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16.09.2002 at 00:03:26


New Science Paradigms For Somagenic & Somajetic Medicine

The human Pineal gland not only produces the remarkable neuro-hormone Melatonin, itself one of the body's most potent anti-oxidents, but the revolutionary Pinoline, which is the name for 6-methoxy-tetra-dydro-beta carboline, or 6-MeO-THBC for short. As well as other beta carbolines which have miraculous powers.

The most ancient used plant in global folk medecine that has these components itself, is the infamous Soma plant, the original Rue, called Assyrian Rue, or latin Pegunam Harmala. It has been widely used in the Ayurvedi medecine of the Rg Veda, as the Soma plant, and mixed with gold and metorite and special elements.

Hence Pinoline actually can make the supercondujctive elements within our body, the mono-atmonic minerals, useful to our biology, by acting as a biological door, or bio-crystal bridge, which can momentarily superconduct, and transmit that high spin state that it anticipates, into biological availability, as 8 Hz, and bio-photons of life.

Here we find Pinoline sitting right at the place where the post-modern elexier of life is produced, as it resonates to 8 Hz, the question that must be investigated, how significant and essential a role, does Pinoline play in the adrenalagenic system, in the metabolism for the living crystals of live, oiur hormones and neuradrenaline.

Furthermore, nore-adrenaline plays a significant role in the Pineal gland, when there is sufficient Pinoline saturation in the brain. It releases a serotonin sight, to enable another serotonin site on the pineal gland to produce the all powerful, and outmost visionary Dimethyltryhptamine, neurotransmitter, the most potent transmitter and well known transmitter to the inter nervous system (it is so well known to the brain that it is metabolised within 30 seconds, unlike any other transmitter). This molecule, dubbed by Dr. Strassman as the "Spirit Molecule", was detected by Dr. James Callaway in the spinal serum of people who were dying, or were having an "Out of body experience (OOBE)", or who were lucid dreaming. It is Pinoline that enables the threshold levels of DMT to become acive in the brain, but it requires an adrenaline burst.

Perhaps Pinolines position in the adrenals is also related to this bio-funciton, which has been almost all but obscure to western science so far, but appears to be opening a door, to higher brain cortical fuinctioning. DMT with Pinoline increases brain activation,a nd with its cousin the 5-Methoxy-DMT, has been shown to activate the brain by as much as 40%, compared to our 10% maximum potential at present. The higher brain states are quite intense, and frightening or live changing to most. It is as if we are in a baby brain state, and are about to come to terms with the genuine adult brain. A function which we once used consciously, rather than unconsciously in our dreams and lucid dreams, and visionary bursts.

Cosmic rays convert into gamma rays. With a healthy pineal gland, maintained by proper darkness, and coherent heart rhythms (compassionate love), and mediation and superlearning life management in alpha brain rhythms (8 Hz), we then not only have an anti-oxident, but a protecter from gamma radiation, at the active Soma dose level of around 500mg, or 2 full teaspoons:

This is just a good selection of a mountain of other astonishing facts, now gathered. Including Harmine and Pinoline as an NMDA antogonist, and hence an anti-strok medecine, which is used to this day by the Mandean Gnostic Christians, the Gnostics simulated death, a prevented death by taking Harmala. In palestine, including by the village north of Bethlahem, called Harmala, they still use Harmala as an anti-stroke medecine. It prevents calcium ions from flooding the brain, and hence prevents cell death, thus one does not die on the cross, which is death by stroke, through calcium inflooding through the NMDA sites.

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