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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Project OM
23.10.2003 at 09:50:46
Že ptički na vejah čivkajo o 8. novembru... evo eno zadevico, pri kateri lahko sodeluje vsak, ki tako čuti. Smiley

On November 8, 2003 at 8:13 pm (NY Time) we will have the opportunity to sound
together and anchor in new interdimensional energies at a powerful and climactic
moment in the Earth's history. It is our great pleasure to co create with you
PROJECT OM, a Webcast on World Puja using our Sound, Light and Love to assist in
anchoring these new energies for personal and planetary healing and

At 8:13 PM (New York Time) on November 8, 2003, a geometrically perfect six
sided (Star of David) configuration will appear in the sky, linking and
balancing the energies of six astrological bodies; the Sun, Jupiter, Mars,
Saturn, Chiron and the Moon. In addition, there will be an eclipse of the full
moon at this time. The interaction of this significant
planetary alignment at the moment of the eclipse combines to produce a
powerful alchemical transformation offering the opportunity for both
personal and planetary shifts in consciousness. The name that has been
given to this particular energetic window of time is the Harmonic
Concordance. It goes from November 5th through the 11th with the peak at
8:13 PM on November 8th!

This Grand Sextile astrological configuration, accompanying a total lunar
eclipse, has never before occurred in recorded history. This is an
immensely powerful vibrational activation that many throughout the planet see as
a major interdimensional gateway fulfilling ancient prophecies from different
traditions and ushering in a new activation of energy upon the Earth. .

Sound is an extraordinarily powerful vehicle for creating frequency
shifts and raising planetary consciousness. By simultaneously toning
together a Planetary Healing Sound at 8:13 PM (NY Time) on Nov. 8, 2003, we can
create a coherent wave form that will assist the already
manifesting transformational energy of the cosmos.
For this reason, we
are working in conjunction with World Puja to use the Internet to connect
people throughout the planet through Sound, Light and Love.

The Schedule for Project Om is as follows:

8:00 The Harmonic Concordance Webcast begins on World Puja. Information about
Project Om is shared.

8:05 We begin preliminary breathing and sounding exercises to clear and
attune ourselves.

8:11 We begin to sound a rolling "Om", projecting this sound to assist

in planetary activation for this new energy. We will be sounding as the
Lunar Eclipse begins at 8:13

8:22 We finish making sound and now meditate in this energy

8:30 We conclude our Webcast.

Because of the enormity of this cosmological event, the Harmonic
Concordance, which some are comparing to the Harmonic Convergence and the 11:11,
there are literally thousands of websites with differing
information about this important time. There are also events occurring
throughout the world to help usher in this new energy. There are many
perspectives and belief systems available with varying agendas attached
to them. Because of this, we do not feel it necessary to provide more
information, except to say that projecting Light & Love through Sound
together at 8:13 PM NY Time on November 8, 2003 will be particularly
beneficial for personal and planetary consciousness activation.

Please join us! And if please send this email to others. There are
prophecies that say that if 144,000 sound together, a new era of
consciousness may be issued in. Perhaps this is the time!

Harmonically Yours,

Jonathan Goldman & Sound Healers Association

Additional sites with information on this powerful time are found below.
Many others sites are also available using search engines.




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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Project OM
Reply #1 - 03.11.2003 at 16:56:30

Po našem času se bo to dogajalo v nedeljo, 9. novembra ob 2:13 (ponoči)

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« Last Edit: 04.11.2003 at 10:10:15 by m »  

Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Project OM
Reply #2 - 06.11.2003 at 12:49:54
Harmonic Concordance Meditation Focus

(pa ful tekstov in linkov je zloženih na tej strani...)

The Writing on the Wall Series #25: Change or Die
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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