky part is they will consume you very subtly, you will still remain your usual self, but the delusion will take you over slowly and surely, so slowly that you won’t see it coming and it will manipulate you to believe certain things, to be true, and act from these beliefs.

If you get to this point then you are lost and will have to be rescued or left alone in your darkness to be further manipulated by others also living in darkness. You will band together with other fallen masters that are ignorant of their light. Many of these fallen masters will appear as light workers, but make no mistake by being fooled by the “appearance” of light. Taken to this extreme this describes in a simplified version, how dark masters are created. Darth Vader is our example, little Anikan Skywalker, a boy of the light, becomes a master of darkness, but of course there is no mastery of darkness, you do not master darkness, it masters you. I hope you understand, I hope I am explaining clearly how important it is for you to be honest with yourself, I hope my example hits home, and helps you realize the truth of light and dark.

Many beings have had experience dealing with dark force entities, (fallen masters – like Darth Vader) negative ETs and disembodied spirits (ghosts), working for darkness, unaware that they are light. We see people (in bodies) living in darkness because they so drastically believe that they are no good, that they are unworthy evil bastards, (this is of course unconscious because if they admitted their frailties, they could surpass them). But not many people have experienced and had to deal with fallen masters in bodies.  Beings that attained a certain level of awareness and perhaps earned a certain position on a cosmic scale and then decided to resist and deny love, to follow their fears rather then the light which looked even scarier.

They went through an initiation that was too difficult because they didn’t want to let go of something, some person or some identity that gave them security. Perhaps the possibility of their greatness was too much for their ego to handle, they couldn’t let go of the illusion of their unworthiness.

They decided (usually on an unconscious level) that the responsibility of being completely aware was too great, the task seemed insurmountable, they lost faith. This is the path of fear, the “reality” that everyone lives, where conditional support is given to provide a co-dependent security. A surrogate divine support. A faith and trust in an illusion to make up for the loss of faith in Divinity.

Co-dependence is the surrogate faith. A consolation for not making it through the initiation. An agreement that the old reality is better, easier, safer and real. What was on the other side was fantasy.  People live their lives helping each other stay in denial. This is “friendship” in the old civilization of darkness. In the new civilization of light, friends help each other wake up not stay asleep.

Never lose your faith in God, it is your only saving grace, if you take the “easy” route, status quo, the path of normalcy, the path of ignorance where you are comfortably numb in your existence, then the devil owns your soul, the world of illusion has you by the balls (or ovaries). Is this world your master, or are you its master? Do you even dare to be a master of reality? Do you even dare to be a master of truth, existence and consciousness? Do you dare to be a master of all the elements in the forces at play in this reality? Do you dare to realize that you are the co-creator of Heaven on Earth?

You are its manifestor, you are responsible for its manifestation. I know that this is a big responsibility, but you are up to the task, you have had enough experience in mastering illusion to transmute this to reality. You have the blue prints for heaven on earth within your consciousness. You are its blue print. The task is not greater then you, for it is you, you literally are Heaven on Earth. You are heavens representative, the manifestor of the Divine Plan! You are God incarnate in human form. As you awaken to your magnificence you will realize this. I repeat – you are Heaven on Earth! You are God/dess in a body! You are the Divine Plan in action! You are the manifestor of the Divine Plan! You are the Divine Plan!

Feel the fear and accept your job with faith that God has it all under control. God is with you always, you are never alone. Since this is true you don’t have to worry about things getting too hard, God will give you strength, I guarantee it. All it takes is allowance.

Trust in the divine plan, you have no other ‘real’ choice. You either trust in the Divine Plan or you live by your own agenda. If you live by your own egoic agenda, you will suffer the consequences. Oh you may feel powerful and strong because you are living your “own” life, on your “own” terms, (which is probably really based on old world programming, and not really your own thoughts) as if you are God, but this illusion will eventually fade away and you will be left alone in your darkness. Find true strength through faith in God, I know I sound churchy, but it is not any simpler then that. See, the Christians didn’t have it all wrong, at the core of every religion is the truth.

Firstly, trust in God, always, don’t be an idiot. Secondly, trust in yourself, in your Spirit, Higher Self, (which is the same thing).  Trust that you always serve God, that everything you do is of the highest service to All That Is. That you are good, divine, honest and true. Trust that with the help of God, and “his” helpers, you will always know what to do and say. And that everything you say and do is for the greater good of everyone, even if it appears otherwise.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #46 - 09.10.2004 at 13:05:22
Know that you are light, and reveal those aspects of yourself that do not know they are light. Take care of yourself on all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Be very discerning as to who you will interact with, and recognize where they are in their consciousness, you have this ability. We each have the ability to judge others truthfully, to recognize and classify where they are in terms of awareness of self and truth.

Always remember who you are, a child of God, I AM that I AM. If you get into trouble and are forgetting who you are because the world of illusion has taken you over, and your life has become dramatic, stop, be silent, center yourself, and repeat the words I AM that I AM. This is all you need to do.

You do not need to go meditate and be away from other people to be yourself. Be yourself always, especially amongst the confusion and drama – this is true mastery. Be yourself in a mass of people that do not know themselves. Their confusion can be overwhelming, but this confusion is nothing when compared to the clarity of your magnificence, your awesome light which vanquishes all ignorance and darkness.

Know who you are especially in dramatic situations, for this enlightens those illusions, your presence is enough to dispel all darkness and illusion. But you must take care of yourself and be discerning as to when it is time to get the hell out of the fallout zone. If you do not, and stick around trying to be social or a goody goody, you will get your butt kicked, their world of illusion will overwhelm your world of truth. So you must be strong especially in the emotional realm. You must be open enough to feel everything, absolutely everything, yet being detached from any expectations, judgements, outcomes… Do not run from any emotion, any feeling, if you do, then that emotion or feeling becomes your master.

You must feel everything and know that none of those feelings are you. This is true detachment. This is the gift of feeling, to go beyond it, behind it, to see who’s who in the zoo, who’s feeling what. To know who you are even amongst the turmoil. Stand naked in your truth, centered in the middle of thought and emotion, which are lateral, to the side, you are vertical, centered in source.

The Recognition

Ok, so we are all friends, in truth. Some people know this, some do not. You must know the truth of friendship, what is true friendship. A friend is someone who recognizes your mastery and divinity, they are able to do this because they recognize their own.

A friend honors your mastery and respects it no matter what level of awareness they or yourself are on. A friend is realistic about their awareness. A friend recognizes when you have gifts for them and their spiritual growth, and recognizes when they have things to learn from you that will further illuminate their awareness to true self.

A true friend is utterly compassionate and forgiving. A true friend does not blame you for anything, so that they can manipulate you by being a victim and be elevated in status because you are a “perpetrator”. A true friend recognizes when they crappity smack up and they admit it.

A friend is someone who you can say anything about yourself to and they will not repeat it and especially will not use it against you. Never say anything about anyone to anyone, that if they had over heard it you would not be embarrassed and ashamed that you said it. In other words, if you can’t say it to their face, with courage that it is the truth, then you shouldn’t say it all.

A friend is someone who holds nothing against you. If there is some conflict because of some interaction together, some misunderstanding, if they are a friend, they will deal with their stuff about it, realizing they are not a victim, and become at peace with it, getting to the core of truth so that there is no rift between you.

A true friend is someone you can reveal who you really are, and they will not reveal this to anyone, even in consciousness. Unless of course they know someone who is also a true friend that all can be revealed to.

You see, not all of who we are can we reveal to everyone, they would not handle it and would use it against us. Even those who are awakening and are living in the light, most could not handle it, it is too much of a stretch for their ego to handle.

Revealing yourself is tricky business because you must be very secure within your beingness, very secure in your realization of who you are to withstand the psychic, emotional and mental projections of others. Others that do not recognize their magnificence, in order to not feel their feelings of separation, to not feel lesser then and separate from you, will try to undermine your reality, (so that they can feel superior). If they see a hole in your beingness, a hole in your confidence, a place where you are unsure of yourself, perhaps a place where you do not like yourself or are insecure about yourself, they will capitalize on it and accentuate it to hopefully bring you down to their level.

You can be strengthened by these interactions with ignorant people, or victimized by them, your choice. In a sense they are doing you a service, revealing the lie, this is how the ignorant serve us, by making us aware of places that we are ignoring. This is the gift of relationship in general, it reveals all the lies. All denial is eventually revealed by someone, if you put yourself on the line for scrutiny. (This is why relationship can be so difficult and dramatic).

Sure you can sit in a cave and meditate and discover your true nature, but this must be incorporated into humanness, you must be able to live this true nature within humanity, amongst all the ignorance. If you cannot do it in society, then you do not yet know self, you have seen a glimpse of true self perhaps, but it is not real yet, not in this world, not embodied. Sure it is real in the world of non-form, but you are in a form. You are here to experience humanness, true self through humanness, beyond the world of ego.

So recognize your true friends, honor them for this trueness, encourage it, thank them for it, and nail their asses to the proverbial wall (with compassion and forgiveness of course) if they are acting with less than integrity and less than respect, that is if they are open to being nailed, to being sprung, to being caught with their hand in the cookie jar. If not then don’t waste your time, leave them and have compassion for their suffering, denial and ignorance, and know that they are your friend, but they cannot be your friend, because they do not know how to be your friend.

Everyone on planet earth is your friend. Everyone in the whole universe of All That Is is your friend. See this, feel this, know this. We are all one. Emanate this truth to everyone. Make it sink into the consciousness of everyone you meet. Be this truth and everyone will melt in your presence. Emanate this truth and the darkest force in the universe will bow down before you. Know this truth and your life will be heaven. When everyone knows this fact, Heaven on Earth will be here.

Your Divine Friend,


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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #47 - 18.10.2004 at 22:08:16

Cilj ne opravičuje sredstev. Oni (voditelji, "evil ones", power jukies) hočejo, da svojo pozornost in dušo popolnoma posvetiš preživetju, saj v tem primeru pač ne moreš posvečati pozornosti svojemu opolnomočenju in svoji božanskosti. Ohranjanje občutkov nebogljenosti in nemoči je zanje bistvenega pomena.

Če priznavaš možnost, da nezemeljska bitja obstajajo, potem moraš priznati tudi obstoj možnosti, da si ti eno od njih, ali pa vsaj, da ravnokar gledajo vsak tvoj gib prek programa 'Zemlja v živo'.

Enost, mir, sodelovanje - teh stanj se ne ustvarja tako, da se spreminja zunanji svet. Obstajajo v nas, a če počneš nekaj, da bi jih dobil, Vesolju namiguješ, da jih nimaš (v tej dojemani realnosti), zato Vesolje preuredi realnost in priskrbi primerne prostovoljce, da ti pokažejo še več ločenosti, vojne in tekmovanj.


Bitka se je začela! Armagedon je tukaj! Kdo bo zmagal, tema ali svetloba? Nobena, obe sta ista stvar - ha ha! Vojna je iluzija! Ni druge vojne razen te, ki divja znotraj vseh ljudi, medtem ko skušajo razrešiti svoje trpljenje in svojo nevrednost. Da bi nekako opravili s krivdo in sramoto, ki jim je bila vcepljena od družbe, religij, politikov, medijev, genetike.

Vojna je bitka spominjanja, boj za odrivanje Resnice. Boj je v tem, ali ostati v zanikanju ali se predati temu, kdo res smo. Vojna med nami je vojna v nas. Sem Svetloba? Sem Tema? Sem dober? Sem zloben? Sem vreden ljubezni? Si zaslužim oditi v nebesa?

Na tem planetu se resnična bitka bije za to, kdo lahko vsili svojo precepcijo realnosti večim ljudem. Kdo lahko proda svojo realnost/iluzijo bolj uspešno.

Pravica ne obstaja! Ni mogoča, saj ni nikjer ničesar drugega kot brezpogojna ljubezen.
Pekel ne obstaja, razen če si ga ne zgradiš zase, kar ljudje počnejo vsak dan.
Matrica se napaja iz konflikta, če ga ni, se zruši zaradi pomanjkanja podpore in energije.

Vsi religiozni/ozemeljski (nafta/moč/denar) konflikti, 'teroristi', 'vojne proti teroristom' in podobno, tudi 'vojna proti drogam', so zadnji napori za to, da bi se igra iluzije in ločenosti nadaljevala.

Imeli smo matriarhat, patriarhat, sedaj je čas za srednjo pot - za paradoks, za spoznanje, da enost in ločenost obstajata hkrati in da je to darilo, ne pa preklestvo.

Tretji je Sin/Hči/Kristus - rojen iz ljubezni Božanske Matere (Sveti Duh) in Boga očeta, Božansko Žensko in Božansko Moško. Dualnost je izključno v tem: ti in realnost sta ali moški/oče ali žanska/mati. To je pripeljalo do podreditve moških oziroma ženskih sil in do utvar, da je eden pomembnejši od drugega. Dejstvo, ki ostaja, pa je to, da brez obeh, združenih v Ljubezni, ne moreš narediti otroka. Ničesar ne moreš narediti brez dveh v božjem združenju. Mati forme, prepletena z očetom zavesti v stanju neprestane ekstatične združitve. (Dve kači, prepleteni okrog drevesa življenja.) Forma, ki vsebuje zavest. Forma, ki omogoča izraz zavesti v božanski sinergiji. Božansko Moško in Božansko Žensko znotraj nas v sočnem čutnem/seksualnem strastnem ustvarjanju Kristusa-Otroka v Ljubezni. Popolnoma novo Bitje Ljubezni-Svetlobe, ki v malem odslikava popolno ravnovesje. Bitje, v katerem sta paradoks enosti in ločenosti v popolni enotnosti in harmoniji. In skupaj kot Kristusovi Otroci, v čutni/seksualni enotnosti Duš, ustvarjamo popolnoma novo Civilizacijo-Kristusove-Enosti, Brezpogojne Ljubezni in Svetlobe.

Brez svojih nacionalnih, političnih, religioznih, finančnih, socialnih ... identitet bi večina ljudi ne imela ničesar v svojem življenju.
Te identitete so novi bogovi.

Ključ za premik stran od vloge žrtve in nemoči je odpuščanje.

Imej usmiljenje do tistih, ki so še vedno v zanikanju svoje veličastnosti, ki se borijo, da bi dokazali svojo vrednost, ki se borijo za ljubezen. (Ne)vrednost je iluzija. Ničesar drugega ni razen Ljubezni in odpovedi Ljubezni.

Ne gre za zmago, ampak za opolnomočenje.

Ko iluzija nima več podpore, se ne proizvaja več in preneha obstajati.

Ni ti treba spreminjati starega sveta ali ga razsvetljevati. Saj noče biti razsvetljen, hoče se samo boriti. Za vedno. Če še vedno potrebuješ izkušnjo te igre ločenosti skozi polarnost in konflikt, potem nadaljuj z bojem in uživaj v njem. Če pa si se že naveličal te stare dolgočasne igre, ki se nikoli ne konča in pri kateri nihče nikoli ne zmaga, potem usmeri svojo pozornost v ustvarjanje raja in ne bodi zadovoljen z ničimer drugim kot z božasko popolnostjo. Dovoli svoji stari realnosti, da spokojno umre. Zahvali se ji za vse, kar te je naučila, in pojdi naprej. Zahvali se svojemu egu za vse, kar si se naučil ob raziskovanju ločenosti, in pojdi naprej. Zahvali se staremu svetu za vse, kar si doživel v njem, in mu zaželi dobro na njegovi poti. Dovoli stari civilizaciji, da umre spokojno, tako da ji odvzameš svojo očaranost nad njo in osredotočiš pozornost na svojo vizijo nove civilizacije Ljubezni-Luči. Svet sodelovanja in brezpogojne Ljubezni, ki je napolnjen z bitji Ljubezni-Luči, ki z vsem srcem podpirajo popoln razcvet vsakogar. Ki drug drugemu priznavajo veličastnost.

Če imaš kakršno koli težavo z izgovarjanjem spodnjega z vsem srcem, iz centra svojega božanskega obstoja, potem moraš še nekaj odpustiti.
Ponavljaj te besede: (I love = Ljubim)


Dostikrat se uporablja terminologija a la 'temne sile'. Resnica je pač taka, da ne obstaja 'temna sila' ali zlo. Obstajajo posamezniki in celo skupine, ki so zelo izključeni iz toka Ljubezni in Luči, ampak to ne pomeni, da so zli v svojem bistvu.
Dobro in slabo sta popolnoma subjektivna glede na opazovalčevo perspektivo gledanja. Luč in Tema sta v bistvu ista stvar. Razlika je samo v vibraciji. Ali zavedanje idividualne ali skupinske božanskosti ali pa zanikanje tega dejstva. Tema ni nič več kot skrivanje pred Lučjo. Zlo ni nič več kot skrivanje pred Ljubeznijo.

Na nek način vsak od nas deluje za luč in za temo. Edino, kar je, so odstotki: koliko tebe je uravnano z eno ali drugo stranjo, ljubeznijo ali strahom. Ko si popolna Ljubezn in Luč, si razvetljen.

Vsakokrat, ko delujemo iz strahu, hodimo po poti teme, po poti ločenosti.

Ko se dovolj ločiš od matrice, se ti bo vsaka bitka, ki jo še moraš izbojevati, manifestirala kot boj med teboj in tvojo novo družino 'delavcev luči'.

Učenja predajajte naprej prosto, kot se le da, saj je to v sozvočju z napredovanjem zavesti in prihodnjo civilizacijo, v kateri denar in preživetje ne bosta več obstajala. Trenutno pa še vedno potrebujemo denar za podporo svojih nalog, zato je zelo priporočljivo in dobro tako za osebno kot za kolektivno blaginjo, da darujete denar tistim, ki dajo zelo veliko sebe za prebujanje človeštva. Podpirajte svoje učitelje in vodnike, ki vam pomagajo spomniti se, kdo ste. Mojstri, ki ustvarjajo mojstre. Več denarja in časa ko imamo za res pomembne dejavnosti, saj ga ne zapravljamo za tipično človeško sranje, več božanskega dela/igre lahko opravimo, več ljudi lahko dosežemo in bolj pospešena učenja lahko priskrbimo. Tako mi ustvarjamo raj na zemlji. Mojstri prebujajo mojstre, ki prebujajo mojstre, ki prebujajo mojstre. Drug drugemu se pomagamo prebujati, dokler ne bomo imeli celega planeta mojstrov.

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The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #48 - 19.10.2004 at 13:06:31
Najbolj lažno je to, da ljudi zavajajo da ni pekla, da ni satana in hudobnih duhov....

Preberi si to: http://www.medjugorje-si.org/nebesa.htm
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Posts: 1457

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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #49 - 19.10.2004 at 15:39:44
ej, gost, vidim po več različnih forumih da maš aktivno kampanijo ...  

Imam filing, super če me vara,  ..da ste rahlo paranoični pred vsem kar se ne začne na "M" in pred vsem kar prihaja z Vzhoda.

..smem vprašat -   Zakaj ?

lep dan


..vidim da preprosto kr brišete kar se ne ujema z - vašo pravo, in edino    resnico...

c c  c....
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5 krat na dan
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Posts: 818
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #50 - 19.10.2004 at 21:50:37
Petra. wrote on 09.10.2004 at 13:05:22:
So recognize your true friends, honor them for this trueness, encourage it, thank them for it, and nail their asses to the proverbial wall (with compassion and forgiveness of course) if they are acting with less than integrity and less than respect, that is if they are open to being nailed, to being sprung, to being caught with their hand in the cookie jar. If not then don’t waste your time, leave them and have compassion for their suffering, denial and ignorance, and know that they are your friend, but they cannot be your friend, because they do not know how to be your friend.

Good stuff!  Smiley
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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #51 - 07.01.2005 at 12:12:18
Ascension Tsunami 2005

A Message of Faith

by ZaKaiRan

Happy New Year to everyone!  And infinite blessings to all those beings who have given their lives, and those beings who volunteered to experience such tragedy and loss for the awakening of humanity.  And thank you mother earth for knocking us off of our pedestals and pulling our heads out of our…., I mean out of the sand.

The Tsunami has hit big time, and I am not just speaking literally.  The Tsunami that has hit these countries is a physical representative of the big Tsunami that is hitting the entire planet, that is the Ascension Tsunami; the Tsunami that is propelling this planet to higher levels of divine function and awareness.  And our brothers and sisters in the Pacific have graciously volunteered to help us all realize that we are indeed all on this planet together and we are all indeed one people.  Our Earth Mother is showing us this fact, because even the hardest of hearts melts with compassion when witnessing tragedy of this scale.  

The earth is transitioning to the 5th dimension, to Christ Consciousness, regardless of whether people want to realize this fact or not.  This is why Mother Earth let fly the cleansing nature of water to help heal our hearts; to show us that this life is not permanent, can change in an instant and is changing right now all the time.  If one is not in tune with the earth, and not aware of her movements, one can obviously place themselves in a precarious position.  And in divine synchrony, our Mother let these cleansing waters fly during the time of remembrance of the Christ, (Christmas), a time to remember that we are all “The Christ”.  Every one of us is a babe in a manger, honored by the wise men (Ascended Masters) and the Angels, and nurtured by the Divine Mother and the Divine Father.  We are all Christ Children and Jeshua illuminated this fact by embodying “the Christ” and reminding us that our true nature is Unity/Christ Consciousness; we are all Unconditional Love!

This year is already shaping up to be a doozy, which is an obvious sign of what the Divine Plan, Mother Earth, the Ascended Masters, the Galactic Federation and our own Spirits have in store for us.  Regardless of the details and timing of these plans, it is certain that everything is full speed ahead.  For those beings who are not yet awake from their self adopted amnesia, their lives will become more and more uncertain.  Fears will inevitably continue to be rampant and escalate to the farthest point to shake people from their foundations that are built by fear, lack and competition.  These foundations of the old world are crumbling and the only real choice is clear: put your faith in the only real foundation  God.  It is becoming less and less possible to ride the fence.  The choice is: choose Love or choose fear; prosperity or lack; cooperation or competition; unity or more separation; accept your Divinity and magnificence, or continue believing in the lie of your own and others unworthiness.

Subconsciously, everyone knows that massive change is upon us, whether they want to admit it or not.  We have been given signs of this change for thousands of years, through every religion and through the history of “lost” cultures.  Within everyone’s Soul, the message is being played over and over again  Wake Up!  The Time is Now!  Time to Ascend!  Time to Co-Create Heaven on Earth!  

The world is becoming one whole planet fast and furiously.  International borders and our judgement of cultural and spiritual differences are disintegrating naturally due to our gradual awakening; and through world trade, travel, movies/television and the internet.  The truth has already been revealed and is easily available to anyone who desires to know it.  And even the greedy governments and corporations who are exploiting the 3rd world are even facilitating this, as we bring these countries into the capitalist world and as we purchase the goods that are made from our brothers and sisters in the far reaches of the world.  Regardless of the real intentions of big brother, even their greed and lust for power is bringing us all together, because what is really behind it all is the Soul’s desire to create prosperity/unity for everyone.  Our deepest desire is to become One World; One Planet; One People.  God-Goddess works/plays in mysterious ways!

My sole/soul mission and intention, is to help myself and all of humanity ground themselves (all that they are) into their human bodies, (this creates the Christ Body; the real “body of Christ”).  I know that this is also the Soul mission of everyone on this planet, they just don’t know it yet.  The absolute key to this embodiment of their magnificence and the co-creation of heaven on earth, individually in each persons lives and for the collective whole, is Faith.  We have been asked for countless lifetimes through every spiritual teaching and religion that we have been involved with, to “have faith in God”.  If they’ve said nothing right whatsoever, at least they got this one right.  Well this recommendation hasn’t changed at all, but is even more imperative.  It is obvious to me in my life and my awakening process of embodying my Divinity, which is completely dependent upon me having faith that I will be taken care of by God, and to stop trying to take care of myself.  To stop trying to obtain money, feed myself, promote myself and prove myself…, (all from lack); but let God-Goddess handle the whole operation; and have faith/know that all will happen in divine timing.  

Allowing God-Goddess to provide for you financially, is the one that is the most obvious and apparent.  But this is only the tip of the iceberg of letting your God Presence handle your whole awakening process, which includes being taken care of on all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually…

We have previously relied primarily upon our ego’s and the world of ego to “provide” for and dictate our needs.  Naturally, this support was conditional upon our proving our worth to ourselves, others and this matrix of agreements, deals and obligations.  But in the New Civilization that you are being asked by your Spirits to co-create together, there are no such illusions as worth and unworth.  Polarities do not exist.  In this new civilization, this earth-heaven we are creating, it is not energetically supported or supportive to try to provide for yourself because this action is survival and competition oriented, which are also illusions.  Lack is another one; and this action of striving to accomplish in typical human terms is completely lack oriented; so every action in life, from this base, is an illusion.  

It should be clear to everyone that every illusion is in our faces.  They are so blatantly apparent that it takes a lot of work to avoid the truth these days.  Even if you don’t read, but only watch TV, the truth is obvious, even through the most banal television programs; the truth is sneaking in through our moles in the media.  And I send quantum blessings and thanks to those beings with the courage to say, print and film the truth, regardless of possible or certain retribution from controlling forces.  (To name a few of these heroes: Michael Moore, Howard Stern, Stephen Grier (Disclosure Project)…, and anyone and everyone making documentaries exposing the lies and deceit of the governments and corporations.  “911 in Plane Site” and other 911 exposition documentaries.  “Windhorse” and other Tibetan movies).

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #52 - 07.01.2005 at 12:13:58
We must also thank the governments/corporations who are continuing to exert their fantasies of power and control over their own citizens, other countries, cultures, religions…, and attempting or succeeding in disallowing our access to wholistic technologies, products and foods…, because they are requiring us to accept our own sovereign power; to accept and embody our own creative nature; because as our rights and access to externally supportive things are curtailed, we must learn to manifest them regardless.  These deluded greed mongers are playing god, but we are God, and it is time to embody this fact and the associated powers and responsibilities.  Grow your own organic food; make your own herbs and supplements; grow your own shamanistic plants; make your own free energy devices; heal the land and waters with your own healing powers…

There is absolutely nothing that any force can do to you or attack you with that can actually realistically affect you in any negative way; even if you are tortured and killed, this can and has been totally empowering.  So thank all the controlling forces who have tried to keep you off track, and have tried to keep you from embodying your Divine Power.  Accept your Divine Power and absolute Sovereign Divine Abilities to manifest anything from nothing, from God-Goddess-All-That-Is.  

Stand stubbornly anchored in the foundation of Divine Faith and God-Goddess will provide everything that you need for your physical health, wealth…, and for your spiritual awakening.  Your separate oriented self/selves, that exist in fear, will of course, try to convince you that having faith in mysterious and unseen forces is just plain stupid, but do not listen.  Doubt and confusion are not your natural states, faith is!  Having Faith in the Divine Plan is your natural way of being!  Following your Spirit/God Presence without hesitation, is your natural state of Divine function.  

Allow your Vision of Heaven on Earth to guide you.  If an action or decision is related to and supportive of the manifestation of your vision of heaven on earth, and the force of your divine Spirit is behind it, then do not hesitate; do it now!

In the years to come, everybody that is having fun with their awakening process, regardless of cleansing reactions (emotional trauma…) from this process; who are delighting in the wonders of the workings of the Universe and unconditionally supportive of the birthing process of the Earth Christ; who continues to have faith in the Divine Plan; in the Ascended Masters; the Angels; the Galactic Federation; Christed Extraterrestrials…; and their own God Presences, will have even more fun, no matter how shitty things get on the planet.  Faith is your rock.  Stick to this rock and you will have a great time, waiver and things will get difficult again and you won’t have any fun.

Those beings who are holding tight to the old world, who are holding on to the past, will continue to manifest more things that are exactly like the past.  For those people, the new world will be fraught with disaster and war and “that’s just how life is”.  These beings will remain comfortably numb and will continue to believe the lies because it serves their amnesia and belief in their unworthiness to do so.  Have compassion for these beings for they are the position team members.  Their job in the Divine Plan, is to maintain structure, to allow for as much gentility of reality dismantling as possible.  (Please see my article, “The Position Teams & Transition Teams - the reality creators & dismantlers, on my website: www.ZaKaiRan.com)

For those beings who are aware of the lies, but who feel powerless to do anything about it, and are still unwilling to take responsibility for their own divine power and create change outside, by changing that which is inside, will have the hardest time of all.  Those beings who try to stay on the fence, will be in the most turmoil emotionally.  Do your best to help these beings by the example of your life, by just showing them that it can be done and the result is magnificent.  

Co-Create Heaven on Earth!  Yee Ha!


2005 Predictions from Swami ZaKaiRananda

Weapons of mass destruction finally found in Iraq.  Secret video footage reveals they are labeled: made in USA.

Australia becomes the 51st state of the United States of America.

US Government passes a law that anyone not supportive of the Bush regime will be sent to a concentration camp.  

President Bush is subsequently impeached and is replaced by a black lesbian woman from Kentucky.  

Former President Clinton marries Nicole Kidman, but he “does not have sex with that woman”.  

The truth is revealed that the real reason the world trade center towers were destroyed was because the owners needed a tax write off.

The U.S. dollar collapses & the Mexican Peso becomes the new world money denomination.

Video footage finally proves that Doug and Dave really do make all of the crop formations using a hover mower made with ET technology.  

The ETs land en masse, sending human looking ‘First Contact’ representatives to everyone’s doors, so as not to cause alarm, but 99% of people turn them away thinking they are Mormon’s.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #53 - 16.02.2005 at 01:17:27
make your own ZaKaiRan

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #54 - 25.02.2005 at 02:02:25

zakaj že naj zgradim svojega ZaKaiRana? ???
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #55 - 07.03.2005 at 16:11:05
The 7 Keys of Inner Alchemy

The 1st Key is:

All is Within You

The first key asks one to go within and connect (be with) the whole self inside. Just through this connection this wholeness will flow to the parts that do not feel whole. By focusing on your wholeness within it will expand. By connecting to yourself you create balance in your outer reality in relationship to your connections in life. The recognition of oneself as a divine being is a key to this.

The 2nd Key is:

Receive Life Direction or Guidance from your Whole Inner Self

So whilst connecting within to your wholeness, if you truly wish to be guided by this wholeness (soul) you will receive this. Merely ask for this and it will come to you and your power to receive guidance from within will grow. If one does not align to one's soul purpose and follow one's guidance, one will find oneself experiencing a feeling of non presence (that is, feeling like one is in the wrong place and time). The second key keeps one attuned to one's soul path in life.

The 3rd Key is:

Holding One's Power…To Love all Equally - Inwardly and Outwardly

This key speaks of one on an inner level loving all parts of self equally - very dark (living in the shadow) or very light. Only when one is able to love all aspects inwardly will there be complete balance in one's inner life. This will reflect outwardly also as one is more able to love all aspects of self equally, one is able to meet more aspects of others with love.

True power is the merging of love and light in equal balance within one's central pillar. If there is too much focus on light and not enough on love then large amounts of shadow aspects will arise from within. And if there is too much focus on love and not enough on light then one will have limited awareness in relation to one's own creation of reality in life. To give your power away to any other being or to your aspects of self that do not feel whole will create you to feel split in your being and will lead to an inner battle.

These 3 Keys are a triangle that are the base of a pyramid of your energy that connects you to the earth plane or physical plane. To create balance in your physical life (outer reality), simply apply each of the 3 keys and harmony will always result. It is important to apply all 3 keys with equal energy from within. Daily practice to these 3 keys are important in training yourself in your inner

The 4th Key is:

Be the Rainbow Bridge

Connect your tube of light to the core of the Earth and through each of your chakras to the sun and moon and then to Source through the heavens. The tube of Light is the only bridge that connects you to your whole nature through all of heaven and all of Earth. As karma arises it will create your chakras to be clogged at times so if you connect your antakarana to Earth and Source you are able to be fed energetically to shift the energy within all chakras and bodies.

If you hold your love when doing this, a vacuum of Source energy will suck all karma into the higher chakras to be transmuted by Source and down through the lower chakras to be transmuted by the heart of The Earth. It is important to connect your tube of light if karma as negativity arises.

Asking for your antakarana to activate will create balance in your chakras. Do not forget to ask for all you wish for and then receive.

The 5th Key is:

Connect to your Divine Feminine Body of Light by Honouring all parts of your Feminine Energy as Divine

This body is filled with large amounts of your love that will channel and fill your etheric, emotional, mental, spiritual, physical bodies creating balance and harmony in their energies. Once this occurs you will feel waves of energy and feel more expansive. This opens your energy body to be able to receive more from the Sea of oneness - or the breath of God/dess. This flows then into the pillar of light (Antakarana) to fill all bodies and create their expansion.

The whale breath can be used to create this to flow more ... breathe into the heart and out the crown ... and also to connect to the 6th key.

The 6th Key is:

Connect to your Divine Masculine Body of Light by Honouring all parts of your Masculine Energy as Divine

This body of light creates more opening in the expansive nature and emanation of your being. As it is fed into the brow it creates a connection to your higher mind and will still all thoughts. This body of light is your inner doorway to the energy of the void or to the pure energy of the stillness of God/dess. This energy dissolves thoughts and the body feels clarity or divine truth through the energy body. Stillness comes to the mind and the mind and heart connect love and light and balance the love/light balance in the energy body.

The breath to connect to this more deeply is to breathe in through the brow and out the heart.

(My insert: At this time you may ask for a no time activation - access no time.)

The 7th Key is:

Call for your God Presence to Merge and Anchor into your Physical Body

It is important to be with this seventh key .... to ask for this and then to receive. This is a powerful experience of meeting one's own presence as God/dess in the body... if one has clearly manifested full balance through the previous 6 steps.

The 4th to 7th Keys create a square that relates to the 4 foundations of your heavenly connection to Source. This square cannot truly be fully activated to its highest potential unless the first 3 keys are mastered and balance is created with them in the your physical outer reality. All 7 keys singularly are able to heal many experiences within you and bring wholeness but the true power of one's mastery is felt when one has mastered all 7 in the order given.

St. Germain, Channelled by Qala Serenia Phoenix, web site: www.g-a-i-a.com
www.light-elixirs-com, www.ASCEND.org.au email: qala@light-elixirs.com

Copyright 24 February, 2002


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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Reply #56 - 16.03.2005 at 06:48:54
Dear Love Hearts,

še posebej, če ste naloadani z unimi papirčki, ki prav kmalu ne bojo nič več vredni!

I was recently gifted $120 from two of my Divine Goddess friends to assist my travel to the Wesak festival in Sedona in April.  These generous dispensations of prosperity sparked me to create a raffle to raise the money needed to fly me to the US.  

The Grand Prize Winner will receive a Free Ticket to:

“Wesak 2005 Soul Family Reunion”

(22nd – 24th April 2005) in Sedona Arizona - www.divineimages.org

2nd prize is a free phone session with me

3rd, 4th & 5th prize will receive a free Ascended Master picture plus a DVD of ZaKaiRan on TellaVision

All donations of $10 will receive a free laminated Flower of Life Disc.  

Donations of $20 or more will receive a free DVD of ZaKaiRan on TellaVision: http://www.zakairan.com/ZaKaiRan%20on%20Tellavision.htm

Please send all donations asap because I need to book my ticket very soon.  

Infinite thanks and blessings to everyone for your donations and prosperous thoughts,


All donations to: P.O. Box 580 Mullumbimby, NSW 2482 Australia

www.ZaKaiRan.com - ZaKaiRan@ZaKaiRan.com - 02-6684-6993

International: 61-2-6684-6993

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #57 - 16.03.2005 at 06:50:35
Light Body Health Products
is having a
Super Duper Discount Sale
Raw Spirulina Powder

I have just purchased a large quantity of Spirulina powder.  Because of this, I am passing this savings on to you my Divine Family to assist in the support of your physical and energetic health of your light/love bodies.  

Spiru Love,




Super Duper Discount Prices on Raw Spiritulina Powder

150 grams.  $17 - (in container)         (RRP $28)          

250 g           $25 - (ziploc bag only)   (RRP $38)

500 g           $43 - (in container)         (RRP $60)        

500 g           $40 - (in ziploc bag)        (RRP $60)      

1000 g         $78 - (in container)          (RRP $96)      

1000 g         $75 - (in ziploc bag)        (RRP $95)    

(Prices are in Australian Dollars)

150 grams     $4Aus            $8 Other Countries            

250 g             $5Aus            $8 Other Countries              

500 g             $7Aus            $19 Other Countries                    

1000 g           $8Aus            $29 Other Countries                  

Payment inside Australia: Visa, MasterCard, Personal Check, money order, direct deposit or PayPal (https://www.paypal.com)

International Payment Options: Visa, MasterCard, or Bank Check (in Australian dollars).  You may also send your own denominational equivalent in Cash or International Money Order in US dollars.  (If sending cash or International Money Order (not in Australian dollars), please include $7 extra dollars for exchange fee).

Payable to: Vastairan Prods. - P.O. Box 580 Mullumbimby, NSW 2482 Australia

02-6684-6993 - International: 61-2-02-6684-6993

ZaKaiRan@ZaKaiRan.com    -   www.ZaKaiRan.com

Visa/Mastercard orders - Please add 4% to order if paying with credit card.

Call or Email your credit card number and expiration date with order. (If you are concerned, for safety sake, you may send the number split in two, in two different emails; or you may pay via PayPal). Exchange conversion is automatically done for you.


Below is more information about our Raw Spirulina, including the “normal” prices and other products available.        


Raw Spirulina

Whether you have studied the benefits of raw and organic foods or not, it should be obvious that they are the most natural, nutritious and healthiest for you, physically and energetically.  So when my spirulina supplier told me that he had found a raw spirulina supplier, I was very excited.  I bellowed - Yee Haa!  Below is a description of how raw and typical spirulina is harvested.  I include most of the original document sent to me by my supplier and added a few bits of my own, they are in 'marks'.  At this point in time, you will not find raw spirulina in any stores.  And as far as I know, my supplier is the only company selling raw spirulina in Australia.

This is how raw spirulina is produced:

Harvested spirulina (blue-green algae) is reduced to a thick paste, then pressed through a machine making long round or wide noodles.  (spirulina spaghetti).  These noodles are then placed on trays in a large fan forced drier for a maximum of 7 hours at a maximum temperature of 600C reducing the moisture content to 5-7% . Then the "chips" are crushed/milled to customer’s specifications.  (This temperature may seem high but it doesn't adversely affect the spirulina.  Spirulina harvested from desert locations reaching surface temperatures of 620C came out of dormination upon contact with water).  'Additionally, with raw spirulina you do not need any binders to make it into tablets.

This is how typical spirulina is processed anywhere else:

Harvested spirulina is reduced to a thick paste, then it goes to a rotary atomizer to mill it into the smallest particles possible.  This very fine paste is then heated to 600C and sprayed into a drying chamber.  The air inlet temperature can be up to 1600C, the air outlet temperature about 850C.  The drying takes about 30 seconds.  (The air temperature must be so high and the spirulina powder must be so fine, because the powder must dry up while falling from the top of the drying chamber to the floor.)  The powder is then bulk packed, or it goes for tableting, or granulated for capsuling - the powder is too fine to be filled into capsules.  The granulation involves mixing it with a binder and going through a machine similar to an instant coffee granulator.  Only then these granules can be filled into capsules.  So, if you buy encapsulated spray died spirulina, don’t believe that you are getting pure spirulina.

What makes whole "raw" spirulina nutritionally superior to spray dried spirulina?  'Heat is the biggest factor in the equation.  Extreme heat alters the cellular structure of proteins.  Spirulina is 62%-65% protein. It also kills the enzymes'.  The higher the temperature the greater loss of nutrients.  Every cell of spirulina entering the rotary atomizer is crushed and the filament exposed to extremely hot air.  Everybody knows that if the skin of an apple is not cut and the apple is stored in atmospheric temperatures, it will keep all its nutritional values for months and months.  If you chop it up, you have to dry it for future use, but the nutritional value is reduced proportionally to the temperature used for drying.

Though I haven’t tried it, I have a feeling if you would mix raw spirulina with water and gave it the right growing conditions, it would start growing again - it is "live" food - just like all raw fruits and vegetables - and everybody knows that raw foods are the healthiest.  Raw spirulina is also much easier to mix with water, juices, or other foods and because the cell walls are not damaged, the odour and taste are not as pungent as spirulina that was finely milled in the atomizer.  (In all honesty, I have noticed superiority of the raw spirulina, over the spirulina I have been distributing since 1995, but not VERY significant, with the exception of less pungent taste and odour and incomparably easier mixing of the powder.

The benefits for the consumer of tableting and encapsulating raw spirulina without any additives are self evident - certainty of getting a 100% pure product.  Because the "chips" can be milled to particles of the right size for encapsulating, there is no need to re-granulate it as it is with the finely milled spirulina, thus you have encapsulated pure spirulina powder.

I don’t know who discovered it, but when the "chips" are milled to certain grain size, and compressed in a special tableting machine, under very high pressure the protein and carbohydrates will act as a glue and bind the powder together.  This is not possible with spray-dried spirulina - the heat during spray-drying changes the physical properties of spirulina (you can’t do with a boiled egg, what you can do with a raw egg).  I am not aware of the existence of such a tableting machine in Australia, but in the very near future I will be buying one.

I expect many spirulina aficionados will want to know the source of my raw spirulina and whether it is certified organic.  I will not reveal the source of my raw spirulina.  It is a relatively small site and just about all of the spirulina goes to Europe.  The U.S. definition of an organically grown product is different to the European Economic Community definition.  Hawaiian Spirulina sold in Australia, USA and a few other countries as certified organic, cannot be sold in the EEC as such - because it doesn’t meet the EEC’s criteria for classifying it as organic.  So, for my supplier there is no worthwhile reason to have his production site certified as organic.

In the past many of my customers pleaded with me not to change the source of my spirulina, as they were very happy with it.  I will continue to stock Spirulina Plus powder and 500 mg tablets, as well as Raw Spirulina powder, tablets and capsules.

Vlado - Health Harvest Spirulina


Testimonial from a satisfied customer: I had my Kinesiologist test my body for the spirulina...the positive charge on it was huge, ie. my body thinks it's marvellous and I had to double my dosage!” - K


Spiritulina Prices

Notice: I have given the recommended retail price and the price I am offering to you.  I am offering this discounted price because I believe that everyone should be eating spirulina, as it is such mega jam packed quantum accelerated food, loaded with so much goodies, and everyone should be able to obtain it as cheaply as possible. – Z

Powder (grams)      RRP          Your Price
100 grams.              $19                   $16

250 g.                       $38                  $34

500 g.                       $60                  $52

1000 g.                     $96                  $88

1000 g.(Econo Bag)   $95                  $87

Tablets(500 mg)    RRP         Your Price
100 count                 $16                $14

200                           $24                $20

500                           $47                $40

1000 (Bottle)             $78                 $71

1000 (Econo Bag)     $77                 $69

Tablets(200 mg)   RRP         Your Price
250 count                $18                 $15

500                          $27                 $23

1250                        $55                 $47

2500 (Bottle)            $90                 $83

2500 (Econo Bag)    $89                  $81

Capsules              RRP           Your Price
(Beef gel caps)
100 count               $19                   $16

200                         $29                   $25

500                         $57                   $50

1000 (Bottle)           $90                    $83

1000 (Econo Bag)    $89                   $81

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #58 - 16.03.2005 at 06:53:03
Book: "Spirulina the Healing Food" by Vlado Viglasky - $10

Prices include GST.  (GST Exemption pending).  International Orders no GST charges apply.  

You will be sent Raw Spirulina, unless you request otherwise.  Both are the same price.

Our tablets have 500mg of pure Spirulina powder, 140mg binder and 10mg hardener.  They are thicker than tablets of other brands, which are 500mg, including binder and hardener.  Econo 1000 tablets are “Economy refill” in Glad bags with snap lock, to be transferred into a dark bottle after purchase.

All prices are in Australian Denomination (AUD).  The “average” exchange rate is roughly .60-.75 cents AUD equivalent to $1.00 USD.  Canadian dollar and Euro tend to be similar to AUD.  Pound is considerably higher.

Payment inside Australia: Visa, MasterCard, Personal Check, money order, direct deposit or PayPal (https://www.paypal.com)

International Payment Options: Visa, MasterCard, or Bank Check (in Australian dollars).  You may also send your own denominational equivalent in Cash or International Money Order in US dollars.  (If sending cash or International Money Order (not in Australian dollars), please include $7 extra dollars for exchange fee).

Payable to: Vastairan Prods. - P.O. Box 580 Mullumbimby, NSW 2482 Australia

02-6684-6993 - International: 61-2-02-6684-6993

ZaKaiRan@ZaKaiRan.com    -   www.ZaKaiRan.com

Visa/Mastercard orders - call or Email with credit card number and expiration date.


Postage Charges

Add the weights together to determine the postage charges.  To figure weights for Tablets and Capsules, figure that the count is similar to grams.  (For instance, 500 count = 500 grams).  


0 - 500g =             $6  

501g – 1kg =        $10

1.1kg - 3kg =         $13

3kg - 4kg =            $17

Each addtl. kg add $3


International Shipping

via Air                                                                

0 - 250g =                $8                                            

251g - 500g =       $14                              

501g - 750g =       $19                              

751g - 1000g  =     $25                                  

1.1 kg - 1.25 kg =  $29                                

1.26kg - 1.50 kg = $35                                  

1.51kg - 1.75 kg = $39                      

each extra 500g add $7

Please allow 1 - 3 weeks for domestic delivery.  2 to 4 weeks for international air.  I  will notify you of any delays.   Thankyou for your support and patience.

Thankyou for your support and patience.


Light Body Assistance


Physical Health

Do to the increased levels of light coming into our bodies, they need mega amounts of fortification to assist them with the mutation process to Light-Body.  To assist with this process with grace and ease, I recommend lots of pure rain water, whole live organic foods, fresh organic juices, Spiritulina (blue green algae), NACLO2 (Stabilized Electrolytes of Oxygen) and chocolate, preferably organic, (Pleiadian food).  These supporting elements will greatly assist your body during these times of massive acceleration and the grounding of your Divine Magnificence.

Spiritulina is awesome mutational support food.  It's nutritional profile is a compendium of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids, (all in an easily digestible form) -practically everything your body needs.  Grown in ponds and lakes, blue green algae is one of the riches foods found in nature.  There are lakes in Africa where the algae bloom is the main food source for thousands of migrating birds, including the pink swan.  (There is enough spirulina in Africa to feed every person in that country if it was harvested).  The nutritional content of spirulina is detailed at the end of this article.

NACLO2 is an oxygen product in a liquid form where large amounts of O2 is bound up chemically with sodium chlorite.  This oxygen is released directly into your body when taken internally which is obviously very excellent for your body.  Our bodies need oxygen above all things (except for Prana).  A healthy physical function depends on it on all levels.  You can hardly get enough oxygen into your body these days due to the current depleted levels of oxygen on planet earth from deforestation, green house gases, air pollution, toxic water and toxic food… - all depleting our oxygen supply.  NACLO2 puts large amounts of oxygen directly into your system, without having to deep breathe for hours on end to get the same effect.

Aside from Prana, (life force energy), your body needs oxygen above all things, and lots of it.  All diseases are anaerobic.  They thrive in oxygen depleted toxic environments.  You may have heard of the term oxidizers.  Oxygen and other oxidizers destroy pathogens which cannot exist in an oxygen rich environment.  This is obvious by the rampant amount of diseases on planet earth.   (Which is why dense dark ignorant corporados and politicos are hell bent on limiting the oxygen supply on planetary levels and why allopathic medicine authorities repress and oppress oxygen therapies).

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: ZaKaiRan
Reply #59 - 16.03.2005 at 06:54:25
Our bodies are generally oxygen depleted, especially if you live in a city and have a stressful life.

There are many ways to get more oxygen into your body: raw organic juices, deep pranayamic breathing, ozonated water, ozonated air, and the most readily available and easily taken form -NACLO2.  I highly recommend utilizing this product for general health and well-being and to assist with the Light-Body mutation process.  And to assist with the dismantling of old dense patterns, structures and programs stored in your body.

During my path of exploration and awakening, I have studied human nutrition and function extensively.  It is my opinion that optimum nutritional requirements of the body cannot be met under normal circumstances with just basic meals.  You cannot eat enough of the right things to provide for what your body really needs.  Even with the sole consumption of only organic foods.

Trying to supplement your system with vitamins to try to close the gap is totally futile.  Most supplements are unassimilable, and are often treated by your body as a toxin because they are in an unnatural form and energetically depleted or synthetic.  We are not machines, we do not need anything synthetic entering our bodies.  The only way to get massive amounts of nutrients and life force into your body is via live easily assimilable sources.  Organic fruits and vegetables are alive, full of life force energy (Prana) and oxygen.  Spirulina is alive and full of life force energy, (if you can obtain raw spirulina, which I sell).  I totally recommend getting yourself a really excellent quality juicer, as live raw vegetable juicing is a really wonderful way to bless your body with massive amounts of life force energy, and easily assimilable vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll and oxygen.  8 glasses of fresh raw carrot, apple and green juices is the backbone of the Gerson Institute, a highly successful cancer therapy.  (Gerson.org).  Wheat grass juicing is also mega beneficial if you can grow your own wheat grass or buy trays from your health food store.  (Information about Wheat Grass juicing is available from the Hippocrates Health Institute: www.hippocratesinst.com (US), www.hippocrates.com.au (Australia).  Note:  the chemical structure of chlorophyll is very close to the chemical structure of our blood.

Additionally, I recommend  learning to breathe Prana, and to activate your Light body.  There are details of “pranic breathing” on my website, additionally, the Unified Chakra Meditation is on my website www.zakairan.com for light body activation.  I also recommend doing the MerKaBah meditation which is taught by myself and Flower of Life facilitators.

(For additional information about the light body mutation process see my articles “Mutation” and “Light body I” on my website)


Spirulina Nutrition Statistics


Moisture            5 - 7%

Protein             62 - 65%

Fat                   5%

Carbohydrate            13%

Minerals            9 - 11%

Crude Ash            3%




(RNA) Ribonucleic Acid                                         3.5%

(DNA)            Deoxyribonucleic Acid              1.0%


Isoleucine                     5.9%

Leucine                                    9.6%

Lysine                          4.9%

Methionine                   2.7%

Phenylalanine            4.9%

Threonine                     5.7%

Tryptophan                   2.0%

Valine                           7.6%


Alanine                                     7.1%

Arginine                                    6.4%

Aspartic Acid               9.2%

Cystine                                     1.0%

Glutamic Acid               13%

Glycine                                     4.9%

Histidine                                   1.6%

Proline                                      3.8%

Serine                                       4.9%

Tyrosine                                   4.9%


Ess.  Linoleic Acid                 1364mg

Gamma Linol. Acid                 1185mg

Dihomogamma Lin.      48mg

Alpha Linoleic                          638mcg

Myristic Acid                                        9.9mg

Palmitic Acid                                        2415mg

Palmitoleic Acid                             326mg

Heptadecanoic Acid     20mg

Stearic Acid                                         79mg

Oleic Acid                                                        119mg

Lauric                                                               23.7mg

DHA                                                                14.3mg

Others                                                              138mg


Vitamin A (Beta Carotene)             170mg

Vitamin E                                       19mg

Vitamin B1                                                                               5.5mg

Riboflavin B2                                                                4.5mg

Niacin B3                                                                                 13mg

Pyridoxine B6                                                               0.3mg

B12                                                                                                      0.2mg

Folic Acid                                                                                50mcg

Biotin                                                                                       0.5mcg

Pantothenic Acid                                                     1.1mg

Inositol                                                                                     35mg

Bioflavinoids (Rutin)                          80mg


Calcium                                                131.5mg

Phosphorus                              894.2mg

Potassium                                 1524mg

Sodium                                     41.2mg

Iron                                                      156mg

Magnesium                               191.5mg

Zinc                                                      3.9mg

Copper                                                1.2mg

Chromium                                0.28mg

Selenium                                   0.55mg

Manganese                               5mg

Germanium                   60mcg

Molybdenum                0.1mg

Boron                                       1 mg

Trace Minerals            6051mg


Phycocyanin (blue)               15,000mg

Chlorophyll (green)             760mg

Carotenoids (orng)               366.3mg

Beta Carotene                                      170mg

Echinenone                                                       43.9mg

Zeaxanthin                                                        31.6mg

Xanthophylis                                         100mg

Superoxide Dismutase            39.6mg

ENERGY (per 100g):

1600 kj - 360 calories

LIPIDS (PER 100g):

Glycolipids                   1980mg

Sulfolipids                     100mg


Cholesterol                   19.6mg

Sitosterol                      9.7mg


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