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Message started by A. on 23.10.2003 at 19:29:40

Title: geo magnetni vihar
Post by A. on 23.10.2003 at 19:29:40

jutri bo zemljo po nekaterih podatkih objavljenih na rtv slovenija zajel geo magnetni vihar?

mislm kaj to pomen ne vem, v glavnem gre za vesolski pojav, ki bo dosegel 3 stopnjo od 5 max

in da se bodo lahk kakšne tele in ele naprave zmedle?


Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Andres on 23.10.2003 at 22:31:17

To je reduciranje vremena iz zemlje, oziroma izkoristek miljonov voltov na nebu.


Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 23.10.2003 at 22:36:28

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by A. on 26.10.2003 at 10:32:37

Geomagnetni vihar ni povzročil večjih težav satelitskim in radijskim komunikacijam

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by exorcist on 26.10.2003 at 10:49:18

To pomeni, daje od časa do časa (ciklus) se poveča aktivnost Sonca, potem ti različno nabiti delci (ioni = elektroni, pozitroni, kationi , anioni) padaja na Zemljo, kjer se ukrivijo in jih večina trešči na  (aurora = severni oz. južni sij na  polu). Na srečo nas pred njimi zaščiti zemeljsko magnetno polje in atmosfera, drugače bi za živa bitja bile življenjske okoliščine nemogoče (poškodovanje DNA => nastanek raka). Povzroča pa različne elektromagnetne motnje, ker je to dejansko tok (tok je usmerjeno potovanje elektronov).

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by tica on 30.10.2003 at 13:12:50 2003Oct29.html

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 31.10.2003 at 03:01:18

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 31.10.2003 at 03:09:00

Sunspots and the Rise and Fall of Civilizations

There appears to be a correlation between the rise and fall of civilizations with the rise and fall of radiation from the sun. The graph shows a long-term envelope of sunspot activity derived from the center graph of Carbon 14. More carbon 14 is absorbed in the growth rings of tress udring the sunspot minima. Sunspot minima also correlcate with mini-ice ages and a winter severity index based on a mean for Paris and London - for the period shown. The Maya disappeared during a sunspot minimum.

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 31.10.2003 at 03:23:18

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by gape on 31.10.2003 at 13:50:57

lepe so tele slikce

zadnjič sm pa en filmič vidu ... k prikazuje izbruh ... k ga zdej ne najdem ...

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by tica on 31.10.2003 at 18:15:45

Kohl said the first storm traveled at a top speed of 4.9 million miles per hour, while the one that hit on Thursday moved at 5.2 million miles an hour.

drugi je skoraj dohitel prvega :o

The X-ray and solar radiation storms rank as the second largest such events recorded in the latest 11-year cycle, according to NOAA data. Records of solar cycles date from 1755

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which runs the U.S. early warning center for such solar events, said that Wednesday's storm prompted a report that northern lights had been seen as far south as El Paso, Texas.

to je geog.širina kot tur?ija, škoda da smo imeli slabo vreme , bi lahko še kaj videli :P

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 02.11.2003 at 21:06:17

God Burped Today...Massive Solar Flare

Good news. God burped on us today. Actually it was yesterday, but because her closest chakra (the Sun) is 90 million miles away, it took a little while for us to feel it. The third-largest solar flare in recorded history is gracing the earth with its presence right now. So what’s that all about?

We took one step closer to the Sun without going anywhere. A little bit of solar atmosphere is sharing its magnetism with us today. So what’s that mean?

Imagine you’re God. Chillin’ at the center of the solar system, soaking up some of your own rays of indescribable bliss. The third rock circling around you (Earth), full of countless precious life forms, is in the middle of one of the more profound astrological patterns the planet will ever see. It’s been called the “Harmonic Concordance,” and it shows a portal in the sky through which serious heavenly energies are determined to flow, altering the course of countless destinies for the better, even if it involves dredging up some old, stinky muck in the process, and even if some of the events it inspires are particularly dramatic.

Well there you are, wondering what to do to about this “Star of David” hovering in the ethers around planet earth. Obviously some intervention is necessary. You always want the astrological symbols to appear to “work,” so that humans will study this amazing science you created for their own benefit. Hm. You could send down sweet Jesus on a shining, white horse …. Nah, that didn’t quite turn out the way you meant it to last time. This time you’ll just burp up some special God gas and aim it all that little blue gem of a planet.

Sure, not everyone is ready for that. Acceleration isn’t for everyone. Even God knows you can’t push a Taurus. But hey, it’s time. It’s time for a little planetary acceleration. It’s time for old blocks in personal power, self-_expression, and creativity to give way to a more authentic, holistic, and healing lifestyle. That God gas is like a powerful flower essence for the soul, aimed at upliftment, even if it brings something messy to the surface first. The fact that these solar flares will not follow the normal 11-year cycle of activity (the last peak was in 2000) will be one of the facts that hint at how unusual and special this event is, “for those with eyes to see.”

God knows lots of folks will find the events happening in their lives to be anything but positive. But if those folks tune in, think deeply about their lives, and trust in this unbelievable new direction that things are taking, before long, most folks will realize that what is happening right now might just turn out to be one of the very best things that ever happened to them. Think about how things are going to change. I mean, really, really change.

So step outside and take a deep breath of that God stuff. And as you breath in, you might ask to be directed in this new atmosphere to your highest path, the path that will fulfill your creative and healing potential—that will bring you to the health and wholeness you deserve. You’ve been saying that’s what you want right? Look around you, because what has been happening recently has been designed by loving spiritual forces to help you have that greater life you seek and deserve. Sooner or later, thank God.

[Photo from The bright white streak to the right of the Sun is Mercury!]

Moses Siregar

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 05.11.2003 at 00:24:33

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 05.11.2003 at 00:29:34

Skratka sodeč po teh prispevkih, in seveda dogajanju na soncu, se kaj takega še ni zgodilo. Samo v zadnjih 24 urah so bili še trije veliki viharji!!!

Pripravimo se, prihaja luč!!! :) ;D :o :)

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by gape on 05.11.2003 at 10:11:50

in kam se bomo skrili ???

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Bardo_Thodol on 05.11.2003 at 10:24:24

gape wrote on 05.11.2003 at 10:11:50:
in kam se bomo skrili ???

Ne bo se še treba skrivati, saj bo kmalu minilo.

Na soncu so "magnetki" malo pobezljali, a bo že bolje.

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 05.11.2003 at 13:30:49

Gape, nič se ni treba skrivat. Svetloba itak rabi sam, kok že 5 ur?, do Zemlje.

Pač Zemlji se spreminja magnetno polje, in zdaj je res začelo dogajat.


Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by DylanDog on 05.11.2003 at 13:36:02

No Panic!

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by titud on 05.11.2003 at 13:40:05

Aje kdo gledov film prava frekvenca (frequency)?

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 05.11.2003 at 13:41:45

titud wrote on 05.11.2003 at 13:40:05:
Aje kdo gledov film prava frekvenca (frequency)?

Nism, sam ga mam doma! (mislm da) KUL!

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by titud on 05.11.2003 at 15:34:43

Pol ne bom detaljno o vsebini, samo tolk, da manetni vihar ojača polarni sij (auroro) in  omogoč kumunikacijo med radioamaterjema, ki  sta v bistvu oče in sin, pri čemer oče komnicira s 30 let starejšim sinom od svoje realnosti, sin pa s  trideset let mlajšim očetom od svoje realnosti. Sin komuniciratorej s preteklostjo, oče pa s prihodnostjo.   Zadeva najbi bla utemlena na teoriji o obstoju neskončega  števila paralenih vesolij  teoriji strun, pri čemer je magnetni vihar ustvaru prehod med dvema od njih. V filmu sem iskal morebitne nelogičnosti, pa jih nism najdu (celototne terotičnega koncepta nism postavu pod vprašaj), tko da če bo kdo najdu kakšno, naj se javi.   8) :)          

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 05.11.2003 at 15:36:21

Se prav imamo zdaj šanse sprobat zadevo, če deluje.  8)

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 05.11.2003 at 15:45:02

Links To Solar Observatories,][/url]
ta je kul" name="post_img_resize_11" alt="" border="0" style="display:none" />" name="post_img_resize_12" alt="" border="0" style="display:none" />" name="post_img_resize_13" alt="" border="0" style="display:none" />

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by tica on 05.11.2003 at 16:42:12

From existing ZetaTalk written June 1, 2002:

Solar Flares, an extended or anomalous solar cycle, has been planned for decades to be used as a distraction and excuse during this time. Where the 11 year cycle was to end in 2000, it was reported prior to its end to perhaps be a 14 year cycle, ending in 2003. Where did the historical references to base this estimate come from? This is not provided, the conclusions provided, but not the data. In fact, there is no historical reference, as all previous solar cycles recorded or observed by man fall into the 11 year cycle. ...

The solar flares are also not anything man on the face of earth can recognize, thus can be made up freely as disinfo. Trust NASA, as they have the Hubble and probes and satellites, and will tell you what has occurred. Of course, they lie.

What does all this mean? It means that any reason for the current weather, satellite failure, magnetic diffusion, or heating core along with volcanic and quake increases, are to be blamed on the Sun or Global Warming, or normal cycles detected in the past, causing Ice Ages or melting poles in history. And meanwhile, please just focus on the Israel situation, or perhaps Bin Laden, or perhaps a movie star recently divorced or murdered. Anything but the issues the common man should be made aware of. Why do the elite strive to confuse so, when the truth will eventually be found out?

1.they hope the economic structure, which keeps them on top, will continue as long as possible.
2.they hope the little man will continue in his jobs, in his home, until they have long left for their safe enclaves, thus preventing detection of or preventing their escape when the time comes.
3.they hope to trap the common man, in masses in cities and along the coasts, in death during the shift, so as to reduce the need to poison them with chemtrails, which are proving difficult to manage and implement. ...

Thus, you have confusion about the role of the Sun lately, such that it is surmised to be about to cause a pole shift, magnetic in nature, that will cause most of humanity to die off. The common man, exhausted after a long day earning a living, and not educated enough to challenge some of the sources of news, is confused. Will this continue up until the shift? Yes, and get worse, until the barrage of disinformation is overwhelming. Where will this end? It can possibly end in members of the media being disgusted, leaks from the government, and the truth being told increasingly. It can possibly result in some countries, perhaps France or Russia, presenting the truth to their people and the truth crossing borders. As with Enron facing the Bush Administration, pretending the information does not matter only goes so far. The truth has a ring to it, such that it is recognized, and passed on with great seriousness. Thus, this issue of disinformation is in play, and in the hands of man, and might jump any number of directions over
the next very interesting year.
ZetaTalk: Solar Flares, written Jun 1, 2002

zanimivo a ne?

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by titud on 05.11.2003 at 18:56:11

Petra. wrote on 05.11.2003 at 15:36:21:
Se prav imamo zdaj šanse sprobat zadevo, če deluje.  8)

Škoda, da radiamaterstvo ni več in. Na internetu po moje ne deluje, ker smo povezan po  žici in ne po luftu. Morda bi deloval po mobitelu... ??? :)

Ups, nakladam bedarije.  Kdo je pa npr. 30 let nazaj imel mobitel al pa internet? Zato so v filmu tud uporabl radijsko postajo, ki je bla pred 30 leti in, par let nazaj  pa ni še bla čist out... 8)

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by A. on 06.11.2003 at 13:07:48

Tudi Slovenija osvetljena zaradi polarnega sija


MARIBOR - Na Soncu je v torek zvečer prišlo do enega najmočnejših izbruhov plazme in ogromne količine Sončevega plina v zadnjih tednih. Nastal je geomagnetni vihar, ki je nato z veliko hitrostjo odpotoval proti Zemljini atmosferi. Pojav je mogoče opazovati tudi s prostim očesom, saj je te dni ponavadi takoj, ko se stemni, na nebu mogoče videti bleščeče svetlikanje, imenovano aurora borealis. Kot je za STA pojasnil predsednik astronomskega društva Orion Bojan Kraut, je polarni sij v Sloveniji mogoče opazovati že približno 14 dni, praktično vsak dan. Po njegovih besedah je Sonce dejavno kot še nikoli v zadnjih 30 letih. Polarni sij bo tako ob najnovejšem izbruhu na Soncu najverjetneje tudi nocoj in v prihodnjih dneh mogoče videti, in sicer v smeri proti zahodu.

Polarna svetoloba se ponavadi pojavi v valovih. To pomeni, da ni mogoče napovedati, kdaj se bo to zgodilo, ponavadi pa se polarni sij prvič pojavi takoj po sončnem zahodu, drugi val pa okoli polnoči, je še povedal predsednik društva Orion.

Geomagnetni vihar je pojav, ko velikanska količina Sončevega plina, ki je nastal ob izbruhu plazme na Soncu, z veliko hitrostjo potuje mimo Zemljine atmosfere. Hitrost plina dosega tudi več kot tri milijone kilometrov na uro. Tovrstni viharji, ki lahko povzročajo težave v satelitskih komunikacijah in pri prenosu radijskih signalov, naj bi se vrstili vsakih 11 let. Strokovnjaki napovedujejo, da naj bi okrepljeno delovanje Sonca trajalo še predvidoma dva tedna.

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by tica on 07.11.2003 at 18:18:31

?ek tis aut  ;D

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 07.11.2003 at 19:20:36

:o :o :o

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 18.11.2003 at 20:59:48

Ljudje, pripravite se na novo magnetno sončenje!!! najnovejši trend na Zemlji v tem trenutku!  ;) ;D

Sunspots return for more storms

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by stojchi on 18.11.2003 at 21:20:22

upajmo, da nam ne bo zaradi tega zdaj crknil še internet, kaj bi pa potem naši dragi forumaši sploh lahko v življenju še počeli? ;)
(Ne vzet preveč zares, samo hec) ;D

ampak ali je kdo od vas bil sploh kaj pozoren na to,
da je prvi solarni vihar, ki je potoval proti zemlji,
tako lepo zemljo obšel
in seveda je bilo to spet kot prav vse
zelo in zgolj slučajno, a ne? :-* :-* :-* :'( :'( :'( :-* :-* :-* :o :o ::)
ps: ljudje, zdaj je najboljši čas za učit se hvaležnost :-* :-* :-*

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 12.12.2003 at 18:59:01

Strange Lights Imaged, Astronauts Not Crazy

The first direct images ever made of a solar storm as it engulfs Earth have also vindicated astronauts who said they'd seen colorful sky lights at dubiously high altitudes.

The study shows that auroras reach far higher into the atmosphere than expected, though scientists are still puzzled over how it is possible. The research, which detected solar electrons approaching Earth's protective magnetic field, will also help space weather forecasters better predict how a tempest from the Sun might effect satellites and communication systems.

Auroras are atmospheric light displays generated by space weather. They are born above Earth's polar regions and are routinely enjoyed from the surface by people at far northern or southern latitudes. Auroras typically occur at about 60 miles up (100 kilometers), when charged storm particles tickle air molecules.

High-altitude auroras are seen as bright light in the center of these sequential images taken two minutes apart.

A sequence of images covering several hours of observations shows high-energy electrons in yellow and red approaching Earth. The Sun is at the center of each photo.
        More Stories

     Aurora from Above


     Ghosts in the Sky


     Mars Express Dodges Solar Bullet


     The Great Storm: Solar Tempest of 1859 Revealed


Sanity check

Scientists had a hard time believing astronauts who said they'd seen aurora that appeared to soar higher than the International Space Station, which orbits about 250 miles (400 kilometers) above the surface of the planet. Experts didn't figure there were enough molecules up there to do the trick.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 10.03.2004 at 16:23:48

Sonce še naprej bruha svetlobo... tokrat 7.3. nenavadno, ker ponavadi so le nekajminutni izbruhi, ta pa je trajal 24 ur!!!

Prpravte se še na več prepucavanja!i
;) ;D 8)

Solar Activity Is The Cause of ‘Climate Change’…03/09/04

by Mitch Battros (ECTV)

As mentioned in so many of my articles since 1997 until just yesterday, empirical scientific studies show again and again, the cause of today’s so-called ‘global warming’ has a direct correlation with the Sun’s solar cycles. Currently there is a push led by environmental activist to convince the public it is “humans” that are the sole cause of our globe getting warmer. This is nothing less that an outright lie!

The best current data provided by NOAA and various other climate change research teams, confirm without hesitation, the Earth has seen today’s trends many, many times before. This is to say, we would experience climate change (in its full polarity) meaning extreme colds and extreme heat….”If there were no humans on Earth”. That’s right. It has very little to do with us. But yet we humans do in fact need to remain ‘responsible’. Most recent studies suggest we (humans) do contribute a significant percentage. Perhaps as much as 15% to 18%. This is certainly a large enough amount of which we do have some influence.

But please take note; the 15% to 18% human contribution if it somehow were able to be completely eliminated, would not have any measurable outcome on “Climate Change”. However, it would make a difference on providing cleaner air. And for this writer, having cleaner air is a worthy goal. But again, it would not have any effect on what we see today, and what will surely continue expidentially in the years ahead. Yes, we will continue to witness “extreme weather” and “freak storms”. But don’t fret; it could be no other way. It is simply part of the universal cycle. Yes, the Earth has seen this many times before; even when it was uninhabited by humans. Simply put….It’s a natural cycle!

What is driving this cycle?

Even our ancient ancestors knew exactly what was driving the seasons, the weather, and long term cycles. It is Ra, Sol, Sun. The life source of all things. NASA has now admitted we “are not in a typical 11 year cycle”, we are in an “expanded cycle”. I have described this cycle as a “Mega Cycle”. A cycle that supersedes a cycle. There are some in the scientific field who suggest we are currently in a 1200 year cycle; others believe it is even larger, measured at 12,000. And yet a small scientific body believes it is more likely a 100,000 year cycle.

So how does this work?

Let’s take the most recent example. Just yesterday, the LA Times reports “Record Breaking Heat Hits California”. An (AP) report states “A 112-year-old mark fell in downtown San Francisco when the temperature hit 82, besting the record of 78 set in 1892. Sacramento tied its 1953 record for the date with a high of 80. They were among dozens of locations up and down the state reporting highs at record levels. San Diego missed tying its record by one degree but at 84 was 18 degrees above normal.”

Two days ago, we experienced an M-Class flare, two days prior to that was yet another M-Class flare. This indicates solar activity remains high. And this comes almost three years after NASA’s original prediction of “Cycle 23’s" apex, or maximum. But there is more to March 7th’s M-Class flare, a CME (coronal mass ejection) began at approx. 1:42 , and continued to spew for over 24 hours. This was quite unusual. A typical CME may last several minutes, but I have never heard of charged particles launched into space for this long a period.

I am suggesting, the March 7th, and prior March 5th M-Class flares are the cause of yesterdays “record breaking” heat on the west coast. This very same solar explosion is also the cause of today’s headlines 1) “Seven killed in Madagascar cyclone, 18 missing” Seven people were killed when cyclone Gafilo swept across northern Madagascar at the weekend, and 18 people are reported missing in the northwestern town of Ambanja, the Indian Ocean island's rescue service said here. And this one. 2) “Thousands Stranded After So. Korean Worst March Snowstorm” SEOUL (Reuters) - Helicopters dropped food and fuel supplies to thousands of drivers marooned on highways across South Korea, officials said on Saturday, after the worst March snowfall in a century blanketed the country's central region.

Watch for reports of extended “northern lights” or “auroras” to be present in the northern skies. Aurora Outlook: Sky watchers should be alert for auroras tonight. A solar wind stream is flowing toward Earth from a coronal hole on the sun, and auroras could appear when the stream arrives on March 9th or 10th. The best displays will be at high latitudes--e.g., Alaska, Canada, and perhaps northern-tier US states like Wisconsin and Minnesota.

Sunspots => Solar Flares => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros)

Solar Watch:

Sunspot region 570 has grown to huge proportions. It stretches for ten Earth’s from end to end. This sunspot is so large; you can view it with your unaided eye. But remember; never look directly at the Sun. I expect M-Class flares to be produced from this region. There is a smaller 20% chance X-Class flares will occur.

Watch for continued “freak storms” and sudden temperature changes. It may freeze in parts and create more record highs in others. As mentioned in prior articles, the new “Super-Duper Doppler Weatherman” is well on their way. Don’t be surprised if you begin to see and hear your local weather forecast personality begin to use ‘space weather’ as part of their weather broadcast.

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 10.03.2004 at 22:29:11

Danes so ble spet nevihte (rdeč graf)

drgač klele še sotali grafi


Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 16.03.2004 at 20:56:13

March 16

Strongest Solar Flare Was More Powerful than Thought

A solar flare last Nov. 4 was at the time said to be at least X28 on a scale of intensity. That made it the strongest in modern times. And astronomers said at the time that it might have been stronger, but it saturated instruments on satellites used for analyzing the Sun's storms.

Solar flares are intense outburst of solar radiation that include X-rays and are often accompanied by ejections of charged material in giant clouds. Now researchers at the University of Otago in New Zealand say the flare was an X45. (All X-flares are major, and the larger the number the more intense.)

The researchers analyzed data from the upper atmosphere, effectively using it as a giant X-ray detector.

"This makes it more than twice as large as any previously recorded flare, and if the accompanying particle and magnetic storm had been aimed at the Earth, the damage to some satellites and electrical networks could have been considerable," said study member Neil Thomson. The outburst's location on the Sun, however, generated a space storm that delivered only a glancing blow by the time it reached Earth.

The finding was gleaned from a study, which had been going on at the time, of the ionosphere and the indirect effects of x-rays very low frequency (VLF) radio transmissions across the Pacific Ocean from the United States to receivers in Dunedin, New Zealand. The results will be detailed March 17 in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

več na linku zgoraj

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 24.07.2004 at 12:21:23

ze tri dni zapored imamo hude magnetne viharje

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 25.07.2004 at 00:34:58

Sunspot Grows to 20 Times Size of Earth
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 05:10 pm ET
23 July 2004

A sunspot group aimed squarely at Earth has grown to 20 times the size of our planet and has the potential to unleash a major solar storm.

The amorphous mix of spots, together called Number 652, has been rotating across the Sun and growing for several days. On Friday, it sat at the center of the solar disk.

Sunspots are areas of intense magnetic energy, cooler and darker than the surrounding surface of the thermonuclear furnace. Sometimes the magnetic fields let loose and huge amounts of radiation and charged particles are hurled into space.

The Sun's last bout of intense storminess occurred last fall, when a string of 10 major flares over two weeks knocked out satellites, damaged others, and forced the FAA to reroute airlines away from exposed polar routes.

No one can say if this sunspot group will let loose with a major storm, but it has the characteristics of a potentially big event.

"The implications of this spot have scientists on the edge of their seats," NASA said in a statement Friday. "If the active region generates coronal mass ejections (CMEs), massive explosions with a potential force of a billion megaton bombs, it will be a fairly direct hit to Earth and its satellites and power grids."

The Sun is now in a generally quiet period of a well-known 11-year cycle of activity. But sunspots and flares can occur at any time. Scientists do not fully understand why the spots appear or how they erupt.

The sunspot is clearly visible from Earth without a telescope. But don't look at the Sun without a proper, safe filter or other viewing technique, or permanent eye damage can result.

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 25.07.2004 at 22:20:47


spomnimo se lanskega novembra, je bil največji izbruh od kar jih merijo

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 27.07.2004 at 20:31:39

Kp Index Goes Off The Chart__"literally"...07/27/04
by Mitch Battros (ECTV)

I just received a call from Bill Murtagh who is the top forecaster for the
Space Weather Center in Boulder, Colorado. He told me the Kp index has gone
off the charts and all SWC personnel has been called in. There is a great
concern of a second CME heading towards Earth. There is a real and present
danger of power grids going down. I am also told Dr. Ernest Hildner,
director of the SWC, is on his way to Washington DC at this very moment.
Bill Murtagh has informed me our interview scheduled for tonight may have to
be postponed due to urgent circumstances. As a result, I have Jim Berkland
<>;  standing by for tonight's show. This will work
out well as Berkland has hypothesized a connection between solar events and

Kp Index Chart <>; :

As predicted yesterday, auroras were seen as far south as Missouri, Nebraska
<>; ,
California, Utah
<>;  and
Arizona <>; .
Sunspot region 652 is almost at the western limb and is expected to rotate
away from Earth's direction. However, it is important to remember what
happened November 4th 2003. It was on this day an unprecedented X-45 flare
unleashed after rotating across the western limb and still had a strong
effect to our magnetic field.

Watch for continued extreme weather mostly in the northern hemisphere.
However, several reports are now coming in of significant activity in the
southern hemisphere nations.

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:o :o :o :o

Title: Re: geo magnetni vihar
Post by Kali on 10.11.2004 at 11:44:43

Petra. wrote on 24.07.2004 at 12:21:23:
ze tri dni zapored imamo hude magnetne viharje

btw, opazla, da so ble že takrat 3 dni hude scence lol

zadnje 3 dni, graf ni statičen se sprot riše... spet nevihte preko meja.... tko, da me še čudi zakaj v Lj. samo dežuje ;)

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