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Ideje izpod odeje >> Dodaj svojo idejo za boljši svet >> Savitra - harmonija prihodnosti - konkretno (eng.)

Message started by Matjaž Rebolj(Guest) on 27.04.2006 at 19:55:04

Title: Savitra - harmonija prihodnosti - konkretno (eng.)
Post by Matjaž Rebolj(Guest) on 27.04.2006 at 19:55:04






It is a thought that started when I was around 16 years old. It was a desire to help. But how? I was so little and everyone around me was telling me that I can not change the World.
I was quite always a stubborn person and when I believed in something, no one could convince me otherwise except the experience.
So I went into it and trying to make the impossible - to change something.

Today is time for new things that would be based upon friendship, compassion and trust. This is also for what the name stays – Trust or Savitra.

Through this organisation we want to share with the people the highest cultural performances and make it available for everyone.

Through our work we want to promote the qualities of sharing and supporting everything that is raising the qualities of all life on our planet.

Savitra is future.

... of all us living

It is an institution that is representing the highest art of all... life itself.
Our way is to show the symbiosis of everything... art, people, work, life, learning, teaching, family...

Our voice is art and this time art will work for people.
We are gathering the best musicians from all over the world that are making the incredible performances and supporting everything that is making the quality of life rising on all levels.

The Savitra ensembles are made of greatest musicians from Slovenia. The high quality performances are essential to us and we are making it with pleasure for you and us.

…   our service

The centre of our work is art and we are a living media and conection for all things that are supporting, helping and making grow the quality of life. This is for all institutions, people, companies or any kind of organisations on all planes of our living: education, science, technology, economy, energetic, agriculture, environment, social, health, judicature.
The problem of today’s living is that we are to less aware of our dependence of each other and that really each thing matters that we do. We should think more on ecology problems, how to better raise and educate our children and older people,…, how to give the possibility to all for a life that is worth to live... To help, to share and not to compete.

Each company, individual or organisation that is working in this way will be advertised and supported by us. It would be good that also those who can would support us financial and moral, but which is not the condition for our support...and this is the way of sharing and helping each other. That easy.

The centre..

Art Village Savitra would be the representation of all this values and people, organisations and companies. The centre with a big hall – Art Coloseum – that would be again the biggest message of all us, our work and what we are standing for and would be open for all with the artistic programs of greatest musicians and other artists of our time.

It would consist also of an art life academy – Academy Absolute, restaurants – that would be supported from local biologic farms, shops – that would be selling only things made in the village or nearby, galleries, places of living and all combined in a big park. Everything would be around 40 hectares big and made only from biological and restorable materials.
It will be searched also the way of making it as much as possible only depended of natural energy resources available there.

The promotion and raising money would start with finding and buying a suitable place in Slovenia or elsewhere, making web pages with representing the activities of Savitra and the vision. When finding a place, making with the architects the plane of the village and then to convert it in virtual room, where people from all over the World could see the project.-

Each thing of the village would be valued with the prise...a tree, a brick, a beam...everything. Then when a person would log on Savitra web portal it would see how the city will look. Then it can decide how much money is prepared to give for this idea and he would pay with a credit card. Let‘s say just 5 Euro or dollars. Then at the same time it would be shown to him exactly what he was helping to buy, and would visually show him what he helped to build. This would each person very strongly connect to the whole project and I assume that in a year people would compete with help. It would affect like a game and give them the impression that they are building themselves this incredible idea that the World didn’t see before.

It is an idea that is raising people’s hearts and give them the feeling that a life can be beautiful and fulfilled with greatness if helping and standing for each other on the world.

Just the messenger
Matjaž Rebolj                                    Maribor, 25.2.06


To see that things are real an already in move, I tell you that the organisation is already  established since 2000 and is now truly starting the path to reach each part of the World, our beautiful home that should be for everyone beautiful.

If you have an idea that is making living better – it can be anyone – a barber, a baker, a writer, having a shop with bio products, teacher,…musician,.. garbage man or director then contact us and become a part of this unique organisation that concretely started to change the ways of living.  If you need we will promote you and advertise your products or your services for free of charge.

If you are prepared to support this vision also financially then here is our account:

Bank:      The best help is to give less money, but to give it
Ljubljanska Banka      on permanent charge every month, because it is
Account:      important that the money flows in constantly, so
02280 - 0089484465      we can hire people that can regularly work for this
Swift Coda:      idea.

The web pages will be available from April 2006 –

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