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Ideje izpod odeje >> Dodaj svojo idejo za boljši svet >> 11:11 11 11 111 1111

Message started by gape on 22.10.2002 at 22:14:13

Title: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by gape on 22.10.2002 at 22:14:13

no u soboto sm bil (z matejo) pri borisu u antikomu, je blo predavanje na temo 11:11.
hudo me je zanimal, ker sm zadnjič na crystallinks-ih prečitu od triggerja 11:11 ... tanajmočnejšiga.
no in ni blo predavanje, ampak direkt aktivacija.
aktivacija petih vrat od enajstih.

ištar antares mi je dal naslov od sajta:

in ... here it is ...

mnogim se prikazujejo številke 11:11.
šolarji vedo, da ko zagledajo 11:11, je čas za željo.
nekaj se dogaja in to je bolj resnično kot si lahko kdorkoli med nami predstavlja.
naslednjič ko ugledaš 11:11 se ustavi in občuti energije okrog sebe.
11:11 je tvoja budilka, opomnik na tvoj pravi namen na Zemlji.

pred časom sm to poimenoval trigger, 11:11 namreč.
oni to še poterajo naprej ...

The Master Numbers so dvonje številke kot: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 & 99.
super Master Numbers so trojne številke kot: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555 ... 999

11:11 je most med dvojnostjo in Enostjo. je naša pot v Neznano.

The vrata 11:11 so se odprla Januarja 11, 1992
in se bodo zaprla Novembra 11, 2011.

Namen aktivacije 11:11 je bil odpreti prehod/most 11:11.
Ta prehod je most med dvema zelo različnima evolucijskima spiralama; našo staro spiralo, ki je zasidrana v dojnosti in novo evolucijsko spiralo Enosti. Vsaka od njiju je poravnana z drugim velikim centralnim sončnim sistemom (Great Central Sun Systems)

zdej se spirali prekrivata - sta povezani.


Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by gape on 22.10.2002 at 22:19:10

no in sm šu mal po forumu iskat za 11:11

« on: Sep 20th, 2002, 11:11pm »;action=display;num=1032556284;start=0
zadnjič sm govoru o trigerjih nekje in 11 11 je en najmočnejših - pogostejših? - trigerjev.
oni nekako naj bi spomnili človeka na nekaj kar je pozabu in se rabi samo spomnt ...  
več o tem
no in ta thread je bil postan ob 11:11
pripelje nam gostov k smeti

številke odpisanega:;action=display;num=1024399324;start=

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by gape on 22.10.2002 at 22:26:57

no in zanimivo

sta deklici ... tud podobni bi lahko reku ... pa tud mahala
je taka podobna ... ona sicer bolj od aktivacije mreže govori

... pozna kdo katero od teh?

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by gape on 22.10.2002 at 22:37:41

ja no in še to, tretja vrata so odpirali tudi pri bledu ... master cilinder

11:11 Master Cylinders

First Gate:
Alpha Point: Queenstown, New Zealand
Omega Point: Great Pyramids, Giza, Egypt

Second Gate:
Pululahua Crater, Ecuador

Third Gate:
near Bled, Slovenia
near Eureka, Montana
Glasshouse Mountains, Australia

Fourth Gate:
Tetiaroa, Tahiti, French Polynesia

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by herby on 23.10.2002 at 23:00:41

To sem dans ponoč sanjal da mi je bivša poslala kartico iz mađarske na kateri je pisalo: 11           ???

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by MIND on 30.10.2002 at 13:44:44

hmm, odkar sem uro na kazalce zamenjal za digitalko se tud meni pogosto prikazuje 11:11   ::)



Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by MIND on 30.10.2002 at 13:47:14

The vrata 11:11 so se odprla Januarja 11, 1992
in se bodo zaprla Novembra 11, 2011.

a je ta datum mogoče kaj povezan z tehnološkim razvojem ?


Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by gape on 30.10.2002 at 13:50:18

kako to misliš?

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by MIND on 30.10.2002 at 16:13:30

mnogim se prikazujejo številke 11:11.
šolarji vedo, da ko zagledajo 11:11, je čas za željo.
nekaj se dogaja in to je bolj resnično kot si lahko kdorkoli med nami predstavlja.
naslednjič ko ugledaš 11:11 se ustavi in občuti energije okrog sebe.  
11:11 je tvoja budilka, opomnik na tvoj pravi namen na Zemlji.

ja dejansko se mi dogaja, da od kar nimam ure s kazalci  velikokrat (se mi je cel teden to dogajalo sedaj) opazim 11:11 na "stolpiču"

in sedaj se sprasujem, kaj pa takrat ko ni bilo digitalnih ur ?  


Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by gape on 30.10.2002 at 17:50:49

takrat nismo rabl trigerjev, se še ni mudil takrat ...

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by Star12 on 09.12.2002 at 20:47:00

mislm, da se skoz mal vežem nanjo, pa mi potem nekako uide...

11: 11

Ali pa

11:12 to je bolje...

dobro da mi uspe, tako je bolje

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by ten-nej on 19.12.2002 at 00:58:23

Je nekaj faličnega na teh enkah.

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by Kali on 13.02.2003 at 04:15:07

11:11 and the Shamballa Gateway
Sanat Kumara

Precious Friends throughout the _Expression of Time,

Our meeting again is not pure happenstance, as you have called at this preordained intercept of dimensions Time and Space. We have created with Light the Golden Ages Throughout the human experience, and are now poised to create again. We have communicated and connected as individual photons of light, always part of the same wave. We sometimes travel alone to the farthest voids in order to bring Light, and as waves do, we join and merge throughout the myriad Expressions of Time.

And now we meet again on this powerful undulation to create our Kingdom of Light. This Kingdom is of Luminescent substance to be shared by all who seek this Kingdom, and commit to it. Let us explore this realm, just as we create it. How does one approach, and then live, in this kingdom? Why is this destination so important, this Creation of the Seventh Golden Age?

These are questions emanating from the group consciousness of those committed to this destination, and committed to this life as well as those sensing they must be moving, toward where, they do not know. Know that all questions shall be answered, for in the answering lies the Illumination. The faith and commitment is substantial, and sufficient at this time, to embark on this journey. The Magical Timeline of Earth development and growth into Light is at the heightened frequency to allow this transmutation. While this is a chosen destiny and destination, present moment awareness holds the power that shapes the Dance of group Reality. As one's awareness is developed, it becomes a Tool of the Light, A Bridge of crystalline golden substance through which the Perfected destination may be known.

Bridging consciousness with reality is a sublime choice of Leaders of Spirit, and opens one to the Ancient Future proposition of the Golden Present. An assistive communication tool is already present in the human structure. A fine golden filament of Light, a vestige of a powerful tool developed in previous Golden Ages, now lies sleeping in the human cranium. This filament bridges the pineal gland with the pituitary, and forms a triangle at the base of the skull with an etheric golden quartz. A constant flow of information for perfecting the internal and external consciousness is conducted through this filament. When fully developed, its energy flows unimpeded through the third eye and the throat center in the light dynamics of the Golden Number brought forth by many wise entities throughout the earth experience. So this energy is brought into the entity at the crystalline structure at the base of the skull, communicates with both the pineal and pituitary glands, and its vibration increased as it is transmitted and focused through the centers of the Creative Word. This allows the Perfected Internal Light to equilibrate externally. Thus the individual contributes to the Whole of the Body of Source. In this Body lies
the Golden Age, the City of Light promised to all who choose this Illumination of Experience. This Illumination is spiritual but also manifests in the physical. As this filament increases its conductivity and its capacity for Light, it becomes brilliant, almost phosphorescent. Light truly manifests into form, for if the internal structures of the Illuminated entity's brain could be observed in a darkened room, the white-golden glow of this filament is visible. Know that your Light is visible to those working with you from these realms as we create this new Perfected merging.

The choosing of life in Shamballa sparks the interdimensional doorways that lie within the human form, and allow Communion with the Consciousness of the Universe. In the connection, the melding of present awareness with the Unified Consciousness, one experiences Divine Bliss and the absolute comprehension of "As Above, So Below." For the Golden Human, the corollary to this is "As Without, So Within." The Heaven within manifests as
Shamballa, the seventh Dimension golden age that flows as Currency of Spirit and Light Manifest.

The Human body is mutable, and rides in individuated and group consciousness. These Shamballa Temples can achieve multidimensional reality, and so many exist in the fourth through the seventh dimension as easily as
they exist in the third. And in these Light evolutions, the Temple Perfects. This steady inflow of Light substance creates an upwardly spiraling vortex, which as it spins, vibrates as higher and higher Light and thus higher
frequencies. The Door to Shamballa is opened by the intensity of the Light so Source may be lived as Unity in and of Consciousness. Through this elevation, transmutation of polarity occurs. Precious Harmony emerges again. The goal of most energy is harmony, the equilibration of flow, of balancing polarities, of power through Light. Note that there IS great power in harmony, a concept that may be unconsidered to this point. The energies merge while remaining individuated, and the currents swell without opposing forces, until All Is One.

There are tools available throughout the dimensions that will assist the dedicated seeker of Shamballa. One tool offered by the Earth Plane crystal kingdom are the quartz crystals referred to as Golden Healers, particularly
those brought forth from the large waterways, including the ancient oceans. These crystals hold blueprints of this golden age energy. The piezo electric charge held by individual crystals is communicated across the Earth, on the surface and in the Treasures contained within. Becoming aware and focused toward this energy field permits the entrainment of the personal energy fields and contributes to the Unified Field of consciousness. Through this communication, one may receive an interdimensional crystal attuned to the path of the individual entity. In the harmonized energy state, one may ask and receive. Shamballa is found in the singular spark, the individual temple, and throughout dimensions. In order to hold this perfected energy state and level of consciousness, the Master must accept Perfection in Self, with Source, and Recognize with absolute clarity that this is already so.

The energy states and lessons of the tribes of humanity have provided much growth through the energetic conflicts that have been played out over time. In the Now comes the recognition of Other as Self.

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by Kali on 13.02.2003 at 04:15:41

This acceptance and recognition adds to higher vibration of the individual photons contributing to Universal Light. The Golden Ages are created from this high frequency Light Substance. The contribution of the One Dedicated Master to this Creation is essential. Shamballa does not rise from this mist without this belief and purity of Self. Its Light is as brilliant as the HeartLight of Source and the individual Creator. In this Golden Age,
Creation and Creator can never be separated. From this illumination rises the City of Gold, our Kingdom of Light.

The 11:11 Doorway is of significance to the realization of this Kingdom of Light. All of the information available on the vibration of Master Numbers,and the Temple Towers holds the foundation for this Doorway. From this point of Illumination, an energetic expansion of the presently known is offered. The Knowledge that is Light Itself presents to assist this Opening.

First, the individual entity must recognize the microcosmic mirroring of the Universal macrocosm. As one is a photon, a particle of Light, a Source Spark, so is one an entire Universe. The levels one searches to attain are already manifest within the Self. Again, as the individual perfects this Light and attains consciousness of these expanded levels, so is the Temple realized and recreated. In this recreation lies manifestation. Harmonic Power is the vibratory ignition point for development of the Golden Human. As individual cells act in concert to allow an organism life, so is this Power of the One. The learning necessary by the individual contributes to the over-coming of the human perceived dichotomy of the Individuated One. This means that spiritual growth and learning of the one always continues, and contributes to the harmony of Oneness. Thus 11:11. This number sequence resonates throughout time, space, and other dimensions as the symbolic conscious joining, of the merge of Unified Consciousness. All are affected by the one,and the One is affected by all. The manifestation of thought is virtual in the high Shamballa state, as purity of intent holds no density or polarized thoughtforms or energy that would interrupt this flow. One's virtual body-this is beyond the physical, mental, emotional bodies-is truly composed of Light, and this Light is manifest throughout dimensions, so it exists in perfected third, fourth, and other dimensional realities. There is no disappearance of the physical in Shamballa, for while human language and experience does not presently hold the verbal transmission for the Shamballa experience, the Language of Light is encoded in the human DNA, and is being energized to a higher degree at this time. This will assist in the acceptance of Truth without a physical experience. As the acceptance grows, this faith is rewarded through the expansion of truth and knowledge. The Language of Light is presented through various means to the Earth Master,and will be offered in the best form for the best reception by the particular entity. For the Universe is intensely aware of each photon, each Temple, and committed to the ever expanding Unified Field.

In music, the harmonics of D, G, B, A hold clues to this language. The angelic healing communication of toning, the sound expressed through the voice, offers expressive harmony and energy movement. Only the vibration of
the sound is necessary, and even the THINKING of the sound is powerful in this opening. Group sound provides harmony to the Music of the Spheres, the sound of Creation, the Angelic Choirs. This movement of music includes all in the wave of Source. Traditional music talent is not necessary to join in these festivities, the rhythm is already encoded in your virtual, or Light Body. And thus is the joining of air and earth.

Light streams visible and invisible to the human eye offer vibratory enhancements to this doorway. Becoming conscious of the Great Central Spiritual Sun while receiving physical solar transmissions is a powerful contributor to this Unified Light. One need not expose the physical body to the sunlight, but natural sunlight, even that through the window contributes to the physical body beyond the production of vitamin D. This production
holds a powerful catalyst for holding and radiating Light. The cholecalciferol underlying the skin structures is a repository for the precursor of vitamin D; its spiritual function is that of enhancing the capacity of the lines of Light creating a gridwork throughout the Temple. The Light received by the retina and transmitted instantaneously to the brain inspirits powerful electrical waves that affect the water of the body, enhancing the light quotient. Thus water and fire are one.

Increasing the individual harmonics through Sound and Light causes the velocity to accelerate, until there is no separation of Sound and Light. This is the experience of totality, of Oneness. This oneness is of the individuated cell or photon, and of the temple or Universe. The gifting of Shamballa lies in this Oneness, and the celebration of bliss that is manifest through this stillness of acceleration. Again the disparate is unified and Two Become One.

Purposeful use of conscious awareness contributes greatly to the function of the tools present in the human toolkit, and enhances the speed at which miracles become manifest. The miracle of Shamballa is available to all who seek. You have chosen this path as an Ascended One, choosing to incarnate to bring forth these energies and new Illumination to the Knowledge of the One. You have chosen to act as the Shamballa Doorway by perfecting your performance as Light and Harmony, and overcoming the duality of third dimensional beingness. Polarity is a reality and a step on the higher reality of the Unified Field. There can be no discord in this Unified Field; there can be only the Highest Harmonics and the Highest of All Expressions. As you read these words, sense the vibratory acceleration now affecting the quantum fields of your physical body. Feel the potential changes in your virtual electrofields. It is through the Power of Yes, the Power of Harmonics, the immersion in the Truth that these vibrations begin and work through the subatomic spaces, the DNA, through the cellular structures, and resonate throughout the physical field back into the openings of consciousness, and the Power of the One. The Shamballa temple emerges from the mists, resonating in the perfection of Truth. This temple is you, this temple is the Source of all Energy, it is within your physical structure and beyond human comprehension. Receive the transmissions of this perfected state; accept them into the etheric golden healer crystal that connects with the pineal and pituitary glands. These transmissions enhance the flowing of the Fountain of Youth, the Waters of Shamballa. As these flows grow, the beliefs of time and space are transcended, vision of the third, fourth and fifth eyes are perfected, and the physical retina acts as a transducer in bringing conscious thought into manifestation. Energy fields of the infinite individual fields connect and raise the vibratory excellence to now unknown levels. Such now is the Perfection of the One. Divine energies of the Masculine and Feminine are synergized into Holy Perfection. In the knowing, one is complete. In the search for Shamballa, the individual is found. Identity is never lost; ego is no longer necessary. The value of the One emanates through all. The Ever Present Now is manifested in Shamballa, the Secret of Self is found therein.

The incredible undertaking of the building and manifestation of Shamballa is offered and accepted by the Architects of the Golden Age. In this architecture lies the opening into Source. This opening welcomes all; a
conscious acceptance is necessary for the blueprints to crystallize, the foundation to be placed as the City of Light is built. Think upon this creation as the Real Estate of Spirit. Contemplate each of these words in
the Light they are offered and step into the gateway they open. It is understood that seemingly opposing words have been grouped together throughout this encounter; one is encouraged to recognize the purpose in
which this information is offered. Through the recreation of opposition and polarity, the energy fields transmute into the Unified Field. Through the center of many is the merge of the One. As one may begin to understand the
grand potentiality of this venture, human comprehension expands to include the Divine. The spark returns ever brighter to its Source, as an inhabitant of the Temple and the Temple incarnate. So earth and heaven meet in these midplanes, and Shamballa lives on this sphere, brought into manifested reality.

The 11:11 doorway has opened to the golden being. The Golden Age awaits in present existence; the Many manifesting as the Golden One. The Light is brilliant here, and you are welcomed to your Celestial home. You recognize yourself here, you know you have never left.

You are no longer separate from Perfection, from others, from Self. You have accepted and stepped into the Wholeness of Light that you are.

You are Paradise Manifest.

And It Is So.

I AM Sanat Kumara
Brought forth with JoAnne Scalise

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by Kali on 06.04.2003 at 20:27:29

[glb]Polarity - letting go of duality[/glb]


I found myself thinking about Polarity and Shifting. There is (at least in my awareness) a growing amount of evidence that God/ Goddess has chosen to change the game plan and operating parameters of this experience. And probably also this universe, since we are told that the 'unfolding' of reality occurs along fractals and fractals just don't know when to stop, only when to change, it may go on for a ways.
Evidence comes from many sources. David Wilcock of has used quantum physics to show how we are spiraling inward towards a zero point. People are seeing visions of 4:44's, 11:11's and 12:12's on clocks that feels meaningful to them. On April 23rd 1994, Lazaris pre-announced,  The Great Goddess was going to blow a New set of Information, Light, InformationLight and LightInformation into our universe. April 23rd occurred, it was a very powerful day. has  spoken both of The Shift and a year ago spoke of a Booster Rocket Event that would occur before the Spring Equinox. And it would appear they were correct. We are in the middle of the BRE. There are many other sources. The Circle of Light is beautiful evidence. Your own feelings are a great source of evidence to change happening.

People are being drawn, more and more towards the logical conclusions of their own choices and decisions, thoughts and feelings, as well as their attitudes and beliefs. It may appear for you personally that there are only two poles but that is an illusion. Each one of us, personally, is being pulled between our own personal poles of what is 'good' and what is 'not so good.' The pulling is getting stronger and stronger for each of us.  In a sense, as long as we are holding onto the issues of both of our poles (visualize one rope in each hand pulling in opposite directions) we are tethered to the frequencies involved and rest in duality. It is easy to associate them with either Love or Fear and that is a useful tool for prioritizing our choices. Isn't it funny how it always turns out the best choice we can make is to love ourselves unconditional and with commitment? But as long as we are not making any choice we remain tethered between the two. For many it is difficult to think about not holding onto to two sides. It seems natural to anchor in this way., to not lose the opposites. How else would you have perspective?

But the implications of The Shift are that we are moving into a different set of parameters, perhaps more of a unity consciousness or perhaps a multi dimensioned consciousness. Or it may be even more fascinating, perhaps it will combine the two in some way, who knows?  It appears that duality can be a thing of the past. One thing for sure, the "eyes and perceptions" that operate on these other possibilities are a bit different then those that operate strictly 3D. No aspersions to 3D, we needed that perspective and we will never forget what it is like. We have perhaps learned enough.

How can one get out of duality? One way is to let go of one of the tethers. However there may be a voice inside that has trouble with making that choice and argues about it. It does get in the way of what is called that small still voice inside. So regarding this voice that argues, if you can honestly say that you've had enough of that argumentative tendency, ask God/Goddess to clear it out of your consciousness, your energy matrix, however you see it, ask. There are many ways to deal with the arguments via intuitive and pragmatic reasoning, however that 'voice' doesn't stop just because you've reasoned out the argument and perhaps made a choice. That voice may not know how to stop. It doesn't seem to be willing to to so on it's own. Ask for Your Source to clear out that voice. It helps a great deal.

Now if that voice is no longer a problem we get to the issue of letting go of one of the tethers. By letting go of the end that we consider 'not so good' we are drawn towards the other pole, by the other tether, automatically. And out of duality - hopefully effortlessly, but if not so effortless then we deal with the argument, as we always have. Letting go of the opposite polarity may not seem comfortable in 3D at first. The perspective will change and depending on what your positive pole is, might change radically. That can easily generate fear, this is why letting go of fear has always been recommended. Fear acts both to want to get away from whatever the apparent threat may be and secondly fear has trouble letting go of a tether. However in this time of The Shift that will be less and less an option. We will be dragged to the personal pole we are holding more tightly to, until the energies increase until they force a choice, a letting go of one side. Let go, Let God, Surrender, be Conscious of your choice, lots of good recommendations out there.

I believe that if we want to move out of this duality with elegance and grace, we need to get comfortable with allowing our perspective to change. Allow our bodies to change. It may never become entirely 'comfortable' but it is for short duration. Sometimes we've just got to let ourselves Be uncomfortable. It does pass.


Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by Tamie on 20.04.2009 at 12:39:10

Hm kaj pa sekvence kot 12 12 alpa 1221 1331 1313 pa na tkole...

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by gape on 20.04.2009 at 13:08:37

trigerji pač
da dojameš kaj zavest je, če nč druzga ne

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by Alojz in Sandib on 23.04.2009 at 18:32:04

11 :11

11 sefirotov ponovnega spoznanja. 11-ponovno11. Ne nasedajte krivim kljukcem. Kabala-skrito vedenje!!!! Učite se, ne sam prepisovati!!!

Lp Alojz ;D

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by on 01.04.2011 at 12:54:45

gape wrote on 22.10.2002 at 22:14:13:
no u soboto sm bil (z matejo) pri borisu u antikomu, je blo predavanje na temo 11:11.
hudo me je zanimal, ker sm zadnjič na crystallinks-ih prečitu od triggerja 11:11 ... tanajmočnejšiga.
no in ni blo predavanje, ampak direkt aktivacija.
aktivacija petih vrat od enajstih.

ištar antares mi je dal naslov od sajta:

in ... here it is ...

mnogim se prikazujejo številke 11:11.
šolarji vedo, da ko zagledajo 11:11, je čas za željo.
nekaj se dogaja in to je bolj resnično kot si lahko kdorkoli med nami predstavlja.
naslednjič ko ugledaš 11:11 se ustavi in občuti energije okrog sebe.
11:11 je tvoja budilka, opomnik na tvoj pravi namen na Zemlji.

pred časom sm to poimenoval trigger, 11:11 namreč.
oni to še poterajo naprej ...

The Master Numbers so dvonje številke kot: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 & 99.
super Master Numbers so trojne številke kot: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555 ... 999

11:11 je most med dvojnostjo in Enostjo. je naša pot v Neznano.

The vrata 11:11 so se odprla Januarja 11, 1992
in se bodo zaprla Novembra 11, 2011.

Namen aktivacije 11:11 je bil odpreti prehod/most 11:11.
Ta prehod je most med dvema zelo različnima evolucijskima spiralama; našo staro spiralo, ki je zasidrana v dojnosti in novo evolucijsko spiralo Enosti. Vsaka od njiju je poravnana z drugim velikim centralnim sončnim sistemom (Great Central Sun Systems)

zdej se spirali prekrivata - sta povezani.


11.novembra 2011 naj bi se zaprla vrata, kaj se bo potem zgodilo? Kaj je to trigger?  ::)

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by on 01.04.2011 at 12:56:09

gape wrote on 22.10.2002 at 22:37:41:
ja no in še to, tretja vrata so odpirali tudi pri bledu ... master cilinder

11:11 Master Cylinders

First Gate:
Alpha Point: Queenstown, New Zealand
Omega Point: Great Pyramids, Giza, Egypt

Second Gate:
Pululahua Crater, Ecuador

Third Gate:
near Bled, Slovenia
near Eureka, Montana
Glasshouse Mountains, Australia

Fourth Gate:
Tetiaroa, Tahiti, French Polynesia

Kje točno se nahaja blizu Bleda, sicer pa kakšna so vrata tam?  :o

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by Poet on 01.04.2011 at 14:40:05

Tam so vodna vrata, se greš lahko mal okopat, če se hočeš seveda.

11:11 pomeni pa naslednje: 11 minut čez enajst, torej še 49 minut do poldneva, to je vse, dočim 23:11 pomeni pa 49 minut do polnoči. Hja, fantje, ne vem kaj tolk komplicirate okol tega.

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by Petra G. on 02.04.2011 at 10:55:45 kle ti piše več o teh vratih.
pač uporabi googlov prevajalnik, če ne znaš anglešk, ni druge.

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by on 05.04.2011 at 01:18:32

Poet wrote on 01.04.2011 at 14:40:05:
Tam so vodna vrata, se greš lahko mal okopat, če se hočeš seveda.

11:11 pomeni pa naslednje: 11 minut čez enajst, torej še 49 minut do poldneva, to je vse, dočim 23:11 pomeni pa 49 minut do polnoči. Hja, fantje, ne vem kaj tolk komplicirate okol tega.

:D ;D ;D

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by on 05.04.2011 at 01:25:09

Petra. wrote on 02.04.2011 at 10:55:45: kle ti piše več o teh vratih.
pač uporabi googlov prevajalnik, če ne znaš anglešk, ni druge.

Veš, jaz tudi uporabljam prevajalnika, pa vendar včasih prevajajo tako grozno in obupno, da komaj kaj razumeš in to res skoraj nič nebistvenega, torej neko čudno mešanje izbranih besedil v čudnih stavkih...  :o :-? :P  :-/ :-[
Sicer pa pravega prevajanja ne dobiš nikjer, razen če imaš res ta pravega, živega prevajalca, ki zna odlično prevajati itd., kajne....  ;) :)

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by egotrip on 05.04.2011 at 10:14:20

Skoda res , ker je  ful dobrih podatkov  o tem kdo smo . Se malo teh podatkov nam manjka da bomo spoznali kako posebni smo v resnici.

Prelepa bitja svetlobe so nam vedno v pomoc vse okoli nas so tega nikoli ne pozabi otrok svetlobe ce hoces verjet ne rabis videt .
. Ne ozirajmo se na druge pametnjakovice se posebej ne na tiste ki pravijo da le sanjamo , saj tisti so se v temi , oni sanjajo in mislijo da je vse res, tudi za njih bo  prisel cas ko se bodo prebudili za zdaj pa jih ignorirajmo da nas ne ovirajo to je najboljse za njih .
Celo naso lastno zivljenje je lahko odvisno od teh podatkov , cas dvojnosti se koncuje vsi bomo eno ker to se nismo bli nikoli zdaj so casi najbolj posebni . Nekateri ljudje so ze spoznali svojo posebnost in ze zdaj zivijo v svetlobi  skupaj prisostvujejo na posebnih ritualih in svetih plesih kjer v miru prezivljajo cas in se zrtvujejo za vse ostale na tem planetu .
Tukaj si lahko ogledas nekaj teh posebnih bitij -
prva na posnetku je Solara ona je ena od true - edina prava -  tapravih vizionarjev v teh casih ze od leta 87 se trudi in pomaga pri aktivaciji razlicnih vrat uci svete plese in kako prebudit svojo enost do zdaj je nudila skoraj ze vse potrebne podatke se zadnje bo prejela kmalu .Sama sebe opisuje kot raziskovalko neznanega ki gre tja kjer si je redko kdo poprej drznil v neznana subtilna kraljestva nevidnega skoraj podobno kakor nasi psyhonavti na petih gramih shromsov .

Prikljuci se , skupaj lahko materializiramo novo realnost z svojim umom  kjer  bomo ziveli v svetlobi in potem bomo spoznali kako posebni smo in od kje prihajamo, potem pa pride trenutek velikega prebujenja ki bo zelo sokanten vendar brez skrbi otrok svetlobe prav nic se ti nebo zgodilo tudi nic ti ni treba narediti prav nic za ta trenutek,   samo nadaljuj tako naprej,  or lets say dream on baby .

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by x_igor on 05.04.2011 at 10:42:54

Jaz že sedaj vem, kako poseben sem. Me namreč boli noga in ne morem plesati. V svetlobi sem pa kolikor sam hočem.

Tako da, kot izgleda ti programi niso za vsakogar, ampak samo za specialne. In zopet smo v dvojnosti.


Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by egotrip on 05.04.2011 at 11:19:01

Zal se nisi dosti napredoval ,ce zelis aktivirat enost v sebi moras iti tja kjer si se ni drznil nihce , globoko v svet palcka smuka in njegovega vodnjaka kjer je megla tako gosta da bi jo lahko rezal , vendar je raje ne ker v njej ti bo  na voljo nacin kako se enost prepozna brez dvojnosti .

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by x_igor on 05.04.2011 at 13:02:52

ego-3p wrote on 05.04.2011 at 11:19:01:
Zal se nisi dosti napredoval ,ce zelis aktivirat enost v sebi moras iti tja kjer si se ni drznil nihce , globoko v svet palcka smuka in njegovega vodnjaka kjer je megla tako gosta da bi jo lahko rezal , vendar je raje ne ker v njej ti bo  na voljo nacin kako se enost prepozna brez dvojnosti .

Kot pravim, palček smuk je pač eden od specialistov.


Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by egotrip on 05.04.2011 at 13:11:23

wrote on 05.04.2011 at 13:02:52:

ego-3p wrote on 05.04.2011 at 11:19:01:
Zal se nisi dosti napredoval ,ce zelis aktivirat enost v sebi moras iti tja kjer si se ni drznil nihce , globoko v svet palcka smuka in njegovega vodnjaka kjer je megla tako gosta da bi jo lahko rezal , vendar je raje ne ker v njej ti bo  na voljo nacin kako se enost prepozna brez dvojnosti .

Kot pravim, palček smuk je pač eden od specialistov.


ja on je old sql vecinah danasnjih modelov so pa ze smesno dobro upgrejdani hahaah.

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by x_igor on 05.04.2011 at 13:19:31

Upgrejd te lahko mentalno ohromi in postaneš emocionalni moralist. Sicer pa, glavno, da se pleše; so rekli že partizani.


Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by egotrip on 05.04.2011 at 13:58:55

wrote on 05.04.2011 at 13:19:31:
Upgrejd te lahko mentalno ohromi in postaneš emocionalni moralist. Sicer pa, glavno, da se pleše; so rekli že partizani.


Nevem tocno kaj je emocionalni moralist, sicer pa res ja . Tako ali drugace glavno da se plese.

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by x_igor on 05.04.2011 at 14:56:53

Emocija pride iz lat. besede emovere in pomeni motnja, torej, moteni moralist.

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by egotrip on 09.04.2011 at 10:44:31

haha te motnje cuj ,nas vse po malem oplazijo od casa do casa .

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by t on 12.08.2011 at 11:18:14

Usega lepga je enkrat konc!


Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by egotrip on 13.08.2011 at 22:55:06

blodit je lepo ,  ma res  ;D

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by Flower82 on 11.11.2011 at 22:22:05 wrote on 01.04.2011 at 12:54:45:

gape wrote on 22.10.2002 at 22:14:13:
no u soboto sm bil (z matejo) pri borisu u antikomu, je blo predavanje na temo 11:11.
hudo me je zanimal, ker sm zadnjič na crystallinks-ih prečitu od triggerja 11:11 ... tanajmočnejšiga.
no in ni blo predavanje, ampak direkt aktivacija.
aktivacija petih vrat od enajstih.

ištar antares mi je dal naslov od sajta:

in ... here it is ...

mnogim se prikazujejo številke 11:11.
šolarji vedo, da ko zagledajo 11:11, je čas za željo.
nekaj se dogaja in to je bolj resnično kot si lahko kdorkoli med nami predstavlja.
naslednjič ko ugledaš 11:11 se ustavi in občuti energije okrog sebe.
11:11 je tvoja budilka, opomnik na tvoj pravi namen na Zemlji.

pred časom sm to poimenoval trigger, 11:11 namreč.
oni to še poterajo naprej ...

The Master Numbers so dvonje številke kot: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 & 99.
super Master Numbers so trojne številke kot: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555 ... 999

11:11 je most med dvojnostjo in Enostjo. je naša pot v Neznano.

The vrata 11:11 so se odprla Januarja 11, 1992
in se bodo zaprla Novembra 11, 2011.

Namen aktivacije 11:11 je bil odpreti prehod/most 11:11.
Ta prehod je most med dvema zelo različnima evolucijskima spiralama; našo staro spiralo, ki je zasidrana v dojnosti in novo evolucijsko spiralo Enosti. Vsaka od njiju je poravnana z drugim velikim centralnim sončnim sistemom (Great Central Sun Systems)

zdej se spirali prekrivata - sta povezani.


11.novembra 2011 naj bi se zaprla vrata, kaj se bo potem zgodilo? Kaj je to trigger?  ::)

sm neki tega preštudirou, ma ševedno ne štekam...kej posebnega naj bi se dns zgodilo, ko so se ta "vrata zaprla"??

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by gape on 12.11.2011 at 02:55:36

sej piše

Ta prehod je most med dvema zelo različnima evolucijskima spiralama

lepi novi svet  [smiley=1grin1.gif]

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by Devi on 12.11.2011 at 18:20:48

baršek se mi zdi, je enkrat rekel, da čas v vesolju ne obstaja. da si ga je izmislil človek zarad lažje komunikacije.
letnice, dnevi in ure so dogovorjeni simboli, ne nekej, kar bi na zemlji v obliki, ki jo uporabljamo, obstajalo samo po sebi. pa še to so približek, ki ga moramo na vsake tolk izravnat..

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by gape on 13.11.2011 at 11:49:19

Devi wrote on 12.11.2011 at 18:20:48:
baršek se mi zdi, je enkrat rekel, da čas v vesolju ne obstaja. da si ga je izmislil človek zarad lažje komunikacije.
letnice, dnevi in ure so dogovorjeni simboli, ne nekej, kar bi na zemlji v obliki, ki jo uporabljamo, obstajalo samo po sebi. pa še to so približek, ki ga moramo na vsake tolk izravnat..

če že čas upoštevaš, se ga splača kot cikličnega in ne linearnega
določl so koledar (gregorijanski), brez velikih dogovorov in to prow z namenom da bojo zdej fensi številke
smešn mi je blo k sm gledu kitajce k so full se poročal na ta dan - kot da bi gregorijanski oledar uporabljal :P

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by Robi on 13.11.2011 at 18:30:14

Devi wrote on 12.11.2011 at 18:20:48:
baršek se mi zdi, je enkrat rekel, da čas v vesolju ne obstaja. da si ga je izmislil človek zarad lažje komunikacije.
letnice, dnevi in ure so dogovorjeni simboli, ne nekej, kar bi na zemlji v obliki, ki jo uporabljamo, obstajalo samo po sebi. pa še to so približek, ki ga moramo na vsake tolk izravnat..

Človek si ne more izmisliti nekaj, česar vesolje ne omogoča.
Saj smo mi v vesolju.
Obstajajo spremembe in te spremembe le človek meri in zapisuje, kar imenujemo čas.

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by Flower82 on 14.11.2011 at 21:55:43

torej nč?? :) :)

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by gape on 15.11.2011 at 11:50:57

Flower82 wrote on 14.11.2011 at 21:55:43:
torej nč?? :) :)

kolkr za koga
se mi zdi

Title: Re: 11:11 11 11 111 1111
Post by Alojz in Sandib on 15.11.2011 at 19:43:24


ČAS obstaja v ciklih .EDina oprijemljiva je ničelna točka časa sedaj.Vse drugo ne obstaja.Čas je ničelna točka zlitja preteklosti in prihodnosti-sedaj.V tej točki se rodiš-živiš in umreš.Čas se da meriti iz te edine izhodiščne točke sedaj. Čas je samogibljiv tako kot je vesoljna samobitnost večno-sedaj samogibljiva-samodejavna in prepetuo. Tako,da nikakor ni mogoče trditi,da čas ne obstaja.Obstaja za človeka in za kamen-sedaj,kar edino človek lahko dojame. Vse dobro.

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