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01.05.2003 at 14:21:45
Vesak - praznik budinega razsvetljenja ...

Vesak pride na polno luno meseca Maja (lahko pa tudi na April) in na ta dan praznujemo Buddhovo rojstvo, razsvetljenje in smrti (dokončna dosega nibbane - parinibbana), torej se je na ta čas rodilo, ustvarjalo in končalo Buddhovo življenje. Lokalni samostani so na ta dan okrašeni z rožami in svetlobo sveč. Pogosto so sveče v papirnati svetilki, ki so narejeni od različnih družin in jih nato prenesejo v samostan, da bi svetili v večernem času. Laiki, ki pridejo v samostan na ta dan so pogosto oblečeni v bele obleke in sprejmejo osem navodil. (Glej: Katera so glavna načela za budista. - Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja o budizmu.) Ti zjutraj darujejo menihom hrano in jo pripravijo za kosilo ter popoldne naj bi bila skupinska meditacija, ki pa se lahko zavleče do jutra. Zvečer se zberejo v templju (ali meditacijski dvorani), kjer se lahko priključijo menihom pri religioznem petju in poslušanju govora o življenju Buddhe, ki ga poda predstavnik samostana. Sveče so prižgane in vsakdo lahko obkroži tempelj, pripravljene oltarčke ali stupo. Obkrožijo trikrat - za Buddho, Dhammo in Sangho - v smeri (kroženja sonca) urinega kazalca (z desnim ramenom obrnjeni stupi) in držijo v roki (ki je v anjali) rože, svečo in kadilo (t.i. dišeče paličice), ki jih po končanem obkrožanju položijo na prostor stupe.

je fino da človk mal obnovi kako lepe stvari je učil buda. in živel.

S L O V E N S K O  B U D I S T I Č N O  D R U Š T V O
p o g o s t o  p o s t a v l j e n a  v p r a š a n j a

Tri splošne resnice
1. V življenju ni nič trajnega, vse se spreminja: To Budovo razmišljanje je podobno razmišljanju grškega filozofa Heraklita, ki je rekel, da je nemogoče stopiti v isto reko dvakrat.

2. Ker ni nič trajnega, nas življenje ne zadovoljuje. Ljudje nenehno hrepenijo po minljivih stvareh in se nanje navezujejo. Celo takrat, ko se doseže zadovoljstvo, to ni trajno. Že samo spoznanje, da se bo to zadovoljstvo moralo končati, je vir trpljenja. Budistom trpljenje ne pomeni samo velike bolečine in žalosti, ki jo ljudje doživljajo, temveč tudi vse tisto. kar življenja ne napravi popolnega.

3. Ni večne duše in to, kar ljudje imenujejo jaz, je samo skupek spreminjajočih se značilnosti. Buda primerja jaz z bojnim vozom, ki je samo skupek na določen način sestavljenih delov, in se zlahka razstavi.

Štiri vzvišene resnice
1. Vse življenje je trpljenje.

2. Vzrok trpljenja sta hrepenenje in navezanost.

3. Hrepenenje in navezanost lahko premagamo.

4. Premagamo ju z izpolnjevanjem naukov osmere poti.

Osmera pot
To je zmerna srednja pot, po kateri se je ravnal Buda v svojem iskanju razsvetlitve. Gre za moralni predpis, po katerem je treba živeti.

1. Pravo razumevanje: pomeni imeti pravi odnos do življenja, npr. razumevanje štirih vzvišenih resnic.

2. Prave vrednote: npr. obzirnost in sočustvovanje, ne pa sebičnost in tekmovalnost.,

3. Pravo izražanje: izogibanje jezi, napadalnosti, pretiravanju, lažem in obrekovanju.

4. Prava dejanja: npr. živeti je treba pošteno in ne škodovati živim bitjem (mnogi budisti so vegetarijanci).

5. Pravi način življenja: izogibati se je treba dejanjem, ki bi škodovala drugim, npr. trgovati z orožjem.

6. Pravo prizadevanje: npr, misli naj bodo dobre, kar pelje razum v zdravo stanje.

7. Prava razsodnost: umirjati misli, da se izognemo raztresenosti.

8. Prava zbranost duha: pelje k razsvetljenju in nirvani(sanskr.).

To je osnova budove dhamme, katere cilj je izkušnja nibbane(pali) in s tem osvoboditev od vseh karmičnih vezi. Prvi in najvažnejši korak na poti je pravilno razumevanje, ki je nujno potreben za vse nadaljnje korake, kajti pot v svobodo nibbane je pot modrosti, pot vse globljega in globljega razumevanja pojavnega sveta.

 Pravilno razumevanje  je Buda razumevanje »štirih plemenitih resnic«:

1. v tem svetu je življenje »neprijetno« in nikoli ne prinese popolnega zadovoljstva – to je plemenita resnica o nezadovoljivosti (To so učili tudi mnoge druge indijske filozofske šole tistega časa)

2. obstaja vzrok za dukkho(pali), kajti življenje na tem svetu je vzročno pogojeno in nič ni slučajno – to je plemenita resnica o izvoru nezadovoljivosti

3. če opravimo vzroke, preneha tudi dukkha – to je plemenita resnica o prenehanju dukkhe

4. obstaja plemenita osemčlena pot, ki vodi k prenehanju dukkhe, v nibbano – to je plemenita resnica o srednji poti.

 Kaj je vzrok za dukkho (nezadovoljivosti in trpljenja), ki ga prinaša pojavni svet?

 To je želja, ki povzroča nova in nova rojstva in jo spremljajo užitki in strasti, želja, ki uživa v objektih čutne zaznave. Obstaja žela po čutnih užitkih, želja po življenju in želja po prenehanju življenja.

 Človekove želje, ki so v nasprotju z zakoni pojavnega sveta, ne morejo biti nikoli zadovoljive – to je vzrok dukkhe. ker sveta ne moremo spremeniti, je edina pot do prave sreče v tem, da spremenimo svoje želje. Tretja plemenita resnica pravi, da s prenehanjem želja preneha tudi vsa dukkha. Do tega stanja nas pripelje osemčlena pot.

Buda ni učil, da vse želje izvirajo iz nevednosti, iz nepravilnega razumevanja pojavnega sveta. Dokler človek z izkušnjo ne dojame, da je svet minljiv, da ne more prinesti trajnega zadovoljstva, ker je samo tok praznih pojavov, ki se spreminjajo po zakonih karme(sanskr.), toliko časa so vse njegove želje osnovane na napačnih domnevah, ki lahko povzročijo le trenutno srečo ali nesrečo. Ko pa spozna svet »tak, kot je« in se je osvobodi nevednosti, nima več »posvetnih« želja, saj točno ve, kako pojavi nastanejo in izginejo in kakšni so vzroki za to. Zanj ni več dobrega ali zlega, ki so ga prej določale njegove sebične želje – vsi pojavi so zanj samo »taki, kot so«. To je plemenita resnica o prenehanju dukkhe, resnica o pravi sreči.

Osemčlena pot je sinteza »štirih resnic«, kajti že prvi korak na poti, pravilno razumevanje, vsaj do neke mere dopušča njihovo poznavanje. Četrta resnica v svojem prvem členu najprej povzame prve tri, potem pa pokaže praktično metodo za realizacijo zaželenega cilja.

 Prvi korak na poti je pravilno razumevanje samsare(sanskr.), šele potem lahko sledi drugi- pravilno razmišljanje, ki pravilno usmerja besede (tretji korak), dejanja (četrti) in pravilen način življenja(peti). Pravilno razmišljanje je torej osnova za pravilno usmerjeno praktično delovanje v življenju samem.

 Pravilna vztrajnost (šesti korak) je dosledno razvijanje dobrih mentalnih stanj in zavračanje zlih stanj.

 Pravilno zavedanje (sedmi člen) je Buda natančno opisal v svojem Govoru o štirih osnovah zavedanja:

 »Tukaj, menihi, bhikkhu(pali) pazljivo in s pravilnim razumevanjem opazuje telo kot telo,… občutke kot občutke,… misli kot misli,.. in mentalna stanja kot mentalna stanja.«

 Pazljivo zavedanje in pravilno razumevanje vseh pojavov, ki jih je Buda razvrstil v štiri skupine (telo, občutki, misli in mentalna stanja), je edina pot do modrosti. To je pot meditativne introspekcije, ki vodi v stanje brezželjnosti, v nibbano.

 Zadnji člen – prava zbranost – poveča zavedanje in je osnova za intuitivno izkušnjo sveta. Če je ta izkušnja dovolj globoka, pomiri mišljenje. Tako se zopet vrnemo na začetek – pravilna zbranost postane osnova za prvi korak, pravilno razumevanje, ki je osnova za vse nadaljnje korake. Pri tem pa je bistvena razlika – vsi koraki so zdaj, obogateni z izkušnjami celotne poti, na dosti višjem nivoju; to je spiralen razvoj, ki z vsakim obhodom poglablja razumevanje toliko časa, dokler ne postane prava modrost in človek spozna svet »tak kot je«.


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« Last Edit: 15.05.2003 at 23:19:18 by gape »  

Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Ride si sapis!
Posts: 5103
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Re: Vesak
Reply #1 - 04.05.2003 at 14:03:04
Buda in ženske Smiley

Budin najljubši učenec Ananda je ob priliki vprašal:

          "Gospod, kaj naj storim, če vidim žensko?" ???

Buda: Ananda ne glej je!

Ananda: Pa če jo vseeno gledam?

Buda: Potem ne govori z njo!

Ananda: In če govorim z njo?

Buda: Potem pazi nase Ananda!


(jaz sem pa mislil, da je bil 1. mlaj) Wink
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Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
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You are the master of
ure Body and  ure soul.

Posts: 1189
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Re: Vesak
Reply #2 - 05.05.2003 at 17:43:40
Smiley Wink Cheesy Smiley Wink Kiss

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Your soul has WINGS.
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Ride si sapis!
Posts: 5103
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Re: Vesak
Reply #3 - 06.05.2003 at 00:31:08
počakajte do 16. maja pa bo Vesak 8)
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Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Vesak
Reply #4 - 14.05.2003 at 02:50:25
When the full moon is in the constellation of Taurus (usually the full moon in May), a world-wide event takes place that is oftentimes referred to as Wesak. Today it is said to be Krishnamurti's birthday, the silent leader who wanted no followers. And here is the total lunar eclipse in Scorpio, known also as the "Buddha-Moon" (the prince was born in a Scorpio full moon, thus a Taurus) - or the wishing moon or fire moon - for Thursday evening, May 15th, as seen with all the planetary lines over Planet Earth by night.
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: Vesak
Reply #5 - 14.05.2003 at 16:32:49
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

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Re: Vesak
Reply #6 - 15.05.2003 at 11:00:36
What follows is a special Meditation Focus for the Wesak Festival on Thursday, May 15 at 8:36 p.m. Pacific Time - 11:36 p.m. Eastern Time - Friday, May 16 at 03:36 GMT (Universal Time), during the full moon
of Taurus.


1. Summary
2. Meditation times
3. More information on this Meditation Focus

a) The Wesak Festival
b) Invitation to participate
c) The Legend
d) Suggested Meditation at the Time of the Taurus Full Moon
e) Significance of Wesak
f) Seven Great Results

"At the time of the Festival, there is opened a channel of communication between humanity and God, down which the love and wisdom of God Himself can pour to a waiting and needy world. At this time great expansions of consciousness become possible which are not possible at other times. Disciples and initiates everywhere can be aided and stimulated spiritually to take those great steps which we call initiations. Thus we can return with renewed strength, to undertake another year of world service."

- HM Djwhal Khul, through Alice Bailey



"The Wesak Festival, the great Eastern festival of the Buddha, is known by many as a day of supreme spiritual impact. This Festival is not a commemorative celebration but rather a present, living event, a sacred ceremony which takes place each year between the Buddha, the
Christ, and the united Spiritual Hierarchy as a blessing is poured forth upon our planet. This ceremony marks the high point of the spiritual year and serves to vitalize the aspiration of all humanity.
On this day the forces of enlightenment, which emanate from the heart of God, flow outward into human consciousness."*

A unique opportunity is being presented to us once again to cooperate in transducing and transmitting highly potent spiritual healing energies to assist the work of the Great Beings who monitor and guide
the evolution of humanity towards reunification with the Source of All That Is. The complementary material provided below will give you an in-depth understanding of the significance of this spiritual event and the part you can play in it. Suffice it to mention that at this
critical juncture in our planetary evolution and progress towards the Light of God within, it is highly recommended to all Light Servers to heed the Call of Service hereby sent forth and choose to dedicate
enough time and attention to properly prepare for and participate in this Wesak Festival globally synchronized meditation.

May we all join in heightened conscious participation to contribute in shifting the balance towards greater Light, Love and Compassion in the minds, hearts and souls of all human beings on Earth, thus helping to heal the soul of the world, for the Highest Good of All.

This special Meditation Focus is archived at

* Taken from



Suggested duration: One hour, from 03:00 to 04:00 UT/GMT, with the
climax being the 8 minutes from 03:32 to 03:40 UT/GMT

You may also check at
to find your corresponding local time if a closeby city is not listed

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

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Re: Vesak
Reply #7 - 15.05.2003 at 11:09:54
3. More information on this Meditation Focus

This complement of information will help you better understand the various aspects pertaining to the summary description of the subject of this special Meditation Focus.

a) The Wesak Festival


The second of the three major spiritual festivals is The Wesak Festival, The Buddha's Blessing, and is celebrated in the eastern hemisphere at the Taurus full moon. This is the festival of The Buddha, the spiritual intermediary between the highest spiritual center, Shamballa, and the Hierarchy.

The Buddha is the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment of light and the indicator of divine purpose.

The Forces of Enlightenment are active during this festival. These forces emanate from the Heart of God, and transmit the second principle of Divinity, Love-Wisdom, leading to Divine Understanding
and strengthening those who serve humanity. The qualities of The Buddha and The Christ* eminent are the two outstanding expressions of this principle.

(*Footnote: In speaking of the Christ we refer to His official name as head of the spiritual hierarchy. The Christ works for all of humanity, irrespective of faith; He does not belong to the Christian world any more than to the Buddhist, the Mohammedan or any other
faith. In this sense, there is no need for joining the Christian church in order to be affiliated with Christ. Rather, the requirements are to love all of humanity, lead a disciplined life, recognize the divinity in all faiths and all beings, and rule your daily life with Love. )

The Forces of Enlightenment are initiating a World Religion (details on this at
The first to be affected by these forces are the great educational movements, the forums of the people in all lands, and the values which can unfold through the mass communications media. The press, publishers of world literature, speakers, writers, radio commentators, newspaper reporters, ministers and all involved in
communicating ideas are affected by these forces streaming into the minds of people everywhere. As these new emerging ideas are recognized, they can then be directly channeled to influence the masses of people everywhere.

We invite all to join us in a Wesak Festival Global Meditation.

In 2003 the Festival of the Wesak Full Moon occurs on Thursday, May 15 at 8:36 p.m. PDT (03:36 Friday, May 16 UT).



One Who is "enlightened" and has attained the highest degree of knowledge possible for humanity in this solar system. Last Avatar of the age of Aries. Previous World Teacher who historically manifested through the Prince Gautama around 500 BC. The Embodiment of Wisdom,
he currently acts as the "Divine Intermediary" between Shamballa and Hierarchy.


Shamballa is simply a word conveying the idea of a vast focal point of energies which are assembled and brought together by the Planetary Logos in order to create a manifestation adequate to His unfolding
intention and planetary service. Shamballa is a state of
consciousness or a phase of sensitive awareness wherein there is acute and dynamic response to divine purpose. This Center is created by the Ray of Will or Power; its major activity is bequeathing, distributing and circulating the basic principle of life itself to
every form which is held within the planetary ring-pass-not of the planetary Life or Logos. From that Center, the will of God goes forth and the power of God becomes the messenger of His will. The basic quality of Shamballa is dynamic. Its mode of work is inspiration. it draws response but remains immovable itself. It works not with the Law of Attraction, but by the Law of Synthesis, by a fiat of the Will, based on a clearly formulated purpose and program. Also, the City of the Gods,"Shangri-La," said to be situated in the Gobi
desert, and where Sanat Kumara is "anchored" in etheric substance.


Group of spiritual beings on the inner planes of the solar system who are the intelligent forces of nature and who control the evolutionary processes. Divided into 12 Hierarchies. The Occult Hierarchy or Masters of Wisdom, disciples and initiates are a reflection.
Hierarchy is a place of fusion of all souls upon the higher levels of the mental plane; a meeting place of the energies; a state of consciousness with the life aspect, Shamballa, at the center and the circle of humanity constituting the emanating factor, the radiatory
influence or the aura, whereby the other kingdoms of nature are evoked into responsive activity.


b) Invitation to Participate


We invite you to participate in a meditation celebrating the Taurus Full Moon Festival ... The Festival of Wesak ~ The Festival of the Buddha

Graphic: Circle of Goodwill

The Wesak Festival, the second of the Three Major Planetary Spiritual Festivals, is celebrated globally at the Taurus full moon, occurring this year on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 8:36 pm PDT, 03:36 UT Friday,
May 16.

At this time there is opportunity to align with the Enlightened Ones, the Spiritual Hierarchy who guide our planet, help us evolve, and embody and express the Love aspect of Divine Purpose, for what is
spiritually known to be the supreme moment in the annual cycle, when the Buddha and the Christ come together in a sacred ritual.

Alignment During the Taurus cycle ~ New Moon to New Moon

We encourage alignment with these hierarchical energies from the new Moon of Taurus, Thursday, May 1, 2003 through Friday, May 30, 2003 (until the New Moon of Gemini). To aid in this alignment we advocate
the use of The Great Invocation throughout the cycle, and invite you to consider and ponder upon the following:

Significance of Wesak

The Forces of Enlightenment are available at the Taurus full moon, bringing the past into present time in a unique way, marking the high-water mark of spiritual blessing for the world, and opening a channel of communication between humanity and deity.

The Principle of Essential Divinity

In the Wesak Festival's beautiful water ceremony of communion is portrayed the symbol of the new age which is upon us, the Aquarian Age, the age of the Water Carrier. The universality of the Wesak
ritual unites the world's major religions in a shared holy day in which religious distinctions disappear, as the pure Shamballa energy transmitted at this time honors and blesses that Essential Divinity common among all the world's traditions and faiths.

The Wesak Legend

According to tradition, at the time of the full moon in Taurus, the Buddha appears as a point in the sky and comes down to connect with the Christ in the Wesak Valley of the Himalayas to bring the powerful
spiritual energy of Shamballa to the assembled masters, initiates and disciples of the Hierarchy, whether in the body or in their soul bodies, for the assimilation and eventual distribution of the Shamballa force throughout the world.

Wesak Safeguarding

The full moon phase is to be held as a five-day period. The two days before the full moon are the days of approach and preparation. These are days of spiritual reflection and alignment. The day of the full moon is the most auspicious day. It is a time of spiritual retreat
and contact, a time to still the mind and maintain inner peace. The two days following the full moon are the days of distribution, when our attention is steadily turned away from ourselves and the inner subjective planes to the outer world ... the days when our efforts
will be to pass on, or to pass through, that measure of spiritual energy that may have been contacted.

More on "Wesak Safeguarding " at

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Vesak
Reply #8 - 15.05.2003 at 11:15:29

c) The Legend


There is a valley, lying at a rather high altitude in the foothills of the Himalayan-Tibet ranges. It is surrounded by high mountains on all sides except towards the northeast, where there is a narrow opening in the mountain ranges. The valley is bottle-shaped in
contour, with the neck of the bottle to the northeast, and it widens very considerably towards the south. Up towards the northern end, close to the neck of the bottle, there a huge flat rock. There are no trees or shrubs in the valley, which is covered with a kind of coarse grass.

Approaching the time of the full moon of Taurus, pilgrims from the surrounding districts begin to gather. The holy men and the lamas find their way into the valley and fill the southern and the middle parts, leaving the northeastern end relatively free. There, so the
legend runs, gathers a group of those great Beings Who are the Custodians on Earth of God's Plan for our planet and for humanity.

This group of knowers of divinity are the main participants in the Wesak Festival. They arrange Themselves in the northeastern end of the valley, in concentric circles and prepare for a great act of
service. In front of the rock, looking towards the northeast, stand Those Beings Who are called by Their disciples The Three Great Lords.
These are The Christ, Who stands in the center; the Lord of living forms, The Manu, Who stands at His right; and The Lord of Civilization, who stands to His left. These three face the rock upon which rests a great crystal bowl, full of water.

Behind the grouped Masters, adepts, initiates and senior workers under God's Plan are to be found the world disciples and aspirants in their various grades and groups (either "in the body" or "out of the
body"), who at this time constitute the New Group of World Servers.
Those present in their physical bodies have found their way there by ordinary means. Others are present in their spiritual bodies, and in the dream state. The "dream," which they later relate, has been
uniformly registered by people throughout the world, and bears the testimony to the recollection of an inner spiritual happening.

As the hour of the full moon approaches, a stillness settles down upon the crowd, and all look towards the northeast. Certain ritualistic movements take place, in which the grouped Masters and Their disciples of all ranks take up symbolic positions, and form on
the floor of the valley such significant symbols as the five-pointed star, with The Christ standing at the highest point; of a triangle, with The Christ at the apex; or a cross, and other well known formations, all of which have a deep and potent meaning. This is all done to the sound of certain chanted words and esoteric phrases,
called mantrams.

The expectancy in the waiting, onlooking crowd becomes very great, and the tension is real and increasing. Through the entire body of people there seems to be felt a stimulation or potent vibration which
has the effect of awakening the souls of those present, fusing and blending the group into one united whole, and lifting all into a great act of spiritual demand, readiness, and expectancy. It is the climax of the world's aspiration focused in this waiting group. These
three words-demand, readiness and expectancy-best describe the atmosphere surrounding those present in this secret valley.

The chanting and the rhythmic weaving grows stronger, and all the participants and the watching crowd raise their eyes towards the sky in the direction of the narrow part of the valley. Just a few minutes
before the exact time of the full moon, in the far distance, a tiny speck can be seen in the sky. It comes nearer and nearer, and grows in clarity and definiteness of outline, until the form of The Buddha can be seen, seated in the cross-legged Buddha position, clad in his
saffron-colored robe, bathed in light and color, and with his hand extended in blessing.

When The Buddha arrives at a point exactly over the great rock, hovering there in the air over the heads of The Three Great Lords, a great mantram, used only once a year, at The Festival, is intoned by The Christ, and the entire group of people in the valley fall upon
their faces. This Invocation sets up a great vibration or thought current which is of such potency that it reaches up from the group of aspirants, disciples and initiates who employ it, to the Being we know as God. It marks the supreme moment of intensive spiritual effort throughout the entire year, and the spiritual vitalization of humanity and the spiritual effects last throughout the succeeding months.

The effect of this great Invocation is universal or cosmic, and serves to link us up with that cosmic center of spiritual force from which all created beings have come. The blessing is poured forth, and The Christ, as the representative of humanity, receives it in trust, for distribution.

Thus, so the legend runs, The Buddha returns once a year to bless the world, transmitting renewed spiritual life, through The Christ. Slowly then The Buddha recedes into the distance, until again only a faint speck can be seen in the sky, and this eventually disappears.
The whole ceremonial blessing, from the time of the first appearance in the distance until the moment The Buddha fades out of view, takes just eight minutes.

The Buddha's annual sacrifice for humanity (for He comes back only at great cost) is over, and He returns again to that high place where He works and waits. Year after year He comes back in blessing; year
after year, He and His great brother, The Christ, work in the closest cooperation for the spiritual benefit of humanity. In these two great Sons of God have been focused two aspects of divine life, and They act together as Custodians of the highest type of spiritual force to which our humanity can respond. Through The Buddha, the wisdom of God is poured forth. Through The Christ, the love of God is manifested in humanity, and it is this wisdom and love which pour forth upon
humanity each Wesak full moon.

When The Buddha has again disappeared, the crowd rise to their feet; the water in the bowl is distributed in tiny portions to the Masters, initiates and disciples, and they then go their way to their place of service. The crowd, who have all brought their little cups and
vessels of water, drink of them and share with others. In this beautiful "water ceremony of communion" is portrayed the symbol of the new age which is upon us, the Aquarian Age, the age of the Water Carrier.

In this ceremony is perpetuated for us the story of the universality of God's love, the need for our individual purification, and the opportunity to share with each other that which belongs to all. The water, which has been magnetized by the presence of The Buddha and of
The Christ, carries certain properties and virtues of a healing and helpful nature.

Thus blessed, the crowd silently disperses.

- From "The Wesak Festival" booklet by Alice A. Bailey, published by Lucis Trust


d) Suggested Meditation at the Time of the Taurus Full Moon


In preparation for this full moon meditation we ask you to be familiar with the Principle of Essential Divinity, the Significance of Wesak, and Safeguarding the Energies.

Whether you choose to gather with others of similar vibration for the inflow at this significant time, or are inspired to meditate by yourself on the physical plane, know that either way you are uniting with many others who also are attuning to the energies available at
this Global Festival, and that this focus creates a powerful channel for the meditation to be potent and effective.

If you are able to be in meditation at the actual time of the full moon, this is the most focused opportunity to connect with the channel of energy created at this time. However if you cannot join in at the exact time, near to the full moon whenever you are able to participate, simply endeavor to hook up with this channel "as if" you
were together with the assembled pilgrims who travel each year at the time of this full moon to the Wesak Valley for the Buddha's annual visit to the earth plane.

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Re: Vesak
Reply #9 - 15.05.2003 at 11:19:03
Visualization Meditation - The Wesak Valley

(Note that SouledOut.org offers an audio version of the Wesak Legend in MP3 format, which may be used at the time of, or to prepare for, this meditation.)

Just before going into meditation close to the time of the full moon, place a vessel of fresh water nearby on your altar for distribution following the meditation.

Take the needed time to create a sacred space, and spiritually align your energies to the group soul. As you begin to meditate, breathe deeply and imagine your connection to this group soul and to the guiding light of the Spiritual Hierarchy ... feel their loving support for you and all of humanity. As you more fully enter
quietude, know that many others also are simultaneously creating and experiencing connection to the Enlightened Ones. This alignment creates a unity between humans in physical form and the Great Ones in Spirit.

Visualize now a great light, penetrating into any glamor and producing its weakening and dissipation, so all that remains is of the quality of Essential Divinity ... the consciousness that All is One and Divine.

While experiencing and embodying Essential Divinity, focus your attention toward the Wesak Valley, high in the trans-Himalayan mountains, and join the expectant crowd who have traveled for days to assemble here.

We unite with this group of knowers of divinity who are the main participants in The Wesak Festival-pilgrims who have gathered from the surrounding districts and holy people and lamas who fill the southern and the middle parts of the valley, leaving the northeastern
end less crowded. Arranged there in the northeastern end, in concentric circles according to the status and grade of their initiatory development, are those great Beings Who are the Custodians on Earth of God's Plan for our planet and for humanity who prepare for a great act of service.

CLIP - What followed here is an adaptation of the text of the Legend above.

* * *

Following the disappearance of the Buddha, open now in your meditation to the quality of synthesis as you maintain a receptive attitude to any thought or impulse from a higher or subtler realm.

As you return from this silence, assimilate any impressions you may have received.

Then, upon coming out of meditation, join in the Wesak water ceremony of communion as you take a drink from the water, which has been imbued by the Taurus full moon energies of the Buddha's Blessing. In dedicating this communion to your service in the world, dynamically intone The Great Invocation with focused mind, heart and will.


From the point of light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into our minds
Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into our hearts
May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide our wills
The PURPOSE which the masters know and serve.

From the center which we call Humanity
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Let LIGHT and LOVE and POWER restore the Planet Earth!

If you are inspired to participate in this global meditation and/or the alignment during the Taurus cycle, we would be happy to hear your impressions.

Email - WesakTaurusFestival@SouledOut.org

Culled from Alice A. Bailey's teachings, specific reference to booklet "The Wesak Festival-A Technique of Spiritual Contact" Lucis Trust, 120 Wall St., 24th Floor, New York, NY 10005


e) Significance of Wesak


The annual cycle of the Spiritual Festivals offers opportunity for people of all faiths to cooperate. Together, the three full moon festivals of Aries, Taurus and Gemini form a united spiritual approach by humanity to divinity.

The Wesak Festival has been traditionally associated in eastern civilization with the Buddha, divine intermediary between the highest spiritual center on the planet, Shamballa, and the Hierarchy. The Buddha is the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment of
Light and the indicator of divine purpose, cooperating at this festival with his brother the Christ, who represents the Hierarchy.
The Buddha embodies the Principle of Light, and because of this illumination humanity was able to recognize the Christ, embodiment of the still greater Principle of Love. Each year at the time of Wesak,
two great streams of energy-one focused through the Buddha and the other through the Christ-are fused and blended, and it is the task of world servers to precipitate this combined energy into the waiting

The Wesak Festival is indeed a great spiritual event, with a powerful effect upon humanity. Groups of aspirants can at this time become channels for the higher energies released through the medium of the
two focal points-the Buddha, who represents the overlighting essence of subjective realities, and the Christ, representative of aspiring humanity. This is symbolized in religious rituals where the priest
acts as the focal point; here, however, the priesthood in this great ceremony of contact is not a separate entity. All can be priests, the single qualification being the capacity to align oneself and be en rapport with the soul, and thus be able to cooperate with other souls.

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Posts: 6632

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Re: Vesak
Reply #10 - 15.05.2003 at 11:19:16
Wesak is a time of unusual inflow of life and of spiritual stimulation, serving to vitalize the aspiration of all humanity. At the time of the Festival, through the united effort of the Christ and the Buddha working in closest cooperation, there is opened a channel of communication between humanity and deity through which an approach can be made to Those Who guide our planet, so that aspirants and disciples can contact energies not otherwise easily available.

In mutual service to humanity, the Buddha and the Christ bring about a linking that blends East and West, uniting the world's major religions in a shared holy day in which religious distinctions disappear. In the beautiful water ceremony of communion is portrayed the symbol of the new age which is upon us, the Aquarian Age, the age of the Water Carrier.

During the Wesak Festival the Buddha becomes the "absorbing Agent" of Will. He uses the magnetic power of Love-Wisdom to attract this force
to Himself and hold it steady, prior to redirecting it. The Christ then-on behalf of the Hierarchy-becomes the "receiving Agent" of this potent energy and the groups of Masters Who work with the human and
sub-human kingdoms (in response to His demand) become the "directing Agents" for the sevenfold expression of this force.

So at the time of the Wesak Festival, expansions of consciousness are made possible that are not possible at other times. Those of goodwill are stimulated spiritually to take initiation, in order to penetrate
more deeply and consciously into the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. These reveal more about the wonder of our divinity, and about the Plan to which humanity is conforming. Each year, the Wesak marks the
beginning of a cycle for the New Group of World Servers, that comprise three-year cycles of crisis, tension, and emergence.

At the Wesak Festival we may honor the Buddha, as well as ourselves as dedicated transmitters of the energy that can be contacted at the full moon in Taurus. Each year as we experience the Wesak more
consciously, it's important to hold the space for the inflow and distribution of energies, through safeguarding. The greater the number of people who meditate at this time, the stronger the magnetic
field of the group heart and its invocative, indrawing power. It's up to each of us to attune with ever greater clarity to the note being sounded-to quiet the mind and transmute individual desires that only cause confusion and chaos, into desire for the greatest good of all.

The focused interplay of many minds working together in meditation produces a unity of thought powerful enough to reach the Great Lives watching over and guiding our planet. And the combined aspiration,
consecration, devotion and intelligence of the group carries everyone to greater heights than could be attained alone.

We know where we are aligned ... with the Source of all that is. That Source provides uniquely and cooperates with All who are tuned to Its Note of Life.


f) Seven Great Results


During the Wesak ceremony, The Buddha becomes the absorber of Will. He uses the magnetic power of Love to attract this force and hold it steady, prior to redirecting it. On behalf of the Hierarchy, The Christ, acting as receiver of this potent energy, then becomes the
director of this force. At the Gemini full moon, the time of The Goodwill Festival, the Hierarchy guided by The Christ showers this Will-to-Good upon Planet Earth.

The three Planetary Festivals crescendo in revelation, producing Seven Great Results.

1. Power will be given to the disciples of the world and the initiates among humanity, so that they can direct efficiently and wisely the process of rebuilding.

2. The Will to Love will stimulate people of goodwill everywhere, gradually overcoming hatred. The inner urge in humanity to live together cooperatively already exists, and is subject to stimulation.

3. The Will to Action will lead intelligent people throughout the world to begin those activities which will lay the foundation for a new, better and happier world.

4. The Will to Cooperate will steadily increase. People will desire and demand right human relationships as a natural way of life.

5. The Will to Know and to think correctly and creatively will become an outstanding characteristic of all humanity. Knowledge is the first step towards wisdom.

6. The Will to Persist will become a human characteristic-a sublimation of the basic instinct of self-preservation. This will lead to a persistent belief in the ideals presented by the world workers, and a true demonstration of immortality.

7. The Will to Organize will further a building process which will be carried forward under the inspiration of the world workers. The medium will be the potency of the will-to-good of this New Group of World Servers and the responsive goodwill of all people.


* "Seven Great Results" are adapted from Alice A. Bailey's Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 440-441


See also:

An esoteric presentation on the Wesak Festival by the Lucis Trust

The Externalization of the Hierarchy
Forces behind the Evolutionary Process - The Wesak Festival


The Meaning of Wesak and the Spring Equinox by Dr. Jodi Prinzivalli


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ravno prav
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Re: Vesak
Reply #11 - 18.05.2003 at 10:57:12
Ananda, Budov bratranec in učenec je nenehno stal Budi ob strani in skrbel za vse njegove potrebe dolgih štirideset let.
Ko je Buda umrl, pripovedujejo, je bil Ananda ob njem in jokal. Učenci so ga karali, češ da ne razume: Buda je umrl popolnoma izpolnjen; naj se raje radosti.
A Ananda je dejal: "Ne razumete. Ne jočem zanj, jočem zase, ker sem bil vsa ta leta nenehno ob njem, pa se navzlic temu nisem razsvetlil."
Ananda je prebedel vso noč, globoko meditiral in okušal bolečino in žalost. Ko se je svitalo, pravijo, je bil razsvetljen.

Časi velike žalosti lahko postanejo časi velike preobrazbe. Toda da bi se preobrazba zgodila, moramo iti globoko, k samim koreninam bolečine, in jo doživeti tako, kakršna je, brez obtoževanja ali samopomilovanja.

Bolečina ni zato, da vas naredi žalostne, nikar ne pozabite tega. Bolečina je samo za to, da vas naredi bolj budne - kajti ljudje postanejo budni samo tedaj, kadar se jim puščica zadere globoko v srce in jih rani. Sicer ne postanejo budni. Kdo pa se meni za kaj, kadar je življenje lahko, udobno, lagodno? Komu pa je mar za to, da bi se prebudil?
Bolečina ni zato, da vas onesreči, bolečina je za to, da se zaveste! In ko se zaveste, nesreča izgine.

(Osho, 9-žalost)
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Nobena čarovnija ne more ničesar spremeniti v kaj drugega, tega ni; sprememba v predstavi v srcu čarovnije je spoznanje, ne ustvarjanje.&&(S. Palwick)
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Re: Vesak
Reply #12 - 18.05.2003 at 11:08:21
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Re: Vesak
Reply #13 - 03.05.2004 at 09:57:38
vesak - jutri

The Wave - May Circular © Qala Phoenix 2004

Blessings of Love to all ,

This email relates to Wesak and the new spiritual current that Mother Gaia is anchoring and lifting all of us. The following is a message from Mother Gaia and Lord Buddha and I also offer you  a linkup process for Wesak ceremony (May 4th) below this.   I hope you enjoy this beautiful ones and it assists you in divine order for your being....Love Qala Message from Mother Gaia

I ask you to take a deep breath in Beloveds, as I begin to activate the Earth current in your body to generate each of your chakras and crystalline cells to begin to resonate to the vibration of my heart.  I am calling to each of you to gather with me at this time to prepare for the new spiritual currents that will ground through this coming full moon.  Beloved, I am like a chalice that opens to the Sun and Moon, and as the cycles of the Sun and Moon interchange, the golden chalice I am fills with light and love.  This sacred full moon, that is known as Wesak ... my chalice fills and overflows, not only with the solar and lunar elixirs, but at this time my sacred body receives a divine blessing directly from Source as the new spiritual current for the year begins to anchor through me.  This current, direct from Source, births my new year spiritually.  At this time Beloveds, you may also receive your chalice to overflow with me if you sit with me at this time on the full moon, you will receive the grace of the light that Lord Buddha brings to the Earth.  This light is for your service Beloveds, and to carry your soul through your ascension process for the next year.  It is a sacred time of gathering of all souls who choose consciously to walk the path of the open heart.  These souls gather and meet in the Wesak valley of my body.  This is the sacred gateway that a holy trinity anchors the spiritual current into the core of my heart and body.  If you gather together and travel to this valley etherically, you will receive the light that only comes once a year to me.  This is a birthing wave for your service and your divine mission, and it is the time when you are heard from every portal in the universe in relationship to what serves you and how you wish to serve with the energy of your love and light for the next year.  It is at this time that your old commissions complete and you open to choosing and co-creating your next year projects or commissions with me.  Know that every soul is welcome to this ceremony, but it is only those that travel into the heart of this valley that receive this light directly.  I invite thee to receive this sacred gift that has the power to hold you for one year as a service emissary to the light and the path of love.  Know those of you that choose this will need to find a sanctuary on the full moon to receive this, and then simply ask to travel to the Wesak valley to the Wesak ceremony.  If you sit on the earth with me, or in a group/circle, it will be easier for you to travel to Wesak with me.  I bless each one of you, and ask you to guide yourself over this time to the most appropriate place for you at this time.   I hold you with each breath of my heart, Mother Gaia

Message from Lord Buddha for Wesak

Blessed be the Angel within thee, I call forth to each one of you and invite thee to be with me and all other Ascended Masters, Angels and Archangels and emissaries for this Wesak full moon to receive the blessing of the light of the heart of God through every cell and chakra of your being.  Beloved, Wesak is a gateway of divine consciousness that opens each full moon when the Sun is in Taurus.  Know in the heavens, the stars and planetary bodies awaken and open a new configuration.  Know that this will not be found in your astrology, but is held through the heart of alchemy of the heavenly bodies.  Beloveds, it is at this time that I merge with all on Earth to bring the Buddha consciousness to earth – the stillness of the light to Earth.  This stillness has the power to complete and resolve that which has not completed and resolved easily.  Beloved, know that this stillness, when focused on your service, will bring a peace and balance to you in regards to your divine service.  Each one of you are guided from within to receive and give service.  This service I speak of is divine energy, and this divine energy that comes to you for Wesak is known as God consciousness.  Beloved, the stream of light is direct from God.  It is at this time that you may open to your God Presence more fully than at any other time.   You may consider this to be of high benefit, but Beloved ones, it is more than this.  It is the highest potential gateway and opening that occurs for every being. Know Beloved, this comes once a year to your being, and it is of the highest potential for each of you to resolve and complete all that you have been working through to open to a new initiation through this Wesak full moon.  It is the time for you to give thanks to the last year, and to the service you received, and the service you gave.  It is the time for you to let go of old projects that did not complete, and to open to new ways that will fulfil these or open you to new projects.  It is the time for you to speak with God directly from your heart on that which you resonate with in your heart that you are guided to give as your service for the next year.  It is the time for you to receive the Wesak keys for this to assist your consciousness to open to completely manifesting this.  It is a time for you to awaken to the light of your being and to allow the light to flow through your being.  Beloved, it is your time to be with God.  In this way, I speak of your God Presence that lives within thee.  Take thy time to feel what I share with you, and that which I gently impress on you as important for thee.  Over this Wesak, there is a great focus from the inner planes on Iraq.  We are asking each of you to bring the light through your bodies to fill yourself and then to let it overflow to the Iraq body on the Earth as your Wesak service.  Beloveds, I offer you now the mantras that will create you to connect to the Wesak ceremony powerfully over the full moon.  Know that you will be guided of how to sing these, and how many times will come through the feeling of this.  Allow yourself to create your own ceremony at this time if you cannot be in a large group gathering at this time.  I will be with you if you ask to travel to the Wesak valley at this time.  Know that this ceremony takes place prior to the full moon, and completes just after the full moon turns in its fullness.  Know that over one day, and we suggest the 4 May, for you to attune to the ceremony with us.  Know you will be translated by the Ascended Masters in a group merkaba with many others.  You will be cared for in divine order our Beloveds.  Sound the mantras when you feel to, and receive the light from the heavens above you.  Then lay our Beloved, and receive, for the activation takes 24 hours to complete.  You will be receiving over the next day, even after you sleep.  

We bless you and say Namaste to you , Lord Buddha and your ascension council

(se nadaljuje)
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Vesak
Reply #14 - 03.05.2004 at 10:04:40

Blessings Beloveds, - A linkup process for Creating your Wesak Connection this full moon

This Wesak I will be in Byron Bay with a group in gathering with the Ascended Masters and the Divine Mother. For those of you who are guided to link with us etherically I have received the following for you to connect to if this is your heart resonance. The linkup will be on the Full Moon in your own local place. Call to your God Presence and ask to be taken to Wesak valley at this time and to link in with the Byron Bay Wesak Gathering and all others in divine order for your being. Wesak is a sacred celebration on the spiritual/ inner planes of Earth that is held each full moon of the Taurus sun in the Wesak Valley in the Himalayas. At this time the love and light of Buddha anchors into this valley for a sacred ceremony on the inner planes. This ceremony is related to one’s spiritual path and path of service on Earth.  At this time all old commissions are honoured and new ones are co-created with ones God Presence. Buddha offers a sacred dispensation to all souls present, of a vial of light that is so concentrated it contains enough light to live in sacred communion for the whole next year.  It is a new beginning and before Wesak each year all are asked to complete with their last years tasks and resolve any old energies related to being in service and open to a new beginning with this.


1.  Call to the Beloved God/dess, The Galactic Federation and The Ashtar Command and your God Presence, the Angels , the Archangels ,The Inner Earth Temple Workers,  The Ascended Masters and all on your team….Ask for space you are in to be cleared energetically (clear it physically by cleaning it if it needs it first )  and then create a sacred alter with love. If you have crystals clean them energetically with light and place them on your altar….......................collect flowers and light candles and place whatever sacred objects you would like to create sacred space with on a beautiful cloth in the centre of the room you are wishing to anchor the light through….you may wish to play beautiful music or sing while you do this.  Ask for divine assistance and for a Temple of Love to anchor and a huge column of violet flame to anchor through your home once you have completed this.  Call for the violet flame to flood through you and sit in meditation and breathe as this occurs.

2. Call to Beloved God/dess and ask for Temple of Wesak Heart be anchored in this place through this altar.

3.Call forth for all Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters, the Divine Father and Divine Mother, Mother Gaia and Lord Buddha, The Elohim and Eloha  and one’s God Presence to be with you and to lift you and all other souls into connection with the Wesak Valley for Wesak Ceremony.

4. Offer your prayers for all beings to the altar as a large column of love anchors through your altar with a golden dome anchored around and above you and sound Om or another divine mantra that opens the light to pour forth into your home and into the Earth.

5. Invite all those you wish to etherically be with you to also receive what you receive over the evening to be present….calling in your loved ones, family and others you wish to have this opportunity of expansion of their love and light.

6. Hold Hands with all others who are present if you with others and form a ring of love and light.

7. Connect to the three fold flame in your heart and expand it out in every direction around you If you are with others send the flame into the centre of the circle to connect to all other hearts present and if you are not with others physically, send the flame out all around you and then connect your heart to the central column of lovelight through sending flame from your heart into it. You may then begin your ceremony by opening to the following mantras in sacred space or you may infuse these mantras through other aspects of ceremony. Guide yourself through your heart with this.

The WESAK CEREMONY mantras are the following. They focalise your God Presence Love and Light to create a deeper connection to WESAK and the inner plane ceremony occurring each year on Full Moon in Scorpio (When the Sun is in Taurus). Some of the mantras work best in groups of three and these ones are placed in a group so as to assist you to sing them as a group before moving to another part  of your ceremony.

v Opening the Heart        

v Merging with God Presence    

v Opening the Group Heart & Soul Merkabah  

v Anchoring The Divine Presence

v Honouring the Divine  Masculine      

v Honouring the Divine  Feminine

V Wesak Communion with The Masters and receiving Lord Buddha’s offering of Light

v Mergence with Divine Mother

v Mergence with Divine Father

v Mergence with Divine Child

v Receiving the 12 ki’s to Wesak After offering intention of one’s divine service for next year……sound this to receive the 12 sacred ki’s offered to all initiates at Wesak ceremony in support of their coming year. The Ascended Masters offer these to all who offer their new service agreements for the next year. This service agreement may be very simple …it is what you wish to offer to the divine plan of love ….to assist others to raise their consciousness and experience more love. It may be focalised on the planet, community, race, family, society, or individuals. The Masters share that is service to others that can provide the greatest experiences of love in life and the discovery of the open heart experience – unconditional love. They ask you what does your heart wish to offer as heart resonance this next year and do you need assistance to create this. They ask you to name what it is you wish to offer as your service and they offer to provide the assistance needed for this if it be in divine order for your being and others.

v Honouring the Divine in all beings

v Blessing all Beings with The Wesak Love and Light- Focusing this on Iraq and the Middle East Calling to all souls in the Middle East and Iraq to receive the sounds of this sacred song and blessing as you sing.

Blessings on your Wesak  everyone. See you on the inner planes if not at Byron. Love Qala

This article/message is copyrighted © Qala Serenia Phoenix, 2004. This may be freely distributed as long as none of the content is altered, and as original source and copyright is honoured.  If wishing to share this with others, please do not delete this section of the article. Note:  This is a monthly circular called The Wave. You have received this message as you are on the GAIA email list, as you have made contact with Qala’s work in some way. If you no longer wish to receive Qala’s emails then please send a message to subscribe@g-a-i-a.com with the subject –UNSUBSCRIBE.    If you have received this indirectly from a friend and wish to subscribe to the GAIA list then send an email to subscribe@g-a-i-a.com with the subject - SUBSCRIBE.   Blessings of Love from all at GAIA.   Qala’s web site is http://www.g-a-i-a.com
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