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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2565 - 05.08.2010 at 09:17:30
ne ampak vzporedne črte smer jug sever, malo širše, kot da bi imel valove in bi vzel samo izbokline,  - recimo  Smiley

mogoče se nisem včeraj dobro izrazil
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YaBB Administrator

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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2566 - 05.08.2010 at 11:33:30
gape wrote on 05.08.2010 at 11:23:25:
jest razumem to tko
doomsday je blizu
kaj jest nameravam da on bo? kaj se bo takrat zgodil? kaj se bom odloču v tistem trenutku? kašne izbire bojo sploh pred mano? hočem sploh bit soočen s temi izbirami? kaj narest, kaj počet, česa zihr ne počet? komu pomagat? komu ne? za koga delat? za koga ne?
a je doomsday sploh blizu?

The greatest charity giveaway in history?
34 billionaires pledge half of their fortunes

kaj zdej to pomen?
a tankajo dnar u svoje charity ustanove kjer jim ga ne bomo mogl pobrat?
ker one delajo dobro? itaq vemo kako se tanka ta denar in da oni majo usaj po usaj eno dobrodelno organizacijo - fond prowzaprow ... pač kup dnarja, ki pa ni napisan na njih ... ga pa seveda upravljajo ... in tankajo tistim katerim hočjo ...  
al hočjo da trg še mal cajta vzdrži?
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2567 - 05.08.2010 at 12:17:32
malo še pocuzat ja, dali pa itak ne bodo nič od sebe stran, kvečjemu pretankali v drugo posodo
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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2568 - 07.08.2010 at 11:16:39
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2569 - 11.08.2010 at 09:13:27
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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YaBB Administrator

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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2570 - 11.08.2010 at 15:38:50
Petra. wrote on 11.08.2010 at 09:13:27:

čist hud stric ...
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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I Love YaBB 2!
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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2571 - 11.08.2010 at 18:36:14
Kaj pravi tale striček v "slovenskem jeziku"  Roll Eyes
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2572 - 11.08.2010 at 23:42:18
ker na youtubu vztrajno blokirajo račune, je tale punca odprla forum, kje rlahko nemoteno poslušate mnogo coast to coast am materiala. tud tega o atlantidi in 2012, ki je ravnokar izginil z youtuba.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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I Love YaBB 2!
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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2573 - 12.08.2010 at 17:40:27
Ni prevoda?  Roll Eyes
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2574 - 12.08.2010 at 22:20:39
By Carlos Barrios

Carlos Barrios was born into a Spanish family on El Altiplano, the highlands of   . His home was in Huehue tenango, also the dwelling place of the Maya Mam tribe. With other Maya and other indigenous tradition keepers, the Mam carry part of the old ways on Turtle Island ( North America ).

They are keepers of time, authorities on remarkable calendars that are ancient, elegant and relevant. Mr. Barrios is a historian, an anthropologist and investigator. After studying with traditional elders for 25 years since the age of 19, he has also became a Mayan Ajq'ij, a ceremonial priest and spiritual guide, Eagle Clan.

Years ago, along with his brother, Gerardo, Carlos initiated an investigation into the different Mayan calendars. He studied with many teachers. He says his brother Gerardo interviewed nearly 600 traditional Mayan elders to widen their scope of knowledge.

"Anthropologists visit the temple sites," Mr. Barrios says, "and read the inscriptions and make up stories about the Maya, but they do not read the signs correctly. It's just their imagination... Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed. The indigenous have the calendars, and know how to accurately interpret it, not others.

The Mayan Calendars comprehension of time, seasons, and cycles has proven itself to be vast and sophisticated. The Maya understand 17 different calendars, some of them charting time accurately over a span of more than ten million years. The calendar that has steadily drawn global attention since 1987 is called the Tzolk'in or Cholq'ij.

Devised ages ago and based on the cycle of the Pleiades, it is still held as sacred. With the indigenous calendars, native people have kept track of important turning points in history.

For example, the day keepers who study the calendars identified an important day in the year One Reed, Ce Acatal, as it was called by the Mayans. That was the day when an important ancestor was prophesied to return, "coming like a butterfly." In the western calendar, the One Reed date correlates to Easter Sunday, April 21, 1519 the day that Hernando Cortez and his fleet of 11 Spanish galleons arrived from the East at what is today called Vera Cruz, .

When the Spanish ships came toward shore, native people were waiting and watching to see how it would go. The billowing sails of the ships did indeed remind the scouts of butterflies skimming the ocean surface. In this manner was a new era initiated, an era they had anticipated through their calendars. The Maya termed the new era the Nine Bolomtikus, or nine Hells of 52 years each. As the nine cycles unfolded, land and freedom were taken from the native people. Disease and disrespect dominated.

What began with the arrival of Cortez, lasted until August 16, 1987 - a date many people recall as Harmonic Convergence. Millions of people took advantage of that date to make ceremony in sacred sites, praying for a smooth transition to a new era, the World of the Fifth Sun."

From that 1987 date until now, Mr. Barrios says, "We have been in a time when the right arm of the materialistic world is disappearing, slowly but inexorably. We are at the cusp of the era when peace begins, and people live in harmony with Mother Earth. We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition. As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth changes."

All this, Mr .Barrios says, was foreseen via the simple, spiral mathematics of the Mayan calendars. "It will change," Mr. Barrios observes. "Everything will change." He said Mayan day keepers view the Dec. 21, 2012 date as a rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun. "It will be the start of a new era resulting from and signified by the solar meridian crossing the galactic equator, and the earth aligning itself with the center of the galaxy.

At sunrise on December 21, 2012 for the first time in 26,000 years, the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life, a tree remembered in all the world's spiritual traditions."

Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration.

This process has already begun, Mr. Barrios suggested. "Change is accelerating now, and it will continue to accelerate." If the people of the earth can get to this 2012 date in good shape, without having destroyed too much of the Earth, Mr. Barrios said, "We will rise to a new, higher level. But to get there we must transform enormously powerful forces that seek to block the way."

A Picture of the Road Ahead:

From his understanding of the Mayan tradition and the calendars, Mr. Barrios offered a picture of where we are at and what may lie on the road ahead. The date specified in the calendar Winter Solstice in the year 2012 does not mark the end of the world. Many outside people writing about the Mayan calendar sensationalize this date, but they do not know. The ones who know are the indigenous elders who are entrusted with keeping the tradition.

"Humanity will continue," he contends, "but in a different way. Material structures will change. From this we will have the opportunity to be more human. We are living in the most important era of the Mayan calendars and prophecies. All the prophecies of the world, all the traditions, are converging now. There is no time for games. The spiritual ideal of this era is action. Many powerful souls have reincarnated in this era, with a lot of power. This is true on both sides, the light and the dark.

A Call for Fusion:

As he met with audiences in Santa Fe, Mr. Barrios told a story about the most recent Mayan New Year ceremonies in . He said that one respected elder, who lives all year in a solitary mountain cave, journeyed to Chichicastenango to speak with the people at the ceremony. The elder delivered a simple, direct message. He called for human beings to come together in support of life and light. Right now each person and group is going his or her own way. The elder of the mountains said there is hope if the people of the light can come together and unite in some way.

Reflecting on this, Mr. Barrios explained: "We live in a world of polarity: day and night, man and woman, positive and negative. Light and darkness need each other. They are a balance. Just now the dark side is very strong, and very clear about what they want. They have their vision and their priorities clearly held, and also their hierarchy. They are working in many ways so that we will be unable to connect with the spiral Fifth World in 2012.

On the light side everyone thinks they are the most important, that their own understandings, or their group's understandings, are the key. There's a diversity of cultures and opinions, so there is competition, diffusion, and no single focus."

As Mr. Barrios sees it, "The dark side works to block fusion through denial and materialism. It also works to destroy those who are working with the light to get the Earth to a higher level. They like the energy of the old, declining  Fourth World , the materialism. They do not want it to change. They do not want fusion. They want to stay at this level, and are afraid of the next level. The dark power of the declining Fourth World cannot be destroyed or overpowered. It's too strong and clear for that, and that is the wrong strategy. The dark can only be transformed when confronted with simplicity and open-heartedness. This is what leads to fusion, a key concept for the World of the Fifth Sun."

Mr. Barrios said the emerging era of the Fifth Sun will call attention to a much-overlooked element. Whereas the four traditional elements of earth, air, fire and water have dominated various epochs in the past, there will be a fifth element to reckon with in the time of the Fifth Sun: ether. The dictionary defines ether as the rarefied element of the Heavens. Ether is a medium. It permeates all space and transmits waves of energy in a wide range of frequencies, from cell phones to human auras.

What is "ethereal" is related to the regions beyond earth: the Heavens. Ether, the element of the Fifth Sun, is celestial and lacking in material substance, but is no less real than wood, stone or flesh. "Within the context of ether there can be a fusion of the polarities," Mr .Barrios said. "No more darkness or light in the people, but an uplifted fusion.

But right now the realm of darkness is not interested in this. They are organized to block it. They seek to unbalance the Earth and its environment so we will be unready for the alignment in 2012. We need to work together for peace, and balance with the other side. We need to take care of the Earth that feeds and shelters us. We need to put our entire mind and heart into pursuing unity and fusion now, to confront the other side and preserve life, to be ready for this Moment in History."

Mr. Barrios told his audiences in Santa Fe that we are at a critical moment of world history. "We are disturbed," he said. "We can't play anymore. Our planet can be renewed or ravaged. Now is the time to awaken and take action. Everyone is needed. You are not here for no reason. Everyone who is here now has an important purpose. This is a hard, but special time. We have the opportunity for growth, but we must be ready for this moment in history."

Mr. Barrios offered a number of suggestions to help people walk in balance through the years ahead. "The prophesied changes are going to happen," he said "but our attitude and actions determine how harsh or mild they are. We need to act, to make changes, and to elect people to represent us who understand and who will take political action to respect the earth. Meditation and spiritual practice are good, but also action. It's very important to be clear about who you are, and also about your relation to the Earth.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2575 - 12.08.2010 at 22:23:08
Develop yourself according to your own tradition and the call of your heart. But remember to respect differences, and strive for unity. Eat wisely. A lot of food is corrupt in either subtle or gross ways. Pay attention to what you are taking into your body. Learn to preserve food, and to conserve energy. Learn some good breathing techniques, so you have the mastery of your breath. Be clear. Follow a tradition with great roots. It is not important what tradition, your heart will tell you, but it must have great roots. We live in a world of energy. An important task at this time is to learn to sense or see the energy of everyone and everything: people, plants, animals.

This becomes increasingly important as we draw close to the World of the Fifth Sun, for it is associated with the element ether - the realm where energy lives and weaves. Go to the sacred places of the earth to pray for peace, and have respect for the Earth which gives us our food, clothing, and shelter. We need to reactivate the energy of these sacred places. That is our work.
One simple but effective prayer technique is to light a white or baby-blue colored candle. Think a moment in peace. Speak your intention to the flame and send the light of it on to the leaders who have the power to make war or peace. We Have Work To Do."

According to Mr. Barrios this is a crucially important moment for humanity, and for earth. Each person is important. If you have incarnated into this era, you have spiritual work to do balancing the planet. He said the elders have opened the doors so that other races can come to the Mayan world to receive the tradition. The Maya have long appreciated and respected that there are other colors, other races, and other spiritual systems.

"They know," he said, "that the destiny of the Mayan world is related to the destiny of the whole world. The greatest wisdom is in simplicity," ...  . "Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. It's not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge is free. It's encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great teachers have said that from the beginning. Find your heart, and you will find your way."

Carlos Barrios is author of  The Book of Destiny: Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Optimus T. Prime

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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2576 - 13.08.2010 at 08:48:16
Petra. wrote on 12.08.2010 at 22:23:08:
Develop yourself according to your own tradition and the call of your heart. But remember to respect differences, and strive for unity. Eat wisely. A lot of food is corrupt in either subtle or gross ways. Pay attention to what you are taking into your body. Learn to preserve food, and to conserve energy. Learn some good breathing techniques, so you have the mastery of your breath. Be clear. Follow a tradition with great roots. It is not important what tradition, your heart will tell you, but it must have great roots. We live in a world of energy. An important task at this time is to learn to sense or see the energy of everyone and everything: people, plants, animals.

This becomes increasingly important as we draw close to the World of the Fifth Sun, for it is associated with the element ether - the realm where energy lives and weaves. Go to the sacred places of the earth to pray for peace, and have respect for the Earth which gives us our food, clothing, and shelter. We need to reactivate the energy of these sacred places. That is our work.
One simple but effective prayer technique is to light a white or baby-blue colored candle. Think a moment in peace. Speak your intention to the flame and send the light of it on to the leaders who have the power to make war or peace. We Have Work To Do."

According to Mr. Barrios this is a crucially important moment for humanity, and for earth. Each person is important. If you have incarnated into this era, you have spiritual work to do balancing the planet. He said the elders have opened the doors so that other races can come to the Mayan world to receive the tradition. The Maya have long appreciated and respected that there are other colors, other races, and other spiritual systems.

"They know," he said, "that the destiny of the Mayan world is related to the destiny of the whole world. The greatest wisdom is in simplicity," ...  . "Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. It's not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge is free. It's encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great teachers have said that from the beginning. Find your heart, and you will find your way."

Carlos Barrios is author of  The Book of Destiny: Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012


Imam neki vrpašanj.

1.) Je to knjigo Destiny,.. pooblastilo Zdruzenje majev, oziroma koncil majev oziroma eden od treh ozirma najvecji koncil majev je odobril to knjigo. Po mojem razikovanju nobene knjige te tematike ni bila odobrena.

Torej je tole bul shit.

2.) Mene res zanima zakaj bi jaz hotel tole zemljo rešiti. Ok pomislimo.  Ce pomislim kok ljudi me je pretepalo od prirpav za vrtec narpej, koliko punc me je izkoriščalo varalo itd, koliko ljudi mi je za hrbtom škodovalo, koliko ljudi mi je onemogočilo, da bi dobil sluzbo ko sem mel krvavitve k nism mel kaj za jest, koliko ljudi hinavlo in lagalo, in če se rečem za konec, koliko sorodnikov, ki nj bi bili prvi v vrsti pri pomoci mi je obnilo hrbet in me pravno zajebalo in da sploh ne govorim o očetu k me je pretepal, da sem padel na tla kot kos mesa iz katerega so hitele vse telesne tekočine (blato, urin solze, kri itd,.. ),.... mislim resno, Lepo prosim nj mi en lepo prosim pove zakaj bi res imel namen rešiti ta naš mali gnili planet. Ker sem mnenja da ljudje iz mojega lijfa niso izjeme in da so taki ljudje povsod po svetu. Torej potem se postavi vprašanje zakaj bi sploh želeli rešiti ta planet. Moj mnenje je da naj vsemogočni bog k mi ni dal v življenju niti poštene družine iz katere bi lahko rastel, pogojev kot so jih meli ostali, ki se delajo nroca iz vseh reči, tepejo, varajo, izkoriščajo, majoi punce k si jih ne zaluzijo itd, itd, naj bog lepo vzame eno tkao reč, da bodo vsi ljudje pocrkali na tem planetu, in zemlja bo rešena, mislim, zakaj bi se mogli sekirati rešimo zemljo, evolucija to ono, mislim, zemlja je vredu tele zivali k so bodo že preživel samo ce vržemo glavno žival iz računa, namreč človeka. Pol bo zemlaj rešena. IN pol me še zanima, ko boste rešili kar mislite rešiti mislite da bo kaj bolje, vedno bo en kurcev hec ker en bos mogel normalno ziveti.

Hm, ....... . Torej lepo prosim zakaj bi jaz osbno hotel rešiti ta planet kjer vidim smao en kup hinavcec kubijev kurb in prostitutk.

Resno, osbno mislim takole, maji so najvecji luzerji, resno, oni bijejo bitko katera je bila zgubljena ko so odprli portale na atlantidi. ZAKAJ se matrajo kaj en vidijo da ta svet ni dober za nic drugega kot unicenje. 1 setev je umrla zaradi vojne, 2 setev je urmal zaradi električnih vojn ki je trajala miljon let in pol v obeh priemrih so to pobili in unicili celoten planet. Sterilizacija. Torej tretja setev smo mi krona stvrstva in dreka kjer kol ga lohak najdes, brat ubija cloveka sestra ubija sestro picka zazira tipa in tako naprej, Mislim da bi mogli sterelizirati celo zemljo, nase prisotnsotnosti.

Torej mi lahko lepo rposim en pove zakaj, bi jaz osbno hotel rešiti zemljo na način kot ga promovira ta prispevek.

Zato da bom gledal ljudi k so mi delali krivico na visji ravni ki si tam ne zaluzijo biti.

Zato da bom geldal vse prasice k so me zafukale tam gor.

MIslim resno, naša rasa je najbolj agresvina in naapdalna na celem planetu, in mi kot smo ne bi smeli ziveti ker ogorzamo medgalaktični vir, in to povsod. Če rosjtvo otork kateri se dogajajo niso izpeljani v skaldu z znanjem. De ne omnim, da vecina folak v parih zaira en drugega.


Kar se mene tiče, lohak dones pride bog do mene pa mi reče " boš uničil zemljo", in niti za trenutek ne bi pomilil da bi reku ne. Tako bi spucal to kuglo, da ne bi niti ksoti najdu vec od nasih ras.

Rečte mi da sem nor, samo se mi zdi da nekje v učenjih katera so bila podana (mingrede ta ucenja so zaplenila verske frkacije ki so mocen na svetu ker se bojijo da bi ven prisla), piše da si ne smes lagati, torej kako nj se pol o teh receh menim z ljudmi ki majo polno rit vsega in vidijo samo lepe reci ko pa v bistvu vedo da si lazejo ker ce bi si pogeldali v oci in rekli to je resnica bi umrli v trentunu. Kot sem spoznal pred nedavnim ljudje ko se rodimo, obnemo ta princip, ko se rodis si pravi in cisti pol pa se zaradi inekcij itd vse obne, tako da v bistvu lazes in to je sistm v katerem zivimo.

3.) Resno no daj ne me jebat.

3.1) Vse svete točke so okupirane z cerkvami. Vse točke na zemlji k so pomebne majo nekaj kar jih varuje itd. IN niti prdent ne mores tam ker te bodo tako hitr dobil da bos zgnil v trenutku. Resno bi reku smao to, sonce predstavlja 98% našega osončja.

TOrej pol veste zakaj je to pomebno 89% mas eosončja je vleiko energije in tisi k manipulirjao z temi rečmi vedo kako in kaj. In pol bo en reku, da lohka se kaj spremni.

4.) Resno zakaj bi hotel tole rešiti, mislim, save the planet, bul shit. Vsi ljudj k so uspesni so zafukali vse ostale vsaj 100 ljudi drugih in to je destvo. IN vi mislite da boste dobili stanovanje sluzbo punco brez denarja hianvščine in laganja. Lepo vas prosim kje živite. POl ap slišis ljudi k govore, ojej un s je ubesu pa un tud. Joj no ne smes se ubest. Ja pizda kako se ne bos ubesu pr takih ljudeh k je naša družba. Pičke ne dobis če nimas denarja in bajte avta, oziroma ce nisi gnoj in hianvec za znort. Sihta ne dobis ce vsi k jih prasajo ne recejo da si ok, ker po praivci je to statisično nemogoce ker vsi k te zazirajo morejo od tebe dobiti akr hcoejo ce zelis da bos dobil siht. WTF.

Save the palent bul shit. Če so bili tiel pametni tkao kto so bili, zakaj noben pol ne pove od kod prihaja, grem staviti da polovica masterjev je reinkarnacija neke druge rase ki hcoe koenc pogace na tem planetu. KDo je dejasnko prerok od boga k po mojem sploh ne obstaja je pa druga stvar. Se mi zdi da nobeden, mogoce skoraj verjetno pa so to smao ljudje k so bili poslani sme da bi kao znanje civilicaije k je bolj razvita prenesli na nas po dolocenimi pogoji izmnjave dobrin itd.

Pol pa bi s eneki reku, angeli in demnoni. No mislim poglejmo.

Koliko angelov nj bi bilo. Ne vem se mi zdi da kar neki. IN kje so, kaj počno.

No prediskutirajmo tole.

-Po svetu rovarijo vojne.
-Po svetu se dela profit iz seksa ljubezni cepiv itd.
-Posvetu se delajo vojen v imenu ljubezni (ljubi domovino, filmi, morala itd in bum gremo v vojno ovce)
-Po svetu se krade ljudem in drzavam kateri so neizobrazeni itd, ozirm a se pošilja ekonomske hitmane tja (sej veste ta princip) zato da mamo mi k smo tuki v osrcju evrope za jest in se mamo fino , zato umirajo ljudej po celem svet. IN pol se pizdolirmao kako smo revčki k nimamo nic pomebenga ceprov pocrka 1000 torok na leto zaradi tega k izkrosicamo revne.
- Prerečimo revščino bul shit; po zakonu privlačnsoti taki programi dajo se vec revščine ,. jao jao,.. ....... . ok ne bom lagal, ne po tem zakonu, po kabali in to so hudo visoke ucenja kto mi ej bilo receno.

In kje so angeli, ne vem no poglejmo, ce bi si milsil de res obstajajo in ce recemo da vera res ni vrsta kontole. POl bi reku, da angelov ni toda tega ne smemo rect kajne, ker so nas učili, da to obstaja. No pol pa pridemo do zakjučka da enostavno jih, no ne vem,...  ,jih zgleda ni dovolj.

Torej, angeli bi mogli preprečt sranaj kot so vojne, itd, prerečiti pobijanje otrok, preprečiti ljudi k trgujejo z otorki, prerečiti ritualno pitje krvi otork od 1 leta starosti, preprečiti ritalna darovanja otrok in zensk ( no ok kar se zenk tice nj jih kar k itak so kurbe vsaj v 95%), prerpečiti srkanje zive energije iz ljudi ki so se nedolzni in niso meli spolenga odnosa za potrebe podalšejvanja lijfa. itd.

Resno, in ne boste vejreli, vse toel obstaja. Celo punce se posluzujejo magije da dobijo tiepa k jih hočejo da se lahko fukajo z njimi.

Kaj pa mam jaz. Sveto biblijo. In se to so napisali ljudje k so jo zamnipulirali in prave knjige itak en bos videl nikoli.

Torej dragi angel/angeli/angelčki ce toel beres/berete, daj pridi dol in lepo prosim naredi red. Oziroma glede na to kako ste mi zafukali lijfe ker se mi zdi da ce ste angeli pol bi mogli reci katere sem mel v lijfu prepreciti kaj ne. No ce tega niste sposobni. Pol lepo prosim pozgite ta svet tako da je mir, in pol boste rešili zemljo edine zivlei k dela sranje in k je kao taka krona stvarsta da je za znort.

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 918

Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2577 - 13.08.2010 at 12:04:59
Svet se bo izboljšal v kratkem času, le prebuditi se moramo vsi čimprej ali pa morda tako kot je že rekel Alojz, EM-valovanje vsem prebuja samodejno!  Huh
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Optimus T. Prime

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 836

Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2578 - 13.08.2010 at 16:26:17

Mene boli kurac za svet. Svet je v preteklosti bolil kurac zame zato mene boli kurac za svet sedaj.

Povem kar mislim in tako se mi zdi prav.

Ljudi je bolil kurac zame v preteklosti in se danes jih boli kurac zame. In zato mene boli kurac za njih. Resno nikoli nisem vec pomagal nikomur od mojega 27 leta naprej ko sem mel stale. In tudi ne mislim.

Kar se tiče sveta. sem pa napisal. Boli me kurac za em valovanje, meni em valovanej nic dobrega ni dalo in zato en vidim razloga zakaj bi ga morel si ga želeti.

Resno, zaradi mene gre svet lahko v poden, saj tkao kot je v uenm filmu ko male asine poejdu ljudi in vse akr je clvoekanredu. Koenc koncev to kar mamo mi za civilizacijo ni vredno nicesar. Resno s emi pa tuzdi zdi da nima poemna tudi ce bi sedja se vse uredilo v enem letu, mojega zivljenja j ekoenc in meni to ne poamga ce bodood danes anrpej vsi psoteni.
Ta cas j eminil in azto nj gre vse v poden.

Mislim, da si je clovek to zaluzil, veliak vecina ljudi je kubiskih hianih itd,. to ej to,.

le kdo je kriv kaj,. le kdo,.

Zle stvari se dogode ko dobra bitja ne daljo nic in to dopuste,.
kje ap so angeli,.

kis my dirty fakibn as,..

Ja vse je moaj krivda res,.. ce bi od mene bilo dovisno bi me lahko vrgli skozi okn k sme se rodil, na zalsot mati tega ni hotela,..

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 918

Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2579 - 13.08.2010 at 16:45:48
Vsak človek sam odloča, kako bo živel sedaj in v prihodnosti, preteklost pa je že mimo, ne moreš ga več prebuditi, razen če obstaja "časovni stroj" Cheesy
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