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06.11.2003 at 14:17:26

a lahk dobim opise živali k jih daješ v pozitivke

zajec, srna

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: živali
Reply #1 - 06.11.2003 at 16:38:20
??? Kaj to misliš? A une od Marjetke? Mislm, da se morš na Devi obrnt. Wink Grin
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: živali
Reply #2 - 07.11.2003 at 08:29:58
a do polža je blo od nje?
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ravno prav
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Re: živali
Reply #3 - 07.11.2003 at 09:32:32
jps, to so članki od Marjetke. Unih živali, ki bi jih ti rad, nismo še dobli, boš zrihtal Wink?
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Nobena čarovnija ne more ničesar spremeniti v kaj drugega, tega ni; sprememba v predstavi v srcu čarovnije je spoznanje, ne ustvarjanje.&&(S. Palwick)
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Re: živali
Reply #4 - 07.11.2003 at 19:42:43
se bom potrudil  Wink
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ravno prav
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Re: živali
Reply #5 - 07.11.2003 at 19:53:45
... ...

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Nobena čarovnija ne more ničesar spremeniti v kaj drugega, tega ni; sprememba v predstavi v srcu čarovnije je spoznanje, ne ustvarjanje.&&(S. Palwick)
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: živali
Reply #6 - 11.02.2004 at 12:53:44
Animal Spirit Guides

Ancient Native Americans believed that all animals had lessons to teach and had
healing or inspirational power. When they held or carried a certain fetish, or meditated
on it's meaning, they believed they drew the special energy of the animal into

Today, in a search for a closer walk with the earth, many are relearning the old ways of
these ancient people, using the animal energy as the Native Americans did. To choose which animal energies are right for you, simply take a deep breath, still yourself
and ask your inner being. You will have a knowing, as the ancient people did long

Survival, Stealth

Speed, Grace, Rapid Advancement

Strength, Introspection, Self-Knowledge

Building, Shaping, Structure

Service, Gathering, Community

Unity, Freedom, Individuality

Abundance, Healing, Good fortune

Transformation, Balance, Grace

Travel, Mobility

Balance, Leadership

Humor, Trickiness, Reversal of fortune

Balance, Majesty

Council, Wisdom, Resourcefulness

Gentleness, Sensitivity, Peace

Joy, Harmony, Connection with self

Skill, Refinement, Relentlessness

Potency, Healing Power, Illumination

Pride, Power, Majesty

Cleverness, Subtlety, Discretion

Cleansing, Peace, Emotional Healing

Tenacity, Diligence

Safe return, Love of home

Awareness, Truth


Freedom, Power, Safe movement

Beauty, Wonder, Agility

Letting go, Elusiveness

Communication, Serenity

Unpredictability, Spontaneity

Illusion, Charm

Joy, Laughter, Lightness

Wisdom, Vision, Insight

Innocence, Humility

Protectiveness, Group Harmony

Conquering fear, Safety, Innocence

Mystery, Exploration of the unknown

Trust, Strength, Determination, Persistence

Quickness, Foraging, Scavenging

Carefree attitude, Versitility, Freedom


Caution, Warning, Respect

Perseverence, Determination

Power, Life force, Sexual Potency

Web of Life, Interconnectedness, Industrious

Trust, Thrift

Elegance, Nurturing together, Relationship, Oneness

Love and Protection, Healing and Knowlege

Teaching skill, Loyalty, Independence

Creativity and Intuition
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: živali
Reply #7 - 15.02.2004 at 13:09:52
Wednesday, December 17, 2003 Daily Quado:

Today’s message is in answer to a reader’s question.  The question is:

My power animal is Bear.  Last night he came to me and wants to help.  I certainly have a lot of challenges that I can use help with.  What would you suggest I do in response to Bear's open willingness to help me?

Quado, do you have an answer to this question?

Yes, of course, of course.

Your power animal is always willing to help. That is his purpose within your life.  If he came to you signaling his wiliness, that was just a reminder that you are not tapping into his strengths as you should.  Like a spirit guide and an angel, he is always there.  The only issue is your openness to his strength and help and your ability to access him.

A wonderful thing to do with your power animal is to demonstrate your appreciation of him by doing things which he would like to do.  With the bear, for example, you will want to make sure that you are getting enough sleep.  The bear loves to sleep and then to awaken in the morning full of energy and renewal.  So be sure you are doing this.  The bear also has marvelous abilities to focus on going after the sweetness in life.  He knows that it is well worth the stings to go after the honey, and he does so with great enthusiasm, just swatting away those pesky bees, putting up with a few stings, and then getting the prize, the sweet golden honey of life.  This is also true of the berries; he does not mind a few thorn pricks on his skin if it will get him that sweet berry.

He is also highly attuned to the seasons and knows that things come and go.  He knows that the spring always follows the winter and holds out for this.  He knows when to hibernate and wait for things to pass, full of faith that the good things will come again soon.

He is sweet and loving with those he is close to and ferocious and strong with those who challenge what is most important.  He is all of these things and many more.  And as your power animal, he will have a special affinity to those aspects of your life which can utilize his strengths.

The best way to use your power animal is to set up a daily ritual of accessing his strength.  A good one is this.  Every morning after you awaken, lie in your bed for a moment longer with your eyes closed.  Then put your hand over your heart and picture your power animal.  Then feel him within you, feel his energy filling you.  In this case, feel his bearness deeply within you and let it flow through your whole body.  Feel what he wishes to give you that day.  Feel his power and courage, his wisdom in the face of challenges.  Feel all this and just be with it for a time.

And then, as you go through your day, you can use this power when you need it.  Just before a difficult meeting, for example, you can touch your heart briefly and feel a surge of power and courage coming through your body.  When you are feeling low on energy in the afternoon, you can touch your heart briefly and feel his frisky spring energy pouring through you.  And when you are feeling bored or discouraged, you can touch your heart and remember that it is worth it to fight your way through the bees in order to get the sweet honey.

Use his power.  Use his strength.  Let it flow within you.

And remember too, of course, that a power animal is a metaphor for your own power.  It is highly useful to have this focus, but it is also important to know that you have all the power.  The animal is a symbol, a metaphor for focusing your own powers of being.  He is a useful way to pull your attention into the current moment and focus your own powers.  For all animals live only in the now, and have great powers to be in the now.

But remember that ultimately, you have the power.  Ultimately, you have the ability and the power to pull many, many energies your way.  If you like angels, then call them to you.  If you would like a spirit guide, then know you are surrounded by their force and power.  If you would prefer a more direct approach and wish to pull down the energy from your own soul self, then you may do this as well through your meditations, just reaching up above your head and pulling down the energy which is focused there.  But even here, this is metaphor.  It is all metaphor for the many energies and powers which are yours to command, the great and vast mysteries which surround and empower you.

So choose the metaphor or metaphors which you like.  Feel free to use them all, surrounding yourself with angels and spirit guides, and filling yourself with the power of a magnificent animal, all to help you focus on your own powers and energies, to empower you to take full responsibility for your life, to lead you to right action, action which empowers you with the love of yourself and others.

All of this is yours.  You are infinitely powerful, and have only to choose to use the power, to reach down into this present moment and make it yours.

When the bear comes to you in a dream and asks to help, this is a message from your own soul self.  This is you telling yourself that it is time to act, that you have powers untapped, that you are holding yourself back out of fear and doubt from facing those things you need to face.  And so, if you would like to use this wonderful bear as a mechanism to help you focus on doing what you must, then do so.  A power animal can be a wonderfully useful and comfortable metaphor to help you.

But in the end, this is your life.  And it is a fabulous adventure if you will but allow yourself to live it and enjoy it.  Set aside all of those regrets from the past.  Forget about all those worries over the future.  Forget about the judgments and criticisms which come from others and, most importantly, from your own mind.  And just live.  Just like the bear.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: živali
Reply #8 - 15.02.2004 at 13:10:36
(Awakening the Power of the Unconscious):

Ursus Major, the great Bear constellation includes the seven stars of the big dipper and they are linked to the seven great rays of light of the Divine. It has lunar symbology giving it ties to the sub- and un-conscious mind. It was an animal associated with the goddess Diana, a goddess of the moon. It also symbolizes alchemy, the nigredo of prime matter. It relates to all initial stages and primal instincts.

The bear teaches how to go within to find the resources necessary for survival. It can teach you to draw upon all of your inner stores of energy and essence even those which have never been tapped or accessed. Meditating and working with bear will help you to go within your soul's den—your inner sanctum—to find your answers.

In the winter, the bear's kidneys shut down completely. Metaphysically, the kidneys are symbols of discernment and discrimination. If bear has shown up in your life, ask yourself some important questions. Is your judgment off? How about those around you? Are you not recognizing what is beneficial in your life? Are you not seeing the core of good, deep within all situations? Are you being too critical of yourself or others? Are you wearing rose-colored glasses? Bear medicine can teach you to go deep within so that you can make your choices and decisions from a position of power.

Bears love trees. The tree is a powerful and ancient symbol. It is a natural antenna, linking the Heavens and the Earth. As bear teaches you to go in and awaken the potentials inherent, the tree serves as a reminder that we must bring what we awaken out into the world and apply it, make our marks with it. Anyone with a bear totem should keep the cub in them-selves alive and occasionally climb trees—if only to get a clear perspective.

It is important to not hide away and hibernate all year-round. You must come out of the den. This is reflected in the birthing process where birth occurs in Winter and Spring brings a departure from the den. It often reflects a need to go deep within yourself, to have periods in your life when you can be more reclusive. During these times, you will be able to go within yourself and even give birth to two or three ideas or projects. They can be nursed through the winter and then as spring approaches emerge with your babies to help them grow. Those who have a bear as a totem will find this cycle very natural. They will also find that with the spring will come opportunities to act more assertively in regard to that which has been nursed through the winter months. Bear people should be patient, as cubs will usually stay for two years. This can reflect that those projects may not come to fruition until the second year of the cycle. Also, black bears can be very playful, both as adults and as young cubs. This is a reminder for those with the black bear as a totem.

All bears are fond of honey. Honey is the natural sweetness of life. It is usually found in the hives, located in trees, again reflecting a connection between bears and trees. It is a reminder for those with this totem to go within to awaken the power, but only by bringing it out into the open and applying it will the honey of life be tasted.

Ted Andrews, Animal Speak
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: živali
Reply #9 - 15.02.2004 at 13:11:45
Animal Guide


The Eagle

The eagle is a sacred messenger, carrying our prayers to the Creator and returning with gifts and visions for the people. Eagle feathers aid medicine people in calling on this connection when they need to contact spirit for healing.

Eagles require isolation from human encroachment to breed in the wild.  If a human strays to close or touches their nest, they are likely to abandon it. Both male and female incubate the eggs.

The eagle is incredibly patient. They are often seen perched in a tree maintaining the same position for hours at a time. One of the challenges for those with this totem is to learn how to master this art in every area of their life.

Eagles are good at feeding themselves from the land and still soar to great heights in the sky. They teach us the balance of being of the earth but not in it. They have excellent hearing. Eagles can hunt as much by ear as by sight. To those to whom eagle comes, the ability to hear spiritually and physically will increase.

Eagles have sharp beaks and strong jaws.  They remind us to pay attention to our speech and how it affects others.  Our words as well as the tone of our voice should be examined.  Eagles ask us to maintain a prayerful connection with Spirit, to keep in our minds what is important in life.  Maintaining this attitude removes judgement from our consciousness.  Without judgement we speak with encouragement and kindness towards others. Lessons associated are part of this medicine.

Eagles have excellent vision.  Perched high in a tree they appear to analyze and observe everything.  If Eagle has blessed you with its presence in some way, you are being given potent gifts of clarity and vision to use for the good of all people helping to bring forth the light out of the darkness. Eagle also serves as a reminder to those with this totem to communicate with Great Spirit daily so the gifts Eagle offers you can be utilized fully.

~  Author Unknown but appreciated ~
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: živali
Reply #10 - 15.02.2004 at 13:15:21
Animal Guides

Animal Guides
   There are just as many explanations as there are civilizations who believe animals are part of our spiritual teachers and guides. From the Far East, to Native Americans, a sacred Cow from Hinduism and the Dove of Peace that plays a key role as a guide in Christian literature. All societies believe animals have played and do play a special role in our spiritual lives.
   The connections we have with the animal kingdom isn't just restricted to Paganism, Shamanism, the NewAge or metaphysical beliefs and understandings. So take some time to look at a church, a chapel, synagogue or gathering place belonging to a religious sect that you're not real familiar with. Talk to others about their beliefs and ask them what animals come to mind when they describe the relationships between that kingdom and the kingdom of their God. It's really a great way to learn, bridge gaps and even share knowledge.
   As for me and my beliefs and understandings come from a Cherokee heritage. It is widely believed that animals here in the physical form, as well as the spiritual form, are all guides and teachers and when one crosses our path, we are to learn something from them. When you see an animal in the woods or a bird in the sky, think to yourself, what is this raccoon trying to tell me? What does the eagle want me to see? You can try to connect with creature and see if communication is possible. But even if it isn't, you can decipher the meaning.
Animals of the Physical Kingdom
   The easiest way to gain understanding about an animal who crosses your path in the physical form is to define the characteristics that you associate with that animal. Start an encyclopedia of symbolic representations. Much like the Dream encyclopedias you see on the market, make one for yourself. Those "dream" books are really just someone else's interpretation of symbolic items, so why not use the interpretation that really matters...YOURS. Once you start filling up your encyclopedia, you will be able to use it for both these animal encounters and dream interpretations. After all, your interpretations will be valid for both events and much more meaningful for YOU then someone else's ideas or perceptions.
Animal Messages
   To find the meaning or message behind the animal that cross your path, you need to examine 4 basic parts of the encounter. This is best explained through scenario, so here goes:

       Let's say you see a hawk circling your house one morning on your way to work. Stop for a few moments and watch it. Try to distinguish the colors and if you can, determine what kind of hawk it is, today you see a North American Red Shoulder Hawk.

       Now consider the 4 basic parts of the encounter. (You might think about keeping a journal and describing what happened. If you don't have time now to decipher the meaning of the visitation, you'll have enough information to do it later.)

           * What are the characteristics of the animal.
           * What does this animal represent to you.
           * What do the colors of the animal mean to you.
             For example, the hawk had red shoulders, what do you think of when you see red and what does red on the shoulders mean for you.
           * Describe what the animal was doing. What was your gut feeling at that moment.
             For instance, was the hawk just soaring and enjoying it's view from above, or was it searching for something. A place to land? Something to eat? Give your description in as much "feeling" and intuitive detail as possible.

   Next, you might find or read about the scientific and physiological characteristics of the animal to help you determine what could have been doing. You can certainly go to the library and look it up in an encyclopedia. But if you can get your hands on Ted Andrew's Animal Speak book, you'll have some wonderful explanations of what this bird might represent to you. You might even look for a Peterson's Field Guide book (ie: Peterson's Field Guide to Birds). These are wonderful books to have around the house, they can help you identify just about any animals you might encounter.
   Once you've got all this together and recorded in your journal. Step back and contemplate a little on what you wrote. How does your interpretation of this event fit into your life. What aspect does the visitation shed information or light upon.
   Here's another example that puts all this together:

       You and I are walking through the woods, I'm on your left, you on my right. The dirt path is wide, shaded slightly from the warm sun and we can see far off to the next bend. A large green snake crosses the path in front of us. Moving from left to right, going from south to the north. It makes no move toward us. It simply moves patiently and methodically across the path, about 15 feet in front of us.

   Now, how would I interpret the snakes message depends on a few of my perceptions.

       * For me, green is a healing color and snakes represent medicine, as in the medical insignia.
       * I believe that when we receive information or energy from the Divine, it enters our body from the left intuitive side. We deliver it from the right action side.
       * The south represents the physical world, probably because I know the lower chakras of the body are the physical chakras that we re-create in each new embodiment. The upper chakras are the ones we take from lifetime to lifetime and are part of the soul/spirit. So I have always associated the north with spirit.

   Based on these perceptions, seeing a green snake, cross from my left, to my right, going from south to north and without any aggressive move toward us, would be telling me a healing will be needed along this path. I will probably be the one giving the healing energy as it passes through me from left to right. The snake moving toward the north indicates the healing will be one of spirit, or a information will be given that will bring about a spiritual healing for someone along this path.
   Now that might be my interpretation. But how can perception change the meaning of the same event?

       You see a snake cross the path in front of us. You notice the snake slithers away into the undergrowth and you stop in your tracks. Not sure if you want to continue past it's location, you stare at the hiding place, move away from the underbrush and quickly rush past the crossing point.

   Your perceptions will have an affect on the message that you saw:

       * You had a bad experience as a child with a snake and you've been frightened of them ever since.When you see a snake, you see danger.
       * Universally green is a healing color and you accept this belief as part of your truth.

   When you see a snake, you see danger and a sense of fear crosses your being. Although you are frightened, you see "healing" in part of the message. But for you, it's that someone will become injured and need to be healed in some fashion. The snake slithers away into the undergrowth and you stop in your tracks. Something hidden is involved in this process. Perhaps something that is hidden needs to be healed in order for a progression to take place and the person begins moving forward once again.
   Do you see how the same event can be interpreted so differently by two people, based on their life experiences and perceptions. Yet even in the different view, the message is still present. But the message means something different to each person involved.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: živali
Reply #11 - 15.02.2004 at 13:15:32
Animals of the Spiritual Kingdom
   If animals in the physical world are here to bring us messages, then what are the spiritual animals doing? Well, actually the same thing, just in a different manner and that's typically not their only purpose. Animal guides teach us a little more intimate detail about our personality, character traits and even our spirit and spiritual gifts. They help guide us along our spiritual path, and can even protect us on the spiritual as well as the physical.
   The best way to learn what your animal guide means for you is to follow the same "interpretation" of the animal as we just did in the physical realm. Write down what the animal means to you, what characteristics do you associate with and identify with. What color the animal is and what that meaning has for you. What kind of energy vibration can you associate with your relationship to this animal as your guide and so on. The more you can describe the more insight you might have into your own inner self.
   Now it is possible for people to have more than one animal guide. The most common is 2-4 different kinds. During different aspects of your life, one animal may be highlighted more than the other, because you are working on aspects of yourself that require their particular energy to help you progress. Or one kind might duplicate itself to add meaning to your existence, as if when you marry, the animal also gains a mate. Actually it is more common for the animal to find a mate first, and the "love" energy between them effects your energy to attract a mate for yourself.
   The type of animal can vary so widely you might be amazed. We often think of an animal guide as a cat, wolf, bird or salamander. Creatures we are familiar with, because they bring the most significant symbolism to our lives. But what if your a paleontologist? And the most significant animal for you is a pterodactyl. Why can't an extent species be an animal guide. Well, it can! So when you go out into the ethers to meet your animal guide, don't go with any preconceived ideas of what you'd like it to be. You're doing yourself a disservice and maybe even be insulting the animal who's with you. Just keep an open mind and be honest with yourself.
   The best way for me to explain the significance of an animal guide is to tell you of my personal relationship with my guides. I have had 2 during my entire life and recently a 3rd has made itself known to me. The two main wonderful creatures are a white wolf, and a red shoulder hawk.
   So what do these two animals tell about me. Cherokee tradition gives meaning to each animal, and then further defines their relationship through their color. The wolf is considered to be the highest spiritual teacher in the kingdom, even above the hawk and eagle. Each color of the wolf brings a different lesson or knowledge. In my traditions, the white wolf is a phantom beast, it lives between realities, two worlds, two planes at the same time. It comes to teach the lessons of balance, of bridging the physical world with the spiritual world, and how we can cross the planes of existence to learn and share knowledge with our higher self and with the unseen teachers and guides.
   My friends that know me in the physical world have told me they can see how my teachings accomplish the goals and purpose of the white wolf. But more so, when they speak with me face to face, they can see a shift in physical energy in my face and eyes that gives them the impression that I'm existing in some other realm. It's a description I usually heard after a reading, but in the past 5 years, it happens more and more in normal everyday conversations. So I guess I do live in 2 places at once...being a Gemini, I would find a way of pulling in dual natures and worlds.
   The wolf in a non-spiritual essence also tells me a little about me. A female wolf is a creature of community. She's rarely alone. She shares responsibilities of family with her pack. She is loyal to a fault, some she-wolves have died trying to save one of their own pack members from danger. So being loyal to a fault isn't necessarily good, but it ain't that bad either. I prefer looking at it as being loyal with acceptance. A wolf is territorial and not afraid of fighting for her home or pack. Like many dogs she is a little jealous of those she doesn't know or trust and will often try to put herself between her home/family and others. It's an act of protection, not possession. And in typical wolf fashion, she is also on guard to sense the slightest changes in energy for good or bad. When not threatened and when treated with respect, a wolf will allow others to get close to her and to her pack. But when approached with deceit, or hidden agendas, she will often pick up on that scent and be wary of the contact. Often this "feeling" will appear much earlier than others. She has good ears for listening to the most intricate details, up close and far off. So that early warning system kicks in, even when the energy is at a far distance and has not yet arrived. So when you cross the path of a wolf, they often know you've been coming for a while.
Using Animal Energy
   What do you do once you know about your animal. Well, you can define your strengths and use them to overcome or help to support your inner self during those weak moments. How? By using the strengths of your other animal guide(s). It's important to learn both or all your animal guides. So when you need the strength of one, you know what energy or animal essence to call upon.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: živali
Reply #12 - 24.02.2004 at 12:51:30


Psi imajo telepatske in zunajčutne sposobnosti - Od njih se učimo predanosti in brezpogojne ljubezni - V starih legendah so si psi priborili pomemben položaj - Cukanje za pasje uhlje menda prežene demone

Psi so poleg mačk najbolj priljubljeni in pogosti domači ljubljenčki. Poleg majhnih puhastih salonskih psičkov imamo tudi velike pasme psov, lovske pse, pse z rodovnikom, mešance itd. Za psa se ponavadi odločijo posamezniki, ki se od njih učijo lekcije brezpogojne ljubezni, zvestobe in vdanosti. Pes svojega gospodarja običajno obožuje, ga v celoti sprejema in ljubi takšnega, kakršen je in tega naj bi se le-ta tudi "nalezel". Pogosto si postavljamo pogoje, ki naj bi jih izpolnili, da bi končno imeli radi sami sebe. Šele ko bomo npr. shujšali, si pobarvali lase, našli spodobno službo, naredili izpite ali končali šolanje ipd., tedaj se bomo vzljubili in sprejeli, si dopovedujemo. Gre za pogoste miselne vzorce, ki zavirajo naš osebnostni razvoj in duhovno rast. Če se ne zmoremo sprejeti prav takšne, kot smo ta trenutek, brezpogojno, pomeni, da se moramo resno zamisliti nad svojim negativnim miselnim programiranjem. Našemu hišnemu ljubljenčku je seveda popolnoma vseeno, koliko kil imamo, kakšno pričesko ali oblačila nosimo in koliko svojih zastavljenih ciljev nismo dosegli. Takšni, kot smo, z vsemi morebitnimi pomankljivostmi in namišljenimi napakami, smo zanj popolni in ljubezni vredni. To je najpomembnejša lekcija, ki jo sporočajo naši pasji prijatelji.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: živali
Reply #13 - 29.02.2004 at 19:11:03
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