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(Read 2860 times)

Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
daleč od rodne barjanske grude
Gender: female
16.11.2005 at 23:24:59

Naj za iztočnico ta dva izseka iz enga drucga & drugje topika ponucam:

titud wrote on 05.11.2005 at 10:54:59:
Tak kot je, nam ni všeč. Ker jih ne zmoremo sprejet take kot so, jih sovražmo al pa rajš sploh nočmo (več). Ker mislimo, da nas izberejo samo zato, da nas bodo jebal. Kar je  bistvu res, ker njihovo razkrivanje nas takšnih  kot smo, je predpogoj, da so tud sami lahko takšni, kot so. Zato so nas tud izbral, zato smo jim bli tud všeč.

ARS wrote on 06.11.2005 at 10:20:14:
Ma, ti včasih rata tko dobr v besede spravt ... Kiss

In to njihovo početje zna bit na moč naporno in utrudljivo!  Wink
Ma, men se ne da zmeri po seb brskat, "zakaj" ino podobne,
pa lastnih žuljev pucat glih takrat, ko mi ona gor stop ... Grin
Jest bi rada mela včasih tut enmal gmaha.
Ja, zihr, glih takrat mi ga moja "tavelka" nau dala!
A vedno bolj cenim to kresanje in to, da je/so,
pa čeprav zna bit tut nelagodno, da ne prznam še kej močnejšga ...  Wink

Za "čimveč" zavedanja o tem, kakšni in kako smo mi sami, navznoter in navzven,

PS: Staršem najstnikov pa močno priporočam v branje knjigo Michaela L. Bradleya:

Loving your kid without losing your mind
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« Last Edit: 17.11.2005 at 00:55:41 by ARS »  

Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
daleč od rodne barjanske grude
Gender: female
Reply #1 - 17.11.2005 at 00:02:12

Ma, v bistvu niti ne vem, kje naj začnem ... zato kar bom.  Wink

Mi petnajstletnica družbo dela ... in jaz njej ... in vse ostalo vmes. No, dobrih 15 in pol ima ...

Kot najverjetneje marsikater bodoč starš, sem že med nosečnostjo precej knjig prebirat začela, pa mi v bistvu nobena ni prav potegnila. So ble vse nekak dolgočasne, pa moralistične, al pa pridigajoče. Skratka, men mem. In sem rekla, da bom že ...

In smo rodil na tujih tleh, tko da je blo treba mrbit bolj kot ne po knjigah odgovore na kaka vprašanja iskat. Ko danes nazaj gledam, sem mela prav srečo - si niso ena bolj kt ta druga pametna kljuke podajale vsak dan, dan za dnem ... In men je vse (beri: vse!!!) dileme na začetkih "poklica starš" sproti in povsem razrešil Benjamin Spock. No, skupaj z "najinim" odličnim pediatrom.

Pojma nimam, kakšen je pravi naslov knjige, a "vsi" jo poznamo pod nazivom "Dr. Spock" (tudi v slovenščini je izšla). Je moj izvod knjige romal že v boh ve kolk družin, ker ga nikol ni blo nazaj. Me prav zanima, če je še danes uporabljana in priporočana ter citirana ta veleslavna knjiga ...

In kasneje je kar precej knjig na temo starševstva in vzgoje čez moje roke šlo, praviloma meni neuporabne oz. natančneje: neblizu. Najbolj uporabna se je pri mojih izzivih starševstva izkazala primerjalna analiza odzivov/mnenj/nasvetov na kak konkreten "moj primer" ali vprašanje. V bistvu dovolj.

In pol pride ... puberteta. Saj ne da je štala, daleč od tega - se trenutno predvsem oz. še zabavam, ampak vseeno, glede na svoje davne "lastnokožne" izkušnje, sem pričakovala in pričakujem, da zna bit tut tole moje hčere obdobje precej pestro ... Človk nekak ne more amnezirat čist vsega, saj sami veste. Grin

In že neki cajta čutim in se zavedam, da mi vse pogosteje "teksta", razumevanja in idej ter sape umanjka ... Zato je torej v moje roke prišla, anede:

Michael L. Bradley:  YES, YOUR TEEN IS CARZY!

Prva knjiga po Spocku (ki ima z otroki & s starševstvom opravit), ki mi je blizu. Je vame tudi neprijetno zavrtala, ne le kimala k že znanem, da ne bo kakega nepotrebnega natolcevanja. Wink

In čeprav sem trenutno šele na njeni sredini, jo iz vsega srca priporočam vsaj staršem (najstnikov) v branje in razmislek ter tistim, ki jim v dopoldanskih urah znanja "servirate"; vsaj vam. Predvsem zato, da boste (svojega) najstnika in njegove morebitne "muhe" lažje in bolje razumeli ... in sebe ... in vajin/vaš odnos. In kot njen podnaslov doda, "Loving your kid without losing your mind"!

Uf, grem naprej brat & razmišljat,

PS: Ne, nobenih procentov od prodaje te knjige nimam obljubljenih al pa zagotovljenih.  Wink
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« Last Edit: 17.11.2005 at 01:26:20 by ARS »  

Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
daleč od rodne barjanske grude
Gender: female
Reply #2 - 17.11.2005 at 00:18:35

Da boste mal na okus prišli, "zakaj" in "kako to":

"This book is not mine. I really didn’t write it. Like a surrogate mother, I just carried it. It was created by the many families that I’ve had the incredible honor to know in my 27 years of working with kids. Their words rose up out of the echoes of fear, laughter, pain, and love that rang off the walls of my office after a shift of working with troubled teens and their families.

After hours on most nights, I’d sit exhausted and yet exhilarated trying to comprehend the incredible things I’d seen that day, madly scribbling notes to save the wise, healing words of these families from slipping through my fingers into oblivion. At night, I’d bolt up out of bed to write more as other thoughts and insights of these people exploded through my sleeping brain. Like a frantic messenger, I felt possessed by the thought that I had to tell what I’d seen. I wrote this book to get their words out of me so I could sleep again.

Once I finished, I couldn’t read this book for months, perhaps afraid it would possess me again. Or perhaps frightened that all of those incredible words I was barely hanging onto might have evaporated off the pages. But as I read the book now, I feel calm, for I can see that my work was not so much writing as it was an attempt to capture the simple, powerful humanity of the wonderful people I’ve been honored to work with. These folks have gifted me with themselves in so many ways that I can never hope to repay. The best I can do is to pass along their words as gifts to you, wrapped in the wish that so many of these parents expressed:

that I tell you their stories of pain, loss, and fear so that you might come to more easily know their joy - the joy of feeling once again lovingly connected to your adolescent child."

Michael J. Bradley (2001)
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
daleč od rodne barjanske grude
Gender: female
Reply #3 - 17.11.2005 at 00:26:14

For parents who have tried everything but still have teens who are out of control, Bradley's book is a funny, blunt, and reassuring book. Philadelphia psychologist Bradley approaches the subject from the viewpoint that teens are, well, a little nuts; using current brain research, he points out that the most sophisticated parts of the mind are not developed until the end of adolescence ergo, the acting out, mood swings, ADHD, depression, suicide, anorexia, etc.

The basic premise is that parents are still the most influential force in their kids' lives and that the old rules of parenting are not only unhelpful but destructive. Adults must take the blame for ignoring rampant alcohol addictions among teens, allowing sex to saturate culture so much that kids don't even know what intimacy and commitment are, and believing that raising children in 2001 can be easy. Rejecting peer pressure as an excuse for unacceptable behaviors, Bradley distinguishes between "normal" and "insane." One chapter describes negotiation, decision-making, and the enforcement of rules; another deals with the new phenomenon of teen rage and how to survive it.

Overall, the message is that kids can become fine people even if they screw up a lot, and you need to play the parent, not the cool confidante.

Editorial Review -  Linda Beck, Indian Valley P.L., Telford, PA - from Library Journal (2001)
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
daleč od rodne barjanske grude
Gender: female
Reply #4 - 17.11.2005 at 00:30:06

More than a few parents will agree that adolescence is a time when kids go temporarily nuts - and take their parents with them. Yet, according to Bradley, who has counseled teens and their families for nearly 30 years, there's some neurological evidence to prove that adolescent "brain damage" is no joke.

With a touch of humor to leaven the seriousness of his subject, Bradley speaks candidly to parents, guiding them through the new science and exploring how the findings can be applied to real-life relationships.

With a keen eye, he examines everything from anorexia and oppositional behavior to anger, alerting parents to signals that mean professional help is the only way to go.

He scolds parents more than once for contributing to a culture that saddles young people with confusing messages about drugs, sex, and more, but he's confident that if parents can change their own behavior, they can help their kids through difficult times.

It's all stitched together with real-life stories, which will smooth the way for dealing with today's "new millennium adolescent."

Book Review - Stephanie Zvirin, American Library Association - from Booklist (2001)
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
daleč od rodne barjanske grude
Gender: female
Reply #5 - 17.11.2005 at 00:34:28

Bradley, a psychologist drawing on current brain research, argues that teenagers are basically nuts. While 95 % of the brain develops in early childhood, the most advanced parts aren't completed until adolescence is nearly over. As a result, teens can appear unstable, dysfunctional and unpredictable, with temporarily impaired judgment and decision-making processes.

In addition, Bradley argues, contemporary culture further challenges teens' thinking capabilities; the prevalence of sex, drugs and violence makes the teen's job of cognitive balancing even more precarious. The good news is that parents do make a difference, and Bradley clearly explains how parents can encourage and guide their kids through these tumultuous years.

Stressing that teens are still "children," Bradley encourages parents to respond like "dispassionate cops," teaching and remaining calm even when teens behave outrageously.

While Bradley's prose which he admits might be shocking and offensive at times may be initially off-putting to some, the book is compelling, lively and realistic. Using crisp, believable anecdotes that are alternately poignant and hysterically funny (while avoiding generic examples, jargon or psychobabble), Bradley homes in on real-life scenarios, showing parents, for instance, how to respond when their teen is "raging," and how to set curfews and limits.

Bradley draws a vivid picture of what the teen is going through, and gives parents the tools to tackle contemporary issues together. An invaluable parachute to parents diving into the teen years.

Editorial Review - from Publishers Weekly (2001)

PS: Zdej grem pa lohk sam še spat, ne pa naprej brat. Se vid, da polna luna seka ...

Lahko noč,
/aka mami/
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
daleč od rodne barjanske grude
Gender: female
Reply #6 - 02.01.2006 at 00:11:40

Field report:  Wink

Tale knjiga je res d'best!

In ker mi je (bila) taka, sem šla še mal brskat za temle dohtarjem ...
... in Miklavžka je prnesla moji tavelki tole njegovo:

Yes, Your Parents are Crazy!

Sem jo v službi do Miklavža prebirala in me je prav zabavala. No, ne sam to.

Moja jo je sicer prec začela brat, a zdajle je že kar neki cajta na skretu parkirana, pa nisem čist zihr, kaj se z njo dogaja. Ma, ko bo cajt, jo bo že skonzumirala ... al pa tut ne.

Skratka, tale tip ma otroke tko rad, da je pravi balzam. A je hkrati tko brezpogojno brez celofana, da mnogim to tut slučajno ne bo balzam. In sta obe knjigi tako neameriško uporabni, da sem močno hvaležna, da sta mi na pot prišli.

In kogar zanima še kaj, njegova stran je tukile:


Lepo bodite,
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Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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