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General >> ZNANJA >> Re: Mantra

Message started by aryan on 12.06.2003 at 12:20:47

Title: Re: Mantra
Post by aryan on 12.06.2003 at 12:20:47

tuki se vid, da Osho res nikol ni recitiru svetega imena Ram, tko kot je treba in je prsel pol do takih nesmiselnih zakljuckov. zal.

Title: Re: Mantra
Post by aryan on 12.06.2003 at 12:38:04

wrote on 12.06.2003 at 12:33:39:
Aryan, preden napišeš kakšno svojo veleumno neumnost, raje prej premisli, ker tako podlega, hinavskega človeka kot si ti tukaj na forumu, še nisem srečal in predvsem, ali ti že nisem napisal, kako te ni sram sploh izgovoriti kakšno sveto ime ?

zakaj me naj bi blo lahko sram izgovarjat sveto ime?

In tudi, ali ti že nisem napisal, če sploh imaš kakšen sveti spis, je bolje da ga zažgeš, uničiš, ker ti prinaša samo trpljenje.

iz katerga vira informacij pa si tale predlog zvedu?

Title: Re: Mantra
Post by aryan on 12.06.2003 at 14:13:19


Title: Re: Mantra
Post by Devi on 12.06.2003 at 18:03:43

Tukaj smo že pisali nekaj o tem:;action=display;num=1019669325;start=0

Title: Re: Mantra
Post by aryan on 18.06.2003 at 08:35:05

ker so zgori ze napisane mantre, ki so zapisane v Vedski literaturi, bi blo dobr vedt se za tale spodnji zapisek iz Padma purane, prav tako del Vedske literature.

sampradaya-vihina ye mantras te nisphala matah
sadhanaughair na sidhyanti, koti-kalpa-satair api
atah kalau bhavisyanti, catvarah sampradayainah
sri-brahma-rudra-sanaka, vaisnavah ksiti-pavanah

(Padma Purana)

All mantras without connection to 'Sampradaya', or not received through preceptorial channel, are fruitless. Practise of such mantras for millions and millions of years will be in vain. Therefore, four bonafide sampradayas in this Kaliyuga (black age)-- 'Shree' (Lakshmi), 'Brahma', 'Rudra' and 'Sanak'- have appeared to rescue the fallen souls. It is stated in 'Premeya Ratnavali', written by Sree Baladeva Vidyabhushan Prabhu that 'Shree', i.e. 'Lakshmi Devi' has accepted 'Ramanuja' (other names- Ramanandi or Ramait), Brahma has accepted Madhvacharya (another name- Madhvi), 'Rudra'-Visnuswami (other names- Vallabhacharya or Vallabhi) and 'Chatuhson' (other names- Sanak, Sanandan, Sanatan and Sanatkumar) -- Nimbaditya (other names- Nimat or Nimbarka or Nimanandi) as Acharyas of the respective sampradayas. "Sree 'Brahma' Sampradaya is the preceptorial channel of the devout devotees of Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. In conformity to this preceptorial channel, Sree Kavi Karnapur Goswami has determined 'Guru-Pranali' (succession of Gurus) in his own writing - Gaur-Ganadesha Dipika". Sree Baladeva Vidyabhushan, commentator of Vedanta-Sutra, has firmly corroborated this. Those who disown this Guru-Pranali, are considered to be the greatest foes against the verdict of Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's followers and personal associates.

Acceptance of the system of bonafide sampradaya is absolutely necessary. Therefore, from ancient times, this acceptance of the system of bonafide sampradaya is very acutely followed by sadhus. Those who have understood the significance of the teachings of the Vedas through preceptorial channel from Brahma, have accepted this perfect representation. Others, having diverted from this opinion, have become the slaves of various blasphemous atheistic views".

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