Animal Spirit Guides
Ancient Native Americans believed that all animals had lessons to teach and had healing or inspirational power. When they held or carried a certain fetish, or meditated on it's meaning, they believed they drew the special energy of the animal into themselves.
Today, in a search for a closer walk with the earth, many are relearning the old ways of these ancient people, using the animal energy as the Native Americans did. To choose which animal energies are right for you, simply take a deep breath, still yourself and ask your inner being. You will have a knowing, as the ancient people did long ago.
Alligator Survival, Stealth
Antelope Speed, Grace, Rapid Advancement
Bear Strength, Introspection, Self-Knowledge
Beaver Building, Shaping, Structure
Bee Service, Gathering, Community
Bird Unity, Freedom, Individuality
Buffalo Abundance, Healing, Good fortune
Butterfly Transformation, Balance, Grace
Caribou Travel, Mobility
Cougar Balance, Leadership
Coyote Humor, Trickiness, Reversal of fortune
Crane Balance, Majesty
Crow Council, Wisdom, Resourcefulness
Deer Gentleness, Sensitivity, Peace
Dolphin Joy, Harmony, Connection with self
Dragonfly Skill, Refinement, Relentlessness
Eagle Potency, Healing Power, Illumination
Elk Pride, Power, Majesty
Fox Cleverness, Subtlety, Discretion
Frog Cleansing, Peace, Emotional Healing
Goat Tenacity, Diligence
Goose Safe return, Love of home
Hawk Awareness, Truth
Hedgehog Self-preservation
Horse Freedom, Power, Safe movement
Hummingbird Beauty, Wonder, Agility
Lizard Letting go, Elusiveness
Loon Communication, Serenity
Moose Unpredictability, Spontaneity
Mouse Illusion, Charm
Otter Joy, Laughter, Lightness
Owl Wisdom, Vision, Insight
Porcupine Innocence, Humility
Quail Protectiveness, Group Harmony
Rabbit Conquering fear, Safety, Innocence
Raven Mystery, Exploration of the unknown
Salmon Trust, Strength, Determination, Persistence
Sandpiper Quickness, Foraging, Scavenging
Seagull Carefree attitude, Versitility, Freedom
Seal Contentment
Skunk Caution, Warning, Respect
Snail Perseverence, Determination
Snake Power, Life force, Sexual Potency
Spider Web of Life, Interconnectedness, Industrious
Squirrel Trust, Thrift
Swan Elegance, Nurturing together, Relationship, Oneness
Turtle Love and Protection, Healing and Knowlege
Wolf Teaching skill, Loyalty, Independence
Whale Creativity and Intuition