m wrote on 24.10.2005 at 16:13:53:no ja
je že močn striček ... pa vseen
bi se lahko strinju z njegovo kritiko da film o določenih temah, ki so pomembne (srce+kar je nanj prklopljeno) pove premalo, treba pa je rečt, da te teme o kerih on govori (consciousness, the heart, spirit and soul) in ki so njemu pomembne, pač ne zanimajo zemljanov. za njih je in film in to kar on govori popona izmišljotina. tko da, te teme, srce in zavest in višji jaz, so pač duhovne teme, ljudje v duhovnost ne verjamejo. so tko programirani!
pozdravljam film in ga tud pod razno ne kritiziram, sploh pa ne v delu ki ga razlaga, SPLOH, pa ne v delu, kateremu se je izognu((naj)višjim nivojem), saj je prekratek, da bi vse zaobjel.
se reče
lahko da modeli ne bojo nikol skupi spravl nadaljevanj, pa ne verjamem. dočim, začetek, trgastičen!
osnove, sploh tiste dokazljive, razloži do potankosti in pusti luft za nadgradnjo. ne tko kot osnovnošolska fizika.
film lepo pove, da znanost išče observerja povsod po telesu in ga ne najde nikjer, zato
Most seriously, the movie tends to view human beings dualistically-as a mind/body complex, and the nature of consciousness is never really addressed.
mi ni jasno ... je mojstr (sploh) gledu film
The movie What the Bleep do we know!? certainly starts out on a brief positive note, and has some very positive teaching or lessons. In the beginning, they have the void, and infinite possibilities. Further, the new physics is the "physics of possibilities," as sub-atomic quanta are spread out as waves of probability, until the observer collapses the wave function of the quanta, so that it manifests as a discrete particle. This logic is then applied to understanding a human beings' life where there are all these possible outcomes and possibilities, and we as observers will collapse certain wave functions, and not others. One of the main themes of the movie is that we, by our thoughts and intentions, play a role in bringing about some of these 'possibilities,' out of the infinite possibilities. Just as an observer effects the observed, and collapses the wave function of a quanta forcing it to manifest as a discrete particle instead of a wave of probabilitiy; so also, our thoughts and addictions create our life circumstances. We are told that what happens within creates what happens without, our reality. The question is then explored of "why do we keep recreating the same realities?" This theme is then explored through the movie in terms of the woman struggling to cope with life, deal with her varied neurosis, and find herself again. The movie thus also looks at our patterns of self defeating thoughts and emotions, and addictive behaviours; and encourages us to more consciously participate in our lives.
... po tem sodeč, ga je
However, from my perspective as a mystic, psychologist and scientist, what is missing from the movie is more notable than what it explicates. What is missing are any understanding of the mysteries and enigmas of consciousness, the mind and the heart, any understanding of the nature of spirit and soul, any ideas of the physics and metaphysics of consciousness and the multi-dimensional universe, and any practical teaching of how to awaken and experience self-realization.
no sej ...
how to awaken and experience self-realization
ga bo on posneu ...
a ne?
če bi modeli kakršnekoli 'understanding'se dal notr, bi ti bili nujno subjektivni (pa sej kakšni so tud bli) ... sploh o temah zavesti, uma in srca. nedokazljivih temah.
nature of spirit and soul
ja sej ... kr med atome pa kvante naj jih zbašejo, pa čustva, pa zemljo ... in tako ... ja, to bo to ...
What is missing in the movie is the science of the soul! or science of consciousness, although I think that the filmakers imagine that they provide this.
no jest pa ne mislm da oni tko misljo
jest pa mislm da jim je on mau fouš
k ni on o tem posneu filma (prvi, na tak način)
but doesn't even mention the most profound enigmas that humankind is currently facing in our quest 'TO KNOW.'
no ja ... omeni že ...
govori pak o tem česar velika večina NE VE, v bistvu o osnovah (Christopher Holmes (Ph.D) pač ni velika večina - on bi rabu petkrat bolj na power film, ki pa bi ljudem zgledu kot znanstvena fantastika, sej ne vem, mogoče večini ljudi tud ta film tko zgleda; pa ni!);
film govori o tem da, če se postavm sam vse, 7 let nazaj, če bi on bil takrat posnet in bi ga jest gledu, bi si reku, sam seb, kwa da fak pa sploh wem? kaj od tega kar vem da je res je sploh res? kaj sploh vem o delovanju sveta, človeka, njega duševnosti, odnosih ... ?
od kjer izviram? kaj je moje bistvo?
kam sploh HOČEM?
kaj da fak?
zato rabm ta film
zdej me zanimajo reči
višji jaz
ne VEM še da obstajajo, ampak ... drugač res ne more bit ... začenjam verjet ...
pol sicer najdem tud holmesa in se ubadam z njim ... prej se morm pa zbudit ... in za velik del ljudi je ta film dobra budnica. na osnovi znanstvenih dognanj sestavljane osnove ... ogromno informacij o materiji, o njeni subtilnosti, o njenih osnovah, naj-mikro-osnovah, malo manj o 'višjih nivojh materije' ... precej malo pa o duhovnem ustroju duhovnega dela človeka ... to pač ni dokazljivo, je samo posredno preverljivo. zase.
to bo za naslednjič