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Re: 2004
Reply #15 - 19.12.2003 at 16:10:12
mene pa zanima, če mate že kj novoletnih obljub, pa če jih podelite z nami mogoče:)
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Re: 2004
Reply #16 - 20.12.2003 at 11:22:31

33   General / Spolnost in odnosi / Re: Zvestoba in zveza  Nov 26th, 2003, 9:20am

Zakaj bi uporabljali glavo... in razmisljali, ce tega cloveka lahko objamemo.. in kaj si bo mislil... in kaj si bo partner mislil.. in kaj si bojo drugi mislili.. ce lahko poslusas srce in preprosto cloveka objames.. kadar pride do tega instinkta?

Želim vsem nam, da nas to iz trenutka v  trenutek navdihuje v prihodnjem letu.

(ampak, s tem nočem reči, da tega ne smete storiti že sedaj)
Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

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Posts: 1223
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Re: 2004
Reply #17 - 22.12.2003 at 12:15:30
V prihajajočem letu želim sebi in vsem vam čim več notranjega miru.
Ker mir v svetu izhaja iz miru v nas.
Več bomo imeli miru v sebi, več ga bo v svetu.

In iz pravega miru izhaja in prihaja vse: sreča, ljubezen, zdravje...

Imejmo se radi, podelimo to med sabo, med vse ljudi, in vsem bo lažje.

Na svet smo dani za srečo in za ljubezen, užijmo to Kiss
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Ljubezen ozdravlja vse - tiste, ki jo dajejo in tiste, ki jo prejemajo.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: 2004
Reply #18 - 05.01.2004 at 10:25:05
V letu 2004 nameravam biti čimbolj v trenutku in uživati v vsakem od teh trenutkov, naj bodo karkršnikoli že bodo...Kajti vsak trenutek je lekcija, ki jo moja duša potrebuje in hoče doživeti!

Moč, pogum, energijo, modrost za vse nadaljne spremembe!

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: 2004
Reply #19 - 05.01.2004 at 10:29:11
A Message for the New Year

Quado, do you have a message for the New Year?

Ah yes, of course.  What a wonderful opportunity it is, to pause for a moment and contemplate what the new year may hold.  But first, we must cleanse ourselves of the past.  Cleanse ourselves of the past and step into this moment, this moment right now. And so, picture yourself by a blazing bonfire.  We are going to remove the past.  We are going to take off each piece of clothing and all it represents and toss it into the fire.  

Yes, yes, remove that guilt that you have been carrying around, about those things you did or left undone, that person you hurt, that difficult situation you handled poorly.  Take the guilt off and toss it into the fire.  All that will remain is the wisdom and experience that you carry in your heart, the knowledge of what you will do the next time.  But the guilt over the past, let it go.  Toss it in and let it burn.

And now, the regrets.  Ah, yes, the regrets for those opportunities you let pass by, opportunities which will never come again.  And it is true.  You will never have exactly that opportunity again, at that age, with those people, in that place.  But you will have many, many more.  If you will but remove those old regrets and toss them in the fire, it will lift the weight from your shoulders and allow you to move quickly and lightly, able to respond to the wonderful new things which are coming your way in every moment, all around you.  

And now, remove the resticting limitations, the old habits and ways of being and thinking.  Toss all of these into the fire and see if you cannot live in a new way, form new habits, healthier and clearer ways of being.  Toss in the limitations you picked up along the way in your life, the rules given to you by parents, schools, churches and bosses, all those things they said cannot be done.  Toss it all in the fire and allow yourself to move in the world without bounds, without limitations, without all of that old baggage weighing you down.

And along with the old ways, you must remove the fears which lie beneath them.  Take off the fears which make you full of anxiety when you even think about letting go those old ways of being.  Shed the old defenses which were necessary when you were a child, but which no longer work, no longer fit.  Take off the fears which have kept you living in small dark corners when you might be soaring in open sunshine.  In the new year, you will be fearless.  You will be full of courage, commitment and action.

And as you toss the cloak of fear into the fire, you see uncovered the web of little doubts, the nagging doubts in the background that make you stop just before you are about to try something new and exciting, the doubts that say you are not enough.  Toss these doubts in the fire.  You are enough.  You are more than enough.  You are everything you need to be.  Instead, be full of faith, of belief in yourself and in the help which is there for you at every turn.

And now, take off the blame, the anger, the parts of you which turn against other people in frustration, judgment and criticism.  Take the divorce, the painful love affair, the job loss, the hurtful things said and done to you and toss them in, let them go.  Toss them in the fire and let acceptance and forgiveness enter your heart in their place.  Forgiveness to all those who did you ill during your life, and forgiveness to yourself as well.  

Yes, to yourself.  For underneath it all, you will find the garments often worn closest to the skin are those of self-reproach and self-loathing, garments all tattered and stained and grown ugly with age.  Take them off.  Take them off.  Look how torn and tattered they are, the parts where you have blamed yourself for what was done to you, where you have told yourself that you are worthless and that nothing good will come your way because, deep down, you are afraid you do not deserve it.  Take this off, this grimy old rag.  You do not want or need this any more.

And now, you stand naked before the world.  Lift your face up toward the sky.  See there the angels which are above you, pouring out the sweet waters of love which flow and flow and never end.  Let the love flow down upon you and cleanse you.  Let it wash away the last vestiges of any negative emotions that you have inside.  Let it cleanse you completely.

Ah, yes, scrub away what needs to be scrubbed away.  Wash it all away, all the past, all gone.  And now, open your mouth and let the waters flow gently inside, filling your heart with love, with acceptance, with forgiveness and with a deep, deep gratitude.  Let the waters fill you so completely that you begin to overflow, love pouring out from you and covering the world.

You are as you are, and it is good.  You are filled with love and peace, and it is good.  You are cleansed of all that was and are ready to step out and begin again.  Begin again, exactly as you are, in this moment, because that is who you are, and it is good.

You are perfect just as you are.  With all of the old negative emotions removed, you stand perfect in your glowing being, ready to shine out with who you are, exactly as you are.  No one else but you.  Ready to dig deep into your full integrity of being, your deep well of youness, of perfection, and shine out to the world.  Here I am!

Yes, yes, this is it.  This cleansing, this energy, this shine.  For you are everything you need to be.  You have all of the talents and skills you need to have.  And you have a heart full of love and gratitude, ready to greet each dawn with thanks just for being alive and to pull yourself down into now, now, now, this moment which holds all of the power of being, the power of doing.  This moment which pulls toward it the life of happiness and joy which you desire and which you deserve.

So greet the new day, the new year.  And throughout the year, remember this cleansing.  Remember to keep yourself clean, to go naked into the world, clothed only in your joy, peace and love and the great glow which is you, just as you are.

And you will find that if you fill each moment, this moment, with joy, peace and love, that the future unfolds gently and beautifully before you, for the future, this coming year, is only a string of moments, each one glowing with what you put into it.

Carrie Hart
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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