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(Read 5159 times)

there is moment as you're
waking, when you become
aware of the real world
around you, but you're
still dreaming
Posts: 176

Gender: male
earthdance(13. 10.)
26.09.2001 at 19:30:19
Dance for planetary peace. In aid of Tibet.
Gozd pri Dragomeljnu pri Domžalah (bo označeno), SLO.

Kaj točno je Earthdance?

Partiji po celem svetu, datirani na isti dan, 13. oktober. Letos sodeluje okoli 130 mest (cca 40 držav). Zakaj na isti dan? Zbiranje energije, po celi Zemlji folk plese istočasno, z enakim namenom in vrhuncem. Vrhunec partija je Prayer For Peace, komad, ki ga DJ-i iz vseh rajanj spustijo istočasno, sinhrono (npr. v Angliji ob 00:00, v Sloveniji ob 01:00) in s tem je dosežena enost vse raje! ZATO: BE THERE BEFORE 01:00 AM !!!

Earthdance je dobrodelno rajanje. Ves dobiček gre v našem primeru za dobrobit zatiranega ljudstva iz Himalaje, Tibeta, se pravi Tibetancev. Poteka že 4 leto (v SLO 2. leto). 'Charity' bo osebno prevzel Dalailama, ki obišče Slovenijo le teden dni po Earthdance-u.


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Re: earthdance(13. 10.)
Reply #1 - 27.09.2001 at 07:58:49

a bo goa tud...
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there is moment as you're
waking, when you become
aware of the real world
around you, but you're
still dreaming
Posts: 176

Gender: male
Re: earthdance(13. 10.)
Reply #2 - 27.09.2001 at 11:53:16
ja ja Smiley....bo tud goa

BOSCOW (Cosmicwalkers, D) - ambiental, psychedelic trance.
BOLE.NUTT (Individia, SLO) - ethno, ambiental, psychedelic goa trance.
PSYKOPTER (Individia, SLO) - psy trance.
DJane GABY (W.O.T, SLO) - trance, psy trance.
OM NAMAH SHIVAYA (Mb, SLO) - acoustic trance.
NOVA (Novalabs, SLO) - breakbeat, nu skul breakz.
NAVEEN (SLO) - ambiental, goa,


A: ja...jz bi ful sel, sam ne poznam tok folka k bi ga to tok zanimal pa k bi sli. A ti gres ?
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Re: earthdance(13. 10.)
Reply #3 - 28.09.2001 at 08:47:08
a veš za dotacijo o
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there is moment as you're
waking, when you become
aware of the real world
around you, but you're
still dreaming
Posts: 176

Gender: male
Re: earthdance(13. 10.)
Reply #4 - 28.09.2001 at 17:04:00
dotacijo o ?
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I love YaBB 1 Gold!
Posts: 20

Re: earthdance(13. 10.)
Reply #5 - 28.09.2001 at 23:23:31
Juhu!!! To je izvrstna ideja. Jest grem. Samo ne vem zakaj ni glavni namen tega partija mir tam pri Bushu in Bin Ladnu ???
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there is moment as you're
waking, when you become
aware of the real world
around you, but you're
still dreaming
Posts: 176

Gender: male
Re: earthdance(13. 10.)
Reply #6 - 29.09.2001 at 14:35:27
jz mislm da bo zarad busha pa lad'na pr temu partyu glavn namen predvsem to, da bi ljudje nardil se zadn korak naprej, se zdruzl, in dojel svoje bistvo, da smo bitja svetlobe in ljubezni.....
...in pomojem bo zmer vec teh eventov zarad trenutnega stanja
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Re: earthdance(13. 10.)
Reply #7 - 01.10.2001 at 08:29:52
prav gremo trije
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Sonce    :)
Posts: 1011
Gender: male
Re: earthdance(13. 10.)
Reply #8 - 01.10.2001 at 20:09:13
Jest tudi malo razmišljam o tem. Kolk je pa vstopnina?
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Zdaj.....zdaj.....zdaj.....in spet zdaj.
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there is moment as you're
waking, when you become
aware of the real world
around you, but you're
still dreaming
Posts: 176

Gender: male
Re: earthdance(13. 10.)
Reply #9 - 01.10.2001 at 23:26:24

MIKE wrote on 01.10.2001 at 20:09:13:
Jest tudi malo razmišljam o tem. Kolk je pa vstopnina?

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Re: earthdance(13. 10.)
Reply #10 - 02.10.2001 at 08:33:34
prav pol pa  Kiss

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domišlija je pomembnejša
od znanja-Albert Einsten

Posts: 788
Gender: male
Re: earthdance(13. 10.)
Reply #11 - 02.10.2001 at 12:27:03
jest sem tudi zraven...me pa zanima kakšen ples je to... med temi izrazi se pač ne znajdem... in še, če kdo ve Kdaj se potem to konča (a moram rezervirat cel vikend 13+14.10 ali pa 13.10 ali pa samo 14.10.)

prosim za enega k mi bo povedal, da je to rave party in da naslednji dan pač ne bom mogel v službo razen če lahko v službi tudi spim ....
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nikoli ne smemo prenehati postavljati vprašanj-radovednost ima lasten razlog za svoj obstoj- začutimo lahko le globoko spoštovanje do skrivnosti večnosti-nikdar ne izgubite svete radovednosti-Einsten
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Re: earthdance(13. 10.)
Reply #12 - 02.10.2001 at 12:38:42

Poišči tistega pozabljenega v tebi, ko ni bil takšen ziheraš in je poslušal svoje srce Smileyjaz bom tud. Je pa to zihr rave.
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Sonce    :)
Posts: 1011
Gender: male
Re: earthdance(13. 10.)
Reply #13 - 02.10.2001 at 12:45:06
Magla, saj piše kva je. Neki transcedentalni izvajalci, pa en ambientalen. Tko da bomo vidl, kako se bo vse skupi do takrat upedenalo.
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Zdaj.....zdaj.....zdaj.....in spet zdaj.
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there is moment as you're
waking, when you become
aware of the real world
around you, but you're
still dreaming
Posts: 176

Gender: male
Re: earthdance(13. 10.)
Reply #14 - 03.10.2001 at 02:29:27
goa in psy trance je moderna elektronska muzka, pri kateri je zelo mocno vidno spiritualno vzdusje....popelje te po neskoncnih psihadelicnih valovih in ti dvigne zavest...uglavnem mocni izbruhi feelingov, energije....kurja polt:), poveze vse prisotne na edinstven nacin.
pri tej muzki je zelo razlicnih stilov, tko da jo vcasih ze tezko opredelit, ker se konstantno spreminja.....najde se vse,....od ambientalno psihadelicnih do melodicno emocijskih epik pa do zelo plesno energicnih.


In a way Goa-trance can be similar to religion for a religous person, but it's still very different. There are no words, but there is still message in the music that directs ones way of thinking and the way we see and experience the world through the emotions and the world peception that can be gained from it. It's not like religion which tells you what to think. It's more like a way of life, like yoga to yogies. In psy-trance there are no facts that are pushed to you, but abstract ideas that can influence you. Because of it's abstractness, it can allow you to think whatever you will, because you can interpret it in different ways, but at the same time it guides you. Psy-trance does not take control, but it is like a filter through which one can see the world. It opens up new aspects about everything, aspects that you couldn't find before


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