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Message started by Iga on 24.02.2004 at 08:52:40

Title: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by Iga on 24.02.2004 at 08:52:40

Upam, da je tole raca.

New York, 24. februarja (STA) - Pentagon je pred štirimi meseci dobil tajno poročilo, ki opozarja na svetovno katastrofo zaradi podnebnih sprememb, vendar pa ga je ameriški obrambni vrh skrival, dokler se ni do dokumenta dokopal britanski tednik The Observer. Francoska tiskovna agencija AFP povzema trditve v Observerju, ki bodo najverjetneje postale del ameriške predvolilne kampanje, še posebej ob dejstvu, da je skupina ameriških znanstvenikov obtožila administracijo predsednika Georgea Busha, da potvarja znanstvene podatke v politične namene in prikriva resnična neprijetna dejstva. Kot navaja poročilo, naj bi nenadne spremembe v podnebju planet pripeljale na rob anarhije, ker si bodo države prizadevale priti do jedrskega orožja za obrambo ali osvajanje vse bolj skopih zalog hrane, vode in energije. Spopadi in vojne naj bi postali stalnica.

Evropa in ZDA bosta po navedbah poročila postali trdnjavi, ki bosta na vse načine preprečevali pritok beguncev z območij, ki jih bodo prizadele poplave, suša ali vojne. Katastrofalno pomanjkanje vode in hrane bo do leta 2020 vojne razširilo po vsem svetu. Velika Britanija naj bi do tega leta doživljala zime, kot so danes v Sibiriji, že do leta 2007 pa naj bi neurja uničila velike dele ozemlja Nizozemske. Kalifornija naj bi do tega leta doživela velike motnje v oskrbi z vodo. Avtorja poročila sta svetovalec CIA in nekdanji vodja načrtovanja pri podjetju Royal Dutch Shell Peter Schwartz in Doug Randall iz organizacije Global Business Network v Kaliforniji, izdelavo poročila pa je naročil tesen sodelavec obrambnega ministra Donalda Rumsfelda Andrew Marshall.

Grožnje, o katerih govori poročilo, naj bi bile veliko hujše od grožnje terorizma, saj jih ne bo moč nadzirati ali obvladovati. Poročilo navaja, da je treba podnebnim spremembam nemudoma posvetiti najvišjo možno pozornost in jih iz znanstvenih debat spremeniti v vprašanje nacionalne varnosti. Randall je za Observer opozoril, da je mogoče že prepozno, saj se bodo katastrofalne spremembe morda začele že jutri, vendar jih še nekaj let ne bo mogoče opaziti.

Title: Re: Ali amo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by David on 24.02.2004 at 09:00:39

Tudi jaz upam da je tole raca, ena taka, zimska.

Title: Re: Ali amo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by bp on 24.02.2004 at 09:01:30

Po mojem na zalost ne. Pred par tedni sem prebral, da so letos izmerili veliko upocasnitev zalivskega toka. Ce se ta ustavi, bo leta 2020 Velika Britanija res lahko imela take zime, kot so v Sibiriji. Zalivski to  pa se lahko ustavi zaradi topljenja ledu na severnem polu, kateremu so vzrok povisane temperature ozracja.

Title: Re: Ali amo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by sinjeoka on 24.02.2004 at 09:05:41

what goes around comes narava vrača svoj udarec...

it is all just life

Title: Re: Ali amo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by titud on 24.02.2004 at 10:00:49

Katastrofe so za biznis vsaj tako  dobrodošle kot vojne. Od napovovedi katastrof ekstara profite vlečejo finančni  špeklunati, med katastrofo črnonbozijanci, po njej pa gradbinci in energetiki. Za prodduciranje  exsra profitov  je mir in balgostnje najslabše možno obdobje, zato je čist normalno, da se za  produkcijo katastrofičnih scenarijev skriva čist konkrenetn interes. Producenti katastrofičnih scenarijev svojo zarotništvo znajo dobr zakamuflikrat, najrajš tko,  da avtorstvo  katastrofičnih  scenarijev pripišejo kar  vladam, ki so seveda verodostjnejše in to, da vlade  skrivajo svoje katastrofične scenarije pred folkom,  je kronski  dokaz verodostjnosti teh scenarijev (ki jih  zaradi skrivnostnsoti  seveda ni mogoče dokazat). To je spet ena verzija une  ramfseldove najbutaste  izjave leta  2003 po londonskem indendentu, 'da odsotnost  dokazov o prisotnosti orožja za množično  uničevanje v  iraku samo po seb ne dokazuje odsotnsoti tega orožja v iraku'.    

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by maxtor on 24.02.2004 at 22:34:18

Ce bi gledal Discovery ;) bi videl, da ce se bo stopil led na antarkiti, bo nastala nova ledena doba. Ker se bo odprl en prehod, ki je sedaj "zamrzjen" in bo prislo do mesanja Zalivskega toka z Akticnim,...

U glavnem ledena doba

;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by tica on 09.03.2004 at 16:16:55

to ni smešno :'(
sicer je pa moja stara mama večkrat rekla- za vsako ritko rasta šiba, kasneje kot se jo utrga , večji kol rata ;D

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by Andres on 09.03.2004 at 17:17:24

To ni raca. Sem že v tujih časopisih  bral povzetek tega članka.  Tudi na islandskih ledenikih je vedno več razpok, ki opozarjajo na neko toplješo klimo. Celo kobilic in metuljev je tam vedno več.


Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by goinup on 19.03.2004 at 10:55:13

maxtor wrote on 24.02.2004 at 22:34:18:
Ce bi gledal Discovery ;) bi videl, da ce se bo stopil led na antarkiti, bo nastala nova ledena doba. Ker se bo odprl en prehod, ki je sedaj "zamrzjen" in bo prislo do mesanja Zalivskega toka z Akticnim,...

U glavnem ledena doba

;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D :D

Tudi jaz sem slišal za to varianto. Temperature najprej naraščajo, nato pa kar na enkrat začnejo drastično padati in začne se...

To so baje dognali na podlagi količine prašnih delcev ki so jih zasledili pri vrtanju v led.

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by PrizeFighter on 27.03.2004 at 18:46:26

Sem spozal, da je to za ljudi, le test potrpžljivosti.
Ljudi, se morajo razviti, da bojo kaj ukrepali, na tan način da bojo zaželi malo spregovoriti, politika= gospodarstvo.
Za spremembo, ki ja te dni nujna, je napisana, v starih spisih.....
Lep dan vsem!

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by arelena on 30.03.2004 at 02:03:40

:)edina stalnica v življenju je večna sprememba

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by en_bk on 30.03.2004 at 08:47:32

u u u uuu uuu uu uu,
uuu uu uu,
don't worry,
be happy,

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by arelena on 31.03.2004 at 05:03:16

:)o yes... ::)

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by Rose on 23.04.2004 at 12:06:20

To, da bodo vojne postale stalnica, se ne ujema s tistim, astrološkim, v letu 2012.

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by Kali on 01.08.2004 at 14:37:15

Some estimate that the sea moves inland three metres a year

Sea engulfing Alaskan village

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by 2227 on 02.08.2004 at 21:20:32

Vremenski kaos

Srednji del Evrope se spopada z novimi naravnimi katastrofami, o vremenskih ujmah poročajo tudi iz ZDA in Azije.

Dogaja dogaja..

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by Kali on 07.09.2004 at 19:27:13

pa saj sploh ni tok škodljivo, dolgoročno gledano ;)

Hurricanes Bring Environmental Renewal

Mon Sep 6, 5:49 PM ET
     Add U.S. National - AP to My Yahoo!

By RACHEL LA CORTE, Associated Press Writer

MIAMI - Along with their destructive force, hurricanes can have beneficial effects as part of the rhythm of nature. Storms that erode beaches, uproot trees and flatten wildlife habitats may also refresh waterways, revive dry areas and bulk up barrier islands with redistributed sand.

AP Photo


"What we see is the damage it does to our structures, but it can actually renew areas," said Karen Westphal, a coastal scientist at Louisiana State University's School of the Coast and Environment.

Hurricane Frances could help the Everglades, which is already undergoing a $8.4 billion environmental restoration.

"Hurricanes are a vital part of the natural process," said Nick Auman, an aquatic ecologist at Everglades National Park. Hurricane Frances may serve "as a flushing-out mechanism in areas of the Everglades where sediment has accumulated on the bottom of waterways."

Frances may help eliminate some invasive exotic plants in the area, such as Australian pines, but also could end up helping others if high wind disperses seeds to new places.

However, human changes to the Everglades may prevent it from recovering from flooding caused by the slow-moving hurricane, Auman said. "We've had so much impact on the Everglades as human beings that we have hampered its ability to bounce back from big events like this."

The storm's changes also can affect animal life.

Beach mice in Florida's Panhandle become easy targets for predators in flattened areas. But new dunes might shield beaches from lights that confuse sea turtles when they come ashore to lay eggs and their babies after hatching, said Seth Blitch, a biologist who is the head of the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve.

Hurricane Charley, the biggest storm to hit Florida in more than a decade, made significant changes to southwest Florida's beach landscape in August. Charley sliced the barrier island of North Captiva in half, creating a new inlet joining the Gulf of Mexico and Pine Island Sound.

Charley's wind and rain also likely stirred up old debris and pollutants, which could hurt the environment, said Hans Paerl, professor of marine and environmental science at the University of North Carolina.

"A lot has to do with the frequency of these hurricanes, too," he said. "If you get three or four hurricanes right in a row, probably the second or third are more beneficial because they bring in cleaner water" after sediments and old debris are flushed out by the earlier storm.

Frances' impact is yet to be determined, but Westphal said the environment will be fine.

"Nature will go back into a balance," she said. "It will just not be what humans are used to. Humans don't like change. Nature doesn't mind, it just balances itself out."

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by Kali on 09.09.2004 at 22:57:30

evo tole so dnevni posnetki severnega pola...zanimivo, 13.8. se vidi umazan, rjav sneg....pol pa 4 dni ni nič in pol spet sve kul

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by Kali on 13.09.2004 at 12:10:42

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by Kali on 17.09.2004 at 14:31:25

Pentagon: Evropa in Amerika v ledu

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by Kali on 28.09.2004 at 22:14:38

ognjeni tornado!!!   :o

Mysterious fireballs ram the Earth
09/27/2004 17:13

A mysterious fire tornado that ripped through the jungles had torn out trees in some areas, while leaving the vegetation untouched.

At night of 14 September 2004 many people got a chance to witness the fall of a fire object near the southern Argentinean town of Ushuaia. Further searches in the region yielded fascinating results: the area of approximately 150 sq meters had absolutely no trees. At first sight, it appeared as though the trees were chopped down; however, all the vegetation remained untouched. More so, according to the Argentinean media, scientists were unable to find any traces of the mysterious fire object that had "melted down" the woods. The next day, on September 15th, another fire object was spotted in that same region.

Currently, researchers are trying to determine the nature of such mysterious phenomenon. It is likely that it has got something to do with the kind of research work many scientists from all over the world have been preoccupied with for ages. In particular, Sandia National Laboratories hosted a workshop in August of this year which was dedicated specifically to such kind of unexplained phenomena involving descending burning objects.

One Russian scientist, candidate of physic-mathematical sciences Andrei Ol"khovatov was one of the participants of the workshop.

In his exclusive interview to "PRAVDA.RU", Mr. Ol'khovatov noted that due to the lack of evidences regarding recent events in Argentina, it is rather difficult to draw any conclusions at this point. However, if analysis of the eyewitnesses' words will be confirmed concerning the fact that the fire object had in fact landed in the area with major tree-anomaly and the date of the anomaly will correspond to that of the fall, then this occurrence could be classified as something of a mystic origin. In that case, it will be referred to as a "geophysical meteors."

Scientists have yet been unable to determine physical mechanism of geophysical meteors. All that is known today is the fact that geophysical meteors somewhat resemble high-energy ball lightning and has a tendency to remain in certain geophysical environment.  

According to Ol'khovatov, geophysical meteors are far from harmless. In January of this year, a fire ball has caused severe damage to a house in the Iranian town of Babol. However, there were plenty of far worse cases. In 1935 for instance, hundreds of kilometers of jungles have been completely destroyed in South America, in British Guiana.

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by Kali on 03.10.2004 at 14:15:14

Zbudil se je Mount St. Helens
Seatlle | 2.10.2004 | STA

Vulkan Mount St. Helens v ameriški zvezni državi Washington je v petek opoldne po lokalnem času začel bruhati dim in pepel.

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by Kali on 26.12.2004 at 12:46:02

sneg v texasu ;)

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by Kali on 11.01.2005 at 00:19:58

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by Kali on 12.01.2005 at 03:42:50,5478,11866016%5E1702,00.html

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by Iga on 13.02.2005 at 22:43:53

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by Iga on 15.02.2005 at 22:56:01

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by Kali on 05.03.2005 at 00:59:16

a ŽE!!! kaj pa 2012??? >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: Ali smo že tako daleč prišli?
Post by Iga on 07.04.2005 at 22:42:23

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